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!"#$%&' )*+&,-+ ."/$,$01 2"$/+3
4*00#$15 60"- !"#$%&' )*+&,-+ ."/$,$01 7015#

8$1/$15 & ."/$,$01 7015 0- !010'05"+
lf you spend a llLLle Llme on any muslcal LheaLre dlscusslon board, you wlll qulckly see a
paLLern. Cne of Lhe mosL popular Lypes of posLs ls "l need an audlLlon song/monologue
for...". lf you look more carefully, you wlll also noLlce LhaL mosL of Lhese posLs are asklng for
a song or monologue 8lCP1 AWA? because Lhelr audlLlon ls laLer Lhls week or even

.-+ 90" 50$15 ,0 :$1/ & -+&''9 5-+&, #015 0- ;010'05"+ ,*$# <&9=
lL's doubLful. MosL of Lhe people you wlll geL advlce from on a message board have never
meL you, never heard your volce, don'L know your personallLy, and may or may noL know
Lhe deLalls of Lhe audlLlon and performance group lnvolved. 1he oLher Lhlng Lo conslder ls
how can you be sure LhaL Lhe people who reply Lo your message really know whaL Lhey are
Lalklng abouL? lf you really wanL advlce from someone, lL should be someone who knows
you well and someone you LrusL wlLh performance-relaLed quesLlons. A former dlrecLor, a
coach, or a Leacher.

1he key Lo avoldlng Lhls "desperaLe" slLuaLlon ls sLarLlng early, even before Lhe audlLlon ls
announced. lf you have fallen lnLo Lhe Lrap of Lrylng Lo flnd a new song for each audlLlon you
go Lo, you are far less llkely Lo succeed. 1he key ls Lo look for audlLlon songs when you
uCn'1 need Lhem, and Lo puL Lhem lnLo all of your slnglng pracLlces so LhaL when an
audlLlon does come up, you can plck an approprlaLe song from your reperLolre.

>*&, ."/$,$01 7015# 60" ?++/
1o fulfll Lhe requlremenLs of mosL audlLlon slLuaLlons, you wlll need Lwo audlLlon songs: an
up-Lempo, and a ballad. CommunlLy LheaLres and open calls (when Lhere are heavy Llme
consLralnLs) wlll usually only ask you for one song, so choose one LhaL sulLs you and Lhe parL
you would mosL llke Lo geL. uolng your research on Lhe LheaLre company and Lhe show you
are audlLlonlng for wlll help you feel confldenL abouL your cholce.

4*00#+ ."/$,$01 7015# .@@-0@-$&,+ ,0 60"- .5+ A B$:+ CD@+-$+1%+
l cannoL say Lhls enough. !usL because you llke a song doesn'L make lL a good song for you Lo
slng ln an audlLlon. ln order Lo bellevably porLray Lhe characLer of a song, you have Lo relaLe
Lo Lhe conLenL of Lhe lyrlcs on a personal level. Chooslng a song LhaL you can relaLe Lo
emoLlonally ls exLremely lmporLanL. 1here are loLs of people who can slng well - whaL wlll
seL you aparL ls your ablllLy Lo communlcaLe emoLlon.

4*00#+ ."/$,$01 7015# $1 &1 .@@-0@-$&,+ 7,9'+
WhaL seLs a show Lune aparL from oLher songs ls lLs characLer. A show Lune ls sung by a
very obvlous characLer, one LhaL you have Lo become when you slng lL. uon'L choose an
audlLlon song LhaL ls anyLhlng buL a show Lune unless you are audlLlonlng for a muslcal such
as 8enL, when you are usually asked speclflcally nC1 Lo do a song from a muslcal. lf you are
unsure abouL Lhe sLyle you should be looklng for, look for oLher shows by Lhe same
composer as Lhe show you are audlLlonlng for.


See hLLp://
more lnformaLlon abouL chooslng audlLlon songs for cerLaln show sLyles.

