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Opti Drive Control manual version 1.

1. Introduction
Opti Drive Control is a test an$ enchmar" utility 'or optical $rives. #t can e use$ to
veri'y the per'ormance5 -uality an$ reliaility o' the urn an$ rea$ 'unctions o' optical
$rives an$ $iscs.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
2. Usage
%sing Opti Drive Control is easy. 6'ter starting Opti Drive Control the main screen sho7s
up 7here you can select the $rive5 change the rea$ spee$ an$ run a test 'rom the le't
8e1t to the spee$ selector on top o' the screen 'our uttons are availale9 the re'resh
utton to re'resh :re3$etect; the rea$ spee$ settings5 the erase utton to erase or 'ormat
re7ritale $iscs5 the options utton an$ the save screenshot utton.
6 $isc can e loa$e$ or e<ecte$ automatically y pressing the loa$0e<ect utton on the
right si$e o' the $rive selector.
On the top le't corner asic $isc in'ormation is sho7n. .elo7 that is a 'iel$ 7here you can
enter a lael or you can let the program rea$ the lael 'rom the $isc y pressing the $isc
icon ne1t to the lael 'iel$ or y enaling the =rea$ $isc lael automatically= option.
.elo7 this 'iel$ are the 'unction uttons.
#n the ottom le't corner the status 7in$o7 utton can e presse$ to sho7 a log o' the
e1ecute$ 'unctions.
)he status ar sho7s the active status o' the program5 the current test progress an$
elapse$ time.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
3. User interface options
)o change the appearance o' the program a theme can e chosen in Options > %ser
inter'ace. ?raph colors can e chosen separately.
@ea$ $isc lael automatically9 y chec"ing this option5 the $isc lael 7ill e rea$ an$
sho7n each time a ne7 $isc is inserte$ or 7hen the program starts.
!naling this option 7ill cause a small $elay 7hen starting the program an$ may cause
long $elays 7hen a $amage$ $isc is inserte$.
)he $isc lael can e rea$ manually y pressing the $isc utton ne1t to the lael 'iel$.
)he lael can also e entere$ manually.

Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70

4. !ransfer rate
)he trans'er rate test measures 'our $i''erent parameters9 rea$ spee$5 access times5 urst
rate an$ CA% usage.
/or this test an au$io :CD; or $ata $isc :CD5 DVD or .D; is re-uire$.
)o run the test enale or $isale the speci'ic test parameters an$ press the start utton.
)he test can e cancele$ at any time y pressing the stop utton.
.y pressing the start full utton the trans'er rate test is per'orme$ on the entire sur'ace5 y
pressing the start part utton a 7in$o7 appears 7hich allo7s you to choose the test range.
)he start an$ en$ positions can e speci'ie$ in minutes :CDs;5 2egayte :2.5 'or DVD an$
.D;5 an$ sectors :oth $ecimal an$ he1a$ecimal;.
"ead speed
)he contents o' the $isc is rea$ an$ the rea$ spee$ is sho7n oth graphically an$
numerically. )his allo7s you to see ho7 7ell the $rive per'orms an$ i' it meets the
manu'acturer=s speci'ications.
)his 'unction can also e use$ to $etermine the -uality o' the $isc. #$eally the graph
shoul$ sho7 a smooth line.
#' the rea$ spee$ line sho7s $o7n7ar$ spi"es it means the $rive has troule rea$ing the
$isc. )he re$ areas sho7 the locations 7here an uncorrectale rea$ error occurre$.
#ccess times
)he access time is the time it ta"es the $rive to locate an$ rea$ a single sector on the $isc
an$ is measure$ in millisecon$s. Bo7 access times are an in$ication o' goo$ per'ormance
'or rea$ing smaller 'iles.
)he access times are measure$ at 100 locations on the $isc sur'ace 7ith three $i''erent
access patterns9
ran$om9 measure$ at ran$om positions across the $isc sur'ace
103 stro"e 9measure$ 'rom the 'irst sector to the sector at 103 o' the capacity
'ull stro"e9 measure$ 'rom the 'irst sector to the last sector on the $isc
$urst rate
)he urst rate is the highest possile spee$ at 7hich $ata can e trans'erre$ to the $rive.
