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O. Majumdar, 2014 Personal use only. Please do not sell or distribute!

Shifting Sands Cardigan

An Artfully Rucked Collar

Type: Custom Fit Recipe
Category: Open-front short-sleeved cardigan
Size: Customized to yours
Materials: Body: Any yarn from fingering to worsted weight; amount can be
calculated with CustomFit if swatch weight and dimensions are
available. Sample in Malabrigo Sock held double
Collar: light fingering weight yarn, to allow the collar to fold as
intended. Sample in Malabrigo Sock
Stitch Pattern: Instructions and charted
Printing: For minimal printing costs select only pages 4 and 5 in greyscale.
Always select Scale to Fit or similar option

Shifting Sands Cardigan

O. Majumdar, 2014 Personal use only. Please do not sell or distribute!

You Will Need
1. Instructions
This pattern Recipe.
A separately generated Custom Fit
pattern for US$9.99 to fit you perfectly.

2. Materials
Cardigan Body: Any yarn from fingering
to worsted weight. Your Custom Fit
pattern will help you estimate required
yardage if you enter your swatchs full
weight and dimensions. Sample is made
in Malabrigo Sock held double.
Collar: One or two skeins of light
fingering weight yarn (400 800 yd).
Yardage depends on length selected for
cardigan. Sample is made in Malabrigo
sock held single, approximately 400yd.

3. Needles and notions
Suitable straight or circular needles for
Two 2.75mm straight needles for collar,
or appropriately needles for gauge.
Scrap yarn to hold provisional CO.
Cable needle; not needed if you can
cable without a cable needle.
Tapestry needle for seaming.
Yarn holder or scrap yarn.

Pattern Notes
1. Possible Yarn Combination Ideas
Different Yarns: You can use two
completely different yarns for the body
and collar. Use anything from fingering
to worsted weight for the body. Use a
light fingering weight yarn for the collar
to create a fabric light enough to form
folds. A heavy yarn selected for the
collar will add bulk around the neck.

Same Light Yarn: If youre using the same
light fingering weight yarn for everything,
you can knit the body with the yarn held
doubled to speed up the process! The
sample was knit with Malabrigo Sock
held double for the body and single for
the collar.

One Precious Skein: If you have a single
skein of light fingering weight yarn, too
fragile, too variegated or too expensive
for a whole cardigan, use it for the
collar. Pick a sturdier yarn in a solid
colour for the cardigan body, matching
one of the hues in the collar yarn.

Same Colour, Different Bases: Pick up
the same colour in two different yarn
bases from the same manufacturer, a
sturdy one for the body and a fine one
for the collar.

2. Construction Notes
The cardigan body and sleeves are
made following instructions generated
by a separate Custom Fit pattern. You
will get the option to make it in pieces or
mostly seamlessly. After finishing the
cardigan, you will knit the collar
following instructions in this pattern
Recipe, finish it, and sew it along the
outer front edge of the cardigan.

The collar is made in two rectangular
strips in the Shifting Sands stitch pattern.
Purl wedges are gradually inserted,
splitting the collar pattern into sections
and allowing it to fold softly. Short rows
shape them around the neck and the
two pieces are joined with a 3-needle
bind off at the nape.

3. Skills Assumed
This pattern Recipe assumes you can
already do the following:
Knit and purl
Stocking / stockinette stitch
Seam knitted pieces (mattress stitch).
Provisional cast on

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