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Simulation, System and Analytical

Back pressure is defined as pressure that exists at PSVs outlet. It has impact to performance of
PSV, hence its value should be informed to vendor therefore shall be stated in the datasheet.
Good concept understanding of the back pressure is helpful when calculates its value.
In this article, the following term is used for easier understanding
1. PSV in Ready Mode - PSV still in closed position - system pressure less than PSVs set
pressure - so that the PSV is not open yet
2. PSV in Open Mode - PSV in open position - system pressure higher than PSVs set pressure - so that PSV is
Superimposed back pressure is pressure coming from other sources when PSV in ready mode. It may be
constant or variable depends on the sources.
Built up back pressure is pressure generated as a result of fluid flowing through PSV in open mode.
I hope this picture will give you better explanation
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Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
1 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
The picture above seems very theoretical. I do very understood that you prefer something more practical.
See this picture. It will help you get better understanding of the constant back pressure.
Triyanto SR
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Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
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When blocked outlet case at downstream occurred, the PSV will open and built up back pressure is generated. See
this picture.
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Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
3 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
PSV will start to open at 10 psig. For this case, let your vendor know with the system and back pressure value.
Here is the other system has variable superimposed back pressure.
Back pressure can be calculated by means of hydraulic calculation, Flarenet or HYSYS simulator. I suggest you to
use FlareNet for project and critical system where accurate calculation is required. FlareNet will give a better result.
Based on the back pressure, the PSV type can be selected. For built up back pressure less than 10% of PSVs set
pressure, a conventional type can be used. Balance below type can be used for back pressure up to 30%, and pilot
type shall be used for higher back pressure.
Please note, even though back pressure is very important, it is not the only consideration in selection of PSV type.
For instance, when reseat pressure of conventional PSV is lower than the operating pressure, it cant be used even
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Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
4 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
Refer to API 520 part I for more detail about back pressure. Hopefully, this article, at least help you get better
understanding of the back pressure and realize the importance of it. I think, we still need more discussion how back
pressure has impact to PSV performance, how to simulate it etc. Other time, I will make it as dedicated posting for
My friends, I feel thats all I can share to you for this week. Hopefully, someday we will be a good process engineer.
Even though we dont have many experience recently, we still have the most important; its a spirit to grow better.
We should take care of it with our life.
Thanks you.
See you next week.
Labels: Flare, PSV
Anonymous Aug 1, 2011, 5:58:00 PM
Thank you. Quite refresher and informative! Keep up the good work
Anonymous Mar 14, 2012, 11:21:00 PM
quite good. compact and easy understandable.
yale ye Mar 14, 2012, 11:28:00 PM
good. and how to estimate the variable superimposed back pressure for a flare system.
Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
5 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
Triyanto SR Mar 19, 2012, 9:37:00 PM
Thank All,,
dear Yale ye..
a variable superimpossed back pressure is back pressure which may be caused by other sources that
continuously flows to the flare..
please see the posting 'built up back pressure calculation' for understanding the concept of back pressure
for more complex case/system,,I suggest you to use Flarenet simulator.
Anonymous Aug 2, 2012, 3:17:00 PM
thank you, your article is really good and give me undestanding regarding back pressure.
Anonymous Apr 13, 2013, 4:06:00 AM
thank you so much!! Now i can do my work =)
Anonymous May 10, 2013, 3:53:00 AM
Thanks a lot!!!
Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
6 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
This is good thanks
Oct 26, 2013, 6:52:00 PM
the best explanation
saran Apr 4, 2014, 12:53:00 AM
Is there any types of variable superimposed backpressure?
Triyanto SR Apr 7, 2014, 9:08:00 AM
I dont think so..
please inform me if you have another opinion.
Anonymous Jul 10, 2014, 2:40:00 PM
I think pilot can be selected using 50% back pressure.
thank u.
Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
7 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM
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Process Engineer: Built Up and Superimpossed Back Pressure
8 of 8 7/24/2014 11:29 AM

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