Moon Sighting Explained

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I begin in the Name of Allah, the Nost Neiciful, Nost Compassionate

WrlLLen and Complled by Shelkh Cmar Ll 8anna

AfLer compleLlng hls 8achelor of Sclence wlLh a ma[or ln Lnglneerlng, Shelkh Cmar Ll-8anna began hls
exLenslve [ourney ln Lhe galnlng of lslamlc knowledge. Pe has memorlzed Lhe Cur'an along wlLh Lhe
prlnclples and rules lnvolved ln lLs reclLaLlon and obLalned an !"#$#% ln Leachlng Lhe Cur'an. lor elghL years
he has devoLed hls Llme Lo Lhe exLenslve sLudy of lslamlc knowledge under promlnenL scholars ln LgypL
galnlng a wlde knowledge base. Shelkh Cmar sLudled aL Al-Azhar unlverslLy ln Calro, laculLy of Sharlah,
lslamlc !urlsprudence aL whlch Llme he also sLudled lslamlc SLudles aL Lhe Amerlcan Cpen unlverslLy ln
Calro. Shelkh Cmar ls currenLly sLudylng hls MasLers ln lslamlc SLudles aL Lhe unlverslLy of new Lngland
(new SouLh Wales). Pavlng been lnvolved ln uawah for Lhe pasL 10 years, Shelkh Cmar ls now
concenLraLlng hls efforLs on uawah ln AusLralla, worklng wlLh Musllm youLh.

Moon SlghLlng Lxplalned
1hls paper lnLends Lo dlscuss Lhe lssue of esLabllshlng Lhe beglnnlng and end of Lhe
lslamlc Lunar MonLh, ln parLlcular 8amadan.

!"#$ &' (&)*$)*+
!"#$% '( )*+ *+,-#(./ )' /%#0 )' , )'0#$
Physical Sighting vs Astionomical Calculations.............4
1. Scholaily Consensus that Astionomical Calculations aie
not a valiu way of establishing the stait oi enu of the lunai
2. Astionomical Calculations in the foui main schools of
S. Bocumenteu Fatawa (legal veiuicts) with iegaius to
Following Astionomical Calculations..............1u
4. The invaliu claims of those who follow Astionomical
Calculations anu how the scholais iesponueu.........1S
S. 0thei points that piove following Astionomical Calculations
is pioblematic............................16
ulobal Noon Sighting vs Regional Noon Sighting..........19
The Austialian Bilemma.........................21
1. Astionomical Calculation....................21
2. Following Sauui Aiabia's uecision...............22
S. Follow the Lebanese Nuslim Association...........2S
4. ulobal Noon Sighting......................2S
S. Regional Noon Sighting.....................24
Bewaie of the Funny People.......................2S
Bewaie of the Ignoiant People......................2S

0ne of the most impoitant issue Nuslims face in the west, incluuing Austialia, which neeus
to be auuiesseu fiom a scholaily anu juiistic peispective, is the issue of whethei establishing
the stait anu enu of the lunai months thiough Astionomical Calculations is valiu in Islamic
}uiispiuuence, oi is physical moon sighting the only valiu opinion. Foi this ieason, I will
ueuicate the fiist section to uiscussing this issue in uetail. Aftei this, I will explain the
uiffeience between Regional Noon sighting anu ulobal Noon sighting anu then elaboiate on
that issue also. I will tiy my best to use simple English anu point foim, so that the point
numbeis can be useu as a iefeience if one wishes to ask oi comment on a paiticulai point.

!23+10"4 51#2*1)# 6+ 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+

Foi centuiies, Nuslims aiounu the woilu establisheu the stait anu enu of lunai months by
physically sighting the ciescent, in accoiuance with the woius of oui Piophet (PB0B) "Fast
when you see it anu bieak youi fast when you see it" anu "Bo not fast until you see it, anu uo
not bieak youi fast until you see it". Bowevei, iecently, some contempoiaiy scholais staiteu
auvocating uepenuence on Astionomical Calculations as a substitute foi physical sighting.
The vast majoiity of scholais in Nuslim countiies iejecteu this opinion anu asseiteu that
physical sighting is the only valiu methou. Notwithstanuing, uepenuence on Astionomical
Calculations became the wiue spieau piefeience foi many Nuslim oiganizations in Westein
Countiies which iesulteu in heateu anu sometimes haish uebates within these alieauy
vulneiable minoiity communities anu causeu a lot of uivision.
The pioblem that we face now in the west is that the majoiity of the public who have no
juiispiuuential backgiounu tenu to view both opinions as if they aie equally acceptable in
Islam. Fiustiateu by the uivision anu lack of unity, they call out to theii Imams anu leaueis
to agiee on whichevei opinion anu enu the contioveisy. That is why it is ciucial that
eveiyone in these communities becomes awaie of the misunueistanuing they have fallen in.
Physical sighting anu Astionomical Calculations aie not equally valiu as usually puipoiteu.
Bepenuence on Astionomical Calculations to establish the stait anu enu of lunai months is a
iogue opinion that is extiemely contioveisial if not totally invaliu, wheieas, uepenuing on
physical sighting is agieeu upon, even by those who accept Astionomical calculations.
In the following sections, I will explain why oui scholais fiom the past anu the piesent
totally iejecteu uepenuing on Astionomical Calculations as a substitute to physical sighting.

9: 502&4"-43 (&)+$)+/+ *2"* 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ "-$ )&* "
;"41. <"3 &' $+*"=41+21)# *2$ +*"-* &- $). &' *2$ 4/)"- 8&)*2

Foi those who may not know, Scholaily Consensus (123,,4) by uefinition is: "The agieement
of "44 scholais, in a ceitain peiiou of time, aftei the ueath of the Piophet (PB0B) on a legal
0nce Scholaily Consensus is establisheu it becomes binuing on the entiie 0mmah, "). )&
4"*$- +02&4"- 0") .1+"#-$$ &- "8$). *2$ 1>8"?"@ "). 1' 2$ .&$+ 21+ &A1)1&) 1+ -$>$0*$.
"). )&* 0&)+1.$-$. ;"41..
Nany Scholais have naiiateu the Scholaily Consensus (123,,4) that Astionomical
Calculations aie of no value in establishing the stait oi enu of Lunai months, namely:
a. Abu Baki Ibn Al Nunthii An-Naysabouii (u. S18 A.B.)
b. Abu 0mai Ibn Abu Al Bai Al Anualusi (u. 46S A.B.)
c. Ibn Rushi (the uianufathei) (u. S2u A.B.)
u. Ahmau Ibn Taymiya Al-Baiiani (u. 728 A.B.)
e. Abu Abuillah Al Quitubi (u. 671 A.B.)
f. Abu Waliu Al Baji (u. 474 A.B.)
g. Ibn Bajai Al 'Asqalani (u. 8S2 A.B.)
Beie aie some piofounu quotes of the afoiementtioneu ieputable Scholais:

Al Imam Al Quitubi saiu: "Anu we uon't know any scholai who saiu this befoie (that we can
uepenu on those who follow astionomical calculations) except some followeis of the Shafie
School, "). *2$ A-$0$.1)# +02&4"-43 0&)+$)+/+ 1+ " 04$"- A-&&' "#"1)+* *2$8."

Ibn Bajai Al Asqalany says in Fathul Baii: "Anu some people weie of the opinion that
uepenuing on those who follow Astionomical Calculations is acceptable, "). *2&+$ A$&A4$
"-$ *2$ B"<"'1. C521?""D, anu it has been tiansmitteu that some (Sunni) Scholais agieeu
with them, but !" $%&' 0&)'1-8$. *2"* *2$ A-$0$.1)# +02&4"-43 0&)+$)+/+ 1+ " 04$"- A-&&'
"#"1)+* *2$8@ "). ,=) E"F1F"2 +"1.G *21+ &A1)1&) 1+ $%('" C,);"41.DH

Ibn Taymiya saiu: "It is common knowleuge in the ieligion of Islam that following the veiuict
of a 5,/#6 (someone who follows Astionomical Calculations) on whethei the Ciescent is
sightable oi not sightable is )&* A$-81**$. in establishing the sighting of the ciescent of

Abu Abuillah Al Quitubi, 7" 8,3#4 94,*%,3 7" :;<,(, v1, p.S6S
Ibn Bajai Al Asqalani, Fathul Baii Shaih Sahih Al Bukhaii, v4, p.127
fasting, pilgiimage, 1--, (waiting peiiou foi a uivoice oi a wiuow), 1=",,4>foim of uivoice) oi
any othei Islamic iulings uepenuent on the Ciescent, anu the wiue spieau legal texts fiom
the Piophet (PB0B) suppoiting this aie numeious, anu J/+418+ 2";$ "#-$$. &) *21+ anu
theie is no olu oi new uiffeience of opinion on the mattei, except that some Scholais aftei
the thiiu centuiy claimeu that if the Ciescent is obscuieu, then the 5,/#6 (218+$4' &)43) is
peimitteu to follow his own Astionomical Calculations, so if his calculations leau to the
sightability he fasts anu if not he uoesn't fast, anu this opinion, although iestiicteu with
obscuiity of the Ciescent anu specifically alloweu foi the 5,/#6 himself, is a iogue opinion
pieceueu by Scholaily Consensus (i.e: the scholaily agieement that calculations aie invaliu
in all cases). 7+ '&- '&44&<1)# 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ <2$) *2$ 0-$+0$)* 1+ )&*
&=+0/-$.@ &- 8"K1)# *2$ #$)$-"4 -/41)# .$A$).$)* &) *2$+$ 0"40/4"*1&)+@ )& J/+418
2"+ $;$- +"1. *2"*L"

Ibn Taymiya also saiu: "0nuoubteuly the calculations aie iejecteu by the Sunnah as well as
consensus of the Companions, as the authentic Bauith naiiateu by Bukhaii anu Nuslim says,
The Piophet of Allah (PB0B) saiu: "We aie an unletteieu nation we uo not wiite anu we uo
not calculate, fast upon sighting it anu stop fasting upon sighting it." Theiefoie the &)$ <2&
.$A$).+ /A&) 0"40/4"*1&)+ 1+ " 81+#/1.$. 1))&;"*&- )&* &)43 81+*"K$) 1) *2$ 8"**$-+
&' 52"-1?"2 =/* "4+& 1) *2$ 8"**$-+ &' 4&#10 "). *2$ +01$)0$ &' 0"40/4"*1&)+"

I: 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ 1) *2$ '&/- 8"1) +02&&4+ &'

7: N")"'1 502&&4

Ibn Taymiya Al Baiiani, Najmoo' Al Fatawa, v2S, p.1S2
Ibn Taymiya Al Baiiani, Najmoo' Al Fatawa, v2S, p.2u7
Ibn Abiueen saiu in his commentaiy: "(Bis saying: Theie is no significance to the statements
of ,"?3'@,%?%#)++( {those who calculate astionomically}) meaning in the obligation of
fasting. In fact, in the book 7"?A#4<,2 it is mentioneu that theie is +02&4"-43 0&)+$)+/+ that
theie is no value to theii statements. Anu the A;(,22#3 (the peison who calculates
astionomically) is not alloweu to fast uepenuing on his own calculations."

