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Friday July 25, 2014



by up to

Tahir Malik

Vol. 9

1 April 50
4 Cents

Issue: 446



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July 25, 2014

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Fiji News

Government Ministers To Contest

For Fijifirst

Almost all current government

ministers will contest for FijiFirst in
the upcoming general Election.
Commander Timoci Natuva confirmed
the news.
I will stand and all ministers are all
planning to stand too, but Im not too
sure about our Minister for Defence

and Minister for Education, Natuva

told the media in Suva.
So far the Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama, Minister for Women Dr
Jiko Luveni, Minister for Labour Jone
Usamate, Natuva and Attorney General
Aiyaz Sayed- Khaiyum have been
involved in FijiFirst party campaign

Friday July 25, 2014

Ministry Secures Expert To

Strengthen Fiji Banana Export
The Fijian Governments effort in
revitalising the banana industry should
see a boost following the recent visit of
a banana exporter and expert, Doctor
Fabio Regis de Albuquerque.
The Minister of Agriculture, Colonel
Inia Seruiratu, with senior leaders and
managers, and agriculture technical
staff met with Dr Fabio who is also the
Director General of the Sitio Barrerias
Company from Brazil, to discuss ways
of increasing the production of banana
in the country.
Dr Fabios company located in the
North-eastern coast of the State of
Bahia, Brazil has been producing fruits
through organic farming since 1996.
We work with certain plants and
harvest fruit quality, free of chemical
residues with respect to nature and to
men, he said.
Dr Fabio in his presentation to the
agriculture officials said that Fiji has
very rich soil for banana planting and
has the potential to supply to markets
around the region.
When you look at the soil in Fiji, there
are a lot of earthworms in it and this is

indicative of very good soil. Fiji also has

markets available for this fruit, however,
it is important that farmers are educated
on how to plant bananas at a sustainable
level that will boost production but at
the same time not be harmful to the
environment, Dr Fabio said.
He added that it is cheap to grow
bananas in Fiji through organic farming
because of the fertile soil and the lower
costs of irrigation, drainage work and
The Minister of Agriculture Colonel
Inia Seruiratu thanked Dr Fabio for
his visit and said the Ministry looks
forward to working with him on
capacity building training for farmers.
The Ministry has also been educating
the staff on the importance of banana
by sending them abroad to broaden
their knowledge and skills and practice
value-adding to this crop, he added.
A ministerial team including Dr Fabio
visited Banana producing areas in
Tailevu, Sigatoka as well as local
markets and supermarkets to view
the productivity and quality of local
bananas sold in markets.

'Shake-Up' Is Needed
ACADEMIC and political candidate
for the Fiji Labour Party Dr Rohit
Kishore believes a shake-up is needed
for Fiji's education system, which he
intends to improve if they come into
"I have been an educator for a long time
and have been teaching in universities.
Education in Fiji generally needs a big
shake-up from the quality perspective.
The quality of education is going
down," Dr Kishore claimed.
"Our education policy is well-founded
and good for Fiji. We will bring two
things in free education. Number
one, we will bring in the means test,
meaning that the wealthy who can
afford to pay for the education will not
qualify for the education scheme. The
money from here will go towards the
more needy.
Dr Kishore said the system now

allowed bigger schools with bigger

rolls to get more money but that would
"Some of them don't really know what
to do with their money, the smaller
schools which lack facilities are not
given enough," he said.
"The differential policy means that the
school which is in more need will get
more money."
Dr Kishore said quality of education
was also on FLP's agenda, particularly
literacy and numeracy.
"We will make sure that universities
don't forget their core business.
"It seems to me that USP and FNU are
on an entrepreneurship agenda, they
are trying to do business.
"They will be required to provide the
best quality education to the students
and target education to what the labour
market requires."

Bainimarama Should Be Allowed

In NZ: Peters
New Zealand First leader Winston
Peters says if the Fijian law permits,
FijiFirst leader Voreqe Bainimarama
should be allowed to campaign in
Auckland ahead of the September
elections. Peters told Auckland station
Radio Tarana that a lot of Fijian voters
reside in New Zealand and all political
parties should be given a fair chance to
campaign there. If it is within the law
and I cannot complain because that
is what a law is. Now I dont know
what the overseas laws are in Fiji that

has how many people living abroad

are entitled to vote. I dont know
how their law works. But if there is
a constituency in New Zealand that
is entitled to vote in Fiji on the 17th
of September, which is their election
day then all political parties should be
freely able to campaign in our country
to get that vote and I have got no
objection here if it is within the law.
Peters is preparing to contest the New
Zealand election scheduled for 20th

$50K Returns
THE Fiji Development Bank has
received its highest claim ever, marking
a milestone achievement for the bank.
It received a cheque of $50,890.23 last
month from the National Training and
Productivity Centre (NTPC) under
the centre's levy and grants scheme
for 2013. According to the bank, this
highlighted the management and
implementation of the bank's training
plan for the year.
In a statement, FDB human resources
and training general manager Uraia
Rasake said it was a matter of proper
planning and maximising the training
opportunities that were available.
"Our human resource is our most
valuable asset hence our commitment
to continuously train and upskill them
as this is a priority and in return they
perform to their full potential."
FDB staff members receive local and

overseas trainings under this scheme.

He said this would not have been
achieved if it were not for the dedication
and passion of their team.
NTPC director Kamlesh Prakash
said FDB was exemplary in the way
it valued its people and had a high
retention rate. He said FDB had
introduced several new innovations in
its management system and attempted
to rebrand its operations.
Mr Prakash said the scheme was incentivebased for training in the country.
Under this scheme grants were paid for
trainings from a pool of funds which
was a collection of individual employer
"Through the incentives provided
under the method 'A' scheme, the bank
has been encouraged to undertake
relevant industry trainings including
in-house, local and overseas trainings."

Friday July 25, 2014

Fiji News

Project To Reduce Reliance On Imported Potatoes

As part of efforts to reduce 4Fijis
reliance on imported potatoes and
strengthen locally grown varieties,
Government organised a Potato Day
in Sigatoka.
This event is held in Sigatoka with the
aim of re-introducing the Red Pontiac
variety to farmers.
The Ministry of Agricultures
senior agriculture officer (Potato
Management) Mohammed Kadir Khan
said that the main aim of the potato
day is to reintroduce the Red Pontiac
variety which is to be planted during
this potato planting season.
This year 10 tonnes of Red Pontiac
variety of seed potato was imported
from Queensland Australia to be
planted mainly in the Western
Division, said Mr Khan.
Red Pontiac variety was grown in Fiji
from the 1860s up until the 1990s.
It has been confirmed through research
that Red Pontiac is the proven variety
for Fijis climate. It can grow well in the
country and is a high yielding variety
producing around 10 to 12 tonnes per

hectare, Mr Khan said.

During the past four years, farmers
were growing temperate varieties
imported from New Zealand such as
Red Rascal, Ivory Crisp, Illam Hardy,
Nadeem and Rocket which produced
about 4 to 7 tonnes per hectare.
This year the Ministry introduced the
Potato Research and Development 4
which is a five year programme that
will be conducting research on different
varieties of potatoes and to provide 4
storage facilities for our local farmers.
Currently we have 42 varieties from
Peru at our Tissue Culture Laboratory
and five (5) varieties from Queensland
on trial at Sigatoka and Koronivia
Research Station. These varieties will
be tested and the best ones will be
chosen to be grown in Fiji.
Mr Khan said that the programme will
promote food security by supplying
seeds locally and reduce Fijis reliance
on imported potatoes.
Currently, Fiji imports about 23
million tonnes of potatoes worth $22m Domestic and regional carrier, Fiji Link
will receive its second new aircraft late
next month.
Fiji Airways Group Managing Director
and CEO Stefan Pichler said the
second ATR-42-600 is the next step in
the current fleet upgrade work being
undertaken for Fiji Link.


Fiji Link Second Plane Due Next


Pichler said they have a robust plan to

modernise the Fiji Link fleet to more
efficiently serve the domestic market as
well as the South Pacific regional flying
the carrier does on behalf of Fiji Airways.
Fiji Link is a subsidiary of the Fiji
Airways Group and the ATR fleet is
leased from aircraft lessors.


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Fiji News

Friday July 25, 2014

Fijian President Holds Talks With

UK Minister For Commonwealth

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Fijian President His Excellency

Ratu Epeli Nailatikau held talks
this week with the United Kingdom
Minister of State at the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office, the Right
Hon. Hugo Swire.
The Fijian Head of State held talks
with the MP in Glasgow, Scotland,
where he is attending the 2014
Commonwealth Games.
Hon. Swire took the opportunity to
welcome Ratu Epeli to Glasgow and

highlighted the Commonwealth's

desire to see Fiji back in the forum "to
where it rightfully belongs".
He added that the UK was aware of
the recent developments taking place
in Fiji including the steps taken by
the Bainimarama Government to
holding the first democratic election on
September this year.
During their talks, the Hon Swire
pointed out that the United Kingdom
was ready to assist Fiji in all sectors.

No Casino For Fiji, Says


Fijis Social Democratic Liberal Party

(SODELPA) says they will declare Fiji
a casino-free country, if elected into
government. In their manifesto, the
party said it does not support casinos.
One Hundred Sands was granted an
exclusive licence to construct and
manage Fiji's first casino on Denarau
Island in December 2011.
The construction of the $290m casino
was expected to be completed by
October last year. However, delays
including the shifting of the project
to outside Denarau resulted in the

construction not starting proper till

early this year. It is expected to be
completed within 18 months and
provide jobs to more than 800 people
and boost the countrys economy.
However, SODELPA does not appear
to warm up to the idea, saying it will
review the casino licence, and cancel
it if it is legally feasible. They
are an undesirable form of tourism
investment associated with organised
crime, racketeering, prostitution, and
other problems, SODELPA said in
their manifesto.



Forgery Warning

FORGING documents for personal

gain is a serious crime under the Crimes
Decree, says Fiji Revenue and Customs
Authority CEO Jitoko Tikolevu.
And anyone found doing so will have
to face the consequences.
Mr Tikolevu said they were
investigating all complaints received
following concerns raised that some
taxpayers and importers were forging
tax documents for personal benefits.
FRCA said it was also investigating
complaints whereby forged documents
were presented to certain financial
institutions for personal gains.

"We also had some cases where some

taxpayers allegedly tried to bribe
our officers. We wish to reiterate
that FRCA has a no-gift policy," Mr
Tikolevu said.
Meanwhile, FRCA said information
received revealed certain businesses
not registered for value added tax
were collecting VAT from customers
and issuing false receipts and invoices
showing they were registered for VAT.
"This practice is unacceptable and
FRCA will ensure that those caught
engaging in unscrupulous behaviour
will be dealt with severely," he said.