)his spee$ shoul$ e higher than the ma1imum rate$ spee$ o' the $rive. /or e1ample5 the
urst rate o' a 1( C DVD shoul$ e higher than 21 2.0s :1( C D 21 2.0s;. 6 lo7 urst rate
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
can e cause$ y limitations o' the $rive inter'ace :%4. 'or e1ample; or y an incorrect
D26 setting.
C%U usage
)he CA% usage is measure$ $uring the rea$ test. )his value shoul$ stay elo7 10E.
6 higher value usually means the $rive is not using D26 to trans'er $ata.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the trans'er rate screen you can call the options menu.
4ho7 @A29 sho7s the rotation spee$ on the graph
4ho7 7rite spee$ graph9 i' the $isc 7as create$ 7ith this program the 7rite trans'er rate
can e sho7n on the graph
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
!1port graph to C4V9 e1port the $ata 'or the graph to a C4V 'ile. Gith this 'ile the graph
can e regenerate$ an$ analyHe$ y a sprea$sheet.
Options9 rings up the options 7in$o79
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
2a1imum spee$ $isplay9 the is the ma1imum value the graph can sho7. )his value has to
e higher than the ma1imum spee$ o' the $rive to ma"e sure the graph can e sho7n
?ri$ $isplay9 the spee$ in$ication can e set to either C :$e'ault; or @A2.
)est length9 the test length can e speci'ie$ to re$uce the time to per'orm the trans'er rate
test. .y $e'ault this is set to 191 7hich tests the entire $isc. Ghen set at 192 I o' the $isc is
teste$5 7hen set at 1935 103 o' the $isc is teste$5 etc.
)est range9 speci'y the range o' the $isc 7hich 7ill e teste$. )he start an$ en$ values can
e set in either sectors or megaytes :2.;.
4pin3up time9 optical $rives re-uire some time to reach the selecte$ spee$. .y $e'ault Opti
Drive Control spins up the $rive 'or 10 secon$s e'ore running a rea$ test.
#gnore layer change sample9 4etting this option 7ill ignore the value measure$ at the layer
rea" 7hen calculating the minimum or average value.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a typical result 'rom the trans'er rate test. )he lue line sho7s the rea$ spee$5 the
green line sho7s the rotation spee$ in @A2.
)he gray line sho7s the 7rite spee$ graph 7hich can e sho7n i' the $isc 7as create$ 7ith
Opt Drive Control.
)he results clearly sho7s the $rive has no prolems rea$ing the $isc :nice smooth line; an$
meets the per'ormance speci'ication o' 1(C DVD rea$ spee$.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his screenshot sho7s the $rive has a lot o' troule rea$ing the $isc. )he $rive slo7s $o7n
a lot5 has to $o many re3rea$s :visile as $o7n7ar$ spi"es; an$ cannot rea$ certain parts
o' the $isc :re$ lines;.
)he status 7in$o7 sho7s the e1act positions 7here the errors occur.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
5. Create test disc
)he create test $isc 'unction urns an #4O,((0 compliant $isc 7hich can e use$ 'or
a$$itional tests 7ith Opti Drive Control.
6 lan" $isc is re-uire$ 'or this test.
6n Opti Drive Control test $isc contains three 'ol$ers9
@!4%B)49 contains a inary 'ile 7hich inclu$es the test in'ormation an$ results.
@8D)!4)9 contains 1000 'iles o' $i''erent lengths. )hese 'iles are use$ 'or the ran$om veri'y
test $isc 'unction :see *. Veri'y test $isc;.
4!J)!4)9 contains a single 'ile 7ith a length e-ual to the capacity o' the $isc. )his is a
stan$ar$ #4O 'ile 7hich can e use$ 'or recreating an e1act $uplicate o' the test $isc.
)his 'ile is also use$ 'or the se-uential veri'y test $isc 'unction :see *. Veri'y test $isc;.