Ibn Abiueen also saiu: "The Imams of the foui schools stateu that the coiiect opinion is that
theie is no significance to the sighting of the ciescent in the moining anu that the sighting is
only significant at night, "). *2"* *2$-$ 1+ )& +1#)1'10")0$ 1) *2$ +*"*$8$)*+ &' *2$
)*+%&&'),,+ C*2&+$ <2& 0"40/4"*$ "+*-&)&810"443D."

E: J"41K1 502&&4

Imam Au-uaieei saiu in 7/*?/*,<*;" B,6#<: "The stait of Ramauan is establisheu. eithei by
completing the month of Shaaban thiity uays . )&* =3 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+
accoiuing to the A,/*?*''< (the famous fatwa in the school) =$0"/+$ *2$ 4$#1+4"*&- C744"2
5OPD 8".$ *2$ -/41)# .$A$).$)* &) *2$ +1#2*1)# &' *2$ 0-$+0$)* &- *2$ 0&8A4$*1&) &'
*21-*3 ."3+ '&- -.%/%%+:H

Sheikh Ahmau Zaiiouk says in his commentaiy on C#/,",) #6( 76# D,=-: "It is appaient fiom
his woius that )& "**$)*1&) +2&/4. =$ #1;$) *& *2&+$ <2& '&44&< "+*-&)&810"4
0"40/4"*1&)+, anu this is the PBRPN!"

Nohammau Ameen Ibn Aabiueen, C,- 7" A;*),< E7",-?-;<#" A;%*),<, v2, p.1uu
Nohammau Ameen Ibn Aabiueen, C,- 7" A;*),< 'Alau-uuiil Nukhtai, v2, p.1u4
Nohammau Au-uusuki, 5,/*#=,) ,-?-;/;%# E7",/*?/*,<*#" B,6++<, v1, p.S1u
Ahmau Zaiouk, F*,<* C#/,",) 16( 76# D,#-, v1, p.291

Al Quitubi saiu: " Ibn Nafi' naiiateu that Nalik saiu that if an Imam (Beau of an Islamic State)
uoes not fast accoiuing to physical moon sighting anu uoes not bieak his fast accoiuing to
moon sighting but insteau fasts anu bieaks fast accoiuing to astionomical calculations, 2$ 1+
)&* *& =$ &=$3$. &- '&44&<$.!!!"

(: 52"'$1 502&&4

Imam An-Nawawi saiu: "Whoevei appioves of following Astionomical Calculations 21+
&A1)1&) 1+ -$>$0*$. by the Piophet's Bauith: (we aie a nation that uoes not wiite oi
calculate, the month is like this anu like this.) the Bauith. So the coiiect opinion is the
opinion of the majoiity of Scholais anu $;$-3 &*2$- &A1)1&) 1+ 0&--/A* "). -$>$0*$. =3
*2$ "AA"-$)* N".1*2+:"

Ibn Bajai Al Baitami saiu in G;*H,);" A;*),2: "Fasting in Ramauan becomes compulsoiy
thiough completing F*,6,,( oi the sighting of the Ciescent. )&* "00&-.1)# *& ")
"+*-&4&#$-T &- " 0%1'/ 2&)$ <2& 0"40/4"*$+DT "). 1* 1+ )&* A$-81**$. '&- ")3&)$ *&
'&44&< *2$8".

Abu Abuillah Al Quituby, Al }ami' L'ahkam Al Quian, v1, p.S6S
Please note that some late Shafie scholais like Shamsuu-uin Ai-iamly weie of the opinion that uepenuing on
Astionomical calculations is valiu only foi the Basib anu those who believe him, but the Imam cannot uepenu
on this foi the geneial public. So the claim that some Shafie scholais accept Astionomical Calculations as a
substitute foi physical sighting is unfounueu.
Yahia Ibn Shaiaf An-nawawi, Al Najmoo', v6, p.27u
Ibn Bajai Al Baitamy, G;*H,);" A;*),2, v4, P.492,49S

Shamsuu-uin Ai-iamli saiu in I#*,=,);" A;*),2: "We can also unueistanu fiom the woius of
the authoi (An-nawawi) that the sighting of the Ciescent can be establisheu by sighting $;$)
1' 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ +*"*$ *2"* *2$-$ 1+ )& A&++1=141*3 &' +1#2*1)#T =$0"/+$ *2$
4$#1+4"*&- C744"2 "). N1+ !-&A2$*D .1. )&* .$A$). &) 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ =/* 1)
'"0* *&*"443 1#)&-$. 1*, anu this is the P-/*2 as my fathei (Ash-shihab Ai-iamli) gave a
Fatwa accoiuingly."

U: N")="41 502&&4

Ibn Nuflih Al Banbali saiu: "O2&$;$- '"+*+ "00&-.1)# *& "+*-&4&#3 &- "+*-&)&810"4
0"40/4"*1&)+ 21+ '"+*1)# 1+ 1);"41.@ $;$) 1' 2$ */-)+ &/* *& =$ 0&--$0*, anu no confiimation
of sighting shoulu be baseu on eithei, even if they aie usually coiiect"

Ibn Quuamah saiu: "Anu if someone uepenus on the statements of astiologeis anu those who
have the knowleuge of calculation, anu it tuins out that he was iight, his fasting is invaliu,
even if they aie usually coiiect, because it is not a legal pioof that one can uepenu on, oi act
upon, so its piesence is equal to its non-piesence"

Shamsuu-uin Ai-iamly, I#*,);" A;*),2, vS, p.1SS
Ibn Nuflih Al Banbali, 7" J;<''4, vS, p.11
Ibn Quuamah Al Naquisy, 7" A'.*(=, vS, p.9
V: U&0/8$)*$. W"*"<" C4$#"4 6$-.10*+D <1*2 -$#"-.+ *&
W&44&<1)# 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+

Theie aie numeious uocumenteu Fatwas iejecting the use of Astionomical Calculations. I
will piesent quotes fiom thiee main ones as they shoulu be sufficient foi any one who is still
uncleai on the mattei. The actual full text of these Fatawa can be founu in the Appenuix.
7: P2$ W"*<" &' *2$ 21+ $81)$)0$ 52$1K2 J&2"88". X4"1+2 *2$ A-$;1&/+ J/'*1 &'
Y#3A* $Z*-"0*$. '-&8 21+ =&&K [W"*2/4 \7441 74 J"41K1 W14 W"*"<" \"44"
8"*2"= 74 ,8"8 J"41K:H

"Rulings of fasting:
]/$+*1&) - What is youi opinion with iegaius to some followeis of the Shafei school (known
foi theii knowleuge anu ieligiosity) who iely, foi the establishment of Ramauan anu shawal
(Eiu), on the calculation of the movements of the moon anu theii lack of iegaiu foi the
sighting of the moon by the human eye. 0n seveial occasions this has iesulteu in them
fasting on a uiffeient uay to the geneial populace anu enuing fast befoie them as well. That
peison spieaus this iuea to his close fiienus anu ielatives anu they follow him, anu
sometimes they infoim otheis fiom the outei ciicle anu they also following them. This
uivision is about to spieau anu the scholais of sacieu knowleuge aie silent on the mattei. So
is this a coiiect opinion in the Shafei School that we shoulu accept fiom them. 0i is it
misguiuance that iequiies coming out against, uenying, pieventing otheis fiom following,
anu 5,<,3 (unlawful) to accept fiom them. We ask a ieply.
7)+<$- - All thanks to Allah foi Bis guiuance to the coiiect path anu salutations on
Nuhammau anu his family anu companions.
Yes it is misguiuance! It is Baiam (unlawful) to agiee with this position (i.e. uepenuing on
Astionomical calculations) anu one must openly uisagiee with it anu pievent otheis fiom
following it when one can, because it is uestiuction of ieligion anu in obvious contiauiction
to the sayings of the best of messengeis. Anu the actions of this man is the gieatest pioof of
his uttei ignoiance, his lack of ieligion, the uefectiveness of his upiightness, anu his lack of
ambition anu that his aim is fame anu La howla wa la quwata illa billah, In Allah we seek
E: P2$ U$01+1&) &' *2$ N1#2 (&/)014 X' 502&4"-+ &' 5"/.1 7-"=1"

Extiacts fiom uecision No. S4 on 1421S9S

"Seconuly: Theie is no legal ielationship between the meie biith of the new moon anu the
stait anu the enu of the lunai month by Scholaily Consensus, as long as no physical sighting
has been pioven, anu this is with iegaius to timings of acts of woiship, anu any
contempoiaiy scholai who has a uiffeient opinion is pieceueu by the consensus of those
befoie him". (i.e: Bis opinion is iejecteu)

"Fouithly: What is legally of value in establishing the lunai month is the physical sighting of
the ciescent &)43, anu not astionomical calculations of the movement of the sun anu the

