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Part 1: Precedent PPDN

428780782\1o08 176
RGB/9088300001/9510001.1 1
Schedule 3
Part 2: Phasing Programme
First Phase (1 and la) Year 3 to Year 5
Second Phase (2) Year 5 to Year 8
Third / Fourth Phase (3/4) Year 6 to Year 11
Fifth Phase (5) Year 9 to Year 13
Sixth Phase (6) Year 11 to Year 15
42878078.2\1008 177
RGB/90883.00001/9510001 .11
Precedent PPDN
Scheme Rolling Information (not including the proposed Phase)
(This section is to be completed by the Buyer prior to serving the PPDN)
Date ofPPDN
Replacement Homes
Scheme Replacement Homes Allowance [A]
Replacement Homes used under Live Agreed
[B] [This will be the total number of Replacement Homes that at any point in time have been agreed in previous
Live Agreed PPDNs]
Balance of Scheme Replacement Homes
Allowance remaining
[C] [This will A less B]
Scheme Replacement Homes GIA Allowance [D] [67,910 square metres3 ]
Replacement Homes GIA used under Live
Agreed PPDNs
[E] [This will be the total amount of GIA for Replacement Homes that at any point in time have been agreed in
previous Live Agreed PPDNs]
Balance of the Scheme Replacement Homes
GIA Allowance remaining
[F] [This will be Dless E]
Replacement House Allowance
Scheme Replacement House Allowance [G]
Replacement Houses used under Live Agreed
[H] [This will be the total number of Replacement Houses that at any point in time have been agreed in previous
Live Agreed PPDN5]
Balance of Scheme Replacement House
Allowance remaining
[I] [This will be G less H]
House Equivalent Replacement Home Allowance
Scheme House Equivalent Replacement Home
House Equivalent Replacement Homes used
under Live Agreed PPDNs
[JJ [This will be the total number of House Equivalent Replacement Homes that at any point in time have been
agreed in previous Live Agreed PPDNs]
Balance of Scheme House Equivalent
Replacement Home Allowance remaining
[K] [66 less J]
Available Shortfall
Shortfall carried forward from previous Live
Agreed PPDNs
[L] [This is the aggregate of CC in any previous Live Agreed PPDNs less the aggregate of DDin any previous
Live Agreed PPDNs]
Car Parking
Car Parking Ratio [M] [This is the ratio of car parking spaces per residential unit permitted by the Planning Permissions or related
Planning Agreements and which may be different for different Build Phases]
Scheme Car Parking Space Allowance [N] [This will be A multiplied by M rounded down the answer to the nearest whole number]
Car Parking Spaces used under Live Agreed
[0] [This will be the total number of Car Parking Spaces that at any point in time have been agreed in previous
Live Agreed PPDN5]
Balance of Scheme Car Parking Allowance
[P] [This will be Nless 01
Outstanding Car Parking Spaces [Q]
[This is the total number of Replacement Homes made available on the Seagrave Road Site multiplied by the
Car Parking Ratio for the Seagrave Road Site less 70]
Outstanding Car Parking Spaces used under
Live Agreed PPDNs
[This will be the total number of Outstanding Car Parking Spaces that have been agreed in previous Live
Agreed PPDNs]
Balance of Outstanding Car Parking Spaces [5] [This will be Q less R]
The information below may change in the event of a Section 34A Application - see further clause 8 of the CLSA.
Assumes Seagrave Road Houses are not included. If they are included, this should be 766.
Assumes Seagrave Road Houses are not included. If they are included, this should be [68,446] square metres.
"Assumes Seagrave Road Houses are not included. If they are included, this should be 77.