)he 'iles are 7ritten 7ith a speci'ic $ata pattern 7hich 7ill e use$ 'or a very e1tensive $ata
veri'ication :see *. Veri'y test $isc;.
)o create the test $isc insert a lan" $isc an$ press the start utton. Aress the stop utton
to cancel the test. Alease note that canceling the test 7ill result in an unusale $iscK
)he create test $isc 7in$o7 also has a 7rite spee$ selector so you can choose at 7hich
spee$ the $isc is urne$. )he possile settings are $etecte$ y the program an$ $epen$
on the $rive an$ $isc.
Lou can also choose to measure an$ sho7 the $rive=s u''er level an$ CA% usage $uring
the test. Alease note that this may cause a small per'ormance loss on certain systems.
Warning! The performance may be reduced a lot when using a Pioneer drive to create a disc.
Therefore it's recommended to lower the buffer update frequency (available in write options)
or to disable buffer level measurement if you're using a Pioneer drive.
!nale the test 7rite option i' you 7ant to test the 7rite spee$ 7ithout actually urning to
the $isc. Alease note that this option may not e 7or"ing on certain $isc types 7ith certain
$rivesK /or e1ample5 most $rives cannot run a simulate$ urn on DVDM@ me$ia. #t is not
possile to $etect this so you 7ill not get a 7arning 'or this.
8oteK Gith many $rives the $isc has to e e<ecte$ an$ re3inserte$ e'ore it can e use$.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the create test $isc screen you can call the options menu.
4ho7 @A29 sho7s the rotation spee$ on the graph
4ho7 u''er level9 i' the u''er level chec"o1 7as chec"e$ you can choose to sho7 or hi$e
the u''er level graph.
4ho7 CA% usage9 i' the CA% usage chec"o1 7as chec"e$ you can choose to sho7 or hi$e
the CA% usage graph.
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
!1port graph to C4V9 e1port the $ata 'or the graph to a C4V 'ile. Gith this 'ile the graph
can e regenerate$ an$ analyHe$ y a sprea$sheet.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Options9 rings up the options 7in$o79
Direct over7rite9 allo7s urning o' test $iscs 7hich are not empty 7ithout erasing them
'irst. )his options only 7or"s 7ith DVDM@G5 DVD3@62 an$ .D3@! $iscs.
4treaming9 $isales the automatic veri'y 'unction o' DVD3@62 an$ .D $iscs. .y enaling
this options those $iscs 7ill e urne$ at a 'aster spee$ :aout 2C 'aster; ut this can
cause reliaility prolems.
)est range9 speci'y the range o' the $isc 7hich 7ill e teste$. )he en$ values can e set in
either sectors or megaytes :2.;.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)he screenshot sho7s the 7rite spee$ an$ the 7rite strategy :A3C6V;.
)he u''er level is at a constant 100E 7hich is e1cellent. )he CA% usage varies ut it=s lo7
enough 'or urning 7ithout pauses.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
. *erif+ test disc
)his is a very e1tensive veri'ication 'unction 7hich re-uires a test $isc create$ 7ith Opti
Drive Control.
)o start the veri'ication5 select the ran$om an$0or se-uential test an$ press the start
utton. Aress the stop utton to aort the test.
)he ran$om test 7ill rea$ an$ veri'y the 1000 small 'iles 7hich 7ere urne$ 7ith the create
test $isc 'unction. )he se-uential test 7ill test the ig #4O 'ile.
)he contents o' the ig 'ile an$ the 1000 small 'iles overlap so i' oth the ran$om an$
se-uential tests are enale$ the $isc contents is actually veri'ie$ t7ice.
)he 'ile names consist o' 'our ran$om characters 'ollo7e$ y seven he1a$ecimal $igits
7hich is the 'irst sector position o' the 'ile.
)he test results 'or each 'ile are sho7n in the list o1. )he position sho7s the start sector o'
7here the 'ile is urne$ on the $isc. )he length sho7s the 'ile siHe in sectors :one sector is
20&+ ytes;. )he list can e sorte$ y pressing on the column hea$ers.
