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Cinderella lived in a small village in the north of England. She had to sisters! the" were
ver" #gl". She got up ever" morning at si$ o%&lo&'( then she made )rea'fast for her sisters(
and afterards she cleaned the ho#se. She worked all da". Her to #gl" sisters were ver"
la*"! the" never did an" or' )e&a#se Cinderella did ever"thing. Cinderella was ver"
One da"( the +ostman came to the ho#se. He gave Cinderella%s sister an envelo+e. In the
envelo+e there were three invitations to a +art" at the ,rin&e%s ho#se. She said to her sisters(
-Fantasti&. There is a +art" at the ,rin&e%s ho#se. I &an ear m" ne red dress and Esmerelda
&an ear her ne )l#e dress( )#t Cinderella &an%t go )e&a#se her dress is old and dirt" and she
hasn%t got an" shoes.-
On Sat#rda" at / o%&lo&'( the #gl" sisters went to the +art". Cinderella sat in the 'it&hen. She
was ver" sad. There was a ring at the door. Cinderella opened the door. There was a oman.
She said, -Hello. I am "o#r Fair" 0odmother. 1h" are "o# sad2- Cinderella said, -I ant to
go to the +art" )#t I haven%t got an" )ea#tif#l &lothes.- The Fair" 0odmother said, -No
+ro)lem( here is a ne dress and some glass shoes. There is a golden )i&"&le in the street.
No "o# &an go to the +art"( )#t "o# m#st ret#rn )efore 34 o%&lo&'.- Cinderella said, -Than'
"o#.- She put on the glass shoes and the red dress. She looked ver" +rett". Then she went to
the +art" )" )i&"&le.
The +art" was ver" good. At first( Cinderella was ver" sh" )#t after an ho#r( the ,rin&e asked
Cinderella to dan&e. The" danced for a long time. The ,rin&e said to Cinderella( -I li'e "o#r
dress and "o# are ver" +rett".- Cinderella was ver" ha++". She forgot hat time it was.
S#ddenl" the &lo&' rang. Cinderella said, -Oh no. I m#st go. It is 34 o%&lo&'.- She ran home
and at the door of the ,rin&e%s ho#se( she lost her shoe.
The ne$t da"( the ,rin&e was ver" sad )e&a#se he was in love ith Cinderella )#t he didn't
know here she lived. He went to all the ho#ses in the village and said, -Do "o# 'no
hose shoe this is2- Finall"( he went to Cinderella%s ho#se. Cinderella opened the door. The
,rin&e said, -I love "o#. Do "o# ant to marr" me2- Cinderella said, -Yes.- The edding
was the ee' after. Cinderella and the ,rin&e were never #nha++" again.
Can "o# anser these 5#estions2
1here did she live2
1hen did she get #+2
Ho did she go to the +art"2
1h" as the +rin&e sad2
,#t the folloing ver)s in the senten&es 6in the ,aste Sim+le7
or'( live( loo'( )e( o+en( as'( sit( go
3. Cinderella ................ in a small village in the north of England.
4. She ................ all da".
8. Cinderella ...................... in the 'it&hen.
9. She .................. ver" +rett".
:. The she .................... to the +art" )" )i&"&le.
;. At first( Cinderella ..................... ver" sh"( )#t after an ho#r( the ,rin&e ............ Cinderella
to dan&e.
<. Cinderella ................... the door.

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