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Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne
mercy and truth shall go before thy face. - Psa 89:14


Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their
Just powers from the consent of the governed


The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence. Considering todays state of
affairs its crack is ironic and only the people with well doing can heal Libertys tear that ails her
soul. It was cast in 1752 and engraved with the lettering "Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the
land unto all the inhabitants thereof." (part of Leviticus 25:10)
The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me (Christ) to preach
good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to
the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable
year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint
unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the
garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the
planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall
raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many
generations. Isa 61:1-4
For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. -- 1 Pet
But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a
forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. -- James 1:25



Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants. William Penn
Its the duty of jurors, sheriffs, bailiffs and justices to resist all infringements upon the
rights of the people without delay.
Thomas Jefferson said: whenever people are well-informed they can be trusted with their
own government. Clearly the government cannot be in charge of deciding for themselves
whether or not they should indict themselves on criminal charges or not. This is precisely
why we have so much corruption in our government. It is the duty of the people to stand up
as the faithful and wise stewards
(Luke 12:42)
and bring the servants who think themselves
master back into subjection.
COMMON LAW IS COMMON SENSE The question each jurist must ask themselves is,
Is there an injured party? There is a Common Law principle which states that for there to
be a crime, there must first be a victim (corpus delecti), the state cannot be the injured party.
In the absence of a victim there can be no crime. This is what the grand jurist must discover.
The constitutions of most of our states assert that all power is inherent in the people; that
they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent,
(as in electing their functionaries executive and legislative, and deciding by a jury of
themselves, both fact and law, in all judiciary cases in which any fact is involved) or they
may ask by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at
all times armed; to freedom of person; freedom of religion; freedom of property; and
freedom of the press. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Cartwright; June 5, 1824;
The Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress
GRAND JURORS [25] It is the DUTY of the Common Law Grand Jury to expose all
fraud and corruption whether it is in the political or judicial realm and stop it! The
Authority of the Grand Jury is found only in the Bill of Rights, therefore it comes from God
and not government - Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.... It is in
effect a fourth branch of government "governed" and administered to directly by and on
behalf of the American people.


TRIAL JURORS [12] It is the duty of the Jury to execute Justice and sometimes mercy,
their decisions cannot be second guessed. "...the jury shall have the right to determine the
law and the fact". New York Constitution Article 1. 8 As understood at common law
and as used in constitutional provision, "jury" imports body of twelve men. [State v.
Dalton, 206 N.C. 507, 174 S.E. 422, 424; People ex rel. Cooley v. Wilder, 255 N.Y.S.
218, 222, 234 App. Div. 256; Hall v. Brown, 129 Kan. 859, 284 P. 396.]
JURY NULLIFICATION "The jury has an unalienable right to judge both the law as well
as the fact in controversy." John Jay, 1st Chief Justice United States Supreme Court,
"The jury has the right to determine both the law and the facts." Samuel Chase, U.S.
Supreme Court Justice 1796, Signer of the unanimous Declaration
"The jury has the power to bring a verdict in the teeth of both law and fact." Oliver
Wendell Holmes, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1902.
Central to the history of trial by jury is the right of jurors to vote "not guilty" if the law is
unjust or unjustly applied. When jurors acquit a factually guilty defendant, we say that the
jury "nullified" the law. The Founding Fathers believed that juries in criminal trials had a
role to play as the "conscience of the community," and relied on juries' "nullifying" to hold
the government to the principles of the Constitution. "Trust in the jury is, after all, one of
the cornerstones of our entire criminal jurisprudence, and if that trust is without foundation
we must re-examine a great deal more than just the nullification doctrine." Judge David L.
Bazelon There may be no feature more distinctive of American legal culture than the
criminal trial jury. Americans have a deep and stubborn devotion to the belief that the guilt
or innocence of a person accused of crime can only be judged fairly by a "jury of his peers."
This notion is a particularly American one, although it was inherited from English common
law during the Colonial era.
KENTUCKY RESOLUTIONS. A series of resolutions drawn up by Jefferson, and
adopted by the legislature of Kentucky in 1799, protesting against the "alien and sedition
laws," declaring their illegality, announcing the strict constructionist theory of the federal
government, and declaring "nullification" to be "the rightful remedy."


JUSTICE It is the duty of the Justice to do justice. In common law, the title Justice given
in England to the judges of the king's bench and the common pleas, and in America to the
judges of the Supreme Court of the United States and of the appellate courts of many of the
states. In the most extensive sense of the word "justice" differs little from "virtue;" for it
includes within itself the whole circle of virtues. Yet the common distinction between them
is that that which, considered positively and in itself, is called "virtue," when considered
relatively and with respect to others has the name of "justice." But "justice," being in itself a
part of "virtue," is confined to things simply good or evil, and consists in a man's taking
such a proportion of them as he ought. [Bouvier]
THE SOURCE OF VIRTUE is found in Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to
touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all. Therefore a Justice is to
reflect divine qualities, as we read in Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things.
SHERIFF - America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our
freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln. The county
sheriff is the last line of defense when it comes to upholding and defending the
Constitution. The sheriffs duties and obligations go far beyond writing tickets, arresting
criminals and operating jails. The Sheriff also has an obligation to protect the Constitutional
rights of the citizens in our counties. This includes the right to free speech, the right to
assemble and the right to bear arms. Remember the oath.
Sheriffs took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, from enemies foreign AND
domestic. In the history of our world, it is government tyranny that has violated the
freedoms granted to us by our Creator more than any other. And it is the duty of the sheriff
to protect their counties from those that would take away our freedoms, both foreign AND
domestic whether it is a terrorist from Yemen or a bureaucrat from Washington, DC.
BAILIFF - Officers who perform the duties of sheriffs within liberties or privileged
jurisdictions, in which formerly the king's writ could not be executed by the sheriff. One to
whom some authority, care, guardianship, or jurisdiction is delivered, committed, or
entrusted; one who is deputed or appointed to take charge of another's affairs; an overseer


or superintendent; a keeper, protector, or guardian; a steward. Spellman. A sheriff's officer
or deputy. 1 Bl. Comm. 344. A court attendant.
It is the duty of all above to correct injustice in as much as it is in their power to do so. If
correction is not possible it is the duty of the court officer(s) to report the problem to the
protectors of the People, the Grand Jury, in whos hand justice has been entrusted.

