Artículo Biogénesis Marte

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Volume 7

pp 238239
www. gi t v e r l a g. c om
Life On Mars
Biogenesis Studies Using Martian
Simulant Soil and Electrosensors
Life On Mars
Biogenesis Studies Using Martian
Simulant Soil and Electrosensors
R. G. Cuero
Mars and Earth are part of the inner plan-
ets (nearest the Sun) of the Solar System,
and they are made of rocks (silicates) with
iron rich cores [1]. Therefore, perhaps the
explorations to neighboring planets such
as Mars and Venus will help us to under-
stand better the origin of life on earth and
what life really is as a physical-chemical
and biological system. Molecular paleon-
tology tells us how life on Earth was at
certain point of history under oxidation
conditions, but it does not tell us how life
began or how the process from reduction
to oxidation conditions of present life hap-
pened. But Mars is still under a reduced
condition as compared to earth and thus
understanding of life on Mars may require
a revised understanding of Life. Also, it
has been reported that ultrafine-grained
magnetite in a Martian meteorite exhib-
ited similarities to biogenic magnetite pro-
duced on Earth [2]. However, Mars may
represent what planet Earth was or what
Earth would become.
Recent explorations to Mars have par-
tially demonstrated some of the atmos-
pheric composition of the planet such as
lower oxygen levels as compared to cur-
rent levels on Earth. Mars has a thin or
lower pressure atmosphere with higher
(95 %) and lower Nitrogen (2.7 %), as
compared to Earth, which has higher Ni-
trogen (78 %) and O
(21 %). Although the
full picture of how Earths atmosphere
evolved remains unresolved the early at-
mosphere should have been dry. Thus
precluding the possibility of an oxygenic
prebiotic atmosphere caused by photo
dissociation of water vapor followed by
escape of hydrogen to space [3]. These
early conditions of Earth seem to be simi-
lar to the current condition on Mars, ac-
cording to some reports from Martian ex-
plorations [1]. Similarly, explorations
and/or studies of Mars through remote
sensing confirm the highly reduced state
of Mars and its high iron content, thus
suggesting a soil with a high ferromagnet-
ism, although unlike Earth, no planetwide
magnetic field has been found on Mars
[1]. Also, great presence of ultraviolet
light radiation has been detected on Mars.
Geological and microbiological reports
suggest that reduction of Fe (III) was a
very early form of respiration on Earth,
and geochemists have also proposed that
high levels of ultraviolet radiation pro-
duced abundant Fe (III) oxides and H
the anoxic, prebiotic Earth [4]. Thus, sug-
gesting more evidences of the similarities
between early conditions of Earth and the
current conditions of Mars.
However, presence of life on extrater-
restrial planets such as Mars, has been
difficult to demonstrate during the differ-
ent explorations, because of

the lack of understanding of the geo-

biological electrokinetic interaction at
the molecular level,

the lack of sensitive devices at the mi-

cro and nano levels to detect lower le-
vels of iron-reducing microorganisms
especially autotrophic (use metals as
electron acceptors for energy biosyn-
thesis) which are more likely to be the
dominant and not the heterotrophic
(carbon base molecular structure)
which are the dominant on Earth.
Results from cur-
rent laboratory ex-
perimental research
on biogenesis of
Mars, carried out at
Prairie View A&M
University (PVAMU),
Texas, and funded
by NASA-JSC-Hous-
ton (in collabora-
tion with Dr D.
Mckay), are sug-
gesting that presence of any form of
microscopic life on Mars depends not
only on water, but also on the interac-
tion of other equally essential factors
such as oxidation-reduction of iron,
ferromagnetic fields, and ultraviolet
R. G. Cuero