43013265. 1\nbl2
Proposed Phase Key Information
(This section is to be completed by the Buyer prior to serving the PPDN)
Initial Target Vacant Possession Date
Demolition Phase
Demolition Phase
Shown edged [colour to be inserted] on Plan [1] attached
Demolition Phase Name
[e.g. Phase 1A]
Number of Existing Homes on proposed Demolition Phase
Build Phase
Build Phase Location
Shown edged [colour to be inserted] on Plan [2] attached
Phase Allowances
Phase Replacement Homes GIA Allowance
[TI square metres [this will be the total GIA Allowance for the Existing
Homes comprised in the Demolition Phase and calculated by reference to
the formula set out in the definition of Phase Replacement Homes GIA
Allowance in the CLSA, provided that this does not exceed F, the Balance of
the Scheme Replacement Homes GIA Allowance remaining. If Tdoes
exceed F then the Phase Replacement Homes GIA Allowance shall be F]
Phase Replacement House Allowance [U] [this will be
60% of the number of Existing Homes on the Demolition
Phase that are Houses (rounded down to the nearest whole number)
provided that this does not exceed I, the Balance of the Scheme
Replacement House Allowance remaining. If U does exceed I then the
Phase Replacement House Allowance shall be I]
Phase House Equivalent Replacement Home Allowance [V] [this will be the number of Existing Homes on the Demolition Phase that
are Houses less U provided that this does not exceed K, being the Balance
of the Scheme House Equivalent Replacement Home Allowance remaining.
If Vdoes exceed K then the Phase House Equivalent Replacement Home
Allowance shall be K]
Phase Car Parking Space Allowance [W] [this is Car Parking Ratio applicable to the relevant Build Phase
multiplied by the actual number of Replacement Homes to be made
available for the Phase (including any Replacement Homes to be required
following a request by the Council to use any Flex and/or Shortfall) rounded
down to the nearest whole number]
Phase Social Housing Unit Number Allowance [] [this will be the number of the Existing Homes on the Demolition Phase
that are Social Housing Units]
Phase Social Housing Unit GIA Allowance [] [this will be the GIA of the Existing Homes on the Demolition Phase that
are Social Housing Units calculated by reference to the formula set out in the
definition of Phase Social Housing Unit GIA Allowance]
Available Flex for proposed Phase
MaximumFlex Available (but this can only be used in the circumstances detailed [X] square metres [This will be 10% of 1]
in clauses 13.4 of the CLSA)
Replacement Homes Proposal for Phase
Key Information
(The column headed "Buyers Replacement Homes Proposal" is to be completed by the Buyer prior to serving the PPDN. The column headed "Councils
Response is to be completed by the Council as part of its PPDNResponse. The column headed "Agreed or determined Proposal is to be completed by
the Parties, the Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the agreed or determined position in relation to the Replacement Homes
Proposal for the purposes of the Agreed PPDNfor this Phase.)
Replacement Homes Proposal Buyers Replacement Homes Councils Response Agreed or determined1
(see summary below for further information as to breakdown)
Proposal Proposal

Number of Replacement Homes [Y]
GIA of Replacement Homes [Z] square metres
Phase Social Housing Unit Number Spend [AA] [This will be Y less the
aggregate number of Replacement
Homes set out in the table headed
"Properties owned by Qualifying
Owners who, as at the Date of the
PPDN, had entered into a
Standard Purchase Contract" in
Appendix 1 of this PPDN]
Phase Social Housing Unit GIA Spend [BB] square metres [This will be Z
aggregate GIA for the
The information below may change in the event of a Section 34A Application - see further clause 8 of the CLSA.
43013265. 1\nbl2
Replacement Homes set out in the
table headed "Properties owned
by Qualifying Owners who, as at
the Date of the PPDN, had
entered into a Standard Purchase
Contract" in Appendix 1 of this
Number of Replacement Homes that are Houses
Number of House Equivalent Replacement Homes
Shortfall on this Phase
[CC] square metres
[This is T less Z]
Flex and Shortfall
Shortfall carried forward from previous Live Agreed PPDNs
[ 1 This will be the same as L
Shortfall requested (if any) [DD] square metres [This will be
the aggregate GIA for the agreed
or determined Replacement
Homes set out in the table below
under the heading "Request to use
Flex requested (if any) [EE] square metres [This will be
the aggregate GIA for the agreed
or determined Replacement
Homes set out in the table below
under the heading "Request for
Car Parking
Number of Car Parking Spaces
Number of Outstanding Car Parking Spaces (if any) [ ]
Summary of Replacement Homes Proposal (see Appendix I for the detailed breakdown)
(The column headed "Buyers Replacement Homes Proposal" i s to be completed by the Buyer prior to serving the PPDN. The column headed "Councils
Response" is to be completed by the Council as part of its PPDN Response. The column headed "Agreed or determined Proposal" is to be completed by
the Parties, the Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the agreed or determined position in relation to the Replacement Homes
Proposal for the purposes of the Agreed PPDN for this Phase.)
