Spotlight On Sustainability Issue 7

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7th Edition, March 2014

A newsletter for the MA in Global Leadership and Sustainable Development program at Hawaii Pacific University

Message from Professor Art Whatley A Note from the MA/GLSD Chair
Educating global lead- Dr. Regina Ostergaard-Klem
ers is a rewarding and
humbling activity! Aloha and welcome to the 7th edition of
Each new GLSD cohort
come to campus ready
Spotlight on Sustainability (SOS). It
to help lead the world seems like it was only yesterday that the
off the suicidal path of first issue was published. Time certainly
endless growth found flies when youre having fun, and Ive
in modern day capital- enjoyed every minute of the five years
ism. This past fall and since I started teaching in the GLSD pro-
spring semesters, co-
horts arrived largely gram! Now in my second semester as
aware that by changing their minds they actual- GLSD program chair, I am honored to
ly change the world. Many have already made write this welcome message for the cur-
the change and now indeed are changing the rent SOS. I invite you to peruse the sto-
world. Roy Haskins is involved in a rooftop gar- ries, take in the photos, and follow the
dening business committed to local food produc-
QR codes to see where they lead you!
tion; Ave Lambert is a local freelance chef who
uses only locally grown organic produce in her
creations; James Harris is interning on an organ- Every year, I am impressed by the dedication and commitment of
ic farm aspiring to reconnect the young to the our GLSD students. I applaud the entrepreneurial spirit that com-
land; Aka Assoumou, our Fulbright student from pels them to research new topics, travel to new places, connect
the Ivory Coast, will lead environmental change with new people, and tackle innovative projects. Every year, I
in his country when he returns; Evelina Tcholok-
ova remains committed to environmental policy
marvel at how the students cultural and professional diversity - as
improvements in her home country of Bulgaria, well as the breadth of ideas and interests they share with one an-
Nate Albritton is fervently committed to com- other - forms into a cohesive group. No doubt, this is a network
munity building by innovating social networking, that will last well after the graduates have left Ft. Street Mall be-
and this 7th edition of SOS exemplifies his pas- hind. This edition of SOS captures all these fantastic characteris-
sion to lead effective change. There simply is tics happening right now. Thanks to Nate Albritton for all his hard
not room enough here to mention the many oth- work and social networking that have not only made this edition
ers who are changing the world. To be sure, all
are pursuing a path aimed at creating a sustain-
possible, but also will continue to capture these great stories on
able future. I know of no better way to be well into the future. Also, Id like to say
spending my time than working with this vision- a special thank you to Dr. Art Whatley, the father of the GLSD pro-
ary and committed group of students. I am filled gram. Without his vision, drive, and leadership, the GLSD program
with gratitude for the opportunity. would not be what it is today.

Going Collaborative: A Note from the Editor By Nathan Albritton

A big part of sustainability is that of relationships. Many it was in the past. Now, it is a living system which anyone
great sustainability and resilience thinkers have pointed out can contribute to. Each of the articles were pulled from
that one of the key underlying problems with our world is The Sustainable Leader, a multi-author blog
that much of it is run through centrally- built for YOU to share your passions, discuss
controlled, hierarchies. Flat, collabora- your ideas, and build your professional
tive structures are significantly more sus- portfolio. As you read the SOS, you will no-
tainable, and they are the wave of the tice these red QR codes. Use them to find
future. With this in mind, we have rede- even more great content on
fined the SOS newsletter. It is no longer a
static document created by one person as .org
SOS p.1
Sustainability at HPU

