Report On CBO Formation

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WaLer, sanlLaLlon and hyglene are mosL essenLlal Lhlngs for people's llvlng ln Lhe surface. AM8l
has been lmplemenLlng 8CWSPA8 pro[ecL by Lhe flnanclal and Lechnlcal supporL of WaLerAld
8angladesh Lo reduce WaSP vulnerablllLy of arsenlc affecLed areas of Munshlgan[. WaLerAld
8angladesh flrmly belleves LhaL susLalnable developmenL could be ensured only by Lhe people's
parLlclpaLlon ln communlLy plannlng. So LhaL Lhelr ma[or approach ls formaLlon of C8C ln Lhe
communlLy, Lhen communlLy wlll able Lo demand Lhelr rlghLs Lo respecLlve auLhorlLy.
lnlLlally 8CWSPA8 pro[ecL has been
lmplemenLlng ln Lwo unlons of Sreenagar
upazlla, ln Lhe nexL year LhaL wlll be exLended Lo
anoLher slx unlons of Sreenagar and Lowha[ang
upazllas. ln every unlon nlne C8C wlll be formed
on Lhe basls of u ward area. 1he flrsL C8C has
been formed lasL CcLober 3, 2013 aL ward-3 ln
8lrLara unlon. 1hls unlon conslsLs of 2661
households and 12041 number of populaLlon,
among Lhem 3886 are male and 6133 are
5+1-6)) 17 89: 71+;,*410.
CSA (soclal map, body map, venn dlagram and household survey)
CompllaLlon of CSA reporL
Arsenlc LesL of every 1W
eer group formaLlon
C8C formaLlon
89: 71+;,*410 -6+6;10<.
Ceremony has sLarLed aL 3:00 M aL Mazldpur uayahaLa ln fronL of our unlon offlce. 1hls place
ls Lhe mlddle polnL of Lhe ward. u member and female councllor, peer group members and
oLher communlLy people were presenLed. llrsLly unlon supervlsor Mr. lsmall Possaln has glven
Lhanks Lo all for Lhelr acLlve parLlclpaLlon aL Lhe ceremony and he lnvlLed our ro[ecL Manager
Lo lnauguraLe Lhe sesslon. 1hen our M Mrs laLema 8anoo shorLly brlefed Lhe ob[ecLlve of C8C
formaLlon, she added Lhe maln ob[ecLlve of C8C wlll be Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhe communlLy
developmenL acLlvlLles. She also menLloned LhaL C8C wlll Lake all measure Lo do anyLhlng ln Lhe
respecLlve ward.
AfLer LhaL unlon supervlsor has presenLed ward slLuaLlon ln fronL of parLlclpanLs ln llghL of
waLer, sanlLaLlon and hyglenlc aspecL.
=4*3,*410 ,0,><)4) 17 *?6 -1;;304*<
@6)-+4A*410 17 -1;;304*<.
! Ward no: 03
! unlon: 8lrLara
! 1oLal Pousehold: 202
! 1oLal populaLlon: 909
! Male: 423
! lemale: 486
! upazlla: Sreenagar
! ulsLrlcL: Munshlgan[
=1-4,> B,A.
8lrLara unlon ls one of Lhe arsenlc affecLed unlon
ln Sreenagar upazlla of Munshlgan[ dlsLrlcL. no. 3
ward of Lhls unlon ls comparaLlvely ln hlgh land
area Lhan oLher wards. 1hls area ls very nearesL
from uhaka, LhaL's why many of Lhe male
members of Lhls area used Lo go uhaka Lo earn
money. A menLlonable number of young people
go Lo abroad Lo earn forelgn currency.
Maxlmum houses of Lhls area are made by wood
and Lln. A few numbers of houses are made by
concreLe. 1here are one bus sLand cum bazaar,
Lhree mosques, one Lemple and Lwo clubs.
SanlLaLlon slLuaLlon:
1oLal LaLrlne Pyglenlc LaLrlne unhyglenlc LaLrlne
122 42 80
1oLal household of Lhls ward are 202, buL LoLal laLrlne are 122, so 80 households have been
uslng shared laLrlne or opened defecaLlng. AnoLher 80 (66) laLrlnes are unhyglenlc, so we
found maxlmum number of people are uslng unhyglenlc laLrlne.
MosL of Lhe unhyglenlc laLrlnes marked because of Lhe mlss wasLe managemenL. Maxlmum
Lank of Lhese laLrlnes are [olned Lo pond waLer.
WaLer slLuaLlon:
1oLal 1W Arsenlc safe Arsenlc
WlLh plaLform WlLhouL
92 41 31 83 9