Bainimarama Sends Sympathies

To Australian Leader

Bainimarama has sent his sympathies
to his Australian counterpart and
families of the 28 Australians killed in
the recent Malaysian airline crash in
In a message to Tony Abbott, the Fijian
Prime Minister said he was saddened
by the loss and devastation that has
occurred as a result of the crash of the
Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in
Ukraine on July 17.
On behalf of the Government and the
People of the Republic of Fiji, I wish

to express my deepest condolences to

the families and loved ones of the 28
Australians who lost their lives in this
tragedy, Bainimarama said. We pray
to Almighty God to give them patience
and fortitude, and to grant all the souls
eternal rest.
Fiji joins the people of Australia
and the international community in
mourning this sad loss." The Boeing
777-200, en route from Amsterdam to
Kuala Lumpur, went down in eastern
Ukraine, killing all the 298 passengers
and crew members aboard.

The Fiji Times Canada is now Available online

Friday July 25, 2014

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Fiji News

NZ, Aust Seasonal Jobs by Year Import Growth

Seasonal work opportunities in New available in Australia, Mr Usamate IMPORTS (excluding aircraft) growth
Zealand and Australia will open up for said.
Fijians at the end of the year.
He said at the same time employment
Minister for Labour, Industrial opportunities had increased in the
Relations and Employment, Jone country.
Usamate, said he had just returned from The last time we had the employment
New Zealand where he had discussions survey in 2007, it showed our
with members of the New Zealand unemployment went up to eight per
government and potential employers.
cent, but the survey we did for 2011 to
He said the seasonal work programme 6 2012, has shown that the employment
in New Zealand and Australia was rate has dropped to 6.5 per cent.
open to other countries except Fiji.
He said since that time, they had
We went to New Zealand as a result 6 kept track of the many employment
of its governments invitation with the advertisements.
idea that Fiji will be invited to serve in This meant more job opportunities.
the programme again sometime at the Weve had four years of economic
end of the year, or after elections this growth and thats very rare for Fiji,
year, Mr Usamate said.
Mr Usamate said.
He said the ministry intended to make He said having an economic growth
sure that people in rural areas had meant more people were setting up
access to income and improved their businesses and foreign investors had
been coming to Fiji to set up business
The programme will also be made here.

Nadi Hospital Cures Zaid Of

Hernia Problem

A taxi drivers world of pain and

frequent visits to the toilet has come to
an abrupt end.
Lachman Mohd Zaid, 43, was
suffering from hernia for the past two
years, but all that was cured following
a successful operation performed by
surgeons at the Nadi Hospital.
Mr Zaid was admitted on July 3, but
now he rests at home after spending
nine days in the hospital.
I would usually have to visit the
toilet and would suffer a lot of pain
especially with my muscle but now I

cant feel any pain, Mr Zaid said.

If it were not for the service provided
by the doctors I dont know what
would happen to me. Thanks to the
doctors who had performed surgery on
me I am able to drive better now and do
things better now.
He also acknowledged the current
Government for the better service
provided by the hospital.
During Mr Zaids stay in hospital,
he was also paid a special visit from
Fiji Labour Party leader, Mahendra

is forecasted at 0.4 per cent next year

mainly because of an expected increase
in all categories of imported goods except
for machinery and transport equipment.
Department of Energy director Epeli
Nakavulevu said imports (excluding
aircraft) growth was forecasted at 3.6 per
cent this year compared with a 3.1 per cent
growth projected in the previous round.
"This upward revision is a result of
the higher positive contribution from
machinery and transport equipment,
mineral fuel and food which more than
offset the lower positive contributions
from miscellaneous manufactured
goods and chemicals," Mr Nakavulevu
said while speaking on the energy
sector policies for green growth at a
symposium last week.
He said import growth last year was
forecasted at 6.1 per cent, up from the
earlier forecast of 3.1 per cent.
"The upward revision is mostly attributed
to the higher positive contributions from
machinery and transport equipment
and food which more than offset the
lower positive contributions from
miscellaneous manufactured goods and
the negative contribution from mineral
Cumulative to March 2012, he said
import payments rose by 4.5 per cent
compared with 10 per cent increase in
the same period last year.
"Imports of intermediate goods rose by
8.3 per cent, consumption goods rose
by 3.7 per cent and investment goods
rose by 0.8 per cent."
He said the increase was underpinned
by higher payments for all categories
of imports except machinery transport

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Fiji News

Proposed Onefiji Awaits

Registration Approval

Proposed OneFiji party chairman and

leader Filimoni Vosarogo says they
are awaiting the official registration by
the Elections Supervisor so they could
kick-start their campaign.
Vosarogo, 38, says they are looking
forward to introducing themselves and
policies the proposed party stands for
to the electorates.
He said the proposed party would be
the best alternative party for undecided
voters "given our collective desire for
a One Fiji that is loving and inclusive."
Since the proposed party's registration
in the daily last week, Vosarogo said
there have been numerous enquiries to
their founding members on the content
of the proposed party's constitution
particularly on Section 23 on the
process of selecting a party president.
The section states that "the
democratically elected Leader of
One Fiji Party shall be determined
according to the party candidate who
receives the highest number of votes
compared to the other party candidates
after the September 17 general

election." Vosarogo said the section

was birthed out of the proposed's
party outlook to fully respect the true
meaning of democracy by taking heed
of the leadership choice of the majority
voters. "It also takes care of the very
real possibility where announced party
leaders can end up having less number
of votes as compared to one or more
members of their own party," Vosarogo
said. He said he qualified as the cohort
leader having collected the most
number of signatures to support the
party's registration application process
that required at least 5000 signatures.
The opportunity he says also exists
for other aspiring candidates of the
proposed candidates who wish to take
up the leadership role to work hard for
it and earn it by appealing to the most
number of voters as possible in the
forthcoming election. In the meantime,
Vosarogo said he was humbled to be
chosen as the leader of the proposed
party which he acknowledges
comes with much responsibility and

Friday July 25, 2014

Mirchi FM Ladies Endorse

Indiana Bollywood To Entertain
Crowd On Indian Night

FijiFirst party leader Voreqe Bainimarama with the Tagitagi Mirchi womens
group during the campaign at Tagitagi in Tavua
The FijiFirst campaign at Tagitagi, massive support among communities
Tavua, was treated to a spectacle of in the area.
colours when a group of women turned She said they were impressed with the
up in matching saris at the meeting.
fact that FijiFirst was not just a party
The well-known faces are a group for one ethnic group or just for one
who endorse Fiji Broadcasting religion it was a party for all.
Corporations Mirchi FMs promo on She said the level of developments
its TV station.
they have seen over the past few years
Led by Anita Reddy, the members under Mr Bainimaramas leadership
of Tagitagi Mathar Sangam Club, had not been seen before.
the women met with Leader Voreqe Mrs Reddy said so many families have
Bainimarama and his team and said had the burden of school fees and bus
they were there to offer their support.
fares lifted off their shoulders. She
Mrs Reddy said the 13-member team said that this was a party which had its
did community work and from what sights set on the future and improving
they have gauged, FijiFirst Party has the lot of Fijians.

WITH the mother of all festivals

drawing closer, the event's organizers
and members of the public can look
forward to a number of surprises
all in a bid to make this year's fete an
unforgettable experience.
First-timer to the festival Indiana
Bollywood will be in the country
to entertain and showcase its
performances to the crowd.
Indian High Commission cultural centre
director Kishan Kanojia said the group
was expected to bring a combination of
international music with them.
He said apart from graceful and wellchoreographed dances, they would also
incorporate live singing by professional
playback singers from Indian cinema
and television.
"They have performed globally in

places like USA, Dubai, London and

Kenya and have worked with big
names in the Bollywood industry such
as Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan
and Micky Narula to name a few," Mr
Kanojia said.
Hibiscus Events Group chairman
Hirdesh Prasad said the group would
arrive next month.
He said the group would perform at the
Bollywood night during the Vodafone
Fiji Hibiscus Festival.
"People can look forward to the
Bollywood dancing and classic dance.
We are bringing India to Fiji. This is
something new that the people of Fiji
might want to see and witness," he said.
The 12-member group from Mumbai
will also perform with local dance

Bus checker Rabindar Singh has

pleaded not guilty to a manslaughter
charge over the deaths of a mother and
her daughter at the Suva bus stand in
Singh appeared in court in Suva before
Justice Paul Madigan over the May
6 deaths of Seruwaia Rokoseru, 46,
and her daughter, Paulini Tubuna, 3.
His bail has also been extended till

September 25 when he is due back in

The court is expected to fix a trial date
then. Singh is represented by Legal
Singh is alleged to have been driving
a Dee Cees bus which caused a threevehicle collision, the impact of which
trapped and crushed the mother and
daughter to death.

Bus Checker Pleads Not Guilty

The Fiji Times Canada is now Available online

Fiji News

Friday July 25, 2014

Court Jails Man Initially On

Suspended Term

A man initially given a suspended

sentence after he ran over and killed
a man along Princess Road in Waila
last year has been jailed for two years
by a high court in Suva following a
successful appeal by the state.
Leveni Waitui pleaded guilty to four
dangerous driving-related charges
- one count of causing death by
dangerous driving, one count of failure
to comply with requirements following
an accident, one count of driving motor
vehicle without drivers licence, and
one count of driving a motor vehicle
in contravention of third party policy
risks - and was accordingly convicted
by a resident magistrate.
Waitui was sentenced on 30 January
2014 by the magistrate - 12 months
imprisonment suspended for two years
for the first count, and a fine of two
penalty points each for counts two,
three and four. His driving licence was
suspended as well for six months.
The state appealed the sentence for
count one on the grounds that it was
lenient and not within the accepted

Fjians Troops Caught In


tariff for the offence. Revising the Fijian troops caught in the crossfire,
sentence, Justice Paul Madigan said as rival factions traded gunshots in the
the learned magistrate did not address Syrian conflict, have had to duck for
the issues proper particularly when the cover.
driver was unlicensed and could not be They are members of the United
deemed as a fit and proper person to be Nations Disengagement Observer
in charge of a vehicle at any time. "For Force deployed in the Golan Heights
the first offence of dangerous driving for a year.
causing death I take a starting point 8 Troops manning a checkpoint had to
of three years imprisonment, the mid- remain in bunkers for a whole day
point of the tariff set," Justice Madigan because they were caught in the middle
said. "The aggravating features of 8 of the exchanges.
the case are represented by the other The Republic of Fiji Military Force
charges and it would be unfair to add (RFMF) Land Force Commander
time to his sentence for those.
(LFC), Colonel Ratu Jone Kalouniwai
"For his plea of guilty and for his said at Queen Elizabeths Barracks
clear record, I deduct one year and (QEB) that they had to go underground
the sentence for the first count is two because rockets and mortars were
years imprisonment which will not be flying over their area of operations.
suspended." The accident happened at They did this for their own safety, he
about 5.45pm on 24 February. Waitui said.
fell asleep while driving and ran over Colonel Kalouniwai said in his briefing
the victim who was heavily intoxicated with the Lieutenant-Colonel Sitiveni
and sleeping in the middle of the road. Qiliho, the Commanding Officer of the
The court also heard Waitui had been Fiji Batt in the Golan Heights early in
given the car to drive but did not have a the week, he was told that the situation
licence to drive and that he did not stop. was tense.
Similar experiences were shared by
some of the 167 returning troops who
arrived back in Nadi.
Sergeant Inoke Vulisere said it was like
Mother still in hospital, father questioned by Police and released

