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Memory Management as of R/3 Release 3.

Created on: Thursday, July 24, 1997
From R/3 Release: 3.0C to: 3.1*
OS Platform: all
DB System: all
Table of Contents
Mmory Mana!mnt "#or $%3 $las 3.0C
Mmory Mana!mnt as o# $%3 $las 3.0C
o Mmory &llocation to 'ialo! (or) *rocsss
o Mmory &llocation to +on,'ialo! (or) *rocsss
o *ro#il *aramtrs
o $commndd Mmory Si-in!
$latd In#ormation
This articl /ro.ids insi!ht into th n0 systm o# mmory mana!mnt introducd "y
$%3 Systm $las 3.0C. Startin! 0ith $las 3.0C, S&*1s mmory mana!mnt uss
o/ratin! systm mchanisms to ma/ usr s/ci#ic data to th .irtual addrss s/ac o# a
0or) /rocss.
In an S&* $%3 Systm, th S&* #rontnd, S&*23I, is connctd to th d"s#at!$er o# an
a//lication sr.r. The dispatcher sequentially distributes requests
generated by user input to available work processes. & sin!l 0or) /rocss
normally handls th r4usts o# s.ral usrs, sinc thr ar normally mor usrs than
0or) /rocsss.
Th 0or) /rocss uss data that is s/ci#ic to th rl.ant usr, such as intrnal ta"ls, or
lists. 3sr s/ci#ic data is calld a user !onte%t. 3sr cont5ts ar stord in usr s/ci#ic
mmory accssi"l #rom ach 0or) /rocss. 3sr s/ci#ic mmory is a common rsourc
im/lmntd ithr as shard mmory or as a #il.
After processing a request, th 0or) /rocss rolls out the current user
context. Thus, th usr cont5t is sa.d and mad inaccssi"l to th 0or) /rocss.
This na"ls a diferent work process to roll in the same user context for
a new request. & usr cont5t is uni4uly rlatd to on 0or) /rocss at a tim. &
&or' #ro!ess d"s#at!$ is 0hn a usr cont5t is rolld out o# on 0or) /rocss and
rolld in to anothr 0or) /rocss.
239304637.doc *a! 1 o# 11
3sr s/ci#ic mmory consists o# th #ollo0in! com/onnts8
95tndd mmory
95tndd mmory is ma//d durin! a 0or) /rocss dis/atch to th sam .irtual
addrss s/ac in ach 0or) /rocss. 95tndd mmory is shard mmory.
* mmory :or ha/ mmory;
* mmory is o0nd "y a 0or) /rocss "ut cannot mo. "t0n di##rnt
0or) /rocsss.
$oll ara
$oll ara is co/id durin! a 0or) /rocss dis/atch "ac) and #orth "t0n a
common rsourc and th sam .irtual addrss in ach 0or) /rocss. Th
common rsourc is a roll "u##r in shard mmory or roll #il on dis).
*a!in! ara.
*a!in! ara is co/id durin! a 0or) /rocss dis/atch "ac) and #orth "t0n a
common rsourc at &<&* runtim and di##rnt .irtual addrsss , as an
5tnsion o# roll ara. Th common rsourc is a /a!in! "u##r in shard mmory
or /a!in! #il on dis).
95tndd mmory, / mmory, and roll ara ar usd #or storin!8
Intrnal ta"ls
>id in#ormation :>I'9;
&dministration data #or th usr cont5t
&dministration data #or .ry sssion
Th /a!in! ara is usd "y th &<&* /rocssor #or storin!8
tem (sso!"ated Command
'ata 5tracts 9?T$&CT ...
'ata clustrs IM*@$T%9?*@$T ... A$@M%T@ M9M@$B ...
*aramtrs #or callin! /ro!rams S3<MIT $9*@$T ...
*aramtrs #or callin! dialo! moduls C&== 'I&=@2 ...
*aramtrs #or callin! transactions C&== T$&+S&CTI@+ 3SI+2 ...
Intrnally d#ind macros '9AI+9 ...