On top o' the screen asic in'ormation o' the test $isc is $isplaye$9 the $isc lael5 the $ate
an$ time o' 7hen the $isc 7as urne$5 the program version an$ the name an$ 'irm7are
version o' the $rive 7hich 7as use$ to urn the $isc.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the veri'y test $isc screen you can call the options menu.
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)he screenshot sho7s there are prolems 7ith this $isc. .y sorting on the status it=s easy to
see that most errors occur at aroun$ the same position.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
7. Drive info
)his 'unction sho7s $etaile$ in'ormation aout the $rive.
)he in'ormation is $ivi$e$ in several sections9
?eneral9 sho7s asic $rive in'ormation such as the $rive name5 'irm7are version5 serial
numer an$ u''er length.
4pee$ settings 'or current me$ia9 sho7s the possile rea$ an$ 7rite spee$s 'or the
inserte$ $isc. )hese values $epen$ on the $rive5 $isc type an$ $isc manu'acturer.
)he results may not e vali$ i' no $isc is inserte$.
@egion control9 this 7ill sho7s 7hich region DVDs can e playe$ an$ ho7 many times the
region settings can e change$.
Copy protection 0 $ata security9 sho7s supporte$ copy protection 0 $ata security schemes
Disc types9 sho7s 7hich $isc types can e rea$ an$0or urne$.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the $rive in'o screen you can call the options menu.
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
&. Disc info
)his 'unctions sho7s $etaile$ $isc in'ormation.
#n'ormation inclu$es the $isc type5 oo" type5 $isc manu'acturer5 numer o' layers5
capacity5 supporte$ 7rite spee$s5 $isc status5 copy protection5 the recor$er 7hich 7as use$
to urn the $isc :only 7ith DVD3@ $iscs; an$ a inary $ata $ump o' this in'ormation.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the $isc in'o screen you can call the options menu.
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
'. Disc ,ualit+
)his 'unction 7ill scan the $isc an$ report error parameters. #t re-uires a urne$ CD5 DVD
or .D.
)o start scanning select the scanning spee$ an$ press the start utton. )he test can e
cancele$ y pressing the stop utton.
.y pressing the start full utton the entire $isc is scanne$5 y pressing the start part utton
a 7in$o7 appears 7hich allo7 you to choose the test range. )he start an$ en$ positions
can e speci'ie$ in minutes :CDs;5 2egayte :2.5 'or DVD an$ .D;5 an$ sectors :oth
$ecimal an$ he1a$ecimal;.
)he scanning spee$ can have a ig in'luence on the test results. #n general lo7er spee$s
7ill result in 'e7er errors.
)he <itter chec"o1 either enales or $isales <itter measurement. )his option is only
availale 'or scanning DVDs 7ith BiteOn $rives.
)he type o' error parameters 7hich are reporte$ $epen$ on the $isc type.
/or CDs the 'ollo7ing parameters are measure$9
C19 total numer o' errors at the C1 stage
C29 numer o' uncorrectale errors at the C2 stage.
Jitter9 DC <itter
)he errors are measure$ an$ sho7n 'or every secon$ :7* sectors;. )he numer o' C1 errors
shoul$ e as lo7 as possile an$ a goo$ $isc shoul$ not have any uncorrectale C2 errors.
)he error $ata is sho7n 7ith a color pattern 7here green areas are an in$ication o' goo$
-uality an$ yello7 to re$ areas are in$ications o' prolem areas.
/or DVDs the 'ollo7ing parameters are measure$9
A#! :Aarity #nner !rror;9 numer o' lines 7ith one to 'ive errors
A#/ :Aarity #nner /ailure;9 numer o' lines 7ith more than 'ive errors5 these errors are
uncorrectale at the A# stage an$ passe$ to the AO :Aarity Outer; stage.
AO/ :Aarity Outer /ailure;9 uncorrectale column. Ghen a AO 'ailure occurs the $rive 7ill re3
rea$ an$ may slo7 $o7n ut 7hen this 'ails a rea$ error occurs.