Rain Garden at Hawai'i Loa A Tour of Sustainability on Campus

By Sarah Dephillips By Josh Prigge

These days we hear a lot of talk about Amidst the many chang-
sustainability from organizations such as es that have occurred at
government, businesses, and countless Hawaii Pacific Universi-
other institutions. This is wonderful and ty over the past several
sorely needed, but eventually this talk months, sustainability
must turn to action. Otherwise its just
continues to move for-
talk. So how is sustainability being lived
out and implemented at Hawaii Pacific ward with strong sup-
University (HPU)? February 13, 2014 ob- port from students,
served the one-year anniversary of one of faculty, and administra-
Photo by Chris Aguinaldo
HPUs most tangible sustainability proj- tion at all levels. With
ects. Just a year ago on the Hawaii Loa the university facing
campus in Kaneohe, students and profes- budget problems due to a decrease in student enrollment,
sors rolled up their sleeves to break HPU was forced to make the difficult decision to downsize
ground on HPUs very own rain garden. and eliminate some staff positions. The fact that HPUs sus-
tainability staff made it through this transition
Rain gardens pro- demonstrates that this is a valued position,
vide a simple way and will play a role in helping the university
to protect water achieve the objectives of its new strategic
sheds by reducing plan. I would like to take this opportunity to
the pollution that update the HPU community about the numer-
inevitably travels
ous advances in sustainability that have oc-
with urban and
residential area curred, are underway, or being planned for
storm water run- the future.
off. Without
proper manage- Last spring Hawaii Pacific University was rec-
ment, the rain that falls on our roofs ends ognized by Governor Neil Abercrombie, along
up washing over yards and streets, taking with twelve other organizations across the state of Hawai'i, as
with it fertilizers, pesticides, tar, rubber a Hawai'i Green Business. This was an acknowledgement of
and other pollutants from road surfaces. the hard work and dedication to sustainability of several HPU
The runoff eventually ends up in our
staff, faculty, and stu-
streams, bays, and oceans, wreaking hav-
oc on the delicate ecosystems there. dents that have helped
implement sustainable
practices at the Hawai'i
Rain gardens help to mitigate this runoff Loa Campus, and has
pollution problem. A flat-bottomed de- helped build the mo-
pressions dug at the outflow of roof run-
mentum to reach the
off and planted with native Hawaiian
vegetation provides a place for the water point we are at today.
to pool. The roof runoff is then retained Since receiving this
in the rain garden where the plants and award last spring, HPU
Photo by Chris Aguinaldo
soil help to reintegrate the water into the has also received local
immediate local ecosystem. This pre- and national recognition
vents the water from trav- for our food waste reduction practices by joining
elling its course to the the EPA Food Recovery Challenge. We have also
ocean and taking with it all implemented another successful HPU Kukui Cup
the pollutants along the
energy competition for Hawaii Loa Campus resi-
Read the whole story here Read the whole story here

SOS p.2
New Students

Aka Assoumou Aaron McDonald Ave Lambert

My Ride on the Elephants Back A Natural Progression There and Back Again

Hi, everyone! Im Aka, from Yamoussoukro, the Live, travel, adventure, bless, and dont be Aloha and Malama Aina! Ive been working in
lovely capital city of Cte dIvoire (a West sorry. Jack Kerouac. Thats me except I sustainability here on Oahu since 2008. I was
African French-speaking country). I just joined occasionally apologize. drawn to the islands, after being a chef in San
the MA/GLSD program in Fall 2013. Before Francisco and learning about Slow Food in Italy.
coming to Hawaii, I completed a postgraduate My name is Aaron McDonald and my road, the I had an epiphany after being awarded the
program in community development at the one that has lead me to my Global Leadership Chefs Collaborative Scholarship for an organic
Technology and Business Institute in and Sustainable Development studies, had me farm & goat cheese dairy retreat. We learned
Yamoussoukro called ISCAE, focusing on tools for finishing my BS in Engineering at Tennessee how to grow and harvest produce, milk cows,
basic management and harnessing local Technological University in 2003. I was ready to make cheese, mill grain, bake breads, humanely
resources for effective decision-making. be in the real world and felt life beckoning, so I slaughter ducks and goats, and even use a
answered the way my passionate, yet broke and barter system. Afterwards, I studied
I have a strong curiosity for sustainability. I pragmatic, twenty-two year-old self knew how. I permaculture and built an off-the-grid
started to dig more into the realm of moved to Chicago and took a corporate job in subsistence farm in Central America to show
sustainability because there is a poor technical sales. With a few dollars in my pocket how easily it can be done and replicated.
understanding of the term in my home-region. and a traveling job I was able to see most of the
You see sustainability appear in most of the US from the big cities to the back country My BA is from the University of Washington,
public speeches and texts, but they generally industrial towns that reminded me of my Seattle, in International Studies: Comparative
tend to be connected with environmental childhood in the rural mountains of Tennessee. Religion which took me abroad to Italy and all
awareness and agricultural development. A couple trips to Europe, a promotion to product over Western Europe where I learned the
Sometimes, the diverse interpretations led to manager, and three winters later I was ready to preciousness of conviviality and sharing time
confusion and chaos, and the ordinary citizen move again. A product marketing position with a with friends and family around the table. I
would look on sustainable development as just large semiconductor company brought me to believe this is what our culture is missing:
another fashionable term! As I am aiming at both Austin, TX the city where no one forces you to healthy, shared meals.
making a clearer sense of what sustainable grow up. I spent two years indulging in Austins
development is and contributing to social graces of live music, festivals, and a Hawaii is the perfect microcosm for local food
disseminating informed knowledge about it constant flow of new people. I also, advanced systems. We import so much of our food (92%)
locally, I have been given the opportunity by the my career, was promoted to business that changing our production, distribution and
Fulbright program to come here development, learned an eating habits will make an
to Hawaii, one of the reputed incredible amount about global immediate and extensive
shrines of sustainability... business, traveled a lot more, impact...
and took my first trip to Asia
Read the whole story here Read the whole story here Read the whole story here
SOS p.3
The Value of MA/GLSD