1oLal household are 202, buL LoLal 1W are 92, so 110 household are uslng shared 1W and 31
(33) 1Ws are arsenlc conLamlnaLed, so huge number of people are uslng and drlnklng arsenlc
conLamlnaLed waLer.
Lconomlc classlflcaLlon of PP:
Crade-A Crade-8 Crade-C Crade-u
00 37 132 33
Crade-A= upper class famllles of Lhe socleLy regardlng economlc condlLlon,
Crade-8= Mlddle class famllles of Lhe socleLy regardlng economlc condlLlon,
Crade-C= oor famllles of Lhe socleLy,
Crade-u= ulLra poor famllles of Lhe socleLy.
1hls Lable has shown us LhaL 82 households are ln grade C&u caLegorles. So Lhey are ln
vulnerable slLuaLlon Lo mlLlgaLe Lhelr waLer, sanlLaLlon and hyglene problems.
Wu: Seven person of Lhls ward wlLh varlous physlcal dlsablllLles.
912< B,A.
1hls Lool has been used Lo ldenLlfy Lhe number of dlseases affecL Lhe communlLy and Lo speclfy
Lhe dlseases due Lo lake of safe waLer, hyglenlc laLrlne and hyglene pracLlce. We ldenLlfled from
Lhls ward Lhe followlng dlseases,
Arsenlc sls,
1yphold eLc.
C600 24,D+,;.
8y Lhe appllcaLlon of venn dlagram flve more lmporLanL lnsLlLuLlons have been found provldlng
dlfferenL servlces ln Lhls area. 1hese are follows-
upazlla healLh complex
unlon healLh and famlly welfare cenLre
89: EF6-3*4G6 81;;4**66.
AfLer Lhe slLuaLlon analysls faclllLaLor has asked Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo bulld Lhelr C8C commlLLee
Lo lmprove Lhls slLuaLlon. lL ls need Lo menLlon LhaL all parLlclpanLs came Lo Lhls ceremony as a
member of eer group. Male and female peer groups have been formed ln dlfferenL clusLers of
a ward. 1hen Lhey selecLed Lhelr 11 members C8C commlLLee by muLual undersLandlng among
all of Lhem.
89: H606+,> 81;;4**66.
All Lhe members of peer group wlll play Lhelr role as a general member of C8C. 1hey have Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo change or reform Lhe C8C commlLLee.
89: '2G4)1+< 81;;4**66.
1here ls anoLher body of C8C. Advlsory commlLLee formed wlLhln 3 members, Lwo poslLlons are
reserved for u male ward member and female councllor anoLher from Lhe clvll socleLy
89: =*+3-*3+6.

- All members of
peer groups
- resedenL
- SecreLary
- 1reasurer
- 08 members
- u male ward
- u female
- 01 clvll socleLy
1hls was Lhe flrsL C8C formed by AM8l ln 8lrLara unlon. lormaLlon process was good buL
Culdellne noL followed properly,
lnLroducLlon of peer group was noL menLloned,
lgnlLlon sesslon was noL conducLed,
no oLher nCCs were presenLed,
When Lhe plan has Laken faclllLaLor menLloned our allocaLlons buL Lhey dld noL asked u
members for LA's allocaLlons regardlng WaSP.
1oLal LargeL (100 WaSP coverage) of Lhe communlLy was noL seLup.
1he blg challenge was Lo conLlnue Lhe
sesslon due Lo raln ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe
sesslon. So lgnlLlon sesslon was noL so
1he resL of Lhe sesslon conducLed ln unlon
offlce room, buL all parLlclpanLs dld noL
aLLended Lhls sesslon.
lgnlLlon sesslon has been compleLed nexL
Worklng day (SaLurday) ln fronL of new
selecLed C8C leaders and some oLher
communlLy people. Same day C8C
prepared Lhelr plan ln a parLlclpaLory way.
no. 3 ward of 8lrLara unlon ls Lhe mosL vulnerable area regardlng safe waLer supply, sanlLaLlon
and hyglene. 1here are no slgnlflcanL lnsLlLuLlons have been worklng Lo mlLlgaLe Lhese
problems. So some lnlLlaLlves should be Laken Lo lmprove Lhls condlLlon.

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