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Introducing Aarons Law, a Desperately
Needed Reform of the Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act
By Zoe Lofgren and Ron Wyden
9:30 am |
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Photo: Daniel J. Sieradski / Flickr
T!e $nternet i% &' for grab%(
Foreign co&ntrie% want to control it( )ilitary regime% &%e it to %'y* to o''re%%* and to attack '&blic
and 'ri+ate in%tit&tion%( ,Big -ontent. %o&g!t to cen%or it and di%mantle it% arc!itect&re( Law
enforcement and intelligence agencie% want to mine and monitor it( owerf&l inc&mbent b&%ine%%
intere%t% %eek to %!a'e it in way% t!at benefit t!eir bottom line b&t &ndermine t!e national intere%t
and t!e intere%t% of indi+id&al% worldwide(
$n eac! of t!e%e area%* t!ere i% debate in -ongre%% abo&t !ow to re%'ond( We need an informed
'&blic debate to en%&re lawmaker% make t!e rig!t c!oice% t!at f&lly 're%er+e t!e +ital o'enne%% of
t!e $nternet and t!e 'ri+acy and ci+il libertie% of it% &%er%( Reforming t!e -om'&ter Fra&d and
/b&%e /ct 0-F//1 %!o&ld be a 'art of t!at debate(
Lying abo&t one.% age on Facebook* or c!ecking 'er%onal email on a work com'&ter* co&ld +iolate
t!i% felony %tat&te(
T!e -F// i% a %wee'ing $nternet reg&lation t!at criminali2e% many form% of common $nternet &%e(
$t allow% breat!taking le+el% of 'ro%ec&torial di%cretion t!at in+ite% %erio&% ab&%e( /% -ongre%%
con%ider% 'olicie% to 're%er+e an o'en $nternet a% a 'latform for idea% and commerce* reforming t!e
-F// m&%t be incl&ded(
he Law Is Flawed and !rone to !rosecutorial Abuse
"agueness i% t!e core flaw of t!e -F//( /% written* t!e -F// make% it a federal crime to acce%% a
com'&ter wit!o&t a&t!ori2ation or in a way t!at e3ceed% a&t!ori2ation( -onf&%ed by t!at4 5o&.re
not alone( -ongre%% ne+er clearly de%cribed w!at t!i% really mean%( /% a re%&lt* 'ro%ec&tor% can take
t!e +iew t!at a 'er%on w!o +iolate% a web%ite.% term% of %er+ice or em'loyer agreement %!o&ld face
6ail time(
So lying abo&t one.% age on Facebook* or c!ecking 'er%onal email on a work com'&ter* co&ld
+iolate t!i% felony %tat&te( T!i% flaw in t!e -F// allow% t!e go+ernment to im'ri%on /merican% for
a +iolation of a non7negotiable* 'ri+ate agreement t!at i% dictated by a cor'oration( )illion% of
/merican% 8 w!et!er t!ey are of a digitally nati+e or dial7&' generation 8 ro&tinely %&bmit to
legal term% and agreement% e+ery day w!en t!ey &%e t!e $nternet( Few !a+e t!e time or t!e ability to
read and com'letely &nder%tand lengt!y legal agreement%(
/not!er flaw in t!e -F// i% redundant pro#isions t!at enable a 'er%on to be '&ni%!ed m&lti'le
time% 9 for t!e %ame crime( T!e%e c!arge% can be %tacked one on to' of anot!er* re%&lting in t!e
t!reat of !ig!er c&m&lati+e fine% and 6ail time for t!e e3act %ame +iolation(
T!i% allow% 'ro%ec&tor% to b&lly defendant% into acce'ting a deal in order to a+oid facing a
m&ltit&de of c!arge% from a %ingle* %olitary act( $t al%o 'lay% a %ignificant role in %entencing( T!e
ambig&ity of a 'ro+i%ion meant to to&g!en %entencing for re'eat offender% of t!e -F// may in fact
make it 'o%%ible for defendant% to be %entenced ba%ed on w!at %!o&ld be 'rior con+iction% 8 b&t
were not!ing more t!an m&lti'le con+iction% for t!e %ame crime(
T!e%e 'roblem% are not !y'ot!etical( B&t it took t!e &nfort&nate deat! of /aron Swart2 to %'otlig!t
Aarons Law
$n :an&ary* /aron Swart2* an $nternet inno+ator and acti+i%t*
decided to end !i% brief b&t brilliant life( /t t!e time* Swart2
faced t!e 'o%%ibility of %e+ere '&ni%!ment &nder t!e -F// 8
m&lti'le felony c!arge% and &' to 3; year% in 'ri%on by t!e
go+ernment.% own declaration < for w!at amo&nted to an act of
