Sun Dial June 1961

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V o l . 1, No . 6 S U N CI TY, ARI ZONA J u n e, 1961

Top Pro Goiters Play Sun City 18'
Match Skills For TV
While 'All-Star Golf
Films Fall Programs
( See additional stories, pictures
on inside pages )
A frantic and exciting week of
watching four professional golf
matches filmed on the well-manicured
Sun City course has left residents and
golf fans, happy and encircling Oct.
14 on their calendars.
That's the day All-Star Golf will
begin its fifth television season, and
the Sun City golf course, Gary Player
and Jerry Barber will share equal
billing before millions of TV viewers.
Locally, All-Star Golf will be viewed
this season on Channel 12, Phoenix.
Other famous golfers to be seen
during the four-week Sun City series
will be Stan Leonard, Peter Thomson
and Doug Sanders.
Even Sun City's active populace
was awed as a crew of 52 technicians
and a maze of cables, cameras and
station wagons descended on their
town. Managing these highly trained
experts was director Sidney Goltz,
who in addition took ;n hand with
meticulous precision a gallery of local
fans numbering between 200 and 400
each day.
Vice President TomBreen and the
Del E. Webb Development Company,
which helped sponsor the matches,
are confident that as the fall chill
settles over the nation, the spotlight
on Sun City and the Valley will seem
especially beckoning to coast-to-coast
To select 52 minutes of color film
to be shown on the hour-long shows,
Goltz orders 20,000 feet of filmto be
shot on each match. I n addition to
(Continued Page 2)
"I WISH I co ul d l ive here with yo u fine fol ks and do nothing but pl ay
go l f . " Fo l l o wi ng these wo rds Del Webb perso nal l y shook hands with
hundreds of Sun Ci ti ans (top picture) at recent informal co ffee hosted
by the Sun Ci ty Wo men' s Cl ub. Residents apparentl y fel t the same as
they jammed the Town Hal l to hear an address by the presi dent of firm
which o pened Sun Ci ty J an . 1, 1960. Part of Wo men' s Cl ub member-
ship watch as Mrs. Ho ward Henry, presi dent of the Cerami c Cl ub, pre-
sents Mr. Webb with cerami c bo x. When he entered the Town Hal l Mr.
Webb was greet ed with a standing o vati o n, and serenaded with " Let
the Rest of the Wo r l d Go By. "
Page 2
"CAMERAS, ACTION" shouts the director, and Jimmy
Demaret (mike, center above) introduces first-day oppo-
nents Jerry Barbar (cap) and leadingmoney-v^inner Gary
Player, as sound and filmpicks up announcer, golfers
and colorful crowd for TV's famous All-Star Golf series.
Second day friendly antagonists DougSanders (left, be-
low) and Stan Leonard became third day foes when their
first match ended in a rare tie.
FilmAll Star Golf
(Continued from Page 1)
colorful homes that line each fairway, and waving
palms that lend an exotic and enchanting effect,
owners of colored sets will be able to see Gary
Player clearly only becauseof a last-minuteswitch
fromcustomary all-black outfit to pastel pink and
While living-roomviewers will be unaware of
the skill and time required to set up each shot of
the four-day filming, more than onejoyful fan was
heard to remark; "I 'm tired, but how often do you
get to see five of the nation's top golfers free of
Prize money for the four matches totaled
$12,000, each day's winner receiving $2,000 and
the loser $ 1,000. Doug Sanders missed by oneinch
$10,000 for a hole-in-one on the par-3, 136-yard
12th hole. To take advantage of better lighting,
the last nine holes were played first each morning,
then the golfers teed off on No. 1 in the afternoon.
The Sun Dial is co-operating with All-Star
Golf sponsor Reynolds Metals by not releasing
scores in order to sustain interest for the tele-
casts next fall. Sidelights and comments on
the course can be found in other stories in
this issue.
