Fashion Industry

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Womens perception toward fasion
A detailed study done in

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under Bharati Vidyapeeth
Deemed University !une"
Submitted by

RO%% NO& '(
)AT*H& +,',-+,'.

Under the guidance of


)arati 1id2apeets
Instit3te of !ana4ement 5 "ntreprene3rsip De6e7opment
Na6i !3m8ai
Tis idea 8rin4s m2 st3dies at )arati 1id2apeet Instit3te of !ana4ement and
"ntreprene3rsip De6e7opment to an end0 D3rin4 te process of doin4 tis pro9ect: I a6e
recei6ed tremendo3s e7p from o3r mentor /rof0 !i7ind #adam0 I am 6er2 4ratef37 for is
s3pport and interest and I stron472 8e7ie6e tat te o3tcome of tis pro9ect wo37d not a6e
8een te same wito3t is 43ide7ines and recommendations0
I wo37d a7so 7i;e to tan; m2 co77ea43es at Instit3te: wose inp3t and e<tensi6e fasion
ind3str2 e<perience a6e 8een in6a73a87e0 "ac sared teir own indi6id3a7 area of
e<pertise witin 6ario3s se4ments of fasion ind3str2 and pro6ided 3sef37 contacts0
I owe m2 8i44est de8t: owe6er: to te man2 peop7e tat I a6e enco3ntered to34ts m2
respecti6e 83siness career in fasion ind3str2- peop7e s3c as o3r assistant desi4ners:
patternma;ers: samp7e ma;ers: prod3ction mana4ers: sa7es reps: retai7ers: sa7es
associates: fa8ric man3fact3rer and s3pp7iers: and te n3mero3s oters wo I co3nt on in
tis ind3str20 Te2 a6e 8een and contin3e to 8e in6a73a87e to te process and it is from
firstand e<perience wit tem I a6e 7earned so m3c0 Teir ;now7ed4e: 43idance: and
e<pertise contin3e to f3e7 m2 passion and desire to 8e a part of most e<citin4 ind3str2 in
This is to certify that the project tite! "Fashio# I#!$stry% is s$ccessf$y !o#e &y
"Kishor Mahari Ka#!hare% !$ri#' the s$((er i#ter#ship of his co$rse i# partia
f$fi(e#t of the )acheor of )$si#ess A!(i#istratio# $#!er the )harati *i!yapeeth
+#i,ersity of P$#e thro$'h the )harati *i!yapeeth I#stit$te Of Ma#a'e(e#t A#!
E#trepre#e$rship De,eop(e#t- Na,i M$(&ai.

Date/ 00 1 00 1 00
Dr. D.2.Pati Prof.Mii#! Ka!a(
Director Project G$i!e

Te s389ect of tis 6o73me is te red trade as it is often affectionate72 and not at a77
disrespectf3772 ca77ed 82 tose in6o76ed in it0 Despite an2 ima4e tis term ma2 e6o;e:
fasion is one of te 8i44est 83sinesses in te wor7d: one tat t3rns o6er 3ndreds of
8i77ions of do77ar and emp7o2s tens of mi77ions of wor;ers0 It is a profession: an ind3str2:
and: in te e2es of man2: an art0
Fasion is one of te o7dest ind3stries in wor7d: and it as 4rown o3t of rater simp7e
8e4innin4s to 8ecome one of te most d2namic and sopisticated of a77 ind3stries: as
detai7ed in introd3ction0 Wi7e te foc3s remains on "3rope and America: 7i;e te
ind3str2 itse7f0
Fasion Ind3str2 in India toda2 is witnessin4 a sea can4e amid se6era7 impactin4 factors
= domestic as we77 as 47o8a70 On one and were te man3fact3rers are contin3o3s72 on
teir feet 8eca3se of f73ct3ations in raw materia7 prices and c3rrenc2> te2 are a7so facin4
te manpower ca77en4e in terms of cost: s;i77 and a6ai7a8i7it20 Not to mention tat te
demand wic fe77 sarp72 d3rin4 47o8a7 s7owdown is 2et to pic; 3p f3772 in internationa7
mar;ets0 "6en 8ac; ome te cons3mer as remained appreensi6e as inf7ation remained
record i4 for 7on4 in a s7owin4 down econom20
Te co6era4e of tis pro9ect as app7ica8i7it2 on te entire Fasion Ind3str20 In order to
sed 7i4t on tem 8rief72 and e<p7ain te ro7e eac of tem a6e in 7eadin4 te ind3str2
on a pat of s3staina87e 4rowt: I a6e prepared tis report0 It pro6ides an o6era77
direction were te Indias Fasion Ind3str2 needs to ead in order to confront te
8i44est ca77en4es it faces0
$i6en te fact tat e<terna7 and economic can4es are m3c 8e2ond te contro7 of an2
ind3str2 sector0 In Fasion Ind3str2: India a6e to 7oo; interna772: 3ti7i?in4 te reso3rces
in and and adapt to can4es in most efficient manner0 Tis is te intent of te pro9ect
Te idea is not on72 to disc3ss and de8ate on te topics wic are most re7e6ant in
toda2s conte<t> 83t a7so identif2 wat needs to 8e done: wose action is re@3ired and
wo wi77 8e te cata72st for te re@3ired can4es0
"ar72 Western tra6e77ers: weter to /ersia: T3r;e2: India: or *ina fre@3ent72 remar; on
te a8sence of can4es in fasion tere: and o8ser6ers from tese oter c37t3res comment
on te 3nseem72 pace of Western fasion: wic man2 fe7t s344ested an insta8i7it2 and
7ac; of order in Western c37t3re0 Te Aapanese So43nBs secretar2 8oasted Cnot
comp7ete72 acc3rate72D to a Spanis 6isitor in 'E,( tat Aapanese c7otin4 ad not
can4ed in o6er a to3sand 2ears0 Howe6er in !in4 *ina: for e<amp7e: tere is
considera87e e6idence for rapid72 can4in4 fasions in *inese c7otin40 *an4es in
cost3me often too; p7ace at times of economic or socia7 can4e Cs3c as in ancient Rome
and te medie6a7 *a7ipateD: 83t ten a 7on4 period wito3t ma9or can4es fo77owed0 Tis
occ3rred in !ooris Spain from te Ft cent3r2: wen te famo3s m3sician Gir2a8
introd3ced sopisticated c7otin4-st27es 8ased on seasona7 and dai72 fasion from is
nati6e )a4dad and is own inspiration to *Hrdo8a in A7-Anda73s0 Simi7ar can4es in
fasion occ3rred in te !idd7e "ast from te ''t cent3r2: fo77owin4 te arri6a7 of te
T3r;s: wo introd3ced c7otin4 st27es from *entra7 Asia and te Far "ast0
Te 8e4innin4s of te a8it in "3rope of contin3a7 and increasin472 rapid can4e in
c7otin4 st27es can 8e fair72 re7ia872 dated to te midd7e of te 'It cent3r2: to wic
istorians inc73din4 Aames %a6er and Fernand )ra3de7 date te start of Western fasion in
c7otin40 Te most dramatic manifestation was a s3dden drastic sortenin4 and ti4tenin4
of te ma7e o6er-4arment: from ca7f-7en4t to 8are72 co6erin4 te 83ttoc;s: sometimes
accompanied wit st3ffin4 on te cest to 7oo; 8i44er0 Tis created te distincti6e
Western ma7e o3t7ine of a tai7ored top worn o6er 7e44in4s or tro3sers0
Te pace of can4e acce7erated considera872 in te fo77owin4 cent3r2: and women and
menBs fasion: especia772 in te dressin4 and adornin4 of te air: 8ecame e@3a772
comp7e< and can4in40 Art istorians are terefore a87e to 3se fasion in datin4 ima4es
wit increasin4 confidence and precision: often witin fi6e 2ears in te case of 'Jt
cent3r2 ima4es0 Initia772 can4es in fasion 7ed to a fra4mentation of wat ad pre6io3s72
8een 6er2 simi7ar st27es of dressin4 across te 3pper c7asses of "3rope: and te
de6e7opment of distincti6e nationa7 st27es0 Tese remained 6er2 different 3nti7 a co3nter-
mo6ement in te 'Kt to 'Ft cent3ries imposed simi7ar st27es once a4ain: most72
ori4inatin4 from Ancien RL4ime France0 To34 te ric 3s3a772 7ed fasion: te
increasin4 aff73ence of ear72 modern "3rope 7ed to te 8o3r4eoisie and e6en peasants
fo77owin4 trends at a distance sometimes 3ncomforta872 c7ose for te e7itesMa factor
)ra3de7 re4ards as one of te main motors of can4in4 fasion0
Ten 'Et cent3r2 portraits of $erman or Ita7ian 4ent7emen ma2 sow ten entire72 different
ats: and at tis period nationa7 differences were at teir most prono3nced: as A78rect
DNrer recorded in is act3a7 or composite contrast of N3rem8er4 and 1enetian fasions at
te c7ose of te 'Jt cent3r2 Cillustration rightD0 Te OSpanis st27eO of te end of te
cent3r2 8e4an te mo6e 8ac; to s2ncronicit2 amon4 3pper-c7ass "3ropeans: and after a
str3447e in te mid 'Kt cent3r2: Frenc st27es decisi6e72 too; o6er 7eadersip: a process
comp7eted in te 'Ft cent3r20
To34 co7ors and patterns of te<ti7es can4ed from 2ear to 2ear: te c3t of a 4ent7emanBs
coat and te 7en4t of is waistcoat: or te pattern to wic a 7ad2Bs dress was c3t
can4ed more s7ow720 !enBs fasions 7ar4e72 deri6ed from mi7itar2 mode7s: and can4es
in a "3ropean ma7e si7o3ette are 4a76ani?ed in teatres of "3ropean war: were
4ent7eman officers ad opport3nities to ma;e notes of forei4n st27es& an e<amp7e is te
OStein;ir;O cra6at or nec;tie0
Te pace of can4e pic;ed 3p in te 'KF,s wit te increased p387ication of Frenc
en4ra6in4s tat sowed te 7atest /aris st27es> to34 tere ad 8een distri83tion of
dressed do77s from France as patterns since te 'Et cent3r2: and A8raam )osse ad
prod3ced en4ra6in4s of fasion from te 'E+,s0 )2 'F,,: a77 Western "3ropeans were
dressin4 a7i;e Cor to34t te2 wereD& 7oca7 6ariation 8ecame first a si4n of pro6incia7
c37t3re: and ten a 8ad4e of te conser6ati6e peasant0
A7to34 tai7ors and dressma;ers were no do38t responsi87e for man2 inno6ations
8efore: and te te<ti7e ind3str2 certain72 7ed man2 trends: te istor2 of fasion desi4n is
norma772 ta;en to date from 'FJF: wen te "n47is-8orn *ar7es Frederic; Wort
opened te first tr3e haute couture o3se in /aris0 Te Ha3te o3se was te name
esta87ised 82 4o6ernment for te fasion o3ses tat met te standards of ind3str20 Te2
a6e to adere to standards s3c as& ;eepin4 at 7east +, emp7o2ees en4a4ed in ma;in4 te
c7otes: sowin4 two co77ections per 2ear at fasion sows: and presentin4 a certain
n3m8er of patterns to cost3mers0 Since ten te professiona7 desi4ner as 8ecome a
pro4ressi6e72 more dominant fi43re: despite te ori4ins of man2 fasions in street
fasion0 For women te f7apper st27es of te '(+,s mar;ed te most ma9or a7teration in
st27es for se6era7 cent3ries: wit a drastic sortenin4 of s;irt 7en4ts: and m3c 7ooser-
fittin4 c7otes> wit occasiona7 re6i6a7s of 7on4 s;irts: 6ariations of te sorter 7en4t
a6e remained dominant e6er since0 F7appers a7so wore c7oces: wic were sn34 fittin4
and co6ered te foreead0 Her soes ad a ee7 and some sort of 83c;7e0 Te most
important part was te 9ewe7r2: s3c as& earrin4s and nec;7aces tat ad diamonds or
4ems0 Te f7apper 4a6e a partic37ar ima4e as 8ein4 sed3cti6e d3e to er sort 7en4t
dress: wic was form fittin4: and te 7ar4e amo3nts of ric 9ewe7er2 aro3nd er nec;0
Te fo3r ma9or c3rrent fasion capita7s are ac;now7ed4ed to 8e /aris: !i7an: New Yor;
*it2: and %ondon: wic are a77 ead@3arters to te 4reatest fasion companies and are
renowned for teir ma9or inf73ence on 47o8a7 fasion0 Fasion wee;s are e7d in tese
cities: were desi4ners e<i8it teir new c7otin4 co77ections to a3diences0 A s3ccession
of ma9or desi4ners s3c as *oco *ane7 and Y6es Saint-%a3rent a6e ;ept /aris as te
centre most watced 82 te rest of te wor7d: a7to34 haute couture is now s38sidised
82 te sa7e of read2 to wear co77ections and perf3me 3sin4 te same 8randin40
!odern Westerners a6e a wide n3m8er of coices a6ai7a87e in te se7ection of teir
c7otes0 Wat a person cooses to wear can ref7ect tat personBs persona7it2 or interests0
Wen peop7e wo a6e c37t3ra7 stat3s start to wear new or different c7otes: a fasion
trend ma2 start0 /eop7e wo 7i;e or respect tem ma2 start to wear c7otes of a simi7ar
Fasions ma2 6ar2 considera872 witin a societ2 accordin4 to a4e: socia7 c7ass:
4eneration: occ3pation: and 4eo4rap2 as we77 as o6er time0 If: for e<amp7e: an o7der
person dresses accordin4 to te fasion of 2o3n4 peop7e: e or se ma2 7oo; ridic37o3s in
te e2es of 8ot 2o3n4 and o7der peop7e0 Te terms fashionista and fashion victim refer to
someone wo s7a6is72 fo77ows c3rrent fasions0
One can re4ard te s2stem of sportin4 6ario3s fasions as a fasion 7an43a4e
incorporatin4 6ario3s fasion statements 3sin4 a 4rammar of fasion0
In recent 2ears: Asian fasion as 8ecome increasin472 si4nificant in 7oca7 and 47o8a7
mar;ets0 *o3ntries s3c as *ina: Aapan: India: and /a;istan a6e traditiona772 ad 7ar4e
te<ti7e ind3stries: wic a6e often 8een drawn 3pon 82 Western desi4ners: 83t now
Asian c7otin4 st27es are a7so 4ainin4 inf73ence 8ased on teir own ideas0
+& India in 47o8a7 fasion ind3str2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000+
.& Indias fast-4rowin4 Fasion !ar;etPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000K
I& *a77en4es to Indian Fasion Ind3str2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00'.
J& %a;me Fasion Wee;& Indias Fasion Ind3str2 faces
ca77en4es to 4o 47o8a7PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000'I
*apter )& $7o8a7 Fasion "6entPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00'F
'& Traditiona7 Fasion !ar;etPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000+,
+& "mer4in4 Fasion !ar;etPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0+.
.& $rowt of Fasion Ind3str2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000+J
*apter *& !ar;etin4 in Fasion Ind3str2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..
'& Nat3re of Fasion Ind3str2PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP..