ci+il di%obedience( /aron attem'ted to make doc&ment%* many
created wit! '&blic f&nding* freely a+ailable to t!e '&blic(
B&t /aron Swart2 wa% not t!e fir%t or t!e la%t +ictim of
o+er2ealo&% 'ro%ec&tion &nder t!e -F//(
T!at.% w!y a&t!oring bi'arti%an legi%lation 8 w!ic!* wit! t!e 'ermi%%ion of /aron Swart2.%
family* we call =/aron.% Law> 8 in t!e ?o&%e and Senate to begin t!e 'roce%% of &'dating t!e
/aron.% Law i% not 6&%t abo&t /aron Swart2* b&t rat!er abo&t refoc&%ing t!e law away from
common com'&ter and $nternet acti+ity and toward damaging !ack%( $t e%tabli%!e% a clear line t!at.%
needed for t!e law to di%ting&i%! t!e difference between common online acti+itie% and !armf&l
$n drafting /aron.% Law 8 t!e te3t of w!ic! i% a+ailable !ere* along wit! a detailed %&mmary
!ere < we did not o't for a @&ick fi3 of t!e -F// t!at co&ld bring wit! it &nintended con%e@&ence%(
/aron.% Law i% not 6&%t abo&t /aron Swart2* b&t rat!er abo&t refoc&%ing t!e law away from
common com'&ter and $nternet acti+ity and toward damaging !ack%(
$n%tead* we &ndertook a deliberati+e 'roce%% for crafting t!i% legi%lation( We 'o%ted draft% of t!e bill
on Reddit to %olicit '&blic feedback( /nd t!at feedback informed re+i%ion% and %olicitation of
f&rt!er feedback( We re+iewed e3ten%i+e in'&t from a broad %wat! of tec!nical e3'ert%* b&%ine%%e%*
ad+ocacy gro&'%* c&rrent and former go+ernment official%* and t!e '&blic( T!e re%&lt i% a 'ro'o%al
t!at we belie+e* if enacted into law* %afeg&ard% common'lace online acti+ity from o+erbroad
'ro%ec&tion and o+erly !ar%! 'enaltie%* w!ile en%&ring t!at real !armf&l acti+ity i% di%co&raged and
Zoe Lofgren & Ron
Zoe Lofgren i% a Aemocratic
Re're%entati+e from -alifornia and Ron
Wyden i% a Aemocratic Senator from

f&lly 'ro%ec&ted(
T!e law m&%t %e'arate it% treatment of e+eryday $nternet acti+ity from criminal% intent on ca&%ing
%erio&% damage to financial* %ocial* ci+ic* or %ec&rity in%tit&tion%( B&r 'ro'o%al attem't% to
accom'li%! t!i% and addre%% t!e f&ndamental 'roblem% of -F// by doing t!e following:
$stablish that mere breach of terms of ser#ice, employment agreements, or contracts are not
automatic #iolations of the CFAA% By &%ing legi%lati+e lang&age ba%ed clo%ely on recent
im'ortant 9t! and Ct! -irc&it -o&rt o'inion%* /aron.% Law wo&ld in%tead define ,acce%% wit!o&t
a&t!ori2ation. &nder t!e -F// a% gaining &na&t!ori2ed acce%% to information by circ&m+enting
tec!nological or '!y%ical control% 8 %&c! a% 'a%%word re@&irement%* encry'tion* or locked office
door%( Dotwit!%tanding t!i% c!ange* !ack attack% %&c! a% '!i%!ing* in6ection of malware or
key%troke logger%* denial7of7%er+ice attack%* and +ir&%e% wo&ld contin&e to be f&lly 'ro%ec&table
&nder %trong -F// 'ro+i%ion% t!at /aron.% Law doe% not modify(
&ring balance bac' to the CFAA by eliminating a redundant pro#ision of the law that can
sub(ect an indi#idual to duplicate charges for the same CFAA #iolation% T!i% i%* in fact* w!at
!a''ened to /aron Swart2 8 more t!an a t!ird of t!e c!arge% in t!e %&'er%eding indictment again%t
!im were &nder t!i% red&ndant -F// 'ro+i%ion( Eliminating t!e red&ndant 'ro+i%ion %treamline%
t!e law* red&ce% d&'licati+e c!arge%* b&t wo&ld not create a ga' in 'rotection again%t !acker%(
&ring greater proportionality to CFAA penalties% -&rrently* t!e -F//.% 'enaltie% are tiered* and
'ro%ec&tor% !a+e wide di%cretion to ratc!et &' t!e %e+erity of t!e 'enaltie% in %e+eral circ&m%tance%
8 lea+ing little room for non7felony c!arge% &nder -F// 0i(e(* c!arge% wit! 'enaltie% carrying le%%
t!an a year in 'ri%on1( For e3am'le* &nder c&rrent law a 'ro%ec&tor can %eek to inflate 'otential
%entence% by %tacking new c!arge% ato' +iolation% of %tate law%( /aron.% Law wo&ld reform t!e
