MetaSolv Introduction

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Work Management 2-1

Unit 2Preparing the MetaSolv

Unit 2Preparing the MetaSolv

Unit Overview......................................................................................13
Why Preparing the MetaSolv Solution is Important.............................13
1. Introduction to the MetaSolv Solution...............................................15
esson 1 O!"ectives............................................................................15
#$orty %housand $oot& ' (n Overview o) the
MetaSolv Solution Su!systems............................................................1*
OSS +ateway Management.........................................................................1,
-ustomer -are.............................................................................................1.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
0etwor1 2esign............................................................................................34
Service Provisioning.....................................................................................31
Order Management......................................................................................33
%rou!le Management...................................................................................33
Wor1 Management.......................................................................................35
2ata Management........................................................................................35
(t the 6nd o) this -ourse.....................................................................37
/ootcamp 8oadmap in MetaSolv Solution So)tware..........................3,
$irst Stop9Prepare the MetaSolv Solution..................................................3,
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-3
Second Stop90etwor1 2esign....................................................................34
%hird Stop9-ircuit 2esign...........................................................................34
$orth Stop9Service 8e<uests.....................................................................31
$i)th Stop9%rou!le Management................................................................33
$inal Stop9Wear 6veryone=s >at................................................................33
og On to the MetaSolv Solution.........................................................33
%ogether90avigate %hroughout the So)tware...................................33
2e)ault $unctionality.....................................................................................35
esson 8eview....................................................................................3,
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
3. In)rastructure.....................................................................................3.
6nter Aour In)ormation >ere................................................................54
%he 68+ -2......................................................................................51
2ata -ontained In %he 68+.............................................................53
States and -ities..........................................................................................53
Operating -ompanies...................................................................................55
(%(=s Bocal (ccess C %ransport (reaD.....................................................55
-entral O))ice B-OD 6Echange (rea=s...........................................................5*
0P(:0FF -odes..........................................................................................57
0etwor1 ocations........................................................................................5,
Manual 68+ oad.............................................................................54
Order o) 6ntry......................................................................................54
$AI $or $inal O!stacle -ourse............................................................51
esson 8eview....................................................................................53
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-
3. Security.............................................................................................53
Windows Used.....................................................................................55
MetaSolv Solution Inter)ace.................................................................55
Window -ontrols..........................................................................................55
Popup Menus...............................................................................................55
2e)ault Permissions......................................................................................55
(dministrator -apa!ilities....................................................................5*
/asic Steps in a Security Implementation...........................................57
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Users and +roups...............................................................................5,
Password 8e<uirements..............................................................................5.
Password 6Epiration 2ates..........................................................................*4
Password 6Epiration Warnings.....................................................................*1
8estricting (ccess...............................................................................*1
Permission %ypes.........................................................................................*3
2e)ault Permissions......................................................................................*3
User Impact..................................................................................................*5
Permissions +roup /oE................................................................................*5
8adio /utton $unctions................................................................................*5
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"
8estrict Window (ccess......................................................................**
8estrict PopGups...........................................................................................*7
esson 8eview....................................................................................*,
5. Wor1 Management...........................................................................*.
Wor1 Management..............................................................................71
Wor1 Management Pu@@le..................................................................73
Wor1 ?ueue SetGUp Process $low.....................................................75
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
%ogether9-reate a 0ew 6mployee...................................................7*
Wor1 ?ueues.......................................................................................7*
%ogether9Hiew Parent Wor1 ?ueue..................................................77
%ogether9Hiew -hild Wor1 ?ueue....................................................77
%as1 %ypes and -hec1list Items.........................................................7,
%as1 %ypes..........................................................................................7,
Smart %as1s.................................................................................................7.
%as1 Properties....................................................................................,4
%as1 2escriptions................................................................................,1
8U06F6 %as1.....................................................................................,7
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$
-hec1list Items....................................................................................,.
%ogether9-reate -hec1list Items......................................................,.
-reate Provisioning Plans....................................................................4
%as1 Properties.....................................................................................4
Other Options................................................................................................1
OnG0et and O))G0et Plans....................................................................3
%ogether9-reate OnG0et Plan............................................................3
%hree Phases o) a Provisioning Plan...................................................5
%as1 (ssignment ta!............................................................................5
%as1 2ependencies %a!.......................................................................5
2ating Indicator $ield.....................................................................................5
8ules )or the 2ating Indicator $ield...............................................................5
Pert -hart.............................................................................................*
0P(:0FF %as1 (ssignment.................................................................*
+ateway (ssignment............................................................................*
(utomatic Plan Selection......................................................................7
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
8ules )or (utomatic Plan Selection...............................................................7
8ules and /ehaviors............................................................................,
/ene)its o) 8ules and /ehaviors..........................................................,
6Eample o) Using 8ules and /ehaviors................................................
+enerate and Modi)y %as1s..............................................................144
+enerating %as1s..............................................................................141
%ogether9-omplete the Plan Selection %a!....................................143
Wor1 ?ueues.....................................................................................143
%as1 -ircuits ta!.........................................................................................145
P68% -hart %a!.........................................................................................145
Modi)ying %as1s.................................................................................145
-hange a %as1=s 2ue 2ate........................................................................145
APP $",$!,"" 1$5
Other Ways to Modi)y %as1s......................................................................14*
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-11
%ogether9(ccess the Wor1 ?ueue Manager..................................14*
Wor1 ?ueue Manager Map...............................................................147
Wor1 ?ueue Manager Pro)iles..........................................................14,
%a!s at the /ottom o) the W?M.................................................................14,
Managing %as1s................................................................................14.
Wor1 ?ueue Manager Popup Menu..................................................114
(ccepting %as1s................................................................................111
%ogether9(ccept a %as1..................................................................111
2emo9%rans)er a %as1....................................................................113
%ogether9-omplete a %as1.............................................................113
8e"ecting %as1s.................................................................................113
Why Missed -odes............................................................................113
Ieopardy -odes................................................................................115
6ntering 6scalation In)ormation........................................................11*
%ogether96nter 6scalation In)ormation...........................................11*
Hiewing and 6ntering 0otes..............................................................117
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-12 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
%ogether9 Hiew and 6nter 0otes.....................................................117
+ateway 6vents................................................................................11,
/ene)its o) +ateway 6vents..............................................................11,
esson 8eview..................................................................................11.
Unit Wrap Up.....................................................................................131
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-13
U&'T ()*+)'*W
Sli,e 1 Preparing the MetaSolv Solution
Changing times require new strategies. Its important to stay flexible.
At MetaSolv, we recognie that to!ays converging telecommunications
mar"et is challenge! with managing a growing number of complex
business relationships while supporting a wi!ening variety of new
technologies an! services. MetaSolvs Solution is !esigne! to help you
meet these challenges.
#his $nit is !esigne! to provi!e you with a high%level intro!uction to
the MetaSolv Solution.
W-. P+*P/+'&0 T-* M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(& 'S 'MP(+T/&T
Sli,e 2 Why is this Unit ImportantJ
#his class is your first &taste' of the system. (o matter what you will be
!oing in MetaSolv Solution, it is important that you have a basic
un!erstan!ing of all of its components
#his unit is important because once a company !eci!es to purchase the
MetaSolv Solution) the first item on the agen!a is to loa! it with specific
information geare! uniquely to that companys performance.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-14 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1
1. I0%8O2U-%IO0 %O %>6 M6%(SOH SOU%IO0
Sli,e 3 Introduction to the MetaSolv Solution
#he first thing to consi!er when learning a new software is its basic
components, that is, the screens, fiel!s, navigation metho!s, structure,
an! so forth. #his intro!uction is !esigne! to teach you the basics.
1*SS(& 1 (B2*3T')*S
Sli,e 4 esson O!"ectives
*iven access to the training !ata base an! facilitator le! assistance,
you will be able to+
,escribe the subsystems of the
MetaSolv Solution.
-og on to the system.
,escribe the various types of
MetaSolv Solution win!ows an! fiel!s.
$tilie .elp.
$tilie MetaSolv Solution
Successfully completing the follow up activities will measure your
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
45(+T. T-(US/&6 5((T7 8 /& ()*+)'*W (5 T-*
M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(& SUBS.ST*MS
Sli,e $orty %housand $oot
Figure 1 Forty Thousand Foot
As you have learne! so far, the telecom in!ustry is an exciting an! ever
changing worl!. MetaSolv Solution is here to!ay as a result of the wi!e
range of !oors that the in!ustry has opene!.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1"
#he MetaSolv Solution consists of a set of subsystems integrate! by a
common repository of business !ata an! processes. 0ach subsystem
supports a critical aspect of the telecom in!ustry+
1SS *ateway Management
Customer Care
(etwor" ,esign
Service 2rovisioning
1r!er Management
#rouble Management
3or" Management
,ata Management
0ach subsystem can be exten!e! with a!!%on mo!ules to tailor it to
support unique pro!ucts an! services, such as resale or wholesale%base!
pro!ucts that provi!e local or long !istance services. #he subsystems
can also support networ" technologies, such as wireless ra!io or
#his class will be a 4ourney through these subsystems. 5ou will wear
many hats throughout the next few !ays. 5ou will be an engineer, a
customer service representative, a problem solver, an a!ministrator,
an! perhaps, all of these rolle! into one6
7efore you log on, to MetaSolv Solution lets !iscuss the subsystems
an! each role that you will play.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
(SS 0/T*W/. M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e ! OSS +ateway Management
#he MetaSolv Solution is !evelope! on an open architecture that
recognies the nee! to electronically exchange information with a
wi!e array of systems, such as the manage! networ", other enterprise
systems, an! external tra!ing or service partners an! their operations
support systems.
Figure 2 OSS Gateway Management
#his Application 2rogramming Interface 8A2I9 architecture enables
companies to achieve their goals of flow%through provisioning an!
interconnection, which helps them ta"e a!vantage of powerful new
opportunities. #he integration that the A2Is provi!e forms a soli!
foun!ation for revenue assurance activities.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1$
3UST(M*+ 3/+*
Sli,e " -ustomer -are
1ne of the "ey architectural features of MetaSolvs approach is a high
!egree of integration of customer information.
Figure 3 Customer Care
#his Integrate! #elecom Information Architecture maintains "ey
relationships between customers an! the full scope of their involvement
with the business.
#his architecture supports the ability to view the customer from the
many angles that are important to managing an! growing the customer
In your training, you will access this subsystem to enter basic customer
information, wor" a trouble tic"et, an! enter a variety of service
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-2% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
&*TW(+9 6*S'0&
Sli,e # 0etwor1 2esign
MetaSolv Solution (etwor" ,esign subsystem is powerful enough to
han!le large telecom networ"s an! flexible enough to manage a mix of
both ol! an! new telecommunications technologies.
Figure 4 Network Design
#his subsystem brings together the geographical, physical, electrical,
an! logical !imensions of the networ" into a single, cohesive view that
is supporte! by a set of integrate! equipment a!ministration an! networ"
!esign mo!ules.
3hen you access the (etwor" ,esign subsystem, you will use it to
view, install, !elete, an! move !ifferent types of equipment. 5ou will
also create some S1(0# networ"s an! networ" routes as well.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-21
S*+)'3* P+()'S'(&'&0
Sli,e $ Service Provisioning
#he integration of the Service 2rovisioning subsystem with the 1r!er
Management an! (etwor" ,esign subsystems provi!es an accurate view
of what the customer or!ere! an! what your networ" can support when
!eci!ing how to !esign or provision the service.
Figure 5 Service Provisioning
7ecause the (etwor" ,esign subsystem supports networ" components
from a variety of sources, the Service 2rovisioning subsystem enables
you to buil! the en!%to%en! circuit !esign.
5ou will access this subsystem after you have processe! the or!ers for
service. Service 2rovisioning is the subsystem that is !esigne! to give
you a chec"list of steps to complete when you !esign an! activate the
networ"s an! circuits.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-22 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
(+6*+ M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 1% Order Management
#he MetaSolv Solution:s 1r!er Management subsystem enables you to
manage the en!%to%en! service !elivery process that can often involve
more than one type of or!er or transaction across your organiation, as
well as with other service provi!ers or networ" provi!ers.
Figure 6 Order Management
At the core of the MetaSolv Solution 1r!er Management subsystem is
flexible service request architecture. #his architecture captures the
components of to!ays complex customer requirements an! enables you
to create an! manage multiple types of or!ers.
(ot only will you enter many !ifferent types of or!ers in the 1r!er
Management section of this training, but you will also learn about
cataloging equipment specifications an! !esigning some or!ere!
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-23
T+(UB1* M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 11 %rou!le Management
MetaSolv Solution #rouble Management subsystem is integrate! with
1r!er Management, Service 2rovisioning, an! (etwor" ,esign, which
results in one, comprehensive, consistent view of who the customers are,
what services you provi!e them, an! how you provi!e those services.