+& *ons3mers 8ea6ior towards fasionPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000.J
.0+& Searc and /3rcase /rocessPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00.K
.0.& /erformance !ar;etin4 *anne7sPPPPPPPPPPPPP00.K
.0I& S"O 5 Socia7 !edia !ar;etin4PPPPPPPPPPPPPP0.F
.0J& Searc-"n4ine-Ad6ertisin4PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0I,
.0E& /erformance-!edia Q )annerin4PPPPPPPPPPPPPP0I,
.0K& Affi7iate !ar;etin4PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0I'
.0F& Trac;in4-Tecno7o42PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00I+
I& Womens On7ine /3rcasin4 )ea6iorPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00IK
J0 Fasion !ana4ement 5 *R!PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000JI
J0+& Findin4 8a7ance tro34 mar;et orientation
J0.& $ainin4 ;now7ed4e tro34 c7ose re7ationPPPPPPPPPP0JJ
J0J& *omm3nication in Fasion !ar;etPPPPPPPPPPPPPJE
J0E& *omm3nication too7s00PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0000JK
*apter D& Road aead for IndiaPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP00J(
*apter "& Researc !etodo7o42PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPE,
.0 Data *o77ection 5 Samp7in4 /rocessPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP000E+
J0 *onc73sion and recommendationPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0KI
A. Fashio# I#!$stry
'0 Introd3ction
Fasion: accordin4 to an2 dictionar2: is word wit man2 meanin4s0 For p3rpose of tis
pro9ect: te word fasion refers to mens: womens and ci7drens appare7 and
accessories: as we77 as te ind3stries and professions tat create tem: Toda2: te fasion
ind3str2 is a R.+, 8i77ion 47o8a7 8eemot: emp7o2in4 mi77ions of peop7e wor7dwide0
/rod3cts prod3ced 82 tis ind3str2 ser6e 8i77ions of peop7e: a77 wit different needs
deepenin4 on teir 7ocation: socioeconomic stat3s: c37t3re: and 7ifest27e0
From tis first anima7-s;in 8od2 co6erin4 to toda2s i4-fasion-co77ections: fasion as
e7d an important ro7e in te e6a73ation of man;ind and te ind3str2 as made ma9or
contri83tion to o3r c37t3re and socia7 en6ironment0 It is an ind3str2 tat responds to o3r
inerent 7on4in4 for tri8a7 8e7on4in4: o3r socioeconomic needs: indi6id3a7 7ifest27es: and
stat3s stratification and professiona7 appare7 re@3irement: te fasion ind3str2 is fast-
paced: comp7e<: and e6er-ca77en4in4 in response to cons3mer needs0 Tro34o3t te
wor7d: 6ast n3m8ers of peop7e are emp7o2ed and contri83te to tis ind3str2: eac wit te
sared 4oa7 of s3pp72in4 an end prod3ct of partic37ar price point directed at a tar4et
+0 India in te $7o8a7 Fasion Ind3str2
For te 47o8a7 fasion ind3str2: India is a 6er2 8i4 e<porter of fa8rics and accessories0
Indias stren4ts not on72 depend on its tradition: 83t a7so in its raw materia7s0 Wor7d
o6er: India is te tird 7ar4est prod3cer of cotton: te second 7ar4est prod3cer of si7; and
te fift 7ar4est prod3cer of man-made fi8res: apart from a6in4 ceaper s;i77ed wor;
force0 India pro6ides tese fa8rics to te internationa7 fasion o3ses at competiti6e
prices wit sorter 7ead time and an effecti6e monopo72 in desi4ns wic co6ers
e7a8orated and em8roider20 Indian 4arments em8e77isment wit 8ead wor; is anoter
area wic is in demand in te internationa7 mar;et0
4o(e Facts 5 Fi'$res Go&a Mar6et/
Te 47o8a7 mar;et for desi4ner wear is JS of tota7 appare7 mar;et0 *3rrent72: te
wor7dwide desi4ner wear mar;et is pe44ed at appro<imate72 RI, 8i77ion: wit a (S
4rowt rate and it is 7ar4e72 dependent on te sma77-sca7e sector0 #ndian $ar%et& Te tota7
appare7 mar;et in India is ca7c37ated to 8e a8o3t Rs +,:,,, crore0 Te 8randed appare7
mar;et s si?e is near72 one fo3rt of tis or Rs J:,,, crore0 Te or4ani?ed mar;et for
desi4ner appare7 is a8o3t Rs .,,-.J, crore0 At present: te 7ar4est sa7es t3rno6er witin
te desi4ner wear se4ment is a8o3t Rs ., crore per ann3m: wit man2 we77-;nown names
a6in4 t3rno6ers of Rs ',-'J crore0 *ons3mers for desi4ner wear a6e a 2ear72
o3seo7d income of Rs ', 7a;-p73s0 Tere are .0J 7a; s3c o3seo7ds in India0 !ore
tan F'S of te pop37ation 8e7ow IJ 2ears of te a4e is fasion conscio3s0 !an2 fasion
desi4ners and mana4ement e<perts foresee an a6era4e 4rowt of a8o3t ',-'+S for te
Indian fasion ind3str2 in te comin4 2ears0 To34: te 4rowt rate co37d 8e more tan
'JS: if infrastr3ct3ra7 and oter 7o4istica7 8ott7enec;s and draw8ac;s are o6ercome0

Fa&ric I#!$stry 7 Geo'raphica Di,ersity across the I#!ia# La#!scape
As far as te mar;et of fa8rics is concerned: te ran4es a6ai7a87e in India can attract as
we77 as conf3se te 832er0 Te sma77 town of *apa in te eastern state of )iar: a name
one wo37d a6e ne6er e6en eard of: as fa8ric ma;in4 as a fami72 ind3str20 Te ran4es
and @3a7it2 of raw si7;s c3rned o3t ere 8e7ie te cr3de prod3ction metods and
e@3ipment 3sed0 In S3rat cit2 of $39arat: fa8rics are 3ti7i?ed to ma;e da??7in4 si7o3ettes
tat are demanded wor7d o6er0 Anoter Indian fa8ric desi4n is te T!adras cec;
ori4ina772 3ti7i?ed for te 3ni6ersa7 T%3n4i - a simp7e 7ower 8od2 wrap worn in So3tern
India0 Tis prod3ct as now tra6ersed its wa2 on to 8andannas: 87o3ses: ome f3rnisin4s
and a7most an2tin4 one can tin; of0
Fo6 E(&roi!ery
In India: fo7; em8roider2 is a7wa2s associated wit women0 Women 7in;ed wit te
pastora7 profession prepare em8roidered anima7 decorations: decorati6e co6ers for orns
and foreeads0 TRa8aris of #3tc in $39arat do some of te finest em8roider2: ma;in4
em8roidered pieces d3rin4 festi6a7s and marria4es0 One of te si4nificant st27es of
Sa3rastra is THeer em8roider2: wic as 8o7d 4eometric desi4ns: wo6en on si7;s0 Te
!3twa women of te )anni area of #3tc do fine em8roider2 wor; wit pinead si?e
mirrors0 Te $racia Aats of #3tc 3se 4eometric desi4ns on 7on4 dresses0
Cha#'i#' Taste of I#!ia# Wo(e#
In recent times: Indian women a6e 4i6en 3p teir traditiona7 sari for western wears: as
te2 fee7 more comforta87e in t-sirts and tro3sers instead of saris and sa7war-;amee?0 It
as 8een noted tat Indian women spend 93st R'EJ mi77ion on western wear as a4ainst
R'0KI 8i77ion spent 82 men on tro3sers0 Wit more women comin4 o3t to wor;: te
com8ined western wear mar;et in sa7es terms as 8een increasin4 at a woppin4 +KS per
I#!ia# Fashio# 8o$ses 5 Fashio# Desi'#ers
Rit3 #3mar 8rid4es te 4ap 8etween modernit2 and traditiona7ism0 Se as desi4ned
wardro8es for tree !iss India s as te2 participated in Internationa7 8ea3t2 pa4eants0
Rit3 )eri as te credit of 8ecomin4 te first Indian desi4ner to present er co77ection in
/aris0 !anis !a7otra as 8een te cost3me desi4ner for top actresses 7i;e !ad3ri
Di<it: #arisma #apoor: #areena #apoor: Rani !3;er9ee and man2 more0 Roit )a7 was
attri83ted te tit7e of TIndia s !aster of Fa8ric 5 Fantas2 82 te Time !a4a?ine0 His
c7ients encompass some wor7d famo3s persona7ities 7i;e Naomi *amp8e77: *ind2
*rawford etc0 A83 Aani 5 Sandeep #os7a were te first Indians to disp7a2 teir
co77ection at te Harrods0 Neeta %377a as .J, mo6ies in er ;itt20 Rina Da;a s forte is
te western co77ection were se 7a2s stress on si7o3ettes and as made a f3sion of 8oots
and f3r wit Indian dresses0
Gro9th of L$:$ry Retai
Te Indian retai7 sector is e<pected to 4row from RI,, 8i77ion c3rrent72 to RK,, 8i77ion as
predicted 82 Nort8rid4e *apita70 Toda2: wit introd3ction of a 7ar4e n3m8er of
internationa7 73<3r2 8rands in te co3ntr2: te face of 73<3r2 retai7 in India as 3nder4one
a dramatic transformation0 Te Indian 73<3r2 retai7 mar;et is c3rrent72 4rowin4 at a
compo3nded ann3a7 4rowt rate of +JS0 India is te f3t3re destination for 73<3r2 retai7
8rands across te 47o8e and man2 of tese 8rands are p7annin4 34e e<pansion in India0
%3<3r2 retai7 is not on72 7imited to forei4n 8rands 83t tere are man2 Indian retai7 8rands
fa77in4 in tis cate4or20 )3t: tere is a 7on4 wa2 to 4o as India sti77 does not a6e an2
street wic can 8e ca77ed i4 fasion street 7i;e New Yor; s Fift A6en3e and
%ondon s Fasion Street0
Corporate 5 Desi'#er Reatio#ship
!an2 desi4ner 83sinesses a6e 8een ac@3ired 82 Iorporate were desi4ners p7a2 a ma9or
ro7e in te desi4n e7ement of te 83siness: 83t te 8rand and te or4ani?ation is owned
comp7ete72 82 te corporate0 Te possession of *a76in #7ein 82 /i7ips 1an
He3sen and H34o )oss 5 1a7entino 82 !ar?otto are some re7ated e<amp7es in tis
Wester# 9ear ta6i#' I#!ia# appare (ar6et &y stor(
A s7i4t s7owdown in economic 4rowt and a depreciatin4 r3pee 6a73e ad minima7 effect
on 4rowt in eiter te 6a73e or 6o73me of appare7 sa7es tro34o3t te +,,E-+,'' re6iew
period0 Te inf73ence of Western wear infi7tratin4 te Indian c37t3re remained one of te
8i44est dri6in4 factors 8oostin4 4rowt in 6o73me sa7es0 !ore peop7e are tra6e77in4
a8road m3c more fre@3ent72 and 8ecomin4 e<posed to Western fasion0 Te increasin4
disposa87e income across ;e2 cities: comfort fittin4 and ric appea7 are ma9or factors tat
are dri6in4 sa7es of 8randed appare70 Wats more: a 4rowin4 n3m8er of peop7e wor;in4
in te midd7e- and senior-7e6e7 mana4ement are 832in4 new 6arieties of Western
c7otin4: sp3rrin4 tis ind3str2 to new ei4ts0
Pe#tif$ !isco$#ti#'- seaso#a offeri#'s !ra9 co#s$(ers
*otton prices saw a drastic decrease in +,'' and tis tri44ered man3fact3rers and
retai7ers to offer steep disco3nts to c7ear teir stoc;0 Te festi6a7 disco3nts and seasona7
promotions 8ecame a ;e2 trend to attract cons3mers: were retai7ers capita7ised
effecti6e72 on te trend tat in India festi6a7s are partic37ar72 specia7 occasions for wic
cons3mers aspire to p3rcase new c7otin40 Tis festi6e disco3nt offerin4 as made 34e
83siness re6en3es for man3fact3rers and retai7ers d3rin4 s3c occasions in te form of:
for e<amp7e: 2ear-end sa7es: Dasara or Diwa7i s3per dama;a C34e sa6in4sD offers:
as we77 as *ristmas and New Years sa7es0
Forei'#ers (a6i#' &o! (o,es- &$t !o(estic payers aso stre#'the#i#'
$7o8a7 8rands are ma;in4 teir mar; and increasin4 teir presence across tier ' and tier +
cities: wi7st at te same time: re4iona7 7oca7 8rands are a7so 3ppin4 teir competiti6e
presence0 Gara increased its n3m8er of o3t7ets to si< stores in +,'' and is p7annin4 to
open anoter fo3r stores in +,'+0 Oter p7a2ers s3c as !an4o: Arrow and Diese7 are
a7so fo77owin4 te same trend0 Se6era7 47o8a7 p7a2ers inc73din4 !assimmo D3tti: $A/:
)anana Rep387ic: and O7d Na62 ma2 ma;e a f3rter p3s in +,'+ now tat te centra7
4o6ernment as 4i6en te nod to ',,S FDI in sin47e-8rand retai70 Aoint 6ent3res
inc73din4 Ar6ind for I?od and /a4e Ind3stries: nationa7 owner of Speedo: wi77 a7so
increase te presence of 47o8a7 8rands in India0 *ertain 7oca7 p7a2ers a6e a7so
stren4tened teir presence: in6estin4 in a44ressi6e e<pansion in openin4 teir own
e<c73si6e 8rand o3t7ets C")OsD0 /7a2ers s3c as )7ac; )ird: F S@3are: Ramra9 and
!3stard in so3tern India pro6ed to34 competition to te nationa7 and internationa7
8rands: tese sma77 domestic 8rands are 4rowin4 82 o6er +JS ann3a7720 Tese 8rands are
a7so e<pandin4 teir 8ase to oter parts of India to 8ecome nationa7 p7a2ers0
Appare speciaist retaiers sti represe#t 6ey retai cha##e
Appro<imate72 (JS of 6a73e sa7es of appare7 went tro34 c7otin4 and footwear
specia7ist retai7ers in +,'': wit e<c73si6e 8rand o3t7ets and specia7ist c7otin4 stores te
main canne7 for cons3mers to sop for appare70 Howe6er: department stores and 7eis3re
and persona7 4oods retai7ers witnessed stron4 4rowt as new soppin4 ma77s opened 3p
and offered a wide ran4e of different 8rands 3nder one roof0
)ri'ht o$too6 for appare i#!$stry o,er the forecast perio!
