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A Report from the Thomas Courtney

Family, Missionaries to Rhodesia,
Africa December, 1967
in this season ..,
By strict definition a furlough is simply a "leave of absence." However,
the more common connotation when one considers the furlough of a mission
ary, is that it implies more of a holiday or vacation.
Happily, it is really neither of the above. I have come to realize it is an
additional opportunity to be of service in the Kingdom of God. An opportunity
to speak to America's youth, who, week in and month out, have expressed
their hunger and desire to be challenged in the work of the Kingdom of God.
An opportunity to share the rich things of our Christian experiences with
those congregations who have made our ministry in Africa possible. A time
to share with and receive from my fellow preachers encouragement and new
visions. Indeed a time to broaden the horizons of our common vision to
serve the Christ.
There was a time when returning missionaries had to spend an inordinate
amount of time scurrying to and from in order to raise enough funds to return
to their work abroad. It has been a pleasure to find churches todaywho's
concept of fiscal responsibility makes this no longer necessary.
The new found freedom consequently enables the missionary-evangelist to
become as involved in preaching Jesus Christ in America as he has been in
his foreign field of labor. Consequently, we aregrateful that God has opened
so many doors to us since we have been back in America on our "furlough."
At this writing we have been in the United States some 163 days and have
been able to speak for Christ and His Kingdom 233 times. It
has been a thrill to see 53 persons respond to the invitation , JF ^
The remainder of our time in America (until the children
finish school next spring) is similiarly scheduled. About a
vacation? Oh yes, after we're settled in Africa next June
we'll probably take a couple of weeks there. But for now -
thanks be to God for this opportunity.
Every letter we receive from the
Niemeyers seems better than the last
one. Their work in evangelism con
tinues to grow and they are most ac
tive at this time in trying to establish
twoadditional congregations. We are
grateful for our splendid co-workers.
Lurry & Judy
The Equipment Fund
powered unit. We have estimated our
future needs to require aboutl5 K.W.
in output. Such a unit will cost us
about $2, 000.00,
Additionally, we will need personal
transportation. We hope to be able
to purchase a Land Rover or Toyota
four-wheel drive vehicle. The ap
proximate cost, about $4,000. The
aircraft engine must also be majored
or replaced at a cost of some S3, 000.
Thus, your funds are being carefully
As normal funds come in for our set aside for these purposes. Of
service link, they are being set aside course some African salaries and in
fer purchasing needed equipment, as surances continue to be met each
well as for vehicle replacement. month out of the service funds.
With two families at Nuanetsi, plus
the electrical needs of the proposed
clinic, we will have to replace our
small generator with a larger diesel
WE COULD UTILIZE a good mimeo
graph and teaching filmstrips in our
Bible School educational work.
Shii \ipping
March 1 has been iset as our date
for shipping our supplies and equip
ment to Rhodesia for our next term of
service. Many church groups have
expressed interest in supplying the
mission with the variously needed
items. If these items could be forr
warded to us early in February it will
enable us to get them crated and
packed fbr the long voyage to Africa.
Special ! kanks
To the youth groups in Caldwell,
Idaho for their gift of the splendid
belt Sander. Also, to the Court Street
Church in Salem and the University
Church in Eugene for the sewing
supplies. The Oregon City and St.
Johns women's groups have respec
tively promised to supply the needed
sheets and quilts.
In response to some of the meet
ings we have held, we share some of
the written responses:
"It worked! Our church will never
be the same! God has moved and
worked just like He has promised!
Lives are changed and full of God's
loving, living Spirit!.. .and oh, I
could go on and on!!!
Don't you dare ever change! (Not
that you ever will) but what you have
given us of your active Christ cen
tered life was the prelude for the
greatest harmonious presentation of
"MISSION" we have ever had."
Don Hardenbrook, Church of Christ
Anacortes, Washington
"Again may I say thank you from
the bottom of my heart for the very
fine contribution which you made at
our Pacific Christian Convention ses
sions from one end of Southern Calif
ornia to the other. Everywhere I go
people are deep in their appreciation
and loud in their acclaim for you."
G.B. Gordon, Pacific Christian
College, Long Beach, California
"The congregation has not been the
same since you left. A dedication to
the Lord has taken place like I have
never seen before.
Good news concerning our building
debt came stating that we owe about
$300.00 less than figured. We now
have $700.00 towards the accepted
goal of $1,350.00. This figure rep
resents II families. More will come
soon. Praise the Lord for this spir
itual change and thank you folks,
God's servants, for challenging us."
