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File by Shannon Knutsen (@STKnutsen)

New Horizon Church International... formerly New Horizon Baptist Church

Current address: 1750 Ellis Ave Suite 200; Jackson, MS 39204

Former address: 2650 Belvedere Dr.; Jackson, MS 39212
(According to property records, the church also owns an apartment at 2715 Belvedere #17 and a bunch
of other property in Hinds county, specifically in precinct 90)

New Horizon Church Int'l-- Website--

Senior Pastor: Bishop Ronnie C Crudup Sr

Staff: Pastors Anderson, Pastors Funchess, Jacqueline Vann, Veronica Funchess, Annette Fair,
Nathine Blackmon, Vince Gordon, Wayne Myers

The church runs: New Horizons Ministries INC -- Website--

NHMI Board members: Bishop Ronnie Crudup (Founder/President), Wallace Horton, Wendy
Welch, Walter Fair, Wade Jackson (from 2009 990 form-- on file)

The church also operates "We Make It Better Foundation" (see below), Ekklesia school of
ministry and theology, and New Day Drug Rehab Ministry (Rehab recd commendation from Sen.
Haren in 2001)

Info on Bishop Ronnie C Crudup---

Crudup is a fixture in Hinds county and Jackson, MS Hes built a megachurch that owns
multiple properties and has been recognized by the MS Sen for his contributions. He serves on
multiple boards and has his name on several non-profits.

**Crudup is listed as the CEO and founder the "We Make It Better Foundation" -- Website:
We Make it Better Foundation-- uses same 1750 address as church and All citizens for
Mississippi PAC (See more below)

He is also CEO of Coalition for Community Renewal and Chairman of Jackson Redevelopment
authority--- And serves as Admin Bishop at Fellowship of International churches

Crudup serves on these boards: 100 Concerned Clergy of Jackson, Transformation Jackson,
Central Mississippi Medical Center, Working Together Jackson, The Hope/Enterprise
Corporation, and Telos Group;
Refs: WMIB Gala to honor Crudup with some bio, pdf also on file--

Ref: On file-- pdf 2013 Senator Horhn resolution honoring Crudup

Crudup was part of Amos Network-- (I still need to check on this one)

He hosts 2 TV programs, "New Horizon Presents" and "The Issues," a television broadcast
ministry -- I havent found many episodes, but heres a sample:

--Crudup The Issues Interviewing the Sheriff and Surinder Singh Pt. 1--
... Theres some quasi-racist stuff in here where Crudup is asking the Sikh guy about turbans and
convenience stores but thats about it...

Crudup The Issues Interviewing the Sheriff and Surinder Singh Pt. 2-- ...Crudup asks if Sikhs are Dems or Reps.

New Horizon, Bishop Crudup and Pro-Cochran PAC

***New Horizon church has the same address as new PAC - "All Citizens for Mississippi" ...
PAC treasurer is also church CFO-- Jacqueline Vann
Ref: FEC organizational doc on file--

Note: The PAC has not filed any addl docs with FEC since inception--
*REV- PAC Qtrly reported filed July 15 (copy on file)
Media Ref:

**Note: The relationship between New Horizon and All Citizens PAC should be a violation of
the churchs 501c3 status. More on this below...

All Citizens posted race-baiting flyers against McDaniel prior to the run-off:

This one was posted on Facebook BY Crudup:


A June 27 USA Today article quotes Worth Thomas, a MS lobbyist, talking about a fundraiser
he and Bishop Crudup held for Cochran:

There was a report that some blacks were paid money by a political action committee to get black voters to
vote for Cochran in the runoff election. But Worth Thomas, owner of a consulting/lobbyist firm, said black leadership
paid for their own effort to support Cochran. He said the Rev. Ronnie Crudup and others had a fundraiser in which
about 200 people attended to show their support to vote for Cochran. I resent that people somehow think we can't
decide for ourselves, Thomas said. I can assure you no one was paid to vote for Senator Cochran.

A FB post indicates this fundraiser was held in the week prior to the run-off

----- Problems with the IRS/FEC emerging for Crudup-----

NOTE: The July All Citizens for MS FEC filing DOES NOT show the $ from this fundraiser it
shows all receipts coming from Barbours Mississippi Conservatives PAC only.