Remedy of the people when rights violated
BE made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the
authority of the United States, SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND; and the JUDGES IN
EVERY STATE SHALL BE BOUND THEREBY, anything in the Constitution or laws
of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
USC 18 2382 MISPRISION OF TREASON - Whoever having knowledge of treason,
conceals and does not make known the same to some judge is guilty of treason for contempt
against the sovereign and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven
years, or both.
USC 18 201 BRIBERY - of any public official directly or indirectly gives, offers, or
promises anything of value to any person to influence any official act
USC 18 241 CONSPIRACY AGAINST RIGHTS - If two or more persons conspire to
injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State in the free exercise or
enjoyment of any right they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
years, or both
under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any
person in any State the deprivation of any rights shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than one year, or both;


USC 18 2071 - Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates,
obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, documents filed or deposited with any clerk or
officer of any court, shall be fined or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
USC 18 2076 CLERK IS TO FILE - Whoever, being a clerk willfully refuses or neglects
to make or forward any report, certificate, statement, or document as required by law, shall
be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State
subjects, or causes to be subjected, any person within the jurisdiction thereof to the
deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws,
shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law.
more persons in any State or Territory conspire for the purpose of depriving, either directly
or indirectly any persons rights the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the
recovery of damages against any one or more of the conspirators.
USC 42 1986 ACTION FOR NEGLECT TO PREVENT - Every person who, having
knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be done or are about to be committed, and
having power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of the same, neglects or
refuses so to do, if such wrongful act be committed, shall be liable to the party injured

Job 41:11 Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine. Ezek 18:4 Behold, all souls
are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: Exo 19:5 Now
therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a
peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: Psa 50:12 If I were
hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof. Prov 8:14
Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.


Our founders purposely placed the power of the Grand Jury in the Bill of Rights to make
it clear that it belongs to the people and the government is not to violate it. It is the
ultimate power of the people which allows them to consent or not to the actions of their
servant government. It also prevents government from unrighteous prosecutions by forcing
the government to seek permission from the people before criminal charges can be filed, if
the people refuse it cannot go forward. By understanding this principle it becomes clear that
the government has no authority to control your behavior and therefore neither do
legislators without your consent.
The Declaration of Independence says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure
these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed.
ALL MEN DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES whether they want to participate in the
institutions of men or not the United States Supreme Court confirmed this when they said:
, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not
bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." -- Cruden v.
Neale, 2 N.C. 338 May Term 1796.

There are only three ways a court can hear a criminal complaint: (1) One or more of the
people sign a sworn affidavit that they have been injured; (2) A prosecutor, on behalf of the
government brings an accusation before the Grand Jury and the Grand Jury either indicts or
does nothing; (3) The Grand Jury by its own will, can investigate merely on suspicion
that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance that it is not, and if it finds
wrongdoing it can present it to the court and it must go to trial no one can second guess the
Grand Jury, unless the Grand Jurys actions violate anothers unalienable rights.


PRINCIPLE OF LIBERTY - Consent and Jurisdiction, its all about Consent and
Jurisdiction. In order to possess liberty it is extremely important that you understand
consent: our servant government cannot do anything without your consent.
CONSENT OF AUTHORITY - We read in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold
these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit
of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed." Any authority our servants have is by
our consent, if they act outside their authority they are subject to criminal charges under US
Codes 42 and 18 and liable for damages under US Codes and common law.
CONSENT TO INDICT - The Fifth Amendment states; No person shall be held to
answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of
a Grand Jury therefore our servant government requires the people to get an indictment
(grand jury). Judges (servant) have no authority to make a ruling or a judgment on people
(master) without your consent. In legal terms when the judge asks you do you understand,
he means do you stand under the authority of this court? So when you say yes, you just
gave him/her jurisdiction over you!
ONLY PEOPLE CAN JUDGE - Our US Constitution only authorizes common law
courts aka courts of record. A court of record removes the power of the Judge to make a
ruling; his role is that of the administrator of the court. The final decision maker is the
tribunal who is either the sovereign plaintiff or a jury. Remember the servant cannot
rule over the master, Can the clay rule over the potter?
, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not
bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." [Cruden v. Neale]
Herein is Liberty if YOU do not give the court consent, they have no JURISDICTION
over YOU!
Under US Codes 42 and 18 when you are detained, without your consent, for violating a
statute, you have just been kidnapped and if the Judge sets a bail he just set a ransom and
when the prosecutor confirms the charges they are all part of a conspiracy and YOU can
put them in jail and sue them for damages. Its all about Consent and Jurisdiction


The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations,
policy and statutes are not the law, -- Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261 Legislated statutes
enforced upon the people in the name of law is a fraud. It has no authority and is without
mercy. Justice without mercy is Godless and therefore repugnant to our United States
Constitution. Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules,
regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and law to control the behavior
of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies but were never
given authority to control the behavior of the people as we read in a US Supreme court
decision. "All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and
void" Marbury -v-Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803).
Legislators simply do not have the authority to rule make. "Where rights secured by the
Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate
them" -- Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491 God breaks down the law as follows:
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord
our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none
other commandment greater than these. -- Mark 12:29-31 Although it is a sin, punishable
only by the Judge of the Universe, to break the commandment to love in your mind, words,
and deeds. It does not become a crime, punishable by man, until your words and deeds are
expressed in actions injure that another.
Thomas Jefferson said: I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too
much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. If one of the people exercises his
free will to carry a weapon, travel, practice law, park without depositing money in a meter,
use hemp, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, vitamins, minerals or any other substance for
medicinal or recreational purposes the legislators do not have the authority to impose a fine,
license or make a right a crime.


Only people are sovereign and have rights. Bureaucrats, in their capacity, are not sovereign
and have no rights. They have authority given by the people and are subject to the statutes.
"The state cannot diminish rights of the people." -- Hurtado v. People of the State of
California, 110 U.S. 516
"The assertion of federal rights, [Bill of Rights] when plainly and reasonably made, is not to
be defeated under the name of local practice". --Davis v. Wechsler, 263 US 22, 24.
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or
legislation which would abrogate them". -- Miranda v. Arizona, 384 US 436, 491.
"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of
constitutional rights". -- Sherer v. Cullen, 481 F 946.
Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; --
Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, 370 (Undersigned is Sovereign and no court has
challenged that status/standing)
To deprive the People of their sovereignty it is first necessary to get the People to agree to
submit to the authority of the entity they have created. That is done by getting them to claim
they are citizens of that entity (see Const. for the U.S.A., XIV Amendment, for the
definition of a citizen of the United States.)