(: P2$ U$01+1&) &' *2$ ,+4"810 W1^2 (&/)014

The committee of Inteinational Islamic juiispiuuence establisheu in the Siu convention in
Amman, the capital of }oiuan (8
of F,H,< 14u7 A.B), (11th -16th 0ctobei 1986)

Becision No.18 (S6) with iegaius to unifying the staits of lunai months

"Seconuly: U$A$).1)# &) !23+10"4 51#2*1)# 1+ &=41#"*&-3. Astionomical calculations anu
obseivatoiies can be useu to assist (physical sighting)"


Theie aie numeious Fatawa fiom othei official Islamic oiganizations iejecting uepenuence
on Astionomical Calculations. I piesenteu these thiee examples as eviuence to piove my
point. 0nfoitunately, some iespectable biotheis in oui community tiy to countei these
uocumenteu Fatawa by piesenting the official statements of Islamic bouies in favoi of
uepenuing on Astionomical Calculations like the Fiqh Council of Noith Ameiica (FCNA) anu
the Euiopean Council foi Fatwa anu Reseaich (ECFR). Two points, then, have to be claiifieu.
Fiistly, the Fatawa of Islamic oiganizations aie not equal in weight. I hope eveiyone is
awaie of the uiffeience in cieuibility between an oiganization such as the Islamic Fiqh
Council (that has official membeis fiom 4S countiies) oi the Bigh Council of Scholais of
Sauui Aiabia, as opposeu to the afoiementioneu oiganizations that accepteu Astionomical
Calculations. Seconuly, just to avoiu a futile uebate of who is who anu who has moie weight,
the point we aie tiying to make heie is that uepenuing on Astionomical Calculations was
iejecteu by veiy ieputable scholais in the past anu piesent anu it was known as an invaliu
opinion. So, at the veiy least, one shoulu aumit that the opinion of following Astionomical
Calculations is extiemely contioveisial.

_: P2$ 1);"41. 04"18+ &' *2&+$ <2& '&44&< 7+*-&)&810"4
("40/4"*1&)+ "). 2&< *2$ +02&4"-+ -$+A&).$.

Contempoiaiy scholais who appiove of Astionomical Calculations came up with ceitain
claims to stiengthen theii aigument, anu unfoitunately these claims have become
wiuespieau among the public. In this section I will mention some of these claims anu how
the scholais have iesponueu.

(`7,J 9G
Theie is uiffeience of opinion among the F,",H (pious pieuecessois) anu the scholais of the
foui schools on the mattei, anu many of them peimitteu using astionomical calculations.

7a5OYB 9G
This is a false claim, as )& &)$ fiom the F,",H oi the scholais of the foui schools appioveu of
Astionomical Calculations "+ " +/=+*1*/*$ to physical moon sighting, baseu on what was
piesenteu in section 1, 2 anu S. It is tiue that some inuiviuual scholais accepteu the use of
Astionomical Calculations, but with heavy iestiictions, like the weathei being oveicast, oi
allowing its use specifically foi the 5,/#6 anu those who tiust him anu even these opinions
weie consiueieu iogue anu anomalous by the vast majoiity of scholais. Bowevei,
contempoiaiy auvocates uepenuing on astionomical calculations apply theii methou foi the
geneial public (not only foi the 5,/#6) iegaiuless of weathei conuitions anu physical
sighting. P21+ W"*<" 2"+ )& A-$0$.$)* 1) ,+4"8@ "). 1+ 1) 04$"- =-$"02 &' +02&4"-43

(`7,J IG
Eaily scholais of Islam uenounceu Astionomical Calculations in theii time because not many
people knew the science of Astionomy anu calculations weie inaccuiate anu usually baseu
on soothsaying anu foitunetelling. Nowauays, aftei the auvance of technology anu the
science of Astionomy these calculations aie extiemely accuiate so the veiuict shoulu change
anu we shoulu uepenu on them.

Again this claim is false in two iespects:
1. Eaily scholais of Islam uiu not uenounce Astionomical Calculations in theii time just
because they weie inaccuiate anu only known to a few. They uenounceu them because
of the Piophets woius: "Bo not stait youi fast until you +1#2* the moon". They
unueistoou that Fasting is an act of woiship that has a specific time, anu this time uoes
not stait by the biith of the new moon; it staits by physically sighting the ciescent,
which is usually not possible befoie the Ciescent is appioximately 18 houis olu. Nany
Scholais confiimeu that the biith of the new moon is absolutely iiielevant anu is not a
ieason to stait the month, even if calculations become accuiate anu knowleuge of
astionomy abunuant. Beie aie some quotes of oui scholais to piove this point:

Ibn Bajai saiu in J,)*;" 6,<#: "Calculation heie means: Astionomical Calculations anu
movements of stais, anu they uiu not have much knowleuge in that fielu, foi this ieason the
iuling of fasting anu othei matteis became uepenuent on physical sighting to ielieve them of
the buiuen of calculating movements of stais, "). *2$ -/41)# 0&)*1)/$. <1*2 -$#"-.+ *&
'"+*1)# $;$) 1' "'*$- *2$8 0"8$ #$)$-"*1&)+ *2"* 2";$ *21+ K)&<4$.#$. In fact, it can be
ueuucteu fiom the appaient context that *2$-$ 1+ )& 0&))$0*1&) &- -$4"*1&) =$*<$$) *2$
-/41)# &' '"+*1)# "). 0"40/4"*1&)+H.

Ahmau Ai-iasheeui saiu in his commentaiy on I#*,=,);" 3;*,),2: "Foi the legislatoi maue
fasting compulsoiy on us by physical sighting )&* >/+* *2$ 8$-$ $Z1+*$)0$ &' *2$ 8&)*2?+

Anu the Bigh Council of Scholais of Sauui Aiabia came to the following uecision:

Becision (S4) on 1421S9S
"Seconuly: P2$-$ 1+ )& 4$#"4 -$4"*1&)+21A =$*<$$) *2$ 8$-$ =1-*2 &' *2$ )$< 8&&) ").
*2$ +*"-* "). *2$ $). &' *2$ 4/)"- 8&)*2 =3 502&4"-43 (&)+$)+/+, as long as no physical
sighting has been pioven, anu this is with iegaius to timings of acts of woiship, anu ")3
0&)*$8A&-"-3 +02&4"- <2& 2"+ " .1''$-$)* &A1)1&) 1+ A-$0$.$. =3 *2$ 0&)+$)+/+ &'
*2&+$ =$'&-$ 218". (i.e: Bis opinion is iejecteu)

Ibn Bajai Al Asqalani, J,)*;" K,<# F*,<* F,*#* 7" K;%*,<#, v4, p.127
Ahmau Ai-iasheeui, 5,/*#=,) I#*,=,);" A;*),2, vS, p.1Su

2. It is tiue that Astionomical Calculations aie extiemely accuiate in iuentifying the time
of Conjunction (new Noon). Bowevei, uespite the auvancement of technology no
calculations can confiim accuiately when the ciescent will be sighteu foi a ceitain
month in a ceitain place.

The following can be founu on the 0.S. Naval 0bseivatoiy's website in a section uesigneu foi

"The visibility of the lunai ciescent as a function of the Noon's "age"the time counteu fiom
New Noonis obviously of gieat impoitance to Nuslims. The uate anu time of each New
Noon can be computeu exactly (see, foi example, Phases of the Noon in "Bata Seivices") but
*2$ *18$ *2"* *2$ J&&) '1-+* =$0&8$+ ;1+1=4$ "'*$- *2$ a$< J&&) .$A$).+ &) 8")3
'"0*&-+ "). 0"))&* =$ A-$.10*$. <1*2 0$-*"1)*3. In the fiist two uays aftei New Noon, the
young ciescent Noon appeais veiy low in the westein sky aftei sunset, anu must be vieweu
thiough biight twilight. It sets shoitly aftei sunset. The sighting of the lunai ciescent within
one uay of New Noon is usually uifficult. The ciescent at this time is quite thin, has a low
suiface biightness, anu can easily be lost in the twilight. ueneially, the lunai ciescent will
become visible to suitably-locateu, expeiienceu obseiveis with goou sky conuitions about
one uay aftei New Noon. Bowevei, the time that the ciescent actually becomes visible vaiies
quite a bit fiom one month to anothei. P2$ -$0&-. '&- ") $"-43 +1#2*1)# &' " 4/)"-
0-$+0$)*@ <1*2 " *$4$+0&A$@ 1+ 9I:9 2&/-+ "'*$- a$< J&&)b '&- )"K$.c$3$ +1#2*1)#+@ *2$
-$0&-. 1+ 9d:d 2&/-+ '-&8 a$< J&&). P2$+$ "-$ $Z0$A*1&)"4 &=+$-;"*1&)+ "). 0-$+0$)*
+1#2*1)#+ *21+ $"-43 1) *2$ 4/)"- 8&)*2 +2&/4. )&* =$ $ZA$0*$. "+ *2$ )&-8. Foi Islamic
calenuai puiposes, the sighting must be maue with the unaiueu eye."

(`7,J VG

Scholais who uenounce the use of Astionomical Calculations to establish the stait anu enu of
lunai months contiauict themselves because they follow calculations in theii piayei times
anu they uon't insist on the physical sighting of Noon oi Sunset anu so foith.


Scholais of Islam have specifically mentioneu that theie is a cleai uiffeience between the
piayei times anu the stait anu enu of Ramauan. In iegaius to piayei times, any means of
establishing that the time foi piayei has enteieu is accepteu. This is why scholais accept the
use of calculations foi establishing the stait anu enu of Piayei times, but foi fasting, they
asseit that physical sighting has to be establisheu to stait the month. The uiffeience
between these two oiiginates fiom the woius of the Quian oi the woius oui Piophet (PB0B)
useu. Foi piayei timings, the Quian anu Sunnah nevei stipulateu physical sighting, wheieas
in the stait anu enu of lunai month physical sighting is the asseiteu conuition.