Type of Replacement Home Buyers Replacement Homes
Councils Response Agreed or determined Proposal
Total Number Total GIA Total Number Total GIA Total Number Total GIA
I Bed Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
2 Bed Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
3 Bed Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
4 Bed Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
I Bed Duplex Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
2 Bed Duplex Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
3 Bed Duplex Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
4 Bed Duplex Flat which is a House
Equivalent Replacement Home
I Bed Flat
2 Bed Flat
2 Bed Duplex Flat
3 Bed Flat
3 Bed Duplex Flat
3 Bed House
4 Bed Flat
4 Bed Duplex Flat
4301 3265. 1 \ri bl2
4 Bed House
5 Bed Duplex Flat
5 Bed House
Request to use Shortfall
(No part of this section needs completing by the Buyer prior to service of the PPDN. The column headed "Councils Request" is to be completed by the
Council as part of its PPDNResponse. In the table below, an example of howShortfall should be recorded is shown in red. The column headed "Agreed
or determined Shortfall is to be completed, in a similar way, by the Parties, the Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the agreed
or determined position in relation to the Replacement Homes Proposal and request to use Shortfall for the purposes of the Agreed PPDNfor this Phase.)
Councils Request Agreed or determined Shortfall
Type of Replacement Home GIA of type of
I-tome(square metres)
Total Number Total GIA
(square metres)
Total Number Total GIA
(square metres)
Single Storey 1 bed 2 person flat 50 2 100
Single Storey 2 bed 3 person flat 61 3 183
Single Storey 2 bed 4 person flat 70 1 70
Two Storey 3 bed 4 person flat 87 2 174
Request for Flex
(No part of this section needs completing by the Buyer prior to service of the PPDN. The column headed "Councils Request" is to be completed by the
Council as part of its PPDNResponse and should be completed in a similar way to the table relating to the Request to use Shortfall. The column headed
"Agreed or determined Flex" is to be completed, in a similar way, by the Parties, the Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the
agreed or determined position in relation to the Replacement Homes Proposal and request for Flex for the purposes of the Agreed PPDNfor this Phase.)
Councils Request Agreed or determined Flex
Type of Replacement Home GIA of type
Home(square metres)
Total Number Total GIA
(square metres)
Total Number Total GIA
(square metres)
Agreed PPDN Information
(This section should be completed by the Parties on agreement, or by the Expert on determination, of the Agreed PPDNfor the proposed Phase.)
Agreed PPDN
Agreed PPDNDate [As determined in accordance with clause 11.5]
Date by which CPO Start Notice must be served [12 months after the Agreed PPDNDate)
Signed by the Buyer
Signed by the Council
Signed by the Expert (if applicable)
4301 3265. 1 \nbl2
Appendix I
Detailed breakdown of Existing Homes in Demolition Phase and calculation of Replacement Homes Proposal
(The columns headed "Existing Home Details" and Buyers Replacement Home Proposal" in the tables below (save for the last table) are to be completed by the Buyer prior to serving the PPDN. The column headed "Councils Response in the
tables below (save for the last table) is to be completed by the Council as part of its PPDN Response. The column headed "Agreed or determined Proposal" in the tables below (save for the last table) is to be completed by the Parties, the
Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the agreed or determined position in relation to the Replacement Homes Proposal for the purposes of the Agreed PPDN for this Phase.)
Council OwnedPropertiesOccupiedbySecureTenants
ExistingHomeDetails BuyersReplacement HomeProposal CouncilsResponse Agreedordetermined
ExistingHomeAddress Property No. of Existing
Garden Off-road CouncilsNeedsPrediction Replacement Home No. of GIAforRH Garden Off-road
Bedrooms 1 HomeGIA
(YIN) Bedroom
5z8of RH
Additional needs (e.g.
disabilities, & location of RI-I)
PropertiesownedbyRPswheretheAssuredTenant onorbeforethePPDNDatehaselectedtobere-housedbytheCouncil ontheDevelopment
ExistingHomeDetails BuyersReplacement HomeProposal CouncilsResponse Agreedordetermined
ExistingHomeAdc ropertyNo. of ExistingGarden -- Off-roadCouncilsNeedsPredictionReplacement HomeNo. ofGIAforRHGarden
TypeIBedrooms HomeGIA
I (insquareI(YIN)
(insquare (YIN)
BedroomAdditional needs (e.g.