"No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore." -- Murdock v.
Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105
"If the State converts a right (liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and
fee and engage in the right (liberty) with impunity." -- Shuttlesworth v. City of
Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 262


William Blackstone - a legal maxim Every right when with-held must have a remedy, and
every injury its proper redress In the third volume of his Commentaries, page 23,
Blackstone states two cases in which a remedy is afforded by mere operation of law. "In all
other cases," he says, it is a general and indisputable rule that where there is a legal right,
there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law whenever that right is invaded. And
afterwards, page 109 of the same volume, he says, I am next to consider such injuries as are
cognizable by the Courts of common law. And herein I shall for the present only remark
that all possible injuries whatsoever that did not fall within the exclusive cognizance of
either the ecclesiastical, military, or maritime tribunals are, for that very reason, within the
cognizance of the common law courts of justice, for it is a settled and invariable principle in
the laws of England that every right, when withheld, must have a remedy, and every injury
its proper redress" 5 U.S. 137, Marbury v. Madison "The Government of the United States
has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease
to deserve this high appellation if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested
legal right." Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)
that statutes which would deprive a citizen of the rights of person or property without a
regular trial, according to the course and usage of common law, would not be the law of the
land. Hoke vs. Henderson,15, N.C.15,25 AM Dec 677.
"...the right to be let alone the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by
civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon
the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a violation of
the Fourth Amendment". Olmstead v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928)

The court belongs to the sovereign, plaintiff (people). Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition,
page 318 defines the court as The person and suit of the sovereign; the place where the
sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue, wherever that may be. In the US Supreme Court
case Isbill v. Stovall the court was defined as "An agency of the sovereign created by it
directly or indirectly under its authority, consisting of one or more officers, established and


maintained for the purpose of hearing and determining issues of law and fact regarding
legal rights and alleged violations thereof, and of applying the sanctions of the law,
authorized to exercise its powers in the course of law at times and places previously
determined by lawful authority."

"Judicial notice, or knowledge upon which a judge is bound to act without having it proved
in evidence". Black's Law 4th edition Take Judicial notice of AMERICAN JURIS-
PRUDENCE BOOK 16: CONSTITUTION LAW SECTION which a judge is bound by
oath to obey.

"Since the constitution is intended for the observance of the judiciary as well as other
departments of government and the judges are sworn to support its provisions, the courts
are not at liberty to overlook or disregard its commands or counteract evasions thereof, it is
their duty in authorized proceedings to give full effect to the existing constitution and to
obey all constitutional provisions irrespective of their opinion as to the wisdom or the
desirability of such provisions and irrespective of the consequences, thus it is said that the
courts should be in our alert to enforce the provisions of the United States Constitution and
guard against their infringement by legislative fiat or otherwise in accordance with these
basic principles, the rule is fixed that the duty in the proper case to declare a law
unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be performed in accordance with the delivered
judgment of the tribunal before which the validity of the enactment it is directly drawn into
question. If the Constitution prescribes one rule and the statute another in a different rule, it
is the duty of the courts to declare that the Constitution and not the statute governs in cases
before them for judgment. -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 155:


This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance
thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound
thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
[US Constitution ]
Thus, the particular phraseology of the constitution of the United States confirms and
strengthens the principle, supposed to be essential to all written constitutions, that a law
repugnant to the constitution is void, and that courts, as well as other departments, are
bound by that instrument. after more than 200 years this decision still stands [Marbury v.
Madison 5 U.S. 137 (1803)]

All cases which have cited Marbury v. Madison case, to the Supreme Court have not ever
been over turned. See Shephard's Citation of Marbury v. Madison.
The constitution was ordained and established by the people for the United States of
America aka government. Therefore government was created by an act of the people.
Therefore the creation cannot trump the creator.
If any statement, within any law, which is passed, unconstitutional, the whole law is
unconstitutional. -- Marbury v. Madison: 5 US 137 (1803) Therefore no legislation
that statutes which would deprive a citizen of the rights of person or property without a
regular trial, according to the course and usage of common law, would not be the law of the
land. -- Hoke vs. Henderson,15, N.C.15,25 AM Dec 677.
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or
legislation which would abrogate them" Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491


Any constitutional provision intended to confer a benefit should be liberally construed in
favor in the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary. Then a constitution
should receive a literal interpretation in favor of the Citizen, is especially true, with respect
to those provisions which were designed to safeguard the liberty and security of the Citizen
in regard to person and property." --16Am Jur 2d: 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 97; Bary v. United
States - 273 US 128

"While an emergency cannot create power and no emergency justifies the violation of any
of the provisions of the United States Constitution or States Constitutions. Public
emergency such as economic depression for especially liberal construction of constitutional
powers and it has been declared that because of national emergency, it is the policy of the
courts of times of national peril, so liberally to construed the special powers vested in the
chief executive as to sustain an effectuate the purpose there of, and to that end also more
liberally to construed the constituted division and classification of the powers of the
coordinate branches of the government and in so far as may not be clearly inconsistent with
the constitution." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 98

"As to the construction, with reference to Common Law, an important cannon of
construction is that constitutions must be construed to reference to the Common Law." The
Common Law, so permitted destruction of the abatement of nuisances by summary
proceedings and it was never supposed that a constitutional provision was intended to
interfere with this established principle and although there is no common law of the United
States in a sense of a national customary law as distinguished from the common law of
England, adopted in the several states. In interpreting the Federal Constitution, recourse


may still be had to the aid of the Common Law of England. It has been said that without
reference to the common law, the language of the Federal Constitution could not be
understood." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 114

"Various facts of circumstances extrinsic to the constitution are often resorted to, by the
courts, to aid them and determining its meaning, as previously noted however, such
extrinsic aids may not be resorted to where the provision in the question is clear and
unambiguous in such a case the courts must apply the terms of the constitution as written
and they are not at liberty to search for meanings beyond the instrument." -- 16Am Jur 2d.,
Sec. 117

"In all instances, where the court exercises its power to invalidate legislation on
constitutional grounds, the conflict of the statute, with the constitution must be
irreconcilable. Thus a statute is not to be declared unconstitutional unless so inconsistent
with the constitution that it cannot be enforced without a violation thereof. A clear
incompatibility between law and the constitution must exist before the judiciary is justified
holding the law unconstitutional. This principle is of course in line with the rule that doubts
as the constitutionality should be resolved in favor of the constitutionality and the
beneficiary." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 255

Nisi prius courts rely on statutes, which is fiction of law, which seeks to control the
behavior of the sovereign people of New York, who are under common law, not statutes,
and who ordained and established the law. Therefore legislators cannot legislate the
behavior of the people.


