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July, 2012 Std. XII Maths 2

Time: Marks:

1. Out of 110 student interviewed for their liking in music, 48 students liked Indian
music, 73 liked western music and 20 liked both. Find the number of students who
did not like music.

2. In a group of 200 persons, 142 read Marathi newspaper, 108 read English
newspaper and 85 read both the papers. Find the number of persons reading:
(i) only Marathi newspaper
(ii) newspaper in only one language and
(iii) no newspaper.

3. Find (B), (AC), (), if the following ultimate class frequencies are given.
(ABC) = 50, (B) = 75, (AC)= 40, (A) = 20
(BC) = 30, (C) = 15, (B) = 30, (.) = 10

4. Examine whether the following sets of data are consistent:
(i) (A) = 50, (AB) = 10, (B) = 150, N = 120
(ii) (AB) = 10, (A)=20, (B) = 30. () = 5.
(iii) N=150, (A) = 50, (B) = 80, () = 10

5. In a group of 100 employees in a firm, there were 80 males. The number of
married employees was 60 among whom 30 were males. Examine whether the
information given is correct.

6. The data below relate to sample survey of 200 persons in a village.
(a) Number of literate employed persons 94
(b) Number of literate unemployed persons 84
(c) Number of employed persons 128
Show that the data are inconsistent.

7. A survey by a newspaper agency revealed that out of 1000 people, 811 read
Marathi newspaper, 752 read English and 418 read Hindi newspaper. People
reading both Marathi and English newspaper were 570. Further 356 read
English and Hindi, 348 read Marathi and Hindi, only 297 read all the three
newspapers. Show that the data are inconsistent.

8. Find whether the attributes A and B are independent, positively associated or
negatively associated in each of the following cases.
(a) N = 500, (A) = 235, (B) = 310, (AB) = 160
(b) (A) = 240, (AB) = 140, () = 280, (B) = 160
(c) (AB) = 120, (B) = 384, (A) = 24, () = 72.

9. A and B represent the attributes going for morning walk and being physically fit
respectively. Compute Yules coefficient of association between A and B, given
that, N = 200, (A) = 120, (B) = 100, (AB) = 80. Comment on your result.

10. Find the coefficient of association between eye colour of mother and that of her
son from the following data and interpret your result.

a. Number of mothers with light eyes and sons with light eyes = 25.
b. Number of mothers with dark eyes and sons with light eyes = 45.
c. Number of mothers with light eyes and sons with dark eyes = 40.
d. Number of mothers with dark eyes and sons with dark eyes = 390.

11. Out of 400 students, 160 were married. Among 120 students who failed, 48
were married. Find the coefficient of association between the attributes marriage
and failure in the examination. Interpret your result.

12. 500 students appeared for an examination of whom 275 were boys. Out of 350
successful students, 150 were boys. Find the number of:
(i) Successful girls
(ii) Unsuccessful girls
(iii) unsuccessful boys.

13. Given the following ultimate class frequencies, find the frequencies of positive
and negative classes and the total number of observations.
(AB) = 85, (A) = 80, (B) = 30, () = 25.

14. State the type of association between the attributes A and B using following
(AB) = 155, (A) = 70, (B) = 325, N = 500.

15. Out of 400 players, 175 played baseball, 210 played basket ball and 125 played
foot ball. 40 played both basket ball and football. 50 played baseball and football,
35 played base ball and basket ball. 15 players played all the three games. Obtain
the number of players playing:
(i) only two games
(ii) at least two games
(iii) only one game.

16. In a college, 50% of the students are boys, 60% are from rural area and 80%
receive freeship. 35% of the students are boys from rural area, 45% are boys
receiving freeship and 42% are students from rural area receiving freeship. Find
the limits for the percentage of boys from rural area who receive freeship.

17. The following table shows the result of inoculation against chicken pox in
babies below 6 months.

Not attacked Attacked
Inoculated 31 4
Not Inoculated 18 8

Examine the effect of inoculation in controlling susceptibility to chicken pox in
case of babies.

18. 250 candidates appeared for a competitive examination and 75 of them
succeeded. 44 had received special coaching and out of hem 25 were successful.
Prepare a 2 2 table and using Yules coefficient of association discuss whether
special coaching is effective or not.

19. A survey of 500 persons was conducted to determine the popularity of three
types of fruit juices, namely apple juice, lemon juice and orange juice. The results
were as follows:

The number of persons who liked to drink lemon juice, apple juice and orange
juice was 278, 255 and 247 respectively. Those who liked lemon juice and apple
juice both were 142 in number. 151 liked both lemon juice and orange juice while
135 liked both apple juice and orange juice. 90 persons liked all the three fruit
juices. From the above information, find the number of persons who liked:

(i) Only lemon juice.
(ii) Only lemon juice and apple juice
(iii) Only apple juice and orange juice
(iv) None of the three fruit juices.
(v) At least one of the three fruit juices

20. Given that A and B are independent attributes and N = 200, (A) = 100,
(B) = 140. Find the ultimate class frequencies.


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