239304637.doc *a! 2 o# 11
Memory Management before R/3 Release 3.0C
<#or $las 3.0C, thr is no 5tndd mmory and no / mmory. Thus, as nd
usrs roll in and roll out o# th 0or) /rocsss, lar! amounts o# data ar constantly "in!
co/id, ithr8
to shard mmory :roll and /a!in! "u##rs;, or
to and #rom dis) :roll and /a!in! #il;.
Ser"al")at"on mans usr cont5ts ar co/id srially. This may caus hi!h 0ait tims
0hn s/arat usr cont5ts roll in or out at th sam tim, .n 0hn co/yin! to shard
F"g. *. Mmory mana!mnt "#or $las 3.0C
Memory Management as of R/3 Release 3.0C
&s o# $las 3.0C, th 5tndd mmory !ratly rducs th usa! o# roll and /a!in!
aras. Thus, as nd usrs roll in and roll out o# 0or) /rocsss, th "ul) o# data is no
longer !o#"ed. Instad, th addrsss o# data ar ma##ed into th .irtual addrss s/ac
239304637.doc *a! 3 o# 11
o# on 0or) /rocss at a tim. Ma//in! instad o# co/yin! si!ni#icantly im/ro.s
/r#ormanc, s/cially 0hn thr is su##icint main stora!. Aor tchnical rasons, th
mmory con#i!uration usd "#or $las 3.0C is rtaind #or a minimal su"st o# roll
and /a!in! ara.
F"g. +. Mmory mana!mnt as o# $las 3.0C
Memory (llo!at"on to D"alog ,or' Pro!esses
&s o# $%3 $las 3.0C, th di##rnt )inds o# usr s/ci#ic mmory ar allocatd to
dialo! 0or) /rocsss in th #ollo0in! ordr8
1. $oll ara mmory is allocatd in 6C< "loc)s. It continus to " allocatd until th
limit d#ind "y th /ro#il /aramtr )tta/roll-f"rst is rachd. To )/ roll
usa! to a minimum, only a small /ortion o# th total roll ara is usd at #irst.
.ote8 Th systm al0ays stors administration data in th roll ara.
&dministration data r4uirs a//ro5imatly 170 C< /r usr sssion. Th systm
can continu to allocat roll ara i# th amount o# administration data 5cds th
ca/acity o# rollD#irst.
2. @nc rollD#irst has "n #illd u/, th systm starts usin! 5tndd mmory and
allocats "loc)s si-d "y th /ro#il /aramtr em/blo!'s")e-/B. Th systm
continus allocatin! 5tndd mmory to dialo! 0or) /rocsss until ithr8
239304637.doc *a! 4 o# 11
o th 5tndd mmory is com/ltly #ull :mmory si- is dtrmind "y
/ro#il /aramtr em/"n"t"al-s")e-MB;, or
o th usr 4uota has "n rachd :mmory si- is dtrmind "y th /ro#il
/aramtr is )tta/roll-e%tens"on;.
.ote8 Th /ur/os o# th usr 4uota is to /r.nt on usr #rom occu/yin! all
a.aila"l 5tndd mmory to th dtrimnt o# th othr usrs.
3. (hn th systm can no lon!r allocat 5tndd mmory, th rmainin! /ortion
o# roll ara is usd. 6C< "loc)s ar allocatd #rom th roll ara #rom -tta%rollD#irst
u/ to th ma5imum d#ind "y th /ro#il /aramtr )tta/roll-area.
.ote: 3sin! th rmainin! /ortion o# roll ara /r.nts 0or) /rocsss #rom
allocatin! / mmory and thus ntrin! PRIV mod :s "lo0;.
4. @nc th systm can no lon!r allocat 5tndd mmory and roll ara has "n
#illd u/, th 0or) /rocss allocats / mmory and chan!s its o0n status to
PRIV mod a#tr th currnt dialo! st/ #inishs. Th ma5imum mmory si- in
th ha/ is d#ind "y th /ro#il /aramtr aba#/$ea#-area-d"a. (hn th limit
aba#/$ea# l"m"t is 5cdd, th 0or) /rocss is rstartd a#tr #inishin! th
currnt transaction in ordr to rlas th allocatd s0a/ s/ac.