"No provision of the Constitution is designed to be without effect, Anything that is in
conflict is null and void of law, Clearly, for a secondary law to come in conflict with the
supreme Law was illogical, for certainly, the supreme Law would prevail over all other
laws and certainly our forefathers had intended that the supreme Law would be the basis of
all law and for any law to come in conflict would be null and void of law, it would bare no
power to enforce, in would bare no obligation to obey, it would purport to settle as if it had
never existed, for unconstitutionality would date from the enactment of such a law, not from
the date so branded in an open court of law, no courts are bound to uphold it, and no
Citizens are bound to obey it. It operates as a near nullity or a fiction of law."
"The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations,
policy and statutes are not the law, -- Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261

"The general rule is that a unconstitutional statute, whether Federal or State, though having
the form and name of law as in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any
purpose since unconstitutionality dates from the enactment and not merrily from the date of
the decision so braining it. An unconstitutional law in legal contemplation is as inoperative
as if it never had been passed. Such a statute lives a question that is purports to settle just as
it would be had the statute not ever been enacted. No repeal of an enactment is necessary,
since an unconstitutional law is void. The general principles follows that it imposes no duty,
converse no rights, creates no office, bestows no power of authority on anyone, affords no
protection and justifies no acts performed under it. A contract which rests on an
unconstitutional statute creates no obligation to be impaired by subsequent legislation. No
one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law. No courts are bound to enforce it. Persons
convicted and fined under a statute subsequently held unconstitutional may recover the
fines paid. A void act cannot be legally inconsistent with a valid one and an unconstitutional
law cannot operate to supersede an existing valid law. Indeed, in so far as a statute runs
counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. Since an
unconstitutional statute cannot repeal, or in any way effect an existing one, if a repealing
statute is unconstitutional, the statute which it attempts to repeal, remains in full force and
effect and where a statute in which it attempts to repeal remains in full force and effect and


where a clause repealing a prior law is inserted in the act, which act is unconstitutional and
void, the provision of the repeal of the prior law will usually fall with it and will not be
permitted to operate as repealing such prior law. The general principle stated above applied
to the constitution as well as the laws of the several states insofar as they are repugnant to
the constitution and laws of the United States." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 256

"On the other hand it is clear that Congress cannot by authorization or ratification give the
slightest effect to a state law or constitution which is in conflict with the Constitution of the
United States." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 258

"Although it is manifested that an unconstitutional provision in the statute is not cured
because included in the same act with valid provisions and that there is no degree of
constitutionality." -- 16Am Jur 2d., Sec. 260

"A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal
Constitution and that a flat license tax here involves restraints in advance the constitutional
liberties of Press and Religion and inevitably tends to suppress their existence. That the
ordinance is non-discriminatory and that is applies also to peddlers of wares and
merchandise is immaterial. The liberties granted by the first amendment are and in a
preferred position. Since the privilege in question is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution
and exists independently of the states authority, the inquiry as to whether the state has
given something for which it cannot ask a return, is irrelevant. No state may convert any
secured liberty into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it." -- Mudook v. Penn. 319
US 105:(1943)


"If the state does convert your right into a privilege and issue a license and a fee for it, you
can ignore the license and a fee and engage the right with impunity." -- Shuttlesworth v.
Birmingham AI. 373 US 262:(1962)

'The right of action created by statute relating to deprivation under color of law, of a right
secured by the constitution and the laws of the United States and comes claims which are
based solely on statutory violations of Federal Law and applied to the claim that claimants
had been deprived of their rights, in some capacity, to which they were entitled." -- Owen
v.lndependence 100 Vol. Supreme Court Reports. 1398:(1982); Main v. Thiboutot 100
Vol. Supreme Court Reports. 2502:(1982)
Title 18 US Code Sec. 241 & Sec. 242 "If upon conviction, you are subject to a $10,000.00
fine, ten years in jail, or both, and if theft results, life in prison." Title 42 US Code Sec.
1983, Sec. 1985, & Sec. 1986 Clearly established the right to sue anyone who violates your
constitutional rights. The Constitution guarantees: he who would unlawfully jeopardize
your property loses property to you, and that's what justice is all about. "Judge are deemed
to know the law and are sworn to uphold it and can hardly claim that they acted in good
faith for willful deformation of a law and certainly cannot pled ignorance of the law, for that
would make the law look unintelligent for a knowledgeable judge to claim ignorance of a
law, when a Citizen on the street cannot claim ignorance of the law. Therefore, there is no
judicial immunity."

The operative word is "establish" and ordain. The People existed in their own individual
sovereignty before the constitution was enabled. When the People "establish" a constitution,
there is nothing in the word "establish" that signifies that they have yielded any of their
sovereignty to the agency they have created. To interpret otherwise would convert the
republic into a democracy (Republic vs. Democracy).


We the people are a Republic, not a democracy which is just the first step to an Oligarchy.
REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in
the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives
chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. -- In re Duncan, 139
U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22
L.Ed. 627. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 626
DEMOCRACY GOVERNMENT. That form of government in which the sovereign
power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly
through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or
oligarchy. -- Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, p. 388; Bond v. U.S. SCOTUS
recognizes personal sovereignty, June 16, 2011

"It is the duty of the courts to be watchful for the Constitutional rights of the citizen and
against any stealthy encroachments thereon" -- Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 635
"It will be an evil day for American Liberty if the theory of a government outside supreme
law finds lodgment in our constitutional jurisprudence. No higher duty rests upon this Court
than to exert its full authority to prevent all violations of the principles of the Constitution."
-- Downs v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)
We (judges) have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than
to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution."
-- Cohen v. Virginia, (1821), 6 Wheat. 264 and U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200
"It may be that it is the obnoxious thing in its mildest form; but illegitimate and
unconstitutional practices get their first footing in that way; namely, by silent approaches
and slight deviations from legal modes of procedure. This can only be obviated by adhering
to the rule that constitutional provisions for the security of persons and property should be
liberally construed. A close and literal construction deprives them of half their efficacy, and


leads to gradual depreciation of the right, as if it consisted more in sound than in substance.
It is the duty of the Courts to be watchful for the Constitutional Rights of the Citizens, and
against any stealthy encroachments thereon. Their motto should be Obsta Principiis." --
Boyd v. United, 116 U.S. 616 at 635 (1885)