A Solid Business Basis Using Business to Reach Sustainability

By Erwin Hudelist By Kelly Williams

I graduated in 2007 from the HPU Awhile back Nate Albritton wrote a really good article on the business case for sustainability. If
MAGLSD program. I was already in youre reading this, its a pretty good assumption you agree with Nate. It makes sense for Business
business for over 20 years in Hawaii
(the big, aggregated version) to embrace sustainability. It decreases costs on energy, materials, and
and operated a printing and
waste disposal. It also reduces risks, such as a loss of resource access and damage to brand
publishing company. As this business
generated much waste I was looking reputation. It even gives individual businesses first-mover advantage over their competition. All that
for a plan to do it makes perfect sense to meand probably to you as well. Id like to look at things from
better. I signed up with the other direction though, and ask is there a sustainability case for business?
HPU and this changed the
way I did business and my
What exactly does a sustainability case for business mean? To me the older phrase
entire future. Making our
world and the businesses business case for sustainability means business people should be looking at how to use
that hold up our economy sustainability to improve Business. A sustainability case for business on the other
sustainable started to hand means people in sustainability should be looking at how to use business to improve
make more sense. The
Sustainability. This street can easily run both ways, but we all have to be willing to
core was to find how to
challenge our assumptions.
make this process
profitable because the
majority of businesses I came to Sustainable Development through the MBA program at Hawaii Pacific
would not change unless University. When I joined HPUs GLSD program I heard my fellow students talking about
money is made in the process of
doing research on natural processes, running non-profits, and helping government develop better
change. In our operation in Honolulu
regulations to keep business in check. I dont recall ever hearing anyone say anything about working
we implemented many changes from
simple recycling to the more complex in the business community. With my background in the military and business I found this a little
social sustainability program. After shocking. What was their problem with business?
the first year we saw a solid impact in
quality improvements, happy
employees and waste reduction
equivalent of 5 40 containers a Give me a place to stand, and
month. Besides waste reduction,
waste was sold for profit to be reused
(cradle to cradle). I shall move the Earth with it.
I am no longer in the
printing and publishing -Archimedes
business but in the
sustainability business Now dont get me wrong, I highly value the contributions of such research. If it wasnt
which is very rewarding. for the research our predecessors undertook we wouldnt have the understanding of the
We have now offices in
natural world that we do. This understanding has allowed us to see the effects of the
Germany, USA, West
global environmental system and develop visions of how humans (and our economies)
Africa and South
America. There are should fit into that system. These are critical if we are to make the needed changes.
many projects to talk The problem (as I see it) with pure research is that while we have a solid idea of what
about but there is one we need to do, further research only seeks to refine those answers. Im not saying we
we are very proud of. We
shouldnt refine what is needed, but I believe it is more important to get more people
have a plantation in
onto the sustainability movement and acting on those ideas.
Togo, West Africa which is a picture
book example of sustainability. This
project gives work to hundreds of Im constantly amazed at what non-profits have been able to accomplish. The level of dedication
local people, generates oil from oil people bring to the sector is incredible. Ive seen volunteers and low-paid staff
nuts to run equipment
help so much in everything from feeding the hungry to healing the sick to
and wiped out conflicts
rehabilitating and protecting the environment. There is definitely a lot of great
due to the fact that
people have work work going on...
Read the whole story here Read the whole story here

