Business Plan

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Business Plan Template

This simple business plan template was created from Business Plan Pro
11.0, the best-selling business planning software published by Palo
Alto Software, nc.
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#opyright $ Palo Alto Software, nc. %00&
Cover Page
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This is a business plan. t does not imply an offering of securities.
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Company Summary
2.1 Start-up
Table: Start-up
3.0 Services
4.0 ar!et "nalysis Summary
Table: ar!et "nalysis
#.0 Strate$y an% &mplementation Summary
#.1 Sales 'orecast
Table: Sales 'orecast
#.2 ilestones
Table: ilestone
(.0 ana$ement Summary
).0 'inancial *lan
).1 Start-up 'un%in$
Table: Start-up 'un%in$
).2 *ro+ecte% *rofit an% ,oss
Table: *rofit an% ,oss
).3 -ant more .elp/
0our *lan Title 1ere
1.0 Executive Summary
1esigners 2uild will ma)e creati"e furniture of e(cellent -uality using different )inds
of wood li)e sagwan, diyar, shesham, cheerh, farwan, and partal. depending upon
the )ind of style we ha"e to ma)e our product considering in mind the -uality, long
lastingness and cost effecti"eness of the furniture products
1esigners 2uild will pro"ide products li)e beds, sofas, dinning tables, center tables,
side rac)s, consoles, writing tables, show cases, dewans, etc in different styles li)e
3ictorian, roman, #hinese etc to its customers
1esigners guild basic plan is to ma)e such a designed furniture according to the
re-uirements of the customers that is either he or she would li)e to ha"e simple
designs or would li)e to ha"e hea"ily car"ed furniture.
we will di"ide the mar)et in four categories. the first group will be elite class clients.
The second class will be the upper middle class and the third class will be a"erage
middle class clients. 4oreo"er we will also emphasi!e the foreign mar)ets in the near
1esigners 2uild has a strong management team which comprises of 56a! Ahmed will
ser"e as a general manager with additional responsibilities of being a finance
manager .7e has a masters degree in finance and accounting from 8,4S. 9mer
A-eel will ser"e as human resource manager with additional charge of
production and sales manager .7e has done masters in business administration
from institute of business administration BA from :A;A#7.4oreo"er Sada-at Ali
<ill ser"e as a marketing manager with e(tra resposiblities of handling
technological and infrastructure department. 7e has done 4BT from Pun6ab
,ni"ersty 8ahore .
The mar)et and financial analyses indicate that with a start-up e(penditure of ;S %
crore and =0 la)es,which includes property ,machinary , raw material and production
cost.1esigner 2uild can generate ;S ==,00000 in sales by year one, ;S &000,000 in
sales by the end of second year.