Jitter9 DC <itter
A#!s are measure$ in intervals o' + !CC loc"s :A#! 4um +5 12+ sectors;5 A#/s are measure$
in 1 !CC loc" intervals or 'or some $rives :namely ol$er .enJ $rives; in + !CC loc"
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)he numer o' A#!s shoul$ stay elo7 2+0 an$ the numer o' A#/s shoul$ stay elo7 & :1
!CC interval; or 1* :+ !CC interval;.
)he error $ata is sho7n 7ith a color pattern 7here green areas are an in$ication o' goo$
-uality an$ yello7 to re$ areas are in$ications o' prolem areas.
)he recommen$e$ scan spee$ 'or DVDs is either &C or +C.
/or .Ds the 'ollo7ing parameters are measure$9
BDC :Bong Distance Co$e;9 numer o' parity errors on BDC co$e7or$s per !CC loc" :32
.#4 :.urst #n$ication 4uco$e;9 numer o' parity errors on .#4 co$e7or$s per !CC loc"
:32 sectors;
On a goo$ $isc the average BDC shoul$ stay elo7 13 an$ .#4 shoul$ stay elo7 1*.
ote! this function is not supported by all drives. "n general #ite$n% &en'% Pioneer% (amsung
and $ptiarc)ec drives are supported. (ome Ple*tor drives are also supported. #+ drives are
not supported. Testing &, media currently only wor-s with the #ite$n ,./0$1( % i.2(134
and i.2(536 and other &, drives with a 7ediate- chipset.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the $isc -uality screen you can call the options menu.
4ho7 <itter9 sho7s <itter line on the ottom graph i' the $rive can reports <itter
4ho7 rea$ spee$9 sho7s scan spee$ line on top graph
4ho7 7rite spee$ graph9 i' the $isc 7as create$ 7ith this program the 7rite trans'er rate
can e sho7n on the graph
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
!1port graph to C4V9 e1port the $ata 'or the graph to a C4V 'ile. Gith this 'ile the graph
can e regenerate$ an$ analyHe$ y a sprea$sheet.
Options9 rings up the options 7in$o79
#n the options screen the y3scale o' the graphs can e set to automatic or a 'i1e$ scale
7hich can e $e'ine$ 'or CDs 5 DVDs an$ .Ds separately.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a goo$ result ecause the numer o' C1 errors are lo7 an$ there are no C2 errors.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a scan o' a lo7 -uality CD. )here are several areas 7ith C2 errors.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)he trans'er rate test sho7s ho7 this results in poor rea$aility o' the $isc. )here are many
slo7$o7ns 7here the C2 errors 7ere 'oun$.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his result is e1cellent. )he numer o' A# an$ A#/ errors are lo7.
)he $isc can e rea$ at 'ull spee$ 7ithout any slo7$o7ns.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a a$ result. 2ost re$ areas are unrea$ale5 the other re$ areas can only e rea$ at
a very lo7 spee$ an$ a'ter several retries.
)o prevent such a result the urn spee$ shoul$ e lo7ere$ or a $i''erent $isc ran$ shoul$
e use$.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
10. CD $ler
)he CD .ler test is similar to the $isc -uality test ut it sho7s more in'ormation an$ only
7or"s 7ith CDs.
)o start scanning press the start utton. )he scan spee$ is the same as the selecte$ scan
spee$ 'rom the $isc -uality test. )o cancel the test press the stop utton.
.y pressing the start full utton the entire $isc is scanne$5 y pressing the start part utton
a 7in$o7 appears 7hich allo7 you to choose the test range. )he start an$ en$ positions
can e speci'ie$ in minutes :CDs;5 2egayte :2.5 'or DVD an$ .D;5 an$ sectors :oth
$ecimal an$ he1a$ecimal;.
)he CD .ler test measures 'ollo7ing error parameters9
C1 errors9
.B!@9 loc" error rate9 this is the sum o' all C1 errors
!119 one error correcte$ at the C1 stage
!219 t7o errors correcte$ at the C1 stage
!319 three or more errors at the C1 stage. )hese 'rames are uncorrectale at the C1 stage
an$ are passe$ to the C2 stage.