AT LAW. Bouvier's Law, 1856 Edition. This phrase is used to point out that a thing is to
be done according to the course of the common law; it is distinguished from a proceeding in
Any court that ignores due process, all statutory courts ignore due process, is not a common
law court, common law courts are courts of record in all courts of record the tribunal is
the sovereign plaintiff(s) of the court or the Jury. The Justice is the administrator and
reflects the wish of the sovereign, or jury, because the people rule not government servants.
The following Law of the Land proves this point.
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance
thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United
States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound
thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
"Law of the land," "due course of law," and "due process of law" are synonymous. --
People v. Skinner, Cal., 110 P.2d 41, 45; State v. Rossi, 71 R.I. 284, 43 A.2d 323, 326;
Direct Plumbing Supply Co. v. City of Dayton, 138 Ohio St. 540, 38 N.E.2d 70, 72, 137
A.L.R. 1058; Stoner v. Higginson, 316 Pa. 481, 175 A. 527, 531.
In a court of record the acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled, whereas, in courts not of
record, the proceedings are not enrolled. The privilege of having these enrolled memorials
constitutes the great leading distinction between courts of record and courts not of record.
To be a court of record a court must have four characteristics, and may have a fifth; they


1) A judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the
person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it -- Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App.
220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See,
also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689 Black's Law Dictionary,
4th Ed., 425, 426 Judges are magistrates N.Y. CRC. LAW 30 : NY Code - Section
2) Proceeding according to the course of common law -- Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App.
220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See,
also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689][Black's Law Dictionary,
4th Ed., 425, 426
3) Its acts and judicial proceedings are enrolled, or recorded, for a perpetual memory and
testimony. -- 3 Bl. Comm. 24; 3 Steph. Comm. 383; The Thomas Fletcher, C.C.Ga.,
24 F. 481; Ex parte Thistleton, 52 Cal 225; Erwin v. U.S., D.C.Ga., 37 F. 488, 2
L.R.A. 229; Heininger v. Davis, 96 Ohio St. 205, 117 N.E. 229, 231
4) Has power to fine or imprison for contempt. -- 3 Bl. Comm. 24; 3 Steph. Comm.
383; The Thomas Fletcher, C.C.Ga., 24 F. 481; Ex parte Thistleton, 52 Cal 225;
Erwin v. U.S., D.C.Ga., 37 F. 488, 2 L.R.A. 229; Heininger v. Davis, 96 Ohio St. 205,
117 N.E. 229, 231.][Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., 425, 426
5) Generally possesses a seal. -- 3 Bl. Comm. 24; 3 Steph. Comm. 383; The Thomas
Fletcher, C.C.Ga., 24 F. 481; Ex parte Thistleton, 52 Cal 225; Erwin v. U.S.,
D.C.Ga., 37 F. 488, 2 L.R.A. 229; Heininger v. Davis, 96 Ohio St. 205, 117 N.E. 229,
231.][Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., 425, 426
The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the
rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. -- Lansing v. Smith, 4
Wend. 9 (N.Y.) (1829), 21 Am. Dec. 89 10C Const. Law Sec. 298; 18 C Em.Dom. Sec. 3,
228; 37 C Nav.Wat. Sec. 219; Nuls Sec. 167; 48 C Wharves Sec. 3, 7.
"A consequence of this prerogative is the legal ubiquity of the king. His majesty in the eye
of the law is always present in all his courts, though he cannot personally distribute justice."
(Fortesc.c.8. 2Inst.186) "His judges are the mirror by which the king's image is reflected." -
Blackstone's Commentaries, 270.


Judges are under the illusion that they have absolute immunity but all the cases that are
cited making such a claim are without authority [people] and will fail in the federal and
state courts in a court of record. Only the people are sovereign, all servants are under
statutes and therefore liable to USC 18 and 42. "Where there is no jurisdiction, there can be
no discretion", they are not above the law when they commit a crime they will go to jail and
are subject to civil suits. "No man in this country is so high that he is above the law. No
officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All the officers of the
government, from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law and are bound to obey
it.... It is the only supreme power in our system of government, and every man who, by
accepting office participates in its functions, is only the more strongly bound to submit to
that supremacy, and to observe the limitations which it imposes on the exercise of the
authority which it gives." -- U.S. v. Lee, 106 U.S. 196, 220 1 S. Ct. 240, 261, 27 L. Ed 171
There is a general rule that a ministerial officer who acts wrongfully, although in good
faith, is nevertheless liable in a civil action and cannot claim the immunity of the
sovereign. Cooper v. O'Conner, 99 F.2d 133
Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the Constitution of the United States wars
against that Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land.
The judge is engaged in acts of treason. -- Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401
A judge must be acting within his jurisdiction as to subject matter and person, to be
entitled to immunity from civil action for his acts. -- Davis v. Burris, 51 Ariz. 220, 75
P.2d 689 (1938)
"The courts are not bound by an officer's interpretation of the law under which he presumes
to act." -- Hoffsomer v. Hayes, 92 Okla 32, 227 F. 417
"Where there is no jurisdiction, there can be no discretion, for discretion is incident to
jurisdiction." -- Piper v. Pearson, 2 Gray 120, cited in Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall. 335,
20 L.Ed. 646 (1872)


"The term [liberty] ... denotes not merely freedom from bodily restraint but also the right of
the individual to contract, to engage in any of the common occupations of life, to acquire
useful knowledge, to marry, to establish a home and bring up children, to worship God
according to the dictates of this own conscience... The established doctrine is that this
liberty may not be interfered with, under the guise of protecting public interest, by
legislative action." -- Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399, 400.
A State cannot exclude a person from the practice of law or from any other occupation in a
manner or for reasons that contravene the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment. -- Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners, 353 U.S. 232 (1957)
"There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of his exercise of
Constitutional Rights." [Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 2d 946 (1973)]
"The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state/State." -- Schware v. Board of
Examiners, United State Reports 353 U.S. pages 238, 239.
"The practice of law is an occupation of common right." -- Sims v. Aherns, 271 SW 720
"The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, are not to be defeated
under the name of local practice." -- Davis v. Wechler, 263 U.S. 22, 24; Stromberb v.
California, 283 U.S. 359; NAACP v. Alabama, 375 U.S. 449
"... the right to file a lawsuit pro se is one of the most important rights under the constitution
and laws." -- Elmore v. McCammon (1986) 640 F. Supp. 905

Litigants can be assisted by unlicensed laymen during judicial proceedings. --
Brotherhood of Trainmen v. Virginia ex rel. Virginia State Bar, 377 U.S. 1; v.
Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335; Argersinger v. Hamlin, Sheriff 407 U.S. 425
A next friend is a person who represents someone who is unable to tend to his or her own
interest. -- Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, Rule 17, 28 USCA "Next Friend


