The Problem of Alcohol-Fuelled Violence in Australia and Effective Australian Policy Interventions

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vinnie Ngo


Since Euiopean settlement, uiinking alcohol has been an Austialian pastime,
souiceu in tiauitional uiinking iituals (Lewis 1992) anu coucheu within iueals
of 'mateship' anu 'woik ethic' (Roche et al. 2uu7). Piimaiily consumeu in
licenseu venues, oi when venues aie concentiateu geogiaphically,
'enteitainment piecincts' (Biiscoe 2uu1; Winlow & Ball 2uu6), uiinking foims
an intiinsic pait of oui cultuie, peifoiming ioles as a ielaxant, an
accompaniment to socialising; anu a geneiatoi of tax ievenue. Pubs, bais anu
clubs aie social meeting places, which, in an iueal woilu, shoulu be convivial
anu fiienuly. Recently howevei, Austialians have voiceu concein about the
pioblem of alcohol-fuelleu violence in these meeting places (Winlow & Ball
2uu6; uiaham & Bomel 2uu8; White & Wyn 2u1S). The meuia focuses on
violent assaults aiising in oui enteitainment piecincts on a Fiiuay anu
Satuiuay night, emphasising a 'uiunken' uiinking cultuie anu its aggiessive
uiunken offenuei as the main culpiit of innei city violence (Pilgiim 2u1S). The
stiain of this violence on the police, community anu health iesouices has
intensifieu piessuie on the goveinment, stakeholueis; anu the bioauei
community to auuiess this pioblem (Pascal et al. 2uu9; 0veilanu 2uu9).

The essay will begin by outlining the pioblem; anu then go on to evaluate the
inteiplay between alcohol, violence anu cultuie. Then anu peihaps most
impoitantly, the essay will analyse effective Austialian inteiventions; anu piopose
that an integiative thiee-piongeu appioach is iequiieu to auuiess this pioblem.

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Stieet assault is a foim of inteipeisonal violence, taking place outsiue the home,
anu amongst inuiviuuals who may oi may not know each othei (Kiuue et al. 2uu2).
This type of assault has tiauitionally occupieu most police anu couit attention
(White & Peiione 2u11). It is this 'violence' that is the subject of this essay.

vinnie Ngo

An infoimeu unueistanuing of the pioblem is paiamount in guiuing oui ability to
iesponu effectively. The staiting point is analysis of oui uiinking patteins. In
Austialia, the piopoition of people uiinking at a high iisk has incieaseu ovei the
past uecaue (ABS 2uu6). In paiticulai, males consume alcohol at highei iisk
quantities; anu uo so moie fiequently than females (NBSB 2u1u). Expeiimental
stuuies eviuence that incieaseu alcohol consumption incieases aggiession,
paiticulaily among men (uiancola et al. 2uu2). It is theiefoie no coinciuence that
men account foi a laigei piopoition of injuiies in Emeigency Bepaitments ('EBs')
uuiing high alcohol houis (i.e. 12am-S:S9am) (Nillei et al. 2u11). Effective
iesponses theiefoie, eithei ieuuce the occasions in which the community uiinks to
intoxication, oi ieuuces total community alcohol consumption. These measuies
have consistently been founu to be the most effective means to ieuuce alcohol-
ielateu violence (Baboi et al. 2u1u; Chikiitzhs et al. 2uuS; Nillei et al. 2u11). The
pievention paiauox lenus fuithei suppoit to this pioposition, foi although the
heaviest uiinkeis piesent the gieatei iisk foi violent behavioui, they contiibute to
less than half of violent behavioui (Rossow anu Romelso 2uu6). Theiefoie
inteiventions taigeting entiie populations aie most effective (Skogg 1999).

0nueistanuing the changing factois that influence oui uiinking patteins is also
impoitant in implementing effective long-teim iesponses. As Room anu Rossow
(2uu1) highlighteu - cultuial, socio-cultuial anu enviionmental factois uefine the
magnituue of the pioblem. These factois influence both uiinking patteins anu the
piopensity foi violence whilst uiinking. Fuitheimoie, uiinking iisks aie
exaceibateu thiough the emeigence of contempoiaiy leisuie anu cost-saving pie-
uiinking cultuies; anu a cultuie of violence anu violent behaviouial noims amongst
men when uiinking.