One-Month Baby On Life Support

A one-month-old baby is currently
under life support following an
accident last Sunday morning at
Kennedy Avenue in Nadi.
It is believed the infant was sitting on
the back seat with her mother at the
time of the accident.
It is alleged that the babys parents
were arguing inside the car when the
woman hit her husband on the head,
causing him to lose control of the
vehicle, veered off the road and hitting
a lamp post.
The mother and the baby were thrown
forward where the baby suffered severe
Police had questioned the driver and
released him but are waiting for the

mother to be released from hospital for

The baby is currently under life support
at the ICU Ward in Lautoka Hospital
while the mother is still admitted at the
Nadi Hospital.
The Western Division currently holds
the highest number of road fatality in
the country.
According to statistics from the Police
the West has recorded 13 road fatal
accidents from January to June this year.
An increase of five fatal road accidents
compared to January to June from
Motorists are again advised to be more
considerate of other motorists and
pedestrians using the road.

More Investors For Fiji

Bainimarama Government has thrived
and it would get better if FijiFirst forms
the next government, says American
Bob Bishop.
The director of 480 Holdings Limited
joined some 1200 people at Kshatriya
Hall in Tavua during the FijiFirst party
team campaign there.
During the question and answer session,
Mr Bishop sought permission to speak.
He told the team and people present
that in America, politicians were
professionals for whom politics was a
career. He said in the States, politicians
would campaign and say all the right
things, but disappeared after votes had

been cast.
Mr Bishop said it was through the
initiative of Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama and general secretary
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum that foreign
investment in Fiji was increasing.
He said he was sure that if the Bainimarama
Government returned to lead the country
post September 17, more foreign investors
would come to Fiji.
Mr Bishop said he was not invited to
the campaign by anyone.
He said he wanted to be present to tell
people how investors like him had
been assisted by the investor-friendly
investment of the Bainimarama-led

Fiji Times Canada is Now Available online

a shooting parade.
There were lots of gunfire from every
corner, he said.
Colonel Ratu Jone said the tense
situation was not affecting their day to
day operation. The morale at the Golan
was at an all-time high, he said.
For the rotation he said 147 soldiers had
arrived at the UNDOF headquarters
while the first 167 from the Golan
arrived in Nadi.
Those that had arrived in the Golan had
a briefing and would soon be posted to
their areas of operations.
For the 167 soldiers arriving from the
Golan yesterday, they were met by
the RFMF chief operations officer,
Lieutenant-Colonel Amani Suliano at
Black Rock.
The last two rotations will be on August
11 and he said by the end of August
the rotation should be completed. For
the deployment to the Golan Heights,
Colonel Kalouniwai said the RFMF
was sticking to the 50 50 allocations
for the regular force and the territorial
force (TF).
However, for the current deployment,
they had to cut down on the TF because
there was a need for specalists and they
were taken from the regular force.

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Fiji News

Carve Your Name In History,

Women Told

A group of women were told to carve

their name in history during a Westpac
Bank networking lunch at the Grand
Pacific Hotel.
The networking event is one of the
many events Westpac will be hosting to
fulfill its strategies in making women
count and also striving to be the bank
of choice for the women.
Minster for Social Welfare, Women and
Poverty Alleviation, Dr Jiko Luveni
made the point to highlight some of the
struggles and tribulations growing up
and reaching the level she was at now.
As young person we used to carve our
names on trees and books back in high
school but I was later told if you want
to carve something, carve your name in
history, Dr Luveni said.
That was what I did when I became
the first female dentist and now the
only woman minister in government
and I have never forgotten that advice.

I want to encourage women to have

faith and confidence because at the
moment government is facing a
challenge of changing the mindset of
this country.
This Westpac event is important for
her because women need to support
each other in an organisation to first
learn the business skills of producing
products or items that can be sold
women except for women in social
welfare systems who we can help
Groups of women we would like to
help so that when we train them it can
be done as a group and once they have
acquired the skill they can branch out
on their own.
Westpac manager sustainability Eseta
Nadakuitavuki stressed it was an
exclusive networking lunch targeting
women of influence.

Tough Indian Stance On Global

Trade Pact

Efforts to assuage Indian concerns

about a landmark global trade pact
appear to have failed sources involved
in the discussions said, setting off a
frantic rush to win its support before
the deadline.
India is the most prominent of a group
of developing nations angry with
rich countries for failing to address
their concerns about a deal on trade
facilitation struck by World Trade
Organization member states in Bali,
Indonesia, last year.
Proponents believe the deal could add
$1 trillion to global gross domestic
product and 21 million jobs by slashing
red tape and streamlining customs,

eliminating delays at the border that can

often cost more than tariffs themselves.
A failure could prove disastrous for the
moribund World Trade Organization
(WTO) and the system of global free
trade deals it underpins.
As late as Sunday, hopes were high that
publicly addressing Indian concerns
during a G20 trade ministers meeting
in Sydney would give it a face-saving
path towards reaffirming its assent
before the July 31 deadline.
In principle, the WTO could pass the
agreement on the basis of a qualified
majority, but experts say that would be
unprecedented and virtually impossible in
an organisation that operates on consensus.

No Refund To Vatukola Gold


VATUKOULA Gold Mines Limited's

recent delisting on AIM, the London
Stock Exchange's market for smaller,
growing companies, will allow the
company to succeed in its longer-term
objective of becoming a profitable
According to VGM general manager
Kevin Zhu, the directors of the parent
company, Vatukoula Gold Mines
Plc in London, agreed it was in the
best interest of the company and its
shareholders to cancel trading on AIM.
"In deliberating the move to delist, the
directors and board advisers took into
consideration the perceived benefits
of trading of shares on AIM, that is,
access to equity capital markets, an
enhanced corporate profile, a means
to incentise staff and a mechanism
to provide a market in the company's
shares," he said.
"The board reached the view that the
company was not receiving all of these

benefits, and believes that it would be

better for the company to operate in
the private arena as this could enable
further capital to be raised more easily."
Mr Zhu said the costs associated with
listing were primarily for preparation
of the requisite reports financial
tax exposures, trading risks and
management in order to be accepted
for listing.
He said there was no investment per se
in the exchange, or in this case, with
"There is therefore no refund as such to
the company from AIM."
In terms of training for staff, he said
this was done in Fiji by their training
department in conjunction with the Fiji
National University and other national
training institutions.
Some distance training, he said, was
undertaken from external training
institutions with specialised mining


Friday July 25, 2014






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$24,000 Payout A Lifeline For


THE parents of a local fisherman

who died on a foreign fishing vessel
in Tahiti waters received $24,000 as
The deceased Tomu Koimoala, 24, was
on the Chinese fishing vessel Lu Rong
Yuan Yu 205 with his brother Andre Are
Naoneata, 27, and his namesake Tomu
Koimoala, 34, on January 9 when he
lost his footing and fell overboard.
His parents Joe Toromai and Eti
Benamini said they could now fulfill
their son's dream to provide them with
Speaking in the iTaukei language Mr
Toromai said before his second eldest
son left their Marata Village home in
Wailoku on December 20, 2013, he
had bought roofing iron sheets to build
a family house.
Mr Toromai said his family was with
relatives but with the payout, he would
be able to build a house for his family.

Labour Minister Jone Usamate, in

handing over the cheque, said the
ministry was reviewing legislation on
workmen's compensation.
The law places a maximum
compensation at $24,000 and Mr
Usamate said the ministry was "looking
at enhancing that area".
Mr Usamate said they had a budget
compensation with $1.2m paid out.
"You see what happens now with
the current situation because for
government employees there are
funds available so as soon as your
workmen's compensation is processed
by government immediately the money
can be made available," Mr Usamate
"But for the private sector because
there is no such pool then you have
to negotiate with the employer for the


Fiji News

Tourism Fiji Appoints New

Regional Director For North
and enhancing Fijis reputation in these

Ruth Daly
Tourism Fiji has appointed Ruth Daly as
its new Regional Director North America
who has already commenced work.
Ms Daly brings over 20 years of
experience in the travel industry to
Tourism Fiji, with an emphasis on product
development and marketing of long haul
destinations to North Americans.
In welcoming Ms Daly to the role,
Tourism Fiji acting chief executive,
Ken Freer, said the appointment
reflected the importance of the North
American market to tourism in Fiji.
Ruths extensive South Pacific
experience in the North American
market will be of great benefit to
Tourism Fiji and the entire Fijian
industry, he said.
We are confident Ruth will effectively
assist us in continuing to drive growth

Labasa School Donates To

Residents of the Babasiga Ashram in
Labasa were all smiles after teachers
and students of Bethel Primary School
visited them. Assistant head teacher
Satyawan Virappa said they donated
five cartons of clothes to the residents
last Friday.
Mr Virappa said this was part of the
International Nelson Mandela Day
As we all know, Nelson Mandela
had the humility to help others in his
community so we decided to take the
initiative to donate clothes that will be
useful to the residents, Mr Virappa

important markets with her proven

track record in the travel industry.
Most recently, Ms Daly has served as
National Trade Marketing Manager for
the Hong Kong Tourism Board.
Her previous positions have focused on
travel to the South Pacific and include
roles with Stella Travel Services,
Qantas Vacations, Australia Pacific
Tours and Contiki Holidays.
Mr Freer said: Ruth first visited Fiji
in 1993 and the strength of her existing
relationships with our industry partners
will enable her to hit the ground running
when she commences as Regional
Director at the end of July.
Ms Daly said she was delighted to be
representing Fiji and making a contribution
at a very exciting time with Tourism Fijis
new marketing initiatives and branding.
As a regular visitor to Fiji for over 20
years, Fiji holds a special place my heart
and is a destination held in very high
regard in North America, Ms Daly said.
The warmth of the people, the
amazing culture and the vast array
of experiences on offer make this the
dream destination and one Im very
proud to represent.
I very much look forward to sharing
everything Fiji has to offer with the
North American travel trade and
travelling public.