C2 errors9
!129 one error correcte$ at the C2 stage
!229 t7o errors correcte$ at the C2 stage
!329 three or more error $etecte$ at the C2 stage. )hese errors are uncorrectale.
Jitter9 DC <itter
On a goo$ $isc .B!@ shoul$ not e1cee$ 220 an$ there shoul$ e no !22 or !32 errors.
8ote9 Only certain .enJ an$ Ale1tor $rives support this 'unction.
/or e1ample9 .enJ DG1(205 DG1(&05 DG1(*05 DG1(**5 Ale1tor AC371(
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the CD ler screen you can call the options menu.
4ho7 .B!@5 !115 !215 !315 !125 !225 !329 sho7s speci'ie$ error parameter
4ho7 <itter9 sho7s <itter line on the ottom graph i' the $rive can reports <itter
4ho7 7rite spee$ graph9 i' the $isc 7as create$ 7ith this program the 7rite trans'er rate
can e sho7n on the graph
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
!1port graph to C4V9 e1port the $ata 'or the graph to a C4V 'ile. Gith this 'ile the graph
can e regenerate$ an$ analyHe$ y a sprea$sheet.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a goo$ result9 lo7 .B!@ an$ no !22 or !32 errors.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)his is a very poor result. .B!@ e1cee$s 220 an$ there are many !22 an$ !32 errors.
)he $isc is unrea$ale.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
11. -. / !. test
)he /! 0 )! test measures the /ocus !rrors :/!; an$ )rac"ing !rrors :)!; on a lan" or $ata
CD5 DVD or .D at various spee$s.
)o start the test select the spee$ settings an$ press the start utton. )he test can e
stoppe$ at any time y pressing the stop utton.
.y pressing the start full utton the entire $isc is scanne$5 y pressing the start part utton
a 7in$o7 appears 7hich allo7 you to choose the test range. )he start an$ en$ positions
can e speci'ie$ in minutes :CDs;5 2egayte :2.5 'or DVD an$ .D;5 an$ sectors :oth
$ecimal an$ he1a$ecimal;.
)he 'ocus an$ trac"ing errors are sho7n 'or each selecte$ spee$ setting oth graphically
an$ numerically. .y comparing those errors the optimum urn spee$ can e $etermine$.
/ocus errors9 in$ication o' ho7 7ell the laser can 'ocus on the $isc.
)rac"ing errors9 in$ication o' ho7 7ell the laser can 'ollo7 the spiral trac" o' the $isc.
4upporte$ $rives9 all .enJ $rives 7ith a 8e1peria chipset :ie. DG1(205 DG1(*05 DG1(**;5
all BiteOn 7ith a 2e$iate" chipset an$ most Ale1tor $rives :AC37125 AC371(5 AC3++0465...;.
ote! because of a hardware limitation Ple*tor drives can only perform this test at the
ma*imum speed when testing ,8,s.
.y right3clic"ing any7here on the $isc in'o screen you can call the options menu.
4ave as F)2B9 save test results an$ screenshot to F)2B 'ile
4ave screenshot9 save the screen to a A8? 'ile
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
)he est urn spee$ 'or this $isc is +1. 6t &1 the numer o' trac"ing errors are lo7er ut
the numer o' 'ocus errors are much higher.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
12. .0tra tests
)his 'unction o''ers a collection o' rea$ 0 see" an$ other tests.
)ests inclu$e9
"ead / see1 tests
/unnel see"9 see" times are measure$ in a 'unnel pattern
@an$om see"9 see" times are measure$ in a ran$om pattern
@an$om trans'er 0 see"9 ran$om loc"s et7een 2 N. an$ (& N. are measure$ on ran$om
)rans'er inner9 trans'er rate is measure$ on the inner part o' the $isc
)rans'er mi$$le9 trans'er rate is measure$ on the mi$$le part o' the $isc
)rans'er outer9 trans'er rate is measure$ on the outer part o' the $isc
Bayer change time9 time to <ump 'rom the 'irst to the secon$ layer is measure$. #' this time
is high it may cause a visile pause 7hen playing a DVD Vi$eo
2iscellaneous tests
4pinup time9 time re-uire$ to spin up the $rive
4pin$o7n time9 time re-uire$ to spin $o7n the $rive 'rom 'ull spee$ to a stan$still
!<ect time9 time re-uire$ to e<ect the $isc. )he $isc is stoppe$ e'ore the test is run.