1a73e sa7es of appare7 are pro9ected to 8e 6er2 stron4 o6er te +,''-+,'E forecast period:
dri6en 82 a 4rowin4 sift in preference towards Western c7otin4 and 8randed prod3cts:
partic37ar72 across tier I cities0 *ompanies are a7so e<pected to 8ranc o3t to tier + and
tier . cities o3t7ets across India: wic represent as 2et an 3ntapped mar;et for 8randed
appare70 Te increasin4 disposa87e income in tese cities: comfort fittin4 and ric appea7
are te ma9or factors tat are e<pected to dri6e te appare7 mar;et towards 7on4-term
.0 Indias fast-4rowin4 Fasion !ar;et
Indias appare7 mar;et is in te troes of can4e0 Rapid 4rowt and risin4 3r8ani?ation
a6e spawned a new c7ass of cons3mers wit more mone2 to spend: and a 4rowin4
passion for fasion0 In Indias i4-4rowt: fast-can4in4 retai7 c7otin4 mar;et: we see
si4nificant new 4rowt opport3nities for forei4n and domestic p7a2ers0
Indian appare7 sa7es are e<pected to reac an estimated R+J 8i77ion tis 2ear: a6in4
4rown in e<cess of ', percent o6er te past J 2ears
Ma 4rowt rate faster tan tat of te
o6era77 India retai7 mar;etMand te tra9ector2 is e<pected to contin3e U"<i8it 'V0 In
India: appare7 is te second 7ar4est retai7 cate4or2 C8eind food and 4roceriesD:
representin4 appro<imate72 ', percent of te tota7 mar;et0 Tis 4rowt is 8ein4 dri6en 82
a n3m8er of factors&
I#crease i# !isposa&e i#co(e. )2 +,,J: +' mi77ion of Indias +', mi77ion o3seo7ds
a7read2 earned more tan RI:,,, a 2ear: @3a7if2in4 tem for mem8ersip in wat we ca77
te cons3min4 c7ass0 )ased on !c#inse2 researc: 82 +,'J te n3m8er of cons3min4
c7ass o3seo7ds wi77 7i;e72 trip7e to EI mi77ion0
Ne9 occasio#s- As te 7ifest27es of Indias prosperin4 3r8an cons3mers a6e e6o76ed:
teir c7otin4 needs a6e 8roadened: ref7ectin4 more 6aried 3sa4e occasions0 For men:
c7otin4 coices once came primari72 in tree 8asic cate4ories& ome-wear: wor; c7otes:
and specia7 occasionwear0 Now: wit more socia7i?in4 opport3nities: men are 832in4
more sopisticated com8inations of o3tfits& part2 wear: sports wear: c7otes for an4in4
o3t at te ma770 Not 7on4 a4o: for e<amp7e: men from Indias nortern re4ions on72
re@3ired a 4ood dar; s3it or Serwani: te traditiona7 7on4 coat: to co6er 8i4 occasions
and important ce7e8rations0 )3t o6er te past se6era7 2ears: men a6e 8e43n to
s3pp7ement tose stap7es wit e<pensi6e Westernst27e 9ac;ets: and co77ared sirtsMsome
in f3n;2 patterns and c3t for a ni4t on te town: oters in stripes or cec;s for cas3a7
meetin4s wit important 83siness associates0 Toda2: Indians are more inc7ined tan
cons3mers in oter mar;ets to 832 appare7 for a specific p3rpose0 Indeed: .F percent of
Indian respondents to a recent !c#inse2 st3d2 said te2 were i472 7i;e72 to 832
appare7 for specia7 e6entsMa si4nificant72 i4er proportion tan in )ra?i7 CJ percentD:
R3ssia C. percentD or *ina CE percentD0

Fami72 ce7e8rations and weddin4s contin3e to eat
3p an enormo3s sare of Indian cons3mers c7otin4 83d4ets0
Gro9th i# the 9o(e#;s se'(e#t. Historica772: te mens appare7 mar;et in India as
8een si4nificant72 7ar4er tan te womens appare7 mar;et0 Wit on72 +, percent of
Indias 3r8an women in te wor;force: womens wardro8es a6e traditiona772 8een
7imited to ome wear and items for specia7 occasions0 Now: women are more wi77in4 to
dress different72 wen te2 6ent3re 8e2ond te omeMto sop: for e<amp7e: or 6isit a
scoo7 or office0
Fashio# i#creasi#'y a for( of sef<e:pressio#. Increasin472: Indian cons3mers are
em8racin4 te idea of fasion for its own sa;e: as a means of se7f-e<pression: and not
mere72 as a f3nctiona7 p3rcase0 Te7e6ision: mo6ies: ad6ertisin4 and te Internet 8om8ard
toda2s Indian cons3mer wit new ideas a8o3t st27e: e6en as American-st27e soppin4
ma77s 73re tem awa2 from traditiona7 mar;etp7aces0 Traditiona7 c7otin4 remains centra7
to te wa2 cons3mers dress: and te @3a7it2 and craftsmansip of c7assic Indian c7otin4
a6e drawn ra6e re6iews in recent 2ears from some of te wor7ds 7eadin4 desi4ners:
st27e ma4a?ines: and fasion 87o4s0 In a recent !c#inse2 s3r6e2 of Indian cons3mers: E+
percent said te2 to34t it was important to ;eep 3p wit trends0 !ore tan e6er:
Indian cons3mers are e<perimentin4 wit com8inin4 st27es: as seen in te recent Indo-
f3sion: 8oom: wic mi<es te si7o3ettes of te "ast wit te comfort c3t of te West0
O6er te ne<t fi6e 2ears: we e<pect tis 4rowt to contin3e and te si?e of te mar;et to
near72 do387e0 Te increase wi77 come part72 from contin3ed 4ains in disposa87e income:
83t its not 93st tat Indians a6e more to spend0 As te2 prosper: Indian cons3mers wi77
nat3ra772 contin3e to spend more of wat te2 earn on wat te2 wear0 O3r e<perience
s344ests cons3mers wor7dwide t2pica772 spend an a6era4e of J-E percent of tota7 income
on appare7: 83t te fi43re is often si4nificant72 i4er in emer4in4 mar;ets0 *ons3mers in
*inas 7ar4er cities: for e<amp7e: spend ', percent of teir income on c7otin4: near72
do387e wat teir co3nterparts in Indian cities spend0
Tat i4er propensit2 to spend on
c7otes as e7ped to ma;e *inas appare7 mar;et I-E times 7ar4er tan Indias0 )ra?i7s
cons3mers simi7ar72 spend more per capita on c7otin4 tan eiter Indias or *inas0
)esides contin3ed moment3m from te trends mentioned a8o6e: we see two additiona7
forces tat wi77 in9ect f3rter 4rowt into Indias appare7 sector&
F$rther $r&a#i=atio# a#! the co(parati,e yo$th of I#!ia;s pop$atio#. At present:
93st +( percent of Indias pop37ation resides in cities: amon4 te 7owest 3r8ani?ation rates
of an2 nation in te wor7d0 )3t tat as 8een can4in40 O6er te ne<t +, 2ears: we e<pect
te n3m8er of Indians 7i6in4 in cities to 4row 82 .,, mi77ion: were te2 wi77 don new
st27es and fasions to matc new 7ifest27es0 A 7ar4e percenta4e of tese new cit2 dwe77ers
wi77 8e in teir twenties: and ma;in4 first-time coices for wo7e cate4ories of c7otin4
items inc73din4 denims: sirts: and e6en soes0
Co#ti#$e! rise of "or'a#i=e! retai.% %ar4e: 8randed store cains were prod3cts are
s2stematica772 stoc;ed and disp7a2ed: wi77 speed te transformation of cons3mer
preferences0 For now: or4ani?ed retai7 acco3nts for 7ess tan +, percent of a77 Indian
appare7 p3rcases> te rest ta;es p7ace in tin2: fami72-r3n sops0 )3t o6er te past fi6e
2ears: scores of soppin4 ma77s a6e opened on te o3ts;irts of Indias 7ar4est cities and
te trend is s3re to acce7erate0 New formats on te scene inc73de e<port o6err3n
disco3nters: internationa7 francises: 2permar;ets: and 73<3r2 "3ropean 8o3ti@3es0
Tese can4es wi77 a6e far-reacin4 imp7ications for desi4ners: man3fact3rers: and
retai7ers tar4etin4 te Indian appare7 mar;et0 Spanis fasion 4iant Indite< CGaraD as
anno3nced p7ans to enter India tis 2ear0 Fast Retai7in4 CUni@7oD as pe44ed +,'+ for
mar;et entr20
)3t as in te fasion ind3str2 e6er2were: s3ccess in India wi77 depend on 4ettin4 man2
tin4s ri4t at once& fi43rin4 o3t wat cons3mers want: de6e7opin4 a profita87e retai7
concept: and 83i7din4 a so7id team0 How: ten: to compete in tis promisin4 83t fast-
can4in4 mar;etW We see tree s3ccess factors&
4hape the cate'ory. Winners wi77 inno6ate occasions: 7oo;s: and wardro8es> te foc3s
wi77 terefore 8e 8roader tan 93st 83i7din4 8rands0 Tis is a7read2 8ein4 done in some
areas& o6er te past tree 2ears: for instance: ma9or 9ewe7r2 8rands a6e re6i6ed a J:,,,
2ear-o7d sacred da2 ;nown as A;sa2 Trita: wic now acco3nts for te 7ar4est
sin47e-da2 9ewe7r2 sa7es in India0 Simi7ar72: te Frida2 dressin4 concept: introd3ced 82
one appare7 8rand: as;ed 2o3n4 professiona7s to 832 8ri4ter co7ors for Frida2s:
e<pandin4 te wardro8e in te process0 "@3a772 critica7 wi77 8e inno6atin4 st27es& saree-
s3its: for e<amp7e: and oter f3sion approaces tat simp7if2 oterwise diffic37t-towear
appare7 a6e t3s far pro6en more s3ccessf37 tan t2pica7 Western s3its and e6enin4
dresses0 Tere is e6en a p7ace for more c3ttin4-ed4e trends s3c as or4anic c7otin4&
appare7 retai7ers 1an He3sen and Arrow recent72 7a3nced ',, percent or4anic 7ines
made of cotton: 7inen: and nat3ra7 d2es0
Foc$s o# i#,e#tory a#! (ar6!o9# (a#a'e(e#t. Toda2: appare7 is one of Indias most
attracti6e 83siness se4ments d3e to its i4 mar4ins U"<i8it +V0 %oo;in4 at an inde<
8ased on te cost of a 8asic wite sirt: we a6e fo3nd tat Indian appare7 prices a6e
do387ed o6er te 7ast decade: and tend to 8e +J to ., percent i4er tan in *ina as a
res37t of s3pp72 cain inefficiencies and restricted competition0 We e<pect tat sit3ation
to can4e as Indias fasion ind3str2 draws new p7a2ers and capita7 in 2ears to come0 For
one tin4: appare7 retai7 in India re7ies ea6i72 on sa7es promotions and specia7 e6ents0
Temptin4 as it wi77 8e to 8rin4 Western concepts 7i;e fast fasion and 7ar4e assortments
to India o3t of te 4ate: inno6ation as its ris;s: inc73din4 i4er mar;downs and 7ower
se77-tro34 if te new offer or co77ection is not a it0 And 3ncertaint2 on in6entor2
mana4ement and orderin4 in te a8sence of istorica7 sa7es data is 7i;e72 to 8e te norm0
Winners wi77 need to 4et te 8ac;-end operations ri4t m3c ear7ier tan te sca7e of te
mar;et s344ests& mana4in4 mar4in tro34 smarter in-season mar;downs: a discip7ined
8a7ance 8etween core fasion and i4 fasion: mana4in4 in6entor2 tro34 a proper mi<
of made-to-order and 7ater en4a4ement rates: and ;eepin4 J, to E, percent of re437ar72
restoc;ed items at te core a6e 8ecome part of a winnin4 retai7 form37a0 To34
optim3m mar4ins on tese pieces of c7otin4 ma2 not 8e as m3c as te more e<pensi6e:
i4-impact fasion pieces: te2 ;eep c3stomers comin4 8ac; re437ar720 Te i4 fasion
ran4e so37d 8e ad6ertised and sowcased: 83t ;ept on72 to ', to 'J percent of in6entor2
to red3ce te impact of mar;downs0

Ta6e a se'(e#te! ,ie9 of the (ar6et. As in man2 oter emer4in4 mar;ets: not a77
cons3mer se4ments or 4eo4rapies are te same0 O3r researc: for e<amp7e: sows tat
some se4ments of appare7 soppers spent +, times more tan otersMdri6en not on72 82
income: 83t a7so 82 7ifest27e0 For e<amp7e: cons3mers in te nort tend to spend more
tan in oter re4ions d3e to coo7er c7imates and different approaces to socia7 occasions0
Simi7ar72: retai7ers cannot i4nore te sma77er cities: wic wi77 dri6e appare7 4rowt
opport3nities: e6en for more e<pensi6e 8rands0 )enetton: for e<amp7e: recent72 it R',,
mi77ion in sa7es in India: and is tar4etin4 R+J, mi77ion witin te ne<t .-I 2ears: 7ar4e72
82 tar4etin4 sma77er cities: wic are a7read2 contri83tin4 a8o3t +, percent to te
compan2s 4rowt and 4rowin4 m3c more @3ic;72 tan in te 7ar4er mar;ets0
wo want to 83i7d rea7 sca7e in India wi77 8e tose wo 3nderstand te mar;et in a
4ran37ar manner: and ten own te c3stomer tro34o3t teir 7ifec2c7e wit a portfo7io
of 8rands: price points: and formats0
I0 *a77en4es to Indian Fasion Ind3str2
Lac6 of stro#' &ra#!s/
KJS of domestic appare7 mar;et is commoditi?ed 5 3n8randed and 6er2 few Indian
8rands do s3r6i6e in mar;et0 Wen concept of 8rand comes in mind of c3stomer te2
o87i6io3s72 tin; a8o3t i472 eard and ric 7ifest27e 8rand and India most of
man3fact3rer are 3nor4anised and 3n8randed0 Tere are 6er2 few 8rands 83t sti77
c3stomers most72 prefer forei4n 8rand rater tan Indian0
4o(e !esi'#er cothes #ot fit for or!i#ary 9ear/ Anoter tin4: wit re4ards to te
ramp is wat te desi4ners offer is 8are72 appropriate to 8e worn ordinari720
I#a&iity of !esi'#ers to raise fi#a#ce/ "6en we77 ;nown desi4ners are incapa87e of
tappin4 finances from we77 or4ani?ed reso3rces: since a 6ita7 part of teir assets are
8rands and desi4n ta7ent wic are not meas3red in terms of mone2 and ence it 8ecomes
diffic37t to 93d4e te 6a73e0
2o$#' !esi'#ers !o #ot 'et !$e cre!it/ !ost of te 2o3n4 ta7ent is ired 82 te 8i44er
names to wor; in teir st3dios: t3s imprintin4 teir wor; wit te 7a8e7 of te 8i4
desi4ners0 Indi6id3a7 presentation is not an a7ternati6e for most of te 2o3n4 ta7ent:
8eca3se of te 7imitation of finance: so a 8e4inner desi4ners name fai7s to come to te
Indian Fasion Ind3str2 s3ffers se6era7 ca77en4es in aspects of prod3ction: mar;etin4:
and s3pport infrastr3ct3re0 D3e to its inerent nat3re se6era7> ca77en4es are sort-term
83t c2c7ica7: wic a6e a 47o8a7 nat3re and ma2 not 8e a6oided 7i;e raw materia7 price
can4es: c3rrenc2 f73ct3ation: etc0 Howe6er: certain ca77en4es are 3ni@3e to Indian
man3fact3rin4 ind3str20
I#!ia;s fashio# i#!$stry faces
chae#'es to 'o 'o&a
Fasion: f7am8o2ance and 7oo;in4 4ood a6e a7wa2s 8een inte4ra7 parts of Indian
Te i4-end of fasion was 7on4 te preser6e of te co3ntr2s e7ite0 Howe6er: tat is no
7on4er te case0 As te midd7e c7ass 4rows: wa4es rise: and st27e 8ecomes more
accessi87e: te Indian mar;et is t3rnin4 into a p7ace of 4reat opport3nit2: for 8ot 7oca7
and internationa7 desi4ners0
%a;me Fasion Wee;: te co3ntr2s premier fasion e6ent: as now entered its '.
Some KF desi4ners from across India con6er4ed on !3m8ai: te co3ntr2s entertainment
and financia7 capita7: to sowcase teir wares as part of tis seasons fasion wee;0
Risi#' pop$arity
"6ent or4anisers sa2 it as: o6er te 2ears: witnessed a stead2 rise in attention from
internationa7 o3t7ets: fasion representati6es and 832ers0 Accordin4 to officia7 fi43res: 7ast
2ear c7ose to 'E, 832ers re4istered for te fi6e-da2 e6ent0 Tis 2ear: tat n3m8er as
risen to some '(,0 Of tese 832ers: I, represent internationa7 firms and 8rands0
Or4anisers concede tat tese are not 8i4 fi43res wen compared wit te pac;s of
3n4r2 832ers and 8rand representati6es tat attend fasion wee;s in %ondon: /aris:
!i7an and New Yor;0
)3t wen it comes to an emer4in4 mar;et s3c as India: it sows tat companies and
some of te ind3str2s most inf73entia7 peop7e are watcin4 c7ose72: and e<pectin4 more0
Mai#y !o(estic
Ani7 *opra: cief e<ec3ti6e of %a;me Fasion Wee;: is con6inced tat dea7s are 8ein4
done = to34 it is ard to ascertain e<act72 ow m3c 83siness is 4enerated tro34
s3c e6ents 8eca3se interactions 8etween desi4ners and 832ers remain confidentia70
!3c of te interest is 8ein4 4enerated 82 832ers from te !idd7e "ast: accordin4 to !r
*opra0 Te st27e and t2pe of c7otes tat Indian desi4ners tend to prod3ce are we77
s3ited to nei48o3rin4 mar;ets tat not on72 associate wit te aestetic 83t re72 on India
for s3c o3tp3t: e sa2s0 Wen it comes to 7oo;in4 f3rter afie7d: te prod3ction of
4arments for American and "3ropean mar;ets is not tat si4nificant: e adds0
And tat perspecti6e is s3pported 82 te n3m8ers& Some (JS of 83siness cond3cted as a
res37t of fasion wee; is domestic0
Dressi#' the West
Indian desi4ners are renowned for teir f7air and attention to detai70 Tose tat prod3ce
traditiona7 4arments are sin47ed o3t for teir ornate craftsmansip0 *ristian %eone: 6ice
president of 8rand re7ations for on7ine 73<3r2 we8site $i7t $ro3pe: sa2s tat wi7e man2
of tese 4arments are 8ea3tif3772 made: te2 remain ard to se77 to e6en te most fasion-