3hen you get into this facet of the training, you will learn how to open,
respon! to, refer, an! close trouble tic"ets.
Figure 7 Trouble Management
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-24 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W(+9 M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 12 Wor1 Management
#he MetaSolv Solution 3or" Management subsystem brings all of the
pieces together, enabling wor" to flow electronically across the
organiation, provi!ing visibility to your processes an! resource
Figure 8 ork Management
#he 3or" Management subsystem provi!es the capability to maintain
provisioning plans, which are groups of &tas"s', nee!e! to manage the
flow of wor" an! information.
5ou can cause provisioning plans for common or!er types an!
customie them to a!! unique tas"s to fulfill a specific request.
5ou will create an! select the provisioning plans for the various
or!ers that you enter in MetaSolv Solution.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-2
6/T/ M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 13 2ata Management
#he ,ata Management component of the MetaSolv Solution maintains
reference !ata about your business, its structure, an! other information
require! to ensure quality an! integrity throughout the business process.
Figure 9 Data Management
#his central repository of essential reference, or infrastructure !ata,
ensures quality an! integrity throughout the business processes that
MetaSolv Solution supports.
-ater, you will actually go into Infrastructure an! create a city, a -A#A
for that city, an organiational structure, an! many more components
require! to activate a networ".
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-2! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Sli,e 14 Security
At the outset, all users have permission to access the entire pro!uct,
except for the security win!ows that are protecte!.
Figure 10 Security
Security a!ministration involves a!!ing groups an! users an! restricting
those groups an! users from using various parts of the MetaSolv
Solution pro!uct line.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-2"
/T T-* *&6 (5 T-'S 3(U+S*
In a few moments, you will be on a 4ourney through the MetaSolv
Solution subsystems. #his 4ourney will lea! you to your final goal,
which will be a Final Bootcamp Obstacle Course with you as the sole
owner of a phone company.
In this final obstacle course you will complete a variety of exercises,
from setting up AC#-s to provisioning some or!ers, from !esigning
networ"s, to even ta"ing care of some trouble along the way.
So, you have some wor" ahea! of you. ;or starters, as a company
executive, you have chosen to purchase MetaSolv Solution from
MetaSolv Software, Inc.
1n top of that, you nee! to learn how to use the MetaSolv Solution to
successfully complete the exercises.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-2# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
B((T3/MP +(/6M/P '& M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(& S(5TW/+*
Sli,e 1 8oadmap
7ootcamp is !esigne! to give you a high%level training about the
effects of MetaSolv Solution on the telecom worl!.
#his class has been arrange! to give you a wor"ing "nowle!ge of
telecom 8as you learne! in $nit <9 an! how the MetaSolv Solution
relates to the in!ustry.
Suppose you are at home an! you have !eci!e! to form a phone
Congratulations6 5ou have ma!e the !ecision to become a phone
company6 3hat is it going to ta"e to be competitive an! successful=
3ell, for starters, you nee! to purchase MetaSolv Solution.
5'+ST ST(PP+*P/+* T-* M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(&
Sli,e 1! (dministrator >at
(ow that you have the software, what are you going to !o with it=
'&T+(6U3T'(& T( T-* M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(&
0veryone in your company nee!s to "now the basics. 5ou will learn the
basics of the software that is, the navigational techniques, various
win!ows an! fiel!s, an! how to use online help.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-2$
'&5+/ST+U3TU+* SUBS.ST*M
#hen put on your a!ministrator hat because you nee! to loa! your
company information, create some office locations, create some city
statistics, an! -A#A information. As an a!ministrator you will be
entering all of this !ata in the Infrastructure subsystem.
Also, as an a!ministrator, since you have so many !epartments !oing
!ifferent things, you !efinitely want to ensure that they wor" only in
their perspective areas of the software. If the wrong person en!s up
manipulating the system in areas in which they !ont belong, then this
can really cost you some revenue because of the time it ta"es to recover
the lost or change! !ata. 5ou nee! some security control6
W(+9 M/&/0*M*&T
After you set up your company basics an! secure! the software the
way you li"e, you are 4ust about finishe! plugging in your basic
information. 7ut, one more thing nee!s to be !one while you still
have your a!ministrator hat on. #o get the show on the roa! you must
to enter some employee lists, tas" assignments, an! generally assign
the responsibilities to the !ifferent !epartments6 3or" Management is
the subsystem to help you !o this.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-3% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
S*3(&6 ST(P&*TW(+9 6*S'0&
Sli,e 1" 6ngineer >at ' 0etwor1 2esign
1nce you have set up your infrastructure, your security an! your wor"
management specifics in MetaSolv Solution, it is time to establish your
At this point, you can finally ta"e some or!ers an! !esign some circuits
to ri!e your networ"s.
T-'+6 ST(P3'+3U'T 6*S'0&
Sli,e 1# 6ngineer >at ' -ircuit 2esign
1r!ers are coming in6 ;ortunately your networ" is !esigne! an! your
provisioning plans are rea!y. As a circuit engineer, you have receive!
a tas" to !esign an or!ere! circuit.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-31
5(+T- ST(PS*+)'3* +*:U*STS
Sli,e 1$ -ustomer -are 8epresentative >at
5our company must be able to ta"e some or!ers, right= .ow else !o you
plan to stay afloat=
3ith that in min!, go ahea! an! remove the networ" engineers hat an!
put on the hat labele! &Customer Service >epresentative.'
5ou will be able to use MetaSolv Solution to enter a variety of service
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-32 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
5'5T- ST(PT+(UB1* M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 2% %rou!le Management >ats
$h oh6 Something has gone wrong6
After the networ" is up an! running an! the circuits are all !efine! an!
activate!, anything can happen. 0verything can be running smoothly an!
a lightning bolt hits a !epartment store, an! su!!enly, you have some
Someone calls your office to register the problem. 5ou, as a customer
care representative, nee! to enter a trouble tic"et.
As an engineer, you can close a trouble tic"et either by locating an!
fixing the problem or by forwar!ing it to someone else, if necessary.
#rouble Management accommo!ates both hats6
5'&/1 ST(PW*/+ *)*+.(&*;S -/T
Sli,e 21 +raduation
Since you have change! 4obs an! hats so often, you !eci!e that you can
!o them all together6
In the final 7ootcamp obstacle course, you will actually 4uggle the hats
of everyone6
So, you have some wor" ahea! of you. ;irst, you must learn the basics
of the system?.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-33
1(0 (& T( T-* M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(&
(ow that you have some i!ea of the !ifferent facets of MetaSolv
Solution, it is time to log on. At this time, follow the steps that your
instructor gives you to open up MetaSolv Solution !atabase.
T(0*T-*+&/)'0/T* T-+(U0-(UT T-* S(5TW/+*
At this time, you will learn the !ifferent navigational avenues that the
system offers. 3hile you are learning these techniques an! elements,
you will have an opportunity to view some of the subsystems that we
4ust !iscusse!.
.ere is what you will learn+
2rimary toolbar
Secon!ary toolbar
2roce!ures toolbar
/uery win!ows, inclu!ing
/uery 3in!ow ,ynamics
-ist win!ows
,rop%!own menus
;iel!s 8>equire! an! (ot
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-34 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
MetaSolv Solution /uic"-in"s is a navigation system that incorporates
an .#M- page within the MetaSolv Solution application. It is not a true
3eb%base! functionality, but merely a navigational tool on top of the
/uic"-in"s is inclu!e! as part of the stan!ar! MetaSolv Solution
application. MetaSolv or another professional service organiation
performs any !esire! customiation of the .#M- page. /uic"-in"s is
optional functionality controlle! by MetaSolv Solution preferences.
#he global an! user preferences reference the file location of the .#M-
#he global preference provi!es
that all MetaSolv Solution users access the same .#M- page.
#he user preference provi!es a
customie! .#M- page for every specific user.
6*5/U1T 5U&3T'(&/1'T.
#he /uic"-in"s page ma"es a variety of functions available+
0nter a (ew
/uery ;or
Service >equests
*&T*+ / &*W
/uic"-in"s supports creating new service requests, !isplaying recently
e!ite! service requests an! tas"s, plus lin"s from other applications or
5ou can create a new 2S>, AS>, IS>, -S>, or #rouble #ic"et from a
button on the .#M- page.
3ithout /uic"-in"s, you woul! select the Customer Care button, the
Service >equests button, an! the (ew button. 7oth of these navigations
ta"e you to the same screen.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-3
:U*+. 5(+
Several of the common MetaSolv Solution query screens are also
accessible from /uic"-in"s. 5ou will be able to open the query for the
Service >equests
S1(0#@S,. rings
,-C configurations
#run" *roups
S*+)'3* +*:U*STS
A list of service requests an! tas"s are !isplaye! on the MetaSolv
Solution /uic"-in"s page. #he service request list provi!es a list of the
last <A or!ers 82S>, AS>, -S>, or IS>9 that you mo!ifie!.
5ou can open any of these service requests !irectly from the /uic"-in"s
#he tas"s list provi!es a list of tas"s assigne! to you, an! you can open
the wor" queue !irectly.
5ou can use the A!!itional -in"s section to lin" to 3eb sites or to open
!ocuments that a user or organiation requires. ;or example, you might
want to lin" to 1r!ering an! 7illing ;orum 817;9 3eb sites or lin" to
$nite! States #elephone Association 8$S#A9 or Alternative -ocal
#elephone Service 8A-#S9 3eb sites. 5ou might also want quic" access
to some !ocumentation or to a sprea!sheet.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-3! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Since /uic"-in"s is an .#M- page within the MetaSolv Solution
application, you can customie the screen to meet an in!ivi!ual users
specific nee!s.
#he !efault functionality !escribe! above is provi!e! as a base. 5ou can
!efine a !efault /uic"-in"s page for all users or for a specific user.
Some common customiations inclu!e !efining a customer care
representative screen an! a provisioning or!er representative screen. #he
customer care representative may wor" with 2S>s an! #rouble #ic"ets,
but not AS>s, -S>s, or IS>s. (either representatives screen woul!
show the S1(0#@S,., circuits, an! so forth.
3atch as your instructor navigates through the /uic"-in"s basics.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-3"
Sli,e 22 >elp
As with any other software that you might have use!, online .elp is
always available for your assistance in MetaSolv Solution.
;or each of the subsystems that you learn in class, you will receive a
.ow *ui!e relating to that subsystem. #hese are available for
MetaSolvs clients an! partners an! are extremely helpful 4ob ai!s.
5our instructor will provi!e you with your .ow *ui!e for online .elp.
#he two facets of .elp available are stan!ar! .elp an! "icro .elp.
At this time, your instructor will wal" you through the !ifferent avenues
for attaining help in MetaSolv Solution.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-3# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
1*SS(& +*)'*W
Sli,e 23 8eview9Introduction to MetaSolv Solution
In this lesson you learne! the following+
.ow to log on to MetaSolv
Barious types of win!ows an!
fiel!s available
.ow to utilie online .elp
.ow to utilie /uic"-in"s
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-3$
3. I0$8(S%8U-%U86
Sli,e 24 In)rastructure
Infrastructure covers all components of MetaSolv Solution. It houses all
of a companys basic information. #he first thing a company !oes when
it purchases MetaSolv Solution is set up shop. #hey will plug in all !ata,
such as (etwor" -ocation, a!!resses, an! any other &bac"bone'
information. #heir Infrastructure input is the glue that hol!s the
companys information together.
Sli,e 2 esson O!"ectives
*iven an instructor lecture, you will be able to explain the basics for
setting up your company Infrastructure, as well as explain the concepts
of the Infrastructure preferences.
;ollow%up exercises will confirm your success.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-4% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
*&T*+ .(U+ '&5(+M/T'(& -*+*
Congratulations6 5ou have !eci!e! to purchase MetaSolv Solution from
MetaSolv Software, Inc.6 So what are you going to !o next=
At this time you, as an a!ministrator, nee! to enter all of your
information into the MetaSolv Solution so that you will be able to ta"e
some or!ers an! provi!e some service to clients.
So, where are you going to enter this information= #nfrastructure.
7ecause of !epen!encies, you must enter the information into
infrastructure in a certain or!er. #hat information comes from three main
2reloa!e! !ata from Metasolv
an! #elcor!ia
#he -ocal 0xchange an! >outing
*ui!e, or -0>*
Manually entere! !ata

Figure 11 Origin o! "n!rastructure Data

MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-41
T-* 1*+0 36
Sli,e 2! 68+
#he -ocation >outing *ateway allows !ata to be importe! from
#elcor!ias -ocal 0xchange >outing *ui!e 8-0>*9 into the MetaSolv
Solution Infrastructure subsystem.