Ted L. Jones, Southgate Christian
Church, Portland, Oregon
"With all the class sessions and
the evening services for the entire
congregation stressing the steward
ship of the individual Christian, I
feel that you made a significant con
tribution to the people here in Oregon
City. Not only has there been an in
crease in the total weekly offering,
but there has also been a sense of
personal dedication that is evident
among our newer members. If other
congregations benefit as much as
ours, the work of Christ's Church
will be expanding more than ever."
Leo Epperson, Church of Christ,
Oregon City, Oregon
"We, the members of the North
Plains Christian Church were privil
eged to have the Tom Courtneys with
us for a week of meetings. Our at
tendance was the best this church
has had in our ministry here for the
past three years. The slides shown
of the work in Africa were most en
lightening and challenging. The
children were simply entranced by
them. Our offerings were the highest
in our church history. We had two
added, both of them mature men who
will be of great help to us in the days
ahead. We would .encourage every
(Letters continued from page 3)
congregation in our state to try and
obtain Tom Courtney either for a sin
gle session or better yet, for a week.
In the area in which he works in
Rhodesia, Africa, there are tens of
thousands who need so badly to hear
the gospel story. Here is a good way
to provide that hearing. "
Howard F. Hutchlns, Pastor
North Plains Christian Church
"Someone asks 'what work does a
missionary do while home?' We
should say, 'what doesn't he dol'
He revitalizes churches, gives a
horizon outlook and saves the church
from selfishness, evangelizes, re
cruits workers for his field and oth
ers, blesses and encourages for the
Christian's witness. Such has been
the witness of the Tom Courtneys,
the finest of Christian families. How
very grateful we are for their witness
and faithfulness to Christ, the King."
John Parish, The Christian Church,
fieaverton, regon
"The week the Courtneys spent
with us proved to be an inspiration
in every way. It broadened the mis
sionary outlook of our people. It
was also an inspiration for deepened
Christian living. The church was
blessed in many ways."
W. Harold Lyman, Court Street
Christian Church, Salem, Oregon
"The week was indeed inspira
tional. Many have commented that
it was the same for them. Person
ally, the opportunity to again asso
ciate with you folk in the work of the
church was a real privilege. We do
pray for you and the children. May
you continue to follow as the Lord
guides and walks with you, is my
Opal Zell, Secretary, Court Street
Christian Church, Salem, Oregon
"The South Idaho Youth Camps
were greatly blessed by having Tom
Courtney as camp missionary. His
presentations were timely, challeng
ing and inspirational."
Ernest Chamberlain, First Christian
Church, Caldwell, Idaho
"I thought that Mr. Courtney's
messages were very inspiring."
Sharon Thacker, Caldwell, Idaho
"Mr. Courtney, I thought the rea
son for so many Junior High young
people going forward was a result of
your fine messages. I'm sure they
inspired every one of us!"
Diane Hart, Caldwell, Idaho
"Mr. Courtney, your messages
made us realize how much help you
need over in Rhodesia. I liked your
slides very much."
Nancy Waner, Caldwell, Idaho
"We entered into our first Faith-
Promise Missionary Festival with
faith on the part of some, misgivings
on-the- part of some, and apeHiy-on
the part of others. But God is able I
Our goal of $4,000 was shattered as
promises of $8, 394 were recorded.
We thank God for working through you
as He did as you led us to our com
mitments. May He continue to use
you mightily here and in Rhodesia."
Steve Fenn, The Christian Church,
Tigard, Oregon
Baptizing into Christ for the re
mission of sins.