sa662 c7ients in te United States and "3rope0
Wi7e 832ers and stores ma2 consider 832in4 parts of traditiona7 co77ections or o3tfits:
se77in4 tem as a wo7e is: at present: diffic37t0 "ssentia772: internationa7 mar;ets wor; on
princip7es of commercia7 6ia8i7it2 and wear a8i7it20 Tis ma;es te traditiona7 Indian 7oo;
ard to p3s on sop f7oors0
Te t2pe of c7ients tat Indian desi4ners are tr2in4 to reac at ome and a8road are 6er2
distinct: and 8ot are 7oo;in4 for mar;ed72 different tin4s0 Imran Amed: fo3nder and
editor of fasion cons37tanc2 we8site te )3siness of Fasion: points o3t tat te2 a6e
to 8e more decisi6e a8o3t wic mar;et te2 are 7oo;in4 to appea7 to0
In recent 2ears tere as 8een a certain e7ement of sci?oprenia in te Indian fasion
ind3str2 wen it comes to pic;in4 wat to foc3s on: !r Amed sa2s0
Do(estic &iss
Indian desi4ners a6e 8een tr2in4 to
87end in western and traditiona7 desi4ns
!r *opra sa2s tat Indias top
desi4ners a6e to2ed wit te idea of
casin4 forei4n mar;ets0 Howe6er: te
rea7 mone2 and presti4e as a7wa2s come from impressin4 domestic 832ers0 In is post-
sow press conference at tis 2ears e6ent: desi4ner Sa82asaci !3;er9ee remar;ed tat
e se77s to aro3nd 'K:,,, c7ients e6er2 2ear0 $i6en Indias pop37ation: tis is not a 8i4
n3m8er0 Howe6er: consider te a6era4e cost of a Sa82asaci sa7war ;amee?: aro3nd
RJ,, CX.,FD: and it is c7ear tat e tai7ors is 4arments to attract Indias monied e7ite0
O8ser6ers of te Indian mar;et sa2 tat te 4rowin4 wea7t and disposa87e incomes of
te co3ntr2s midd7e and 3pper c7asses is creatin4 8i4 opport3nities for 7oca7 prod3cers:
partic37ar72 i4-end desi4ners0 As a res37t: teir need ten to 7oo; o3tside India for
a3te: nice and commercia7 s3ccess is 7imited0
Goi#' 'o&a
Tere are: owe6er: some desi4ners tat wi77 a7wa2s 7on4 for te r3nwa2s of %ondon:
/aris and New Yor;0 And man2 of tem: !r Amed o8ser6es: are 2o3n4 start-3ps0 For an2
fasion desi4ner 7oo;in4 to crac; te internationa7 83siness: ;nowin4 te statistics is
critica7: e sa2s: insistin4 tat for e6er2 ',, 8rands tat are created on72 one is
commercia772 s3ccessf370
!r Amed sa2s tat some Indian desi4ners sti77 str3447e wit te f3ndamenta7 idea7s of
wat ma;es an internationa7 fasion 7a8e7 s3ccessf37& /rofessiona7ism: re7ia8i7it2: and
@3a7it20 A ma9or ca77en4e tat 832ers and cons37tants foresee for Indian desi4ners is tat
of s3pp72 and de7i6er20 !r Amed sa2s tat te internationa7 fasion ind3str2 is speedin4
3p0 /rod3ction processes are 4ettin4 faster and 7ead times are srin;in40
Wit te de7icate prod3ction of most Indian 4arments: te @3estion: ana72sts sa2: is
simp7e& If Indian desi4ners want to compete in internationa7 mar;ets: can te2 meet tese
sort dead7ines and sti77 prod3ce i4 @3a7it2 c7otesW
J$st &e'i##i#'
Te Indian fasion ind3str2 is sti77 in its infanc20 Wen ponderin4 its potentia7 4rowt:
e<perts point o3t tat India is were )ra?i7 was 'J or +, 2ears a4o0 Te2 add tat
)ra?i7ian desi4ners are now 4ainin4 47o8a7 reco4nition for teir a8i7it2 to ser6e 8ot 7oca7
and forei4n mar;ets we770 Te tric;: owe6er: is decidin4 wo to create for and wo to
se77 to0 For Indian desi4ners: te possi8i7ities on eiter side of te e@3ation are 7ar4e& A
domestic mar;et wit more tan one 8i77ion potentia7 c7ients: as we77 as an internationa7
mar;et ;een to see tem com8ine traditiona7 f7are wit Western commercia7 6ia8i7it2
Chapter ). Go&a Fashio# E,e#ts
Usin4 a compreensi6e ana72sis of 47o8a7 fasion e6ents: tis st3d2 aims to 3nderstand
te transformation of te 47o8a7 fasion ind3str2 o6er te 7ast J 2ears0
In partic37ar:
Y How are traditiona7 mar;ets contin3in4 to e6o76eW
Y Wic new mar;ets are emer4in4W
Y Wat initiati6es are 4o6ernment and ind3str2 or4ani?ations 3nderta;in4 to f3e7 4rowtW
O6er6iew = Z$7o8a7 Fasion "6ent !ap in +,,I
O6er6iew = Z$7o8a7 Fasion "6ent !ap in +,,F
'0 Traditiona7 Fasion !ar;et
/aris Fasion Wee; dates 8ac; to te ear72 '(K,s and is te primar2 reason France
as istorica772 8een considered one of te 7ar4est and most important fasion centers
in te wor7d0
!i7an Fasion Wee; is a7so considered one of te most i472 re4arded fasion
e6ents 47o8a7720 Recent72: te Ita7ian 4o6ernment as p7anned to pro6ide financia7
s3pport to te co3ntr2s fasion ind3str2 d3rin4 te economic crisis
In addition to %ondon Fasion Wee; and oter Z7ar4e fasion e6ents in te U#: te
$rad3ate Fasion Wee; as 4ained internationa7 reco4nition for promotin4 te wor;
of fasion st3dents
Un7i;e oter 47o8a7 fasion 38s were most Z7ar4e fasion e6ents a6e 8een
7a3nced in te 7ast + decades: fasion e6ents in France date 8ac; to te '(K,s0
/aris Fasion Wee;: 7a3nced in '(K.: is amon4 te 7ar4est fasion e6ents e7d
47o8a7720 It is or4ani?ed 82 !ode [ /aris: a fasion ind3str2 association: wic
osts 6ario3s fasion sows tro34o3t te 2ear0
Te /aris Fasion Wee; inc73des Ha3te *o3t3re: Read2-to-Wear Cco77ections 5
pre-co77ectionsD and !enBs Fasion0 In tota7: it inc73des ., sows of Ha3te
*o3t3re CAan0 5 A370D: ., sows of !enBs Fasion CAan0 5 A370D and o6er ',,
sows of WomenBs Read2to-Wear0
!i7an Fasion Wee; inc73des a series of fasion sows cate4ori?ed 3nder two 8i-
ann3a7 fasion e6ents and two ann3a7 e6ents
In te past: te fasion ind3str2 in Ita72 4rew wito3t stron4 4o6ernment
in6estment> owe6er: te c3rrent economic crisis as pro6o;ed te 4o6ernment to
pro6ide financia7 s3pport
Te Ita7ian 4o6ernment recent72 anno3nced its p7ans to offer financia7 aid to te
fasion ind3str2: inc73din4 a ta< credit for te prod3ction of c7otin4 materia7s
and direct 4o6ernment f3ndin4 for sma77 and mid-si?ed fasion enterprises
Te aim is to safe43ard te cr3cia7 B!ade in Ita72B sector and to 4enerate te
conditions to a77ow companies to 8e more competiti6e on internationa7 mar;ets
after te crisis0
Te fasion ind3str2 in te U# e<perienced a s7i4t increase in te n3m8er of Z7ar4e
fasion sows e7d in tat co3ntr2 Cfrom J in +,,I to K in +,,FD
Te $rad3ate Fasion Wee; e7d e6er2 2ear since '((' c7aims to 8e te on72 7ar4e
fasion e6ent across te 47o8e to promote fasion st3dents
o Sponsored 82 Ri6er Is7and a7on4 wit %Orea7: !378err2: Rena37t: etc0: te
e6ent attracts participation from o6er J, fasion and te<ti7e 3ni6ersities across
te co3ntr2
o Te 8est co77ection at te 4a7a e6ent is awarded te ZRi6er Is7and $o7d
Award a7on4 wit X+,:,,,
Te n3m8er of fasion e6ents e7d in te US is si4nificant72 i4er tan in an2 oter
co3ntr20 Howe6er: 3n7i;e oter de6e7oped co3ntries: most of te Z7ar4e fasion
e6ents in te US were on72 7a3nced in te 7ast few 2ears
o In +,,F: te US osted at 7east II Z7ar4e fasion e6ents 6ers3s on72 '' 7ar4e
e6ents in +,,I
o In comparison: France and Ita72 ad man2 fewer e6ents C+ and I respecti6e72
in 8ot +,,I and +,,FD
Tis increase in 7ar4e fasion sows as 8een dri6en 82 6ario3s citiesQre4ions tat
a6e 7a3nced teir own fasion wee;s witin te 7ast few 2ears
o "040: *ica4o Fasion Wee; C+,,KD: 1ir4inia Fasion Wee; C+,,KD: Fasion
Wee; San Die4o C+,,FD
Te sponsorsQfinancers in te fasion ind3str2 act as ;e2 dri6ers 82 promotin4
desi4ners and re4iona7 fasion e6ents
o "040: FT* *ommercia7 *orp: a 47o8a7 commercia7 finance compan2: pro6ides
f3nds for start-3p desi4ners in te premi3m appare7 ind3str20
Te fasion ind3str2 in Aapan is main72 dri6en 82 te demand of its aff73ent
pop37ation and 2o3t c37t3re Ce040: street fasionD
Aapan is one of te 7ar4est mar;ets for forei4n 73<3r2 fasion 4oods0 Te co3ntr2 is
tr2in4 to p3s domestic 8rands and fasion o3ses: e040: in +,,J: te2 7a3nced
BTo;2o $ir7s *o77ection: a 7ar4e fasion e6ent: to promote domestic 8rands: tar4etin4
te 2o3n4 fema7e pop37ation
o Since +,,J: te Aapan Fasion Wee; and te To;2o $ir7s *o77ection are e7d
twice-a-2ear as part of te fasion festi6a7 in To;2o
o Te To;2o $ir7s *o77ection festi6a7 tar4ets women in teir 7ate teens and
twenties: and promotes Orea7 c7otesO Cfasiona87e street-wearD tat 2o3n4
women can act3a772 add to teir wardro8e0
+0 "mer4in4 Fasion !ar;et
"mer4in4 Fasion mar;et !ap&
"mer4in4 Fasion !ar;ets = #e2 $rowt Dri6ers&
.0 $rowt of Fasion Ind3str2
4o$th Africa/
Fasion is a USD I0. )i77ion ind3str2 in So3t Africa: 2et te ind3str2 is
fra4mented across a n3m8er of different competin4 fasion wee;s eac 2ear
$rowt of te fasion ind3str2 is i47i4ted 82 te increase in te n3m8er of
7ar4e fasion e6ents e7d in te co3ntr2 Cfrom + in +,,I to ( in +,,FD0 Tis is
attri83ted to 4o6ernment s3pport and an increase in awareness of domestic 8rands
amon4 cons3mers
Aoannes83r4 is fast emer4in4 as te fasion capita7 of Africa
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
Go,er#(e#t 4$pport/
Te So3t African fasion ind3str2 is s3pported 82 te 4o6ernment as part of te
economic de6e7opment pro4ram0 In +,,E: te Aoannes83r4 "conomic De6e7opment
Unit anno3nced its 4oa7 to de6e7op te cit2 into an an internationa772 reco4ni?ed
creati6e cit20 Some initiati6es 3nderta;en so far: inc73de&
o "sta87ised a ZFasion District in te cit2 tat o3ses o6er ',, fasion
enterprises and instit3tes and pro6ides trainin4 to desi4ners
o Or4ani?ed fasion competitions in te cit2 & '(e are trying to stimulate new
designs in the mar%et" #t gives young designers a platform to be e)posed*
& %inda 1i7a;a?i-Tse7ane: actin4 director of te "conomic De6e7opment Unit0
A9are#ess of Fashio# )ra#!s/
)efore 8ecomin4 a democrac2 in'((I: te desi4n sector in So3t Africa was
dominated 82 te ZAmerican 2o3t c37t3re0 Howe6er: te 7ast few 2ears a6e seen
te emer4ence of se6era7 domestic 8rands0
Tese 8rands inc73de ;e2 p7a2ers in te domestic mar;et: s3c as Stoned *errie: S3n
$oddess: and %o<ion #37ca: wic a6e a7so 4ained internationa7 reco4nition
Other Factors/
Fasion enterprises in te co3ntr2 a6e a di6ersified ran4e of desi4ners: inc73din4
esta87ised: emer4in4: as we77 as desi4ners of different races and c37t3res
!a9or desi4n o3ses as we77 as indi6id3a7 desi4ners contri83te to Aoannes83r4s
reco4nition as an emer4in4 fasion mar;et0
Te UA" e<perienced a si4nificant increase in te n3m8er of 7ar4e fasion e6ents
e7d in te co3ntr2 Cfrom I in +,,I to ( in +,,FD
Te ;e2 contri83tin4 factors inc73de effortsQinitiati6es 82 companies operatin4 in
te UA" fasion ind3str2: s3pport from te 4o6ernment: e6o73tion of domestic
fasion desi4ners: as we77 as 8rand awareness amon4 cons3mers
Te D38ai *am8er of *ommerce and Ind3str2 a7so s3pports te fasion ind3str2
and as 8ro34t man2 7eadin4 internationa7 fasion o3ses to D38ai
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
Corporate Efforts/
A77 of te nine 7ar4e e6ents e7d in te co3ntr2 in +,,F were osted 82 e6ent
mana4ement or fasion foc3sed companies: inc73din4&
o "6ent mana4ement companies = e040& IIR !idd7e "ast osts two of te !idd7e
"asts 7ar4est 8rida7 fasion sows in D38ai and A83 Da8i
o Fasion cons37tancies = e040: !a6en *orporate %td osts te 8i-ann3a7 A83
Da8i Fasion Wee;
Internationa7 firms a6e a7so s3pported te ind3str2 in te UA" = e040:
*RYSTA%%IG"D A8a2a Desi4n Awards: 7a3nced in +,,K: is sponsored 82
Swaro6s;i to feat3re ta7ented UA" desi4ners.
Go,er#(e#t 4$pport/
Te 4o6ernment a7so s3pports te fasion ind3str2 82 or4ani?in4 fasion e6ents
to promote to3rism0 %ar4e e6ents: s3c as DSS D38ai Fasion Fiesta: DSS #ids
Fasion Wee;: etc0: were part of te 4o6ernment s3pported 7ar4e to3rist pro4rams
in +,,F0
Reco'#itio# of oca Desi'#er/
1ario3s desi4ners from te UA" are 4ainin4 reco4nition at te internationa7 7e6e7
= e040: 8rands of ', desi4ners from Sei; Ga2ed /ri6ate Academ2 were feat3red
in te A83 Da8i Fasion Wee; in +,,F
A9are#ess of Fashio# )ra#!s/
Accordin4 to a s3r6e2 cond3cted in I+ co3ntries 82 A*Nie7sen
Y One-tird of te UA" respondents c7aimed to 8e 832in4 73<3r2 4oods
Y UA" c3stomers are one of te most ener4etic cons3mers of desi4ner appare7 and
R3ssia is amon4 te co3ntries wit te i4est n3m8er of 7ar4e fasion e6ents0 A77
tese e6ents are osted 82 ind3str2 associations and fasion enterprises in te
Te mar;et se4ments of te fasion ind3str2 a6e disp7a2ed ro83st 4rowt in te
recent 2ears
R3ssias appare7 mar;et is considered as one of te fastest 4rowin4 mar;ets in te
wor7d: wit an ann3a7 4rowt C82 sa7esD of +JS: in +,,F+
Te 2-o-2 4rowt rate for te accessories mar;et in R3ssia was reported to 8e
.JS: in +,,K
!oscow is reco4ni?ed as a fasion capita7 for !idd7e and "astern "3rope
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
I#creasi#' De(a#! for $:$ry ite(/
!an2 7eadin4 47o8a7 73<3r2 8rands a6e esta87ised teir presence in R3ssia: and
a6e anno3nced e<pansion p7ans
Y *+he $oscow mar%et is now e)tremely attractive to all producers of lu)ury
goods" #t already has a class of consumers for such goods and ,ussians are -ust
as demanding and solvent as affluent buyers in .urope/the demand for lu)ury
goods is growing every year"0
& Hans /eter We77endorf CTe Head of We77endorff and $e77nerD and !ateo
Fa6ero CTe Head of !arco )ice4oD commented in an inter6iew wit te !inistr2
of Forei4n Affairs of Denmar;: +,,F
Y */Burberry sees ,ussia as an e)citing growth mar%et as all emerging mar%ets
have a large appetite for lu)ury brands/(e chose ,ussia because we have had a
good response from ,ussian consumers who have travelled to mar%ets abroad
li%e in the US/0
& )3r8err2 spo;esperson: +,,I
R3ssia as te tird 7ar4est concentration of 8i77ionaires in te wor7d Cafter te US
and $erman2D
Two 7ar4e fasion e6ents: te Fasion Rio SowQRio De Aaneiro Fasion Wee;
and te Sao /a37o Fasion Wee;: are or4ani?ed 8i-ann3a772
Te fasion ind3str2 in )ra?i7 is dri6en 82 te demand for appare7> )ra?i7 is te
fift 7ar4est appare7 mar;et in te wor7d0 *3rrent72: \E,S of te mar;et is
contro77ed 82 domestic 8rands0
Accordin4 to a s3r6e2' cond3cted in +,,E: F'S of )ra?i7ian cons3mers prefer
domestic 8rands o6er an2 internationa7 8rand
Te fasion trends in )ra?i7 are reported72 dominated 82 domestic ce7e8rities:
especia772 te7e6ision stars0
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
De(a#! i# the Do(estic Appares Mar6et/
)ra?i7s appare7 mar;et was estimated at USD .K0+ )n: and 4rowin4 at KS in
*ons3mers in )ra?i7 spend more on c7otes tan cons3mers in man2 oter
Y Accordin4 to a s3r6e2' cond3cted 82 !c#inse2 in +,,E: )ra?i7ian cons3mers
are termed as fond of soppin4 for c7otes
] K(S of respondents from )ra?i7 7oo; forward to soppin4 for c7otes:
compared to +KS and +ES of te respondents from
R3ssia and *ina: respecti6e72
Y )ra?i7 is te most attracti6e appare7 mar;et for reasons of demo4rapics and
demand00 4reat potentia7 for internationa7 retai7ers00 its cons3mers spend USD I,+
ann3a772 on appare7 = si< times more tan a6era4e *inese cons3mers
= !s Hana )en-Sa8at: a partner wit A0T0 #earne2: +,,F
Y Te 2o3n4 pop37ation is anoter dri6er for te fasion ind3str2: and \E,S of te
tota7 pop37ation of )ra?i7 is 3nder +( 2ears of a4e.