7ecause the -0>* contains such a large volume of !ata an! is very time
consuming to loa!, some MetaSolv Solution customers elect not to loa!
the entire -0>* C,.
>egar!less of how much of the -0>* a company !eci!es to use, it is
consi!ere! best business practice to utilie the -0>* to acquire the
necessary !ata for the MetaSolv Solutions Infrastructure.
3hen a company !oes loa! the -0>* C,, the !ata that the -0>*
loa!s is pretty much &all or nothing.' #hey can, however, specify or
narrow the amount of !ata that is loa!e! by selecting specific states to
be loa!e!.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-42 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
6/T/ 3(&T/'&*6 '& T-* 1*+0
#he !ata containe! in the -0>* is shown in the table below. (otice
that the -0>* loa!s the cities an! states first, which allows a company
to narrow the amount of importe! !ata. #he table also !enotes whether
the !ata is required or optional in MetaSolv Solution.
T/B1* &/M* +*:U'+*6 '&
0+(UP W'T-'& T-*
3(MP/&. T-/T &**6S
T( B* '&)(1)*6 '&
6*3'S'(&S /&6 '&PUT
<.9 States an! Cities >equire! 1r!ering
C.9 1perating Companies >equire! 1r!ering
D.9 -A#As >equire! 1r!ering
E.9 C1 0xchange Areas >equire! (etwor"
F.9 (2A@(GG Co!es >equire! (etwor"
H.9 (etwor" -ocations >equire! (etwor"
I.9 #an!ems 1ptional (etwor"
J.9 AC#-s >equire! (etwor"
K.9 Serving 1ffices 1ptional (etwor"
<A.9 0n! 1ffices 1ptional (etwor"
<<.9 Switch ,etails 1ptional (etwor"
Or!er of %ntr& is #mportant
>emember that the !ata is entere! in a specific or!er,
which buil!s on itself an! allows associations to be
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-43
ST/T*S /&6 3'T'*S
States must exist before you can create cities associate! with the states.
Cities are use! throughout MetaSolv Solution to specify locations within
entities, such as primary locations an! secon!ary locations.
,efining City information involves specifying the following+
Bali! name for each city
State in which the city is locate!
Bali! #elcor!ia place co!e
Figure 12 States and Cities
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-44 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
(P*+/T'&0 3(MP/&'*S
1perating companies are provi!ers of local telecommunication services
8for example, I-0Cs C-0Cs, an! wireless entities9. 0ach operating
company is i!entifie! by an operating company number 81C(9, which is
an in!ustry%wi!e stan!ar!.
Figure 13 O#erating Com#any
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-4
1/T/;S >1(3/1 /33*SS ? T+/&SP(+T /+*/@
As mentione! earlier, a -ocal Access an! #ransport Area 8-A#A9
!enotes a geographic area establishe! for the provision an!
a!ministration of communications service. A -A#A encompasses
one or more !esignate! exchanges, which are groupe! to serve
common social, economic, an! other purposes.
Figure 14 $%T%s
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-4! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
3*&T+/1 (55'3* >3(@ *A3-/&0* /+*/;S
A central office 8C19 exchange area is an in!ustry%wi!e name for a
geographic area within which you provi!e telephone or Internet services
for customers an! en! users. C1 exchange area information is require!
in MetaSolv Solution, regar!less of whether your company provi!es
exchange or access information. 8C1 0xchange areas are prerequisite to
several Infrastructure entities.9
C1 exchange areas allow you to group networ" locations for purposes
such as rate setting an! calling plans. #he C1 exchange area usually has
the same name as the locality it serves. It is serve! by one serving wire
center 8S3C9, an! can contain multiple (2A@(GGs.
Figure 15 CO &'change
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-4"
&P/B&AA 3(6*S
(2A@(GG co!es are set up by the (orth American (umbering 2lan
8(A(29 an! are co!es that utilie ten !igits to i!entify telephone
numbers. #he first six !igits of the ten%!igit number are referre! to as
the (2A (GG, which is a combination of the three%!igit numbering
plan area 8(2A9 co!e, 8the area co!e9, an! the three%!igit (GG co!e,
8the C1 prefix9.
Figure 16 NP%(N))*s
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-4# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
&*TW(+9 1(3/T'(&S
A networ" location represents the physical points or locations of a
buil!ing, a point or an inventorie! item that your company owns or
uses. All networ" locations are i!entifie! by an eight%or%eleven byte
(etwor" -ocation co!e. ;or example, the switch where a circuit
terminates, or the buil!ing that houses a relay rac" that you own are
both networ" locations.
Figure 17 Network locations
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-4$
&*TW(+9 1(3/T'(& *A/MP1*S
7elow are some examples of networ" locations+
1(3/T'(& 6*S3+'PT'(&
#an!em #an!ems are switching systems in the networ" that establish
trun"%to%trun" connections, thereby re!ucing the number of trun"
routes in a concentrate! arrangement for subten!ing en!s offices.
AC#- Access Customer #erminal -ocation 8AC#-9 is the inter-A#A
facility terminal location of the access customer provi!ing service.
#he AC#- provi!es pertinent location information about the
service being or!ere! 8the &A' location9.
Serving 1ffice #he serving office is a local switching system that connects lines
an! trun"s. It is a facility where subscribers lines are 4oine! to
switching equipment for connecting other subscribers to each
other, for both local an! long !istance services. &Serving office'
can also refer to a networ" location, such as an en! office or
mobile telephone serving office that provi!es telephone exchange
switching services. Serving offices play a significant role with
respect to billing for access services.
0n! 1ffice #he term &en! office' !enotes a local telephone company
switching system where telephone exchange service customer
station loops are terminate! for the purposes of interconnection to
each other an! to truc"s. An en! office is the central office switch
to which a telephone subscriber is connecte!. #he en! office
!elivers !ial tone to the subscribers terminal equipment for local
21#S 82lain 1l! #elephone Service9.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
M/&U/1 1*+0 1(/6
It is important to un!erstan! how to manually enter !ata from the -0>*
C, into MetaSolv Solution. 1ften, to fit its specific nee!s, a company
nee!s to augment or add to the !ata that was importe! from -0>*.
(+6*+ (5 *&T+.
As mentione! before, entering the !ata into infrastructure is pretty
straightforwar!. Its important to enter the information in the correct
or!er so that all !ata that is !epen!ent on other !ata is entere! in the
proper sequence, which allows associations to be ma!e.
#he or!er of !ata entry is the same for manual !ata loa!ing as it is for
loa!ing the -0>* C,.
.ere is a remin!er of the or!er in which this !ata will be entere!, as
well as who is responsible for the !ata entry.
T/B1* &/M* +*:U'+*6 '&
T-* M*T/S(1)
0+(UP W'T-'& T-*
3(MP/&. T-/T &**6S T( B*
'&)(1)*6 '& 6*3'S'(&S /&6
<.9 Cities >equire! 1r!ering
C.9 1perating Companies >equire! 1r!ering
D.9 -A#As >equire! 1r!ering
E.9 C1 0xchange Areas >equire! (etwor"
F.9 (2A@(GG Co!es >equire! (etwor"
H.9 (etwor" -ocations >equire! (etwor"
I.9 #an!ems 1ptional (etwor"
J.9 AC#-s >equire! (etwor"
K.9 Serving 1ffices 1ptional (etwor"
<A.9 0n! 1ffices 1ptional (etwor"
<<.9 Switch ,etails 1ptional (etwor"
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1
5.' 5(+ 5'&/1 (BST/31* 3(U+S*
1r!inarily, in the &real worl!' you woul! actually enter your
Infrastructure information to start your business 8but not in this lesson9.
#he final 7ootcamp obstacle course will give you the opportunity to
enter the !ata for your company. 5ou will use the !ata entere! for your
pro4ects, so you will get that information later.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
1*SS(& +*)'*W
Sli,e 2" 8eview9In)rastructure
In this lesson, you learne! how to enter the basic specifications for
setting up your company in Infrastructure.
5ou also learne! the concepts of the Infrastructure preferences.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-3
3. S6-U8I%A
Sli,e 2# Security
Security is of utmost importance to any organiation that stores !elicate
information. If the wrong person came in an! opene! up some part of
the system an! manipulate! components within it, recovery time coul!
be costly.
3ith that in min!, MetaSolv Solution has !evelope! a security system,
for the MetaSolv Solution software that allows a!ministrators to secure
any screen button, or fiel!. A!ministrators can set the 'ie( Onl&
features 8)otal *ccess or *ll +ig,ts-, !epen!ing on the type of security
that is require!.
Sli,e 2$ esson O!"ectives
*iven a !emonstration of security proce!ures an! reference to those
proce!ures in the .ow *ui!e, you will be able to+
,escribe a!ministrator
,escribe various passwor!
,escribe available security
permissions an! restrictions.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W'&6(WS US*6
A security a!ministrator uses the following win!ows specifically for
Assign 2ermission
$sers an! *roups
Security >eports
Secon!ary win!ows, such as A!! $ser, are available after you select
a main security win!ow.
M*T/S(1) S(1UT'(& '&T*+5/3*
Sli,e 3% Power /uilder O!"ects

Figure 18 Power +uilder ob,ects
MetaSolv Solution interface is comprise! of ob4ects, such as win!ows,
controls 8ra!io buttons or fiel!s9, an! menus 8inclu!ing pop%up menus9.
3in!ows are the principle points of interaction between you an!
MetaSolv Solution subsystems. #hey !isplay information, request
information from you, an! respon! to your mouse clic"s or "eyboar!
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-
W'&6(W 3(&T+(1S
If you nee! to protect win!ow controls, such as certain fiel!s or ra!io
buttons on a win!ow, MetaSolv Solution allows you to customie the
permissions you set for these ob4ects. Some win!ow controls are pre%
loa!e!, an! you can easily scan others into the software to fit the nee!s
of your business.
MetaSolv Solution provi!es the ability to assign permissions to the
pop%up menus an! their controls. #he Assign 2ermissions win!ow
lists all securable pop%up menus.
Chec"points protect the security a!ministration win!ows an!
selecte! functions in the system. #he security a!ministrator can
establish a special passwor! so that when a user tries to access a
particular win!ow or function, a chec"point win!ow appears.
#he user must enter the passwor! to gain access to the protecte!
win!ow or function.
Security a!ministration involves a!!ing groups an! users an! restricting
those groups an! users from using various parts of the pro!uct line.
If you want to allow users to use some portions of the pro!uct line but
not others, you can give them permissions that change their access from
the !efault access.
6*5/U1T P*+M'SS'(&S
3hen MetaSolv Solution is installe!, all users are members of the
,efault user group. 0veryone in this group can access every part of
MetaSolv Solution, except those parts protecte! by chec"points,
which require !irect permission or a passwor!. ,efault group
permissions are set when MetaSolv Solution is installe!.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
/6M'&'ST+/T(+ 3/P/B'1'T'*S
Sli,e 31 (dministrator 8ights
A security a!ministrator has the following capabilities+
,epartmentalie MetaSolv
Solution subsystems.
.i!e ob4ects.
Ma"e ob4ects &rea! only.'
>equire passwor!s to access
specific ob4ects or functions.
Assign an! !isplay user
permissions an! group permissions.
Access security reports.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"
B/S'3 ST*PS '& / S*3U+'T. 'MP1*M*&T/T'(&
Sli,e 32 Security Implementation $lowchart
Figure 19 Security "m#lementation Flowchart
#he basic steps to follow in a first%time security implementation inclu!e+
1 0stablish the SecLA!min group.
2 Set up groups an! users.
3 Set *lobal preferences.
4 Assign permissions.
5ou will learn more about these steps later.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Security >eports allow you to view or print reports that !etail what
permissions are assigne! to a user or group. 1ne of the most important
aspects of the report feature is the new ability to i!entify any users that
are not assigne! to the ,efault group. >unning this report perio!ically
helps you locate any users that &slip through the crac"s.'
US*+S /&6 0+(UPS
Sli,e 33 Users and +roups
At installation, only the security a!ministrator
has access to the $sers an! *roups win!ow. #he
security a!ministrator can assign access to
groups or users.
Setting up groups in the !atabase allows you to
easily grant the same rights an! permissions to
users with similar responsibilities. If you have
to ma"e a change that affects every user in the
group, then a single change to the group
applies simultaneously to every user in the
;or example, if you have FAA users in your
0ngineering group, you can imagine how much
easier it is to ma"e a single 0ngineering group
change than to have to ma"e FAA in!ivi!ual
#o save time when entering groups an! users in
the $sers an! *roups win!ow, use the
Continuous A!! chec"box to a!! a number of
groups or users.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$
$sers are require! to have passwor!s to log on to the MetaSolv Solution
an! to access win!ows protecte! by chec"points. 3hen new users are
a!!e!, the passwor! automatically !efaults to the user I,. #he system
a!ministrator can assign a permanent passwor! or change the Security
2reference so that users can change their own passwor!s when they log
on for the first time.