.ote8 (hn a 0or) /rocss ntrs PRIV mod, it rmains ddicatd to its usr
until th transaction is ndd. I# too many 0or) /rocsss ntr PRIV mod, only
th usrs in PRIV mod can 0or), 0hil th othrs com/t #or th #0
rmainin! 0or) /rocsss.
Memory (llo!at"on to .on0D"alog ,or' Pro!esses
+on,dialo! 0or) /rocsss such as "ac)!round and u/dat 0or) /rocsss do not nd
to s0itch usr cont5ts. Thy do not utili- ma//in! instad o# co/yin!, and allocat
mmory in th #ollo0in! ordr8
1. $oll ara mmory is allocatd in 6C< "loc)s. It continus to " allocatd until th
total roll ara d#ind "y th /ro#il /aramtr )tta/roll-area is rachd.
2. @nc th ntir roll ara has "n #illd u/, th systm allocats / mmory
d#ind "y th /ro#il /aramtr aba#/$ea#-area-nond"a.
3. @nc th roll ara and local mmory has "n #illd, th systm starts usin!
5tndd mmory and allocats "loc)s si-d "y th /ro#il /aramtr
em/blo!'s")e-/B. Th systm continus allocatin! 5tndd mmory until
o th 5tndd mmory is com/ltly #ull :mmory si- is dtrmind "y
/ro#il /aramtr em/"n"t"al-s")e-MB;, or
o th usr 4uota has "n rachd :mmory si- is dtrmind "y th /ro#il
/aramtr is )tta/roll-e%tens"on;.
239304637.doc *a! 7 o# 11
Prof"le Parameters
To con#i!ur th n0 mmory mana!mnt as o# $%3 $las 3.0C, us th #ollo0in!
/ro#il /aramtrs8
Prof"le Parameter Fun!t"on
-tta%rollDara Si- o# ntir roll ara in "yts
-tta%rollD#irst Si- o# roll ara allocatd "#or allocatin!
5tndd mmory in "yts
rdis/%$@==DS>M Si- o# roll "u##r hld in shard mmory in
multi/ls o# 6C<
rdis/%$@==DM&?AS +um"r o# /a!s in roll #il, /a! E 6C<
rdis/%*2DS>M Si- o# th /a!in! "u##r hld in shard
mmory in multi/ls o# 6C<
rdis/%*2DM&?AS +um"r o# /a!s in /a!in! #il, /a! E 6C<
-tta%rollD5tnsion Fuota o# a sin!l usr sssion in 5tndd
m%"loc)si-DC< <loc) si- #or 5tndd mmory in C<.
m%initialDsi-DM< Si- o# 5tndd mmory in M< allocatd at
initiali-ation tim "y th dis/atchr.
m%addrssDs/acDM< $sr.d addrss s/ac :in M<; in th 0or)
/rocss usd #or ma//in! 5tndd mmoryG
currntly only (indo0s +T
a"a/%usD/a!in! S0itch on n0 mmory mana!mnt :E 0; or
s0itch o## :E 1;
a"a/%ha/limit Th ma5imum si- o# / mmory a 0or)
/rocss can us 0ithout a latr rstart.
a"a/%ha/DaraDdia =imits th ma5imum si- o# / mmory
allocatd "y a dialo! 0or) /rocss.
a"a/%ha/DaraDnondia =imits th ma5imum si- o# / mmory
allocatd "y a non,dialo! 0or) /rocss.
a"a/%ha/DaraDtotal =imits th ma5imum si- o# / mmory
allocatd "y a 0hol a//lication sr.r.
Re!ommended Memory S")"ng
Th #ollo0in! rcommndations #or mmory si-in! as o# $%3 $las 3.0C ar th rsult
o# th 5/rinc o# so#t0ar d.lo/rs and consultants. (ll re!ommendat"ons are
based on t$e assum#t"on t$at t$e s&a# s#a!e "s at least 301 t"mes as b"g as t$e ma"n
239304637.doc *a! H o# 11
memory. ,(R..2: & lac) o# s0a/ s/ac can caus th o/ratin! systm to crash.
