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What is the duration of the time of Maghrib?

Question: What is the ruling of the Ulama-e-Deen in the following case: Zaid says that the time of Maghrib is very short and it is for this reason that
short Surahs are recited in Maghrib and after the two sunnats and nafil of Maghrib the time of Maghrib either e!"ires or only five or si! minutes
remain# $mar says that it is mustahab %desirable& to read short Surahs and to read Maghrib in its earliest time# 'e further says that the time of Maghrib
is until the redness remains in the s(y# $ctually he says that there is a""ro!imately half an hour that one has %for Maghrib&# ) would thus li(e to humbly
*uery concerning the correct ruling regarding how long Maghrib lasts for and when it e!"ires? ) would also li(e clarification regarding the statements of
Zaid and $mar# ) would also li(e to *uery the ruling if a "erson reads Maghrib at the time when there is the whiteness in the s(y which a""ears after
the redness# )s it "ermissible to read at this time or not? Until what time is one allowed reading Maghrib without any uncertainty?
+he $nswer: +he statement of Zaid is com"letely incorrect# 'e has ,ust made this u" from his own thin(ing# )t is for this reason that he is himself in
doubt because he first said that there is no time left and then he says that there are five to si! minutes left %for Maghrib to end& and to use one-s own
idea in such religious issues is totally haraam# )n reality the time of Maghrib remains until the whiteness in the s(y has set# +his whiteness refers to
the whiteness on the western side of the s(y which stretches breadth wise towards the northerly and southerly direction li(e the whiteness in the
morning# +he whiteness after this which does not stretch breadth wise northerly or southerly but moves vertically towards the s(y li(e the whiteness
of Subh .aa/ib is not regarded as the correct whiteness# $fter the setting of the sun until the whiteness in the s(y that s"reads breadth wise sets# )n
our areas this remains for at least one hour eighteen minutes# +he ma!imum time that it remains for is one hour thirty five minutes# +he time varies
between one hour eighteen and one hour thirty five minutes# 0n some days the whiteness remains for one hour eighteen minutes whilst on other
days it remains for one hour nineteen minutes or one hour twenty minutes until the whiteness sets at one hour thirty five minutes#
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)t is however better to read Maghrib vamaa/ as soon as "ossible and it is Ma(rooh-e-+an/eehi in others words contrary to what is better to delay
without reason the vamaa/ of Maghrib for the amount of time that is usually re*uired to read two wa(aats vamaa/ %,ust as it has been mentioned in
Durr Mu(htar&# +o delay maghrib so much that lots of stars begin to a""ear in the s(y is Ma(rooh-e-+ahreemi ,ust as been mentioned in Durr
Mu(htar# A9B7 x64TN y7H

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