P/SSW(+6 +*:U'+*M*&TS
Sli,e 34 Password 8e<uirements
2asswor!s are a necessary part of securing the
!atabase. $sers are require! to have passwor!s to+
-og on to the MetaSolv Solution.
Access win!ows or functions protecte! by
-ogon passwor!s li"e the user I, must be+
;our % eight characters long
Start with a letter
Inclu!e only letters an! numbers.
$ote *re pass(or!s case sensiti.e/
(o6 Currently, 1racle !oes not support case sensitivity.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-!% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
P/SSW(+6 *AP'+/T'(& 6/T*S
Sli,e 3 6Epiration 2ates
S*+)*+ 6/T*S
#he log on an! expiration !ates vali!ate against the server !ate instea!
of the !ate on your personal computer. $sing the server !ate allows for
more consistency an! accuracy because fewer people have access to
the server.
P/SSW(+6 *AP'+/T'(&
#he passwor! will expire on the !ate !isplaye! in the 0!it $ser win!ow.
#he system !efault is ninety !ays from the setup !ate.
$ote (o preference currently exists to change the !efault.
&( *AP'+/T'(& 6/T*
If you leave the 0ass(or! %1pires On fiel! blan". 5ou can ma"e this
fiel! blan" the passwor! will never expire by highlighting the !ate an!
pressing the M,eleteN "ey.

0ass(or! %1pires On Fiel!
;or security reasons, we !o not recommen! that you
leave the 0ass(or! %1pires On fiel! blan".
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-!1
P/SSW(+6 *AP'+/T'(& W/+&'&0S
Sli,e 3! -hanging Passwords
#he MetaSolv Solution warns users that their
passwor! is about to expire six !ays prior to
expiration. 3hen the user receives the warning, they
may change their passwor! in the $ser Information
fol!er in 2references before it expires.
If a user !oes not change their passwor! or access
the MetaSolv Solution !uring the time that the
warning appears, then the passwor! expires. $sers
are then force! to change their passwor! the next
time they login to the MetaSolv Solution.
+*ST+'3T'&0 /33*SS
Sli,e 3" 8estricting (ccess
If you want to allow users to use some portions of the pro!uct line, but
not others, give them permissions that change their access from the
!efault access. #he best way to han!le this tas" is to !ivi!e users into
groups base! on 4ob functionality.
-ets say you want a manager to have the ability to ma"e changes
through a certain win!ow, but you !o not want to give that permission
to a temporary office wor"er. 5ou create a group name! OClericalO an!
put temporary office wor"ers into that group. 7ut first, you nee! to
restrict access for that group.
Security A!ministration provi!es an easy way to view the permissions
associate! with an in!ivi!ual user.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-!2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
P*+M'SS'(& T.P*S
Sli,e 3# Permission %ypes
#he following permissions are available for ob4ects in the pro!uct line.
#he ob4ect type !etermines the permission that you assign to the
ob4ect. 5ou can assign a chec"point to some win!ows an! functions,
which requires a user to enter a passwor! for access to those win!ows
an! functions.
P*+M'SS'(& 6*5'&*S
,isable! 3hat you can see but you cannot use because the
ob4ect is graye! out.
;ull Access #hat the selecte! group or user is specifically
permitte! to use the selecte! ob4ect.
Invisible 3hen you cannot see an ob4ect on a win!ow.
(o Access 3hen you cannot see or use a win!ow or
(ot Set 3hen you can use a win!ow or menu by !efault.
8#he !efault for chec"points is (o Access.9
2asswor! 3hen you must enter a passwor! to access the
>ea! 1nly 3hen you can see an! access the ob4ect but
cannot ma"e changes to the selecte! ob4ect.
+ea!3Onl& 2in!o(s
If a user enters !ata on a rea!%only win!ow, no notice
appears to notify the user that the !ata has not been
accepte!. #herefore, use the >ea! 1nly permission
#hese permissions are available for every ob4ect in the pro!uct line. ;or
win!ows or functions that require chec"point access, you must assign a
passwor! so that authorie! users can gain full access.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-!3
6*5/U1T P*+M'SS'(&S
3ith !efault access, you can access everything but Security. #he
following table shows the !efault permissions+
T(P'3 6*S3+'PT'(&
Initial 2ermissions $ot 4et is the access !efault value for every
ob4ect in MetaSolv Solution. .owever, users !o
not have !efault access to functions that have
chec"points, such as 3or" Management changes
or security a!ministration.
*roups 1nce associate! with a group, the user inherits
the groups permissions. In cases of conflict
between a users permissions an! a groups
permissions, the least restrictive permissions
apply unless the user is directly granted
permission such as %nable! or
$o *ccess5 ,irectly grante! user permissions
overri!e other permissions, which allows the
security a!ministrator to overri!e a permission
obtaine! through group membership.
Chec"points #he !efault permission for a chec"point is $o
*ccess which means that you must assign the
user permission to pass a chec"point an! access
the protecte! ob4ect or function.
(ot Set versus
An ob4ect that !oes not have an assigne!
permission is $ot 4et. #herefore, you get the
!efault permission for the ob4ect or chec"point,
which can inclu!e a restriction.
#he %nable! permission gives the user explicit
permission to access an ob4ect. 3hen a user has
0nable! permission, more restrictive group
permission cannot overri!e it.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-!4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
US*+ 'MP/3T
#he access that a user has to the software !epen!s on two variables+
Are specific user permissions
,oes the user belong to one or
more groups=
Sli,e 3$ Permissions $lowchart
Figure 20 Permissions Flowchart
Sli,e 4% 8ules
>ules governing permissions inclu!e+
$sers are given the -0AS#
>0S#>IC#IB0 access available.
Specific user permissions
overri!e group permissions.
(ot Set allows access to win!ows as a !efault, but it is ignore! as a
!etermining factor when you set group permissions.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-!
P*+M'SS'(&S 0+(UP B(A
A user or group can have !ifferent levels of permissions, !epen!ing on
group memberships an! in!ivi!ual permissions. $se the ra!io buttons
on the Assign 2ermissions win!ow to specify permission types.
If you select an in!ivi!ual user or group from the $ser@*roup !rop%
!own, you can use these ra!io buttons to !isplay the information. 3e
will loo" at user permissions after we have set them up.
+/6'( BUTT(& 5U&3T'(&S
Sli,e 41 8adio /utton $unctions
>a!io buttons have the following functions+
+/6'( BUTT(& 5U&3T'(&
0ffective ,isplays the permissions in effect for a selecte!
ob4ect. #he ob4ect name is !isplaye! in the left
pane, an! you can !etermine the ob4ect name of
any win!ow by using the MCtrl62N hot%"ey
combination. MetaSolv Solution grants the
in!ivi!ual user either the least restrictive
permission level or the permission !irectly
assigne! to the user, whether those permissions
belong to a group that the user is a member of or
to the in!ivi!ual.
$ser ,isplays the permissions !irectly assigne! to the
All ,isplays all user permissions an! all group
memberships. MetaSolv Solution sorts the
permissions in or!er of highest priority, from
those !irectly assigne! to the user to the least
restrictive permissions obtaine! from the group.
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2-!! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
+*ST+'3T W'&6(W /33*SS
5ou can secure a win!ow in several ways, from ma"ing the win!ow
invisible to ma"ing it >ea!%1nly. 5ou can even secure controls on the
win!ow so that a user can perform some functions but not others.
#o assign permissions to win!ow controls, you nee! to assign
permissions to ob4ects on win!ows 8fiel!s, ra!io buttons, an! so on9.
1n the Assign 2ermissions win!ow, all win!ows are liste!, but not all of
the controls for the win!ows are liste!. 5ou must scan in controls that
are not liste!. 3hen you scan in win!ow controls, these controls are
a!!e! to the !atabase.
Sli,e 42 -hec1points
;or a new installation, the Security A!ministration group has
OAccessO permissions for all security chec"points. After
installation, the security a!ministrator !eci!es which functions
shoul! require passwor! protection.
Currently, the MetaSolv Solution has six areas that use chec"points+
0quipment Install Mo!ule
1r!er Management
System Settings
#rouble Management
3or" Management
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-!"
+*ST+'3T P(P-UPS
Sli,e 43 Popup Menus
Figure 21 Po#u# Menus
2op%up menus are use! throughout the pro!uct family. 5ou can access
a!!itional functionality by right%clic"ing any item an! selecting an item
from the pop%up menu. 3hen you cannot fin! what you are loo"ing for,
right%clic" an! see what functionality is available from the pop%up menu,
which will have !ifferent menu items, !epen!ing on the item that you
2op%up menus inclu!e a!!, !elete, move, an! assign functions.
#hrough the Assign 2ermissions win!ow, you can !etermine the
pop%up menu functions for specific groups or users.
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2-!# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
1*SS(& +*)'*W
Sli,e 44 8eview9Security
In this lesson, you were able to !o the following+
,escribe a!ministrator
,escribe the various passwor!s
,escribe the permissions an!
restrictions available.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-!$
5. WO8K M(0(+6M60%
Sli,e 4 Wor1 Management
5ou can use the 3or" Management subsystem to complete service
requests that you receive from your customers. #he business process
usually consists of the following steps+
>eceive an! enter an or!er.
*enerate tas"s.
Manage the tas"s.
Complete the or!er.
5ou shoul! still have your *!ministrator hat on because you are
about to set up shop to prepare for this business process.
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2-"% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Sli,e 4! esson O!"ectives
*iven facilitator assistance, access to the 3or" Management
subsystem, an! a 3or" Management .ow *ui!e, you will be able to+
I!entify "ey elements of #he
3or" Management subsystem.
,escribe the function of a!!ing
new employees.
,escribe the function of a!!ing
parent an! chil! wor" queues.
,escribe how the organiational
calen!ar is associate! with wor" queues.
,escribe the function of the
!ifferent tas" types an! chec" list items.
Set up the Auto 2lan Selection
Sli,e 4" esson O!"ectives Bcont=dD
Select a provisioning plan.
Select a wor" queue for each
Mo!ify tas"s, !ue !ates, an!
wor" queues.
I!entify the "ey fiel!s an! values
on the 3or" /ueue Manager.
Accept, transfer, an! complete
tas"s an! all chec"list items.
0nter notes, why misse! co!es
an! 4eopar!y co!es in tas"s.
#hroughout this lesson, practices will support what you have learne!.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"1
W(+9 M/&/0*M*&T
Sli,e 4# Wor1 Management
Figure 22 ork Management
#he wor" management function ensures that wor" is not assigne!
on holi!ays an! not assigne! to personnel on vacation. 3or"
Management hol!s the wor" plans an! the !epartments that
customer representatives can select to fulfill an or!er.
3ith 3or" Managements 3or" /ueue Manager, engineers, fiel!
services, an! other personnel can complete tas"s for or!ers to trac"
their wor"loa!s an! actually perform wor".
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-"2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W(+9 M/&/0*M*&T PU<<1*
Sli,e 4$ Wor1 Management Pu@@le
Figure 23 ork Management Pu--le
-ets loo" at the pieces of the pule that ma"e up the 3or"
Management process flow+ %mplo&ees(ot all employees own a wor"
queue. 1nly those employees that complete tas"s for or!ers own wor"
2or7 8ueue3or" /ueues
contain the tas"s that are generate! !uring the or!er entry process.
#he wor" group queue usually receives the tas"s first an! then
!istributes them to the in!ivi!ual wor" queues that are associate!
with it. As an example, a tas" is sent to the 0ngineering wor" group
an! then assigne! to an engineer.
)as7s#as"s are the steps you
ta"e to process an or!er. #hey are the buil!ing bloc"s that you use to
create provisioning plans. #hey are, in fact, &to%!o' items.
C,ec7list #temsChec"list
items are associate! with in!ivi!ual tas"s. An example of a chec"list
item might be to !o a cre!it chec" on a customer when a service
request is submitte!.
0lans2rovisioning plans allow you to !efine in the MetaSolv
Solution how you complete service requests in your
organiation. #hey are a collection of &to%!o' items or tas"s.
After you set up all of these pule pieces, you are rea!y to receive
service requests. A provisioning plan is generate! for a request, but the
tas"s on the plan can have multiple circuits. #he tas"s for that request
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"3
are then assigne! to wor" queues. #hese are the main pieces of the 3or"
Management subsystem.
