5th Science

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I. Answer the following questions. 10x3=30
1. Write how different animals breathe?
2. What is meant by vegetative propagation?
3. What are the four stages in the life cycle of most of the insects?
4. What is meant by bird migration?
5. How many kinds of muscles are there? What are they?
6. Why should we take water?
7. Name some dieses spread by insects?
8. Write some properties of air?
9. Give two examples each of 1) Igneous rocks 2) Sedimentary rocks 3) Metamorphic rocks?
10 Who was the first man in space?
II. Answer any six questions. 6x5=30
1. How does a wheel and axel work? Give two examples?
2. What is the first aid given to a burn injury victim?
3. How do air and water get contaminated?
4. Write an experiment to show that air, water and warmth are needed for the germination of a
5. Mention the causes of flat feet?
6. List some steps to prevent communicable dieses?
7. What are the uses of artificial satellites?
III. Drawing
1. Draw the diagram of germination of seeds breathe?
2. Draw the diagram of maturated flower and it parts?
3. Draw the diagram of life cycle of a butterfly?

IV. Tick the correct answer 8M
1. These grow throughout their life ( )
a) Animals b) Plants c) Human beings
2. This is the male reproductive part of a plant ( )
a) Clayx b) corolla c) androciem
3. Crocodile is a ( )
a) bird b) Amphibian c) reptile
4.Every food chain begins with ( )
a) green plants b) Animals c) Human beings
5. Cereals are rich sources of ( )
6) AIDS is caused by ( )
a) bacteria b) protozoa c) viruses
7. The ratio of oxygen and nitrogen in air is ( )
a) 1:4 b) 4:1 c) 3:1
8. A break in a part of a bone is a called ( )
a) injury b) wound c)fracture
V.Fill in the blanks 7M
1. _____________ should be given to a sunstroke victim
2. The load is often the ______________ of the object
3. The moons surface is covered with ________________
4. Petroleum means rock _____________
5. _______________ is caused by the female anopheles
6. The bone of skull are ________________
7. Animals berathe out ______________________

True (or) False 7M
1. Plant do not react to sound ( )
2. Some living things cannot reproduce ( )
3. Only green plants produce food ( )
4. All diseases are caused by germs only ( )
5. All kinds of bacteria do not cause diseases ( )
6. Air occupies space ( )
7. Science has increased the human lifespan ( )
Matching. 7M
1. Deficiency of Vitamin C ( ) a) Night-blindness
2. Deficiency of Vitamin A ( )b) Rickets
3. Deficiency of Vitamin D ( )c) Scurvy
4. Insecticides and fungicides ( ) d) damage the ozone layer
5. Deforestation ( ) e) Can damage buildings
6. Acid rains ( ) f) Protect crops from insect and fungi
7. Industries ( ) g) Destroys animal shelters
8. Gases released from jet aeroplanes ( ) h) Cause air and water pollution

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