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Sharing God through His creation

I (John) had the privilege of working with a group of 5th

graders at El Refugio. What a unique challenge it was! My team
did an amazing job of organizing the day to keep these kids
learning, engaged, and busy! We taught them how to pack their
backpacking backpack to survive in the Andes Mountains, how
to use a compass, and how to use a water lter. Their tiny
frames toting those adult sized backpacks was a sight to behold!
While teaching them how to identify animal footprints on the El
Refugio property, we were able to make a strong, lasting spiritual
connection. We have foxes, rabbits, deer, and pumas (mountain
lions) native to this area so our verse for the day was Proverbs
18:21a The power of life and death are in the tongue. We
talked about how we could speak life and death to others. More
than that, we talked about how the footprints were
evidence of an animal having been there. When we
speak life or death, the evidence of that stays with that
person. The opportunity to have these kids in nature
and to teach them something so important through
Gods creation was a really awesome experience. So,
when you are out enjoying nature and leaving your
print on the land, think about other prints you will
leave as you travel down life's paths. Will it be Death
or life...
F O R WE WA L K B Y FA I T H , N OT B Y S I G H T ( 2 C O R I N T H I A N S 5 : 7 )
Monthly Update
ISSUE NO.33/Spring 2014
A lake near Papallacta, Ecuador.
Friends and Family, would you prayerfully
consider a special gift? We long to come
back to the United States in the fall so that
Juliette can meet her American family. Not only
that, but John plans on taking a Wilderness
Emergency Management Technician (WEMT)
class to be better prepared for the risks and
emergencies that occur in the line of work that
we are in.
Heres the issue: its extremely costly to y a
family of 4 back to the United States. The
WEMT certication is a costly but necessary
investment for the future of the ministry.
Here is a breakdown of the costs:

Flights (to/from and within the US): $2700.
WEMT class, certication, & supplies: $3000.
So, we are looking at right around $5700 that we
would need.
We have prayerfully considered this and feel like
it is the right move for our family and for the
ministry, but we cannot do it without your help.
We place it in your hands and the Lords hands.
Would you prayerfully consider a donation? Any
amount or size is a blessing!
If you do feel led to give, please place a check
made out to Global Outreach with #3475 in
the memo line.

Thank you! -John, Emily, Samantha, & Juliette
Juliette has her Ecuadorian passport but is waiting on her American one!
We cannot believe that our little Juliette
is more than a month old! She is
growing so fast and is such a sweet girl.
In case you are wondering, yes, her hair
always sticks up like that!
Weve also enjoyed seeing Sammie love
on Juliette. She is a wonderful big sister!
Thanks for your prayers!

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