60"- ."/$,$01 7015# 7*0"'/ 7*0< 60"- 7,-+15,*# 8$-#,
never choose an audlLlon song [usL because you Lhlnk LhaL ls whaL Lhe audlLlon panel wanLs
Lo hear. When glven a cholce, always choose Lhe besL audlLlon song you have Lo offer.
Choose an audlLlon song LhaL ls wlLhln your comforLable slnglng range - Lhls ls noL Lhe Llme
Lo sLreLch for a noLe, as blowlng a noLe wlll almosL cerLalnly also blow your chances for a
role. 1he audlLlon panel wlll expecL you Lo show off Lhe very besL you have Lo offer, and Lhls
means performlng a song LhaL ls well pollshed and well rehearsed.

4*00#+ ."/$,$01 7015# )*&, B+, 60" E+ 60"-#+':
8e Lhe flrsL you, noL Lhe 32nd Mlchael Crawford. Many audlLloners have Lhe Lendency Lo Lry
and copy Lhe sLyle of whoever sang Lhe recorded verslon of Lhelr audlLlon song. uCn'1 uC
1PA1! lck a song LhaL you can ldenLlfy wlLh, and use lL Lo show your own personallLy and
sLyle, noL someone else's. Make sure you pracLlce wlLh only Lhe accompanlmenL - slnglng
along wlLh a recordlng wlll noL help you develop your own sLyle. llnd characLers LhaL sulL
your personallLy here.

4*00#+ ,*+ E+#, ."/$,$01 7015# :0- 60"
l see posLlngs on dlscusslon boards all Lhe Llme, asklng for audlLlon song suggesLlons. WhaL
people seem Lo forgeL ls LhaL whaL makes a song rlghL for you ls your volce and personallLy,
Lhe Lwo Lhlngs LhaL oLher people cannoL see over Lhe lnLerneL! lf you wanL a Lruly greaL
audlLlon song, you'll have Lo search for lL yourself.

FG+-/01+ ."/$,$01 7015#
1he followlng ls a llsL of overdone audlLlon songs, complled from a varleLy of sources. lf you
are sLruggllng Lo flnd a song LhaL lsn'L overdone, learn how Lo bulld a slnger's muslcal LheaLre
reperLolre or search our audlLlon song daLabase.

lf everyone who wenL Lo a muslcal LheaLre audlLlon spenL Lhe Llme and efforL chooslng an
audlLlon song LhaL besL flL Lhe audlLlon, Lhelr vocal range and personallLy, Lhe world would
be a happler place. unforLunaLely, Lhere are many LhaL sLlll belleve LhaL a "good song"
auLomaLlcally makes a good audlLlon plece, regardless of age or vocal range or Lhe Lype of
show you are audlLlonlng for. 8uL a "good song" lsn'L necessarlly a good song for you. As a
resulL, Lhere are some very excellenL muslcal LheaLre songs LhaL musL be used wlLh cauLlon
because Loo many people have used Lhem, and many have used Lhem badly.

Powever: Some people geL so obsessed abouL overdone songs LhaL Lhey wlll plck an audlLlon
song slmply because lL ls obscure. lL's lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL Lhe whole polnL of Lhe
audlLlon ls Lo show Lhe audlLlon panel LhaL you are rlghL for Lhe show. 1hls means chooslng a
song LhaL shows off your volce Lo Lhe besL of your ablllLy as well as embodles Lhe
sLyle/Lheme of Lhe show you are audlLlonlng for.

lf you are Lrylng Lo declde beLween Lwo pleces LhaL boLh have Lhe characLerlsLlcs above,
Lhen by all means choose Lhe one LhaL ls less overdone, buL lf you're only crlLerla ls LhaL Lhe
song "lsn'L overdone" Lhen you are noL dolng yourself [usLlce. 8emember - lL's you LhaL ls
audlLlonlng, noL Lhe song.