Friday July 25, 2014

Three Year Eight students and two

teachers represented the school and
visited the residents.
Having a heart to give is something
you can do to bless someone and we
are blessed to visit the residents, he
Babasiga Ashram health welfare officer
Neha Prasad said they were grateful for
the kind donation.
These residents are grateful and they
need people to visit them because most
of them feel lonely at the home, she
We would like to thank the donors and
the school for the donation.

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Fiji News

Friday July 25, 2014


NZ Doctor To Lead Local Eye


New Zealand eye specialist, Dr Jim

Stewart has been appointed by the Fred
Hollows Foundation NZ to be the new
director of the Pacific Eye Institute in
He is expected to take up this role in early
September where he will oversee the
Foundations international training facility
in Suva. Ive been keeping my ears open
for something that was a bit more than
just going up for a week and doing a lot of
cataract surgery, says Dr Stewart.
He said the role has something more, a
longer-term contribution.
Hes hopeful that previous overseas
experiences in Jerusalem have prepared
him for work in the developing world.
He said some issues that hes aware of
that echoes of his time in Jerusalem were
the challenges of maintaining adequate
supplies of drugs, the disposable items
they need to do surgery and keeping
operating theatres sterile.
Those are the challenges of the

developing world, but I think there are

some really top-rate people who are
conscientious and concerned.
Andrew Bell, Executive Director for
The Foundation, says Dr Stewart has
the right mix of surgical expertise and
commitment to training young doctors.
His skills as an ophthalmologist will
enhance the Foundations ability to help
more people see again in the Pacific,
Bell said.
Hes also an experienced educator
and mentor for registrars. That will
help build the culture of knowledge
sharing and training local eye health
Originally from Auckland, Dr Stewart
studied medicine in Dunedin, the UK
and the US before specialising in
glaucoma and putting down roots in
the Waikato.
The Pacific Eye Institute is an initiative
of, and is funded by, The Fred Hollows
Foundation NZ.

Frank Bainimarama Waiting For

NZ Visit

Fiji's military strongman Frank

Bainimarama wants to come to
Auckland but is waiting to find out
whether he can get a visa.
Fiji is heading to democracy-restoring
elections on September 17 in which
Bainimarama is contesting as leader of
the "Fiji First" party.
Since staging a coup in December 2006,
Bainimarama and other coup plotters
in the military have been banned from
entering New Zealand.
Bainimarama told Auckland's Indian
Radio Tarana that he wants to campaign
"There is a plan for me to come over to
Auckland," he said.
He was waiting for a visa.
A spokesman for Foreign Minister
Murray McCully said the minister,
who has just returned from aboard, has
no immediate comment on whether a
visa will be granted.
He has been beaten to the Fiji
campaign trail in New Zealand by the
man he deposed in 2006, Fiji's last
democratically elected Prime Minister
Laisenia Qarase.
There are around 2000 Fiji nationals
registered to vote in New Zealand.
Qarase is campaigning for the
Social Democratic Liberal Party
which appears to be predominantly

indigenous Fijian.
Bainimarama told Tarana he has "no
regrets whatsoever" about the 2006
He was last in New Zealand a fortnight
before staging his coup when he was
staying with a family member at
the Trentham Military Base outside
Before leaving Fiji he had explicitly
warned he would stage a coup on
his return and so while he was in
Wellington the then Foreign Minister
Winston Peters organised crisis
meetings at Government House.
Qarase was flown by the Royal New
Zealand Air Force to Wellington and
the then Governor-General Anand
Satyanand, who has Indo-Fijian
parents, was used in a bid to fend off
a coup.
It was to no avail and Bainimarama
seized power.
Fiji's first coup plotter, Sitiveni Rabuka,
was not allowed entry into New Zealand
for nearly four years after his two
coups in 1987. Having since restored
democracy and losing in elections, he
has been a regular visitor here.
Fiji's second plotter in 2000, George
Speight, remains locked up, convicted
of treason in Fiji's maximum security

FEO Releases Declaration Forms

The Fijian Elections Office has released
forms to be used by applicants, office
holders and registered officers of
political parties when declaring their
finances as per section 24 of the Political
Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding
and Disclosures) Decree 2013.

Under the decree, all registered officers

of all political parties are required to
declare their finances within 30 days
of the end of each financial year of
the political party. They will also be
required to disclose their spouses'
finances and that of their children.

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Fiji News

Growing Investment Leads To

Shortage Of Builders: Khan

Construction of a resort in Nacovi,

Nadi, is progressing says Resort Relax
Fiji director Bobby Khan.
However, the resort is facing a shortage
of construction workers which could
delay the opening of the 17 duplex
exclusive type villas, he said.
The opening is planned for this year
end when the tourism season peaks for
We have advertised vacancies in
the newspapers but we only received
limited response, Mr Khan said.
This shortage of employees will
hinder the opening of the duplex villas
by February 2015.
Mr Khan believes that under the
Bainimarama Government, a number
of developments are taking place
around the country. This has employed

the larger construction workforce.

I believe there is no such thing as high
unemployment rate. The incentives
offered by the Government have lured
more investors over the years, he said.
During the construction phase, some
90 employment opportunities were
created in June out of which only 40
have been filled.
We need more workers and we urge
them to contact Western Homes
Limited, Nadi, Mr Khan said.
He has also lined up another resort
project in the same area soon after the
completion of Resort Relax Fiji.
Meanwhile, Mr Khan is awaiting some
approvals from Town and Country
Planning before he can start off with
a shopping centre complex in Cuvu,

Traditional Medicine Linked To

Baby's Death

Police are investigating the death of

a six-month-old girl in Lautoka on
Tuesday believed to have been a result
of traditional medicine she was given.
The deceased's mother had given her
Fijian medicine a day earlier and had
some herself.
On Tuesday morning, she was taken to
the hospital after she started to pass red
and pink colored urine. Her condition

worsened and she died that afternoon.

Police are also investigating the
death of a two-year-old boy in Gunu
vilage in Yasawa last Friday. Police
spokesperson Atunaisa Sokomuri
said the mother was breastfeeding her
younger baby when the deceased left to
play at their neighbors house.
Moments later, she was informed her
son's body was found floating in the sea.

Regional Tax Heads Urged To

Work Together

Fijis Finance Ministry Permanent

Secretary Filimone Waqabaca has
called on the regions tax administrators
to work together so that the region
could be noticed internationally.
Speaking at the opening of the 11th Pacific
Islands Tax Administrators Association
heads meet in Suva, Waqabaca said due
to geographical isolation, the regions
small and developing economies need to
stand together to be noticed and heard in
the global arena.
We all agree on regionalism, but do
we respect it? As Pacific Islanders, I
need not emphasise more on the need

to work together," Waqabaca said.

He told administrators he hopes the
meeting will provide an opportunity
for the regions administrators to foster
ties and exchange knowledge and
As tax administrators, you are critical
to your governments and to the
people of the Pacific. The survival of
governments and countries depends on
you, Waqabaca said.
He told administrators issues faced
in the region are common and as
developing nations there was a need to
collaborate and work together.

EVERY service station in the country

is expected to change its fuel prices
to reflect the recent price changes
announced by the Fiji Commerce
And according to Fiji Fuel Retailers
Association president Mohammed
Nasser Khan, fuel retailers were
expected to comply with the set prices.
"That is by law. If we do not, we
will be charged because this is price
controlled," said Mr Khan.
"When there is a price rise or price
drop, we do not find any difference in

"There is a need for people to run their
"If their needs decrease then we can say
yes there is a decrease in consumption
but people's needs do not decrease."
He said the commission would
normally request information or data
from oil companies every three months.
"That's how they compile their price
list. This has nothing to do with the
retailers it is purely between the
oil companies and Fiji Commerce
Commission," Mr Khan said.

Friday July 25, 2014

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Fiji News

Corona Fiji Raises Money For


In a bid to raise money for the Colonial

War Memorial Hospital, about 50
members of the Corona Fiji members
came together to support the local
dressmakers and learn about Fijian
They met at the European Unions
Hilary Jacobs said it was an honour to
have the members at her residence and
this was a wonderful way to promote
Fijian designers.
Corona Fijis president Patricia
Aitchison said their group consisted
mainly expat ladies who met once a
month, from February to November.
Each monthly meeting is held
somewhere different and the topics for
the meetings are wide and varied, Ms
Aitchison said.
She said this year they decided to
raise money for the CWM Hospital

by its members volunteering to take a

hospital trolley stocked with items to
sell around the Maternity, Antenatal
and Paediatric wards each Friday
All the proceeds will be donated
back to CWM Hospital in the form of
much needed medical or non-medical
Ms Aitchison said members were asked
to donate items to sell on the trolley
which included baked goods, books,
toys, magazines, toiletries, childrens
clothes among other things.
The trolley has also benefited from
donations of toothbrushes, toothpaste,
soap, toilet paper, nappies and other
items donated by the manufacturers.
She said members also knitted bootees,
hats and made baby blankets which
were donated directly to the premature
baby unit at CWM Hospital.


Friday July 25, 2014


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Man Ordered To Pay $5980

A man who pleaded guilty to the charges

of burglary and theft was remanded into
custody and was ordered to pay a fine of
$5980 by the Suva Magistrates Court.
Christopher Walter, 30, of Naveiwakau
in Nasinu appeared before Magistrate
Chaitanya Lakshman on Tuesday.
The charge was read to him in court to
which he pleaded guilty.
The court heard that Walter, on July
19 entered the house of Hemal Kumar
at Ono street in Samabula, and stole
an iPad, a wrist watch, Australian and
Fijian cash, shoes, laptop, head phones,
radio, gold bracelet and chain and a

bag all amounting to $5980.

The only item that was recovered was
the radio. Walter informed the court
that he had used the rest of the money
on alcohol.
In mitigation he informed the court
that he was married with children and
is looking after his elderly parents. He
also pleaded guilty saving the courts
time and resources.
Magistrate Lakshaman then remanded
Walter for him to pay the amount
that was stolen. The case has been
adjourned to August 5 for sentencing if
he does not pay $5980.