IRS election doc shows that Crudup has some explaining to do His PAC def demonstrates
unfavorable evidence indicating political activity...

Ref: IRS rules on 501c3s and PACS pdf on file

A JFP blogger went looking for the ACMS PAC office at the church property The PAC office is
a joke

NOTE: In order to reach the PAC office, one must go to property that is clearly labeled and
signed as New Horizon Church property and enter a building that is clearly labeled and ONLY
labeled as a church and then go through the New Horizon lobby, as well to comply with
IRS 501c3 reqs, the PAC office should have the same signage OUTSIDE as the Church does
There isnt anything to clearly distinguish the separation of the PAC and the Church when one
goes to visit the PAC Quite the opposite and an important point when raising the PAC/Church
issues with the IRS and FEC.

Even worse for them as far as IRS/FEC conflicts go Crudups church, houses the PAC
office AND is also a polling place for Precinct 70 in Hinds County


According to a NY Times article reposted by Tampa Bay Times, in the week before the run-off,
Crudup and a dozen pastors met at New Horizon to discuss the Cochran campaign:

JACKSON, Miss. Inside an abandoned grocery store-turned-church here, a dozen black pastors gathered to
discuss a seemingly impossible task: persuading their congregations to vote Republican on Tuesday.

In tough times, you've got to do some unusual things, said Bishop Ronnie Crudup Sr., a pastor of the New Horizon
Church International in Jackson.

You've got to be willing to cross the line sometimes and go over to some strange places for our interests, Crudup

AGAIN this raises IRS/FEC issues for the church and the PAC was this a PAC meeting, did
the PAC pay the church to use the facilities The article wording suggests that ALL these
Pastors and their churches could be in trouble with the IRS for campaigning for Cochran to their

All Citizens quarterly FEC filing shows the PAC paid $275 to New Horizon for office rental from
6/6-6/30/14 IRS law says the PAC would have to pay the same as any other renter Just
because they paid some rent to the church, doesnt mean the PAC or the Church followed the
IRS req... Ill check on the facility rental fees for the church Ive seen them online, but have to

The FEC filings ALSO show that the PAC paid four Church employees for work with the PAC
Crudup, Vann, Gaynor, and Gordon

AGAIN this puts casts doubt on whether they complied with the IRS/FEC reqs regarding

The All Citizens PAC also paid Staci Hunter for services Stacia V Hunter is the Exec
Director for Crudups We Make it Better foundation
It looks like they tried to conceal this disbursement by altering her
name and providing a fake address

The address listed is for her is actually another church property...

Hunters crossover consulting work plus the shared offices and Crudups shared leadership
ALSO puts the 501c3 status of We Make it Better in jeopardy with the IRS/FEC

Finally, any OTHER 501c3 that is housed at the church and run by Crudup, like MS Faith
based Coalition ALSO is at risk for IRS/FEC violations and loss of tax exempt status

Additional FYI--
Crudups pac paid MS Rep Credell Calhoun for GOTV work
Calhoun has sponsored a MS House bill honoring Crudup
AND is married to Hinds County District 3 Supervisor, Peggy Hobson-Calhoun, who has had her
own run-off battle in the past


Crudup and We Make it Better Foundation:
As mentioned above, Crudup is also CEO and founder of the "We Make It Better Foundation" --

We Make it Better (WMIB) Foundation-- uses same 1750 address as church and All citizens for
Mississippi PAC (See more below)

A visit to the WMIB website shows that the org doesnt really do muchStatements on the
website indicate they assist non-profits with fundraising they host an annual ball to honor
Bishop Crudup during which they give out Service Awards to community members (Crudup
cronies)... they sponsored a choral competition and a rap concert at New Horizon and you
can book their More Money conference
Conference topics are:
Tithes and Offering: How to Increase It?
How to Be a Good Steward at Home and for the Church?
Transformation Through Fundraising: Whats the Best Strategy?
Home Ownership and Financial Literacy.
Grant Writing for Organizations: How to be Grant Worthy?
How to start a 501(3)(c)? Do You Need It?
How to Bring Social and Economic Change to Your Community?

The website says: We exist to make life better for all through philanthropy, fundraising, community
activism and transformation."
We intentionally seek after small givers and promote their significance. We motivate residents to be
actively involved in fundraising for the specific use of philanthropy, as well as to award activism.

