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Lake Asbury Junior High

EBD Self Contained
Student/ Parent Handbook

2!" # 2!$
%ission State&ent
'he (ur(ose of the e&otional/beha)ioral disabilities self
contained (rogra& at Lake Asbury Junior High is to facilitate the
de)elo(&ent of students as life long learners *hile
strengthening social and e&otional skills in a res(ectful and
coo(erati)e at&os(here+
School contact information:
Address, 2-$! Sandridge .oad/ 0reen co)e S(rings/ 1L 22"2
Phone 3u&ber, 4"#24!#$$-2
EBD/SC Classroom Teachers
Donna Johnson and , grades 5
and -
A&y Batchelor, Beha)ior .esource 'eacher site coach
1re6uent co&&unication *ith your child7s teacher is essential to his/her
educational gro*th+ Although daily (oint sheets are a great tool/ they
cannot re(lace )erbal co&&unication bet*een (arents and teachers+
Classroo& Beha)ioral E8(ectations
9t is e8(ected that each student attend class daily and
contribute to the o)erall function of the roo& in an a((ro(riate
&anner at all ti&es+ Ho*e)er/ &isbeha)ior can occur and *ill
be addressed in the follo*ing &anner,
Discipline Plan:
!+ :erbal redirection
2+ Carrel/Lunch Detention
2+ 3o (oints earned for that (eriod of ti&e
"+ Parent Contact
$+ .eferral
Automatic Lunch Detentions (teacher discretion):
0u& Che*ing
'hro*ing 9te&s
Horse Play
Sitting on to( of desks or tables
Borro*ing of a (encil
'ouching ite&s on teacher7s desks
Mildl Disrupti!e Beha!ior
Teacher"s #ole
'he follo*ing techni6ues *ill be i&(le&ented *hen &ildly disru(ti)e
beha)iors occur in the classroo&,
!+ sending signals
a+ eye contact
b+ brief fro*n
c+ shaking of head
2+ (ro8i&ity control# &o)ing to stand near student
2+ redirection# directing student7s attention a*ay fro& &isbeha)ior
"+ intentional a)oidance/ignoring# discouraging using &isbeha)ior to
gain attention
$+ )erbal re&inder of classroo& e8(ectations
$nin!ol!ed Students" #oles
'he follo*ing beha)iors are e8(ected fro& students in the classroo& *ho
are not in)ol)ed in the disru(tion,
!+ a)oiding to (re)ent escalating negati)e beha)iors
2+ refraining fro& &i&icking
2+ not (ro)iding social reinforce&ent ;laughing/ (ointing/ etc+<
Moderatel Disrupti!e Beha!ior
Teacher"s #ole
'he follo*ing (rocedures *ill be used *hen &oderately disru(ti)e
beha)iors occur in the classroo&,
!+ additional )erbal re(ri&and
2+ redirection# teacher &ay ask student to take a =break> fro& the
current task
2+ stand#out# teacher *ill ask student to &o)e to a designated
location in the classroo& for a set a&ount of ti&e ;2 to $
&inutes< in order to regain co&(osure+
3ote, ?nin)ol)ed students7 roles are the sa&e as that for &ildly
disru(ti)e beha)iors+
Se!erel Disrupti!e Beha!ior
Teacher"s #ole
'he follo*ing ste(s *ill be follo*ed in cases *here a student beco&es
e8tre&ely disru(ti)e and/or aggressi)e,
!+ ABC ;alternati)e beha)ior carrel< @ student *ill be asked to &o)e
to an isolated desk or carrel in the classroo& or in the B.'7s
2+ SC% 'echni6ues ;safe crisis &anage&ent< # trained staff
&e&bers *ill i&(le&ent district ado(ted (hysically assisted
techni6ues in the e)ent that less restricti)e inter)entions do not
(re)ent a dangerous occurrenceA (hone contact to the (arent
along *ith *ritten notification *ill be auto&atic i&&ediately
follo*ing such instances+
2+ .eferral to Ad&inistration @ only *hen abo)e alternati)es ha)e
been e8hausted to no a)ail+
$nin!ol!ed Students" #oles
All of the beha)iors e8(ected during &ild and &oderate disru(tions *ill
also be e8(ected during se)ere disru(tions+ 9n addition/ the follo*ing
&ight be necessary,
!+ a student &ay be asked to relocate to a different area
2+ all students &ay be re6uired to e8it the roo& *ith an adult
;during e8tre&e (hysical aggression<
2+ a reliable student &ay be asked to seek the assistance of
additional adults
9t is the ho(e of all staff &e&bers that &isbeha)ior is ke(t to a &ini&u&
in order to create an at&os(here free fro& distractions+ All (rocedures
outlined *ill be used in order to return students to learning acti)ities as