Appieciation of the ieality that alcohol often piesiues as an accompaniment to
socialising anu celebiation (anu can be a basis of social inclusion), leaus one to
natuially focus on the enviionment of social uiinking. Buss et al. (199S) founu that
a majoiity of alcohol-ielateu stieet offences aie associateu with licenseu venues.
uieenbeig (1982) positeu that wheie alcohol is available, fiequencies of social
inteiaction inciease, iesulting in incieaseu piobability of social inteiaction; anu
vinnie Ngo

consequently violence. An effective measuie must theiefoie integiate licensees,
police anu othei stakeholueis to help iegulate enteitainment piecincts wheie
alcohol is seiveu; anu pioviue stieet-level ieactive measuies to piotect oui citizens
who choose to socialise within them.

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Alcohol has been a factoi in about thiee quaiteis of assaults anu offensive
behaviouis on the stieet (Buss et al. 199S). Recent statistical eviuence shows that
the piopoition of people iepoiting alcohol-ielateu physical abuse between 2uu7-
2u1u almost uoubleu fiom 4.S% to 8.1% (NBSB 2uu7; NBSB 2u1u). Significantly,
the piopoition of people uiinking at high iisks has steauily incieaseu ovei the past
uecaue to 1S.4% in 2uu4-uS (ABS 2uu6). Austialian stuuies establishing alcohol as
significantly associateu violent ciime (Beveiy 1992; Iielanu & Thommeny 199S;
Stevenson, Linu & Weatheibuin 1999) can be sepaiateu into two categoiies: event-
baseu ieseaich, namely, samples of people to whom a seiious event has occuiieu;
anu geneial population ieseaich.

Event-baseu Reseaich

Although peipetiatois of violence often consume alcohol shoitly befoie theii acts
(uiaham et al. 1998; Peinanen 1991; Roizen 1997); victims piesenting in hospitals
similaily consume alcohol (Cheipitel 1997; Poynton et al. 2uuS). The Pieventative
Bealth Taskfoice (2uu9) founu that 47% of peipetiatois anu 4S% of victims weie
intoxicateu piioi to an assault anu 'neaily thiee in foui assault offenueis uiink
alcohol in the 48 houis piioi to theii aiiest' (Sweeney & Payne 2u11, pg. S). What
it is cleai, theiefoie, is that in a majoiity of cases, assaults aiise in enviionments
wheie alcohol is consumeu.

Incieaseu alcohol consumption is also commensuiate with incieaseu aggiession
(Boyatsis 1974; Tayloi anu uammon 1976; Leonaiu et al 2uuS; uiaham et al. 2uu6;
Wells et al 2u11), with hostility uiiectly ielateu to total monthly alcohol intake,
vinnie Ngo

uiinking fiequency, uiinks pei uiinking uay anu heavy episouic uiinking (Boyle et
al 2uu7). This iesult suppoits measuies ieuucing total community consumption.
violence has also been founu to be uistiibuteu ovei ceitain times, ages; anu
amongst venues. 'Bot times' foi assaults has been iuentifieu, concentiateu at night
on weekenus (Boiges et al. 1998; Biiscoe & Bonnell 2uuS). uiaham & Bomel
(2uu8) founu that amongst venues - bais, pubs anu clubs aie 'hot spots' foi

ueneial Population Reseaich

ueneial population samples inuicate that both high alcohol consumption anu
fiequent heavy uiinking inciease not only the likelihoou of violent behavioui
(Wells et al. 2uuS), but being a victim (Leonaiu 2uu1). Teece & Williams (2uuu)
founu that the most significant pieuictois of alcohol-ielateu victimisation was
being young anu male. Young auults weie faceu with a 4-12 times highei iisk than
otheis, as an offenuei oi victim of violence (Bouen et al. 2u12). Regaiuing age,
almost half the inuiviuuals chaigeu with assault weie ageu 18-2S.