Leave RFMF Out - Cokanasiga To


The Minister for Defence, Joketani

Cokanasiga, said the Republic of Fiji
Military Forces (RFMF) should not be
used by politicians and political parties
during their campaign.
Mr Cokanasiga said the RFMF had a
role to play and politicians should talk
of other things that would benefit the
Leave the RFMF alone, he said.
Mr Cokanasiga said: The RFMF is
there to defend the Constitution and its
role is provided for in the Constitution.
Section 131 (2) of the Constitution says
It shall be the overall responsibility
of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces
to ensure at all times the security,
defence and well-being of Fiji and all
According to the Minister, that is the
role of the RFMF.
In an earlier interview with the RFMF

Mosese Tikoitoga, he said whatever
the result of the elections, their role
will be to support the government of
the day and whatever government the
people chose.
The Social Democratic Liberal Party
(SODELPA) leader, Ro Teimumnu
Kepa, during the launch of the party
manifesto said this to the RFMF:
We are all of this country. You are our
brothers and sisters, our relatives; our
family. It is time to bring the family
together. There is much to be proud
of in your record of helping to keep
peace in the world. But here in Fiji we
need peace too; peace in its fullness.
There must be reconciliation between
the army and the people. You are here
to serve them through their elected
representatives in Parliament. That is
where the national sovereignty lies.



Mass Exodus Post Coups a

National Tragedy

Bainimarama says Fiji lost valuable years of development

The mass exodus Fiji experienced country, and never had a sense of truly
post the coups of 1987 and 2000 has belonging, he said.
been labeled as a national tragedy by Mr Bainimarama urged students to
Prime Minister Rear Admiral (Retired) ask their parents and grandparents
Voreqe Bainimarama.
about the hardships they had faced
While addressing some 1100 Tilak previously.
High School students during the They will tell you that in so many
Tilak Day celebrations yesterday, Mr instances, good honest, hardworking
Bainimarama said because of the mass ordinary people who had contributed
exodus, Fiji had lost valuable years of so much to our nation simply lost faith
and left Fiji in search of lands where
This exodus was a national tragedy they could be recognised as equals for
that robbed Fiji of the opportunity to their contribution to national life.
develop itself years ago into the nation Talk to your parents and grandparents
that it is only now starting to become about the struggles so many families
unified, proud, with a keen sense of had in the past to get even a basic
purpose and punching above its weight education. They will confirm the
in our region and the world, Mr countless stories of heartbreak; of
Bainimarama said.
families unable to pay their school
He said under his leadership the fees; the pain of children having to be
opportunities that todays younger withdrawn from school; the shattered
generations were getting, were not hopes of hundreds of thousands of
given to their parents and grandparents. decent, hardworking families.
You boys and girls sit here in 2014 in Today, for the first time, your fees are
a better position than any young person being paid by the Government. And
in Fijian history.
your parents have been freed from the
Your parents come from a generation pain that often struck their hearts the
that never experienced true equality in worry of not being able to make ends
Fiji. In those days, some Fijians were meet that kept generations of Fijian
treated as if they were more important families awake at nights.
than others; some had more rights than I urge you all to seize the opportunity
others, depending on who they were or that has been given to you to work
where they came from.
as hard as you can and to seriously
Those Fijians were given more consider moving on to higher education
privileges while the rest were treated if you havent already thought of doing
like second- class citizens in their own so.


Fiji News

Cane Growers Happy With EU

Deal Decision By Government
Sugarcane growers in Fiji have
welcomed Governments decision for
provisional application of the Interim
Economic Partnership Agreement with
the European Union.
The Economic Partnership Agreement
provides for free access into the
European Union.
Fijis main exports to the EU are raw
cane sugar, other agricultural products
and fish.
Sugar Cane Growers Council chief
executive, Sundresh Chetty, said the
move will help maintain favourable
market access on sugar exports.
On behalf of the growers, we would
like to show our gratitude towards the
government for this, Mr Chetty said.
This is a very positive decision to
maintain confidence levels of the
growers in the sugar industry and its
This will mean that we will continue
to trade with the European Union with
duty free access.
Mr Chetty said with the current industry
reforms in place by the government

and stakeholders support, there is no

doubt growing confidence in the sugar
industry now.
We are optimistic that growers will
invest more in their farms as their
shares of proceeds grow bigger, he
He said this has been evident in the
increased cane payment to the farmers
over the past two years.
We would like to see this agreement
is strengthened for the future of the
industry, he said.
I would like to urge to the farmers
to be composed and have faith in the
industry given the current reforms
taking place for sustainability, Mr
Chetty said.
He also urged farmers to take advantage
of the favourable weather conditions
to get as much cane to the mills as
Mr Chetty said growers are optimistic
about the 2014 harvesting season and
if there were issues, he is available to
look into these and support in any way

Court Grants Early Date To


FORMER Prime Minister Mahendra

Chaudhry hopes to contest the
September general election has been
kept alive with the Fiji Court of Appeal
granting the Fiji Labour Party leader an
early hearing date.
The appeals court will hear the case
on August 7. Chaudhry appeal is
against his sentence and conviction for
violating the Exchange Control Act.
Chaudhry counsel Anand Singh
presented a letter to court from the
Fijian Elections Office confirming the
date when nomination of candidates
must be filed.
An application by the State to have the
hearing in September was dismissed.
Justice Suresh Chandra said the
appellant, Chaudhry, had until July
30 to file his submissions and the
respondent, the State, had until August
6 to respond.

The hearing will take place over the

following two days, after which a
ruling is expected on notice.
Chaudhry conviction has rendered
him ineligible for the general election
and if his conviction stays until the
nomination day, the 72-year olds
chances to get back into government
could be over.
According to the dates released by the
Elections Office, the Writ of Elections
will be issued on August 4. Voter and
party registrations close on the same
day as well.
The nomination day for candidates is
August 18 and the National Candidates
List will be out seven days later.
Chaudhry was fined $2million which
he has paid but is yet to repatriate close
to $A1.5m he is keeping in banks in
Australia for which he has until the end
of the month.

12 Years Jail For Robber

A man who, with two others, robbed
two men of items worth $32,713.50
in Lautoka early 2012 before getting
away in a stolen company vehicle
worth $89,000 has been sentenced
to 12 years in jail by a high court in
In sentencing Eremasi Tasova, Justice
Sudharshana de Silva, took a starting
point for aggravated robbery at 10
years and for the aggravating factors
that the robbery was well planned,
the high value of the items and group
offending added another two years.
Justice De Silva could not consider
mitigating factors because of the

accuseds evading tactics to his arrest.

For the four counts of Aggravated
robbery (2), theft of Motor Vehicle,
and resisting arrest, Justice De
Silva ordered that the sentences run
Court papers show that on 14 May,
Tasova assisted Laisenia Vuluma and
Jolame Vunituraga in robbing two
British American Tobacco (BAT)
employees by stealing 10 cartons
of assorted cigarettes valued at
$29,943.10, $2,010.60 cash, a $359.80
cheque, and Nokia Mobile phones
valued at $400. The trio then used the
BAT company car to flee.

Friday July 25, 2014

Fiji Journalists Off To India For

Familiarization Tour
Two Senior newspaper journalists flew
out to India to join their colleagues
from other developing countries as part
of the familiarization trip of the world's
biggest democracy.
Rosi Tamani Doviverata, elections
editor of the Fiji Sun and Avinesh
Gopal, senior reporter of the Fiji Times
will be in New Delhi and Bangalore for
a week.
The trip was possible when the Indian
Government extended an invitation to
the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ratu
Inoke Kubuabola during his trip to
India early in February.
The duo will join journalists from nine
other developing countries.
The trip is one of the many evidences
of the healthy bilateral relation that the
two countries have enjoyed over the
Mr Gopal who has been in the media
for a little over 20 years said he was
excited and looking forward to set foot
on the land of his ancestors.
"It's been a long-time dream to set foot
there but now it will be a reality with

many thanks to the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs and the Indian Government for
this lifetime opportunity," he said.
Ms Tamani- Doviverata said she would
make the most of the opportunity to
learn and understand Fiji and India's
bilateral relation and international
"I'm looking forward to learn lots of
new things especially the culture, meet
new people, establish my network,
hopefully to meet up with Fijians who
live there."
"We are planning to go to the Fiji
Mission in New Delhi."
Indian High Commissioner to Fiji
Vinod Kumar briefed the journalists
in Suva last week said that this
familiarization trip was the first of its
kind in that program.
Since 2006, the Indian Government
allocates an annual grant of
US$100,000 to $125,000 to Fiji
towards socio- economic programs and
sustainable development projects. The
focal areas of these programs includes
education, health and defence.

Fiji Leadership In HIV/Aids

Campaign Commended By Un

The United Nations Population Fund

(UNFPA) this week conveyed its
gratitude and appreciation on Fiji's
leadership role in working towards
reducing HIV/AIDS statistics in the
The UNFPA deputy executive director
Kate Gilmore made the comments
during a meeting with Fijian President
His Excellency Ratu Epeli Nailatikau
in Melbourne, Australia where the two
are attending the 20th World AIDS
Ms Gilmore told his Excellency
that the election of Fiji as the
President of the Executive Board
of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the United
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
and the United Nations Office of
Project Services (UNOPS) and Fiji's

chairmanship of the Group of 77 plus

China and other forums is indicative
of Fiji's leadership.
Fiji's permanent representative to the
UN Ambassador Peter Thomson is the
chair of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS.
"Fiji leadership role speaks volumes
of the leadership abilities of Fiji and
this has been recently seen at the G77
and other regional and international
forums," she said.
"UNFPA is also grateful for your
continuous support and drive is issues
of sensitivity such as AIDS."
HE Ratu Epeli said Fiji was also
grateful that member states of the UN
support is leadership role and the Fijian
government was committed towards
issues such as climate change, AIDS,
sustainable development, health and
many others.


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World News

Dutch Man Cheats Death


Friday July 25, 2014


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Maarten De Jonge: Cyclist booked on flights MH370 and MH17, but changed
plans at last minute
Maarten De Jonge cheats death twice
by switching MH370 and MH17 flights
A Dutch man cheated death on both
recent doomed Malaysia Airlines
flights after booking tickets on MH370
and MH17 but changing plans at the
last minute.
Maarten De Jonge, 29, a cyclist who
rides with Malaysias Terengganu
Cycling Team, switched from MH370
in March to avoid a lengthy stopover
and switched from MH17 last week to
take a later flight and save money.
Its inconceivable, he told Dutch
public broadcaster RTV Oost. I am
very sorry for the passengers and their
families, yet I am very pleased Im
My story is ultimately nothing
compared to the misery in which so
many people are dead
In a statement on his website, he
said he was overwhelmed by the
international responses to his fortune
in narrowly avoiding death but said
the focus should be on the victims and
their families.
How happy I am for myself and my
family that I was on this flight and did
not take it the last moment; my story



is ultimately nothing compared to

the misery in which so many people
are dead, he said. Attention should
be paid to the victims and survivors.
Wishing everyone affected by this
disaster a lot of strength.
De Jonge said his ordeal would not
deter him from flying on Malaysia
Airlines and he plans to go ahead with
a flight on the airline to Malaysia via
I have been lucky twice, he said.
You should try not to worry too much
because then you wont get anywhere.
I could have taken that one [MH17]
just as easily.
The attack on MH17 in airspace above
Ukraine came less than five months
after the disappearance of MH370 and
has led to a series of people whose lives
were caught up in both flights.
An Australian woman, Kaylene Mann,
lost her brother Rod Burrows and his
wife Mary after the disappearance
of MH370 in March and lost her
stepdaughter, Maree Rizk, who was
travelling with her husband on MH17.
Its just brought everyone, everything
back, said Greg Burrows, Ms Manns
brother. Its just ripped our guts again.

