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The Internet, through my Eyes

By: Usman Jafri, Senior 1-E

Im sure most of you use the word Internet daily without
actually realizing it, but did you ever come across the facts
behind it? Can you imagine that an average teen spends about a
whooping 1!! "ours in a #ear sur$ng the %eb? &ead ahead and
ta'e a closer loo' at the I()*&(*)+
,lthough, the internet is -ust a mere connection of billions of
computers throughout the world it has now become such a
common phenomenon that even a year old toddler whove
barely learnt how to spea' 'nows how to access the Internet to
.oogle their favorite (ursery &hymes+ In the past decades, the
internet has gained so much popularity that any house lac'ing an
internet connection it thought to be incomplete and totally
/urthermore, the Internet has gained so much ground that people
believed the Internet to be the .reatest Invention of the 01

Century+ )he Internet is such a useful element that the number
of uses it has maybe greater than the word count of this article2
)he most common uses of Internet are3 4ocial (etwor'ing and
Interaction, Communication, 5nowledge sharing, etc+
,lthough, the Internet was developed as a 6rototype by the 74
.overnment in 1891s to facilitate the 74 ,rmy by providing
strong means of Communication and Information sharing+
%hereas, by 0111 the internet boasted a huge 0+1 :illion 7sers
%orldwide, which is almost a )hird of the *ntire 6opulation on
)he Internet is such an Innovative tool that it helps people hold
;ideo Conferences in real<time+ It has also served as a strong
platform for the development of websites such /aceboo', .oogle,
)he Internet itself is powered by highly<developed, 4tate<of<the<
,rt )echnology that involves the transfer of =igital $les over 111s
and 1111s of 'ilometers in -ust a few 4econds2 =id you that it
ta'es only > of a 4econd to receive a ?5b $le located in a 4erver
015m away from your computer? #es, the Internet does operate
at such "igh 4peeds2
)he 7se of Internet, commonly 'nown as %eb 4ur$ng is so
considered so addictive that on average a teen can spend almost
! hours a day glued to the Computer 4creen2 , person might also
feel left out from the virtual world if he hasnt accessed the
Internet at least once in two days2
I, @yself personally feel that the Internet is the greatest invention
the world has ever seen and will continue to be in the #ears to

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