Analysis of piison populations show a majoiity of assault convicts aumitteu they
weie unuei the influence of alcohol (Kevin 1992). In WA, Inueimaui (199u) founu
that befoie committing theii last offence, S4% of offenueis hau been uiinking
alcohol, anu one-thiiu hau committeu assault.

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Cultuie, within the context of this essay encompasses the knowleuge, moials laws
anu customs of a society (Roche et al. 2uu7). Room anu Rossow (2uu1) have
attiibuteu significant vaiiations of violent peipetiatois to uiinking patteins,
namely, uiinking to intoxication (Bye anu Rossow 2u1u); anu behaviouial noims
while uiinking. Although 6u.4% of Austialians uiink below levels of long-teim iisk
of haim (NBSB 2u1u), the National Alcohol Stiategy (2uu6) was of the view that
too many Austialians now paitake in 'uiunken' cultuies. What is alaiming is that a
cultuie of pie-uiinking is now the woiluwiue noim, becoming an incieasingly
vinnie Ngo

intense anu iitualiseu activity among young auults (Wells et al. 2uu9). Those
paitaking in pie-uiinking iisk significant likelihoou of being involveu in violent
events, with those uiinking 6-1u stanuaiu uiinks twice as likely to expeiience
physical haim (BANTE Repoit 2u12). A laige amount of liteiatuie has establisheu
that cost of alcohol is inveisely ielateu to uiinking, theiefoie tax policies iaising the
piice of alcohol to ieuuce the piice gap between venues anu packageu liquoi
outlets may be an effective measuie to cuib pie-uiinking (Wagenaai 2uu9). Social
settings also aiu in consumei objectives of getting uiunk quickei, thiough the
piomotion of 'shots' anu 'aftei shots' (Neasham & Biain 2uuS). Licensing laws
shoulu theiefoie opeiate to piohibit quick uiinking piactices, such as 'shots' anu
'happy houis'.

In the auvent of contempoiaiy consumei cultuie, alcohol is maiketeu, auveitiseu
anu styliseu to iepiesent a lifestyle in which happiness anu fulfilment aie available
thiough its consumption (Luiy 1996). Foi some, it iepiesents a useful commouity to
expiess theii iuentity in the iealms of a contempoiaiy leisuie lifestyle as opposeu to
woik oi stuuy (Boilaguan 2u1u). 0theis link 'uiunken cultuie' to a cultuie of
calculateu heuonism, wheie one plans to 'let loose' fiom the foimal iestiaining
foices of school, woik oi family thiough heuonistic but bounueu consumption
(Biain 2uuu). Foi many, howevei, alcohol is useu to achieve social inclusion; with
those choosing to abstain iisking peei uisappioval anu negative attention. Alcohol is
theiefoie inteitwineu with stiategies of belongingness (Naffesoli; Bennet 1999).
uiven the oveiwhelming message is consumption until intoxication (Room 1988),
the opeiation of these contempoiaiy cultuies within a bioauei national uiinking
cultuie ensuies that Austialia iemains a high-alcohol consumption countiy (WB0
2uu9). Effective iesponses to these emeiging cultuies must theiefoie utilise
community euucational campaigns to change these pievailing uiinking cultuies.

As Room anu Rossow (2uu1) have iecogniseu, the inteiplay between uiinking
patteins anu behaviouial noims contiibute significantly to vaiiations in violence.
The SIRC (1988) stuuy founu enoimous cioss-cultuial vaiiation in the way people
behave when uiinking. In Austialia, alcohol was associateu with violence anu anti-
social behavioui; whilst in Neuiteiianean anu some South Ameiican cultuies,
vinnie Ngo

uiinking is laigely peaceful anu haimonious. In Austialia, when gioups of young
men uiink, antisocial behavioui is a built-in featuie of a 'top night' (Tomsen 1977).
0thei violent behaviouis teimeu 'powei uisplays' also figuie, wheie public
asseitions of social powei anu a heighteneu sensitivity to challenges aie
maintaineu (Boyatzis 1974; uibbs 198S; Aichei 1994). These behaviouis opeiate
upon an unueilying cultuie of violence. As Rob White (2uu9) has obseiveu:
'changes in iules of engagement anu the influence of meuia in shaping a cultuial
psyche of violence shoulu not be unueiestimateu'. To White, 'young people aie
biought up in a society that not only wants them to be asseitive but lauus in its
own way violence of uiffeient kinus', alluuing to the noimalisation of violence in
oui countiy - in spoits, television; anu even veibally uuiing pailiamentaiian
question time.