Members of groups who are competent non-lawyers can assist other members of the group
achieve the goals of the group in court without being charged with "unauthorized practice of
law." -- NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415); United Mineworkers of America v. Gibbs,
383 U.S. 715; and Johnson v. Avery, 89 S. Ct. 747 (1969)
"There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not
bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent." -- Cruden v.
Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E.
"Under our system of government upon the individuality and intelligence of the citizen, the
state does not claim to control him/her, except as his/her conduct to others, leaving him/her
the sole judge as to all that affects himself/herself." -- Mugler v. Kansas 123 U.S. 623,
"The assertion of federal rights, when plainly and reasonably made, is not to be defeated
under the name of local practice." -- Davis v. Wechsler, 263 US 22, at 24
"A State may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal
Constitution." -- Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105, at 113.
"The State cannot diminish rights of the people." [Hertado v. California, 110 U.S. 516]
"The Claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted into a crime." --
Miller v. U.S., 230 F 2d 486. 489
"If the state converts a liberty into a privilege the citizen can engage in the right with
impunity" -- Shuttlesworth v Birmingham , 373 USs 262

Liberty is mastered in three powers 1. Light (God) 2. Justice synonymous with virtue
(Judicial process) 3. Rule of destiny (political process): Remove any one and you lose
Liberty. America has lost its way and only a virtuous people can guide her back. And, so to
that end the People by the mercy of God have rediscovered the common [natural] law grand
jury and with His blessings shall return America to her roots again.
VIRTUE, maxims of law avow that justice and virtue are synonymous. Before a man can
implement justice he must first possess virtue which the Bible declares flows from the Lord
alone (Luke 6:19) and defines virtue as whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure,


lovely, and of good report (Phil 4:8) the Lord further expounds saying the wisdom that is
from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (James 3:17) and that he that follows
after it establishes righteousness, and honor (Prov 21:21).
Thomas Jefferson understood this when he said: "God who gave us life gave us liberty.
And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm
basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that These liberties are of the gift of God?
That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when
I reflect that God is just that His justice cannot sleep forever".
George Washington understood this when he said: "The favorable smiles of Heaven can
never be expected on a nation that disregards The eternal rules of order and right which
Heaven itself has ordained".
Benjamin Franklin understood this when he said: "Only a virtuous people are capable of
freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters".
John Adams understood this when he said: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral
and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other".
Patrick Henry understood this when he said: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or
too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on
religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here".
James Madison understood this when he said: "We have staked the whole future of
American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the
future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government;
upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain
ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God".
Noah Webster understood this when he said: "No truth is more evident to my mind than
that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights
and privileges of a free people". (Father of American Scholarship and Education)


14th Amendment Article I, section 1 - All persons born or naturalized in the United States,
and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State
wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the
privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any
person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person
within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
NATION In American constitutional law the word "state" is applied to the several members
of the American Union, while the word "nation" is applied to the whole body of the people
embraced within the jurisdiction of the federal government. -- Cooley, Const.Lim. 1;
Texas v. White, 7 Wall. 720, 19 L. Ed. 227.
PRIVILEGE [Black's Law 4th edition, 1891] is merely an accessory of the debt which it
secures, and falls with the extinguishment of the debt.
PERSONS [Black's Law 4th edition, 1891] are divided by Law into natural and artificial. ...
"corporations" or "bodies politic." Quasi municipal corporations - Bodies politic and
corporate, created for the sole purpose of performing one or more municipal functions.
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
PEOPLE are supreme, not the state. Waring vs. the Mayor of Savanah; The state cannot
diminish rights of the people. Hertado v. California; the Revolution, the sovereignty
devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are
sovereigns without subjects...with none to govern but themselves. -- CHISHOLM v.
The people of this State, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the
rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative. -- Lansing v. Smith
ORDAIN to enact a constitution or law. -- State v. Dallas City
KING is the sovereign, ruler, holds the highest executive power, aka the People;


Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law;
but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government,
sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists
and acts And the law is the definition and limitation of power -- Yick Wo v. Hopkins

While most people in America recognize the sheriff as the chief law enforcement officer
(CLEO) for the county, they would be surprised to know that the office of sheriff has a
proud history that spans well over a thousand years, from the early Middle Ages to our own
"high-tech" era.
THE BEGINNING: THE MIDDLE AGES - More than 1,300 years ago in England,
small groups of Anglo-Saxons lived in rural communities similar to modern day towns.
Often at war, they decided to better organize themselves for defense. Sometime before the
year 700, they formed a system of local self-government based on groups of ten. Each of
the towns divided into groups of ten families, called tithing. Each tithing elected a leader
called a tithing man. The next level of government was a group of ten tithings (or 100
families), and this group elected its own chief. The Anglo-Saxon word for chief was gerefa,
later shortened to reeve. During the next two centuries, groups of hundreds banded together
to form a new, higher unit of government called the shire. The shire was the forerunner of
the modern county. Each shire had a chief (reeve) as well, and the more powerful official
became known as a shire-reeve. The word shire-reeve became the modern English word
sheriff - the chief of the county. The sheriff maintained law and order within his own
county with the assistance of the citizens. When the sheriff sounded the hue and cry that a
criminal was at-large, anyone who heard the alarm was responsible for bringing the
criminal to justice. This principle of citizen participation survives today in the procedure
known as posse comitatus.
THE OFFICE GROWS - English government eventually became more centralized under
the power of a single ruler, the king. The king distributed huge tracts of land to noblemen,
who governed the land under the king's authority. The office of sheriff was no longer
elected but appointed by the noblemen for the counties they controlled. In those areas not
consigned to noblemen, the king appointed his own sheriffs. After the Battle of Hastings in
1066, Englands rule fell to the Normans (France) who seized and centralized all power


under the Norman king and his appointees. The sheriff became the agent of the king, and
among his new duties was tax collection. This dictatorial rule by a series of powerful kings
became intolerable, and in 1215, an army of rebellious noblemen forced the despotic King
John to sign the Magna Carta. This important document restored a number of rights to the
noblemen and guaranteed certain basic freedoms. The text of the Magna Carta mentioned
the important role of the sheriff nine times.
Over the next few centuries, the sheriff remained the leading law enforcement officer of the
county. It was an honor to be appointed sheriff, but it was costly. If the people of the county
did not pay the full amount of their taxes and fines, the sheriff was required to make up the
difference out of his own pocket. He also had to provide lavish entertainment for judges and
visiting dignitaries at his own expense.
THE SHERIFF CROSSES THE ATLANTIC - The first American counties were
established in Virginia in 1634, and records show that one of these counties elected a sheriff
in 1651. Most other colonial sheriffs were appointed. Just as the noblemen in medieval
England, large American landowners appointed sheriffs to enforce the law in the areas they
controlled and to protect their lands. American sheriffs were not expected to pay
extraordinary expenses, however, and some actually made money from the job. Throughout
the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, colonial and state legislatures assigned a broad
range of responsibilities to the sheriff which included the familiar role of law enforcement
and tax collection. Other duties were new, such as overseeing jails, houses of corrections
and work houses.
As Americans moved westward, so did the office of sheriff and the use of jails. Settlers
desperately needed the sheriff to establish order in the lawless territories where power
belonged to those with the fastest draw and the most accurate shot. Most western sheriffs,
however, kept the peace by virtue of their authority. With a few exceptions, sheriffs resorted
to firepower much less often than we have seen depicted in movies and on TV.
THE SHERIFF TODAY - There are over 3,000 counties in the United States, and almost
every one of them has a sheriff, except for Alaska. Some cities, such as Denver, St. Louis,
Richmond and Baltimore, have sheriffs as well. The office of sheriff is established either by
the state constitution or by an act of state legislature. There are only two states in which the
sheriff is not elected by the voters. In Rhode Island, sheriffs are appointed by the governor;
in Hawaii, deputy sheriffs serve in the Department of Public Safety's Sheriff's Division.