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2-"4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W(+9 :U*U* S*T-UP P+(3*SS 51(W
Sli,e % Wor1 ?ueue Setup Process $low
#o set up employee wor" queues so that they can receive tas"s, use
the following process+
1 A!! the employee to the Security !atabase, if not alrea!y entere!.
2 A!! the employee to the 3or" Management !atabase.
3 Create parent an! chil! wor" queues.
Sli,e 1 6mployees
0mployees are the first piece of the 3or" Management pule.
(ot all employees own a wor" queue. 1nly those employees that
complete tas"s own wor" queues. #o own a wor" queue, you
must be entere! as an employee in the 3or" Management
subsystem. 1nly employees who will be performing tas"s to fill a
service request nee! a wor" queue.
Sli,e 2 6mployees 8ules
7efore employees can log on to the MetaSolv Solution an! use the
3or" Management functions, the following rules apply+
An organiation must be set up in
#he employee must be
entere! in MetaSolvs Security !atabase with a vali! logon
#he employee must be
entere! in the 3or" Management subsystem.
>emember that you can set up employees with a MetaSolv
Solution log on I, an! not set them up as employees in the 3or"
Management subsystem. If you !o so, however, they will not be
able to access any tas"s in the MetaSolv Solution.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"
3hen you a!! an employee to 3or" Management, the new I,
shoul! be the same as the MetaSolv Solution log on I,. 3hen an
employee logs on to the MetaSolv Solution, the log on I,
!etermines which wor" queues the employee can access. 5ou can
enter employees who !o not have MetaSolv Solution log on I,s
in 3or" Management, but they wont be able to log on to the
MetaSolv Solution without a MetaSolv Solution log on I,.
3hen you create an 0mployee I,, the system vali!ates that the
MetaSolv Solution log on I, has !irect access to the 0mployee I,s
wor" queues.
$ote 0ass(or!s
Security passwor!s must begin with a letter an!
be between four an! eight characters long.
Some companies create a generic logon for all of
their contractors. If the security a!ministrator
loc"s !own all systems for this logon, except the
3or" /ueue Manager, then contractors can view
only their wor" queues.
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2-"! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T(0*T-*+3+*/T* / &*W *MP1(.**
5our supervisor at $e()el has as"e! you to a!! a new employee
to the 3or" Management !atabase. .is name is .onnie ood
8>311,999, an! he has alrea!y been set up in Security.
W(+9 :U*U*S
Sli,e 3 Wor1 ?ueues
In wor" queues you store an! organie tas"s generate! !uring the
or!er entry process so that in!ivi!uals or groups of in!ivi!uals can
access an! wor" on their assigne! tas"s.
#he parent, or wor" group, wor" queue receives the tas"s first
an! then !istributes them to the chil! wor" queues that are
associate! with the parent. #herefore, a tas" woul! go to the
0ngineering wor" queue 8the parent queue9 an! then will be sent
to an in!ivi!ual engineer 8to the chil! queue of the engineering
parent queue9.
Sli,e 4 Parent and -hild 8elationship
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ A P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ A
L-.- (250/.* L-.- (250/.*
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ B
M63/ (250/.*
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ B
M63/ (250/.*
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ A P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ A
L-.- (250/.* L-.- (250/.*
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ B
M63/ (250/.*
P-./01 W2.3 &4/4/ B
M63/ (250/.*
Figure 24 Parent and child relationshi#
5ou must set up the parent wor" queue first. 5ou typically set up
the chil!/ or in!ivi!ual, wor" queue for one person. 5ou typically
set up the parent/ or group, wor" queue for a group or a !epartment
or for an in!ivi!ual who is responsible for managing tas"
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-""
T(0*T-*+)'*W P/+*&T W(+9 :U*U*
#he C$S#CA>0 wor" queue is a !epartmental or parent wor" queue
for the Customer Service ,epartment. 5our supervisor wants you to
access this wor" queue an! ensure that all tas"s place! in the parent
wor" queue are assigne! &automatically.'
T(0*T-*+)'*W 3-'16 W(+9 :U*U*
#he $S0>990( wor" queue is a chil! wor" queue of the 0(*I(00>
parent queue. Access an! view the $S0>990( queue online.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-"# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T/S9 T.P*S /&6 3-*391'ST 'T*MS
(ext, you will learn about the !ifferent types of tas"s, that you can
sen! to wor" queues.
#as"s are the steps that you ta"e to process an or!er, such as
confirming the or!er, !esigning the circuit, or preparing billing. #he
MetaSolv Solution inclu!es !etaile! reporting that i!entifies which
users complete! tas"s on time an! which users complete! tas"s late.
T/S9 T.P*S
Sli,e %as1s
#he 3or" Management #as" #ypes section allows you to create
an! maintain tas" types associate! with provisioning plans. #as"
types are pre%loa!e! when the MetaSolv Solution is installe!, an!
they trigger specific pre%programme! processes within the system.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-"$
Sli,e ! SM(8% %as1s
#he highlighte! tas"s are &SMA>#' tas"s. A SMA># tas"
!rives information in the system. It has a !ouble%clic" function
that ta"es you to wherever you want to go in the MetaSolv
Solution to accomplish a tas".
3hen you !ouble%clic" a SMA># tas" in the 3or" Management
subsystem, a win!ow specific to that tas" opens. ;or example,
when you !ouble%clic" the ,->, tas", the ,esign -ayout >ecor!
win!ow opens.
3hen you !ouble%clic" any tas" that is not a SMA># tas", then
the system !efaults to the Service >equest /uery win!ow.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-#% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T/S9 P+(P*+T'*S
Sli,e " %as1 Properties
5ou can e!it the existing tas" types or create new tas" types that are
specific to your company. ;or each tas" entere! you can+
Create the number of grace
!ays, hours, an! minutes, which allows users a!!itional time after
the !ue !ate before a why misse! co!e is require!.
Create the potentially late
notification !ays, hours, an! minutes, which gives users a!vance
notice that a tas" has the potential for being late.
,etermine if the tas" is critical.
Create a !ouble%clic" action if
the tas" is not alrea!y a SMA># tas". ;or example, if you select
,->, as the !ouble%clic" action for a new tas" calle! &2>0C->'
8pre%circuit layout recor!9, then when you !ouble%clic" the 2>0C->
tas", it also opens the ,esign -ayout >ecor! win!ow. 5ou can ma"e
any new tas" wor" li"e an existing SMA># tas".

4"*+) )as7s (it, Bac7groun! 'ali!ations
In your tas" han!out, notice that a few tas"s have
an asteris" besi!e them. #hese SMA># tas"s have
some bac"groun! vali!ations an! shoul! not be
rename! or use! for another tas".
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-#1
T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&S
Items that appear below with a gray bac"groun! are smart tas"s.
0Tasks #roceeded by asterisk run background validations and should not be renamed1
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
T/S9 T.P* T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&
A22 #he *pplication :ate tas" i!entifies the !ate
when the access customer gives the AS> to the
access provi!er. #his tas" populates the ;irm
1r!er Confirmation.
A22# ,ouble%clic"ing the *ppointment tas" opens the
Appointment Selection win!ow.
7I--I(* #he Billing tas" acts as an interface between
MetaSolv Solution an! billing systems.
PCA, ,ouble%clic"ing the C*B4 *c7no(le!gment
:ate tas" opens the Carrier Access 7illing
System 8CA7S9 win!ow. 5ou cannot complete
this tas" until you enter billing information an!
complete the CI, tas". 5ou use this tas" only
with the interface to the CA7S billing system.
C,->, #he Confirming :esign ;a&out +eport :ate
tas" populates the C,->, fiel! on the ;irm
1r!er Confirmation.
PCI, ,ouble%clic"ing the C*B4 #ssue :ate tas" opens
the CA7S win!ow. 3ith this tas", you can use
coor!inates to !etermine the mileage between
en!points in a circuit. It also allows you to
associate $niversal Service 1r!er co!es with
locations on a service request. 85ou must
complete this tas" before you can complete the
CA, tas".9
T/S9 T.P* T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&
CQ#I, ,ouble%clic"ing the Circuit #: tas" opens the
Service >equest Circuits win!ow. 5ou use this
tas" to a!!, !elete, or up!ate circuits for 2S>s
C1(; ,ouble%clic"ing the Confirmation tas" opens the
;irm 1r!er Confirmation win!ow an! allows you
to issue a confirmation to the access customer.
C1>, ,ouble%clic"ing the 0arent Or!er Coor!ination
tas" opens the Service >equest .ierarchy
win!ow in the 3or"sheet mo!ule. #his tas"
allows you to view the status of associate! chil!
tas"s an! to associate parent an! chil! or!ers with
tas"s. All parent provisioning plans shoul!
inclu!e this tas".
P,, 5ou shoul! inclu!e the :ue :ate tas" on all
plans. If, however, there is a parent@chil! plan,
then the ,, shoul! be on the chil! plan only. #he
,ue ,ate tas" involves buil!ing the circuits on an
or!er an! changing the status of or!ere! items to
"n Service, Sus#ended, or Disconnected.
Completion of this tas" implies that the wor" on a
circuit is complete, inclu!ing attaching telephone
numbers an! circuit I,s to the or!er.
P,->, ,ouble%clic"ing the :esign ;a&out +eport :ate
tas" opens the Service >equest Circuits win!ow,
which lists all circuits on a service request.
,ouble%clic"ing a circuit on this win!ow allows
you to !esign circuits an! issue the ,esign
-ayout >ecor!.
#his tas" is recommen!e! for all plans that have a
provisione! circuit. 5ou can complete the ,->,
only if all of the circuits are in D$.2issued status.
,ouble%clic"ing the :irector&
Completion $otice tas" opens the ,SC( form,
which allows you to trac" requests for !irectory
services. 5ou can complete this tas" only after
the service is complete.
T/S9 T.P* T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&
0/ I(S# ,ouble%clic"ing the %8 #$4) tas" opens the
0quipment Install win!ow, from which you can
install equipment from an or!er at an en! user
,ouble%clic"ing the %n! <ser *c7no(le!ge
:ate tas" opens the 0n! $ser 7ill 2rep win!ow,
which ac"nowle!ges that 0n! $ser billing is in
effect. #his tas" is only for customer interfaces
with 0$ billing systems. 5ou must complete the
0$I, tas" be!ore the 0$A,.
P0$I, ,ouble%clic"ing the %n! <ser Billing #ssue :ate
tas" opens the 0n! $ser 7ill 2rep win!ow, which
allows you to enter appropriate change co!es an!
complete preparations for 0$ billing. 5ou must
complete this tas" be!ore you complete the
;C,->, #he Facilit& Confirming :;+ :ate tas"
populates the ;C,->, fiel! on the ;irm 1r!er
Confirmation form 8;1C9.
;,, #he Facilit& :ue :ate tas" populates the ;,,
fiel! on the ;1C form.
;,->, #he Facilit& :esign ;a&out +eport :ate tas"
populates the ;,->, fiel! on the ;1C form.
;(I ,ouble%clic"ing the Fiber $et(or7
#!entification tas" opens the ;(I win!ow so
that you can enter an ;(I to i!entify a ring
circuit service request.
$ote+ #his tas" is not pre%loa!e!, an! you must
create it manually.
;2#, #he Facilit& 0lant )est :ate tas" populates the
;2#, fiel! on the ;1C form.
;>I, #he Facilit& +ecor! #ssue :ate tas" in!icates
the !ate that the facility recor! was issue!.
2-#2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-#3
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Work Management 2-#
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T/S9 T.P* T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&
;31# #he Facilit& 2ire! an! Office )este! :ate tas"
in!icates the !ate when the wiring an! testing
must be complete!.
I-AM ,ouble%clic"ing the #ssue ;oop *ssignment an!
Ma"eup tas" opens the -oop Assignment an!
Ma"eup Circuit -isting win!ow, which allows
you to issue an! print the -AM form.
,ouble%clic"ing the ;oop *ssignment an!
"a7eup tas" opens the Service >equest Circuits
win!ow an! allows you to enter local loop an!
cable pair information in the 2lant A!ministration
(03#ASQ ,ouble%clic"ing the $e( )as7 opens the #as"
*eneration win!ow, which allows you to select
specific chil! plans to associate with parent plans.
If you enable the (03#ASQ preference, then
you must associate a chil! plan before you can
complete this tas". 8If this preference is not
enable!, then a warning message appears.9
1>,.0I> ,ouble%clic"ing the Or!er =ierarc,& tas"
allows you to view associate! chil! or!ers an!
to associate a chil! or!er with a parent or!er.
2S>@-S> ,ouble%clic" the 04+>;4+ tas" to perform 2S>%
to%-S>@,S> mapping. #he *enerate -ocal
Service >equests an! ,irectory Service >equests
win!ow opens. 85ou must first enable the
Per!orm PS.($S. Ma##ing Outside the PS.
Order preference.9
2#, #he 0lant )est :ate tas" populates the 2#, fiel!
on the ;1C form.