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India School Rape Claim: Man

Arrested In Bangalore

Police in India have arrested a man in

connection with the alleged rape of a
six-year-old girl at her school.
The man, a skating instructor, had a
laptop with indecent videos of children,
police said.
Parents began a boycott of the school
in Bangalore following claims that the
girl was raped by two staff members.
The alleged assault happened on 2 July
but her parents discovered it several
days later, after she complained of
stomach ache and was taken to hospital.
"We found a mobile and a laptop. The
laptop contained downloaded videos
of schoolchildren being raped," police
commissioner Raghavendra Auradkar said.
"He told us he has other equipment
too, which has to be verified," he
said, adding: "We are continuing our
investigation so we can't talk about
another arrest yet."
The arrest comes after two days of

protests by parents and activists, who

were angry at how the school handled
the allegations.
Parents had said they would stop
sending their children to the school
until they had assurances about better
security for the students.
School chairman Rustom Kerawala
has offered his "sincere apologies"
to the parents and promised "full cooperation" with the police investigation.
Scrutiny of sexual violence in India has
grown since the 2012 gang rape and
murder of a student on a Delhi bus.
The crime sparked outrage and forced
the government to introduce tougher
anti-rape laws, including the death
But the law appears to have failed to
act as a deterrent. Statistics from the
National Crime Records Bureau for
2013 show one rape was reported
every 21 minutes.


World News

Friday July 25, 2014

Fewer Bodies On Train Than Thought As Forensic Experts

Begin Examining Malaysia Airlines Crash Victims

The head of the Dutch forensic team

in Ukraine says a train carrying the
remains of MH17 victims contains
significantly fewer bodies than claimed
by pro-Russian rebels.
The separatists said there were 282
bodies on the train but only 200 have
been found.
"We are sure of having 200 bodies
and body parts, that is all that I know,"
said Jan Tuinder, the head of the Dutch
Meanwhile, US intelligence officials
say evidence suggests MH17 was shot
down by "mistake" by ill-trained proRussian separatists.
Evidence gathered so far suggests
separatists launched the SA-11
surface-to-air missile that blew up
the Malaysian airliner, but it remains
unclear "who pulled the trigger" and
why, said a senior intelligence official
who spoke to reporters on condition of
"The most plausible explanation ...
was that it was a mistake," and that
the missile was fired by "an ill-trained
crew" using a system that requires
some skill and training, the official
Dutch team will need to return to
crash site
Speaking after the train arrived in the
city of Kharkiv, Mr Tuinder said his
team would need to go back to the
crash site to carry out another search
for more bodies.
International monitors say the crash
site is still being compromised by
separatists near Donetsk, a stronghold
of pro-Russian rebels, where fighting
with Ukrainian troops flared again on
"There were human remains that
had not been picked up," said
Michael Bociurkiw, a spokesman
for the Organisation for Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
observer mission after visiting the
scene, amid reports of the wreckage
being rearranged.
"What struck us is that we did not
monitor any recovery activity in
place," he said, pointing out that OSCE

observers saw human remains in at

least two areas at the sprawling crash
site in rebel-held territory.
SOUNDCLOUD: Phil Williams
discusses MH17 search
Pro-Russian insurgents said Monday
they had released the bodies of
282 victims after they were sent by
refrigerated train to the governmentcontrolled town of Kharkiv, some 300
kilometres to the northwest.
ABC reporter Phil Williams is in
Ukraine and says the discrepancy is
"I thought [282] was an odd figure
when I heard it, because it sounded too
high because of the area that had to be
searched," he said.
"I saw the method of searching, I
thought there is no possible way they
can find as many [bodies] as that.
"Now, it appears ... there's still many,
many bodies to be recovered."
The train with five refrigerated
carriages arrived and an Interpol
forensics team has begun the task of
identifying victims.
Russian president Vladimir Putin has
said he would urge the separatists to
allow a full investigation.
Western governments have threatened
Russia with broader sanctions for what
they say is its backing of the militia.
However, they are struggling to agree
a response, and European Union

had fatally stabbed his daughter during

an argument, a Perth court has heard.
Kelvin Clive Hart is on trial in the Supreme
Court, accused of murdering his 24-yearold daughter Ricky Lee in December
2012 at his South Fremantle unit.
Prosecutor Paul Yovich told the court
the two were arguing when Ms Hart
was stabbed in the chest by her father,
who was holding a knife he had used to
cut a cake.
She then left the unit and collapsed and
died on a neighbour's pathway.
Mr Hart has pleaded not guilty to the
charge of murder.

the units for some time with another

young daughter and Ms Hart would
stay with him from time to time.
Mr Yovich said the two would often
argue and neighbours "were aware
of the history of trouble between the
accused and the deceased".
Ms Hart usually caused the arguments,
and she would yell and scream and
smash things, the court was told.
Mr Hart later told police that just before
the stabbing, his daughter had been
abusing him and that he was still holding
the knife he had used to cut the cake.
Father stabbed daughter 'in heat of

ministers meeting in Brussels on

Tuesday delayed action for a few days.
The Netherlands is leading the
investigation, while Malaysia says it
will look after the plane's black boxes
until a team is set up.
Almost 300 people, predominantly
Dutch but also including 37 Australian
citizens and permanent residents, were
killed when the Malaysia Airlines
plane was shot down last Thursday.
Operation Bring Them Home to
transfer bodies
Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced
Operation Bring Them Home to secure
and identify the bodies of Australian
The Prime Minister's special envoy,
Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, is
in Kharkiv and says Australian officials
have not yet made it to the crash site.
"I think we are moving pretty quickly.
Things appear to have settled down
a little bit ... but I would emphasise
that there is still extensive fighting in
eastern Ukraine and the environment is
very fluid," he said.
An RAAF C17 plane carrying the
remains of victims so far recovered
from the wreckage is expected to
depart Kharkiv this evening and travel
to the Netherlands.
In a statement, the Prime Minister's
Office says the plane, as well as a
Dutch aircraft, will continue the

sombre journey until all remains are

Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove
will be present for the arrival of both
the Dutch and the Australian aircraft.
"Once the Australian victims of MH17
have been identified, the Government
will transport their families to the
Netherlands, should they wish, so
they can accompany their loved ones
home," the statement read.
Operation Bring Them Home involves
100 Australian officials, including
consular staff, victim identification
and forensic experts and air safety
investigators in Ukraine and the
Mr Abbott said when the bodies had
been removed, experts would begin the
painstaking process of identifying the
Australian victims.
"I need to caution that this is necessarily
a painstaking and methodical process
that will take some weeks," he told
reporters in Canberra.
"As frustrating as this is, we do have
to get it right. It would be terrible to
compound the families' grief by risking
the misidentification of their loved
Warnings identification of victims
could take months
Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak
spent several days negotiating with
rebels to transport the bodies of the
MH17 plane victims out of Donetsk.
A small group of Malaysian air crash
experts became the first international
accident investigators to reach the site
on Tuesday, escorted by a convoy of
international monitors and heavily
armed separatist fighters.
Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte
cautioned identification of the bodies
could take months.
"As soon as a victim is identified,
first and foremost the family will be
informed and no-one else. That can
take weeks or months," he said.
He confirmed the Netherlands would
lead the crash investigation, which
normally would have fallen to Kiev,
although it does not control the area
around the crash site.

Man Accused Of Murdering Daughter Unaware He Stabbed Her,

Court Hears
A 45-year-old man was unaware he The court heard Mr Hart had lived in argument'
was no suggestion at any stage she had
Mr Yovich said it was "not the
prosecution case that the accused had
set out to cause his daughter's death".
However, he said it was alleged
he "intended to put the knife in his
daughter's chest ... in the heat of the
argument. That what he did, was a
willed act."
Mr Hart's barrister, Tom Percy QC,
described the case as unusual and
tragic, but said his client "did not
wilfully act to cause the knife to enter
his daughter's body".
"She balked at him, ran out of the unit,
continuing to yell as she left. There

been stabbed," he said.

"Mr Hart wasn't aware he still had the
knife in his hand.
"The news he'd stabbed his daughter
was a complete shock to him, the fact
she'd died was devastating."
Mr Percy also rejected the allegation
his client may have been criminally
negligent saying, "He did nothing
negligent with the knife.
"He was unaware he had the knife in
his hand.
"His actions were unintended and
The trial is continuing.

World News

Friday July 25, 2014


Andrew Suresh Comes To Twin Sister Anjalis Rescue With

ANDREW Suresh is just 6, but already
hes a lifesaver and his twin sisters
Last year, he was told Anjali was dying,
her life fast slipping away after a rare
abnormality in her immune system saw
a simple glandular fever turn lethal.
But Andrew was a perfect match for a
bone-marrow transplant.
So he mustered all his courage and told
his Dad: I need to do this to save my
sisters life.
Anjali had been rushed to the Royal
Childrens Hospital last year with a
high fever, liver failure and extreme
fatigue, her little body covered in
bruises as her blood platelets came
under attack.
Doctors feared if a compatible match
wasnt found within the familys
immediate circle, a wider search of the
donor registry may prove too late.
She was basically dying from this
virus. We didnt have much time,
recalled Dr Francoise Mechinaud, head
of the RCH transplant program.
It was very scary. They were lucky
Andrew was compatible.

