Maltego - Nambi Rajesh

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Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh

Information gathering or foot-printing is generally a first step of Ethical hacking/penetration testing
process. The more information you have the more chance of success, information gathering is the
important phase because all of the process of hacking based on information
Where to get it?
Community edition (ree Edition also !vailable- "imited #ptions$
%o&nload via also found on 'acktrack( )*
+o saving, limited to ,( transforms, etc-
ull version has no limitations
)uns on "inu., #/ 0, 1indo&s
What does Maltego do?
2elps determine real &orld links bet&een- 3eople
/ocial +et&orks
1eb sites
Internet Infrastructure (%+/, %omains, +etblocks$
%ocuments and files
Starting Maltego
irst go to !pplications56'acktrack56Information 7athering56+et&ork !nalysis56%+/ !nalysis5
The first time you login it &ill ask you to register your product. If you already have an account 9ust
enter your email I% and pass&ord. #nce you validate your login it &ill update the transforms
+ambi ra9esh
Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh
What is logged?
!3I key
I3 !ddress (yours$
The transform e.ecuted
The time it e.ecuted
:our user I% (&hich gives first name, last name and email address$
The ;uestions asked or the results are +#T logged 5 E.cept for a fe& transforms that use
&eb services-
#nce the transforms are updated, click the <Investigate= tab and select the desired option from the
palette. There are t&o main categories in the palette> Infrastructure and 3ersonal.
+ambi ra9esh
Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh
1e can also import other entities to the palette. !n e.ample is the 7oogle entity. 7##7"E is a
search engine &hich can be used to find specific information like server, routers, s&itches, etc
Infrastructure Reconnaissance:
8altego helps to gather a lot of information about the infrastructure.
+ambi ra9esh
Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh
In order to start gathering information, select the desired entity from the palette.
In this e.ample, &e are going to scan a domain. /elect the domain option from the palette and drag
the option to the &orkspace. Enter the target domain. +o& right-click on the entity and you should
be getting an &indo& that says ?)un Transform@ &ith additional relevant options.
)un the re;uired transform and find out information like the 80, +/ and I3 address. 1e can then
use transforms like <I3!ddressTo+etblock= to break a large netblock into smaller net&orks for
better understanding.
!lso &e can find the shared domains. 1e can determine information like I3 addresses for domains
and other internal net&orks, the netblocks &hich are used by the target, etc.
Personal Reconnaissance:
8altego helps you find information about a person, like their email address, social profiles, mutual
friends, various files shared on various A)"s, etc. /elect the desired option from the palette.
2ere I am going to select the option <3erson= and &ill enter the name of the person I &ill be trying
to gather information about.
+ambi ra9esh
Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh
)ight-click on the <3erson= option and select the desired transforms. irst let=s find the email
address related to the person and try to gather more information. 1ith 8altego, &e can find their
information from acebook, etc
+ambi ra9esh
Maltego Information Gathering Backtrack 5 R3 Nambi Rajesh
Barious entities in acebook &ere detected by using the transform ?toacebookaffiliation. This
method generally looks for a Facebook affiliation that matches closely to a persons name based on
the first and last name and weighs each result accordingly. With Maltego we can also find mutual
friends of two targeted persons in order to gather more information.
/imilarly, &e can find if the user has uploaded any files in pastebin or any other public A)"s.
2aving all this information can be useful for performing a social engineering-based attack.
Conclusion :
Information gathering phase of all security related &ork
3ublic information about a company or person
/aves time
Easier to use then 7oogle ?hacking@
2its more then 9ust 7oogleC
+ambi ra9esh

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