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Dream IT Project:

Our place in the Universe

The third grader are going to surf through the Universe, The unit introduces the solar system
as found in the Core Knowledge Sequence for the Third Grade. It incorporates a variety of
auditory, visual, and kinesthetic activities to explore the solar system. The sun and the moon
will be connected with the nine planets showing the relationship they have within the solar
system. Continuing through the solar system, the students will be engaged in the illuminating
patterns and findings that make up the uilted universe and our place in the Universe.
Astronomy can be one of the most exciting units you teach. Few s
To intrigue the students will be left with burning uestions.
!ow do we use our imagination while looking at the star"
!ow is our solar system like a family"
#hat shapes can I find in the sky"
#hat pattern do the planets move in"
#hy do pattern in the sky stay the same"
.com encourages teachers to take time i
These are $ust the few essential uestions lesson will be based
!ow are the inner and outer planets different"
!ow does an ob$ect affect the path of light"% reflection, refraction, absorption&
#hy does the moon's shape changes each night" (oes the si)e ever change" %phases of the
#hat have you discover about our planets"%*olar system facts&
#hat makes our *olar *ystem"
fo children, because it
+now and apply concepts that explain the composition and structure of the universe and ,arth's
place in it.
12.F.1a Identify and describe characteristics of the sun, Earth and moon as familiar
objects in the solar system
12.F.1b Identify daily, seasonal and annual patterns related to the Earths rotation and
-b$ectives. Concept
/. (emonstrate an understanding of the inuiry process through the study of the
,arth and space systems.
0. (emonstrate an understanding of the connections and applications of ,arth and
*pace systems.
1. Gain an understanding of space and the impact it plays on our life.
-b$ectives. Content
/. -ur *olar *ystem2the sun. source of energy %heat and light&3 the nine planets and
their moons. 4ercury, 5enus, ,arth, 4ars, 6upiter, *aturn, Uranus, 7eptune,
0 4oon2phases of the moon, gravitational pull of the moon %and to a lesser degree,
the sun& causes ocean tides on ,arth.
1. *tars and Constellations
-b$ectives. *kills
The students will select the appropriate euipment and utili)e technology,
mathematics in the inuiry of ,arth9space systems.
0. The students will analy)e features, phases, and gravitational pull of the moon.
1. The students will demonstrate and understanding of the locations of each of the
planet in relation to the solar system, features and motions of the sun, moon, and other
Celestial bodies in the Universe.
:ctivities. *tudent will keep a space $ournal, make a 1( model of the planets, make a
brochure, group activities, research pro$ect and students will share this with other grades.
*tudents will have group discussion and class discussion.
:ccommodations and (ifferentiated Instructions.

,nrich activity. *tudents will actually make their favorite planet and present to the class.
;esearch pro$ect. Use of different tools to present their pro$ect.
;emedial group. This could be teacher led activity to help them focusing and reading.
Cross Curricular :ctivities.
#riting. #rite about your planet an imaginative story about living on that planet and what
you need to survive on your planet. 5isual representation should be added.
<igure out and compare the distance of your planet form other planets and represent in a
graph. !ow long does it take to reach that planet.
*ocial *tudies. *tudents will imagine that they are in charge of that planet what laws would
they make for their planets and why"
:ssessments. (epending on the activities rubric and check list will be provided to assess the
8erform task, verbal responses, $ournal entry, exit slips, illustrations and presentation.
,xtension activities. <ield trips to the :dler 8lanetarium and 4useum of *cience and
depending on the funds.
The following assessments will be used for the (ream IT pro$ect.
8erformance based assessments. *tudents will share their research pro$ect using the checklist.
;ubrics. for their assessments.
8articipation. *tudents have to share on the reading they do to show their understanding of the
*tudents will self2assess themselves using self2assessment rubrics for assignments.
In writing assignment students use checklist to proofread their peers work and provide feedback.
Conferences. To provide feedback.
;eflection 6ournal entry
,xit slip
*tudents will select a planet and research on their planets and provide evidence to support their
Create a planet, name it make a product to sell their planet for rental purposes.
:.=endick, 6eanne. Comets and Meteors: Visitors From Space.
=. =endick, 6eanne. The Sun: Our Very Own Star.
C. =ranley, <ranklyn. What Maes !ay and "ight.
(. Cole, 6oanna. The Magic School #us: On the Ocean Floor.
,. Cole, 6oanna. The Magic School #us: $ost in the Solar System.
<. !enbest, 7igel. The "ight Sy.
G. 6ackson, +im. %lanets.
!. *antrey, >aurence. !isco&ering the Stars.
I. *checter, (arrow. ' Can (ead )*out %lanets.
6. *imon, *eymour. Comets+ Meteors+ and )steroids.
+. *ipiera, 8aul 8. ) True #oo o, Constellations
www. solarsystems
Safari montage
4ore information will be added as the pro$ect is in motion.
What is our physical place in the Universe?
How did we come to be?
How can we know what the Universe was like in the
Can we see the entire universe?
How big is Earth compared to our solar system?
How ar away are the stars?
How big is the !ilky Way "ala#y?
How big is the Universe?
How do our lietimes compare to the age o the How big is the Universe?
How do our lietimes compare to the age o the Universe?
How is Earth moving in our solar system?
How is our solar system moving in the "ala#y?
How do gala#ies move within the Universe?
$re we ever sitting still?

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