June, 1961 SUN CITYSUN DIAL Page3
RECENTOPENINGof First National Bank of Arizona's newbranch office at Sun City drewbigcrowds, who were served
refreshments by the Women's Club and offered a souvenir by the bank. Amongthose in attendance, and viewingone
end of a display (above) were TomBreen, left, and J. R. Ashfon, center, Del E. Webb Corporation vice presidents, and
Sherman Hazeltine, Chairman of the Board of First National. Also present was Sun City branch manager, George Swan-
son (inset). Picture belowshows bank exterior. Temporary bank office at Sun City was opened in November, 1960.
June, 1961 SUN CITYSUN DIAL Page 5
\llss Sun City Course Scene of National Television Golf Matches
JIMMYDEMARETwaited no longer than second day of All-Star matches
to "go native," announcingthe three remainingdays in colorful, cool
outfits like the one shown above. Director Sid Goltz helps by mopping
Demaret's brow. In picture at left, fans remain poised and cameras grind
as Gary Player gets ready to shoot across one of Sun City's picturesque
water hazards. Golfers totaled 43 birdies and an eagle in four days
of filming.
PETERTHOMSON, right above, shown gesturingwith DougSanders,
was even more joyful followingthe final match as he reeled off an
All-Star and Sun City course record 60. Sun CItian Wayne Daily held
previous course record of 62. Picture on left shows part of huge crowd
which followed the "pros" each day, and a camera crewperched high
in "crow's nest." (arrow).
Page 6 SUN CITYSUNDIAL June, 1961
TWO SEPARATE Memorial Day events at Sun City
brought out patriotic crowds of hundreds, plus two
Life magazine representatives who snapped almost
100 color photographs. For one viewof what
Life staffers Wilbur Jarvis, left, and Rudy Crane
saw, scan flag-raising picture below. Legion
members Charles Miller and Nels Nelson raise flag
while crowd, and dignitaries stand at attention. Flag
and pole, a gift fromthe Del E. Webb Develop-
ment Company, was presented to Civic Association.
Also in the morningceremony: Post 62 Legion color
guard commanded by Miller; Veteran's Barracks
1144 firingsquad commanded by Nelson; bugler
Fred Schofield; Sun City male quartet; vocalists
George Migny and Grace Wilson; Rev. Duane
Thistlethwaite; Melvin Yahnke; accompanists Mrs.
Ethel Gourley and Mrs. Otto Highfield. Gov. Paul
Fannin gave the main address.
The eveningprogramfeatured vocalist Corleen
Wells, and speaker Lt. Col. WilliamP. Benedict,-
Luke AFB, (shown at bottomof page) who spoke
on the communist threat.
"They wereall such nice people. . . pleasant to
talk to .. . all real gentlemen." It was Margaret Hei-
sel talking, after the hub-bubof the All-Star golf
matcheshad died away. Margaret, Fielding Abbott's
secretary, was referringto thefive professional golf-
ers filmed in the series.
A comment she overheard fromPeter Thomson:
"We don't haveladiesin shortsin the golf galleries
back home. Cometo think of it, shorts makea much
better looking gallery."
June, 1961 SUN CITYSUN DIAL Page 7
FOUR-DAYrecent tour of Phoenix area by 72 members
of the Telephone Pioneers of Southern California included
considerable time at Sun City and also this pool-side
luncheon, where they were joined by Telephone Pioneers
livingin Sun City. For howthe group enjoyed Sun City,
see letter below, this page.
Golfers Praise Sun City
Fairways and Greens
SunCity Golf Professional Fielding Abbott, his
staff, and CourseSuperintendent John Hanley were
still beaming this week following compliments by
thefive "pros" involved in theTV matches.
Most vocal was Peter Thomson, understandably
elated after setting a new Sun City and All-Star
Golf record of 60. Said he: "They (the greens)
werein great shape. You can't drop puttslike that
all day unless the greens are perfectly true. I've
been playing a little better each timeout lately,
but nothing likethis. Thebest round for mebefore
this was a62 in London."