Sinc th 5tndd mmory is not ma//d to a dis) #il li) th roll and /a!in! aras,
mor .irtual mmory and thus mor s0a/ s/ac is r4uird as o# $%3 $las 3.0C than
#or /r.ious $lass.
Prof"le Parameter ,"ndo&s .T 3.4
-tta%rollDara H.7 M< H.7 M<
-tta%rollD#irst 1 1
rdis/%$@==DS>M 0.7 M< /r usr
ma5. usd I 10J :dis/layd in
"u##r monitor ST02;
0.7 M< /r usr
ma5. usd I 10J :dis/layd in
"u##r monitor ST02;
rdis/%$@==DM&?AS 32364 32364
rdis/%*2DS>M 0 0
rdis/%*2DM&?AS 32364 32364
-tta%rollD5tnsion 712 M<
&I?8 2 2<
@thrs8 1%3 o#
minimum8 126 M<
m%"loc)si-DC< 1 M< 1 M<
m%initialDsi-DM< 10 M< /r usr
ma5. usd I 20J :dis/layd in
"u##r monitor ST02;,
minimum 712 M<, ma5imum
4 2<
H M< /r usr
ma5. usd I 20J :dis/layd in
"u##r monitor ST02;
m%addrssDs/acDM< 712 M< :E-tta%rollD5tnsion; not usd
a"a/%usD/a!in! 0 0
a"a/%ha/limit 20 M< 20 M<
a"a/%ha/DaraDdia 2 2< 2 2<
a"a/%ha/DaraDnondia 900 M< &I?8 190 M<
239304637.doc *a! 7 o# 11
S+I8 370 M<
>*8 H00 M<
S3+8 H00 M<
@thrs8 H00 M<
a"a/%ha/DaraDtotal Minimum H00 M<
S0a/ s/ac , .irtual mmory
Minimum H00 M<
S0a/ s/ac , .irtual mmory
Problem Sol5"ng
*oor mmory si-in! and con#i!uration causs /r#ormanc /ro"lms. In th #ollo0in!,
/ro"lm analysis is dscri"d #or th #our most critical /ro"lm aras8
Insu##icint s0a/ s/ac
95tndd mmory 5haustd
$oll ara in mmory 5haustd
3sr cont5t r4uirs mor mmory
nsuff"!"ent S&a# S#a!e
To corrct th si-in! #or s0a/ s/ac, /rocd as #ollo0s8
1. Arom th main mnu choos Tools Administration Monitoring
Performance Operating system Activity. :&ltrnati.8 transaction cod
2. In th !rou/ S&a# :#i!. 3;, chc) th .alu (!tual s&a#0s#a!e. Th
rcommndd s0a/ s/ac is th lar!st o# th #ollo0in! .alus8
o 3 to 4 tims th si- o# th main mmory
o &llocatd .irtual mmory I H00 M<
o 2 2< :th minimum si-;
F"g. 3. 95cr/t #rom th Operating System Monitor scrn.
239304637.doc *a! 6 o# 11
3. I# th rcommndation is not #ul#illd, incras th s0a/ s/ac. 'o not dcras
th s0a/ s/ac.
7%tended Memory 7%$austed
To corrct th si-in! #or 5tndd mmory, /rocd as #ollo0s8
1. Arom th main mnu choos Tools Administration Monitoring
Performance Setup/Buffers Buffers. :&ltrnati.8 transaction cod ST0+.;
2. In th !rou/ SAP memory :#i!. 4;, chc) th ro0 !tended Memory. Th .alu
Ma!. use incrasd "y 20J should " lss than th .alu In memory8
Max. use 8 +09 : In memory
F"g. 1. 95cr/t #rom th Buffer Monitor scrn.