Bamza Yusuf, !,+/,<+,( A''( K#<)*/, Pait 2, p.1u
You can check the website
Al Imam Al Qaiafi, who is one of the ienowneu scholais of the seventh centuiy, mentioneu
the uiffeience between piayei times anu the lunai months in his book 7" J;<;L. The title of
the chaptei wheie he claiifies the uiffeience between them is as follows:

"Biffeience No. 1u2 between the iuling of piayei times (that can be ueteimineu by
calculation anu instiuments anu any methou that leaus to this knowleuge) ANB the iuling of
the ciescents of Ramauans (that cannot be establisheu by Calculations)"

This is a summaiy of what he says:

"Why is it that we can ueteimine piayei times by calculation anu the use of instiuments, yet
in the case of ciescent moons foi the ueteimination of oui Ramauans, it is not peimissible to
use |instiuments anu calculationj accoiuing to the accepteu position. The uiffeience is that
uou has stipulateu in oui uevotional piactice |of fastingj the sighting of the ciescent moon
anu if that is not possible then the completion of thiity uays of Shaban, anu Be uiu not
stipulate the astionomical new moon. 0n the othei hanu, in the case of piayei times, Be
stipulateu simply the entiance of the times anu theii self-ueteimining times. Bence, we aie
able to ueteimine them by any means possible. Foi instance, a piayei is conuitional upon the
occuiience of the sun's postmeiiuian phase. |With Ramauanj howevei, it was not linkeu
with the conjunction's sepaiation but with its physical sighting. Anu shoulu the ciescent be
obscuieu, we complete thiity uays."

As scholais have cleaily mentioneu the uiffeience between these two matteis centuiies ago,
why aie some people still tiying to confuse the public.

d: X*2$- A&1)*+ *2"* A-&;$ '&44&<1)# 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)+ 1+

Those who auvocate uepenuing on Astionomical Calculation usually piesent theii opinion as
if it is the solution to biing about unity between Nuslims. Bowevei, the facts aie that these
auvocates actually uiffei among themselves in theii choice of the Ciiteiia on which they base
these calculations. The tiuth is theie is not one methou foi calculating the stait of the lunai
months, theie is, at least, five uiffeient methous that uepenu on uiffeient ciiteiia. A massive
pioblem we face, then, is that we have no pioof fiom Quian anu Sunna to uiiect us to a

Bamza Yusuf, !,+/,<+,( A''( K#<)*/, Pait 2, p.6
Beie is a list of the uiffeient methous of calculations:
A. Conjunction (new moon) befoie Naghiib in Nakka, Sauui Aiabia:
This methou states that if conjunction (new moon) takes place befoie the sun sets in Nakka,
anu theie is a time lag between sunset anu moonset, then the lunai month staits that night
in the entiie woilu. This methou is the methou appioveu by ISNA
B. Conjunction(new moon) befoie Naghiib in sepaiate countiies:
This methou is similai to the fiist, but the only uiffeience is that it uoes not use Necca as a
base point; iathei it uepenus on the situation in uiffeient countiies.
C. Conjunction (new moon) befoie Niunight:
This methou states that if conjunction happens befoie Niunight then the lunai month staits
that night.
B. Conjunction (new moon) befoie Faji:
This methou states that if conjunction happens befoie faji then the lunai month staits that
E. Possibility of physical sighting:
This methou states that if the Ciescent at Sunset is olu enough to be physically sighteu then
the lunai month staits that night, even if the ciescent is not actually sighteu.
Then again, auvocates of this methou uiffei iauically on the iequiieu ciiteiia of possible
sighting. Some say the ciescent has to be at least 18 houis olu with a minimum lag time of
47 min. 0theis say 12 houis, anu otheis say 1S. 0theis say that we shoulu incluue othei
ciiteiia like elongation anu altituue of the Noon, anu so on.
Knowing this, one has to ask: Which methou shoulu we follow. Anu why. If theie is no pioof
fiom Quian anu Sunnah to suppoit any of these methous, then what will be the basis of oui
It is veiy easy to say follow Astionomical Calculations, but when these uetails aie piesenteu
the tiue complexity of matteis suiface.

Anothei pioblem the auvocates of Astionomical Calculation face is that Sauui Aiabia anu
the majoiity of Nuslim countiies in the Niuule East stiictly follow physical sighting, anu give
no value to Astionomical Calculations. Even when Calculations say that it is impossible foi
the ciescent to be sighteu in Sauui, but a witness fiom the ueseit testifies that he has seen
the ciescent (oi Allah knows best what he has seen) Sauui Aiabia anu neighboiing countiies
stait the lunai month! As a iesult, many countiies that follow Sauui aiounu the woilu stait
the lunai month also, leaving oui fiienus who follow Astionomical Calculations in a veiy
awkwaiu situation, beaiing in minu that theii intention was always to biing unity in the
Nuslim woilu.
Finally, I think aftei what has been piesenteu, any unbiaseu Nuslim must aumit that
uepenuing on Astionomical Calculation in establishing the stait anu enu of a Lunai month is,
at the veiy least, an extiemely contioveisial opinion in Islamic juiispiuuence if not
completely invaliu. Bow can a Nuslim neglect thiiteen centuiies of pious scholais
uenouncing this methou, anu follow a minoiity of contempoiaiy scholais (with all uue
iespect anu ieveience), beaiing in minu that these scholais aie unlikely to have ieacheu the
level of 12)#*,- (a scholaily iank that gives the peison the iight to give his own J,)@,/ in
Islam). Why woulu an inuiviuual Nuslim, let alone an Islamic oiganization oi Imams Council
take such a iisk. Always iemembei that we aie not uiscussing a woiluly mattei. We aie
speaking heie about an act of woiship that is one of the pillais of Islam. I ask Allah to guiue
us all to the stiaight path anu unite this 0mmah on the tiuth, Ameen.

e4&="4 J&&) 51#2*1)# 6+ B$#1&)"4 J&&) 51#2*1)#

The othei uebate we face in Austialia is whethei we shoulu follow ulobal Noon Sighting oi
Regional Noon Sighting. This uebate is not as uangeious as following astionomical
calculation as both opinions have ueep histoiical ioots in oui Islamic juiispiuuence anu both
aie in the iealm of physical moon sighting. I will piesent the founuations of this uebate foi
fuithei unueistanuing on this issue.
BYe,Xa7` JXXa 5,eNP,aeG
Accoiuing to this opinion if the ciescent is physically sighteu within the bounuaiies of a
ceitain iegion, then the lunai month has staiteu. Any iepoits of sighting that come fiom
outsiue the bounuaiies of the iegion aie iiielevant anu have no effect on the stait oi enu of
the month.
This is the A;4),3,- Fatwa (the legal iuling of the School) of the Shafie School anu the
opinion of some Banafi Scholais (but it is not the A;4),3,- Fatwa in the Banafi school).
The pioof foi this opinion is the famous hauith of Kuiayb who iepoiteu that 0mm-ul-Fauhl
Bintul-Baiith sent him to Nu'awiya in Al-Sham; he saiu: "I aiiiveu in Al-Sham anu uiu
business foi hei (0mm-ul-Fauhl Bintu-l-Baiith). It was theie in Al-Sham that the month of
Ramauan commenceu. I saw the new moon of Ramauan on Fiiuay. I then came back to
Nauina at the enu of the month. Abuullah Ibn Abbas (R) askeu me about the new moon of
Ramauan anu saiu: "When uiu you see it." I saiu: "We saw it on the night of Fiiuay," Be saiu:
"Biu you see it youiself." I saiu: "Yes, anu the people also saw it anu obseiveu the fast anu
Nu'awiya also obseiveu the fast; wheieupon he saiu: "But we saw it on Satuiuay night so we
will continue to obseive fast till we complete thiity (fasts) oi we see it (the new moon of
Shawwal)." I saiu: "Is the sighting of the moon by Nu'awiya not valiu foi you." Be saiu: "No,
this is how the Piophet (PB0B) has commanueu us."
Scholais who appiove of this opinion uiffeieu on the ciiteiia that uefine the bounuaiies of a
ceitain iegion. Some scholais weie of the opinion that the bounuaiies of a iegion shoulu
uepenu on tiavel uistance (82 KN appioximately). 0theis saiu that what shoulu be
consiueieu is the uiffeience in hoiizons (1%*)#",H;" A,),"#4), thus if two iegions usually vaiy
in theii sightings of the ciescent then a iepoit of sighting in one of them shoulu not affect the
othei. A thiiu gioup of scholais saiu that iegions shoulu uepenu on the Imam's authoiity
(heau of Islamic state) so if the Imam announces the stait of the lunai month then all cities
unuei his authoiity shoulu accept.

e`XE7` JXXa 5,eNP,aeG
The common unueistanuing
is that accoiuing to this opinion the woilu is consiueieu as
one iegion, thus if the ciescent is sighteu anywheie in the woilu all the Nuslim 0mmah
shoulu stait the lunai month.
This is the A;4),3,- Fatwa in the Banafi, Naliki, anu Banbali schools.

I useu that teim because many ienowneu Banfai scholais in oui time insist that ulobal Sighting uoes not
liteially mean the whole woiu, iathei it means iegions oi countiies that aie ielatively close to one anothei.

The pioof useu by the scholais that appiove of this opinion is that the oiuei fiom the
Piophet (PB0B) is a geneial one, in his Bauith (PB0B): "Fast when you sight the moon, anu
bieak youi fast when you sight it" anu shoulu incluue all the 0mmah.
Scholais who appiove of this opinion also uiffeieu on the mattei. Some scholais saiu that
when we say ulobal moon sighting we liteially mean the whole globe while otheis saiu that
this is not the case. Accoiuing to the lattei, global moon sighting uoes not mean the whole
woilu; it actually means iegions oi countiies that aie ielatively close to one anothei oi at
least shaie a common poition of the night. Some scholais have also naiiateu scholaily
consensus that if the countiies aie as fai as 7(-,";/ (Spain in oui time) anu B*;<,/,( (Iian
in oui time) then they shoulu be consiueieu uiffeient iegions.