>C1(; ,ouble%clic"ing the +esponse Confirmation
$otice tas" opens the Circuit >eference win!ow
for the appropriate or!er type.
>I, ,ouble%clic"ing the +ecor! #ssue :ate tas"
opens the Service >equest Circuits win!ow,
which allows you to access the circuit !esign
process in the 0ngineering subsystem an! to
print the Circuit -ayout >eport.
2-#! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-#"
+U&*A* T/S9
Sli,e # 8U06F6
#he >$(0G0 tas" is not one of the pre%loa!e! tas"s, so you have to
create it. 8MetaSolv !oesnt pre%loa! this tas" because not everyone
wants to run the same application.9
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
T/S9 T.P* T/S9 6*S3+'PT'(&
>$(0G0 ,ouble%clic"ing the +un %1ecutable tas" opens
a program file. 5ou must set up the program file
8executable9 prior to attempting to !ouble%clic"
the >$(0G0 tas".
SI, #he 4c,e!ule! #ssue :ate tas" in!icates the
sche!ule! !ate for issuing a firm service or!er.
,ouble%clic"ing the 4<40%$: tas" opens the
>estore@,isconnect 2ro!ucts win!ow so that you
can !isconnect or restore service for a customer
whose service ha! been suspen!e!.
#>A(S ,ouble%clic"ing the )+*$4 tas" opens the
#ranslation win!ow. 5ou can enter translation
information, view or !elete circuit routing
information, enter or change contact information,
print trun" circuit or!ers, view en!%office !etail
forms, view trun" group information, an! view
the trun" circuit or!er report.
5ou must associate this tas" with a service
request that uses the #ranslation /uestionnaire
for switche! access service requests. #his tas"
also opens the 2ro!uct Service >equest win!ow
for 2S> or!ers so that you can view the #ech
#ranslation sheet for services an! pro!ucts.
B2( ,S*( ,ouble%clic" the '0$ :4?$ tas" to access
the (etwor" Systems !rawing canvas to buil! a
graphical representation of the Birtual 2rivate
(etwor" 8B2(9.
31>QS ,ouble%clic"ing the 2O+@4 tas" opens the
3or"sheet, which allows you to see a graphical
representation of a networ" an! to enter
a!!itional information about the service request.
31# #he 2ire! an! Office )este! ,ate tas"
in!icates the sche!ule! !ate for internal wiring
an! testing of the service.
2-## Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
In the 0xecutable 2ath fiel!, you type the path name to the program that
you want to run. #hen you can use the >$(0G0 tas", for example, to
open 3or! an! sen! a letter to your customer.
+<$%9% :ouble3clic7
5ou can create a SMA># tas" with the !ouble%clic"
action of >$(0G0 8an! you can rename it, if you li"e9.
1n the #as" #ype R (ew win!ow, the 7rowse button
next to the 0xecutable 2ath fiel! allows you to select
one of several executable programs.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-#$
3-*391'ST 'T*MS
Sli,e $ -hec1lists
Chec"list items remin! you to complete certain aspects of a tas".
0ach chec"list item is user%!efine!, base! on your business
practice, an! is associate! with a tas" on a provisioning plan.
3hen you a!! a chec"list item to a tas", it shows up only for new
tas"s generate!. It !oes not apply to tas"s that are alrea!y in wor"
-ets say that for the A22 tas", you want to !efine two subtas"s+
one to sen! a welcome letter when you complete the A22 tas" an!
the other to chec" the customers cre!it to ma"e sure they can pay
you. 5ou can set up both of these subtas"s as chec"list items.
Again, a chec"list item is a remin!er for the person completing the
tas". In this example, you must complete both chec"list items
before you can complete the A22 tas".
#he MetaSolv Solution !oesnt hol! you to completing your chec"list
items in any specific or!er, except that you must complete them
before you complete the tas". 5our business process !ictates the
recommen!e! or!er of completion.
T(0*T-*+3+*/T* 3-*391'ST 'T*MS
#o ma"e sure that you !ont forget to !o a cre!it chec" on a
customer when you complete the A22 tas", with your
instructor, a!! a chec"list item that will remin! you to !o the
cre!it chec".
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-$% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
3+*/T* P+()'S'(&'&0 P1/&S
Sli,e !% Provisioning Plans
A provisioning plan is essentially a list of &to !o' items, or tas"s, that
each or!er type follows.
2rovisioning plans allow you to !efine how you complete tas"s for
or!ers in the MetaSolv Solution. #hey are associate! with service
type groups, organiations, an! 4uris!ictions. 3hen you enter an
or!er, only the provisioning plans that match the service type,
organiation, an! 4uris!iction are available.
T/S9 P+(P*+T'*S
Sli,e !1 %as1s Properties in Plan
5ou must consi!er two a!!itional properties when you a!! tas"s
to a provisioning plan+
A (or7 Aueue is the group
of in!ivi!uals or the !epartment responsible for completing the
tas"s. #he group might be customer service representatives,
engineers, or fiel! services.
#he is the length
of time 8in <F%minute increments9 that you can complete a tas"
an! is on time.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$1
(T-*+ (PT'(&S
In a!!ition to these require! properties, you can choose from several
a!!itional options+
Close of Business5ou can
mar" a tas" &Close of 7usiness,' which means that the tas" is !ue
at the en! of the business !ay, accor!ing to the times that you have
set up in the 3or" Management 2references.
0otentiall& ;ate>ecall that in the tas" lesson, we set up the
&potentially late interval,' which is the notification that a !ue
!ate is approaching an! you havent complete! a tas". #he
!efault interval carries over, but you can overri!e it when you
create the provisioning plan.
Completeable5ou can also ma"e a tas" &Auto%
Completeable.' 3henever you complete a follower tas",
any auto%completeable tas"s complete automatically.
#he Auto%Completeable feature re!uces the number of users
"eystro"es. ;or example, it woul! ta"e ;iel! Services personnel
longer to !o their 4ob if they ha! to !o the following+
Install a 4ac".
>eturn to the office.
Complete the tas" in the
MetaSolv Solution.
>eturn to the customer premises.
#est the line.
>eturn to the office.
Complete the tas" in the
MetaSolv Solution.
3hen tas"s are generate!, the MetaSolv Solution calculates the
start an! en! times for each tas" by loo"ing at the start of business,
close of business, an! lunch brea"s that have been set up in
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-$2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
Sli,e !2 %as1 %imes
#he following !iagram shows how the system sche!ules aroun! start of
business an! close of business, lunch, an! exception !ates.
Figure 25 Task Times Chart
BUS'&*SS -(U+S S*T '& W(+9 M/&/0*M*&T P+*5*+*&3*
T(P'3 T'M*
Start of 7usiness J+AA a.m.
Close of 7usiness F+AA p.m.
-unch <C+AA R <+AA p.m.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.

TaDk 'nterval TaDk Start TaDk *n,
/PP %%E%%E3% 1%B%#B$# 2E1 pFmF 1%B%#B$# 2E4 pFmF
5(3 %E%E3% 1%B%#B$# 2E4 pFmF 1%B14B$# 11E1 aFmF
3(+6 %2E%1E4 1%B14B$# 11E1 aFmF 1%B1!B$# 2E%% pFmF
61+6 %%E%%E4 1%B1!B$# 2E%% pFmF 1%B1!B$# 2E4 pFmF
BuDineDD -ourD Det in Work Management PreferenCeD
Weeken,D Det aD *GCeption 6ateD in (rganiHation 3alen,ar
Start of BuDineDD #E%% aFmF
3loDe of BuDineDD E%% pFmF
1unCh 12E%%-1E%% pFmF
TaDk 'nterval TaDk Start TaDk *n, TaDk 'nterval TaDk Start TaDk *n,
/PP %%E%%E3% 1%B%#B$# 2E1 pFmF 1%B%#B$# 2E4 pFmF
5(3 %E%E3% 1%B%#B$# 2E4 pFmF 1%B14B$# 11E1 aFmF
3(+6 %2E%1E4 1%B14B$# 11E1 aFmF 1%B1!B$# 2E%% pFmF
61+6 %%E%%E4 1%B1!B$# 2E%% pFmF 1%B1!B$# 2E4 pFmF
BuDineDD -ourD Det in Work Management PreferenCeD
Weeken,D Det aD *GCeption 6ateD in (rganiHation 3alen,ar
Start of BuDineDD #E%% aFmF
3loDe of BuDineDD E%% pFmF
1unCh 12E%%-1E%% pFmF
BuDineDD -ourD Det in Work Management PreferenCeD
Weeken,D Det aD *GCeption 6ateD in (rganiHation 3alen,ar
Start of BuDineDD #E%% aFmF
3loDe of BuDineDD E%% pFmF
1unCh 12E%%-1E%% pFmF
TaDk 'nterval TaDk Start TaDk *n,
Work Management 2-$3
(&-&*T /&6 (55-&*T P1/&S
#he !ifference between an on%net provisioning plan an! an off%net
provisioning plan is that the latter is for a circuit that is not on your
networ", an! you have to request support from another telecom
T(0*T-*+3+*/T* (&-&*T P1/&
5our supervisor at (ew#el wants you to create a provisioning plan
for or!ering a resi!ential phone line. 5our company owns the local
phone service. #he Customer Service ,epartment is responsible for
ta"ing the or!er.
Along with your instructor, create an on%net plan.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-$4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T-+** P-/S*S (5 / P+()'S'(&'&0 P1/&
A provisioning plan has three phases+
5ou categorie tas"s in a provisioning plan accor!ing to these three
phases, as the following example shows+
P-/S* T/S9 6*P/+TM*&T W(+96/.B-(U+SB
Or!ering A22 C$S#CA>0 AA+AA+DA
C1(; C$S#CA>0 AA+AA+DA
:esigning >I, 0(*I(00> A<+AA+AA) Close of 7usiness
31# ;I0-, SB AC+AA+AA) Close of 7usiness
82otentially D hours late9
#>A(S ;I0-, SB A<+AA+AA
2#, ;I0-, SB A<+AA+AA
,, ;I0-, SB A<+AA+AA
Billing 7I--I(* 7I--I(* <F+AA+AA
T/S9 /SS'0&M*&T T/B
1n the #as" Assignment tab, you can perform the following functions+
Assign a !efault wor" queue for
each tas".
Associate tas"s with the
provisioning plan.
Ma"e tas"s auto completeable by
chec"ing the Auto Comp chec"box.
Specify the interval, or number
of wor"!ays, require! to complete each tas".
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$
T/S9 6*P*&6*&3'*S T/B
#he MetaSolv Solution generates tas" !epen!encies automatically,
base! on the or!er in which you selecte! the tas"s on the #as"
Assignment tab. ;or example, in the plan that you 4ust create!, the
>I, tas" cannot begin until you complete the A22 an! C1(; tas"s.
8#he !epen!encies !isplay in Gantt Chart format.9
6/T'&0 '&6'3/T(+ 5'*16
In most cases, all tas"s are !orward dated, except the ,ue ,ate tas",
which is usually backdated. Sometimes, you bac"!ate other tas"s
when an or!er is not !ue for a long time.
;or example, a customer or!ers a #< line in Sanuary but !oesnt want
it turne! on until May <st. If a stan!ar! or!er ta"es six wee"s, the
installation of the #< woul! ta"e place way ahea! of sche!ule.
#herefore, you woul! probably complete the application an! cre!it
chec" an! then bac"!ate the remaining tas"s from the ,ue ,ate. After
a gap of no wor" from Sanuary to March, the wor" woul! begin in
March an! be complete! by May <.
5ou can also forwar! !ate the ,ue ,ate. ;or example, if you ma"e a
sale for a pro!uct that ta"es two wee"s to pro!uce an! the !ue !ate is
in one wee", all the tas"s woul! have earlier !ue !ates that you most
li"ely cannot meet. In a realistic wor" sche!ule, the ,ue ,ate woul!
be forwar! !ate! an! woul! fall in line with the tas" intervals.
+U1*S 5(+ T-* 6/T'&0 '&6'3/T(+ 5'*16
If a tas" is forwar! !ate!
8arrow pointing to the right9, then all of its pre!ecessor tas"s are
forwar! !ate!.
If a tas" is bac"war! !ate!, then
all of its follower tas"s up to ,, are bac"war! !ate!.
Any tas"s appearing after the ,,
tas" must be forwar! !ate!.
If you a!! a parent tas" that is
bac"war! !ate!, then all of the chil! tas"s must be bac"war! !ate!.
If the ,, tas" is forwar! !ate!, then all tas"s must be forwar! !ate!.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-$! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
P*+T 3-/+T
#he 20># chart is a graphical representation of the tas"s liste! on the
#as" ,epen!encies tab.