(House/Flat/HERH) metres)I(YIN)
sizeof RH disabilities, & location of RH)
PropertiesownedbyQualifyingOwnerswho, asat thePPDNDate, hadenteredintoaStandardPurchaseContract
ExistingHomeAddressPropertyNo. ofIExistingHome GardenOff-roadparking
BuyersReplacement HomeProposal CouncilsResponse Agreedordetermined
Replacement Home No. of GIAforRH Garden Off-road
TypeEjedroomsGIA Type bedrooms parking
(YIN) (insquare (YIN)
(House, Flati(insquare (HOUSe/FIat/HERH) metres) (YIN)
Properties ownedbythirdparties (but not includingproperties ownedbyRegisteredProviders ("RPs") where the AssuredTenant has electedtobe re-housedbytheCouncil ontheDevelopment or QualifyingOwners who, as at the Date of the PPDN,
hadnot enteredintoaStandardPurchase Contract)
(Intheevent that theCouncil wishes toexerciseits right inclause13.2.1(c) of theCLSAtorequest Replacement Homes of thebedroomsizeandGIAof its choice, it shall stateintheCouncils Responsecolumninthetablebelow"Wishtomakearequest pursuant to
clause13.21(c)". TheCouncil shall thencompletethetableset out belowunder theheadingRequest pursuant toclause13.2.1(c)".)
ExistingHomeAddressType of
PropertyNo. of Existing GardenOff-roadSubject tc
Buyers Replacement Home Proposal Councils Response Agreedordetermined
Replacement Home No. of GIAfor RH Garden Off-road
Owner TypeBedrooms HomeGIA parkingEPC/AEPC Type bedrooms parking
(YIN) (insquare (YIN)
(RP, third House, Flat (insquare , (House/FIatIHERH) metres) (YIN)
partyor or Studio) metres)
Council OwnedResidential Units - Unoccupiedor Occupiedby Non-Secure Tenants
(Intheevent that theCouncil wishes toexerciseits right inclause13.2.1(c) of theCLSAtorequest Replacement Homes of thebedroomsizeandGIAof its choice, it shall stateintheCouncils Responsecolumninthetablebelow"Wishtomakearequest pursuant to
clause13.2.1(c)". TheCouncil shall thencompletethetableset out belowunder theheading"Request pursuant toclause13.2.1(c)".)
ExistioqHomeDetails BuyersReplacement HomeProposal Councils Response Agreedordetermined Proposal
ExistingHomeAddress Property Type No. of Existing HomeGarden Off-road Replacement No. of GIAfor RH Garden Off-road
I(House, F1 or
Bedrooms GIA
parking HomeType bedrooms
(in square (YIN)
Studio (insquare (YIN) (House/FIatIHERH) metres) (YIN)
Request pursuant toclause 132.1(c)
(No part of this table needs to be completed by the Buyer prior to service of the PPDN. The column headed "Councils Request" is to be completed by the Council as part of its PPDN Response and should be completed in a similar way to the
table relating to the Request to use Shortfall. The column headed "Agreed or determined request" is to be completed, in a similar way, by the Parties, the Project Delivery Group or the Expert (as appropriate) to record the agreed or determined
position in relation to the Replacement Homes Proposal and request pursuant toclause13.2.1(c) for the purposes of the Agreed PPDN for this Phase.)
Councils Request Agreedor determinedrequest
Type of Replacement Home GIAof type
Home(square metres)
Total GIA
(square metres)
Total Number Total GIA
(square metres)
Summary of LBHFs current Local Lettings Policy
[To be completed by LBHF once policy finalised]
4301 3265. 1\nbl2
Indicative Phasing
L_J Lrd(ML!
axal i
alga l
1 M
irii iiiii. F U IJ PIW
i A
To Seagrave Road,
Farm Lane (if
agreed) or Ph 1 a
\ c
"Hillijifti LLT
Ifl Q

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