There are Individual and Organizational memberships for those who wish to join the
Foundation. The details of membership look suspiciously like a pyramid scheme!
(We should have an expert on Pyramid and Ponzi schemes confirm this.)

From the site Ref:

Membership: The We Make It Better Foundation is a membership driven institution that exists to make like better
through expanded philanthropic works and activism. We ask our membership to perform four critical actions:

1. Fulfill a $100 yearly membership pledge.
2. Do one intentional act of kindness daily.
3. Commit to activism by volunteering at least 100 hours per year in their community.
4. Recruit at least ten members to help make philanthropy possible.

Organizational Membership:
This membership will bring your organization into a circle of individuals and organizations that are serious about
doing a great philanthropic work. There is power in numbers and there is power in small giving. Your organizations
commitment would include the following four critical actions:

1. Fulfill a $200 yearly membership pledge.
2. Participate in at least one yearly fundraiser for the purpose of charitable giving.
3. Recruit members within your organization to commit to an individual membership pledge to the WMIB
4. Have members of your organization commit to activism by volunteering at least 100 hours per year in their
Your organization will have access to any philanthropic work that WMIB Foundation partners with as well has having
the satisfaction of knowing that you help bring our services to the world.

Crudup lists current partners on his website Ref:

Im still going through these, Im not sure if that means these partners are member
organizations who paid to join as described above or just other entities that have worked on
WMIB projects... but notable ones include the Jefferson Davis county schools, WLBT-NBC
affiliate, Channel 40 FOX affiliate, the MS dept of Environmental Quality, as well as New
Horizon Church and Crudups MS Faith-Based Coalition (details on MS FBC below) and his
son-in-law, Kehinde Gaynors business, Exsail

Crudup has to videos of him promoting WMIB:
What is the WMIB Foundation? -- and
Merry Christmas, can you send us $10?--


Crudup and Nissan:

Crudup is no stranger to politicking and has ALSO had his hand in bringing the Nissan plant to
his area AND the UAW union fighting that has been ocurring:

In 2001, when Nissan came to build its plant in Canton, they tried to take some families land via
eminent domain MS Development Authority admitted that one particular property wasnt even
needed but they tried to acquire it for Nissan anyway just to save face. The case went to MS
Supreme court and the homeowner won; Nissan re-designed the plant around their land. It was
a big win for the people against eminent domain.
(MS Development Authority and 501c3s like Crudups and Siggers all work together-- cronies all around)

In 2011, MS Farmers etc put forth Initiative 31, a move to further restrict eminent domain based
on a case where a womans land was taken for developers to build a casino.
Crudup campaigned heavily AGAINST this Initiative .

Crudup campaigned in barbershops and other venues across the city, hoping to get people to vote against 31.
Crudup was in good company, according to the article, the Initiatives biggest foe was Haley
Barbour. Ref:

Crudup has since been involved with the Mississippi Alliance for Fairness at Nissan

He wrote in an op-ed in 2013: Finally, I am involved with the Mississippi Alliance For Fairness At
Nissan not because I dislike Nissan or necessarily think there should be a union at Nissan. Whether to
form a union at Nissan is not my decision.

MAFFAN has 2 websites: -- Theres video on the main page with Crudup and pals and

March 2014 LA Times article details MAFFANs partnership with the UAW

The UAW is very clearly involved with the pastors efforts, helping them form the Mississippi Alliance for Fairness at
Nissan. The group meets at union offices and checks in with UAW leaders before scheduling rallies; the UAW has
helped pay for pastors and workers to travel to Brazil and Detroit to demonstrate outside Nissan events.

"These are people who don't feel they're represented," Bishop Ronnie Crudup said of the Nissan workers. "They
don't feel they have any recourse if they disagree. That is really what's at stake in this matter."


Crudup hosted the UAW mtg at his church in Sept 2013


Crudup and Telos Group LLC:

Crudup is Board Secretary at Telos Group-- Ref:
Telos Group promotes Pro-Palestinian narrative...


Telos helped make a pro Palestinian State documentary called "State 194"
Refs: See also pdf on file: "Telos movie primer"

Telos Group is funded by Soros...
christian-support-for-israel-115498 See also pf on file "Telos Soros" from NGO monitor.