Go,er#(e#t a#! corporate s$pport/
Te )ra?i7ian 4o6ernment: in association wit pri6ate p7a2ers: as recent72
7a3nced te )ra?i7 Fasion S2stem CS!)D: a new initiati6e to de6e7op pro9ects
tat 8enefit te co3ntr2s fasion ind3str2
Te 4o6ernment as a7so de6e7oped an incenti6e pro4ram ca77ed Te<8rasi7: to
promote te domestic te<ti7e and fasion ind3str2 to internationa7 832ers0
Sin4apores fasion ind3str2 as e<perienced rapid 4rowt in te recent 2ears: and
te trend is e<pected to contin3e
Te 4o6ernment s3pports te two 7ar4est ann3a7 fasion e6ents in te co3ntr2: i0e0:
te Sin4apore Fasion Wee; and te Sin4apore Fasion Festi6a7
Te n3m8er of sma77 fasion e6ents in te co3ntr2 as a7so increased si4nificant72
in te 7ast few 2ears0
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
Go,er#(e#t 4$pport/
Te 4o6ernment as ostedQs3pported se6era7 fasion e6ents in te 7ast few 2ears:
Y Te Sin4apore To3rism )oard started te Sin4apore Fasion Festi6a7 wit te
o89ecti6e of promotin4 Sin4apore as te to3rist and soppin4 38 of te So3teast
Asian re4ion
Y Internationa7 "nterprise CI"D Sin4apore: an a4enc2 3nder te !inistr2 of Trade
and Ind3str2: co-osts Sin4apore Fasion Wee;
Te 4o6ernment a7so offers f3ndin4 to fasion initiati6es to promote te fasion
ind3str2: e040:
Y S/RIN$ Sin4apore: a 4o6ernment a4enc2: pro6ides f3nds to s3pport Sin4apore
Fasion Wee;
A9are#ess of Fashio# )ra#!/
Fasion and appare7 man3fact3rers are ma;in4 foc3sed efforts to
4enerateQstren4ten 8rand awareness internationa772
Y Sin4apores appare7 ind3str2 as 8een e6o76in4 from O"!-oriented to se7f-
8randed prod3ction: and is siftin4 foc3s to mar;et its 7oca7 8rands to
internationa7 832ers
Y In +,,F: wit 4o6ernment s3pport: se6era7 Sin4apore-8ased appare7
man3fact3rers 7a3nced a co77ecti6e 8rand ca77ed Appare7 Sin4apore: aimed at
enancin4 domestic and internationa7 reco4nition
Other Factors/
Te Te<ti7e and Fasion Federation CTAFfD of Sin4apore pro6ides a p7atform for
83ddin4 desi4ners to disp7a2 and se77 teir desi4ns
Y TAFfs trainin4 arm: te Te<ti7e and Fasion Desi4n *entre CTaF0dcD pro6ides
trainin4 co3rses to impro6e prod3cti6it2 and efficienc2: and enance te s;i77s of
Sin4apores desi4ners0
)etween +,,F and +,'+: te Indian fasion ind3str2 is e<pected to 4row 'KFS:
and reac USD 'F( !! 82 +,'+
Te 4rowt of te Indian fasion ind3str2 is i47i4ted 82 te increase in te
n3m8er of 7ar4e fasion e6ents Cfrom ' in +,,I to J in +,,FD
Ind3str2 4rowt in India is main72 dri6en 82 te 4rowin4 e<pos3re of domestic
desi4ners at internationa7 for3ms: 83t 4rowt is a7so s3pported 82 oter factors
s3c as te 7a3nc of foc3sed 83siness ed3cation co3rses for emer4in4 desi4ners
and te esta87isment of an ind3str2 association0
Key Gro9th Dri,ers
I#ter#atio#a Reco'#itio# of Do(estic Desi'#ers/
Te Indian fasion ind3str2 as 4ained internationa7 acc7aim and reco4nition at
se6era7 47o8a7 for3ms0 Tis as a7so e7ped attract a 7ar4e n3m8er of internationa7
c7ients to te co3ntr2
Y Rit3 )eri: an internationa772 renowned Indian desi4ner: as presented er wor;
in 6ario3s internationa7 fasion wee;s: inc73din4 te tose e7d in te US:
%ondon: /aris: !3m8ai: and )an4a7ore.
Co#s$(er )ra#! a9are#ess/
Risin4 aff73ence as increased 8rand awareness amon4 Indian cons3mers0
Accordin4 to te Nie7sen $7o8a7 %3<3r2 )rands St3d2: India is amon4 te most
8rand conscio3s co3ntries in te wor7d: wit .JS of Indian s3r6e2 respondents
reportin4 to 832 desi4ner 8rands0
Other Factors/
Te Indian Scoo7 of )3siness CIS)D 7a3nced a pro4ram on Z)3siness of
Fasion& Strate4ic )rand !ana4ement in +,,J
In +,,F: a 4ro3p of domestica772 esta87ised desi4ners fo3nded te Fasion
Fo3ndation of India CFFID0 Te aim of te association is to assist desi4ners and
fasion man3fact3res in 4rowin4 te Indian fasion ind3str2 at internationa7 7e6e70
). Mar6eti#' i# Fashio# I#!$stry
'0 Nat3re of Fasion
Fashio# Mo,e(e#t/
Fasion mo6ements are e6o73tionar2 in nat3re
+#i>$e#ess of (ar6eti#' fashio#/
/s2co7o4ica7 O8so7escence
A sort 7ife c2c7e Cse77in4 periodD
%on4 7ead times
Hi4 prod3ct 6ariet2: 7ow 6o73mes per S#U
Hi4 demand 3ncertaint2 and 6aria87e demand
Hi4 stoc;-o3t cost
Hi4 in6entor2 and o8so7escence costs
Fashio# Pro!$ct/ Chae#'es/
Lo#' s$ppy ea! ti(es&
*ompanies need time to s3pp72 7ar4e @3antit2 of prod3cts0 As fasion prod3ct: a77
prod3ction care so37d 8e ta;en proper720
8a,i#' too ($ch pro!$ct ea!s to !isco$#ts/
Its a7most impossi87e to predict e<act72 ow man2 fasion prod3cts 4oin4 to 8e so7d0
In s3c cases: if stoc; e<ceeds demand: compan2 a6e to se77 fasion prod3cts 8efore
fasion e<pires e6en at 7ow mar4in
8a,i#' too itte pro!$ct ea!s to ost opport$#ity/
In case: if stoc;s are a6ai7a87e in 7ess @3antit2 i0e0 if demand e<ceeds stoc;: ten it
37timate72 res37ts in 7ost opport3nit20

Lea#i#'s fro( Toy I#!$stry
!atte7s 83siness is s389ect to ris;s associated wit te
3nderprod3ction of pop37ar to2s and te o6erprod3ction of to2s
tat do not matc cons3mer demand0
!atte7 Ann3a7 Report
+0 *ons3mer 8ea6ior towards Fasion prod3cts
/"O/%" NO %ON$"R )UY /RODU*TS TO #""/ TH"! DRY AND
Te2 832 tem 8eca3sePP0Te
prod3ct canPP00!a;e tem fee7&-
O3r )3siness now is se77in4 "<citement rater tan se77in4 /rod3cts
.0 On7ine !ar;etin4
.0'& Introd3ction
Due to the fact that especially the mail order in the fashion industry has increasingly
moved away from the catalogue business to the internet there is a growing competition
in the online fashion mar%et" !rice comparisons and shopping clubs increase the
pressure on established fashion houses and brands" (ell1%nown fashion labels are in
principle also in a good position online still the acquisition of new customers is still
more difficult on the internet than offline" (hat is the reason for that and what mista%es
can be avoided you can read about it here2
Te $erman fasion and te<ti7e ind3str2 for e<amp7e inc73ded a8o3t ':.,, enterprises in
+,,F and recorded aro3nd +, 8i77ion "3ro t3rno6er0 In +,,(: te ind3str2 as a wo7e:
owe6er: was str3447in4 wit re6en3e 7osses0 For man2 te 4rowin4 on7ine mar;et seems
to 8e te sa6in4 ancor: especia772 in $erman2 tere is a partic37ar72 i4 interest in
on7ine information a8o3t fasion compared to oter "3ropean co3ntries0
Te on7ine-on72 sa7es of te $erman fasion ind3str2 were in +,,(: appro<imate72 J0+
8i77ion "3ros and terefore represents te 7ar4est sa7es 4ro3p of on7ine mai7-orders0 Hence
te on7ine 83siness of te consi4nors as o6err3n te cata7o43e 83siness: and meanwi7e
represents appro<imate72 JIS of te mai7 orders in $erman20 Te 7ions sare of te
on7ine mai7 order is sti77 in ands of te companies tat come from te traditiona7
cata7o43e 83siness0 )3t te e<c73si6e on7ine mai7ers are on te rise0 !ai7 order on te
internet is 4rowin4 steadi72 and te on7ine fasion mar;et is 4rowin4 wit it0
Te internet offers te opport3nit2 to te fasion ind3str2 to dramatica772 increase teir
reac0 Near72 two tirds of $erman internet 3sers are interested in fasion: more tan a7f
of tem acti6e72 4o on7ine searcin4 for c7otes and one tird of a77 3sers 832 fasion on
te internet0 !ore tan a7f of te 3sers: wo do on7ine-researc a8o3t fasion: are
37timate72 832in4 on te internet0 "specia772 in te fie7d of womens wear: te con6ersion
rates of aro3nd E.S are i4er tan te a6era4e0 Te internet is t3s 3sed 82 a 7ar4e
4ro3p of peop7e: 8ot for researc and to an increasin4 e<tent a7so to te p3rcase of
fasion0 )3t wo are te fasion-conscio3s internet 3sersW
Accordin4 to te Federa7 Statistics Office of $erman2 meanwi7e K.S of $erman
o3seo7ds a6e internet access and K,S of te internet 3sers operate wit te medi3m
e6er2 da20 Te $erman internet comm3nit2 is 4rowin4 steadi72 and is terefore
increasin472 8ecomin4 a mirror of te pop37ation0 Yet wit a s7i4t 7ead: te 2o3n4 ma7e
3sers sti77 pre6ai70 In recent 2ears: owe6er: te percenta4e of women and te n3m8er of
peop7e o6er E, considera872 4rew0 Re4ardin4 te fasion-conscio3s internet 3sers:
women do a7read2 c7ear72 dominate0 Womens fasion and soes are te 8est se77ers of
on7ine fasion: mens c7otin4 after a77: sti77 ma;es a8o3t one tird of te fasion sa7es0
Terefore: te fasion conscio3s a3dience is predominant72 fema7e: to a 7ar4e e<tent
3nder I( 2ears o7d: main72 emp7o2ed and earnin4 a 4ood income0
.0+& Searc and p3rcase process
A7to34 comparisons are 4ainin4 importance: searc en4ines are at te centre of fasion
researc0 Te on7ine searc process in te fasion se4ment 3s3a772 7asts from te initia7
searc to p3rcase an a6era4e of .+ da2s0 At 7east E @3eries in searc en4ines are
preceded 82 o6er J,S of te p3rcasin4 decisions0 On a6era4e: '+ @3estions are t2ped in
$oo47e 8efore a fina7 p3rcase is made in te fasion se4ment0 A8o3t E,S of 3sers c7ic;
tro34 more tan ', pa4es 3nti7 te act3a7 p3rcase0 At te a6era4e 3sers 6isit +I pa4es
8efore te2 decide to 832 a fasion prod3ct0 Te searces 8efore ma;in40
.0.& /erformance !ar;etin4 *anne7s
Te attempt to transfer te off7ine mar;etin4 campai4n one to one on te internet is te
most common mista;e in On7ine !ar;etin40 Te internet wor;s different72 tan oter
ad6ertisin4 p7atforms: and terefore re@3ires a c3stomi?ed On7ine !ar;etin4 strate420
On7ine fasion consi4nors most72 want to raise te sa7es and to promote te ac@3isition of
new c3stomers as te o86io3s tar4et of /erformance !ar;etin40 It is terefore appropriate
to 7oo; for a sensi87e mi< of te indi6id3a7 /erformance !ar;etin4 *anne7s0 For eac
canne7 82 itse7f can pro6ide an added 6a73e for te performance of an on7ine sipper:
on72 te s;i7f37 com8ination of te canne7s: owe6er: a77ows a decisi6e ad6anta4e
towards te competition0
.0I& S"O 5 Socia7 !edia !ar;etin4
D3e to te centra7 importance of searc en4ines in te searc and 832in4 process of
fasion prod3cts: an optimi?ation of te internet presence is a7wa2s recommenda87e0 It
appears tat on7ine fasion sops fre@3ent72 s;imp S"O meas3res and teir 6isi8i7it2 in
searc en4ines: terefore: is often 3nsatisfactor20 Ne6erte7ess tree @3arters of te on7ine
sops consider Searc "n4ine Optimi?ation as an important mar;etin4 meas3re0 Wita7
simp7e arran4ements
can e7p to 7ift te sops to i4er ran;s0 A 8etter positionin4 in searc en4ines means a
8etter 6isi8i7it2 to potentia7 c3stomers and t3s as a direct impact on increasin4 sa7es0 A
first step terefore is for e<amp7e: te optimi?ation of te UR%s to te point of a
spea;in4: searc en4ine friend72 UR% desi4n0 Te UR%s so37d 8e as sort as possi87e
and 3s3a772 a7so contain te re7e6ant ;e2words respecti6e72 te appropriate s38cate4or2
of te pa4e0 In addition to te UR% te tit7e of an tm7 doc3ment is a ;e2 e7ement for
optimi?in4 a pa4e0 In no case so37d a 4enera7 tit7e ser6e for a77 fi7es: 83t rater 8e
adapted to eac of te contents of te correspondin4 fi7e0 Important ;e2words can ten 8e
inte4rated a78eit economica772: in te tit7e0 Tis ten appears in te searc en4ine res37ts
as a eader0 )eneat te tit7e ta4: meta ta4s 4i6e more specific information to te
pa4e content0 Tese so37d 8e attracti6e: s3ccinct72 worded and 7itera772 in6ite te 3ser to
te pa4e0 Te pa4e itse7f m3st ten a7so ;eep wat te res37t promises0 Tis means tat
te ;e2words do not sow 3p point7ess 83t instead find temse76es in meanin4f37
semantics in te ead7ines: ima4e te<ts and oter content0 Iss3e-specific sin47epa4es are
8etter to 8e str3ct3red as topic-mi< pa4es: and e7p 82 te wa2 to create tematic
In addition to optimi?in4 te pa4es 3nder S"O aspects: a simp7e and 3ser-friend72
3sa8i7it2 of te stores is 4enera772 important0 *ampai4ns and s3pp7ementar2 ser6ices on
te pa4es can increase te interest in te sop additiona772: attract new c3stomers: and
pro6ide incenti6es for a c3stomer to ret3rn to te pa4e and ten patroni?e te sop0 Te
on7ine 83siness is: especia772 in tis respect: doin4 3n7i;e te off-trade0 On te internet:
te 3ser p7a2s te acti6e part0 Tis does not mean tat on7ine stores are condemned to
passi6it2: 83t te2 need to attract 3sers 6ia additiona7 ser6ices s3c as information:
acti6ities or 4ames0 /artic37ar72 te fasion ind3str2 so37d ta;e ad6anta4e of tese
possi8i7ities of te we80
Te c3stomers rep3tation: main72 in te c7otin4 sector is of 4reat importance and 3sers
do increasin472 see; ad6ice of oter c3stomers 8efore 832in4 on7ine0 Socia7 !edia
!ar;etin4 is terefore o3tstandin472 s3ita87e in te fie7d of fasion0 Socia7 networ;s 7i;e
Twitter and Face8oo; can 8e 3sed specifica772 to tar4et on anoter canne7: te
correspondin4 c3stomer 4ro3p0 Wit prod3ct information: specia7 offers or
anno3ncements of new prod3cts a trademar; or a sipper ma2 8e p3t onese7f in te
7ime7i4t and at 8est ma2 initiate its own c3stomer comm3nit2: wic in t3rn can e7p to
4enerate new c3stomers0 Simi7ar72 te trademar; can: in tis wa2: ta;e 8rand protection
in its own ands and direct72 answer to posts at te socia7 networ;s: if te2 re7ate to te
8rand0 A positi6e spin-off of Socia7 !edia !ar;etin4 is te cas3a7 4eneration of
additiona7 7in;s: wic in t3rn e7ps to impro6e te positionin4 in te searc en4ines0
.0J& Searc "n4ine Ad6ertisin4
Since searc en4ines are in te center of te fasion searc and 832in4 process:
additiona772 to S"O meas3res te 3se especia772 of Searc-"n4ine-Ad6ertisin4 CS"AD for
e<amp7e in form of $oo47e Adwords is partic37ar72 wise0 Here a tar4eted inter6ention of
3sers in te fasion searc process is possi87e0 !atcin4 ads can 8e s38mitted to teir
@3er2: tat 7in; te 3ser idea772 direct72 to te prod3ct pa4e0 Ad6ertisin4 wor;s
partic37ar72 effecti6e in te searc en4ines wen it is switced ana7o43e to off-7ine
offerin4s and s3pport tem on7ine0 A7read2 more tan a7f of te $erman on7ine retai7er
3se S"A to 4enerate c3stomers0 "<periences from te S"O-meas3res now pro6ide
meanin4f37 s2ner4ies for S"A0 Te ;e2word researc and ana72sis can a7so 8e 3sed for
searc en4ine ads: as we77 as te teme and 7in; str3ct3re can 8e adapted in parts0
Re4ardin4 te ;e2word strate42 for te fasion ind3str2: 7on4-tai7 ;e2words are of
partic37ar re7e6ance0 Te inf73ence of te 8rand increases d3rin4 te searc process
contin3o3s72: 4eneric ;e2words p7a2: especia772 at te 8e4innin4 of te searc process a