&P/B&AA T/S9 /SS'0&M*&T
#he (2A@(GG assigne! on an or!er !etermines which wor" queue
the tas"s for that or!er are assigne! to. (2A@(GGs must exist in the
MetaSolv Solution Infrastructure, an! you must set the .e3uire NP%
N)) !or ork 4ueue Scheduling preference to &5es.'
%1ampleB A customer creates the (3 >egion as an organiation,
which coul! have CA !ifferent (2A@(GGs as a subset.
If more than one wor" queue has responsibility for the same
(2A@(GG, then the tas"s go to the (2A@(GG queue with the
fewest tas"s 8as in &regular' tas" assignment9.
0/T*W/. /SS'0&M*&T
A gateway event is the process of lin"ing a thir! party ven!or to
the MetaSolv Solution. 5ou use the *ateway Assignment tab to
a!! a gateway event to a tas" in a provisioning plan.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$"
/UT(M/T'3 P1/& S*1*3T'(&
It can be confusing for customer representatives to select the right
provisioning plan if their company has a lot of plans to choose
from. #o ma"e it easier, you can set up the MetaSolv Solution so
that it selects a pre!etermine! provisioning plan automatically
!uring tas" generation an! sen!s that plan to the !efault wor"
queues. #he customer rep !oesnt have to !o anything except clic"
the )as7s button or the Finis, button, !epen!ing on the or!er
+U1*S 5(+ /UT(M/T'3 P1/& S*1*3T'(&
Sli,e !3 (utomatic Provisioning Plan Selection
Automatic provisioning requires that you set up the MetaSolv
Solution so that it meets the following con!itions+
#he service type group is set up
as &31>QM*M#.'
#he Auto Apply 2lan chec"box
for the service type is chec"e!.
#he organiation,
4uris!iction, an! service type must be unique 8to one
provisioning plan9.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-$# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
+U1*S /&6 B*-/)'(+S
Sli,e !4 8ules:/ehavior
#he >ules@7ehavior functionality is similar to an &If%#hen' statement.
If a rule is true, then perform a behavior. .eres an example+ &If its
raining, then put up an umbrella.' In the MetaSolv Solution, we call the
&if' part of the statement the &rule,' or query. 3e call the &then' part of
the statement the &behavior.'
#he MetaSolv Solution automatically performs the behavior, base!
on a rule, when the query is successful.
B*&*5'TS (5 +U1*S /&6 B*-/)'(+S
Sli,e ! /ene)its
#his functionality allows the MetaSolv Solution to provi!e the best
of both worl!s+
#he ability to set up
stan!ar!, consistent provisioning plans to apply to a service
type, an!
#he flexibility to a!! or !elete
tas"s from provisioning plans !ynamically, base! on customer
#he >ules@7ehavior functionality cuts !own on the number of
provisioning plans that are nee!e!, as well as the number of tas"s
that a customer representative must mo!ify manually.
A representative enters an or!er an! selects a provisioning plan.
#hen he or she can mo!ify the tas"s on the plan to meet any unique
requirements for the or!er.
3ith the >ules@7ehavior functionality, the representative !oes not
have to ma"e any tas" changes, which means that a new provisioning
plan is unnecessary. #he provisioner a!!s the &if%then statement' into
the 3or" Management subsystem. #hen, whenever someone enters
an or!er, the MetaSolv Solution chec"s to see if the I; statement is
true. If it is true, then the behavior ta"es place automatically.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-$$
*A/MP1* (5 US'&0 +U1*S /&6 B*-/)'(+S
At pre!efine! process points !uring the entering of a service
request, the system searches for all rules that you create! for
the process points an! then executes those rules. ;or example,
you can have a rule that runs at the process point of Opush the
Bali!ate button' or &push the 1r!er ;inish button' or for when
you a!! a service item to an or!er. 1n the >ules an! 7ehaviors
% (ew win!ow, you can set up the software so that a cre!it car!
vali!ation ta"es place at any one of these process points.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1%% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
0*&*+/T* /&6 M(6'5. T/S9S
Sli,e !! +enerate and Modi)y %as1s
Figure 26 Generate and modi!y task !low
*enerating tas"s occurs after you enter an or!er an! vali!ate it.
5ou will select a provisioning plan for an or!er an! then sen!
the tas"s to the appropriate wor" queues.
*enerally, if your company !oes a goo! 4ob !efining
provisioning plans, then when you generate tas"s, you will be
able to select the appropriate provisioning plan, choose the
wor" queues, an! save the tas" assignments. ;requently, you
wont even have to select a plan or wor" queue because the
system will !o it for you automatically.
In some cases, such as when a provisioning plan hasnt been
create! for a certain or!er type, you may nee! to mo!ify the
tas"s on the plan.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1%1
0*&*+/T'&0 T/S9S
7efore generating tas"s, an appropriate provisioning plan must exist
in the !atabase.
5ouve alrea!y set up a plan through the MetaSolv Solution 3or"
Management subsystem. 5ou have i!entifie! the following+
7ase set of tas"s
3or"!ays nee!e! to complete
each tas"
,epen!encies between tas"s
,efault assignments for each tas"
(ow, you are rea!y to generate tas"s for the or!er.
#he 0lan 4election tab on the #as"s win!ow allows you to select
a provisioning plan, plus (2A (GG sche!uling information 8if
the preference is set up9. #he MetaSolv Solution uses this
information to generate wor" queue assignments.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1%2 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T(0*T-*+3(MP1*T* T-* P1/& S*1*3T'(& T/B
1pen the service request 8AS>9 with a 21( of (03#0-99 an!
select a plan for provisioning the tas"s associate! with this or!er.
After you select a provisioning plan, the system !isplays the #as"
*antt tab automatically, which allows you to see the current tas"s
in the provisioning plan.
Also view the tas"s on the #as" -ist tab, which has the same tas"s
in list form, but with more !etail.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1%3
W(+9 :U*U*S
5ou can select wor" queues automatically or manually 8if the %llow
Manual 4ueue Scheduling at Task Generation preference is turne! on9.
;or both metho!s, the type of wor" queue an! employee availability
affect, which wor" queues, you can select.
<ni!entifie! 2or7 8ueues
/uestion mar"s 8////////9 in!icate that the
MetaSolv Solution inserte! or a!!e! a tas" after
executing rules an! behaviors. 81nly tas"s that come
from a provisioning plan have associate! wor"
queues.9 5ou must select wor" queues for these
uni!entifie! wor" queues manually.
3hen tas"s go to wor" queues, they a!4ust to the local time one
for the queue owner automatically, base! on the 3in!ows
settings. If the ,atabase Server #ime Tone preference is set,
however, then whenever the local time one !iffers from the
!atabase server time one, the MetaSolv Solution !isplays a
message at logon that allows you to select the appropriate time
one. 85ou can verify the setting of the !atabase server time one
by chec"ing 2referencesNSystem InformationN,atabase Server
#ime Tone.9

:o $ot *ppl& or O@ )as7sC
,o not generate tas"s yet. 5ou have to mo!ify the
tas"s before you actually generate them.
If you have properly set up the provisioning plan for
the or!er type, then you can clic" O@ or *ppl&. #he
MetaSolv Solution sen!s the tas"s to the wor"
queues, an! you woul! be !one with entering the
or!er an! sen!ing wor" to the appropriate wor"
queues. 7ut !ont clic" O@ or *ppl& yet6
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1%4 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
T/S9 3'+3U'TS T/B
#he )as7 Circuits tab allows you to view all circuits on the or!er
after you clic" O@ or *ppl& to sen! tas"s to wor" queues. 5ou
can also a!! circuit notes an! a!! Seopar!y status on this tab.
P*+T 3-/+T T/B
5ou can use the 20># Chart to !o the following+
Biew cross%or!er !epen!encies
in the MetaSolv Solution.
Biew the status of tas"s in your
provisioning plan.
Create an! !elete !epen!encies
between tas"s.
M(6'5.'&0 T/S9S
Sli,e !" Modi)ying %as1s
5ou start tas" generation with a provisioning plan, which provi!es
consistent provisioning across or!ers. If your tas"s !ont meet the
nee!s of the current or!er, then you can customie them.
If you ever have to mo!ify some tas"s, then you can !o any of the
Change tas" !ue !ates. 85ou
must have a security clearance to change the !ates.9
A!! an! !elete tas"s from the
tas" list.
1verri!e !efault wor" queues.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1%
3-/&0* / T/S9;S 6U* 6/T*
#o change the !ue !ate, go to either the #as" *antt tab or the #as"
-ist tab. #hen select the tas" an! type in a new !ue !ate.
1n the 2lan Selection win!ow, if the *utomaticall& *!Dust :ates
of Follo(ers )as7s chec"box is chec"e!, then if you change the
!ate of one tas", the !ates of the follower tas"s a!4ust automatically.
$ote *utomaticall& *!Dust :ates an! Bac7(ar!3:ate!
If the tas"s have a bac"war! !ating in!icator, you
cannot move a tas" !ue !ate forwar! if it woul! cause
the other tas"s to move past the ,, tas" !ue !ate. 5ou
will get an error message an! not be allowe! to !o it.
5ou can, however, move the ,, tas" farther out. #hen
the bac"!ate! pre!ecessor tas" !ue !ates will also move
farther out.
0xample 8if all tas"s have a bac" in!icator9+
,->, AK@AJ@KK
5ou cannot move the A22 tas" to K@J because the !ue !ate is fixe! at
K@K an! cannot be change! by changing the !ue !ate of the A22 tas".
5ou can, however, change the ,, tas" to be !ue on <A@<A@KK. #hen
the ,->, an! A22 tas"s woul! be a!4uste! automatically to be !ue
<A@K@KK an! <A@J@KK respectively.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1%! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
(T-*+ W/.S T( M(6'5. T/S9S
In a!!ition to changing tas" !ue !ates, you can !elete, not require,
insert, or a!! tas"s. 0arlier, you learne! about the !ifference between
inserting an! a!!ing a chil! tas" in a provisioning plan. 5ou can also
mo!ify a tas" from the #as" *antt win!ow or from the #as" -ist
win!ow. After you select a tas" on either of these win!ows, right%
clic" it to access the pop%up menu, which provi!es several options for
mo!ifying the tas".
Specifically, you can ma"e the following changes to a tas"+
Insert a sibling tas".
5ou can insert any task that has been set u# through ork
Management 6e'ce#t the DD task71 5ou can also set the
workdays !or an inserted sibling task1
Insert a chil! tas".
A!! a chil! tas".
A!! a 4eopar!y status.
Ma"e a tas" not require!.
,elete a tas".
$ote Eou Cannot :elete :: )as7
5ou cannot !elete the ,, 8,ue ,ate9 tas" because it
has specific require! functions 8such as putting a circuit
in service9 that happen in the bac"groun! when the tas"
is complete! through 3or" Management.
T(0*T-*+/33*SS T-* W(+9 :U*U* M/&/0*+
5ouve 4ust returne! to wor" from vacation, an! you! li"e to fin! out
if any tas"s have been sent to your wor" queue for you to complete.
Along with your instructor, access the 3or" Management subsystem to
view your wor" queue in the 3or" /ueue Manager win!ow.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1%"
W(+9 :U*U* M/&/0*+ M/P
#he following !iagram i!entifies the "ey features of the 3or"
/ueue Manager. 5ou can customie this win!ow an! save it as
a profile. 5ou can hi!e, view, sie columns, an! change column
labels. 8#he $o3Bitmaps profile is shown below.9

READYindicates the task is readyto
be completed.
PENDINGIndicates the task has
predecessors that must be completed
before itcan be completed.
RE E!"ED Indicates the task has
been re#ected.
TASK: Indicates the task type. $nreco%ni&edtasks can
be identifiedbyri%ht'clickin%the abbre(iation.
)ho*s the !ustomer !arrier
Name Abbre(iation.
PON+ Identifies purchase order number enteredonthe
ser(ice re,uest -order..
Identifies the acti(ity Indicator for
the order. /N01Ne*Installation. "o
interpret the different letters2 ri%ht'
click2 select )er(ice Re,uestDetail.
"he acti(ityIndicator is inlo*er half
of *indo*. "o close the *indo*and
return to 3ork 4ueue 5ana%er2
click the close button.
associated*ith order
appear here.
NE38st time
ERRError occurred
G3!9GGate*ay e(ent status updated
G3ERRGate*ayerror occurred
3hen you accept a task2 the column is blank.
SUP + Identifies the supplement
number2 if an order has been
<"he le%end inthe middle of this
*indo*identifies the )$P numbers.
TASK DUE: Indicates date task *as scheduledfor completion.
Deri(es frominter(als on Pro(isionin%Plan2 or fromdate
entered -o(er*ritin%the Pro(isionin%Plan. *hen task *as %enerated.