Boa$ time9 time re-uire$ to close the tray
@ecognition time 3 time re-uire$ to recogniHe the $isc contents a'ter the $isc is loa$e$
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
13. 2ulti4test
Gith the multi3test 'unction all tests can e e1ecute$ se-uentially 7ithout user
intervention. 6 $etaile$ test report can e create$ a'ter all tests have complete$.
)o start the multi3test go to options > multi3test an$ a$$ the tests in the or$er you 7ant
to e1ecute them.
)hen select multi3test 'rom the start test menu.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
14. (ave options
Opti Drive Control o''ers several save 'unctions.
/rom the options screen you can choose the $estination 'ol$er an$ 'ile name 7hich can e
generate$ y speci'ying certain parameters.
Open 'ile $ialog9 opens the 'ile $ialog each time you 7ant to save a 'ile. )here you can
choose the 'ol$er an$ 'ile name or <ust accept the 'ol$er an$ 'ile name 7hich are speci'ie$
in the save options screen.
@eplace spaces y un$erscores9 all spaces in the 'ol$er an$ 'ile name 7ill e replace$ y an
un$erscore :=O=;.
)he output 'ol$er can e chosen y pressing the 'ol$er utton or it can e type$ in
together 7ith the 'ile name pattern.
6utomatically e1port to C4V 0 F)2B 'ile9 the test results inclu$ing error messages are
save$ to a C4V 0 F)2B 'ile a'ter each test is run. )he tests to 7hich this option applies can
e selecte$ separately as 7ell as the 'ile name 0 'ilter 'or each test type.
6$$ hea$er $ata :C4V an$ F)2B;9 y chec"ing this option5 the lael 7ill e save$ an$ in
case o' the trans'er rate test5 the test length 7ill e save$ as 7ell.
.y clic"ing on the -uestion mar" utton5 a previe7 o' the generate$ 'ol$er 'ile name is
6utomatically save screenshot a'ter each test9 this option may e han$y i' you 7ant to save
a screenshot o' the test results 'rom all your tests.
/unction 7in$o7 only9 a screenshot o' the 'unction 7in$o7 only :7ithout the title ar; is
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
15. Usage statistics
%sage statistics can e calle$ 'rom the help menu.
)his 'eature sho7s the rea$ an$ 7rite time in hours9minutes9secon$s 'ormats 'or each $rive
an$ in total.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
1. Drive status
)he $rive status is an a$vance$ 'unction 7hich only 7or"s 7ith particular $rives.
Gith the current version only Aioneer $rives are supporte$.
)he $rive status can e calle$ 'rom the e1tra menu.
/ollo7ing in'ormation is sho7n9
Current temperature5 initial temperature5 variation o' laser current :CD an$ DVD;.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
17. Opening test results files
.y selecting the open 'unction 'rom the 'ile menu you can open save$ test results 'rom
Opti Drive Control an$ #mg.urn.
Opti Drive Control 'iles are automatically save$ on the test $iscs 7hich are ma$e 7ith the
create test $isc 'unction. )hey are store$ in the @!4%B)4 'ol$er.
#' the #mg.urn 'ile contains 7rite spee$ in'ormation you can copy the graph to the main
screen :=%se results= utton;5 similar to the 7rite spee$ graph 7hich is generate$ y Opti
Drive Control. )his 7ill only 7or" i' the $isc types 'rom the inserte$ $isc an$ #mg.urn 'ile
Lou can save a screenshot y pressing the $isc icon.
Opti Drive Control manual version 1.70
1&. Contact information
)he 'ollo7ing email a$$ress can e use$ 'or all technical an$ non3technical -uestions.

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