Museum Resume

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Teresa Prober

199 Diamond Point

Bumpus Mills, TN
TEL: (931) 494-0388
Professional Summary
(istoian)#istoi' p"s"*ationist +o'usin% on t#" !uilt "n*ionm"nt, 'ultual lands'ap"s,
and #"ita%" touism& ,"as o+ "-p"tis" a" nin"t""nt# and t."nti"t# '"ntu/0 1i*il 2a,
#istoi' p"s"*ation, #"ita%" "du'ation, 'ommunit/ a'#i*"s, and #istoi' sit"
int"p"tation& M/ "-p"i"n'" in'lud"s National 3"%ist" o+ (istoi' Pla'"s nominations,
#istoi' stu'tu"s "pots, d"*"lopin% and impl"m"ntin% "du'ational 'ui'ulum and
tainin% po%ams +o mus"ums and national !attl"+i"ld& 4n addition, m/ "-p"i"n'"
in'lud"s 'atalo%in% ati+a'ts, 'l"anin% and p"s"*in% #istoi'al do'um"nts& 1omput"
s5ills in'lud" Mi'oso+t .od, .o5s, po." point, pu!lis#", and "-'"l, as ."ll as Past
P"+"'t mus"um so+t.a"&
Education and Training
Middle Tennessee State University
Course work and training in historic preservation
!erican Military University Charlestown" #$
M 'istory Con(erred with honors
University o( )orth Carolina *e!+roke *e!+roke" )C
. 'istory/Social Studies 0ducation *hi lpha Theta )ational 'istory 'onor
Teaching Experience
History Instructor ustin *eay State University
Clarksville" T)
ugust 200,-ugust 2013

History Instructor 1ayetteville Technical Co!!unity College
1ayetteville" )C
2uly 2000-2uly 2003
Social Studies Teacher 1lora Macdonald cade!y
4ed Springs" )C
ugust 1,,%-May 2000
Community Archives
Archivist/Researcher Volunteer Stewart County 'istorical Society
5over" T)
ugust 200&-2une 2012
Historic Site
Interpreter/School Programs Volunteer 1ort 5onelson )ational *ark
5over" T)
ugust 200&-2une 2010
Historic Property Assessments!
*ro+er" Teresa6 The Murfree-Patterson House Historic Structures Report.
Mur(rees+oro" T)6 Center (or 'istoric *reservation6 2013
0ast Shel+yville 'istoric 5istrict
Shel+yville" T)
rchitectural assess!ent and resurvey
"ational Register o# Historic Places
4ose 'ill and 4ose!ont Ce!eteries Colu!+ia"
4esearch and report as precursor (or 'istoric )o!ination
and Civil #ar Trails Marker
Exhi$it %esign
Center (or the rts Mur(rees+oro" T)
*anel te7t and design" write la+els and captions
*u+lic 4elations Coordinator
#ynnewood 'istoric Site Museu!
Castalian Springs" T)
*anel te7t and design" write la+els and captions

*ro+er" Teresa 8200-96 0ssential #orld 'istory Teacher:s Manual6 Contri+uting
author o( ;esson *lans and chapter introductions6
*ro+er" Teresa6 'istoric <aklands Souvenir +ook co!ing spring 20136
Computer S&ills
Microso(t #ord" *u+lisher" 07cel" and *ower*oint
*ast*er(ect so(tware
'nline Port#olio

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