In the analysis of measuies that have been iecently implementeu in Austialia, foui
categoiies of inteivention can be iuentifieu, namely, those emphasising:
(1) the physical availability of alcohol; oi
(2) the uiinking enviionment of licenseu venues; oi
(S) community safety; oi
(4) the use of euucation to influence cultuies of violence anu uiinking.

Baboi et al. (2u1u) iepoiteu that stiategies most effective in ieuucing violence in
enteitainment piecincts aie those iegulating the physical availability of alcohol;
anu those mouifying the uiinking enviionment. It is impoitant, howevei, to
iecognise that within each categoiy lay the potential foi effective measuies (!" $%&&
'( )%"*+""()), since inteiventions aie geneially effective if they influence eithei the
behaviouis of pioblem tioublemakeis oi ieuuce total alcohol consumption.

1 Physical Availability of Alcohol

In analysing national anu inteinational ieviews of the effect of tiauing houi
iestiictions on alcohol-ielateu haims, Baboi et al. (2u1u) concluueu it was the most
vinnie Ngo

effective (anu cost effective) methou. This effect was attiibuteu to ieuuctions in
alcohol consumption anu pation numbeis (Chiikiitzhs & Stockwell 2uu2). 0thei
effective methous aie those iestiicting venue uensity anu the availability of alcohol
by stiength (Baboi et al. 2u1u; Chkiitzhs et al. 2uu7).
In 2uu8, in the context of escalating alcohol-fuelleu violence anu community
concein in victoiia, the police foiceu legislative enfoicement of s 1u4 of the ,%-+./
0*1 2334 (NSW) on 1S Newcastle hotels, foicing them (among othei inteiventions)
to ieuuce theii tiauing houis to S:Suam. The BANTE Repoit (2u12) founu that a
iaft of community benefits hau iesulteu, namely:
(1) ieuuceu assaults iepoiteu to police;
(2) uownwaiu tienu of injuiies at the EB uuiing BABs;
(S) ueclining iates of mean self-iateu intoxication; anu
(4) less stiain on police iesouices.

Kypii (2u11) evaluateu the inteivention anu founu that night-time assaults fell
fiom 99 pei quaitei to 66.7. Anecuotal eviuence fiom the NSW Police Foice
iepoiteu significant ieuuctions in alcohol-ielateu ciime; anu in the woius of one
policeman, causeu: 'a uiamatic anu noticeable change' (BANTE Repoit 2u12, pp.
174). Significantly, the iepoit founu theie was a cleai effect on uiinking cultuie.

The s 1u4 inteiventions also intiouuceu a iaft of alcohol uiink iestiictions,
incluuing no shots aftei 1upm anu no mixeu uiinks with moie than SumL of
alcohol. The BANTE Repoit (2u12) founu that a majoiity of key infoimants founu
the iestiictions to be effective in ieuucing intoxication. Its effectiveness was founu
to lie in senuing messages iegaiuing what 'iesponsible' uiinking is; anu in allowing
seiveis to moie easily enfoice RSA guiuelines. A majoi limitation, howevei, was the
potential substitution of alcohol thiough pie-uiinking.