Hewas in agreement however with Doug San-
ders, Gary Player, Jerry Barber and Stan Leonard
in dis-crediting thecourse
as a "pushover." Barber
j^^f called thelayout "oneof
fllf the most trapped I have
ever seen." Sanders said:
"Thecourseis 100%bet-
^ ter than anything I have
j& ^ ever played on in thewin-
MMj A ter tour."
^^^^^^ Jerry Barber, who had
C r y Player rcasoH to rcmcmbcr Sun
City when aPGA ruling cost himtwo strokes after
his caddy tamped aball mark with his foot, told
Abbott heliked thecourseand greens.
Stan Leonard remarked: "This is aremarkable
golf course for thelength of timeit has been in."
(Ed. note. .. First nineopened January, 1960, and
second nineopened December, 1960).
Gary Player, who borrowed and later bought
Abbott's three-wood after he brokehis own, told
(Continued Page 8)
A P i o n e e r T h a n k V o u
TO: Mr. A. T. Foster, Secretary
Mountain States Pioneers
Life Member Group at Phoenix, SunCity,
and all Members TelephoneFamily
"Weyour friendsfromtheLos Angeles Councils
wish to express our appreciation and wholehearted
thanks to your organization for your most kind and
thoughtful invitation to beyour guests at this time
on the fabulous tour of Sun City, Phoenix and
"Wearealso grateful to theDel E. Webb Cor-
poration and their representatives for making this
visit to Phoenix and SunCity oneof themost inter-
esting and delightful tours ever presented to our
"Wehaveenjoyed meeting our former co-work-
ers, and their hospitality has been over and above
anything wecould haveexpected. It has been just
marvelous! Wehopesometimein thenear futurewe
may havethepleasureof returning all thecourtesies
extended to us thesepast four days.
"We are leaving you tonight with the feeling
that you Pioneers herein SunCity haveat long last
found away of life, lovely homes, ahappy atmos-
phereand unlimited activities to enjoy to thefullest
thegolden years.
Most Sincerely,
SadieB. Kutcher
Page8 SUN CITYSUN DIAL June, 1961
Golf Course Praised
(Continued From Page 7)
the SunCity pro: "You
and your staff should be
complimented on the way
in which this tournament
is being conducted." Di -
rector Sid Goltz lauded
the convenience of course
layout and facilities.
Abbott had special
praise for Hanley and his
crew of 10, who had only
a week and a half to prepare the course when the
schedule was moved up. Hanley put in 16-hour
days, watering at nights.
Abbott's nomination for the week's most abject
picture: Doug Sanders sitting on the curb of Ala-
bama Avenue, eyeing his ball which had rolled out
onto the asphalt.
The second patriotic event in two weeks was
held at SunCity in a ceremony sponsored by the
Women's Club. American Legion representatives
raised the flag, donated by the Del E. Webb De-
velopment Company, infront of the post office.
Women's Club president Mrs. Jesse Conner di-
rected the club sponsorship. Among the guests
were the Revs. Walter W. Witt, Albeit B. Schwertz,
Father John O'Brien, and Rabbi Phillip Jaffa.
Jimmy Demaret
Sun Citian Stewart A. Greisen was appointed a
new member of the Civic Assn. at its May 4 meet-
ing. His appointment fills the vacancy created by
the resignation of Eugene Butler.
FIRSTSERVICES in Sun City's newly-completed United
Church wereheld June11by Rev. Walter W. Witt, its
new pastor. Thecongregation, numbering almost 350,
includes many Protestant denominations. The50by 165-
foot low, attractivebuilding, with chapel, study, office,
parlor, kitchen, rest rooms and storagespacewas built
partly with the$31,000 raised in aone-day campaign
Otfo Highfield
Assistant ManagingEditor
P. O. Box 555-SD, Sun City, Ariz.
Pleasesend methefree, 28-Page,
Full-Color Story of Sun City, Arizona
c;ry Z O N E STATE..
A 28-Page, Full-Color
Story of Sun City
Then comeseethis famous city
that's thetalk of thenation.

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