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Seventeen US The BIG Denim Issue this August

Seventeen is a magazine targeted at the teenage population of the United Stated. It covers topics
varying from fashion to celerity gossip! personality development! lifestyle and more. The August
issue is all aout going ac" to school and starting a fresh academic year. #ind the latest fashion trends
and other helpful advice to sail through the year.
The August issue of Seventeen $agazine features the se%y Demi &ovato on the cover. Demi is "no'n
to have had a ma(or meltdo'n and had to chec" in to reha for various reasons. But! she)s ac"
stronger than ever 'ith a rene'ed level of confidence. This ma"es her popular among the teens 'ho
no' respect her for her courage to face the 'orld. Demi gives an all e%clusive to help teens have the
most confident year *+,+-. Do not miss the e%clusive feature on the pressing issue of today/s youth*
the lac" self confidence. &earning to e rave is another topic that Demi spea"s aout to help you face
the 'orld 'ithout any fear.
The denim issue features 0123 pairs of (eans. #ind the perfect pair that enhances your figure. 4eans are
one of the clothes 'e pull out to 'ear on a daily asis. 5ou 'ill e surprised to find ho' 'earing the
right style of denim can ma"e a dramatic difference. 6e promise you)ll e chec"ing yourself out.
&earn to find the right (ean size and the measurement that 'or"s for 57U.
Is your face acne prone8 Then the August issue of Teenage $agazine has (ust the article for you. Get
clear s"in 'ithout spending tons on s"incare creams. &oo" great in pictures 'ithout adding any filters
to hide the spots on your face. Seventeen $agazine also rings other eauty and fashion tips of the
season to help you dress right 'hen you go ac" to school 676 your friends this ne' year 'ith your
-unning lo' on cash and need ne' stuff8 &earn to save money y shopping for #-++. 5our complete
guide to shop for free is featured in detail in the August issue. . Also find features on affordale fashion
that 'ont urn a hole in your poc"et. Sho' the rest (ust ho' much you have evolved over the summer.
The Seventeen US digital magazine is sold y all leading ne'sstands such as Apple! $agzter! Google!
etc. It is one of the most sought out magazines y teenagers in the Unites States and since smart device
usage is more prominent in that age group! Seventeen US $agazine is one of the top selling digital
magazines. Suscrie annually to Seventeen US $agazine and get the copies on your talets or phones
'hen it hits the ne'sstand.
Seventeen is a magazine targeted at the teenage population of the United Stated. It covers topics
varying from fashion to celerity gossip! personality development! lifestyle and more.
Aout the author9
Seventeen US $agazine is one of the top selling digital magazines. Suscrie annually to Seventeen
US $agazine Suscription and get the copies on your talets or phones 'hen it hits the ne'sstand.
Seventeen!Seventeen US!Seventeen magazine!Seventeen Digital $agazine!Seventeen magazine
suscription!Seventeen annual Suscription

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