1.1 Objectives
1. Profit of rupees >=la)es in the first year other than the initial cost of raw material
and production cost of furniture is %0 la)es
%. Profit of rupees ?0la)es in the second year which is nearly twice as compared to
profit in the first year.
1.2 Mission
The financial success of 1esigners 2uild by attaining the mar)et leadership by
pro"iding creati"e designs to the customers which aren@t a"ailable anywhere else.
1esigners 2uild is a place where client feel happy and satisfied to buy moreo"er
wor)ers with rewarding benefits depending upon the hardwor) and s)ills shown by
the employees.
2.0 Company Summary
1esigners 2uild is a medium si!e furniture manufacturing firm ha"ing its factory in
the industrial area of 2reen Town and starting outlets in 1efence and 2ulberg whose
ultimate aim is to achie"e customer satisfaction by pro"iding them superb -uality
furniture e"entually resulting higher profits to our company. 1esigners 2uild will deal
in home as well as in office furniture.
2.1 Company Oners!ip
The 1esigners guild will start out as a firm owned by three founders.
2.2 Start"up Summary
The founders of the company are 9mer A-eel and his companions are 56a! Ahmad
and Sada-at Ali.
56a! focuses on the financial issues and 9mer on the 7;, P;91 and sales issues.
Sada-at focuses on mar)eting and infrastructural issues.
<e ha"e found, purchased ,built up the location for our factory and fi(ed up the
machinery with a total cost of 1 corer &0 la)es for the abo"e mentioned purposes.
and secured the lease for ;S 1 la)es per month for each of the two show rooms in
1efence and 2ulberg.<e will be able to set up our showrooms in time to begin
turning bac) a profit by the end of month second month and be
profitable in the si(th month of the "ery first year. The place is already e-uipped as
an outlet because of some pre"ious company so we plan to
come up with a total initial cost of furniture and infrastructure in the showrooms
twenty la)es per showroom to start up the designer guild.
#able$ Start"
#able$ Start"up
Start-up Expenses
,e$al 2S #04000
-oo% etc. 2S1040000 2S #04000
Total Start-up Expenses 2S11400000
Start-up "sserts 6ee%e%
Cas. 7alance on Startin$ 8ate 2S#0400000 Current "sserts 2S30400000
Total Current "sserts 2S90400000
,on$-term "ssert 2S1400000
Total "sserts 2S90400000
Total 2e3uirements 2S:2400000
&nvestor 1 2S94400000
&nvestor 2 2S94400000
&nvestor 3 2S94400000
Total &nvestment 2S2#2400000
Current ,iabilities
"ccounts *ayable 2S(04000
Current ,iabilities 2S(04000
,on$-term ,iabilities 2S(0400000
Total ,iabilities 2S(1400000
,oss at Start-up ;2S1#04000<
Total Capital 2S1:4000000
Total Capital an% ,iabilities 2S90400000

9ur products li)e sofa@s, bed@s, center tables, dining tables, writing tables,
showcases, baby carts, side rac)s, dewan@s,office tables, home and office chairs,
4irrors stands and consoles etc
Raw material:
Abo"e mention products will be a"ailable in different woods which will gi"e
di"ersity in out loo), strength, beauty, weightiness and other -ualities to the
customers showing creati"eness.1ifferent wood categories are as follows
Barwaan etc
9ther then the wood different manufacturing materials li)e win board,
7ard board, lasani, chip board, lamination, plaee, mdf, ni)els and other
basic materials li)e nails, glue, glass etc are used.
The abo"e mentioned products will be pro"ided to the clients in different
style li)e simple, contemporary, anti-ue, roman, 3ictorian, #hinese,
hea"ily car"ed, and creati"e design.
DES!"ER#S !$%D&Sample Plan
%.0 Mar&et 'nalysis Summary$
7ecause of t.ree partners of %esi$ner=s $uil%4 t.ey .ave a lar$e no of
connections an% frien%s in t.e society so many people >oul% feel comfortable as
it is t.eir o>n s.op so t.ey >ill li!e to visit an% place or%ers so t.e company >ill
prosperous at rapi% rate in masses resultin$ lar$e number of profits an% financial
success to t.e company. T.ere are ot.ers furniture s.o> rooms in an% out si%e
t.e city so to compete >e .ave to insure excellent 3uality4 services4 customer=s
satisfaction an% lo> intro%uctory prices to attract masses to come an% purc.ase.
<e do plan to raise furniture rates a bit as the designer@s guild gets more and
more popular, and to ma)e sure that people feel that we are li)e a family to
%.1 Mar&et Segmentation
1 Elite CL'SS$
5ur first aim is to built suc. a creative4 innovative 4 comfortable %esi$ns >.ic. are
not available any >.ere else so t.ose ric.est person >.o %on=t see .o> matter >.at
t.e price is 4t.ey +ust see t.e above mentione% four$s to be %ifferent t.en ot.ers
more over to t.em comfortableness4 style is above all >ill be .eavily attracte%
to>ar%s over pro%ucts an% spen% .u$ely for t.eir office an% .ome furniture.
' $pper (iddle class:
<e will change our manufacturing material a bit from sagwan and
diyar to shesham which is not lighter as compared to sagwan and diyar
but matches in strength and -uality of grains but it has a lesser price then
them. 4ore o"er comfortableness and creati"eness will ma)e them place
order for their home and office.
) Avearge (iddle class:
Bor these customers price as well as creati"eness, comfortableness
and strength are "ery important so to reduce price we will further mo"e
towards such )ind of products which will be manufactured both using
wood and boards of sagwan,diyar,shesham li)e "in board, hard board and
8asani which will ma)e the product about =0 C solid wooden and =0 C of
non solid woodenboards. That will reduce the cost to about D0 C but the
strength, comfortableness and creati"eness remains the same. So e"ery
middle class will also buy our products as we ma)e our products
accordingly to their need and poc)et.
nternational market:
To achie"e e(treme financial success we will emphasi!e on foreign
mar)ets as well, as wood is "ery e(pensi"e all o"er the world and also the
labor rate as compare to Pa)istan. f we pro"ide foreigners of what they
need in lesser prices they will definitely ha"e a trend towards o"er
products resulting in our financial success and becoming a mar)et icon
and attaining mar)et leadership so to become a multinational company.
#able$ Mar&et 'nalysis
2rowth %00& %00F %010 %011 %01% #A2;
10 C =?%,=00 =F0,000 ?00,000 ?%0,000 ?&0,000 10 C
& C %%=,000 %>=,000 %D=,000 %?=,000 >%=,000 & C
G C %%0,000 %>0,000 %D0,000 %?0,000 >%,000 G C
= C F%=00 100,000 110,000 1>0,000 1F0,000 = C
T9TA8 G.= C 11,00000 11==,000 11F=,000 1%G=,000 1=1=,000 G.=
DES!"ER#S !$%D&SA(P%E P%A"
(AR*E+S A"A%,SS -PE.

