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Date _______________


Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

(Last) (First) (Middle)

Current Address_________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip:________________________________________ E-Mail Address: ____________________
Phone Number:_________________________ Alternate Phone Number:________________________
Date of Birth:_________________________ Sex:______________ Race: ______________


Criminal Record
An applicant may answer “No” if his or her criminal record consists only of one or more of the following: (1) an arrest, detention, or
disposition regarding any violation of law in which no conviction resulted; or (2) a case of delinquency or a child in need of services,
which does not result in a complaint transferred to the superior court for criminal prosecution.

1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes 

No 
If so, list nature of offense, dates of conviction, and dates of any incarceration associated therewith:

2. Have you been convicted of a misdemeanor? Yes 

No 
If so, please list the nature of the offense, date of conviction, and dates of incarceration associated
therewith. You may answer “No” if your criminal record consists of one or more of the following: (1)
Any misdemeanor conviction where the date of conviction or completion of incarceration occurred 5 or
more years before the date of this application, unless you were convicted of another offense during the
past 5 years; or (2) A first conviction for drunkenness, simple assault, speeding, minor traffic offenses,
disturbance of the peace, or affray.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: The Boy Scouts of America is authorized to, and will confirm the above

By signing below, you certify as to your knowledge of the Applicant’s character and integrity. Of particular
concern is your knowledge as to his prior compliance with all federal, State, and local laws and regulations
regarding public safety, especially as it relates to minors, including sexual offenses.

I, ______________________________________, certify that I have personally known the Applicant from

______________, 20___ to ______________, 20___. From my own direct knowledge, my opinion of the
character and the integrity of the Applicant is:

I recommend that the BSA accept the services of the Applicant in working with the youth in the BSA. On this
______ day of ___________, 20___ , I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Name (Printed) Phone Number Relationship



Name of certification, license Date Completed Certification/License # Expiration date

or training

Statement of Applicant:
In the Boy Scouts of America’s (the “BSA”) efforts to protect the youth, I have been advised that as a part of the application
process that an inquiry will be made concerning my activities, and character. This inquiry will include an examination of my
conviction/criminal history and any information in my background related to child abuse. I fully consent to and authorize all such
inquiries. Further, I understand that my continued service is contingent upon maintaining a “clean” criminal history and having no
infractions involving child abuse. I understand that during my service, should the learn that I have engaged in or am engaging in
possible criminal activity, including, but not limited to concerns regarding child abuse, the BSA will take these concerns very
seriously. I also acknowledge and agree and that the BSA may be obligated to investigate and/or communicate these concerns to
certain third parties, including, but not limited to the proper authorities, agencies and other concerned parties. In the event I volunteer
services to the BSA, I will comply with all policies by the BSA as established from time to time by the organization.
I certify that all statements made by me on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and
agree that any misrepresentation or omission of facts would exclude my being considered for service. I also understand that falsified,
omitted, or misrepresented statements on this application may constitute grounds for termination of my services to the BSA.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and voluntarily agree to the above.

_______________________________ ________________________
Signature of Applicant Date

Type or Print Name

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