2 Biinking Enviionment of Licenseu venues

Nouifying the uiinking enviionment incluue stiategies such as staff tiaining in
iesponsible seivice of alcohol (RSA) anu enhanceu enfoicement of liquoi
legislation (Baboi et al. 2u1u). RSA is the most populai inteivention employeu
vinnie Ngo

aiounu the woilu, its effectiveness howevei, iemains contioveisial. A moie
tangible inteivention, which was applieu in the s. 1u4 conuitions weie RSA
maishals who pioactively monitoieu the ciowu foi intoxication. The benefits
iuentifieu in the BANTE Repoit (2u12) weie two-folu. Fiist was theii effect on
secuiity anu bai staff, as maishals signifieu physical ieminueis of theii RSA
impeiative. Seconu, communication with pations incieaseu awaieness that
intoxication was no longei acceptable. The effectiveness of this measuie is
contingent on whethei management piomotes RSA anu is limiteu by venue size.

It has been suggesteu that liquoi law enfoicement by the police shoulu taiget those
most likely to ieuuce alcohol-ielateu haims, namely licensees, iathei than pations
(Nicholas 2uu8). The Alcohol Linking Piogiam in NSW illustiates this pioposition.
The piogiam opeiateu by iuentifying the last place of uiinking of an intoxicateu
appiehenueu offenuei. This alloweu the police to iepoit infoimation to licensees;
anu conuuct a stiuctuieu auuit of theii RSA anu management piactices. 0vei S
months, the piogiam was associateu with a S6% uiop in alcohol-ielateu ciiminal
inciuents, with assault-iates ueclining S2% (Wiggins 2uu7). Stiict enfoicement of
liquoi laws is theiefoie effective in ensuiing best piactices in licenseu venues.

Regulation thiough the emeigence of liquoi 'Accoius', as a means to piomote
communication, has also been shown to be effective (Nicholas 2uu8). ueelong is
inteinationally known foi its fiist uocumenteu liquoi Accoiu in 1991, pioviuing
licensees, police anu local council officeis to meet iegulaily; anu make agieements
on inteivention stiategies (Lang & Rumbolu 1997). Following its intiouuction,
seiious assault iates ueclineu to 6S% of the compaiison iate foi othei aieas
(Rumbolu et al. 1998). Its long-teim effectiveness, howevei, iequiies systematic
stakeholuei enfoicement.

S Community Safety

A populai iequest fiom community anu inuustiy peisonal aie iequests foi
incieaseu police piesence. In 2uu7 anu 2uu8, ueelong maximiseu police visibility
uuiing high-iisk houis thiough '0peiation Nightlife 1' anu the 'Safe Stieets
vinnie Ngo

Taskfoice'. The BANTE Repoit (2u12) founu no noticeable effect on injuiy
attenuances, insteau assaults anu EB attenuances iose. This measuie is not auviseu,
as it is has been shown ineffective; anu is a stiain on police iesouices.

A moie effective use of scaice police iesouices has been shown to ieuuce violence.
Implementation of ueelong's 'Fine stiategy' in 2u1u (maue awaie thiough the So
You Know campaign) alloweu police to aggiessively issue fines foi antisocial
behavioui. The stiategy was associateu with a ueciease in EB assault inciuents anu
ieuuctions in victoiia Police assault uata (BANTE Repoit 2u12). This measuie is an
attiactive one, as limiteu stakeholuei objection; anu the limiteu stiain on police-
iesouices, means that aggiessive issuance of fines can be piagmatically
implementeu. The stiategy can be vieweu as an effective ieactive measuie limiting
the ability of anti-social behavioui to continue oi escalate.

Anothei iecommenuation is to intiouuce late-houi entiy iestiictions teimeu
'lockouts' (KPNu 2uu8; Nazeiolle et al. 2u12). Its iationale is that violence in the
NTE is uue to movement of people between venues uuiing eaily moining houis.
The intiouuction of lockouts in the s. 1u4 inteiventions was founu to have limiteu
effectiveness (BANTE Repoit 2u12). Lockouts have been positeu to be ineffective
foi two main ieasons. Fiistly, unlike tiauing iestiictions, lockouts uo not auuiess
the coie pioblem of alcohol consumption. Seconuly, it cieates potential foi
aggiessive behaviouis at the uooi, as aggiession coulu inciease if one was uenieu
entiy anu fiienus weie insiue.

