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A Medyo Bad Boys Love

Love is a word that denotes a thousand meanings.

In the movie, the main characters show progressive stages of love. In the first part of the
story, it presents a boy who finds more compatibility with his friends, rather than the love given
by his mother. He learns to love the ways of his friends and unfortunately, including all the
negative vices they indulge in. He begins to conform to all the wrong doings of his friends. He
felt utterly lonely within his ego boundaries, he yearned to break out of it, and into the arms of
his would-be accepting peers. Ironically, in his thirst for identity and individuality, he conceded
his ego boundaries for the acceptance of his friends. Little did he know, those two things that
he was aiming for, was actually within the ego boundaries he traded for acceptance. With the
guidance of his mother, he slowly realizes the error of his ways, and gradually felt emptiness
from the shallow acts he committed. This shows how depended he is on his mom. Without her,
he would surely long have fallen into the traps of youth: the feeling that live extends to ends of
time, and the false notion that the things we do today have no bearing on our situation
tomorrow. Somehow he started to feel that the love from his friends is not sufficient to sustain
his spiritual growth. He was given a second chance by his mother to prove his change of heart.
He was transferred to a new school, given a clean slate, and if he chose to do so, a new
identity for himself. On the first day in his new school, he was both shocked and excited that
his friends, with their precariously perched life of living on the edge, had been kicked out for
different reasons, and transferred to the new school in which Marco had also been transferred.
They led to him again regressing into the false supremacy infants hold in their undeveloped
brains. Old habits, hard as they say, and in Marco's case, old habits are still kicking, biting, and
fighting for their lives. He started to cheat in exams again, bully weaker classmates, sleep in
class, and he hadn't studied at all for his first quarter of the school year. His ego boundaries fell
and crashed, and his common sense quit on him. It was as if the love his mother has for him
had no effect on filling the emptiness within him, when her attention was directed back to her
work after she had been complacent that her son would behave as he had already been
transferred to a new school. He had to resort back to his old friends and destructive behaviour
in trying to fill the enormous emptiness within.
As his vices and bad habits continued on its downward slope, so did his grades, and
disciplinary record. His lack of love for himself led to the end of the discipline that a student
must possess. At the end of the first quarter, the prefect of the new school called his mother.
His mother despaired over this problem that she thought she had already solved. She lamented
over this, and her employees noticed. A well-meaning assistant told her of the daughter of her
secretary, the top of her class, who might be open to the idea of becoming his tutor. She
approaches her secretary about the idea, and the secretary, in deep financial duress, readily
agrees. The secretary's daughter, revealed to be the girl who burnt Marco's hand, Sophia, was
asked by her mom whether she would agree to the tutorials and part-time guide job. With
Sophia's immense love for her, and the discipline this instilled within her being, agrees
immediately. Marco was also informed by his mom of her idea of hiring a tutor/guide, not
knowing the guide is Sophia, and fearing that he would truly be sent abroad, he also agrees,
albeit reluctantly.
Sophias life has changed after her father died. She and her mother had a hard time in coping
to what happened, thats why they did what it takes for them to be financially and emotionally
stable. Sophias love for her mother was the key element of showing what true love is. This is
also the reason behind why Sophia accepted the offer to help Marco in his studies.
Later on his life, this emptiness is decimated when he met a girl who fills all the emptiness
within. At their first encounter, he had mixed feelings for her. On one hand, literally one hand,
he had been burnt chemically. On the other, metaphorical hand, he had been struck by beauty,
that hit him like a thunderclap, and an aura of grace that he thought only angels must possess.
As they journey their lives together, he started to realize that this journey is the moment
when he begin to know more about himself and consequently, the beginning of his love to
himself. This is a kind of love that he encountered for the very first time a condition of
preserving ones integrity, ones individuality. This is an active power that makes him
overcome the sense of isolation and separateness yet retaining his whole integrity.
Love is not a bondage but a liberation. In love there must be no superior or inferior. Freedom
must be practiced within love. Freedom to be your own self, and express the mutual love shared
with your loved one. In the movie, Sophia agreed and respected her mom's decision about having
no commitment with Marco. She chose to follow her mom's decision because she knows how to
prioritize first her studies and balance things.
By the moment he has loved himself, eventually he begins to extend ones limits: self-love
with love for the other - a moment that he begins to love others. They both had already
accepted many things into their comfort zone, expanding their ego boundaries in the process.
They continually nurtured each others spiritual growth. Marco through accepting his role as a
broken heart, being mended by the strong will of Sophia. Sophia on the hand, extended herself,
by accepting mans capability to change. Even though she initially thought that Marco was just
a way for her to make money on the side, and help her mother, she soon came to grips with the
fact that Marco was ready and willing to change. As days pass by, he discovers in certainty the
feeling that he has for her. This is the time when he finally falls in love with her. But the
question is: Does mutual love exists between them?
Along their love story, struggles are inevitable. The existence of conflicts challenges both
the true personality and authenticity of love of the characters. The catch is: Is there really love
