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11 Reasons To Seriously Sit Up And Take Notice..

1. Elenin is going into a major alignment with the Sun, Earth, oon,
Uranus and ercury. E!ery signi"icant alignment has coincided
with a major earth#uake.
$. Septem%er $&rd is the Autumn solstice, always a signi"icant time.
&. This will %e happening during another 'super moon' when the moon at a
particularly close approach to earth.
(. ajor preparatory military 'e)ercises' *+peration ountain ,uardian'
-which mountain./ to take place in 0en!er, home o" the elite
underground re"uge under 0en!er Airport, with NASA in tow.
1. +%ama is going to 0en!er the $2th.
3. any go!ernment councils are 'taking a %reak' during this current
period o" time.
2. Strange disappearance o" major inside players on 4all Street this week.
5. A highly pu%lici6ed e)tinct satellite is e)pected to re7enter our
atmosphere and spread dangerous de%ris, perhaps o!er 8os Angeles.
9. The :alestinian issue is at a peak in international negotiations, something
the :T;s are intent on keeping the same and will do anything to
assure it remains so. <ntegral to the middle east anti7uslim
1=. 9>11*s 1=th anni!ersary just passed without an e!ent...yet. Something*s
gotta gi!e. Remem%er, all month is still 9>11 "or what it*s worth.
11. The world*s "inancial structure is accelerating its descent, the 0+4
taking huge dips the past $ days while Europe continues to tank.
0istraction and adjustment needed "rom "inancial collapse.
4hy*s This Signi"icant.
The world climate right now is begging for a major overhaul. The elite architects of our
society have a plan in mind that gets hung up on the slow uptake of its reluctant cattle, I mean
When enough of a disaster appears, people will cry out for help....from guess who? Those
whove poised themselves as our beneficiaries who care so much about their populations.
!omplete "#, but most of the world falls for it.
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent
world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global
transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New
World rder." - $avid %ockefeller
Stay :repared
If not now, big things will happen soon and continue to unfold.
#ome &natural&....most not. 'eep your eyes peeled.
This is all being manipulated and timed to take advantage of earth, solar and galactic trends,
just like they use the ley lines and earths grid to amplify their electromagnetic and occult(
empowered control system, )**%+ or nukes on ready(to(blow fault lines, etc.
Theyre nasty.
*nd what better way to usher in what they desire than blaming huge alterations in society on
natural disasters and the need for drastic changes. We know that &e,ercises& just happened to
be coinciding with the events of -.//, 0ondons 1.1, the )aitian earth2uake, and other false
flag operations.
These bullies play rough....obvious if youre looking, but rough nonetheless.
3ot to be alarmist here, but its time to sit up and take notice..and prepare...for real.
Something +minous <s ?appening +n 4all
4/ september 45// 46789758
4hy the insiders ha!e #uit %uying stocks
@ommentaryA The ratio o" insider sales to purchases has jumped
"y "rett *rends, :arketWatch
";#T;3 <:arketWatch= > #omething ominous is happening on Wall #treet, but nobody has
The insiders have vanished.
!hief e,ecutives. "oard members.
The head honchos. The people who know.
?ust a few weeks ago, they were out in force, buying up shares in their own companies with
both hands.
3o longer. They@ve disappeared. *lmost overnight.
AThey@ve stopped buying,B says !harles "iderman, the chief e,ecutive of stock market
research firm TrimTabs, which tracks the data. AInsiders aren@t buying this rally.B
Insider stock purchases, which surged above C/55 million a day in the market slump last
month, have now collapsed to just C/6 million a day.
:eanwhile the ratio of insider sales to purchases has skyrocketed. Today insiders are dumping
C1 in stock for each C/ that <other= insiders are buying. That@s a worrying ratio. #i, weeks ago
the amounts of purchases and sales were about e2ual.
It@s the kind of news that should give investors pause.
What insiders do with their own money is one of the stock market@s best barometers.
*fter all, who better than company e,ecutives know their own order books? Who knows the
conditions in their industry better?
Dou find insiders typically buying heavily at the market lows > they did in /-E1, in /--E,
and they did during the financial crisis in 455E(-.
<Dou also typically find them cashing out big(time at the peak=

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