SOS p.4

Matt Hughes Stephanie Samaniego Linh Do

I was raised in San Antonio, Texas, and spent My decision to apply to GLSD came from a I am originally from California. My respect
my weekends working on a beef cattle ranch. nurturing I developed inside myself during and interest in the environment sprouted
My appreciation for nature, mother earth and my four years at Soka University of America through my childhood years and have stayed
all of that good stuff was where I earned a B.A. in Liberal with me today
fostered by these experiences... Arts in 2009...
Read the whole story here Read the whole story here Read the whole story here

David Bennemann James Cogswell Katie Fisk

Environmental Education Wildlife Biologist Federal Emergency Management
Entrepreneur DLNR/Division of Agency (FEMA)
Forestry and Wildlife

Lauren Ballou
Environmental Planner
VHB (consulting firm)
Paula Lombardo
PhD Candidate (Sustainability Education) Rachel James
Prescott College Constituent Services Liaison
US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's Office

Charlene Felkley
Marine Operations Coordinator
National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa
Read more alumni stories here

Past Professional Paper Topics

Analysis of the Global Medical Diplomacy Policies of Selected Countries and Their Effect on the Millennium Develop-
ment Health Goals (Terry Brady)
Contribution of North Shore Oahu Direct-Sale Farms to the Economic Prosperity of Hawaii Pacific University (Nick Tras)
Identifying the Factors of Climate Change Denial and Their Use in Policy Making (Charlene Felkley)
Rivers of Resilience Information flow within the Socio-Ecological Systems of Hawaii (Nathan Albritton)

Each of these can be accessed via the links above or at when on campus.
SOS p.5
Careers in Sustainable Development

Sustainable Careers: Creating a Winning Combo Skills Gained in GLSD

By Nitasha Baker
By Nathan Albritton
The transition from the academic to the real world is rarely easy, but you
would think that by the time you are halfway through grad school that you Rather than leaving graduate school
with a fancy piece of paper and a
would have a decent grip on what you would like to do with your degree. This heaping pile of debt, you should walk
is rarely the case given how clouded our minds can get with with concerns confidently into the world armed with
about the job market, making a decent living, getting ahead of the
a set of marketable skills and strong
connections to put you ahead of the
competition, doing something worthwhile, or the worst one of all being pack.
unhappy in a career after spending some of your prime years sitting in a
You can hone some of these skills in
classroom to achieve that very end. In any case, you will have to compromise
your classes, such as:
something, right? Not at all!
Public speaking and presentation
(all classes)
For those in the sustainability field anyway, it is Critical thinking (all classes)
within your reach to pretty much have it all. Professional writing (all classes)
Sure, theres not much agreement regarding the Systems thinking (GLSD 6000)
Stakeholder analysis (GLSD 6005,
meaning of sustainability, (although this is a 6330, 7100)
fresh spin on it!) but many organizations are Qualitative / Quantitative research
nonetheless seeking out sustainability leaders
methods (GLSD 6005, 7100, 7200)
Life-Cycle Analysis (GLSD 6330)
and experts in many different capacities! It may ISO 14001 toolsets (GLSD 6330)
still seem like sustainability jobs are few and far ArcGIS mapping software skills
(GLSD 4700)
between, or limited to third sector jobs (such as
NGOs, non-profits, public-private partnerships), Others through internships &
but in reality they are more abundant than most would think. This is because certification courses, such as:
sustainability can literally be nested into just about any sector. Picture it this Grant writing
way: You have a set of dice. On one die, all faces reads sustainability. On Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
the other die each face has a different career field ( i.e. education, fashion, certification
healthcare, marketing, food & beverage,agricultural, etc). You not only have And even some in the local
options several options that interest you, but you will be making a positive community, such as:
difference in the world.
Permaculture design
In some instances, it may be necessary for you to properly pitch yourself and Aquaponics
create a need for your expertise within an organization. Simply put,
organizations are looking for leaders and experts that are able to identify Learning how to clearly articulate
and find holistic solutions to the complex challenges they are facing. complex thoughts to a wide audience
is a truly valuable skill in todays
Fittingly, most sustainability degree programs, especially at the graduate world. A good way to do this is to
level (such as HPUs MA/GLSD program) take this exact write. Build your skills and your port-
approach, but they also allow students to tailor courses to folio, and start writing now on