prominent ro7e0 A i4 6isi8i7it2 in common searc terms s3c as pants or dress: is
8est acie6ed tro34 prase- and 7on4-tai7 8oo;in4s0
Te more acc3rate72 te ;e2word prase fits on te prod3ct ran4e: te more 7i;e72 is te
re7ati6e72 i4 */O C*ost /er OrderD of te fasion ind3str2 to 8e red3ced0
.0E& /erformance-!edia Q )annerin4
*ertain72 in terms of 4eneratin4 new c3stomers )annerin4 pro6ides te 8asic 8enefit to
reac a 6er2 7ar4e n3m8er of 3sers wit re7ati6e72 7ow */O0 Te i4 ran4es of 8anner
campai4ns are partic37ar72 attracti6e to stren4ten 8rand awareness0 S"O and S"A: d3e
to teir p3re foc3s on searc en4ines do ine6ita872 reac teir ran4e 8o3ndaries at some
point0 )annerin4: owe6er: ma;es it possi87e to p3s on4oin4 S"A campai4ns
additiona772: and terefore is te perfect comp7ement0 In 4enera7: S"A: as a /U%%
medi3m: can 8e 3sed a7wa2s on72 to meet te demand: wereas )annerin4 resem87es
rater more te c7assic /USH media: wic see;s to stim37ate demand0 Since especia772
in te fie7d of fasion 6is3a7 attractants e7p to create sa7es incenti6es: is )annerin4
partic37ar72 for te fasion ind3str2 an attracti6e ad6ertisin4 medi3m0 In addition: 8anner
*ampai4ns in re7ation to off7ine ad6ertisin4 media s3c as print ads are m3c ceaper0
Wen imp7ementin4 a )annerin4 campai4n: it is not on72 important to draw attention
3ni@3e72 to te 8anner0 As far as possi87e: te 8anner so37d sta2 in te memor2 of te
3sers and: of co3rse: stim37ate tem to 8320 /recise !edia /7acement is te ;e20 Te art
in 8anner ad6ertisin4 is to a7wa2s ;eep an e2e on te ret3rn on in6estment0 Tis
effecti6e72 means to te fasion ind3str2: to switc te 8anner at tat p7ace were it can
attract te interest of potentia7 c3stomers0 /rice comparisons: prod3ct searc en4ines:
fasion 87o4s and for3ms are partic37ar72 s3ita87e for tis p3rpose0 Te r37e terefore is&
te more specific te 8anner is tai7ored on te tar4et 4ro3p and te more 6iews are
8roadcasted to tis fasion interested 4ro3p: te more sa7es can 8e 4enerated0 In order to
increase 8rand awareness: and t3s in partic37ar te n3m8er of new c3stomers: a wider
distri83tion of 8anner campai4ns is reasona87e0
.0K& Affi7iate !ar;etin4
Te 4reat ad6anta4e of Affi7iate !ar;etin4 for te fasion ind3str2 is to open 3p
partic37ar72 we77 to nices0 Wit te Affi7iates: wo for e<amp7e operate fasion for3ms
or 87o4s: te ind3str2 can foc3s specific tar4et 4ro3ps wit teir ads: so tat wasta4es are
7ower in Affi7iate ten in )annerin40 Since: as mentioned a8o6e: 3sers more and more
catc 3p on fasion and e<can4e: increasin472: on7ine: s3c information: or re6iew sites
8ecome pro4ressi6e72 more important re4ardin4 te searc and p3rcase decision0 In
Affi7iate: artic7es of c7otin4 do perform partic37ar72 we77: tat appea7 to tar4et a specific
a3dience0 Weter it is maternit2 wear: 7ar4e si?es or ci7dren dirnd7: te more specific
te prod3ct ran4e and te more acc3rate te affi7iate sites are tai7ored to it: te i4er te
con6ersion rates are0 A precise72 definition of te tar4et 4ro3p: is terefore amon4 te
first steps in te affi7iate0 In addition to specific fasion 87o4s and for3ms: specia7i?ed
S"A-pa4es con6ert 6er2 we770 "<perience sows tat ine<pensi6e fasion artic7es are 8est
comm3nicated o6er te price and terefore is so7d in te affi7iate at disco3nt and co3pon
sites 7i;e ot ca;es0 Te cance77ation rate ere is not different from oter fasion
se4ments0 Howe6er: encasment pro87ems ma2 8e more common0
Affi7iate a4encies in tis re4ard a6e te a8i7it2 to co3nteract specifica7720 For tis
p3rpose te partner sites so37d 8e se7ected 6er2 caref37720 Sites tat 73re 3sers: for
e<amp7e: e<p7icit72 wit te promise tat a specia7 6erif2in4 of te 3ser^s
creditwortiness is not necessar2: so37d 8e a6oided0 In 4enera7: te professiona7
se7ection and s3pport of te affi7iates 82 an e<perienced a4enc2 is 7itera772 wort a mint0
As Affi7iate-!ar;etin4 is faced wit two 8asic pro87ems& first72: fra3d: in a77 sapes: can
ca3se financia7 7oss and second72: 3ntr3stwort2 partner sites ma2 arm an ima4e dama4e
tat wi77 ard72 8e recompensed0 )2 pro6isionin4 accordin4 to te c7ear 6a73e: t3s after
te contract cance77ation period: fra3d can 8e @3ite s3ccessf3772 co3ntered0 /rotection
from rep3tationa7 dama4e ma2 on72 ser6e e<perienced a4encies tat coose teir
affi7iates caref3772: ;now tem we77 and ;eep in to3c wit tem0 )asica772: it is important
tat a tematic re7ation of partner sites is 4i6en0 )anner networ;s or emai7-partners
cannot 43arantee tis0
.0F& Trac;in4-Tecno7o42
/erformance !ar;etin4 offers te decisi6e ad6anta4e to ma;e te s3ccess of a campai4n
meas3ra87e0 )3t tis re@3ires appropriate tecno7o4ies0
)2 te creati6e trac;in4: for e<amp7e: te con6ersions of indi6id3a7 ads can 8e acc3rate72
reprod3ced0 T3s: r3nnin4 ad campai4ns can 8e contin3o3s72 optimi?ed0 D3e to te
7andin4 pa4e AQ) testin4: te 8est ;e2words and ;e2word c73sters can 8e determined and
in te co3rse of te campai4n can 8e constant72 ad93sted0 It can 8e acc3rate72 trac;ed 82
3sin4 te ;e2word istor2 trac;in4: wic ;e2word cains dominated te searc process
and 37timate72 7ed to p3rcase or a7so 7ed to premat3re termination0
Tis a77ows c7earin4 possi87e 8arriers in te 832in4 process: to 8e a87e to ana72?e te
searc process 8etter and to f3rter optimi?e te ;e2words0 In addition: te impact of
eac ;e2word on te sa7e can 8e made 6isi87e0 #e2words: wic p7a2ed a cr3cia7 ro7e in
te disco6er2 process: 83t ad on72 an indirect inf73ence on te sa7e: can in tis wa2 8e
capt3red and p3sed0
)2 se7ecti6e72 retar4etin4 e<istin4 c3stomers can 8e re-ad6ised to 832 and 3sers: wo
cance77ed d3rin4 teir 832in4 process: can 8e f3rter enco3ra4ed to p3rcase0 )2 mar;in4
te c3stomer or te drop-o3t wit a coo;ie: te 3ser can 8e reminded of te on7ine store
d3rin4 te wee;s after te initia7 contact0 Retar4etin4 can 8e done tro34 emai7
campai4ns or 6ia te 8roadcastin4 of tar4eted 8anners0 )road72 distri83ted news7etter
campai4ns often pro6o;e te an4er of potentia7 c3stomers: specific memori?ation mai7s
wit specific specia7 offers ma2: owe6er: pro6ide a we7come opport3nit2 to re6isit te
sop0 Simi7ar72 8annerin4 wor;s 6er2 we77 as a f3rter incenti6isation0 If a 3ser 6isited an
on7ine fasion store d3rin4 is searc process: 8anner ads of te store can 8e 8roadcasted
we77-directed to te fasion-interested 3ser in te fo77owin4 wee;s0 Since: fasion as an
increased prod3ct re7e6ance to te 3ser searcin4 for c7otes: te 8roadcastin4 of tar4eted
imp37ses to 832: ma2 now 8e partic37ar72 effecti6e0
Te performance of 8anner campai4ns can 8e meas3red as we770 T3s: as a cr3cia7
ad6anta4e of 8anner campai4ns o6er traditiona7 mar;etin4 canne7s: teir impact on te
ROI can 8e trac;ed0 On te one and te c7ic;s on te 8anner can 8e trac;ed: and a7so on
te oter and te 6iews can 8e meas3red0 /ost-6iew trac;in4 pro6ides a mi<t3re of 8ot0
Wit te e7p of r3ntime coo;ies e6en 8anner 6iews tat a6e 7ed to a con6ersion e6en
after da2s: can ten 8e reconstr3cted0
Trac;in4 te soppin4 8as;et
Anoter 3sef37 wa2 to identif2 te ;e2 performance indicators 8etter: is te trac;in4 of
te soppin4 8as;ets0 Te possi8i7it2 to meas3re wat is in te 8as;ets: offers si4nificant
8enefits to te f3rter optimi?ation of te mar;etin4 strate420 Tis a77ows p3sin4 f3rter
tose ;e2words tat 7ed to a i4 t3rno6er and switcin4 off tose: wic: for e<amp7e:
prod3ced partic37ar72 ret3rns0 As te ret3rn rate is especia772 in te fasion se4ment: wit
some a8o6e J,S e<treme72 i4: te trac;in4 of te soppin4 8as;et pro6ides a 3sef37
too7 to red3ce te n3m8er of wron4 orders too0 Te trac;in4 of te soppin4 8as;ets t3s
contri83tes si4nificant72 to te efficienc2 of te campai4n and te entire on7ine store0
F3rtermore: tis opens 3p te possi8i7it2 to pa2 commission for sa7es and t3s offers a
f3rter 83d4etin4 option0 Tis especia772 ma;es sense if: for e<amp7e: in one canne7 te
primar2 tar4et is to increase t3rno6er and in anoter canne7 main72 te 8randin4 is in te
Tan;s to te a3tomated a6ai7a8i7it2-A/I: for e<amp7e: promotions: in6entor2: or
seasona7 acti6ities can 8e @3ic;72 and easi72 inte4rated into te on4oin4 campai4n and
8roadcasted at te ser6ice pro6ider0 Tis ens3res te topica7it2 of te ads: and can4es
can 8e @3ic;72 entered into te s2stem0 !oreo6er: in tis wa2 remnants or an artificia7
sorta4e of s3pp72 can 8e ad6ertised especia7720
A77 actions can 8e trac;ed centra772> te impact of te 6ario3s canne7s in te
/erformance !ar;etin4 mi< so37d 8e meas3red specifica7720 On72 wen te traffic
4enerated 82 te indi6id3a7 canne7s: is detected and teir respecti6e impact on
impressions: 7eads and sa7es is p7aced in re7ation to te o6era77 performance: te o6era77
mar;etin4 strate42 can 8e ad93sted to te mar;et and can 8e f3rter optimi?ed0 Tis
means tat wo7e campai4ns or te performance of indi6id3a7 canne7s can 8e compared0
*ross-*anne7-Trac;in4 f3rtermore offers te possi8i7it2 to find o3t wat sa7es were for
e<amp7e 4enerated 82 contact wit one canne7 or 82 contact tro34 se6era7 canne7s0
T3s: te searc and p3rcase process of te c3stomers can 8e 8etter compreended and
te possi87e dropo3t rates can 8e identified and ereon accordin472 responded0
)esides te optimi?ation of te mar;etin4 strate42: te *ross-*anne7-Trac;in4 a7so
pro6ides a 8enefit in terms of 83d4etin40 T3s: for e<amp7e accordin4 to te 7o4ic 7ast
coo;ie wins acco3nts can 8e a77ocated to te respecti6e canne7s: were te 7ast to3c
8efore te sa7e too; p7ace0 If te 8rand as 8een 8oo;ed: owe6er te 7o4ic first coo;ie
wins does app720 Terefore *ross-*anne7 Trac;in4 a7so 4i6es te option of assi4nin4
te n3m8er of sa7es: te percenta4es of te tota7 n3m8er of sa7es: te order 6a73e and te
percenta4e of te order 6a73e to te canne7s: wic accordin4 to te 7o4ic of first
coo;ie wins ad 4enerated te first contact wit te c3stomer0 T3s: eac acti6it2 in te
canne7s can 8e optima772 adapted to eac oter and te performance of eac canne7 can
8e 8i77ed acc3rate720 As for te fasion ind3str2 a 8a7anced media-mi< is partic37ar72
attracti6e: tere is ard72 a wa2 aro3nd cross-canne7 tecno7o420
I0 Women On7ine /3rcasin4 )ea6ior
W2 do women te wor7d o6er wear te c7otes tat te2 doW Is it 8eca3se
we see tem on a famo3s actress wa7;in4 te red carpet at te Academ2
AwardsW Do we 832 a new dress 8eca3se we6e seen it in a ma4a?ine and
we ;now it is the latest trend3 Are women se77in4 o3t mone2 to 832
c7otes 8eca3se an Internet we8site sa2s tis is a must have item for the fall
season3 It is 7i;e72 tat a77 tese strate4ies are inf73encin4 women toda20
Te @3estion is>
"8o9 !oes the fashio# i#!$stry $se (ar6eti#' strate'ies to set tre#!s
for 9o(e#?%
Toda2: te fasion ind3str2 as a7most 3n7imited reso3rces at its disposa70 Information
and poto4raps tat appear on te Internet instantaneo3s72 reac mi77ions of women te
wor7d o6er0 Immediate72: te2 ;now wic fasions are in and wic are o3t0 Te2 see
te co7o3rs and trends on sp7as2: pop37ar we8sites0 Te2 find o3t 6er2 @3ic;72 wat
te2 so37d 8e wearin4 and wat te2 so37dnt0
A time-ono3red tradition 3sed 82 te fasion ind3str2 to set trends and mar;et teir
desi4ns as 8een to wor; wit famo3s peop7e to mode7 teir c7otes0 Wit te ad6ent of
s3c sows as !T1 and oter m3sic sows: te m37tip7icit2 of award sows: te p387ic
is 8arra4ed wit a p7etora of desi4ns to coose from0 Howe6er: te 37timate messa4e
from te fasion ind3str2 is> if a famous person wears this & it must be cool and
therefore you must have it too40 As a3tor: Anne /a<ton COcto8er +,,'D writes in a
sa662 Internet artic7e> "6er2one from $7oria Swanson and !ari72n !onroe: to A3dre2
Hep83rn and $race #e772 a6e e7ped fasion inf73ence te p387ic: 83t te media cra?e
o6er ce7e8rities is otter tan e6er 8efore0 T1 and mo6ies a6e ta;en center sta4e wen it
comes to 8ot entertainment and fasion0 !a4a?ines spend end7ess in; on wat
!adonna and Aennifer %ope? wear to award sows0 /a<ton e6en s344ests tat tis
mar;etin4 strate42 ma2 we77 end te need for mode7s to str3t teir st3ff on te catwa7;s 0
Tis strate42 pro6es to 8e a win-win sit3ation for 8ot te fasion ind3str2 and ce7e8rities
as te2 cas in on te free items tat 6ario3s desi4ners trow teir wa20
Anoter specific strate42 3sed 82 te fasion ind3str2 is on7ine ad6ertisin40 Te 3se of
te Internet in6o76es se6era7 strate4ies wic inc73de& creatin4 an on7ine 6ersion of a
print ma4a?ine: 8anner ads Cads p7aced on specific sites for 4reater e<pos3reD and we77-
p7aced poto4raps and artic7es a8o3t te fasion ind3str20 Accordin4 to an ind3str2
report on te Internet and mar;etin4 strate4ies 82 womens ma4a?ines: Te Internet as
8ecome a 8i77on-do77ar 83siness UPV CInd3str2 ReportD0 Tis artic7e a7so reports tat
accordin4 to Nie7sen Net Ratin4s: more American women 3se te Internet tan men at a
rate of J'S = I(S 0 It 4oes on to sa2> Women on7ine readers in te United States tend
to 6isit general interest sites on te Internet: s3c as soppin4 sites: 8ea3t2 sites: and
ea7t sites0 Terefore: ma4a?ines disco6ered te Internet se6era7 2ears a4o as anoter
metod to 8etter ser6e te c3stomer since ma4a?ines 0 )2 tar4etin4 te 7ar4e n3m8ers of
women wo re437ar72 participate in on7ine acti6it2: fasion ma4a?ines tat maintain an
Internet presence pro6ide temse76es wit contin3o3s: free ad6ertisin40 It is an
e<treme72 effecti6e72 strate42 to offer oter information: s3c as press re7eases or news
tat re7ates to te compan2 or to teir ind3str2: or pro6ide information a8o3t specia7
e6ents tat re7ate to te compan2 to teir ind3str2 0
Accordin4 to a report in: Sen;en Sim83n C+,,JD: a 7eadin4 appare7 ind3str2 newspaper
in Aapan: anoter s3ccessf37 mar;etin4 strate42 is 3sin4 termino7o42 ta;en from pop37ar
c37t3re in order to catc te attention of 2o3n4 women cons3mers0 Wi7e te report
states tat 2o3n4 Aapanese women are a7so inf73enced 82 cons3mer ma4a?ines and
ce7e8rit2 fasion: it 4oes on to e<p7ain more detai7ed mar;etin4 strate4ies0 Two of te
terms 3sed 82 te fasion ind3str2 to catc womens attention are& 5street casual office
casual6 wit te 7atter sometimes referred to as 5conservative elegance"6 Te reason