Al Imam Ibn Abu Al Bai saiu in his book 7"#/)#)*%,<: "The scholais have agieeu that sightings
of the ciescent in countiies that aie as fai away- as 7(-,";/ anu B*;<,/,(- shoulu not be
consiueieu (foi one anothei)."

This scholaily consensus, howevei, is contioveisial anu theie is a lot of uiscussion on the
Anothei opinion is that sighting of the ciescent in any countiy becomes binuing on all
countiies west of this countiy, but not the opposite. So a sighting of the ciescent in Egypt
woulu be binuing to Noiocco but not to Sauui Aiabia.

7 6$-3 ,8A&-*")* !&1)*
Aftei ieauing these opinions anu iealizing how the scholais uiffeieu in opinion between
global anu iegional sighting anu theii iespective vaiiants, a question must be askeu: Bow uiu
the 0mmah, in piactice, stait anu enu the lunai months. Which opinion was implementeu on
the giounu.
The answei is veiy simple. Thioughout the histoiy of Islam, this uecision was left to the
Imam. Each Imam oi Islamic goveinoi in eveiy iegion chose one of the two opinions
whethei (ulobal oi Regional sighting), anu eveiyone unuei his authoiity obeyeu. Anu
keeping in minu that the auvance in telecommunications only took place iecently, it was
mostly Regional sighting oi at least limiteu ulobal sighting that was piacticeu.
Even touay the majoiity of Nuslim countiies (that uepenu on physical sighting) choose the
Regional sighting opinion uue to its piacticality.

Ibn Abu Al Bai, 7"#/)#)*%,<, v1u, p.Su
P2$ 7/+*-"41") U14$88"

In this section I will tiy to explain what is happening on the giounu in Syuney, specifically,
anu Austialia in geneial anu analyze it in light of the pievious sections.
In Syuney, the existing methous that uiffeient oiganizations anu bouies claim to uepenu on
1. Astionomical Calculation
2. Following Sauui Aiabia's uecision
S. Follow the Lebanese Nuslim Association
4. ulobal Noon Sighting
S. Regional Noon Sighting

Now let us uissect these methous in fuithei uetail:
9: 7+*-&)&810"4 ("40/4"*1&)

Two veiy influential sectois of oui society uepenu on Astionomical Calculation, namely, the
Tuikish community anu the Lebanese Nuslim Association.
The Tuikish communities in Austialia anu the iest of the woilu aie wiuely known to abiue
by the uecision of M#=,(+) (The Piesiuency of Religious Affaiis in Tuikey) anu have been
uoing so foi yeais. I have tiieu to finu out what Astionomical ciiteiion M#=,(+) uses to
establish the stait anu enu of Lunai months but with little success as most infoimation is
only available in Tuikish.
The LNA, on the othei hanu, is extiemely influential within the Lebanese community anu
Aiab communities in geneial. Nany oiganizations that woik within the Aiab communities
choose to follow the LNA's uecision, anu geneially speaking, succumbeu to its authoiity on
the issue of Ramauan anu Eius. Theie aie veiy impoitant points that have to be piesenteu
with iegaius to the LNA:
A. Although the LNA has a stiong boaiu of uiiectois iunning its affaiis, it is well known
within oui community that this boaiu anu the pievious boaius have nothing to uo
with the uecision when it comes to issues like Ramauan anu Eiu.
This uecision goes
back to one man only (<1*2 "44 ./$ -$+A$0*), anu theie is no neeu to mention his
name as it is common knowleuge in the community.
B. No one that I have spoken to of the geneial followeis of the LNA actually knows what
methou they use to establish the stait anu enu of the lunai months. The common
claim is that that they follow Astionomical Calculation. But which calculation methou
uo they follow. Conjunction befoie Naghieb in Nakka oi Sightability in Austialia.
Again we finu no answeis. Noieovei, I have peisonally heaiu, in the past fiom the
LNA, statements like "the moon has not been sighteu anywheie in Austialia so

The cuiient piesiuent of the LNA, Samii Banuan, is a peisonal fiienu of mine anu an extiemely genuine
peison. I am quite confiuent that if the uecision was in his hanus he woulu stiongly auheie to the Sunnah of
oui Piophet, but I unueistanu that the politics in the LNA aie veiy complicateu anu uealing with sensitive
issues like this iequiies a lot of time anu wisuom. I ask Allah to assist him in his enueavois.
Ramauan is aftei tomoiiow" oi "most of the Aiab countiies aie fasting tomoiiow so
we will fast them"!!! What exactly aie they following. Calculations, Regional Sighting
oi ulobal Sighting..
C. If it is tiue that the LNA follows Astionomical Calculations, why not ielease a foimal
statement about the specific methou they use. Anu why all the suspense eveiy yeai
befoie Ramauan anu Eiu. Why not tell us when Ramauan anu Eiu will take place foi
the next 1u yeais to come. Astionomically, this infoimation is available foi the next
hunuieus of yeais.

Eveiyone who has liveu in Syuney foi yeais knows that the LNA have not shown consistency
in any methou. In fact, I heaiu fiom numeious authentic souices that many LNA followeis
fasteu S1 uays on a ceitain yeai in the past, which pioves how uncleai things aie foi uecision
makeis theie.

I: W&44&<1)# 5"/.1 7-"=1"?+ .$01+1&)

Anothei methou that has some following in Syuney is to meiely follow Sauui Aiabia's
uecision. Auvocates of this methou uefenu theii uecision by putting foiwaiu ceitain claims:

A. We aie following ulobal Sighting, which is a valiu opinion in Islamic juiispiuuence.
The tiuth is, howevei, they aie following an opinion that has no pieceuent in Islam. Fiistly,
ulobal sighting uoes not mean follow Sauui Aiabia. It means following the fiist iepoit of
physical sighting fiom ")3<2$-$ 1) *2$ <&-4.. Seconuly, Sauui Aiabia with its cuiient
boiueis uiun't exist as a state in oui Piophet's time, so it is illogical that any Islamic iuling
shoulu uepenu on it. It is iionic that the scholais of Sauui themselves attest that this opinion
is not coiiect, but people insist on following it.
Reau the following uecision fiom the Bigh Council of Scholais in Sauui Aiabia:

Becision (S4) on 1421S9S
"Sixthly: It is not coiiect to fix a ceitain countiy oi city -like Nakka foi example- foi the
sighting of the ciescent, because this woulu mean that fasting woulu not become compulsoiy
on those who sight the ciescent somewheie else, othei than the city fixeu."
B. Sauui Aiabia follows ulobal sighting
I actually met a biothei once who tiieu to convince me that Sauui Aiabia uoes not follow
iegional sighting, iathei they collect sighting iepoits fiom aiounu the woilu anu then make
a uecision. This is a pieposteious claim, but foi aiguments sake, if this claim is tiue, why
uoes Sauui announce the stait of lunai month by Isha time in Nakka, befoie the sun sets in
most of the westein woilu.
It is cleai foi anyone with some juiispiuuential backgiounu that this methou is not coiiect
anu has no legal basis.

V: W&44&<1)# *2$ `$=")$+$ J/+418 7++&01"*1&)

Auvocates of this methou aie not necessaiily conceineu with the methou the LNA uses to
establish the stait anu enu of the lunai month. Rathei, they claim that we shoulu follow the
majoiity anu not cause uivision in oui community, anu since the LNA anu its followeis aie
the majoiity we shoulu simply follow theii uecision.
This claim is extiemely flaweu in thiee aspects:
A. In Islam, theie is no value given to the majoiity of the public as Allah (SWT) says "If
you obey the majoiity of people on eaith they will suiely leau you astiay" (Suiah Al-
Anaam veise 116). Bowevei, Islam uoes give value to the 8">&-1*3 &' +02&4"-+.
When we heai that the majoiity of scholais agiee on something, inueeu this has
weight, but not the majoiity of people. I am suie that aftei what was piesenteu in
pievious sections theie iemains no uoubt in any ones heait that the vast majoiity of
scholais, whethei contempoiaiy oi fiom oui pieuecessois, uenounce astionomical
calculations anu asseit that the coiiect way to stait anu enu the lunai month is to
uepenu on physical sighting.
B. It is tiue that LNA anu its followeis aie the majoiity within the Aiab communities,
but othei majoi ethnicities exist in Syuney like Inuians, Pakistanis, Bengalis anu
Fijians anu no value is given to theii uecisions. Not to mention numeious
oiganizations that have quite a following like the Tabligh }amaat, ASW}, anu Bizbut-

C. Calls foi biinging unity anu cohesion in a society by following the majoiity (assuming
that it has some value just foi aiguments sake) aie always subject to the fact that this
majoiity is following a valiu opinion in Islamic juiispiuuence. I have pieviously
quoteu how oui scholais uenounceu following Astionomical Calculations as invaliu,
to the extent that they attesteu that if the Imam oi the Caliph ueciues to follow
Calculations anu neglect physical sighting then he is not to be obeyeu oi followeu. If
the Imam shoulu be uisobeyeu, then what weight shoulu be given to this claimeu