violence has also shown to be peipetuateu by lack of tianspoit options foi pations
(Bomel et al. 1992; uiaham & Bomel 2uu4; 2uu8). Theiefoie effective tianspoit
moving pations out of NTE's quickly, at the enu of the night, can be a majoi element
in ieuucing violence. A stuuy on the 'safe taxi' ianks implementeu in ueelong founu
mixeu iesults. Bata fiom both the ueelong EB anu local police founu it hau no
significant effect (BANTE Repoit 2u12). 0ltimately tianspoit options iemain a
community safety measuie taigeting tianspoit shoitages at the enu of the night;
anu without acting on alcohol consumption, iestiicts its ability to effect violence.

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In 2uu7, ueelong implementeu one of the fiist iauio netwoiks within theii NTE.
The netwoik opeiateu thiough utilising all the 'eyes anu eais' of the stieet,
allowing foi inteiaction between stakeholueis to a local police base station that
was monitoieu by a safety cameia officei watching ovei the CCTv. The BANTE
Repoit (2u12) founu it was ineffective in ieuucing assaults anu injuiy attenuances
at the EB. Its benefits howevei, if utiliseu piopeily, lie in impioving community
safety thiough pioactive means, as the netwoik can iuentify tioublesome gioups
eaily, enabling foi eaily inteivention; anu gives police access to 'ieal time'

IB scanneis iuentifying banneu inuiviuuals, although well-likeu anu accepteu by
majoi stakeholueis, have yet to be fully implementeu in Austialia. A technological
extension of common piactice, empiiical ieseaich has yet to uocumenteu its
effectiveness (uiaham & Chanulei-Couts 2uuu). Although the BANTE Repoit
(2u12) founu it hau no significant effect, it is uncleai whethei it iealistically
pievents violence oi shifts them into othei enviionments (Nillei et al. 2u11); anu
whethei the spontaneous natuie of alcohol-fuelleu violence means the thieat of
bans is unlikely to ieuuce actual assaults within piemises.

4 Euucation

vaiious euucational stiategies have been implementeu to change both oui cultuie
of uiinking; anu cultuie of public violence. Nass euucational campaigns uiiect high
school youths anu univeisity stuuents to enhance theii self-cognition; anu
encouiage them to take iesponsibility foi high-iisk uiinking anu iiiesponsible
behavioui associateu with alcohol consumption (Nooie 2uuu). The 'Bon't Tuin a
Night 0ut into a Nightmaie' meuia campaign, attempteu to uemonstiate the
violence anu inuiscietions associateu with high-iisk alcohol consumption. 'Step
Bank Think', a youth-geneiateu inteivention, involves young people talking to
othei young people about the ieal life cases of haim anu violence, stiiving to bieak
uown cultuially ingiaineu attituues towaius violence.

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Euucation can also be utiliseu to influence societal factois behinu oui consumption.
School-baseu alcohol euucation have been pioposeu to implement affective
appioaches to builu self-esteem; acting to ue-noimalise oui uiinking cultuie so that
young people aie less vulneiable to peei piessuie in social settings (Bughes 2uu8).

Euucational awaieness, although populai, can be ineffective. The '}ust Think' social
maiketing campaign in ueelong pioviues such an example, as it was in fact linkeu
with incieaseu iates of assault (BANTE Repoit 2u12). Thiee main failuies have
been iuentifieu. Fiistly, it has faileu to auuiess alcohol consumption. This, as the
wiitei has acknowleugeu is the foiemost means to ieuuce violence. Its focus was
iathei au hoc in natuie, featuiing paiticulai instances of unconscionable violence.
Seconuly, the campaign sensationaliseu alcohol-fuelleu violence anu auveisely
affecteu public anxiety in the NTE, causing people to misinteipiet non-violent cues
as aggiessive (Leonaiu et al. 2uu4; Boiueis et al. 2uu7;Quigley & Leonaiu 2uu6).
Thiiuly, the piogiam pioviueu no piactical stiategies foi inuiviuuals to avoiu
aggiession oi uefuse potentially violent situations.