8eind 3sin4 tese terms is 8eca3se Aapanese wor;in4 women dress more cas3a772 tan
American women do0 Not man2 wear 83siness s3its& te2 ma2 wear sirts or s7ee6e7ess
7i4t sweaters andQor a cardi4an instead of 9ac;et: a dress wit a cardi4an or a 9ac;et: or
In addition to 3sin4 te Internet and ce7e8rit2 c37t3re as a mar;etin4 strate42: te fasion
ind3str2 a7so creates mar;ets 82 fo77owin4 socio7o4ica70 One c3rrent trend tat is
stron472 inf73encin4 te fasion ind3str2 is te notion tat Zp73s-si?e women are a 34e:
new mar;et for tem0 Accordin4 to an ind3str2 ana72sis 82 U# e<pert: !arce77a
!arceso C+,,+D Unti7 recent72: te p73s-si?e mar;et was considered an afterto34t
82 m3c of te fasion ind3str20 Tere was a 7imited ran4e of a6ai7a87e st27es: and 7itt7e
to no trend2 c7otes0 Howe6er: wit te concerns o6er wei4t iss3es: pop37ation trends:
and an increase in demand: retai7ers are 8e4innin4 to ta;e notice: and a6e entered te
p73s-si?e mar;et0
Tis partic37ar mar;et necessitates a sift in mar;etin4 strate42 82 te fasion ind3str20
In addition to creatin4 desi4ns tat are f7atterin4 for p73s-si?e women: te2 m3st a7so
mar;et to tese cons3mers in a respectf37 wa20 Te fact tat tis cons3mer need is
a6ai7a87e means tat te fasion ind3str2 can no 7on4er afford to mar;et a77 teir c7otes
to fit women wit perfect model1li%e bodies" Accordin4 to te same report te fasion
ind3str2 can not simp72 create c7otes in 7ar4er si?es: nor can te2 ass3me tat p73s-si?e
women simp72 wi77 832 a 7ine of c7otes 8eca3se te2 are in te ri4t si?e for tem0
Te n3m8er of midd7e-a4ed women is set to increase o6er te ne<t I 2ears0 )2 +,,E:
tere wi77 8e K0K mi77ion women a4ed IJ-EI 2ears o7d: compared wit K0+ mi77ion in
+,,+0 Tis is te time of 7ife wen women tend to p3t on wei4t and some of tese
women wi77 8e p3rcasin4 p73s-si?e c7otin4 for te first time0 Tis )a82 )oom
4eneration is caracteri?ed 82 a de4ree of re8e77io3sness and nonconformit20 Tis means
tat te demand for p73s-si?e fasions wi77 not on72 8e stron4: 83t a7so for Z2o3n4er
st27es0 *ons3mers wi77 8e 7oo;in4 for cas3a7 wear: smart c7otes for wor;in4 women: and
st27is e6enin4wear 0
At te same time: te fasion ind3str2 cannot afford to ne47ect te 2o3n4er 4eneration0
Howe6er: an interestin4 demo4rapic was fo3nd in a retai7 researc report wic
indicates tat women 'F-+I are 8ecomin4 ta77er and ea6ier tan in 2ears past 0 If tis
statistic is tr3e: ten women from a 8road a4e ran4e wi77 8e interested in p3rcasin4
c7otes in 7ar4er si?es0 To accommodate tis need: te fasion ind3str2 3ses mar;etin4
strate4ies s3c as te U# *ain H5!s s7o4an> Z)i4 is )ea3tif37 0 Anoter trend2
s7o4an is 8ein4 3sed 82 Fr3it of te %oom wo now mar;ets te ZFit for !e 8rand of
p73s-si?e 7in4erie for women C!atis +,,.D0 A simi7ar e<amp7e is: Da6id *o7es )i4
$ir7s )ras "tcetera: an on7ine compan2 se77in4 7ar4er si?ed intimate appare7 0
American a3tor: !aria !atis C+,,.D cond3cted researc tat conc3rs wit te
aforementioned information emanatin4 from te U#0 Accordin4 to er: Te p73s-si?e
mar;et is 4rowin4: and in te ne<t J 2ears it is e<pected to contin3e 4rowin4 as more
8rands respond to its demand0 Tats ri4t = te trendy trend of te trends is to marc to
te frontier of f377-fi43red fasion0 !an2 of te most famo3s names in te fasion
ind3str2 are mar;etin4 p73s-si?e fasions e6en to34 te2 were te same companies
wo pre6io3s72 desi4ned c7otes on72 for 37tra-s7im women0 In fact: pre6io3s mar;etin4
trends were 6er2 m3c tar4eted towards a 6er2 specific demo4rapic = women wit
e<ceptiona772 4ood fi43res0 Tat trend as can4ed dramatica772 and te mar;etin4
strate4ies wit tem0 Tese erred esta87ised 8rand names: wic p3rpose72 i4nored
tis se4ment: now desire a reco4ni?ed 8rand 8rea;tro340 *ompanies 7i;e Ann Ta27or:
Tomm2 Hi7fi4er: D#NY: and A* /enn2 are some of te most recent to da887e in te p73s-
si?e di6ision 0
"6en to34 te mar;et for p73s-si?e women is o86io3s72 tere: te fasion ind3str2
contin3es to 3se anoter fami7iar mar;etin4 strate42 to tar4et tese women as we77 = te
3se of ce7e8rities0 Women 7i;e _3een %atifa and Opra Cmore so in te pastD a6e often
8een cited as s3ccessf37 ro7e mode7s for 7ar4er si?ed women 0
A constant teme in fasion mar;etin4 is to create ideas or temes for wat it means to
loo% good or loo% attractive" Terefore: mar;etin4 to women wit 6ario3s 8od2 si?es and
sapes ma;es for 4ood 83siness strate420 Howe6er: te mar;etin4 of fasion to women
isnt 93st a8o3t wat 2o3 7oo; 7i;e 83t wat they want you to loo% li%e" Tat is: part of
mar;etin4 strate42 is to 4enerate ideas in womens eads a8o3t wat ;inds of c7otes we
need to wear in specific sit3ations = te wor; en6ironment: socia7 sit3ations: etc0 As in
man2 oter co3ntries: Aapanese women see; to wear te 7atest trends0 As a mar;et
se4ment: 2o3n4 Aapanese women contin3e to see; new wa2s to appear trend2 and
fasiona87e0 In eiter teme: c7otin4 tat is we77 desi4ned to ma;e women 7oo; more
8ea3tif37: as potentia7 CSen;en Sim83n +,,JD0
In anoter we77-written artic7e: /a<ton CNo6em8er +,,ID points o3t te 6ario3s items
women a6e 8o34t Cand contin3e to 832D o6er te 2ears 8eca3se of s3ccessf37 mar;etin4
tat 7a8e7s tem as must1have items2 te 7itt7e 87ac; dress: 873e 9eans: ZAac;ie O
s3n47asses: A-7ine s;irts and eadscar6es0 Se a7so points o3t te fasion trend of Zcas3a7
Frida2s as a i472 s3ccessf37 mar;etin4 strate42 to ;eep te 873e 9ean ind3str2 and
cas3a7 c7otes se77in4 we770
As /a<ton and te oter a3tors of tese artic7es a6e pointed o3t: te fasion ind3str2
contin3es to 3se a n3m8er of strate4ies to set trends for women0 Tese inc73de settin4 3p
i472 pop37ar we8sites: 3sin4 ce7e8rities to mode7 teir c7otes at famo3s e6ents:
creatin4 on7ine sites for s3ccessf37 ma4a?ines and 8roadenin4 te pop37ation of women
te2 desi4n for and mar;et to0 One of /a<tons time72 artic7es states0 Te wor7d mo6es
6er2 @3ic;72 for 3s 7adies and it is eas2 to for4et tat e6en to34 fasion can sometimes
ma;e 3s second 43ess o3rse76es: tere are 4reat fasion in6entions tat can ma;e 3s fee7
4ood too and 4i6e 3s tat 7itt7e 8oost of confidence we need from time to time 0 Te
conc73sion of tis @3er2 is tat te fasion ind3str2 3ses a m37tip7icit2 of strate4ies in
order to reac a wide ran4e of women te wor7d o6er0 Teir primar2 mar;etin4 strate42
is to set trends wic dictate to women te ;inds of c7otes we so37d wear: wat we wi77
7oo; attracti6e in and wat we wont: w2 certain co7o3rs are te ones to wear and oters
are not0 In te end: it is 3p to women to 832 into tese trends or set teir own trends as
J0 Fasion !ana4ement 5 *R!
J0'& Introd3ction
%oo;in4 at s3ccessf37 8rands in te Fasion ind3str2: one can see tat tere is a pattern of
co3p7es were one mem8er is c7assified to 8e te creati6e one and te oter mem8er is
te mana4er0 "<amp7es of s3c Fasion peop7e are $ior4io Armani and Ser4io $a7eotti:
$ianno and Santo 1ersace: Y6es Saint %a3rent and /ierre )er4L etc CSa6io7o 5 Testa:
*7ashion is inspiration creativity and intuition" But it is also organi8ation strategy and
management" +hese two apparently contrasting sets of elements have to come together to
ensure the success of a business idea"0 1 ,en8o ,osso !resident of Diesel (Saviolo 9
+esta :;;: p" <)"
A77 firms need creati6it2 to 4ain s3ccess 83t firms tat a6e prod3ction 8ased on an
artistic a8i7it2 are different from oter companies0 Fasion firms are a t2pica7 e<amp7e of
s3c *ompanies as te2 se77 a creati6e prod3ct0 /rod3cts offered 82 Fasion companies
are de6e7oped 82 8rin4in4 to4eter an artistic 6ision: craftsmansip and strate4ic
New prod3cts or prod3ct 7ines are to some e<tent a7wa2s 3ni@3e comparin4 to pre6io3s
ones0 Te reason for tis is simp7e> Fasion prod3cts are o3tcomes of creati6e acti6it2
tat is a7wa2s renewin4 itse7f0 *reati6it2: can4e and inno6ation are cr3cia7 for Fasion
companies as te2 need to ser6e demands tat are a7wa2s can4in4
/redictin4 f3t3re cons3mer needs is a 6er2 comp7e< tas;0 Howe6er: tere are metods for
inspirin4 and 43idin4 creati6e peop7e in Fasion companies to come 3p wit new ideas
tat cons3mers wi77 7i;e0
T3s: Fasion firms are constant72 dependent on two different 4ro3ps of peop7e: name72
te creati6e peop7e Cte emotiona7 spiritD and te mana4ers Cte rationa7 spiritD> te
mana4ers need to a6e te a8i7it2 to 7ead te inno6ation process and an 3nderstandin4 of
te 7an43a4e and te c37t3re of creati6e peop7e0 !ost of a77: te2 m3st 8are in mind te
8asic r37e in te Fasion ind3str2&
*#t is not enough in 7ashion to offer the mar%et what it wants today as this would
already be an old product0 (Saviolo 9 +esta :;;: p" =:)"
J0+& Findin4 a 8a7ance tro34 mar;et orientation 5 ;e2 c3stomers&
In order to create 4ood inte4ration 8etween te mana4eria7 and te creati6e departments
in a Fasion compan2: one need to find a 8a7ance 8etween mar;et needs and commercia7
6iews0 Te compan2 can not on72 desi4n prod3cts tat meet c3stomers needs as te
cons3mer wants to 8e s3rprised0 Hence: creati6it2 wito3t 7imitations does not pro6ide
s3staina87e profit0 For instance: creati6e peop7e 8e7ie6e tat an ear7ier s3ccessf37 prod3ct
as to 8e comp7ete72 can4ed for a new season wi7e commercia7 8e7iefs is a8o3t ;eepin4
prod3cts tat a6e a istor2 of s3ccess0
To find a 8a7anced direction: Fasion companies need to create an approac for mar;et
orientation tat as its 8ase in ;now7ed4e of c3stomers and teir preferences0 To acie6e
4reater ;now7ed4e for c3stomer preferences: Fasion companies so37d foc3s on ;e2
c3stomers0 #e2 c3stomers are c3stomers tat contri83te to a 7ar4e amo3nt of sa7es and
foc3sin4 on tem is considered to 8e anoter 6ita7 aspect of te Fasion ind3str20 Tis
strate42 e7ps Fasion companies to de7i6er a co77ection tat is perfect72 s3ited for its
J0.& $ainin4 ;now7ed4e tro34 c7ose re7ationsips&
*o77a8oration 8etween te mana4ers: desi4ners and te sa7es force is needed to increase
te ;now7ed4e a8o3t ;e2 c3stomers0 Accordin4 to Sa6io7o 5 Testa C+,,+D: Fasion
companies so37d a6e se77-o3t 7o4ic: meanin4 tat te foc3s so37d 8e on te end
cons3mers0 Sa7es forces need to create c7ose re7ationsips towards c3stomers to increase
te ;now7ed4e of teir preferences0 Tese re7ationsips are essentia7 for de6e7opin4
co77ections tat are mar;et oriented and matc te commercia7 po7icies for te cosen
c3stomer se4ment CSa6io7o5 Testa: +,,+D0 Han: Wi7son 5 Dant C'((.D state tat te
re7ationsips 8etween companies and c3stomers m3st 4enerate m3t3a7 8enefits0 )ot te
compan2 and te 832ers a6e to fee7 te re7ationsip is contri83tin4 to 4reater 8enefits:
for te re7ationsip to remain stron40
J0I& Re7ationa7 8enefits&
!ar?o-Na6arro: /edra9a-I47esias 5 Ri6iera-Tores C+,,ID: p387ised an artic7e in te
Ao3rna7 of Fasion mar;etin4 and mana4ement were te 8enefits of c7ose re7ationsips
for 8ot cons3mers and Fasion retai7ers were disc3ssed0 Te a3tors stated tat: 8esides
4ainin4 ;now7ed4e of c3stomer preferences: a Fasion compan2 en4a4in4 in c7ose
c3stomer re7ationsips 4ains c3stomers tat are 7o2a7 in te 7on4 r3n and tis e7ps firms
to de6e7op s3staina87e competiti6e ad6anta4es0
F3rtermore: c3stomer 7o2a7t2 ena87es a compan2 to increase prices wito3t ta;in4 8i4
ris;s and it 4enerates 8arriers to mar;et entr20 Tis fact is s3ited for companies tat a6e
8een in a mat3re mar;et for man2 2ears were te 4rowt is sta87e0 Accordin4 to Siroi:
!c7a347in 5 Wittin; C'((FD: te Fasion ind3str2 is s3c a mar;et as it is si4nified 82
7ow 4rowt: i4 competition and te need to ;eep e<istin4 cons3mers0
In order to acie6e c3stomer 7o2a7t2: a firm needs to 3nderstand te aspects tat
cons3mers percei6e as 8enefits from te re7ationsip0 Te c3stomer as to 8e satisfied to
remain 7o2a7 towards te firm C!ar?o-Na6arro et0 a7: +,,ID0
Te 8enefits tat cons3mers 4ain tro34 a c7ose re7ationsip to a Fasion compan2 are
economic ad6anta4e in terms of disco3nts: 4reater efficienc2: persona7 ad6ice etc0 Wen
decidin4 on te c7otes to 832: te c3stomer can 4et fast and s3ita87e 43ide7ines from te
sa7es force in a store as te2 pro8a872 ;now te c3stomers preferences C!ar?o-Na6arro
et0a7: +,,ID0
J0J& *omm3nication in Fasion
As fasion prod3cts are persona7 too7s 3sed 82 cons3mers for demonstratin4 a 7ifest27e or
an attit3de: Fasion itse7f is defined as a 6is3a7 7an43a4e and terefore comm3nicatin4
fasion prod3cts is not te same as comm3nication oter cons3mer 4oods0 Fasion
prod3cts can4e e6er2 si<t mont: te main foc3s for s3ccessf37 comm3nication is to
foc3s on comm3nicatin4 te 8rand and tis is often done 82 fasion companies tat offer
prod3cts 7i;e 9eans wear: sportswear or oter 8asic prod3cts0 Fasion is a7read2 a sort of
comm3nication as fasion a7wa2s 3ses too7s for comm3nication0 Tese too7s are 6is3a7
too7s 7i;e sows: poto4raps: mode7s: 6ideos etc and are s3ita87e for fasion items as
s2m8o7ic e7ements are more essentia7 in fasion prod3cts tan f3nctiona7it20 Te main
pro87em wit comm3nication tro34 6is3a7 too7s is to a6e consistenc2 8etween 8rand
identit2 and 6is3a7 identit20
J0E& *omm3nication too7s
*omm3nication too7s in te fasion ind3str2 is di6ided into tree cate4ories> seasona7-:
re7ationa7- and instit3tiona7 comm3nication too7s0 Seasona7 comm3nication too7s are
cata7o43es: fasion sows and fairs0 *ata7o43es are te most traditiona7 too7s in te
fasion ind3str2: fasion sows are te most important too7s and fairs are too7s for
83siness to 83siness comm3nication.0 Re7ationa7 comm3nication too7s are too7s 7i;e te
internet Ca compan2s we8siteD: direct mar;etin4 Ce-mai7sD: re7ationa7 mar;etin4 etc0
Accordin4 to Sa6io7o 5 Testa C+,,+D te internet so37d 8e 3sed more 82 fasion
companies so tat information re4ardin4 c3stomers and contacts wit tem is increased0
)3t companies need to remem8er tat materia7 on te internet so37d 8e 3pdated on a
fre@3ent 8asis0
Instit3tiona7 comm3nication too7s inc73de te 8rand: te ead@3arters: sops: and
sponsorsip and 83siness ma4a?ines0 *omm3nicatin4 te 8rand identit2 of a fasion firm
is a8o3t comm3nicatin4 te firms 6ision a8o3t te e<pected position in te mar;et0