_: e4&="4 J&&) 51#2*1)#

As I mentioneu eailiei most people who claim that they follow ulobal sighting, actually
follow Sauui Aiabia. The only oiganization that I know of in Austialia that follows ulobal
Sighting is Bizbut-tahiii. Biothei 0thman Baui, who is theii meuia iepiesentative,
confiimeu to me that they actually follow sighting iepoits fiom aiounu the woilu (not only
Sauui Aiabia) anu that on numeious occasions they ieceiveu news of the stait of Ramauan
oi Eiu just befoie Faji anu acteu accoiuingly.
Theie is no uoubt that global sighting is an acceptable methou to stait anu enu the month.
An oiganization oi inuiviuual who follows ulobal sighting is not uoing anything wiong
pioviueu that he applies the methou piopeily anu with consistency. Bowevei, in my opinion
anu the opinion of many scholais in Austialia, applying ulobal Sighting is not easy uue to the
A. Austialia's geogiaphical location, 'uown unuei' as they say, anu just to the west of the
Inteinational Bate Line, iesulteu in the fact that the sun sets fiist in Austialia anu
then giauually in all the countiies to the west of Austialia. Sunset in Sauui Aiabia is
usually 8 houis aftei Austialia, anu sunset in the Ameiicas is usually 18 houis aftei
Austialia. This means that if we weie to follow ulobal Sighting we woulu have to wait
foi the sighting iepoits fiom cities in Califoinia foi example. When it is sunset in a
city like Los Angeles it is aiounu Thuhi time next uay in Syuney. That means if the
ciescent is not sighteu in Austialia on the 29
of Shabaan anu we ueclaie that next
uay is the Su
anu that Ramauan is aftei tomoiiow, but the ciescent is sighteu in Los
Angeles, we ieceive the news aiounu Noon time in Syuney that its Ramauan touay.
Accoiuing to the ulobal sighting opinion we aie supposeu to fast foi the iest of the
uay, anu make up that uay again aftei Ramauan. I am suie that eveiyone woulu agiee
this is quite impiactical anu extiemely haiu to apply on the giounu. The same woulu
also apply foi Eiu. We woulu be fasting the Su
of Ramauan anu sighting iepoits
woulu come fiom countiies west of Austialia, so we shoulu bieak oui fast anu iush
foi Eiu piayei. Imagine youi aveiage 5,22 oi 5,22, being infoimeu that it is Ramauan
oi Eiu at aiounu noon time!!! 0ne woiu woulu uesciibe the situation: "CBA0S".
B. Anothei pioblem we woulu face if we apply ulobal sighting is the filteiing of sighting
iepoits. Not any sighting iepoit can be accepteu. A scholai must confiim that the
witness that sighteu the ciescent is a piacticing Nuslim anu is upiight. This means
that theie has to be some soit of woiluwiue oiganization that has iepiesentatives in
eveiy city in the woilu that ieceives sighting iepoits anu filteis them. Consiueiing
the level of uisunity between Nuslim countiies in the woilu, the existence of such an
oiganization is closei to fantasy than ieality.
Theiefoie although ulobal Sighting is an acceptable opinion it is extiemely impiactical in oui

d: B$#1&)"4 J&&) 51#2*1)#

Regional moon sighting is the most piactical opinion. Bowevei, auvocates of this opinion
still uiffei on the bounuaiies of the iegion:
A. Austialia anu neighboiing countiies:
Some oiganizations say that they follow sighting in Austialia anu neighboiing countiies.
Bowevei, this position faces two pioblems. Fiistly, they uo not iuentify what they mean
exactly by neighboiing countiies. We know Inuonesia, New Zealanu anu Fiji aie oui
neighbois. But is Nalaysia a neighboi. What about Thailanu, China anu Nepal. Wheie uo
you uiaw the line. Seconuly, you will face the same pioblem with filteiing sighting iepoits
as with ulobal sighting. We have faceu pioblems in the past with people claiming that his
fiienu just calleu him fiom Inuonesia oi New Zealanu claiming that he has sighteu the
ciescent, anu we have no ability to confiim that iepoit. Basically, the biggei the iegion, the
haiuei youi job becomes.
B. Austialia only:
This opinion is moie logical anu piactical, anu is the choice of majoi Nuslim countiies in the
woilu like Sauui Aiabia, Egypt anu Noiocco. Bistoiically, this opinion is what has been
piacticeu on the giounu in most of the Nuslim woilu. People followeu the uecision of the
Imam oi goveinoi in theii iespective political iegions. Anu since the scholais ielatively
iepiesent the Imam in countiies that have no Imam, then they shoulu also take on the iole of
coming to such a uecision within the political bounuaiies of theii countiy.

E$<"-$ &' *2$ W/))3 !$&A4$

I call these people "the funny people" because I uo not want to use othei woius.
Some people in oui community uo not follow a ceitain methou foi establishing the stait anu
enu of the lunai month. They mix anu match opinions accoiuing to theii uesiies showing no
consistency whatsoevei. Some of them follow ulobal sighting to stait the month, but
iegional sighting to enu it, anu astionomical calculations the next yeai anu so on. Anu
funniest of them aie those who follow the calenuai thioughout the yeai (i.e. Astionomical
Calculations) anu then when the 29
of Shaaban comes accoiuing to theii calenuai, they go
out moon sighting foi Ramauan! Aie they following Calculations oi Physical sighting.. We
hau this pioblem this yeai in the stait of Ramauan. Some oiganizations went out foi moon
sighting on Satuiuay claiming that it is the 29
of Shaaban. When we tolu them that the 29

of Shaaban is on Sunuay accoiuing to physical sighting, they ieplieu: "Check the calenuai!"
They actually maue a mockeiy of themselves because new moon was on Sunuay moining
aiounu 4:4u am, so they went to sight the ciescent befoie it was boin! What can we
say....Funny people.
Those who want to follow moon sighting must unueistanu that this means '&44&<1)# *2$
0-$+0$)* *2-&/#2&/* *2$ 3$"- '&- $;$-3 4/)"- 8&)*2 anu not only Ramauan.

E$<"-$ &' *2$ ,#)&-")* !$&A4$

0nfoitunately a laige numbei of people in oui community have a veiy bau habit that we face
eveiy yeai. When the ciescent is not sighteu in Austialia on ceitain uay they view the
ciescent the following uay anu stait making ignoiant comments like: "See! See! The ciescent
is 2 uays olu! It is so cleai anu high in hoiizon!" 0theis say: "No, it is S uays olu" anu so on.
F;6*,( 7"",*! Eveiyone has become an astionomical expeit all of a suuuen, anu can tell how
olu the ciescent is just by viewing it.
Bowevei, the tiuth in Islam is that the size of the ciescent on the sighting uay oi the
following uay is of no significance. If the ciescent is not sighteu on a ceitain uay, it will be
big anu appaient next uay.
Let us take what happeneu at the stait of this Ramauan as an example:
0n Sunuay night (S1
August) the ciescent was appioximately 12 houis olu by sunset time
in Syuney. It was not sighteu in Syuney oi anywheie in Austialia that night. 0n Nonuay, the
ciescent by sunset time in Syuney was 12+24= S6 houis so it will appeai big anu high in the
hoiizon, but that uoes not mean that Ramauan shoulu have staiteu on Nonuay.
The following hauith fiom F,*#* A;/"#3 explains eveiything:

"A gioup of us hau set out to peifoim 0miah |just befoie Ramauanj, anu we alighteu upon
the valley of Nakhlah. We all saw the ciescent moon |of Ramauanj. Some of us saiu, "0, it is at
least thiee uays olu," anu otheis saiu, "No, it is only two uays olu." When we aiiiveu, we met
Ibn Abbas anu tolu him that we hau seen the ciescent. Be askeu, "0n which night uiu you see
it." We ieplieu, "0n such anu such a night." To this, he iesponueu, "The Nessengei of Allah
saiu, 'Allah has extenueu the peiiou |in which the ciescent is seenj in oiuei that it be seen.' It
was, in fact, the fiist night in which you saw it."

The title of the chaptei wheie this hauith is founu is also veiy inteiesting:

"Chaptei: Explaining that theie is no significance in the size of the Ciescent (big oi small)."
Note that the titles of the chapteis in Sahih Nuslim aie the choices of Al Qaui 'Iyau anu Al
Imam An-Nawawi anu both aie ienowneu juiists.
I hope that once oui biotheis anu sisteis ieau these woius of oui Piophet (PB0B) this habit
we face eveiy yeai will come to an enu.

Yahia Ibn Shaiaf An-Nawawi, Shaih Sahih Nuslim, vS, p.196

I believe, aftei all the eviuence piesenteu above, the ieason behinu the uecision of the NSW
Imam's Council to follow Regional Noon Sighting in Austialia is cleai beyonu a uoubt. The
intention was nevei to cieate uivision in the community; iathei the intention was to unite
oui community on a ieligiously sounu, piactical, ueep iooteu Islamic unueistanuing. I woulu
like to enu by conveying thiee impoitant messages:
Ny fiist message is foi the scholais, leaueis anu uecision makeis in Austialia who uepenu on
Astionomical Calculations anu the wise people who aie aiounu them. Foi Allah's sake anu
foi the sake of this 0mmah that has been toin apait, let us unite on what we all agiee is an
acceptable opinion in Islamic }uiispiuuence. Even if you aie still convinceu that it is valiu to
follow Astionomical Calculations, let go of youi opinion foi the sake of unity. Aftei all, you
aie not aiguing that iegional Sighting is invaliu, iathei that Calculations aie a valiu methou.
We on the othei hanu aie convinceu that Calculations aie an invaliu way of establishing the
stait anu enu of the lunai month. So why not follow what we all accept as a valiu opinion.
Anu foi who's benefit aie you insisting on youi position. I am suie you aie all awaie that Bi.
Ibiahim Abu Nohammau was always in uefense of uepenuing on Astionomical Calculations,
but he let go of his opinion foi the sake of unity anu pioveu to Allah, befoie all of us, that he
is a genuine scholai who finus no shame in changing his position on the mattei foi a bettei
cause. Nay Allah iewaiu him foi his uecision anu may Allah guiue you also to such a
Ny seconu message is foi the scholais, leaueis anu uecision makeis in Austialia who uepenu
on physical moon sighting whethei ulobal oi Regional. We totally iespect youi position, anu
we know that you aie following valiu anu acceptable opinions. Let us unite on a single
methou foi all of Austialia anu enu this uivision within families anu communities, keeping in
minu that oui choice must have thiee qualities: 1) It must be acceptable in Islamic
}uiispiuuence anu in confoimity with the Fatawa (Islamic iulings) of oui pieuecessois. 2) It
must be piactical anu applicable on the giounu. S) It must be piacticeu consistently
thioughout the yeai foi eveiy lunai month not just Ramauan.
Ny thiiu Nessage is foi my fellow Nuslims in Austialia. Avoiu uebating on the mattei,
especially if you aie not a specialist in the fielu. This is an issue foi scholais to uiscuss anu
not the public. Bo not backbite oi slanuei scholais of Islam foi theii flesh is poisoneu anu
uestiuctive to youi faith. Finally, I auvise you to euucate youiself on the mattei anu follow
the safest opinion foi youi ieligion. Aftei all you will have to meet Allah anu account foi all
youi choices.
I ask Allah to unite this 0mmah on the stiaight path anu to save us fiom the tiibulations of
this time Ameen.

