DAC Ad Hoc Committee Draft Minutes - July 10 2014

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Domain Awareness Center

Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Privacy and Data Retention

July 10, 2014
Hearing Room 4
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 2
6:00 PM

Draft Meeting Minutes
1. Chairperson Jurcenoks called the meeting to order at 6:10pm and determined a quorum was present.
Members Present: Chairperson Jurcenoks, Vice Chair Hofer, Members Brill, Bulls, Gray (late), Harris,
Wolff, and alternate Cagle.
Members Absent: Aestetix, Chan, Kayyali, and Wactor.
Members Resigned: Eduardo De Loa.

Staff: Chantal R. Cotton
Attorney: Amadis Sotelo

2. Approve Minutes from June 26 meeting.

Vice Chair Hofer moved to approve the minutes. Member Wolff seconded the motion.
Motion Passed. Vote:
Yay: Cagle, Jurcenoks, Hofer, and Wolf.
No: None.
Abstained: Bulls, Brill, and Harris.

3. Review and consensus on comments to City drafted Privacy Policy

The committee reviewed comments on all the comments from drafts of the Framework for a
Discussion of Policy for Privacy and Data Retention for the Joint City-Port Domain Awareness Center.
The drafts reviewed contained comments from Nadia Kayyali, Matt Cagle and Linda Lye, and Brian
Hofer. The committee agreed that the commentary from all drafts would be combined by staff into
one draft for the next meeting.

Chairman Jurcenoks made a motion to move all references in the document about the geographic
boundary to a definitions area where the definition of the domain can be defined.
Vice Chair Hofer seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Chairman Jurcenoks moved that staff include Matt and Linda's comments in their draft to be
incorporated into the overall draft policy as is. Vice Chair Hofer seconded the motion and it was
approved unanimously.

Chairman Jurcenoks made a motion that staff include Brian's comments in the draft to be incorporated
into the overall next draft policy as is. Member Brill seconded the motion and it was approved

4. Review and consensus on latest DAC Notes and Principles.

The committee reviewed the outstanding items (those in Red and Blue) on the DAC Notes and
Principles Sheet to come to a consensus on whether to permanently include those items or not. The
committee agreed that the items voted on below should show up in the updated draft coming from
staff at the next meeting. It was also agreed upon that committee members would research and fill in
the items that were not voted upon today.

Chairman Jurcenoks moved to approve Section 1.o.
Vice Chair Hofer seconded the motion.
Motion passed with one abstention (Robert Gray).

Chairman Jurcenoks moved to approve Section 3 (Purpose of the DAC) as is with both versions.
Member Bulls seconded the motion.
Unanimously approved.

Member Bulls moved to hold off on approving Section 4 (High-level strategies) until next meeting when
more information is present. Members will research the information in the meantime.
Member Harris seconded the motion.
Unanimously approved.

Committee consensus on adding a section within Section 4 called Affirmative Community

Committee consensus for Section 5 that Chairman Jurcenoks and Member Gray would work together
to put their language into the new draft.

Member Brill moved to Include Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.2 in the input to the draft.
Member Bulls seconded the motion.
Unanimously approved.

Chairman Jurcenoks moved to incorporate Section 12.a-d into the draft (not the rest of Section 12).
Vice Chair Hofer seconded the motion.
Unanimously approved.

5. Open forum:

Reggie Lyles: if anyone is asking for info about video or photos, they should identify themselves.
Sometimes the initial random request may lead to something greater. He likes the idea of doing 90-100
days of retention like other police departments do in California for all calls received.

Chairman Jurcenoks asked that staff follow up about Member Chan who has not been able to attend
any meetings.

6. By a motion from Chairman Jurcenoks, seconded by Vice Chair Hofer, with unanimous approval, the
meeting was adjourned at 8:53pm.

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