As te re7ationsips 8etween fasion companies and fasion cons3mers a6e can4ed:
te foc3s on sops and sa7es points is increasin40 Te sa7es point as 8ecome a p7ace for
interactin4 wit emotions: instead of 8ein4 a p7ace for monetar2 e<can4e and sa7es of
prod3cts0 Dea7in4 wit cons3mers in a sa7es point is a8o3t creatin4 re7ationsips rater
tan mar;etin4 a prod3ct: accordin4 to man2 socio7o4ists0
J0K& )rand identit2
)2 7oo;in4 at a fasion compan2s store: one can disco6er te 7ac; of consistenc2 in
8rand identit2 82 te mana4ement0 Toda2s 7a2o3t in te stores is an aim to com8ine
p3rcasin4 wit a c37t3ra7 e6ent: so tat cons3mers 6isit to a store is ma<imi?ed wit an
e<perience of te compan2s 8rand identit2 CSa6io7o 5 Testa: +,,+D0
In order to 3nderstand wat constit3tes te 8rand identit2 of a Fasion compan2: one
need to 3nderstand te tr3e meanin4 of te term 8rand0 Te definition tat is s3ita87e
for te competiti6e Fasion ind3str2 is: accordin4 to Sa6io7o 5 Testa C+,,+D: comprised
82 two e7ements: name72 te materia7- and te intan4i87e e7ements0 Te materia7 e7ement
refers to e6er2tin4 tat is re7ated to te si4ns tat comm3nicates te 8rand Cad6ertisin4
son4s: 7o4os: co7ors and namesD wi7e te intan4i87e e7ement is re7ated to te associations
tat te 8rand e6o;es in te mind of te cons3mer0
Accordin4 to an e<pert in 8rand mana4ement: #apferer C'((+D: 8rand identit2 starts wen
an insi4nificant word is connected wit a prod3ct0 !oreo6er: d3rin4 time: tis word 4ains
a meanin4 tat is defined 82 te prod3cts and comm3nication tat as ear7ier 8een 3sed
82 te firm0
D. Roa! Ahea! for I#!ia
)rand de6e7opment is 6er2 important0 %ac; of an2 internationa772 famo3s 8rands is
despite a6in4 ad6anced c7otes-ma;in4 tecno7o420 Te 8i44est pro87em 7ies in 8randsB
c37t3ra7 creati6it2 and prod3ct de6e7opment0
One of te ind3str2Bs 8i44est tas;s as 8een to impro6e 8rand awareness and prod3ct
de6e7opment to ma;e s3re tat mar;et p7acement is ri4t and p3t o3t prod3cts tat 8rin4
o3t te 3ni@3e @3a7ities of eac 8rand0
)3t 4oin4 47o8a7 is not rea772 an option for most c7otin4 companies0 It is m3c more
cost72 tan doin4 83siness at ome0 For instance: te cost of openin4 3p a store in oter
co3ntries is m3c i4er tan in India0 In addition: 8eca3se te domestic mar;et is so
Nee! to &$i! &ra#! I#!ia& )3i7din4 a stron4 8rand in fasion capita7s of te wor7d 7i;e
/aris: !i7an and New Yor; needs inno6ati6e desi4ners: a seam7ess s3pp72 cain: contro7
o6er retai7 and distri83tion and concentration on @3a7it20 "6er2 sta;eo7der inc73din4
desi4ners: e<porters: te<ti7e p7a2ers and retai7 cains needs to come to4eter to ma;e s3re
tat te position of Indian fasion is stron4 in te comin4 2ears0
Differe#t (o!es #ee! to &e trie!/ Te Indian fasion ind3str2 as man2 6iews 83t on72
one mode7: werein a desi4ner creates a retai7 6ent3re wit isQer own 8rand tro34
or4ani?ed retai7 cains0 Tere are man2 oter mode7s tat can 8e e<p7ored0 For e<amp7e
Ra7p %a3ren as made an a4reement wit Aones Appare7 for prod3cin4 and retai7in4
6ario3s /o7o 8rands0
Desi'#er e!$catio# 5 (oti,atio#/ Tis can 8e done 82 sponsorin4 e<can4e pro4rams
wit internationa7 scoo7s: increasin4 participations in te fasion capita7s of te wor7d:
moti6atin4 and offerin4 83siness inc38ation to new desi4ners and rewardin4 efforts
tro34 proper desi4n awards0
D. Research Metho!oo'y
'0 R"S"AR*H O)A"*TI1"
Te main o89ecti6e 8eind cond3ctin4 tis researc was to find perception of women
towards fasion0 For ;now wat st27e te2 7i;e: ow m3c te2 spend: ow m3c te2
want to spend: wat factors inf73ence tem to 832: dis7i;es a8o3t fasion: wat te2 want
to see in ads: wat is teir mont72 earnin4 and man2 more factors wic 83i7d teir
Tere are 6er2 few fema7es in !3m8ai cit2 wo rea772 care a8o3t fasion compare to
oter de6e7oped cities in wor7d0 !ost72 fema7es wit i4 income 4ro3p spend 7ots of
amo3nt on c7otes0 Wi7e fema7es wit 7ow income 4ro3p are tend to sa6e more mone20
Fasion Ind3str2 as a c7otin4 compan2 needs to foc3s on increasin4 te cra?e of
Fasion on fema7es0 )eca3se: if fasion cra?e wi77 increase: Fasion Ind3str2 wi77 8e
8enefited 82 earnin4 re6en3e0
Some oter secondar2 o89ecti6es are as 3nder&
To ;now te awareness of fasion
To ;now te scope for te new comers0
To ;now te spendin4 a8it of te fema7es of !3m8ai *it20
To ;now te wi77in4 to spend on fasion0
To ;now te inf73encin4 force 8eind te decision ma;in4 wi7e at a 832in4
To find o3t wat fema7es want to see in ads
To #now te wat dis7i;es a8o3t fasion
+0 R"S"AR*H D"SI$N

Data 4o$rce & /rimar2 data
Research Metho! & S3r6e2 !etod
Research Tech#i>$e & _3estionnaire
Type of @$estio##aire & Str3ct3red
Type of @$estio#s & *7osed ended _3estions
No of @$estio#s & ',
Pace & !3m8ai cit2
Samp7in4 desi4n is one of te most important aspects0 So in tat Samp7e desi4n we a6e
to 7oo; tat wate6er fi43re we ta;e tat can 4i6e tr372 and fact fi43re0 So were te
desi4n m3st 8e appropriate in order to a6e te desired res37t0 Samp7in4 desi4n inc73des
6ario3s aspect and te2 are as fo77ows&
Samp7in4 Area & !3m8ai *it2
Samp7in4 Densit2 & Fema7es wit a4e 8etween C +J to .J D
Samp7in4 /op37ation & 'I:,,:,,, apro<0
Samp7in4 Si?e & +,,
.0 Data *o77ection 5 Samp7in4 /rocess
Te researc is cond3cted wit te e7p of @3estionnaire terefore te main so3rce of
information is te response of te respondents and fi77 3p te str3ct3red @3estionnaire0
Tis can 8e considered as a primar2 metod of co77ectin4 te data
/rimar2 Data&
Te data: wic is co77ected direct72 from te respondents to te 8ase of
;now7ed4e and 8e7ief of te researc: are ca77ed primar2 data0
So far as tis researc is concerned: primar2 data is te main so3rce of
information0 Data as 8een co77ected tro34 _3estionnaire and information from
Samp7in4 /rocess
It is 6er2 tr3e tat its 6er2 diffic37t to do te researc wit te wo7e 3ni6erse0 As we
;now tat it is not feasi87e to 4o for pop37ation s3r6e2 8eca3se of te n3mero3s
c3stomers and teir scattered 7ocation0 So for tis p3rpose samp7e si?e as to 8e
determined we77 in ad6ance and se7ection of samp7e a7so m3st 8e scientific so tat it
represents te wo7e 3ni6erse0
So far as tis researc is concerned: I a6e ta;en samp7e si?e of +,, respondents0 I a6e
se7ected income earner fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., and .,-.J
A77 te respondents are stratified on te 8asis of teir 4pe#!i#' and sa,i#'s0 I a6e
se7ected te samp7es as per o3r con6enience
Samp7e 3ni6erse !3m8ai cit2
Samp7in4 Tecni@3e *on6enience
Samp7e si?e +,, respondents
Samp7in4 Unit&
Fema7es a4e 8etween +J-., ` con6enience
Fema7es a4e 8etween .,-.J ` con6enience
I0 $enera7 Information
!ont72 earnin4&
Count of Monthly
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
10k-15k 12 12
15k-25k 21 14 35
25k-35k 53 35
a!"#e 35k 14 51 %5
Grand Total 00 00 200
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., a6e a6era4e sa7ar2 aro3nd
+J,,, to .J,,,
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J a6e a6era4e sa7ar2 a8o6e
Fasion St27e&
Row ` Fasion st27es
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of !ashion
"tyle !emales !emales
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
A&'(s'() 13 21
Cele!&('* 14 22
E+" 2, 3-
G(&l* 1 2 20
G"'.() 10 % 1%
Le(su&e % 14
Punk 5 32 3-
R")k 5 1 %
R"+an'() , 1 2-
Grand Total 00 00 200
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., fo77ow "mo fasion st27e more0
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J fo77ow /3n; fasion st27e more0
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J fo77ow Roc; fasion st27e 6er2 7ess0
Factors inf73ence to 832
Row ` Factors inf73ence to 832
*o73mn ` A4e $ro3p
Count of !a#tor
$n%uen#e to buy
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
A&' 1 32 50
C"+/"&'a!(l('* 1, 31 50
0as.("n 40 10 50
+"1es' 2&()(n3 12 14 2%
T.e+ 11 13 24
Grand Total 00 00 200
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., are more inf73enced 82
Zfasion to 832 c7otes0
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J are inf73enced 82 ZArt to 832
Howe6er: ZFasion as 7ess inf73ence on fema7es wit a4e
4ro3p of .,-.J0
Wi77in4 to spend&
Row ` wi77in4 to spend
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of &illing to
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
1k-245k 43 32 -5
245k-4k 3% 51 -
a!"#e 5k 13 21
!el"5 1k 13 4 1-
Grand Total 00 00 200
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J a6e more wi77in4 to spend tan
fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-.,0
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., are wi77in4 to spend aro3nd
',,, to +J,, on one item of c7otes0
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J are wi77in4 to spend aro3nd
'+J,, to I,,, on one item of c7otes0
!ont72 spendin4&
Row ` !ont72 spendin4
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of Monthly
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
1k-245k 1, 15 34
245k-4k 52 42 ,4
4k-5k 13 3, 52
a!"#e 5k 3 4 -
!el"5 1k 13 13
Grand Total 00 00 200
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., spend +J,, to I,,, tan
fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J0
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p .,-.J spend I,,, to J,,, tan
fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-.,0
Wo inf73ence to 832
Row ` Wo inf73ence to 832
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of &ho
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
Cele!&('(es 24 33 5-
0as.("n 21 3 5,
0&(en1s 4- 1, %%
Ma3a6(nes 10 1
Grand Total 00 00 200
ZFriends is important factor wic inf73ence fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p
of +J-., to 832 c7otes0
Wi7e fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J are inf73enced to 832 82
Dis7i;e a8o3t fasion&
Row ` Dis7i;e a8o3t fasion
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of (isli)e
*bout !ashion
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
C.an3e 7u()kl* 14 % 2
E82ens(#e % 32 11
Grand Total 00 00 200
Fema7e wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-.,: dis7i;e fasion 8eca3se it is
Fema7es wit a4e of .,-.J: dis7i;e fasion 8eca3se it can4es
Want to see in ads&
Row ` %i;e to see in ads
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of Li)e to
see in ads
Row Labels 25-30
All 1, %5 4
Cele!&('(es 1- 20 3-
P&"1u)' A#a(la!le %4 15 -,
Grand Total 00
0 200
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J: want to see in ads a prod3ct as we77
as ce7e8rities0
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-.,: want to see in ads a prod3ct rater
tan ce7e8rities0
Window disp7a2&
Row ` Window disp7a2
*o73mn ` A4e 4ro3p
Count of &indow
Row Labels 25-30 30-35
9a)k3&"un1 23 31 54
L(3.'(n3 - 11 1
P&"1u)' 2- 4, -%
T.e+e 43 , 52
Grand Total 00 00 200
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J want to see a prod3ct in
window disp7a20
!ore fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-., want to see a tem in window
Spendin4 on fasion st27es&
Row ` !ont72 spend
*o73mn ` Fasion St27e
Count of
ity emo Girly
) Ro#)
1k-245k 2 % 5 2 3 5 3 2 % 34
245k-4k , 10 2- , % 5 1% 2 10 ,4
4k-5k 3 3 4 5 2 1- 1 , 52
a!"#e 5k 2 1 2 1 1 -
!el"5 1k 2 2 3 2 2 2 13
Total 2 22 3+ 20 , - 3+ , 2+ 200
Fema7es spend a 7ot on emo fasion st27e and ten 4otic0
Spendin4 of emo fasion st27e ran4es from +J,, to I,,, mont72 82
one fema7e0
Wi77in4 to spend on fasion st27e&
Row ` wi77in4 to spend
*o73mn ` Fasion st27e
Count of
&illing to
1k-245k 4 1, - 3 2 1% -5
245k-4k 12 11 12 4 25 1 % -
a!"#e 5k 4 1 2 2 4 3 2 3 21
!el"5 1k 1 2 4 3 3 1 1 2 1-
Total 2 22 3+ 20 , - 3+ , 2+ 200
Fema7es are more wi77in4 to spend on 4otic fasion st27e0 And
ten after emo fasion st27e0
J0 *onc73sion 5 Recommendation
From te a8o6e findin4 and recommendation: te fo77owin4 are te conc73din4 points&
Tere are s3fficient n3m8ers of fema7es wo are aware of fasion st27es so tis is
a 4ood for fasion ind3str2 tat fema7es want to 8e wit fasion trend0
In !3m8ai cit2: fema7es spend aro3nd ABCC to DCCC o# (o#thy shoppi#'0
Wi7e: te2 are sti77 read2 to pa2 aro3nd ABCC to DCCC o# o#e ite( of cothes0
Te2 spe#! (ore o# EE(o; fasion st27e 83t te2 a6e 9ii#' to spe#! (ore
o# EGothic; fashio# stye: so tere is 4reat scope for fasion ind3str20
Fashio#: Art and Co(forta&iity is ma9or factors tat inf73ence fema7es to 8320
EFrie#!s; p7a2s important ro7e wi7e coosin4 c7otes0
!ore fema7es want to see a pro!$ct in window disp7a20
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J&
Fasion ind3str2 so37d concentrate on tis a4e 4ro3p: 8eca3se te2 a6e 9ii#'
to spe#! (ore on c7otes wit hi'h i#co(e a&o,e FBCCC0
!a9or factors 7i;e EArt; 5 ECo(forta&tity;: wic inf73ence fema7es in tis
4ro3p to 8320
ZFashio# inf73ences te coice of fema7es in tis 4ro3p0
ZP$#6 fasion st27e is more pop37ar in tis 4ro3p of fema7es0
"<pensi6eness is doesnt m3c matter in tis 4ro3p on72 a tin4 te2 dis7i;e a8o3t
fasion is its >$ic6y cha#'i#' #at$re.
Te2 want to see in ads 8ot pro!$ct as 9e as cee&rities0
Te2 want to see a pro!$ct in window disp7a20
Fema7es wit a4e 4ro3p of +J-.,&
Tis 4ro3p a6e o9 i#co(e aro$#! ABCCC<FBCC, 83t sti77 tis a4e 4ro3p
(o#thy spe#!s (ore o# fashio# tan a4e 4ro3p of .,-.J0
EE(o; is fasion st27e wic is more famo3s in tis 4ro3p and ten after Z$ir720
EFashio#; is on72 ma9or factor wic inf73ence fema7es in tis 4ro3p to 8320
!ore fema7es in tis 4ro3p are 9ii#' to spe#! aro$#! GCCC to ABCC on one
item of c7otes0
ZFrie#!s inf73ence coice of fema7es in tis 4ro3p0
Fema7es in tis a4e 4ro3p dis7i;e fasion 8eca3se it is e:pe#si,e0
Fema7es in tis 4ro3p want to see a pro!$ct rater tan ce7e8rities in ads0
Te2 4et more inf73enced 82 the( in window disp7a20
'0 Te A to G of Fasion Ind3str20 IS)N (KF-,-F',F-EFF.-,
'0 IA*"! Internationa7 Ao3rna7 of *omp3tationa7 "n4ineerin4 5 !ana4ement: 1o70
'I: Octo8er +,''

+0 *onfederation of Indian Ind3str2 -New /aradi4ms for Te<ti7es Ind3str2
.0 IA*"! Internationa7 Ao3rna7 of *omp3tationa7 "n4ineerin4 5 !ana4ement: 1o70
'I: Octo8er +,''

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