=.0 Strategy and implementation summary'
1esigner@s 2uild strategy is to ma)e designed furniture
which reflects creati"ity, strength, inno"ation,
comfortableness and style. 4oreo"er the furniture should be
of lesser cost as compare to other competitors for the
customers. Binally #lients satisfaction will ma)e greater
number of 1esigners 2uild customers. Bor its
implementation such designs will be made and finished in
the form of products which are not a"ailable any where else
and on which human body feels e(tremely rela(ed and ha"e
a class of their own and these are made using wood which is
intensely solid and dry so that bugs may not attach to the
furniture product because bugs will e"entually lead to the
destruction of the furniture product. 4oreo"er guarantee of
the furniture also be pro"ided for certain years for the
product ser"ices if any.
/.0 competitive edge
9ur catalogue designs, e(perienced wor)ers, cost effecti"eness as we will
ma)e furniture oursel"es from start to end and we will not purchase
furniture from any suppliers so the abo"e three will gi"e us competiti"e
edge on the others.
=.% Sales strategy
Totall sales of rupees == la)es which comprises of Profit of rupees >=la)es in the first
year and initial cost of raw material and production cost of furniture is %0 la)es. Total
sales of rupees &0 la)es which is nearly double as compare to the first year and
comprises of Profit of rupees ?0la)es in the second and %0 la)es for production cost.
SA%ES (1"+2%,
able$ Sales (orecast
)nit Sales 200: 2010 2011
7e%s 2#
8innin$ Tables 2#
Sofas 2)
ot.ers 49
Total ?nit Sales 12#
)nit prices 200: 2010 2011
7e%s 90000
8innin$ Tables (0000
Sofas 30000
ot.ers 2#000
Sales 200: 2010 2011
7e%s 2000000
8innin$ Tables 1#00000
Sofas 900000
ot.ers 1200000
Total Sales ##00000
*irect )nit Cost 200: 2010 2011
7e%s 90000
8innin$ Tables (0000
Sofas 30000
ot.ers 2#000
Direct Cost of
200: 2010 2011
Dinning Tables
Subtotal Direct Cost
of Sales

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