3. I# th rcommndation is not #ul#illd, ada/t th #ollo0in! /ro#il /aramtrs to
th .alus rcommndd in th sction Recommended Memory Si"ing#
o -tta%rollD5tnsion
o m%initialDsi-DM<
4. I# th /ro#il /aramtrs alrady #ul#ill th rcommndations, contact th S&*
Roll (rea "n Memory 7%$austed
To corrct roll ara si-in!, /rocd as #ollo0s8
1. Arom th main mnu choos Tools Administration Monitoring
Performance Setup/Buffers Buffers. :&ltrnati.8 transaction cod ST0+.;
2. In th !rou/ SAP memory :#i!. 4;, chc) th ro0 Roll area. Th .alu Ma!. use
incrasd "y 10J should " lss than th .alu In memory8
Max. use 8 *09 : In memory
3. I# this rcommndation is not #ul#illd, ada/t th #ollo0in! /ro#il /aramtrs to
th .alus rcommndd in th sction Recommended Memory Si"ing8
o -tta%rollDara
o rdis/%$@==DS>M
239304637.doc *a! 9 o# 11
4. I# th /ro#il /aramtrs alrady #ul#ill th rcommndations, contact th S&*
3ser Conte%t Re;u"res More Memory
To analy- tm/orarily insu##icint mmory #or usr cont5ts 0hich causs &<&*
dum/s, /rocd as #ollo0s8
1. Arom th main mnu choos Tools Administration Monitoring $ump
analysis. :&ltrnati.8 transaction cod ST++.; 'is/lay th list o# &<&* dum/s
ithr #or today, or ystrdayG or us mor dtaild slction critria.
2. Chc) 0hthr on o# th #ollo0in! rror I's is dis/layd8
o ST@$&29D*&$&M9T9$SD($@+2DS9T
o SBST9MD+@DM@$9D*&2I+2
o TSKDT+9(D<=@CCSD+@D$@==DM9M@$B
o TSKDT+9(DI+'9?D+@DM@$9D*&2I+2
o TSKDT+9(D*&29D&==@CDA&I=9'
o TSKDT+9(D*2DC$9&T9DA&I=9'
Ths rror I's indicat that th /ro!ram trminatd "caus it r4uird mor
mmory than 0as a.aila"l.
3. To analy- th mmory usa! o# th trminatd /ro!ram, dis/lay th lo! o# th
dum/, and scroll throu!h th lo! until you rach th sction %o& to correct t'e
error :5cr/td in Ai!. 7;.
F"g. <. 95cr/t #rom an &<&* dum/ lo!.
Th .alus listd ar rlatd to th #ollo0in! /ro#il /aramtrs8
o $oll ara E -tta%rollDara I -tta%rollD 5tnsion
o 95tndd mmory :9M; E -tta%rollD5tnsion or m%initialDsi-DM<
o &ssi!nd mmory :>9&*; E a"a/%ha/DaraD:non;dia
4. To chc) 0hthr th /ro#il /aramtrs #ul#ill th rcommndations in th
sction Recommended Memory Si"ing, us r/ort $S*A*&$.
239304637.doc *a! 10 o# 11
7. I# th /ro#il /aramtrs #ul#ill th rcommndations, as) th so#t0ar d.lo/r
0hthr th trminatd /ro!ram can " im/ro.d to rduc its mmory
H. I# cannot #ind th caus o# th rror, contact th S&* >otlin.
Related nformat"on
S also8
@SS +ot 236H3 Memory Management (.)
@SS +ot 30H26 Release (.)A/B *e& Memory Management
@SS +ot 33397 Memory Management in Release (.)B
@SS +ot 3377H Memory Management from Release (.)+, -ni! and *T
@SS +ot 44H97 Memory Management in Releases from (.)+, AS/.))
@SS +ot H6744 Memory Management under /indo&s *T
S(P Te!$.et /no&ledge Base (rt"!le
To#"!: Systm Monitorin!
Subto#"!: Tunin! *r#ormanc
/ey&ords: mmory mana!mnt, usr cont5t, roll in, roll out, shard mmory, 5tndd mmory, /
mmory, ha/ mmory, roll ara, /a!in! ara, *$IK mod, s0a/ s/ac, ha/limit

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239304637.doc *a! 11 o# 11

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