There is really no such thing as a "typical" sheriff. Some sheriffs still have time to drop by
the town coffee shop to chat with the citizens each day, while others report to an office in a
skyscraper and manage a department whose budget exceeds that of many corporations.
However, most sheriffs have certain roles and responsibilities in common.
Law Enforcement. A sheriff always has the power to make arrests within his or her own
county. Some states extend this authority to adjacent counties or to the entire state. Many
sheriffs' offices also perform routine patrol functions such as traffic control, accident
investigations, and transportation of prisoners. Larger departments may perform criminal
investigations, and some unusually large sheriffs' offices command an air patrol, a mounted
patrol, or a marine patrol. Sheriffs still enlist the aid of the citizens. The National
Neighborhood Watch Program, sponsored by the National Sheriffs' Association, allows
citizens and law enforcement officials to cooperate in keeping communities safe. This is
why the new mission of the Indiana Sheriffs Association and slogan is Building
Communities of Trust in ALL 92 Indiana Counties.
As the sheriff's law enforcement duties become more extensive and complex, new career
opportunities exist for people with specialized skills: underwater diving, piloting, boating,
skiing, radar technology, communications, computer technology, accounting, emergency
medicine, and foreign languages (especially Spanish, French, and Vietnamese.)
Court Duties. Sheriffs are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the court.
A sheriff or deputy may be required to attend all court sessions; to act as bailiff; to take
charge of juries whenever they are outside the courtroom; to serve court papers; to extradite
prisoners; to collect taxes, or to perform other court-related functions.
Jail Administration. Most sheriffs' offices maintain and operate county jails or other
detention centers, community corrections facilities such as work-release, and halfway
houses. Sheriffs are responsible for supervising inmates, protecting their rights and
providing food, clothing, exercise, recreation and medical services. As jail conditions
continue to improve, sheriffs and their departments are earning increased respect and
recognition as professionals. Law enforcement is becoming increasingly complex. For the
progressive, forward-looking sheriffs' offices of today, education and training are the keys
to effective job performance. Today's sheriff is likely to have a college degree, a graduate
degree in criminal justice, law or public administration, and several years' experience in the
criminal justice system.


The Indiana Sheriffs Association (ISA), under the leadership of Executive Director
Stephen P. Luce, is dedicated to working with ISA membership to insure that the men and
women who protect and serve the citizens of Indiana are the best trained and most qualified.
President Ronald Reagan stressed the importance of the modern sheriff in his address to the
National Sheriffs' Association on June 21, 1984. He said, "Thank you for standing up for
this nation's dream of personal freedom under the rule of law. Thank you for standing
against those who would transform that dream into a nightmare of wrongdoing and
lawlessness. And thank you for your service to your communities, to your country, and to
the cause of law and justice."
Justice Scalia writing for the majority in a 1997 decision said that the "States are not subject
to federal direction" and that the US Congress only had "discreet and enumerated powers"
and that federal impotency was "rendered express" by the Tenth Amendment, he confirmed
that the Sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) of the county and also
proclaimed that the States "retained an inviolable sovereignty." Scalia went even further in
this landmark decision, one in which two small-town sheriffs headed the Feds "off at the
pass" and sent them on their way. Scalia, in his infinite obligation to the Constitution, took
this entire ruling to the tenth power when he said, "The Constitution protects us from our
own best intentions... so that we may resist the temptation to concentrate power in one
location as an expedient solution to the crisis of the day." Obviously the Sheriff is the
Peoples last line of defense against a government gone rouge.

"I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves;
and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by
education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power." -- Thomas
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the
preservation of our liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson
"An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-
government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to


exercise oversight. It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education
be provided for all its citizens. It should be noted, that when Jefferson speaks of "science,"
he is often referring to knowledge or learning in general." -- Thomas Jefferson
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never
was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson
In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that
the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of
government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government
"governed" and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its
authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams.
In reality there is only one Grand Jury within a state with locations in each county. We can
draw off the jury pool from any county if necessary. When the administrators of each
county come together on an issue they can use the seal of each county on an arbitration or
presentment document which can produce extraordinary results.
But in order to be successful we must first seek the blessings from the "GOVERNOR OF
THE UNIVERSE" and build our endeavor upon Him and His principles (1) HONOR, (2)
JUSTICE, and (3) MERCY. This is the only sure foundation; any other will succumb to
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate
to the government of any other." -- John Adams
"Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants." -- Benjamin Franklin
mercy and Grace of God having blessed us with the unalienable right of the people as
Grand Jurors, secured by the V Amendment of the Bill of Rights for the United States of
America, in order to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, secure the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our posterity by the securing of Natural Law do ordain and establish
this Grand Jury principled upon Justice, Honor and Grace for a perpetual administration of
trust on behalf of the people.
DUTY OF THE "COMMON LAW" GRAND JURY - If anyones unalienable rights
have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands,


home, liberties or lawful right, we [the twenty-five] shall straightway restore them. And if a
dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the
twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace. -- MAGNA CARTA, JUNE 15, A.D.
1215, 52.
JURIST OATHS. I vow to the Governor of the Universe, in my capacity as Jurist, to
insure that all public servants uphold the US Constitution and Bill of Prohibitions (Rights);
and to carry out all of my deliberating under Natural Law; principled under Justice, Honor,
and Mercy; And to strictly adhere to the following two legal maxims: (1) Every right when
with-held must have a remedy, and every injury its proper redress, and (2) In the absence
of a victim there can be no crime corpus delecti; the State cannot be the victim. It is the
duty of all the People to share in the governing of them-selves and to secure their
government by participating as a Jurist.
THINK ABOUT THIS! If we the people can reinstate Justice and demand that elected
officials and bureaucrats obey the law or be indicted, we would have then succeeded in
reinstating the Constitution!
Only the People can stand up and defend the Constitution because the Constitution cannot
defend itself, and bureaucrats will never do it