Youi Biothei in Islam
0mai El Banna

,*$8 9
U$01+1&) &' (&/)014 &' Y81)$)* 502&4"-+



RES0L0TI0N S4 1421S9SB
All piaise to Allah anu salutations upon the Piophet of Allah anu his family anu companions.
Baseu on the auuiess of his Bighness the Leauei of Pailiament, numbei 468u uateu
2S21S94B (Islamic calenuai) which states "The commanu of his Najesty (the king of Sauui
Aiabia) iefeiiing to the lettei of the Executive officei of the Committee of Bawa anu Iishau
in Suia Baya conceining the unification of piayei times, fasting anu haj (pilgiimage) uiiecteu
to the Committee of Eminent Scholais iefeiiing to the lettei of the Ninistei of Foieign Affaiis
1S11S94B numbei 8SSSSuuS6. This was ieceiveu by his Najesty's Embassy in
Algeiia fiom the Ninistiy of Euucation anu Religious Affaiis by way of uocuments iegaiuing
ieliance on astionomical calculations to establish times of acts of woiship. This is baseu on
the iepoit numbei 7 fiom the iepoits of the S
convention by the Council of Eminent
Scholais which incluues a uecision suppoiteu by eviuence to be piesenteu to the council at
its 6
convention foi iuling on the mattei.
Aftei ieseaich by the Council, of impoitant uocuments, iecommenuations, Islamic legal
iulings anu opinions iegaiuing this issue anu ieinvestigating this issue of unification of the
beginning of the lunai months, anu looking into past iulings issueu by the Committee of
Eminent Scholais fiom the 2
convention numbei 2 uateu 1S21S9SB anu the noting of
these opinions, the following iuling has been issueu:
1. The meaning of calculation anu astionomy is the knowleuge of the constellations, the
phases of the moon anu the estimation of the path of the sun anu moon anu fixing
time accoiuingly. Foi example the time of suniise, zenith anu sunset, the meeting of
the sun anu moon anu theii sepaiation, the eclipse of each one of them, this is known
as astionomical calculations. Astionomy heie uoes not mean tuining to astionomical
events to piove the occuiience of events on eaith e.g. the biith of an impoitant
peison oi theii ueath (i.e. astiologyhoioscopes), this being fiom the unseen that is
only known to Allah. Accoiuingly the subject mattei of the stuuy has been claiifieu.
2. Theie is no legal ielationship between the meie biith of the new moon anu the stait
anu the enu of the lunai month by Scholaily Consensus, as long as no physical
sighting has been pioven, anu this is with iegaius to timings of acts of woiship, anu
any contempoiaiy scholai who has a uiffeient opinion is pieceueu by the consensus
of those befoie him". (i.e: Bis opinion is iejecteu)
S. Ciescentmoon sighting, alone, is accepteu in the case of a cleai sky on the eve of the
to ueteimine the beginning of lunai months anu theii enuing. This is in ielation
to uevotional acts of woiship. If the ciescentmoon is not seen, the numbei of uays
(in the lunai month) is completeu to Su, by consensus (of the scholais).
If, howevei, the sky is clouuy on the eve of the Su
uay (the night of the 29
), the
majoiity of juiists aie of the opinion that the numbei of uays of the month aie
completeu to Su; acting upon the hauith, "If it is concealeu fiom you uue to clouu,
then complete the count to Su." This is an inteipietation of the othei naiiation which
is mentioneu with the woiuing "take it into accountmeasuie". Imam Ahmau in
anothei naiiation of him, along with some scholais aie of the opinion that; in the case
that the sky is clouuy Shabaan will be consiueieu 29 uays out of cautiousness foi the
month of Ramauan. They inteipieteu the naiiation of J,L-#<'' ",*; as limit it, in
light of the veise of the Quian "anu he who's sustenance is "#3#)+- ( the woiu useu foi
limiteu is Quuiia a moiphological vaiiant of the same woiu useu in the hauith)
shoulu spenu of what Allah has given him"
This inteipietation, howevei, is iejecteu by the othei naiiation of the hauith which
cleaily states 'Faquiioo lahoo thalatheen' measuie it to Su. Anu yet in anothei
naiiation continue the count of Shabaan to Su (uays).
Imam Nawawi ielates in his explanation on the Sahih of Imam Nuslim on the Bauith;
"if it is concealeu fiom you uue to clouu J,L-#<'' ",*''N take it into accountmeasuie
it," fiom Ibn Suiayj anu a gioup (of scholais) incluuing Nutiif Ibn Abuillah i.e Ibn Al-
Shakheei, Ibn Qutayba anu otheis, theii taking by the opinions of astionomeis to
establish the beginning anu enu of the lunai month, i.e. if the sky is clouuy.
Ibn Abu Al-Bai saiu; it is naiiateu of Nutiif ibn Shakheei, anu it is incoiiectly
naiiateu of him, even if it weie authentically naiiateu of him it woulu not be
obligatoiy to follow him uue to his being alone oi ueviant (Shaath) in this mattei. In
auuition to the eviuence contiauicting him, he then went on to say the same about
Ibn Qutayba he then saiu that this uoes not concein Ibn Qutayba, noi is he one to be
ielieu upon in the likes of this fielu (Be was a scholai of the Aiabic language not a
juiist). Then he ielateu of Ibn Khawiz Ninuau that he ielateu it (the afoie mentioneu
opinion) fiom Al-Shafie. Ibn Abu Al-Bai went on to say; anu what is authentically
ielateu of him (i.e. Imam Al-Shafie) in his books, his uisciples anu the majoiity of
scholais is contiaiy to it. Enu quote.
Thus it becomes cleai that the uiffeience of opinion amongst juiists is in the case of a
clouuy sky, anu what ielates to it. Fuitheimoie this is all ielateu to uevotional acts of
woiship. As foi that which conceins uealings anu tiansactions, people may agiee
upon whatevei timing they choose.
4. What is legally of value in establishing the lunai month is the physical sighting of the
ciescent &)43, anu not astionomical calculations of the movement of the sun anu the
moon." uue to the following:
a) The Piophet, peace be upon him, oiueieu to fast anu bieak the fast accoiuing to
the sighting of the ciescent in his statement, "Fast accoiuing to its (the moon)
sighting anu bieak youi fast accoiuing to it's (the moon) sighting." Be also limiteu
it to this methou when he saiu, "Bo not fast until you see it (the ciescent) anu uo
not bieak youi fast until you see it (the ciescent)." In the case of a clouuy night on
the eve of the Su
, he oiueieu the Nuslims to complete the numbei of uays in the
month to Su. Anu he uiu not oiuei them to iefei back to the scholais of
astionomy. If theii opinion was a piimaiy oi seconuaiy founuation in
ueteimining the month, he woulu have oiueieu to iefei back to them. This then
pioves that in Shaiiah no consiueiation is given to othei than sighting oi
completing the count to Su in ueteimining the month, anu that this is legislation
continuing on till the Bay of }uugement. "Anu youi Loiu is not foigetful." The
claim that what is meant by sighting in the hauith is the sighting of knowleuge, oi
high piobability of the existence of the ciescent, oi the possibility of the sighting
of the ciescent, not the woiship of actual sighting, is iejecteu. The ieason foi this
is that the woiu 'sighting' in the hauith ielates to only one subject, theiefoie it is
physical sighting with the eye, not the eye of knowleuge (this point ielates to a
giammatical iule in Aiabic). Fuitheimoie, the Companions unueistoou it to be
physical sighting with the eye, anu they aie moie knowleugeable in both the
Aiabic language anu the objectives of the Shaiiah. In the time of the Piophet,
peace be upon him, anu the Companions, they acteu accoiuingly. They uiu not
iefei to astionomeis to ueteimine timing. It is also incoiiect to say that when the
Piophet, peace be upon him, saiu "If the sky is clouuy then H,L-#<; ",*''" he
intenueu to oiuei us to measuie the phases of the moon so that we may know by
calculation the beginning anu enuing of the month, because this naiiation is
explaineu by the naiiation "measuie it Su" along with the othei naiiations with
the same meaning. In auuition to this those who call foi unifying the beginning of
months iely on calculating the phases of the moon when the sky is cleai oi clouuy
howevei the hauith limiteu H,L-#<'' ",*'' the measuie, to the case of a clouuy
b) Establishing the lunai month on the conuition of sighting, confoims with the
objectives of the Shaiiah of ease anu openness. Noon sighting is a common mattei
that is accessible to the majoiity of people, on the contiaiy if the iuling was
conuitional upon calculation, it woulu cause uifficulty anu theiefoie contiauict the
objectives of Shaiiah. The claim that in taking by astionomy the 0mmah is cleaieu
of the label of ignoiance, even if it weie sounu, it woulu not change the iuling of
Shaiiah in the mattei.
c) The scholais of the 0mmah in the eaily (geneiations of) Islam univeisally agieeu
(ijma) that the lunai month is ueteimineu accoiuing to sighting, not calculation. It
is not known of any of them to have iefeiieu to calculation in the case of a clouuy
sky oi the like. In the case of a cleai sky it is not known of any of the scholais that
he ielieu upon calculations in ueteimining the ciescent oi that he pieuicteu the
geneial iule on it.
S. Estimating the age at which the moonciescent can be sighteu aftei sunset, in the
absence of any pieventative, is a subjective opinion about which the views of
astionomeis uiffei, the same can be saiu of estimating the pieventatives (of sighting
the moon). Theiefoie ielying upon it uoes not actualise the anticipateu unity. Foi this
ieason Shaiiah only takes into account Noon Sighting anu not calculation.
6. It is incoiiect to single out the sighting fiom the hoiizon of a paiticulai countiy oi
city (e.g Nakkah) to be accepteu alone. This consequently necessitates that, fasting
not be obligatoiy upon people fiom anothei location , foi whom the sighting has been
establisheu, consiueiing that the ciescent was not sighteu on the appointeu hoiizon.
AbuelRazak Afifi, Abuullah Bin Nuhammau, AbuelAziz Bin Baz, Abuallah bin Naneei',
AbuelNajiu Bassan, Nuhammau bin }ubayi, AbuelAziz Bin Saleh, Ibiahim Bin Nuhammau
AlSheikh, Saleh bin uhosoon, Sulayman bin A'beeu, Abuullah bin uhuuyan, Nuhammau
AlBaikan, Rashiu bin Khnen, Abuullah Khayaat, Saleh Bin Luhayuan