Siblings only have a 30 per cent chance

of bone marrow donor compatibility.
Andrew was required to fast before
a two-hour operation, under general
anaesthetic, in which bone marrow was
harvested from his hip.
Dr Mechinaud said it would have been
more frightening than painful.
These little ones are absolutely healthy
and we ask them to go into surgery ...
thats a significant thing, she said.
I think its an amazing gift that has to
be recognised.
The twins father, Suresh Ramani, said
Andrew remained by his sisters side
during her hospital stay, visiting her
after school as she recovered.
We are very proud, he said.
A year on, the pair are back to playfighting like typical siblings, and Anjali
has an active, normal life.
Andrew has been nominated for a Pride
of Australia award.
Theres only days until nominations
close on July 29, so go to heraldsun.
Originally published as She aint
heavy, shes my sister

Larvae Found In Orange Drink

Muni Gurunadan felt sick just seconds
after taking a sip of his favourite drink.
Moments later he was vomiting.
Then he saw one possible reason.
Floating in the one-litre bottle of Keri
Pulpy Orange Juice were two grey bugs
that looked like insect larvae, he says.
The Clendon resident bought the
drink at the Lincoln Rd Pak 'n Save
in Henderson on his way back from
visiting a friend on July 12.
"On Monday I hadn't touched it and I
was thirsty so I took a sip. Then I took
another and my stomach started to feel
"I vomited twice and then I looked at
the bottle and saw the bugs. That made
me throw up again."
The welder is now well but worried
something similar could happen to
someone else.
"I went to see a doctor. He gave me
antibiotics and told me to go straight to
the hospital's emergency department if
it got worse."
Gurunadan has complained to the Keri
Juice Company, which is owned by
Coca-Cola Amatil.
"I got an apology on the phone when
I first called Coca-Cola but that's not
good enough, I have had to pay to see a
doctor and pay for the medicine. They
offered me an 18-pack of Coke."
A Coca-Cola spokesperson says all
complaints are treated seriously by the
company and it is now investigating the
incident and liaising with Gurunadan.
"Based on a review of our production

records and retention samples this

appears to be a unique incident," the
spokesperson says.
"We are urgently investigating the
possible causes of this complaint.
"The company follows rigorous
quality and food safety specifications
when producing all of its beverages,
including Keri Juice Pulpy Orange."
Foodstuffs New Zealand, the owner of
the Pak 'n Save store, is also investigating
as part of its own food safety
programme, group communications
director Antoinette Shallue says.
"This includes reviewing the product
on sale and displays of the product, and
working with the supplier. If necessary,
Foodstuffs will withdraw it from sale."




Anjali was diagnosed with an immunity problem in June last year, requiring a
bone marrow transplant. Her brother Andrew was found to be a match and he
acted as a donor for the transplant in September.

Prince George Pictures Mark

Royal Baby's First Birthday

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

thanked well-wishers as Prince George
celebrates his first birthday.
In a statement the Duke and Duchess
thanked people for their "warm and
generous good wishes".
The couple said: "We would like to
take this opportunity on George's first
birthday to thank everyone over the last
year, wherever we have met them, both
at home and overseas, for their warm
and generous good wishes to George

and our family."

The Duke and Duchess held a birthday
party for the young prince on Tuesday
at their Kensington Palace apartment.
Warm wishes
Prince George was first revealed to
the public on the steps of St Mary's
hospital in London on 23 July 2013.
The couple and their son were also
warmly welcomed when they travelled
to New Zealand and Australia on a
royal visit.


Friday July 25, 2014


Try This Practice Test - Discover Canada

1) What party is the Official

Opposition at the federal level?
A. The New Democratic Party.
B. The Liberal Party.
C. The Canadian Alliance Party.
D. The Conservative Party of Canada.
2) When did thousands of miners
first come to Yukon?
A. 1790s.
B. Early 1700s.
C. Early 1800s.
D. 1890s.
3) Where are the Great Lakes?
A. Quebec.

B. On the border between Quebec and

C. Southern Ontario along the border
between Canada and the United States.
D. Ontario.
4) Which province in Canada is the
smallest in land size?
A. Nova Scotia.
B. Prince Edward Island.
C. Newfoundland and Labrador.
D. New Brunswick.
5) Who is Canada's Head of State?
A. Prime Minister.
B. A hereditary Sovereign (Queen or
C. Members of parliament.
D. Governor General of Canada.
6) What are the provinces of the
Atlantic region?
A. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Ontario and Quebec.

B. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New

Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
C. Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New
Brunswick and Quebec.
D. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Prince Edward Island and Quebec.
7) Who discovered insulin?
A. Dr. John A. Hopps.
B. Dr. Wilder Penfield.
C. Sir Frederick Banting and Charles
D. Matthew Evans and Henry
8) Who is the leader of the Official
A. Adrain Dix
B. John Horgan
C. Christy Clark
D. Joy MacPhail
9) When is Remembrance Day?

A. The first Monday of November.

B. December 12th every year.
C. The second Monday of October.
D. November 11th every year.
10) Which of the followings are
the responsibilities of federal
A. National defence, health care,
international trade and aboriginal
B. National defence, foreign policy,
international trade and aboriginal
C. Highways, policing, international
trade and criminal justice.
D. Education, foreign policy, recycling
programs and aboriginal affairs.
1 A
6 B

2 D
7 C

3 C
4 B
8 B
9 D

10 B

For New Immigrants

Apply for a permanent resident card or
Canadian citizenship, find information
about how to start your life in Canada,
or find out what services near you are
available to help.
Get a permanent resident card
The permanent resident card (PR card)
is the official proof that you are a
permanent resident of Canada. You use
this wallet-sized plastic card to show
you can enter and stay in Canada when
you return from another country.
You must show this card when you reenter Canada on a commercial vehicle,
such as an airplane, boat, train or bus.
If you return to Canada in a private
vehicle, such as your car, there are
other documents you can use.
If you plan to leave Canada, check your
cards expiry date to make sure that
it will still be valid when you return.
Most cards are valid for five years.
If you do not plan to leave Canada, you
do not need the card.
You may also need a passport to reenter Canada. Please see the Canadian
Border Services Agency website for
the documents you will need at the

Learn when to get a PR card

If you are immigrating as a permanent
resident, CIC will mail your card to
you when you get to Canada. You do
not need to apply for a card.
You may want to apply for a PR card if:
-you did not get one when you
immigrated to Canada,
-you have one that has expired or will
soon expire, or
-your card was lost, stolen or damaged.
Determine your eligibility
Make sure you are eligible to apply for
a PR card.
Apply for a new or replacement card
Find out what you need to do to apply
for a PR card. This application can be
for your first card, to renew a card or to
replace one.
You can also apply for urgent
processing if:
-you will travel outside Canada very
soon, and
-you do not have a PR card, it has
expired or will expire soon.
There is a different process to fix a
mistake or make a change to your PR
Check processing times

Find out how long it will take CIC to

process your application.
You can also view the service standard
when you immigrate to Canada. This
standard shows how quickly we should
be able to process applications.
Help Centre
What do you need help with?
What happens if my permanent
resident card expires while I am
outside Canada?
Most permanent resident (PR) cards
are valid for five years. The expiry
date is printed on the card. If your PR
card will expire within six months, you
should apply to renew your card.
Check our processing times to see how
long you will have to wait to get your
new card.
If you need to leave Canada soon, you
can apply for urgent processing.
We do not mail PR cards to addresses
outside Canada. If your card expires
while you are outside Canada and you
will use a commercial vehicle like a
bus or plane to return to Canada, you
must apply for a travel document.
If you will return to Canada by private
vehicle, there are other documents you

can use to re-enter Canada. If you do

not have these documents, you must
apply for a travel document.
When you return to Canada, apply for
a PR card if you plan to travel outside
Canada again.
Im a new permanent resident of
Canada. Do I need to apply for a PR
No, we will mail your permanent
resident (PR) card to you when you
arrive in Canada.
If you did not provide your Canadian
mailing address when you became a
permanent resident, you have to send
it to us using our online tool within
180 days of the day you become a
permanent resident. If you do not send
it within 180 days, the PR card will be
cancelled and you will have to apply
for one and pay the processing fees.
Check current processing times to see
how long you will have to wait to get
your new card. If you did not get your
PR card within the processing times
shown of giving us your Canadian
address, please tell us that you did not
get your PR card.

Continued Next Week

Friday July 25, 2014


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Friday July 25, 2014

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Moroccan Roasted Lamb


Friday July 25, 2014

Caribbean Lamb Chops

3/4 cup water
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon chopped green onion
1 tablespoon canola oil
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon ground allspice
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to
6 pieces lamb chops, 1/2 inch thick

This is an easy, delicious way to

prepare slabs of lamb spareribs, which
Moroccans might have on hand at
Eid.The meat is coated with a butter,
herb and spice mixture, and then
slow-roasted in the oven to buttery
tenderness. The optional basting with
honey at the end of cooking adds
sticky, finger-licking sweetness.
Prior to proceeding with the recipe,
trim the excess fat and connective
tissue from the slabs of meat.
2 or 3 slabs of lamb spareribs
4 tablespoons soft butter
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 or 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
2 tablespoons honey (optional)

Preheat an oven to 325 F
Combine the butter with the garlic,
cilantro and spices. Make a number
of incisions in the slabs of spareribs,
and spread the butter mixture over the
surface of the meat. Try to rub a little
of the mixture into the incisions.
Place the ribs in a large roasting pan.
Cover the pan with a foil, sealing the foil
snugly to the pan, and roast in the oven
for about 3 hours. Occasionally baste
the ribs with the juices, remembering
each time to reseal the foil.
After 3 hours, remove the foil and
increase the oven temperature to
425F. If using the honey, spread
it over the meat at this time.)
Continue roasting the lamb spareribs,
uncovered, for another 15 minutes or
so, basting once or twice more, until
nicely browned.

Dal Payasam

1 cup Moong dal
1 cup grated coconut
1 coarse brown sugar
1 tsp nutmeg powder
cup cashews
cup golden raisins
Cardamom powder

Combine water, lemon juice, onion,

brown sugar, green onions, oil, salt,
allspice, cinnamon, black pepper,
thyme, and cayenne pepper in a blender
or food processor. Blend until smooth.
Reserve 1/2 cup for basting.
Place lamb chops in shallow glass dish.
Pour remaining marinade over the
meat. Cover, and refrigerate at least 12
hours, but no longer than 24 hours.
Preheat grill for medium heat. Place
grate 4 to 5 inches above heat source.
Oil the grill grate. Arrange chops on
grate, and discard marinade. Cover
grill, and cook chops for 10 minutes,
turning once, or to desired doneness.

Roast moong dal without oil.

Cook moong dal in a pressure cooker.
Melt sugar, by boiling it with little
water, and mix this with the cooked
Cook for 10 minutes and remove
from heat.
Add nutmeg powder, cardamom
powder, fried raisins, and fried cashews.

