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3.1. Project Execution Plan

Bidder shall provide the Project Execution Plan describing in general how the work is
going to be executed in a step by step from Notification to Proceed, its preparation and
up to the completion of the work by defining also the objective of its step. he project
execution plan shall cover also the project scope, overall organi!ation, resource planning
and mobili!ation, construction execution method, work process, "E#, $uality,
engineering work %if any&, project monitoring ' controlling, contract administration,
documentation, ( ' communication plan, security plan, local content including plan to
maximi!ing utili!ation of the local )iau manpower, work acceptance and project close
3.2. Project Organization
Bidder shall provide the specific detail of Project *rgani!ation +hart and +,s- of key
he organi!ation chart shall cover all spectrums of activities reporting relationship that
reflect the same level of detail for each section of the organi!ation up to the supervisor
level, the minimum function and lead that should be available are Project .anager,
+onstruction /ead0#uperintendent, /ead Project +ontrol, /ead $10$+, /ead "E#,
Project #upport ' 1dministration /ead. Bidder shall submit +.,. of personnel for the
entire senior and up to the supervisor level and also Bidder is re2uired to submit the
role and responsibility for each position.
Bidder is reminded that the project team and recourses for this work shall be
independent and separate from the current existing bidder organi!ation in executing the
work under the ripatra34luor.
3.3. Construction Plan
5.5.6. Bidder shall provide its narrative construction execution plan in detail and to be
developed specific for this work that covers all activities from the early start of the work
to completion and close out, Bidder shall also describe in detail how Bidder will optimi!e
the progress and productivity during the execution of this work considering the re2uested
tight schedule. Bidder shall also describe how to inventory the e2uipments and materials
prior to be dismantled from abandoned facility and a large amount of dismantling
activities re2uired to be performed without compromising the "E# and 2uality. his
proposal shall also explain how to handle % including loading,unloading and transport &
the scrap materials, insulation material waste and or other materials to the +*.P1N7
junk yard.
5.5.8. Bidder shall submit its manpower planning and mobili!ation plan for the work with
time line in the form of tabulation and histogram chart and divided also into various
categories of bidder manpower classifications.
5.5.5. Bidder shall submit its e2uipment planning and mobili!ation plan for the work with
time line in the form of tabulation and histogram chart and divided also into various
categories of bidder e2uipment types. Bidder shall also submit the specification and
technical data of all the e2uipments to be mobili!ed for the work.
5.5.9. Bidders shall specify and demonstrate all the e2uipment owned currently by
Bidder that is re2uired for the work and will be mobili!ed for this work. Bidder shall also
specify its sources in detail for the balance of e2uipment re2uired to be mobili!ed for the
work including plan for purchase if any.
5.5.:. Bidder shall submit its schedule for this work in detail in the form of bar chart from
the preparation to completion and project close out, the schedule shall also clearly
identify period where resources is fully mobili!ed.
Bidder is also re2uested to present its working schedule in the form of net work diagram
where the critical path of the work is clearly identified and shown.
5 5.;. Bidder is re2uested to provide the detailed three months look ahead schedule for
this work and also identify achievements that will be made by Bidder in the first three
5.5.<. Bidder shall demonstrate and provide explanation on its capability to accept and
react on scope changes by also defining back up resources available to Bidder.
3.4. Subcontracting Plan
5.9.6. Bidder shall submit its plan in the case that Bidder is planning to subcontract a
portion of the work by defining the scope to be subcontracted, potential bidders-
subcontractor data, credentials and the method by bidder in 2ualifying this potential
5.9.8. Bidder is also re2uested to provide information in detail of any similar project
performed by Bidder either current or past that is similar in nature and si!e.
5.9.5. Bidder shall specify its plan to maximi!ing the use of the local )iau resources up
to even subcontracting portions of the work to the local community if any.
3.5. HES Plan
Bidder shall provide "E# Plan that compies to +*N)1+*)0+*.P1N7 re2uirements
described on Exhibit E.
3.. !"#!C Plan
Bidder shall $10$+ that complies to +*N)1+*)0+*.P1N7 re2uirements
described on Exhibit 4.
3.$. Project Control Plan.
Bidder shall provide Project +ontrol Plan that complies to +*N)1+*)0+*.P1N7
re2uirements described on Exhibit =.
3.%. Project Su&&ort
Bidder is to provide the detailed (, communication and security plan for the work
including coordination with local =*(, Police and community. Bidder shall also provide it
support offices plan. including plan for the engineering work % if any& to support the

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