soon as (ossible+
'he nu&ber one (riority of all trans(ortation staff &e&bers is
the safe arri)al of all students to and fro& school+ Any infraction
*hich Beo(ardiCes such safety *ill not be tolerated+
'he follo*ing (rocedures *ill be follo*ed in the e)ent of &isbeha)ior on
the school bus+ Dne or all of these actions &ay take (lace de(ending
u(on the se)erity of the &isbeha)ior+
!+ Dri)er or 'eacher *ill call (arent
2+ Dri)er *ill fill out bus referral ;(ossibility of bus sus(ension<
2+ Conference *ill be scheduled *ith (arent
"+ 0oals and/or obBecti)es regarding bus beha)ior *ill be added to
the student7s 9EP
Please (ro)ide as &uch assistance fro& ho&e as (ossible by reinforcing
the i&(ortance of bus safety+ 'his is an area *hich cannot be stressed
enough+ 9t is e8tre&ely difficult to &anage bus beha)ior once a child is
on school grounds+ 'herefore/ it is i&(ortant to beco&e fa&iliar *ith
your child7s dri)er and attendant in order to &aintain direct
Beha)ioral Le)el Syste&
'he EBD Self Contained classroo& at LAJH *ill o(erate on a
le)el syste& as a &eans of tracking student beha)ioral (rogress+
A student7s le)el and day *ill be recorded at the to( of his/her
(oint sheet+ 1or each le)el/ a &ini&u& a&ount of (oints *ill be
re6uired daily for the student to earn his/her =Dn 'arget> day+
Ehen a student does not earn the &ini&u& (oints for his/her
le)el/ a =3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> day *ill be recorded on the (oint
sheet+ A brief o)er)ie* of the syste& is as follo*s,
Le)el !
%ini&u& nu&ber of daily (ointsF "4
Length of ti&e re6uiredF ! consecuti)e days
Backpacks will be used at teacher discretion for EBD
self-contained students (7
- 8
grade). All students
will bring a folder home each da that contains a point
sheet to be signed and returned to school each da.
E8a&(le, Student is on Le)el ! Day $ and has a =3eeds
9&(ro)e&ent> day/ he/she *ill return to Le)el ! Day !+
Pri)ileges are &ini&al on Le)el ! as this is a ti&e *hen the student
is in need of the greatest a&ount of guidance+ Each classroo&
teacher *ill deter&ine (ri)ileges+ Le)el ! students *ill not be
allo*ed to sho( in the classroo& store+
Pro&otion to Le)el 2 is auto&atic after day !+
Le)el 2
%ini&u& nu&ber of daily (ointsF $2
Length of ti&e re6uiredF 2 days
A =3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> day *ill result in the student re(eating the
sa&e day+ 2 re(eats *ill result in a &o)e to Le)el 2 Day !+
E8a&(le, Student is on Le)el 2 Day !2 for three days in a ro* due
to =3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> beha)ior/ he/she *ill return to Le)el 2 Day
Pri)ileges *ill increase slightly for Le)el 2 and again *ill be
deter&ined by the classroo& teacher+ Students on Le)el 2 and
abo)e *ill be allo*ed to )isit the classroo& store each 1riday as long
as all other conditions ha)e been &et+
Pro&otion to Le)el 2 is auto&atic after day 2+3o &ore than 2 sli(
days in order to sho(+ Auto&atic le)el#dro( if &ore than 4 sli( days
in nine *eeks+
Le)el 2
%ini&u& nu&ber of daily (ointsF $$
Length of ti&e re6uiredF 2 days
A =3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> day *ill result in the student re(eating
the sa&e day+ 2 re(eats *ill result in a &o)e to Le)el 2 Day !+
E8a&(le, Student is on Le)el 2 Day !- and re(eats t*ice due to
=3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> beha)ior/ he/she *ill return to Le)el 2 Day !+
3o &ore than 2 sli( days in order to sho(+ Auto&atic le)el#dro( if
&ore than 4 sli( days in nine *eeks+
Pri)ileges *ill increase as deter&ined by the classroo& teacher+
Pro&otion to Le)el " is auto&atic after day 2 and successful
co&(letion of (ro&otion inter)ie* *ith ESE 'eacher+
Le)el "
%ini&u& nu&ber of daily (ointsF G
Length of ti&e re6uiredF 2 days
A =3eeds 9&(ro)e&ent> day *ill result in a dro( to the (re)ious day+
E8a&(le, Student is on Le)el " Day 2 and has a =3eeds
9&(ro)e&ent> day/ he/she *ill &o)e to Le)el " Day !4+3o &ore
than G needs i&(ro)e&ent days before a le)el dro(+