H1/$G$/"&' FG+-/01+ ."/$,$01 7015# :-0; !"#$%&'#
Cood Mornlng 8alLlmore from Palrspray
Cn My Cwn from Les Mlserables
Adelalde's LamenL from Cuys and uolls (why are Leenagers always slnglng Lhls? Lhe
characLer has been engaged for 14 years!)
Memory from CaLs
l PaLe Men from klss Me kaLe
All 1haL !azz from Chlcago
Wash 1haL Man... from SouLh aclflc
Can'L Pelp Lovln'... from Show 8oaL
8lg Spender from SweeL CharlLy
?ou Can Always... from ClLy of Angels
Shy from Cnce upon a MaLLress
1omorrow from Annle
l Ln[oy 8elng A Clrl from llower urum Song
8roadway 8aby, Pard PearLed Pannah, PlL Me WlLh a PoL noLe from lollles
Surrey WlLh 1he lrlnge Cn 1op & l Can'L Say no from Cklahoma
1hey Call Lhe Wlnd Marlah from alnL ?our Wagon
Corner of Lhe Sky from lppln
SummerLlme from orgy & 8ess
1he Muslc of Lhe nlghL from 1he hanLom of Lhe Cpera
Pero & LeL's Pear lL lor 1he 8oy from looLloose
Seasons of Love from 8enL
8lg Spender from SweeL CharlLy
arL Cf ?our World from 1he LlLLle Mermald
ln My Cwn LlLLle Corner from Clnderella
opular from Wlcked
AnLhem from Chess
1hls ls 1he MomenL from !ekyll & Pyde

Cverdone AudlLlon Songs noL AssoclaLed WlLh A Speclflc Show
l CeL a klck CuL of ?ou
Mlss 8lrd
Lmbracable ?ou
new ?ork, new ?ork

WaLch CuL lor... Songs LhaL are roblemaLlc (1hese songs may noL necessarlly be overdone,
buL have someLhlng LhaL may make Lhem lnapproprlaLe for audlLlons)
Cver 1he 8alnbow from 1he Wlzard of Cz (Lhls song belongs Lo !udy Carland)
Any oLher "SlgnaLure Song"

>*&, )0 I0 .:,+- 60"- ."/$,$01
lor some of us, Lhe audlLlon lLself can seem easy compared Lo LhaL awful Lask of walLlng Lo
hear back afLerwards. unforLunaLely, Lhls acL of "walL and see" ls one of Lhose Lhlngs LhaL
doesn'L seem Lo geL much easler wlLh age.


)*&1J ,*+;
Send a Lhank you noLe Lo Lhe casLlng agenL. ( l've never done Lhls, alLhough l have senL a
brlef Lhank you Lo my agenL for arranglng Lhe audlLlon) A brlef follow-up remlnds Lhem of
who you are and your lnLeresL ln worklng wlLh Lhem.

K0"-1&'L M@'0&/ $,
8ecord your reflecLlons, Lhe daLe Lhe Lhank you noLe was senL, and any oLher lmporLanL lnfo
ln your audlLlon log book. now, forgeL abouL lL. lf you expecL Lo hear back, you wlll almosL
cerLalnly be dlsappolnLed or aL Lhe very leasL drlve yourself crazy whlle you walL.

Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lhlngs Lo remember ls LhaL audlLlons are never [usL abouL LhaL
parLlcular [ob. 1hey are also abouL geLLlng your name ouL Lhere, meeLlng loLs of people and
geLLlng a "leg up" on fuLure work. lL's abouL geLLlng your 'brand' ouL Lhere. Show conLlnued
lnLeresL and perseverance. Co and see a producLlon by Lhe company you audlLloned for.
Speak Lo Lhem afLerwards (brlefly) lf lL seems approprlaLe Lo do so. AudlLlon for Lhe same
people agaln, unless Lhey speclfy noL Lo audlLlon agaln lf Lhey have already seen you.
volunLeer for box offlce, usherlng, asslsLanL Lo whoever. neLwork. Co Lo soclal evenLs and
fundralsers and Lalk Lo people. MosL lmporLanLly: never burn a brldge!

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