CircuitID+ Identifies the circuit
number that your companyassi%ned
or that the =ther E>chan%e !ompany
-=E!. pro(idedonthe order. "his
number shouldfollo*"elcordia
- :ellcore. standards for circuit ID
format. 9o*e(er2 itcan also be in
telephone ?formator freeform.
"he #eopardy icon appears if a task
has a eopardy!ode.
RED+ Identifies that the due date has
YE@@=3+ Identifies thatthe taskis in
#eopardyof bein%late.
Identifies if the order is an A)R2
P)R2 or @)R.
:itmapprofiles ha(e icons+ 3hite
book1A)R2 Green book1I)R2 bo>1
P)R2 andhouse1@)R.
BILL: Identifies the status of billin%records.

Youcanclick the /Personal0radio
button to see *ork ,ueues that Y=$
o*n2 or you can click the /3ork Group0
radio button to see all other *ork
,ueues in your *ork %roup.
Figure 27 ork 4ueue Manager Ma#
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-1%# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W(+9 :U*U* M/&/0*+ P+(5'1*S
Sli,e !# Wor1 ?ueue Manager
In the 3or" /ueue Manager win!ow, tas" !ue !ates are in local time,
base! on the time one of your computers location. If a tas" is
generate! at the servers location on the 0ast Coast, for example, an!
is !ue at C+AA p.m., an! you receive the tas" in the Central #ime Tone,
then the tas" is !ue at <+AA p.m. your time.
5ou refresh the 3or" /ueue Manager by exiting or by clic"ing 4a.e.
5ou can also go to the ork 4ueue Timer preference an! set an interval
8between < minute an! <CA minutes9 so that the 3or" /ueue Manager is
refreshe! automatically.
5ou can also hi!e the tabs at the bottom of the 3or" /ueue Manager
win!ow to show a!!itional tas"s.
T/BS /T T-* B(TT(M (5 T-* W:M
#he 3or" /ueue Manager has the following tabs at the bottom of the
)as7 :etail2rovi!es more
!etaile! information about the tas", inclu!ing who assigne! the
0re!ecessors,isplays all of
the tas"s that you must complete before you can complete the
selecte! tas".
Follo(ers,isplays the tas"s
that you cannot complete until you complete the selecte! tas".
C,ec7list,isplays any
chec"list items associate! with a tas". 5ou must complete all
chec"list items before you can complete the associate! tas".
Circuits,isplays circuits
relate! to a tas".
?ate(a&,isplays any gateway
event an! its status associate! with the tas".
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-1%$
M/&/0'&0 T/S9S
Sli,e !$ Managing %as1s
Managing tas"s is what you have to !o to complete your wor" in the
3or" Management subsystem, thereby completing the service requests
that you receive.
3hen a tas" is first assigne! to a wor" queue, it has a status of &(ew.'
3hen you accept it, the tas"s status changes, an! it no longer shows
&(ew' in the Status column on the 3or" /ueue Manager win!ow.
#he action of accepting tas"s organies your wor" queue so that
you can quic"ly see which tas"s are new, which are change!, an!
which have a change! gateway event status.
3hen a tas" appears in your queue that someone else shoul! wor", you
can transfer the tas" to the appropriate queue for completion.
After you have finishe! the wor" an! chec"list items associate! with
a tas", the tas" shoul! have a status of &>ea!y,' an! you can
complete it. 8Completing the tas" removes it from the wor" queue.9
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-11% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
W(+9 :U*U* M/&/0*+ P(PUP M*&U
3hen you right%clic" a tas" in a wor" queue, the following pop%up
menu appears+
Figure 28 ork Management Po#2u# Menu
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-111
/33*PT'&0 T/S9S
3hen a tas" is first assigne! to a wor" queue, it has a status of
&(03.' 3hen you accept it, the tas"s status changes so that it no
longer shows &(03' in the Status column on the 3or" /ueue
Manager win!ow, as illustrate! below.
Figure 29 8New9 in Status Column
#he action of accepting tas"s organies your wor" queue so that
you can quic"ly see which tas"s are new, which are change!, an!
which have a change! gateway event status.
T(0*T-*+/33*PT / T/S9
Along with your instructor, accept any two tas"s in the wor" queue
whose status is &(ew.'
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-112 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
6*M(T+/&S5*+ / T/S9
3hen a tas" appears in your queue that shoul! be wor"e! by someone
else, you can transfer the tas" to the appropriate queue for completion.
3atch as your instructor !emonstrates this proce!ure.
T(0*T-*+3(MP1*T* / T/S9
After you have finishe! the wor" an! chec"list items associate! with
a tas", the tas" shoul! have a status of &>ea!y,' an! you can
complete it. 8Completing the tas" removes it from the wor" queue.9
3ith your instructor, complete a tas".
+*2*3T'&0 T/S9S
5ou can re4ect a tas" if it has a pre!ecessor tas" that is incomplete or
inaccurate, such as when you have entere! !esign lines incorrectly.
3hen you re4ect a tas" in your queue, the re4ection action actually goes
against the pre!ecessor tas" in the queue from which the pre!ecessor
tas" originate!. #he tas" in your queue must be in &>ea!y' status
before you can re4ect a tas".
Again, when you re4ect a tas", you are really re4ecting the pre!ecessor
tas". MetaSolv Solution allows you to choose the incomplete
pre!ecessor tas", which can be the last tas" before your tas", or it can be
the first complete! tas" that woul!, in turn, re4ect all tas"s after it.
3henever you re4ect a tas", you shoul! also enter a re4ect reason in the
Service >equest (ote area.
After you re4ect a tas", it 8along with any follower tas"s9 goes bac" to
&(ew,' with a &2en!ing' status. #he tas" that you re4ecte! goes to
&>e4ecte!' status to be wor"e! again. As soon as it is complete!, your
tas" goes to &>ea!y,' or green light, as usual.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-113
W-. M'SS*6 3(6*S
3hen a tas" is critical an! late, then you must a!! a why misse!
co!e, which provi!es a reason why the tas" is late.
?race :a&s
In the 3or" Management #as" #ype win!ow, you can
specify the number of !ays or hours or even minutes
that you can complete a critical tas" late before
MetaSolv Solution prompts you for a why misse! co!e.
#he grace interval that you select for a tas" affects that
tas" on all provisioning plans that inclu!e it.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-114 Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
2*(P/+6. 3(6*S
Sli,e "% Ieopardy -odes and Why Missed -odes
If you "now that a tas" is in 4eopar!y of being complete! late, you can
a!! a 4eopar!y co!e to the tas". A 4eopar!y co!e associates a reason for
the potential lateness with the tas" an! changes the status of the tas" so
that a quic" glance at the queue in!icates the 4eopar!y con!ition.
5ou !o not have to go to the #as" #ype win!ow to see which tas"s are
critical. Instea!, you can access the 3/M win!ow an! select the tas".
#hen, at the bottom of the #as" ,etail tab win!ow, you can see if a tas"
is critical.
Since 4eopar!y co!es are a proactive way of trac"ing the reasons why a
critical tas" might be late, you shoul! enter them prior to completion of
the tas".
An example of the #as" Seopar!y Co!es win!ow appears below+
3liCk the 4&ew7
Iutton to enter the
2eopar,J Co,eF
3liCk the 4*DCalation7
Iutton to enter a,,itional
info aIout the 2eopar,J
BomI iCon
Figure 30 &'am#le o! a Task :eo#ardy Codes window
Bomb #con in,erent
#he &bomb' icon in!icates that a 4eopar!y co!e has been
entere! for the tas".
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-11
3(MP1*T'&0 / T/S9 W'T- /& 4(P*&7 2*(P/+6. 3(6*
5ou can complete a tas" with an &open' 4eopar!y co!e. 5ou will,
however, get the following message telling you that there are open
4eopar!y co!es against the tas". 5ou can return to the tas" an!
remove the 4eopar!y co!es, or you can continue completing the tas".
Figure 31 MetaSolv Solution Message about O#en :eo#ardy Codes
+*M()'&0 / 2*(P/+6. 3(6*
If a tas" is no longer in !anger of being late, then you can remove
the 4eopar!y co!e by opening the #as" Seopar!y Co!es win!ow
an! chec"ing the Close! chec"box.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-11! Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
*&T*+'&0 *S3/1/T'(& '&5(+M/T'(&
#o embellish the information inclu!e! with a 4eopar!y co!e, you can
use escalation notes to a!! a !escription an! contact information.
#he ,escription fiel! on the #as" Seopar!y 0scalations win!ow is
a freeform fiel! that allows you to enter information that further
!escribes an abbreviation or a co!e on a particular win!ow.
T(0*T-*+*&T*+ *S3/1/T'(& '&5(+M/T'(&
5ou nee! to a!! some a!!itional information to the A< 4eopar!y co!e.
Along with your instructor, a!! an escalation note.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-11"
)'*W'&0 /&6 *&T*+'&0 &(T*S
5ou can a!! notes to a service request manually or automatically. If
the ork Management Create %udit Notes preference is set, then an
au!it trail note is a!!e! to the (otes win!ow every time you perform a
tas"%activity or a tas" circuit%relate! activity. If you turn this preference
off, then an au!it trail is not generate! automatically. 5ou can view or
enter notes for a service request regar!less of the preference setting.
5ou can also maintain multiple notes for the same or!er. 0ach person
wor"ing on a tas" that the or!er generates can then see your notes,
which can be a helpful way to communicate with people who are
wor"ing on other tas"s for the same or!er.
#he way that tas"s are assigne! to wor" queues varies wi!ely from
one company to the next. #here coul! be twenty tas"s for any one
or!er, with several !ifferent people wor"ing those twenty tas"s.
After you a!! a note to an or!er, the (ote icon appears in the (ote
In!icator column on the 3or" /ueue Manager win!ow.
5ou can enter 4eopar!y co!es an! explanations for tas"s that are
about to be late. 5ou can also enter notes right on the or!er to
a!vise others about situations that might affect the or!er.
T(0*T-*+ )'*W /&6 *&T*+ &(T*S
Along with your instructor, a!! the following Service >equest
(ote to the 2S> with a 21( of 71S,;399+ 8Circuit will be
#ut in service tomorrow19
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-11# Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
0/T*W/. *)*&TS
Sli,e "1 +ateway 6vents Overview
A gateway event is the process of lin"ing a thir! party ven!or to
MetaSolv Solution. 5ou can have inboun! or outboun! events, which
means that MetaSolv Solution can sen! information to the ven!or, or
the ven!or can sen! information to MetaSolv Solution electronically.
B*&*5'TS (5 0/T*W/. *)*&TS
#he biggest benefit of using gateway events is that customers can
integrate their systems with thir!%party ven!ors.
.ere are some a!!itional benefits of having gateway events in the
3or" Management subsystem+
Customers have the flexibility to
create a variety of gateways.
Customers can select various
times !uring provisioning to initiate gateway events.
5ou can view *ateway status
through the 3or" /ueue Manager.
;or more information about gateway events, you might want to ta"e the
3or" Management course.
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-11$
1*SS(& +*)'*W
Sli,e "2 8eview9Wor1 Management
In this lesson, you have learne! how to+
I!entify "ey elements of 3or"
Management subsystem.
,escribe the function of a!!ing
new employees, parent wor" queues, an! chil! wor" queues.
,escribe how the organiation
calen!ar is associate! with wor" queues.
,escribe the function of the
!ifferent tas" types an! chec"list items.
Create a provisioning plan an!
insert !ifferent tas"s in the plan.
Sli,e "3 8eview Bcont=dD
Set up the Auto 2lan Selection
Select a provisioning plan.
Select a wor" queue for each
Mo!ify tas"s, !ue !ates, an!
wor" queues.
I!entify the "ey fiel!s an! values
on the 3or" /ueue Manager win!ow.
Accept, transfer, an! complete
tas"s an! all chec"list items.
Sli,e "4 8eview Bcont=dD
0nter notes, why misse! co!es
an! 4eopar!y co!es in tas"s.
Biew gateway events.
,escribe the functions of
*ateway preferences.
,escribe the association between
gateway events an! tas"s.
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp
2-12% Unit 2Preparing the TBS SoftwareMetaSolv Solution
0xplain how A2Is relate to
Set up 3or" Management
MetaSolv Solution 5.4 7:13:3411 25.4 3441 MetaSolv So)tware; Inc.
Work Management 2-121
U&'T W+/P UP
Sli,e " Wrap Up
Figure 32 ;nit ra# ;#
(ow that you have !iscusse! some of the &basics' of MetaSolv
Solution, the next item on the agen!a is to !esign some networ"s.
After all, the networ" is what you provi!e to your customers, right=
So, go ahea! an! remove that a!ministrator hat because you have
4ust accepte! a 4ob as a networ" engineer6
Proprietary and -on)idential /ootcamp

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