the area of sustainability the students are most interested in

pursuing... .org
Read the whole story here
SOS p.6

The Power of Networking

You have to think entrepreneurial-
Key Events of 2014
ly in a new economy. Going to
school is one thing, but I find there March 13-15: Sustainability in
Higher Education Summit
is excitement in going out and
creating your own path. Theres July 15-17: Hawaii Conservation
someone out there looking for your
help who is just waiting to connect Fall 2014 (TBD): HPU Conferce
for a Sustainabile Future
with you, and there are many
For more events, head
opportunities to be discovered.
over to the always up-
to-date calendar on
The Sustaianble Leader
In an effort that predates the 2011
Universities for Sustainability
Mondy Jamshidi an alumna of conference at HPU, and the First MA/GLSD program, which she

Hawaii Pacific Universitys (HPU) Annual First Annual Hawaii joined in 2009.

Master of Global Leadership and Sustainability in Higher Education

Sustainable Development program Summit held in 2013, she had looked We were all excited about what

(MA/GLSD) is now the first to partner with University of Hawaii we could do and we inspired one

executive director of Envision Manoa and attended their green another about the possibilities.

Hawaii a non-profit with 10 years club then called Sustainable Through networking, I was able to

of social entrepreneurship in UH. There is no one brand of quickly learn about whos doing

Hawaii. We recently sat down with sustainability, Jamshidi says. I what. My peers and I now fill

Ms. Jamshidi and asked her how she just wanted to learn everything several positions in the community

came to find herself in the position there is, specifically how to make jobs which didnt exist before. This

as a social entrepreneurship leader green jobs accessible to all people. is a part of a new economy we

in Hawaii. Networking was her have helped to build.

answer. Networking led her to her first job

opportunity in becoming the first After getting hands-on experience

Rewarding Internships for in performing sustainability audits

Networks to Tap Into Sustainable Employment (RISE) of area schools, Jamshidi employed

Envision Hawaii intern from HPU after her internship these skills (including her

Leaders for a Sustainable Future with the Department of Business, networking skills) when she was
Student Sustainability Coalition Economic Development and Tourism hired as the Program Coordinator
of Hawaii (DBEDT), where she worked in the for Smart Sustainability Consulting
Sustainabilityility Association of Energy Efficiency Branch with fellow a local
Hawaii MA/GLSD alumna Jon Chin. sustainability
Green Drinks Honolulu We asked Jamshidi to describe her consulting firm...
Transition Oahu
experience with networking in the Read the whole story here
SOS p.7
Leaders for a Sustainable Future

Local Buzz: A Visit to an Apiary

Read Aaron McDonalds article about our trip to Rainbow Rainbow Bees here

The Leaders for a Sustainable Future

(LSF) is an official student organization -
made up of MA/GLSD students and many
others - which is committed to promoting
environmental awareness and sustainabil-
ity. LSF is often involved in community
outreach programs, beach cleanups,
sustainable agriculture initiatives, and
much more - all of which is combined
with good food, good friends,and great
times. Join LSF today by sending an
email to or join-
ing the LSF Facebook page.

Join us in the MA/GLSD program!

For more information on how to get start-
ed, head over to:

or email HPU Admissions at

SOS p.8

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