,*$8 I
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"Rulings of fasting:
]/$+*1&) - What is youi opinion with iegaius to some followeis of the Shafei school (known
foi theii knowleuge anu ieligiosity) who iely, foi the establishment of Ramauan anu shawal
(Eiu), on the calculation of the movements of the moon anu theii lack of iegaiu foi the
sighting of the moon by the human eye. 0n seveial occasions this has iesulteu in them
fasting on a uiffeient uay to the geneial populace anu enuing fast befoie them as well. That
peison spieaus this iuea to his close fiienus anu ielatives anu they follow him, anu
sometimes they infoim otheis fiom the outei ciicle anu they also following them. This
uivision is about to spieau anu the scholais of sacieu knowleuge aie silent on the mattei. So
is this a coiiect opinion in the Shafei school that we shoulu accept fiom them. 0i is it
misguiuance that iequiies coming out against, uenying, pieventing otheis fiom following,
anu 5,<,3 (unlawful) to accept fiom them. We ask a ieply.
7)+<$- - All thanks to Allah foi is guiuance to the coiiect path anu salutations on
Nuhammau anu his family anu companions.
f$+ 1* 1+ 81+#/1.")0$L ,* 1+ 0%3%) C/)4"<'/4D *& "#-$$ <1*2 *21+ A&+1*1&) C1:$: .$A$).1)#
&) 7+*-&)&810"4 0"40/4"*1&)+D "). &)$ 8/+* &A$)43 .1+"#-$$ <1*2 1* "). A-$;$)*
&*2$-+ '-&8 '&44&<1)# 1* <2$) &)$ 0")@ =$0"/+$ 1* 1+ .$+*-/0*1&) &' -$41#1&) "). 1)
&=;1&/+ 0&)*-".10*1&) *& *2$ +"31)#+ &' *2$ =$+* &' 8$++$)#$-+: 7). *2$ "0*1&)+ &' *21+
8") 1+ *2$ #-$"*$+* A-&&' &' 21+ /**$- 1#)&-")0$@ 21+ 4"0K &' -$41#1&)@ *2$ .$'$0*1;$)$++
&' 21+ /A-1#2*)$++@ "). 21+ 4"0K &' "8=1*1&) "). *2"* 21+ "18 1+ '"8$ "). 4% .56"% 6%
"% 7*6%(% '""% /'""%.@ ,) 744"2 <$ +$$K -$'/#$: This piactice anu following it uoes not agiee
with the Shafei school of thought oi any othei Imam by who following them one is saveu on
the uay of gieat toiment. The ieason being that the 'ijma' (scholaily consensus) is that no
one can iely in his fasting anu enu of fasting on astionomical calculations without iegaiu foi
sighting of the hilal (new moon). The scholais have uiffeieu on whethei the astionomei,
when the sky is oveicast can fast accoiuing to his calculations oi not. Nutiif ibn Shekheei
fiom the gieat Tabeiis saiu only he can follow the calculation anu Imam Shafei mentioneu it
in one quote. Bowevei the known position of the Shafei school of thought which the }umhooi
(the majoiity of scholais) follow is that he cannot follow his calculations. Imam Ibn Rushu in
the book Al }amei aftei mentioning that pieoccupation with astionomy that leaus to the
uiiection of the qiblah anu the uivision of the night (foi salaat) is alloweu, iathei it is
encouiageu. Bowevei looking into astionomical calculations foi moie than that, i.e. to uo
with the knowleuge of the inciease oi ueciease of uays to complete a month is uislikeu by
Allah (Nakiooh). The ieason being it is pieoccupation with unnecessaiy knowleuge because
it is not peimissible foi a peison to iely on it foi fasting oi bieaking of the fast anu it appeais
to suffice him fiom going out to sight the moon. This is an opinion by consensus of scholais.
The uiffeience of opinion is amongst the scholais is with iegaius to the astionomei if the sky
is oveicast can he go by his knowleuge (i.e calculations) oi not. Nutiif ibn Shikheei states
that only he himself ( that is the astionomei) can follow his calculations. Imam Shafei
mentions this in one naiiation. Bowevei the known position of his school of thought is what
the majoiity of scholais agiee upon, this being that he cannot follow his calculations. Ibn
Nafee naiiateu that Imam Nalik saiu about the Imam (leauei) who ielies on astionomical
calculations that one must not believe him oi follow his opinion.
Ibn Al Aiabi saiu "I useu to uisavow AlBaji foi ielaying this opinion of some shafei scholais
because the Imams of the shafei school of thought weie explicit in theii iejection of this, till I
saw it naiiateu by Ibn Suiayj anu some of the tabeen" anu Ibn Al Aiabi elaboiateu in his
iefutation of Ibn Suiayj.
The uianu Nufti Fuithei stateu:
It is common knowleuge that one must be biief n the aujuuication anu issuing of legal iulings
anu follow the well-known oi the uphelu positions of scholais anu to leave the iogue anu
weak opinions. In conclusion I uo not iegaiu the existence of an opinion to go by calculations
in oui school of thought anu the shafei school of thought. It is an opinion in both the schools
of thought howevei it is iogue anu unusual in both schools of thought anu iestiicteu to the
inuiviuual astionomei with the conuition that the sky b oveicast. It is obvious then that what
these inuiviuuals uo (by ielying on astionomical calculations) is misguiueu. It uoes not even
follow the iogue opinion because they publically fast oi bieak the fast befoie people anu
they call otheis to this opinion simply because of the unlikeliness of the sighting of the moon
uue to the weak light of the hilal (new moon). It is compulsoiy on those Allah has given them
leaueiship to iestiain, euucate au uiscipline them the stiongest of uiscipline anu euucation
to block this uooi of coiiuption which is full of uefectiveness with iegaius to the founuations
of ieligion anu going against the leauei of messengeis peace anu Blessings 0pon Bim anu
Allah knows best.
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Aftei uiscussion on the issue of the unification of the lunai months theie weie two opinions:
1. The effect of the ikhtilaful Natali' (consiueiing uiffeient hoiizons) on the unification
of the beginning of the lunai month
2. The legal iuling on establishing the beginning of the lunai month by astionomical
Aftei listening to the mouein ieseaich papeis about this issue fiom expeits in the fielu, the
committee has come to the following uecision:
1. If the moon is sighteu in a countiy it is obligatoiy on the Nuslims of that countiy to
abiue by this sighting anu no weight is given to ikhtilaful Natali' (consiueiing
uiffeient hoiizons). Foi the geneial issues especially iegaiuing Fasting anu enu of fast
2. It is obligatoiy to iely on moonsighting anu one can iefei to astionomical calculations
anu obseivatoiies (as a guiue anu not the piimaiy methou) with the sayings of the
Piophet anu the ieality of scientific knowleuge anu Allah knows best.

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All piaise is to Allah alone anu salutations anu salutations on the one who no piophet came
aftei :- the Committee of Islamic juiispiuuence has in its 4
convention conveneu in the
ueneial Assembly of Islamic Associations in Necca between 7
anu the 17
month of Rabei
Akhii 14u1 iegaiuing the lettei of the Islamic Bawa of Singapoie uateu 16
Shawwal 1S99
oi 8
of August 1979 auuiesseu to the Consulate ueneial of Sauui Aiabia in Singapoie. A
uisagieement occuiieu between the afoie mentioneu gioup anu the Islamic Council of
Singapoie iegaiuing the beginning of the month of Ramauan anu its enu in the yeai
1S991979. The Islamic Bawa uioup ielieu on moonsighting foi the beginning anu enu of
the month of Ramauan anu the Islamic Council of Singapoie ielieu on astionomical
calculations to ueteimine the beginning anu enu of the month of Ramauan. They useu as
eviuence "conceining the countiies in the Asian iegion, because the sky was coveieu with
clouus, anu specifically Singapoie, most places of moonsighting aie coveieu with clouus anu
this is consiueieu a uispensation that is valiu anu theiefoie we must calculate accoiuing to
astionomical calculations."
Aftei the membeis of the Committee of Islamic }uiispiuuence conuucteu investigations into
this mattei baseu on Islamic legal texts, the Committee has uphelu the actions of the Islamic
Bawa uioup uue to cleai eviuence within Islamic texts.
It also states iegaiuing situations like the one in Singapoie anu othei paits of Asia anu the
woilu, when the sky is oveicast anu pievents the moon being sighteu, the Nuslims in these
countiies anu the like to take by what they can tiust fiom othei Nuslim countiies that follow
moonsighting by the human eye without calculation of any kinu. In auheience to the woius
of Nuhammau (SAW) "Fast when you sight the moon anu bieak youi fast when you sight the
moon anu if it is oveicast complete the uays Su." Anu the saying of the Piophet (SAW) "uo
not fast till you sight the moon oi complete the uays anu uo not bieak youi fast till you sight
the moon oi complete the uays" anu what has been saiu to this effect in ahauith (sayings of
the Piophet SAW).

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