or just a mere infatuation?
The essence of the phenomenon of falling in love is a sudden collapse of a section of an
individual's ego boundaries, permitting one to merge his or her identity with that of another
As the story progressed, Sophia, a goal oriented and strong willed woman, who dreams big
about her future suddenly breaks down her walls and decided to tell Marco what she truly feels.
As a goal oriented and strong willed woman, it's hard for her to confess what she really feels
because there are a lot hindrances that she will face. Example, the agreement between Sophia
and her mom that she will first concentrate in her studies before involving herself in love.
Second, is that she's afraid that she will distract Marco in his studies. Lastly, she's concerned
with their status because they are still high school students. But in the end she comes to a
decision that she will tell Marco about she feels.
As the story goes on, it will showcase the love that would entail effort, acceptance and
sincerity. This kind of love is demonstrable, that an extra step or walk for an extra mile is
anticipated. It is an act of will, a desire that is translated into action. Therefore, love would
never be effortless but effortful.
In the story, the attitude of Marco gradually changed, from being a typical bad boy (his
negative vices which was influenced by his friends, and caused by his lack of discipline) to a
dedicated, responsible and loving person. The change happened by the time he met Sophia and
experienced the kind of love that he has never encountered before. This is good example of love
that is an act of self-evolution, he is open to more things as he ventured out of his usual habits of
being a medyo bad boy. Another instance of his change of heart was when he unintentionally
hurt Sophia. After that incident Marco didnt understand his feeling of guilt or the source of this
guilt. As far as he know this feeling was very contradictory to his self that he used to know. He
cant understand why he had to spend a night thinking so much about her when in fact he was
not used on asking apology from someone. To resolve this unexplainable uneasiness, and
because of his immense desire enough that it was translated into will, he finally decided to make
a move. With the help of his friends, he poured his heart out onto a song, and many other ways
just to say one word: sorry. This was something that of a deviation from the usual personality of
Marco. This was an act of extending his limits. This was truly an indication of a change
happening in the life of Marco a change for the better. This was an extra step that Marco
undertook caused by something that he has not yet fully understands as for a moment.
Marco is a bad-ass type of student who is not serious in school, bullies students, and
doesn't give any importance in his life. He keeps on annoying Sophia until Marco realizes had at
he felt something strange that he had not felt before. In the end, Marco has changed and become
a mature and a better person. He was able to show his effort to change, as time passed by and as
certain events happened in the story. That change made Sophia fall in love with him even more
because "change" either for the better or for the worst brings new different things. As for the
evident change of Marco, it was of course for the better.
Sophia broke down her own walls of egoistic boundary when she herself finally decided
to tell Marco how she also felt for him. It is also because she realized and appreciated the change
Marco has done not just for himself but also for Sophia. As she was able to finally speak of her
feelings, it made her happier.
Near the end of the story, Sophia and Marco progress through the roller-coaster ride that
is a high school love life. They both fall in love, and with time, they also fall out of love. Years
after the spark had died out, and they both moved on to live their own lives, they had proved that
their love was more than just mere infatuation, their love was the kind of real love that is the
stuff of successful, happy marriages. Even after they had already realized and even lived through
the faults and quirks that made them imperfect humans, they still had love enough to try again,
and give themselves the chance to rewrite their love story. They had proven, that even through
the test of time, and even after they had lived separate lives thousands of miles away from each
other, their loved survived. Enough love that they were both willing to try again. This proves that
their love was not your typical Romantic Love that threatens the end of the relationship at its
denouement, only to be redeemed at the climax, and end with a happily ever after. In this love
story, it may end happily, and with the possibility of it turning into an ever after, but it is only
after they both had matured, spent enough time rediscovering themselves, and building their own
identities, before they both chose to merge those identities with each others.
An aspect of love that is easily forgotten is that as some people open themselves to the
love of another, a third heart is broken. This is shown by the fact that as Ralph, a friend and
admirer of Sophia, opens himself up to the girl he has loved since they met, his heart is crushed,
and his efforts seem meaningless. By the time he decided to let Sophia know how he felt for her,
Sophia had already fallen in love with Marco. Little did Sophia know, at the time that she told
Ralph that she could not repay his love, for she only looked at him as a friend rather than as a
romantic interest. He shows his willingness to extend his own limits by somehow continuing to
love Sophia, even as she fell for another man right in front of his own eyes.
The love story of Marco and Sophia, though typical, is giving us a clear picture that love
knows no limit, no boundaries. Their relationship which has been progressing so far has serve as
a turning point in their lives. They both matured. This fact, more than any other has proven of
their genuine love. Marco has changed a lot, leaving behind his dark past, while Sophia has to
follow the beating of her heart, defiant to her mothers wish that she would concentrate on her
studies. Despite of some obstacles that they have encountered, both have stood the test of time.
Their relationship has flourished and evokes memories of shared struggle.

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