and also because of the lack of an

analog matrix to simulate the initial
highly reducing conditions of the soil
in Earth as well as in the present con-
ditions of Mars.
Oxidation-reduction of iron has been sug-
gested as one of the mechanisms for au-
totrophic bacterial metabolism on early
Earth, and UV radiation as a mediator of
this iron cycle [5] (Fig.1). On the contrary,
most of the approaches and/or techniques
to study life on Mars has been based on
life on Earth, for heterotrophic microor-
ganisms. However, the interacting effect
of iron-oxidation reduction, UV light, and
magnetism on biogenesis has not been de-
Scientists at PVAMU have now been
able to demonstrate the growth of au-
totrophic iron-depending bacteria in a
highly iron content Martian simu-
lated soil. Mea-
surements were
made under ul-
traviolet radia-
tion, using a series
of electrosensors,
thus establishing a
measurement and
control interface
(MCI) at different mil-
Amperes and mil-Volt-
age, which is also linked to a
computer intelligent system. Dif-
ferent time course experiments were set
up under laboratory conditions, and a se-
ries of parameters including electro-con-
ductivity, redox potential and electron
emission, oxygen levels using fiber optic
sensors through an infra-red spectropho-
tometer, pH, iron (Fe II/III) concentration
using a voltmeter, and soil culture para-
magnetism, were measured. These re-
sults were correlated with bacterial
growth through spectrophotometer, agar
colonies forming units, and through elec-
tron microscopy. Formation of bacterial
biofilm and expression of DNA/RNA were
also correlated.
Results from this laboratory, clearly
showed the marked interactive effect of
UV light, the constant oxidation-reduc-
tion, and paramagnetism on the growth of
the autotrophic bacteria in the Martian
simulated soil (Figs. 1, 2). The level of UV
intensity seems to have been enough to
stimulate growth of the autotrophic bacte-
ria in the Martian simulated soil with high
concentration of iron. The increased bac-
terial growth was observed through opti-
cal density, agar CFU, and by the forma-
tion of a thick biofilm underneath of the
Martian simulated soil bacterial culture,
and by electron microscopy. The results
correlate well with the emission of elec-
trons. The ability of iron in
absorbing UV light and even
the oxidative UV photolysis,
has been demonstrated [6].
Both the level of iron content
and UV radiation are high on
Mars, thus the present re-
sults suggest the positive ef-
fect of UV light on iron oxi-
dation-reduction in relation
with presence of microscopic
autotrophic life in Martian
soil. The formation of the
bacterial biofilm underneath
of the Martian simulated
soil, also suggests a possible
magnetoctatic effect of the
Martian simulated soil on
the cell magnetic dipole. This
magnetotactic effect can
be correlated with the
higher ferromagnetic read-
ing (9001300 CGS) that
we have found in the Mart-
ian simulated soil [7]. Also,
the formation of the bacter-
ial biofilm under the simu-
lated soil can be due to the
effect of the UV light inten-
sity, especially after the oxi-
dation-reduction of the iron.
The laboratory results
showed a correlation be-
tween higher electron emission and redox
potential from the Martian soil culture
with higher bacterial growth and biofilm
formation, especially under UV light, as
compared to control under no UV light ex-
posure. Therefore, these results are sug-
gesting that perhaps the mechanism of
survival of any microscopic life in the soil
of Mars, follows a chemiosmotic circuit,
under an anodic and cathiodic reactions,
connected one half of the circuit by the
electron transport chain [8]. Current ex-
periments at the molecular level, are
showing the effect of the higher ferromag-
netism of the Martian simulated soil on
the expression of DNA and RNA [7].
Life on Mars may require more than just
water alone. Studies of life on Mars may
require use of novel electro-chemical sen-
sors, and better understanding of the in-
teraction between the geo-chemical and
atmospheric elements of Mars and the
electro-chemistry of the kinetic of the
iron-oxidizing autotrophic microorgan-
isms. Perhaps the high iron content in
Martian soil is inducing high ferromagnet-
ism, which is affecting the genomic ex-
pression, thus influencing the non-de-
tectable scarce life. The new findings of
life on Mars may change our understand-
ing of Life, thus having deep impact on
our society, scientific and technological
paradigms, way of thinking, living, philos-
ophy, and on our economy. Maybe, life on
Mars is as different as the fiction-writers
[1] Arny, T.: Explorations: an introduction to as-
tronomy, 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill Higher Ed-
ucation. NY. (2002)
[2] McKay, D.: Science 273: 924930 (1996)
[3] Kasting et al.: Report. NASA-Ames, CA (1986)
[4] D. R. Lovley: ASM News Vol. 68 (5): 231237
[5] DeDuve, (1995), Derek, (2002)
[6] T. El-Morsi et al., (2002), M. Kolb et al.,
(1992), Cuero et al., (2003)
[7] R. Cuero, D. McKay, Manuscript to be submit-
ted, (2003)
[8] Crundwell, F.: Biochemistry and Bioenerget-
ics 43: 115122 (1997)
For further literature please contact the author.
R. G. Cuero, Ph.D
Distinguished Professor
Prairie View A&M University
Texas A&M University System
Texas, USA
Fig. 1: Growth of the autotrophic bacteria
Fig. 2: Martian simulated soil

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