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No-Bake Smores Bars.
June 16, 2011
I just had a stunning revelation.
Literally, like ve minutes ago. I am about to burst so I obviously have to tell you: smores are healthy.

Think about this. Ignore my insanity. Is this real life?
An actual smore is the epitome of portion control. A semi-healthy cracker that is easily passed off for diet
food any day of the week. A perfect ounce of chocolate, preferably dark and packed with antioxidants. A uffy
marshmallow that triples or quadruples in size and makes you feel like youre eating more. Annnnnnnnd you
cook it yourself.

See? Health food right there. Its like you just ate three bunches of spinach and a a bushel of broccoli. Or in my
case, a oret. Dont you feel good about yourself??
Too bad my smores are made with six ounces of chocolate and 45 marshmallows. Leave it to me to completely
ruin a simply perfect smore. Ive taken every ounce of portion control out of the game. Ive added extra sugar.
Ive added sticks of butter. Ive even added extra LAYERS. I hope you still love me.

I seriously have an issue. I mean smores pie. Smores brownies. Smores tarts. Smores cake in jars.

Smores with marshmallows made of beer. Whats next? I hope smore.
These can be bars or they can be a square of gooeyness that you eat with a fork. Or they can be a pan of dessert
that you eat by yourself with a giant spoon while sitting on the couch and watching The Bachelorette. Its up to
you. I honestly just needed something to stuff under a marshmallow.

All that they contains is a quick graham crust, a chocolate ganache, and a pillow of homemade marshmallows
which if you havent noticed, is my new xation. They are so incredibly easy to make. And I know youre
thinking that they cant possibly be easy but they are. The rst time may be a bit stressful, but after that, youll
have it down pat. And then youll want to make marshmallows every ve seconds. And youll want to eat them
with things. Like melted chocolate and a stick of butter.
Eat them frozen or eat them refrigerated and gooey. I toasted the marshmallow on top of a few with a kitchen
torch for effect, but it really doesnt need toasted at all. Im just a freak about toasting things.

And apparently a freak about smores.
No Bake Smores Bars
makes one 8 x 8 pan of bars
for marshmallow layer:
I used smitten kitchens homemade marshmallow recipe; the one I modied for the beer marshmallows.
for crust:
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cups of graham cracker crumbs
1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
Spray an 8!8 inch pan with nonstick spray, then add powdered sugar and shake to cover and coat the bottom. In
a bowl, add melted butter and graham crumbs together and mix with a spoon until all of the crumbs are
moistened. Press into the pan and set in the freezer while you make the middle layer.
for chocolate layer:
3/4 cup heavy cream
8 ounces of chocolate, chopped (I used Lindt)
Combine cream and chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Heat on medium power for 45 seconds, then remove
and stir. Heat again on medium power for 30 seconds, and stir. Continue to stir until chocolate is melted. If
needed, microwave 1-2 more times but only in 30 second increments. Ideally you want to stir the chocolate into
the cream. Once the chocolate is smooth, remove pan from freezer and pour chocolate evenly over the top.
Refrigerate or freeze for 2-4 hours before serving.
To assemble the bars, cut marshmallows into desired size. You can cut and entire 8 x 8 square to t over top, or
you can cut squares like I did for separate bars. You can either refrigerate or freeze the crust and ganache it is
your preference. Freezing will result in an obvious almost frozen texture. Refrigerating will make for a
messier bar that requires eating it with a fork. You can use a kitchen torch to toast the marshmallow or just
leave them plain. I assume that you can also deviate from the no-bake bar and stick them under the broiler for
a few minutes to toast.
Now I have to go spend smore time on the treadmill.
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128 Responses to No-Bake Smores Bars.
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1. #
sophistimom July 4, 2011 @ 9:00 pm
Fabulous idea. I think I love smores avored desserts better than actual smores now.
2. #
With Style and Grace July 25, 2011 @ 10:32 am
damn. im impressed. like big time impressed. nice work, as always!
3. #
Gerhild March 18, 2012 @ 11:44 pm
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I just LOVE it! Healthy smores!
You realize of course that I just read the rst part of your post and then jumped right to the pictures and
the recipe. So yummy. Will have to make this when the granddaughters come over. We can pretend were
at the campre and then indulge in these healthy treats.
Thanks for sharing :-)
4. #
Amanda June 15, 2012 @ 5:57 pm
Omg. I made these and they turned out so wonderfully it was insane. I used Nestle Milk Chocolate Chips
instead of chopped chocolate, and upped the amount of chocolate to 10 ounces and the amount of cream
to a full cup. Perfection. I will be trying this recipe again, but with marshmallow creme. Thank you so
much for this fantastic and easy recipe.
P.S: I devoured the entire pan myself. No regrets.
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Im Jessica and this is where I share my stuff. You will nd a balance of healthy recipes, comfort
food and indulgent desserts.
I am madly, passionately, inexplicably in love with food. Bacon makes me beam. Chocolate makes
me shout from the rooftops with joy. Vegetables and I are the best of frenemies. My perfect world
would include none of them.
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