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do
not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to
the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy
throughout the world." -- Daniel Webster
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of
tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. -- William Pitt, Nov. 18, 1783
"I would rather be exposed to the inconvenience attending too much Liberty than those
attending too small degree of it." -- Thomas Jefferson


Our mission is to restore the people to sovereignty through knowledge, and only then will
they be armed with the virtue to take political and judicial power. The people have it in their
power to disarm and defeat the enemy of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only
understood the principles of freedom and stand upon them.
To take political power is to control our elected representatives, by bringing them into
obedience through fear of the people; this is accomplished by understanding the office of
and becoming elected committeemen, and then execute the powers. It's that simple!
To take judicial power is to control our courts by understanding jurisdiction and bringing
into subjection all government officers and officials using common law courts by opening
courts of record and executing "people" authority, it's that simple!
But, to successfully apply political and judicial power you must have a sense of justice and
mercy which is synonymous with virtue. And to get virtue you need to have a relationship
with your creator. If everyone exercised these principles America could shake off the chains
of tyranny, reinstate our republic, and bring down the NWO "literally overnight". This is the
only way to save the nation, without power you are powerless! Join our endeavor and save
our Republic, one people at a time!
We are Non Partisan - A partisan person is one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted
to party positions. Therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution. George
Washington warned us against political parties he said they only succeed in pitting one
group against another.
The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional crisis, for it to
be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of our constitutional republic.
The genius of the progressive movement is their exploitation of partisan politics, which they
created, to subvert our constitution. Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous whose
primary objective is to reinstate the constitution, to be partisan would be counterproductive.
Traditional power structures are orchestrated and designed to harness grassroots
movements they must always be suspect and will be proven corrupt if they are partisan -
divisive - take control of choosing candidates.


Grassroots are founded local, control is local and most events are local. To collaborate
with distant groups are necessary for unity but if events become dictated by them you are no
longer grassroots.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -- Edmund

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never was and never will be. -
- Thomas Jefferson
The favorable smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards The
eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained. -- George Washington
God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure
when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that
These liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath?
Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just that His justice cannot sleep
forever. -- Thomas Jefferson
The worship of God is a duty. -- Benjamin Franklin
The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army, Our
cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most
abject submission, We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die. -- George Washington
I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine
interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to
believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our
Revolution, or That they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able
to protect them. -- George Washington
Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they
have more need of masters. -- Benjamin Franklin


Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate
to the government of any other. -- John Adams
Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but It is religion and morality
alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only
foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue; and if this cannot be inspired into our people
in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of
government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty. They will only exchange tyrants and
tyrannies. -- John Adams
The safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and Essentially depend on the protection and
blessing of Almighty God; and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an
indispensable duty, which the people owe to him, but a duty whose natural influence is
favorable to the Promotion of that morality and piety, without which social happiness
cannot exist, nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed. -- John Adams
Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.
Religion and Morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally
enjoin it?Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation
with its virtue? -- George Washington
Nothing can contribute to true happiness that is inconsistent with duty; nor can a course of
action conformable to it, be finally without an ample reward. For, God governs; and he is
good. -- Benjamin Franklin
Happiness, whether in despotism or democracy, whether in slavery or liberty, can never be
found without virtue. -- John Adams
It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by
religionists, but by Gods children; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For
this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom
of worship here. -- Patrick Henry
It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homageBefore any man can be
considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the
Governor of the Universe -- James Madison


We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of
government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon
the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to
govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves According to the Ten
Commandments of God -- James Madison
Religion, or the duty we owe to our Creator, and manner of discharging it, can be directed
only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; -- James Madison
Let it simply be asked where is the security for prosperity, for reputation, for life, if the
sense of Religious obligation desert the oaths, which are The instruments of investigation in
the Courts of Justice? -- George Washington
And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without
religion. -- George Washington
Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar
structure, reason and experience both Forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail
in exclusion of religious principle. George Washington
Tis substantially true, that Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government.
George Washington
Though, in reviewing the incidents of my Administration, I am unconscious of intentional
error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have
committed many errors. Whatever they may be I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or
mitigate the evils to which they may tend. George Washington
Congress and President George Washington in 1789 passed the "United States Annotated
Code", Article III which states: Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good
government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever
be encouraged.

In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which
all children, under a free government ought to be instructed No truth is more evident to


my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to
secure the rights and privileges of a free people. - The "Father of American Scholarship
and Education." Noah Webster
The brief exposition of the constitution of the United States, will unfold to young person's
the principles of republican government; and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our
citizens should early understand that The genuine source of correct republican principles is
the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. - Noah Webster
The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles,
which enjoins humility, piety, and benevolence; which acknowledges in every person a
brother, or a sister, and a citizen with equal rights. This is genuine Christianity, and to this
we owe our free Constitutions of Government. - Noah Webster
The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all
of our civil constitutions and laws All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice,
crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from their despising or
neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible. - Noah Webster
When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be
impressed on your mind that. The preservation of a republican God commands you to
choose for rulers just men who will rule in the fear of God government depends on the
faithful discharge of this duty; - Noah Webster
If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will
soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or
local purposes; - Noah Webster
Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven upon a
country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this.
By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins, by national
calamities. - George Mason, father of our Bill of Rights, 1787


Common Law is our Heritage! Liberty is our inheritance! We the people have been lulled
asleep; we have been robbed and persuaded to sell our birth right. Whoso looketh into the
perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of
the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. James 1:25
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get
understanding. Prov 4:7


We the people by the mercy and grace of God ordained with certain unalienable rights,
among them the right to form and exercise this 25 people Grand Jury in the spirit of the
Magna Carta and our founding fathers and in obedience to God for this county on behalf
of the people, having recorded our authority with the County Clerk and the State
Supreme Court Chief Clerk by which we act in order to establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity by the securing of
Natural Law and thereby returning Justice, Honor, and Grace for a perpetual
administration of trust on behalf of the people hereby defined in the handbook; let
the wicked perish at the presence of God. Psalm 68:2.

NATURAL LAW - love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. - Mat

For more information; Free audio, video, and written courses on Liberty; To register as a jurist
in your county or contact information for your local Common Law Grand Jury visit our website.

2014 - National Liberty Alliance

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