Crudups MS Biz and Non profit info: (Still under analysis, see notes for details acquired thus far)

Crudup has his name on the following MS business/Non Profits:
Ref: MS Sec of State site--

1. New Horizon Church International-- He's registered agent, uses 2650 BELVEDERE DR;
JACKSON MS 39212 for address

Note: 2650 Belvedere is the former church location (2011 Google map pic-- it looks vacant
and has a for sale sign in front)

2. Jackson Make a Difference Foundation-- He's registered agent, still exists, uses 2650
BELVEDERE DR; JACKSON MS 39212 for address

Note: They dont show up online as having any programs, activities, etc

3. Inner City Task Force INC--- He's registered agent, still exists, uses 2650 BELVEDERE
DR; JACKSON MS 39212 for address

Note: They dont show up online as having any programs, activities, etc

4. Mississippi Faith Based Coalition FOR COMMUNITY RENEWAL-- He's registered agent, still
exists, uses 2650 BELVEDERE DR; JACKSON MS 39212 for address--

Coalitions Website--
FB Page--
This is what New Horizon says about them--

Note: This is one of the few that looks like it did some actual community work, and New
Horizons description (See link above) makes it sound like a great program BUT as the 990
forms show the Coalition has two primary programs: 1. Assisting community members in
applying for mortgage/foreclosure relief and 2. Assisting community in applying for their
Obamaphones The organization cites 2 Officers: Ronnie C Crudup and Jacqueline Vann

Ref: On File pdfs 2011-2013 990 forms for MS Coalition

4a. Mississippi Faith Based Coalition TRAINING & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INSTITUTE-
- He's an officer-- uses 2650 Belvedere address

Note: This is an offshoot of the above org, there isnt much info about them either...

5. Peoples Housing Development, INC.--- good standing-- He's an officer-- 1655 ST

Note: They dont show up online as having any programs, activities, etc

6. Voice of Calvary Family Health Center, INC.-- good standing-- He's an officer-- 1655 ST

Note: This place has a website ( ) but most links are
broken. It lists its address as 2217 MLK DR in Jackson, MS but from the pics in Google maps,
theres been a daycare at this address since at least 2011 --- Ref Google map:,-

7. FOODPAC COOPERATIVE, INC.-- good standing-- Hes Chairman-- 350 Woodrow
Wilson AVE; JACKSON MS 39213

Note: They dont show up online as having any programs, activities, etc

8. RONNIE CRUDUP MINISTRIES, INC --- good standing-- Uses 2650 Belvedere and
2715 Belvedere addresses

Note: 2715 is the apartment the church owns hmmm wonder what business occurs

9. New Horizon Church Properties, L.L.C.-- good standing-- Crudup as member--
Belvedere and Ellis address used
There are some former entities in his name:

**This ones a good one-- another shady business...

**1. The Ebenezer Group LLC -- Dissolved in 2007-- 1770 Ellis Avenue Suite 100; PO Box
24084 Jackson MS 39225

Note: 2012 MS State agency has questions about Ebenezer and its handling of a golf course
maintenance contract-- They signed a contract in 2008 but the company dissolved in 2007
The golf course wasnt cared for...

2. NEW HORIZON FINANCIAL SERVICE INC.-- Dissolved-- Crudup was President-- same
Belvedere address

PACS checked for funding to New Horizon: (Still updating as FEC reports come in)

All Citizens for Mississippi (Church PAC, no expenditure reports yet)
Mississippi Conservatives (Barbour)
Haley's PAC (Barbour)
Citizens for Cochran
19th Star PAC
Bluegrass Committee PAC
Alamo PAC
Common Values PAC
Responsibility and Freedom Work PAC
Rely on Your Beliefs PAC
Defend America PAC
Crudp and Pastor Arthur Siggers--

Like Crudups Mississippi Faith-Based Coalition mentioned above, Siggers ALSO runs a
501c3 through his Mt. Olive church that helps people with Home-owner education called
Breakthrough Community Services, inc

Both Crudup and Siggers 501c3 have previously received money from the SAME federal
Foreclosure Mitigation grant program



All Citizens for Mississippi Pro-Cochran flyers VS. New Horizon Church flyer

I bet Kehinde Gaynor designed all three!

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