Z)rea^ureri J^eport - December 12, 1967:
Balance on Hand, 8/30/67 (9.80) M/M Delbert Springsteen 40.00
Contributions: Mrs. Bemice Taylor 16.00
M/M Jim Aydelott 60.00 Mr. Fred Tinker 40.00
M/M B. E. Berry 45.00 M/M Merrill Valentine 50.00
M/M Elmer Blanton 9.00 Keman Wagner .24
Mrs. Beulah Boge 20.00 M/M E. R. Wells 40.00
Mrs. W, J. Bryan 15.00 M/M Homer Wolf 65.00
M/M W. T. Butler 20.00 M/M Don Zentzis 40.00
Mrs. Roberta Caipenter 4.00 Central Oregon C.W.F. 35.00
Mrs. Evelyn Creek 25.00 A Friend 3.00
M/M William Dalton 87.00 Suburban Christian Church,
M/M Horace Denton 15.00 Corva His 20.00
M/M Earl Dunlap 44.75 Evergreen Christian Church 25.25
Sara Dunlap 16'. 00 M/M David Roodzant 15.00
M/M Ira Egli 12.00 Northwest Missionary
M/M Glenn Ely 40.00 Conference 800.00
M/M Otto Fischer 10.00 First Christian Church,
M/M Elton Fishback 50.00 Culver City 25.00
M/M Elmer Glllam 30.00 Central Church of Christ,
Mrs. Elsie Hill 9.00 San Bernadino 60.50
M/M ElDon Hoven 70.00 Westside Church of Christ,
Mrs. Verna Jensen 15.00 Redlands 25.00
M/M John Johnson 16.00 Richard Osness 10.00
M/M'T. E. Jongeling" 10.00 Churches:
Koinonia C.W.F. 48.00 Christian, Beaverton
M/M William Kretschmer 54.00 Neon Class 23.83
Michael Kretschmer 5.00 Women's Guild 10.00
Mrs. Hazel Kuiken 80.00 Priscilla Group 5.00
Mrs. L. J. Larsen 5.00 Whirlybirds 6.00
Mrs. Mamie Lewis 1.00 Central Christian, Boise 108.20
M/M Garth Mickey 80.00 Christian Church, Canby 140.00
Allen Mickey 5.25 Trent Church of Christ,
Joycelyn Mickey .55 Dexter 15.00
M/M Charles Miller 5.00
Christian Church, Emmett 12.00
Cheryl Miller 5.00
Christian Church, Enfield 20.00
Mrs. Elizabeth Myers 20.00 University Street Church,
M/M Charles Newton 30.00
Eugene 40.00
M/M Albert Niemeyer 20.00 Christian Church, Florence 15.00
M/M John Parish 21.00 Christian Church, Hillsboro 150.41
M/M Ernest Parks 40.00 Christian Church, Kirklin 80.50
M/M Ray Parrish 20.00 Shasta Way Christian,
M/M Robert Reed 15.00 Klamath Falls 150.00
Mrs. Trost Richards 45.00 Friendship Circle 6.00
Miss Connie Richardson 18.00 Church of Christ, Milwaukie 90.00
M/M Bruce Saunders 39.00 Christian, North Plains
M/M Merle Schroeder 40.00 E. Burger Memorial 100.00
M/M Floyd Shaw 10.00
Concorn Christian, Oak Gr, 124.75
Mrs. Dessie Siegner 20.00 Ch. of Christ, Oregon Cty. 489.36
M/M Lloyd Sipe 15.00 7th Grade B. S. Class 24.00
M/M Duane Smith 5.00 The Church Belle's 20.00
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First Christian, Phoenix
Personal Christmas Gift
Central Christian, Portland 210,00
Parkrose Christian 300.00
M/M Roger Berglund 5.00
Parkrose Teenage Group 12.50
Jr. High C.E. Group 11.00
Southgate Christian 117,00
St. Johns Christian 660.00
Englewood Christian 20.00
First Christian, Rupert 107.33
Court St. Christian, Salem 755.91
M/M Melvln Brumfleld 5.00
Mabel Wllhelm 15.00
Lucia Keyt 10.00
Church of Christ, Sisters 35.00
Church of Christ, Sweet Hm.
Junior High 24.00
Opal Womack and
V.L. Blankenshlp 50.00
First Christian, The Dalles 154.65
Christian, Tlgard 95.00
M/M Robert Chapman 5.00
Hoodland Christian, Wemme 15.00
Total $7792.42
Thomas Courtney, 4 mos. 1447.56
Pension Fund 192.00
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955.00 Furlough Fund
=5^ 00^.3- ElectriaOord
Shipping Barrels
Prudential Insurance,
Prepaid for T. Courtney
Inv. Insurance Corp.,
Prepaid for T. Courtney
Service Link
Central African Mission
Balance on Hand 12/12/67 $3639.76
Published for:
1079 S. W. Allen Avenue
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Edited By: Thomas Courtney
Forwarding Agents:
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schroeder
10975 S. W. Walnut
Portland, Oregon 97223
Furlough Address:
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Courtney
1140 S. W. 22nd Street
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Phone: 646-4054

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