'enalty for certain +iolation% to en%&re 'ro%ec&tor% cannot %eek to inflate %entence% by %tacking
m&lti'le c!arge% &nder -F//* incl&ding %tate law e@&i+alent% of -F//* and tort% 0non7criminal
+iolation% of law1(
)ill It )or'*
T!e go+ernment !a% %!own it%elf &nable to re%train it% &%e of 'ower( $t !a% re'eatedly failed to c&rb
ab&%e and* in fact* !a% re%&lted in ab&%e it%elf(
Some %ay t!at w!ile t!e -F// may be a broad %tat&te* 'ro%ec&torial di%cretion will en%&re t!at it i%
not ab&%ed( We di%agree( W!et!er it i% wit! re%'ect to 'ri+acy* ci+il libertie%* or $nternet &%e* t!e
go+ernment !a% %!own it%elf &nable to re%train it% &%e of 'ower( So far* go+ernment di%cretion !a%
re'eatedly failed to c&rb ab&%e and* in fact* !a% re%&lted in ab&%e it%elf(
Bt!er critic% may arg&e t!at /aron.% Law reform% remo+e one %'ecific %cenario from -F//: an
a&t!ori2ed indi+id&al &%ing t!eir own a&t!ori2ation 0%&c! a% 'a%%word credential%1 to acce%% and &%e
information in &na&t!ori2ed way%( /lt!o&g! we do not wi%! to create any new +&lnerabilitie%* t!e
o+erbroad a''roac! c&rrently taken by t!e -F// 'otentially criminali2e% million% of /merican% for
common $nternet acti+ity( )oreo+er* n&mero&% law% like T!eft of Trade Secret%* t!e ri+acy /ct*
co'yrig!t law* t!e Stored -omm&nication% /ct* wire fra&d* and ?$// already criminali2e mi%&%e
of information(
T!e -F// 'ermit% 'ri+ate 'artie% to %&e +iolator%* b&t t!i% 'ri+ate ca&%e of action i% not alway%
're%ent in ot!er federal law%( We.+e !eard %ome concern from com'anie% t!at /aron.% Law wo&ld
!inder t!eir ability to take matter% into t!eir own !and% to 'rotect t!eir 'ro'rietary information from
in%ider t!eft( We look forward to rob&%t di%c&%%ion% on t!i% i%%&e and to addre%%ing any warranted
Laws Can +pur Inno#ation , -r .alt It
T!e introd&ction of t!i% legi%lation i% 6&%t t!e beginning of a 'roce%% needed to bring balance back
to t!e -F//( Still* ac!ie+ing e+en t!e %'ecific* im'ortant reform% in /aron.% Law will not be an
ea%y lift(
T!e '&blic can %'eak lo&dly t!ank% to t!e $nternet( /nd w!en it doe%* lawmaker% will li%ten(
-ongre%% rarely mo+e% wit! !a%te( -orrecting t!i% com'le3 law 8 enacted more t!an a @&arter
cent&ry ago 8 to work in t!e Aigital /ge will take a %ignificant amo&nt of time( To %&cce%%f&lly
b&ild meaningf&l -F// reform% into law will re@&ire %&%tained '&blic engagement and %&''ort(
B&t t!e e+ent% of t!e la%t co&'le of year% !a+e demon%trated t!at t!e '&blic can %'eak lo&dly t!ank%
to t!e $nternet( /nd w!en it doe%* lawmaker% will li%ten(
T!e con%e@&ence% of inaction are all too clear( We li+e in an age w!ere 'eo'le connect globally by
%im'ly to&c!ing a de+ice in t!e 'alm of t!eir !and* em'owered by online ad+ance% t!at !a+e
enric!ed t!e world %cientifically* c&lt&rally* and economically(
B&t ill7concei+ed com'&ter crime law% can &ndermine t!i% 'rogre%% if t!ey entra' more and more
'eo'le 8 %im'ly for creati+e &%e% of t!e tec!nology t!at increa%ingly mediate% o&r e+eryday
acti+itie% and o&r interaction% wit! t!e world( T!i% not only fail% &% today* it can al%o become an
ob%tacle to t!e inno+ation% of tomorrow(
T!e $nternet face% broad c!allenge% to t!e f&ndamental c!aracteri%tic% t!at !a+e enabled it to be t!e
tran%formational tec!nology t!at we know( /n &'date to t!e -F// m&%t be 'art of t!e di%c&%%ion
t!at %eek% to re%ol+e t!e%e c!allenge%( Today* t!ere.% an entire generation of digitally7nati+e yo&ng
'eo'le t!at !a+e ne+er known a world wit!o&t an o'en $nternet and t!eir ability to &%e it a% a
'latform to de+elo' and %!are idea%( $t.% &' to all of &% to kee' it t!at way(
Editor: Sonal Chokshi @smc90

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