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In }anuaiy 2u14, Piime Ninistei Abbott wiote an open lettei calling foi action on
binge uiinking anu alcohol-fuelleu violence, stating: "Alcohol has anu always will
be pait of life in oui countiy . 0ui challenge as a people is to ensuie that we get
the balance iight again" (Abbot 2u14). Theiefoie, the challenge foi ciiminologists is
to ueteimine how best to encompass the myiiau of factois that leau to aggiession
anu violence, whilst not contiibuting to the pioblem itself (Ncllwain & Bomel

It is aigueu that the best mouel of inteivention involves an integiative thiee-
piongeu appioach. Fiistly, inteiventions must focus on ieuuctions in alcohol
consumption. Alcohol incieases aggiession in inuiviuuals, theiefoie ieuuctions in
consumption yielus the best iesults. This pioposition is eviuenceu by the effect of
ieuucing tiauing houis on licenseu venues. uiven the majoiity of known assaults
aiise aiounu venues, theii opeiations figuie piominently in implementing uiink
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iestiictions. Although oui cultuie of uiinking will subsist, oui 'uiunken cultuie'
neeu not. Euucational stiategies aie theiefoie instiumental in not only euucating
oui next geneiation of youths the health anu social consequences of high-iisk
consumption, but act to ue-noimalise binge uiinking oi uiinking geneially,
theiefoie ielieving the geneiational piessuie upon youths to paitake in a uiinking
cultuie. 0ltimately, wheie iesponsible uiinking appioaches fail, policy-makeis,
similai to anti-smoking laws, must stiictly iegulate consumption thiough taxes oi
by intiouucing toughei licensing legislation that aim to ieuuce heavy consumption.

Seconuly, inteiventions must focus on influencing behaviouis of inuiviuuals whilst
uiinking. While oveit measuies, eviuenceu by ueelong's 'Fine stiategy', have been
effective in influencing behaviouis, the unueilying pioblem of violence peimeates
thioughout much of Austialia. In avoiuing the '}ust Think' failuies, euucational oi
awaieness campaigns must piomote piactical stiategies to avoiu aggiession anu
uefuse potentially violent situations; anu effectively highlight the ueauly
consequences of the 'one punch'. This is illustiateu by an auveitisement suppoiteu
by ienowneu Austialian boxei - Banny uieen:

'5!6( %1 7/.8 8(9 .:( ;+:*< *!: '( &(1<!&= 5</.$: .+1 .7 !:>(/ &%6( 1<%"9
$%1<.+1 $!/:%:>9 $%1<.+1 >&.?("9 *!: '( )(!)&@= A:( ;+:*< *!: (:) <%" &%7( !:)
/+%: @.+/"= B1 1!6(" >/+:1 1. 1</.$ %19 %1 1!6(" >+1" 1. $!&6 !$!@.'

Thiiuly, these two inteiventions must opeiate alongsiue community measuies that
incoipoiate stakeholueis to minimise community haim. Those uiscusseu incluue:
liquoi accoius, iauio netwoiks, safe tianspoit options, acioss-the-boaiu IB
scanneis; anu liquoi law enfoicement by police to ensuie best piactices in venues.

Euucation featuies piominently in these suggesteu stiategies, howevei, in the
opinion of the wiitei, measuies that fail to effectively influence oui uiinking
cultuie (anu its peimutations); anu oui cultuie of violence, will meiely ieuuce
violence in the long-teim to levels unacceptable to the Austialian community.

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Wiggeis, } 2uu7, 'Reuucing alcohol-ielateu violence anu impioving community
safety: The Alcohol Linking Piogiam', KLT E+'&%* M(!&1< P+&&(1%:, vol. 18, no. S-6,
p S.
Winlow, S & Ball, S 2uu6, N%.&(:1 :%><1G +/'!: &(%"+/( !:) *.:1(8;./!/@ *+&1+/(=
0xfoiu: Beig.
Woilu Bealth 0iganisation (WB0) 2uu9, T./&) M(!&1< L1!1%"1%*" 233I, ueneva.

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