Pri)ileges *ill again be increased as deter&ined by the classroo&
teacher+ Students on Le)el " *ill be allo*ed to obtain at least one
&ainstrea& class+
Pro&otion to Le)el $ is auto&atic after day 2 and successful
co&(letion of (ro&otion inter)ie* *ith ESE 'eacher+
H3o sli( days to sho(+ 9f &ore than G sli( days in a nine *eeks it *ill
result in an auto&atic le)el#dro(+
Le)el $
%ini&u& nu&ber of daily (ointsF G2I
Length of ti&e re6uiredF this *ill be decided on an indi)idual basis
as &ainstrea&ing o((ortunities *ill be (ossible on this le)el+
'he greatest a&ounts of (ri)ileges are a*arded to students on le)el
$+ Le)el $ students *ill be allo*ed to *alk on their o*n to e)ents
such as lunch/ s(ecials/ and the bus loo(+
Pro&otion to full &ainstrea&ing, this (rocess *ill be a coo(erati)e
effort bet*een the student7s ESE teacher/ (arent/guardian/ and
general education teachers through an interi& 9EP &eeting+
Students &ay begin &ainstrea&ing (rior to reaching le)el $ if
acade&ic needs (recede beha)ioral concerns of the indi)idual
H3o sli( days to sho(+
HH Students on Le)el $ &ay ha)e no &ore than $ needs
i&(ro)e&ent days in a 4 *eek grading (eriod/ or the student *ill be
reduced to Le)el "+ HH
3D'E, 'he use of school sus(ension *hether 9SS/ DSS or safe crisis
&anage&ent *ill result in one le)el dro( for all le)els+
Le)el !,
3o (ri)ileges
Le)el 2,
Le)el 2,
.estroo& (ri)ileges
Ealk ahead of class *ithin )ie* of teachers+
Le)el ",
.estroo& (ri)ileges
Ealk inde(endently in hall*ay de(ending on daily beha)ior
as *ell+
%ay attend 6uarterly (ositi)e beha)ior celebrations ;ice
crea& social/ etc+<+
Possible beginning to &ainstrea& class+
Le)el $,
.estroo& (ri)ileges
Ealk inde(endently in hall*ay de(ending on daily beha)ior
as *ell+
%ay attend 6uarterly (ositi)e beha)ior celebrations ;ice
crea& social/ etc+<
Addition of &ainstrea&ing classes as beha)ior (er&its+
3D'E, All students and their le)els *ill be considered according
to their beha)iors+ 1or e8a&(le/ a student that has had no
(hysical or )erbal discre(ancies and is at a lo*er le)el &ay
recei)e certain (ri)ileges after a re)ie* by the EB/D tea& of
teachers+ 'he o((osite &ay occur if a student at a higher le)el is
acting out they &ay lose (ri)ileges as *ell+ Dur (rogra& is
based on the indi)idual and not for&ed as a unifor&ed one siCe
fits all students a((roach+
'oken Econo&y
Students *ill sho( according to their beha)ioral le)el+ 'hey &ay
also be gi)en the o((ortunity to earn additional treats for
a((ro(riate beha)iors during s(ecific (eriods+ Dn 1ridays/
students on le)els 2#$ &ay sho( in the classroo& as long as
ha)e no &ore than one absence fro& school in that *eek
recei)e no referrals ;school or bus< in that *eek
i&(ro)e&ent day as (er le)el
3o &ore than " &issing assign&ents (er *eek
2J deductions *ill be enforced for students unable to
2J bonus for those sa)ing

Students *ill ha)e the o((ortunity to &ainstrea& into regular
education classes as beha)ior i&(ro)e&ents *arrant a lesser
restricti)e en)iron&ent+ 'he student7s ESE teacher/ beha)ioral
resource teacher/ (arent/guardian/ and general education
teachers *ill collaborate to de)elo( a (lan to assist the student
*ith acade&ic and beha)ioral success+ 'he (rocess for
&ainstrea&ing *ill be as follo*s,
'he ho&eroo& teacher *ill initiate the EBD Self#Contained
%ainstrea&ing (a(er*ork+
9f a((ro)ed/ a trial (eriod *ill begin+ 9f trial (eriod is
successful/ an interi& 9EP &eeting *ill be set u( to
deter&ine the best (lan for &ainstrea&ing the student+
9f denied the student *ill continue in the self#contained
Any referrals or grade dro(s during the 4 *eek (eriod *ill
result in the re&o)al of the &ainstrea& class+
3o &ore than t*o &issing assign&ents (er nine *eeks+
%ainstrea&ing classes are usually added one at a ti&e as not to
o)erload students e&otionally or acade&ically+ 'his (rocess is to
be done each ti&e any adBust&ent ;adding or subtracting
&ainstrea& classes< is &ade to the students schedule for

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