Halibut In White Wine Sauce

1 1/2 lbs. Halibut steaks or other fish
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 Clove garlic minced
2 Tbsp butter
1 Small tomato chopped (1/2 cup)
1/3-1/2 cup dry white wine
1 Tbsp snipped parsley
1/2 Tsp salt
Dash pepper
2 Tsp cornstarch

In a skillet saute onion and garlic in
butter for 5 minutes. Then add fish,
tomato, wine, parsley, salt, and pepper.
Cover, cook over low heat 10-12
minutes. Remove the fish and keep
it warm. Blend milk and cornstarch
and the blended mixture to the skillet.
Cook and stir until the sauce becomes
thick and bubbly. Cook for 1-2 minutes
more. Pour the sauce over the fish and

Canada News

$50M Lotto Win Kept Secret For

7 Months By Edmonton Couple
'We had to take care of things in our own lives,' couple say about wait to
claim $50M prize

Andrea and Bill Groner say they knew they had the winning ticket in
December but kept it hidden from friends and family while they made some
For seven months, a $50-million
lottery prize has gone unclaimed. Now,
an Edmonton couple have finally come
forward to claim the lottery prize
although they say theyve known the
whole time that they were holding the
winning ticket.
We had to maintain a normal lifestyle
until we got all our ducks in the row.
We had to take care of things in our
own lives, said Andrea Groner,
47, who shares the jackpot with her
husband, Bill.
She says the couple realized they had
won days after the lucky numbers were
announced in December. They held off
claiming the ticket, keeping it secret

from friends and family, until they were

ready. She says they even watched
news stories about the unclaimed prize.
"We were actually sitting at home,
watching we'd see it on the stuff on
TV and say, 'We're right here.'"
Groner wouldnt say what kind of
arrangements they made before
claiming the prize.
The couple have been married for 25
years but say they were never able to
take a honeymoon. They are planning
to rectify that with their winnings.
The Western Canada Lottery Corporation
says the $50-million win is the largest
ever in Edmonton, and the second largest
jackpot awarded in Alberta.

Sleepy Fox Takes A Nap On

Ottawa City Bus

A fox that was found sound asleep

at the back of an Ottawa city bus is
becoming a bit of a Twitter sensation.
OC Transpo tweeted on Wednesday
that the fox had snuck onto the bus
while it was parked at a garage for

regular maintenance.
Transit employees couldn't help
but snap a couple of pictures of the
adorable scene.
The transit service reported that the sleepy
stowaway left on its own after its nap.



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Friday July 25, 2014


Five Metro Vancouver Areas

Make List Of The Richest
Neighbourhoods In Canada

Want to know where the truly rich live?

Head into Kerrisdale and Shaughnessy
in Vancouver!
Canadian Business magazine has
come out with its list of the 25 richest
neighbourhoods in the country.
Shaughnessey Heights comes in at
Number 4 on the list, with an average
household net worth of $12 million.
Only five local areas in total are on
this list. The others are Shaughnessy
Centre, two parts of Kerrisdale, and
West Bay & Sandy Cove in West
Graham F Scott, managing editor
of Canadian Business, tells us they
looked at the wealthiest areas in each
There would definitely be other

neighbourhoods in Vancouver that

would probably come in well ahead of
Calgary or Winnipeg. This is merely a
list of the exceptionally rich. Theres
no room for merely rich, he explains.
The top three are all in Toronto.
Scott notes wealthy areas are usually
old neighbourhoods.
Buying a house means making a
long-term investment and if you have
one rich neighbour, it attracts another
rich neighbour it becomes a virtuous
circle in which youve got extremely
high net-worth individuals going to the
same area together.
The swankiest neighbourhood in
Canada is the Bridal Path in Toronto,
with an average household net worth of
a cool $22 million.

Conservation officers are now handing

out expensive fines if your garbage is
out in what they call a high-risk area.
The move comes after a black bear
walked into the home of a North
Vancouver woman Tuesday night.
She was scratched and ended up in the
hospital. The bear was put down.
Conservation Officer Sergeant Todd
Hunter says shes lucky, but this is a
good reminder to lock up your trash.
Otherwise, bears become habituated.
Fines for leaving garbage out in highrisk areas start at $230.
We started with the Tri-Cities area:
Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, and were
moving on to Port Moody to some of
the problem areas there, says Hunter.
Well also be in North Vancouver for
sure, he tells us, noting that calls have
spiked in that area over the last several

Anytime you see any kind of wildfire,
[bears] can be dangerous, defensive
and theres a great risk of someone
being injured, he adds.
Meantime, Hunter says overall, reports
of bear sightings are down a bit this
year over last. He thinks its because
people are worried the animal will be
destroyed if they say anything.
But he says not to be afraid to call
them because if you dont, it could put
peoples safety at risk. Either a bear has
made its way into a residence or within
close proximity to a person because
these bears are being habituated to
natural food sources.
He suggests you take down the bird
feeder and avoid putting things like
babies diapers in the trash can outside.
They are both considered attractants.

Hefty Fines Being Handed Out

For Leaving Trash In High-Risk
Bear Areas



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Canada News

Friday July 25, 2014

Baldev Singh Kalsi Charged With Murder In Death Of Wife Narinder

Narinder Kaur Kalsi was found badly beaten in Surrey family home more than a week ago
The attempted murder charge against the scene and originally charged with
Baldev Singh Kalsi, the former leader aggravated assault, and then attempted
of a Sikh temple in Surrey, B.C., was murder.
upgraded today to second-degree Last week, police confirmed he was
murder after his wife, Narinder Kaur attacked by another inmate at the
Kalsi, was taken off life support, police pretrial facilities in Surrey.
He was president of the Brookside
The woman died after her family Sikh Temple in Surrey at the time of
agreed to have her taken off life his arrest, but has since been removed
support on Sunday afternoon, police from that position.
have confirmed.
Narinder Kaur Kalsi's picture was
On July 13, she was taken to hospital in posted on the Gurdwara Sahib
critical condition after she was found Brookside's Facebook page following
in severe medical distress at her family her death on Sunday after she was
home in South Surrey.
taken off life support. She was taken to
Baldev Singh Kalsi was Brookside Temple president in Surrey, B.C., but
On Monday, police confirmed charges hospital after she was found in severe
has been removed from the position. He's now charged with second-degree
against her husband had been upgraded. medical distress at her family home in
murder after his wife was taken off life support.
Baldev Singh Kalsi was arrested at South Surrey earlier this month.

$100-Million Ponzi Scheme Snared 200 Victims, Many In Surrey

Dozens of people protested in front
of a Coast Capital Savings branch in
Surrey last Saturday, blaming the credit
union for an alleged Ponzi scheme
that threatens to cost some their life's
They carried signs outside the
Newton office reading, "Coast return
our money" and "Coast gave us bad
financial advice."
The dispute, which is the subject of
lawsuits before the courts, involves
Arvindbhai (Arvin) Patel, a former
investment advisor at Coast Capital,
who has already been banned from
trading securities.
He admitted to the B.C. Securities
Commission (BCSC) in April that he
encouraged his Coast Capital clients,
as well as friends and family, to invest
in what he called a secure investment
guaranteed to pay them 12 per cent a
The money went to Vancouver notary
public Rashida Samji, who was to
keep it in a trust account that would
act as borrowing security to the Mark
Anthony wine group to expand their
winery operations internationally.
The claims were untrue the Mark
Anthony group was never involved

and the now-suspended Samji

is accused by BCSC regulators of
defrauding investors of $83 million
after using money from new investors
to pay earlier ones between 2003 and
January 2012.
Nearly $29 million was invested in the
Samji-led investment by the mainly
Surrey residents Patel referred since
2006, according to a BCSC ruling.
Coast Capital claims Patel who was
only authorized to deal in mutual funds
was essentially a rogue employee,
acting outside his scope of employment.
"We were actually the ones who
uncovered Ms. Samji's scheme and
reported it to the B.C. Securities
Commission," said Karen McDonald,
communications at Coast Capital
She said Patel was relieved of his
duties within days of a client complaint
that uncovered his activities.
McDonald said Coast Capital is
cooperating fully in an ongoing
investigation by securities regulators
and the RCMP.
Customers who invested through Patel
hold the credit union responsible.
Scott Nicholl, a Surrey lawyer

representing 90 affected clients, says

some invested more than $1 million
and have lost much of their net worth.
Some borrowed money through Coast
Capital to invest via Patel and may be
forced to sell their homes to pay back
credit lines.
Nicholl alleges the credit union and
its affiliated mutual fund arm failed
in their duty to properly supervise
Patel when he was providing financial
"There are retired couples who Arvin
Patel recommended refinance their
clear title houses to invest in this
thing," Nicholl said.
He said those affected have asked the
credit union for interest relief on the
outstanding loans.
"So far Coast Capital has done
nothing," he said. "We were hoping
they would do the right thing."
McDonald said the credit union is
working to respond to the claims
against it and recognizes the situation
is causing hardship to members.
"We have reached out to each of them
and offered them short-term financial
aid," McDonald said, adding she could
not go into specific details.
The securities commission said in

an April ruling that Patel who put

$600,000 of his own money in the
scheme should have known Samji's
claims were false and that high returns
with no risk are impossible.
Other warning signs included the fact
the investment wasn't approved by
the credit union, had no disclosure
documentation, and was described
as an "exclusive" opportunity not
available to the general public.
Most of Patel's assets have been seized
and Samji's accounts are frozen but
it's not clear how much investors may
The BCSC said a multi-million-dollar
fine against the now-unemployed Patel
would be appropriate, but pointless,
as there is no reasonable prospect of it
being paid.
A separate class action lawsuit has been
filed against Samji, Patel and Coast
Capital, with Delta couple Lawrence
and June Jer and Surrey resident
Janette Scott acting as lead plaintiffs.
According to the filing, the Jers
invested $350,000 in the scheme and
received $156,000 in interest payments
over four years, paid out in bank drafts
that hid the identity of the remitting

Michelle Ligori and her husband had

saved up to take a seven-day vacation
aboard one of the worlds largest cruise
ships, Royal Caribbeans Oasis of the
Seas. But when the time came for the
Hamilton couple and two young sons
to board the 225,000 ton behemoth,
excitement turned to shock. It all
came down to a surprise question from
a customer service representative
checking the family in for the vacation.
The girl at the counter said any chance
youre pregnant? And I was taken off
guard and said yes, I found out a few
days before we left and she said do you
have a note? She told us you cannot get
on without a note, said Ligori.
Ligori had shown positive on a home
pregnancy test but had not yet been to her

family doctor. She and her husband did not

want to say anything to family members,
or their two young sons, because the
pregnancy was at the very early stages.
We were treated like parasites,
Ligori said of Royal Caribbean, which
refused to accept a hastily-written
medical letter from a doctor arranged
in Ontario. The note read that there was
no reason Ligori could not travel.
With time ticking away before the cruise
ship left, Ligori says she asked Royal
Caribbean if she could be seen by the
ships doctor. She says representatives
refused and the family missed the
departure. Ligori says she subsequently
saw a doctor at a local Florida hospital
who issued the note without even
conducting a pregnancy test.

My husband, my two children and I

were stuck, said Ligori, adding the
family had to stay at a hotel, take taxi
rides and then board a flight to the
Bahamas at their own expense to catch
up with the cruise ship. The family
missed two days of the vacation and
has not received compensation from
Royal Caribbean, except for a $250
goodwill credit towards a future cruise.
Royal Caribbean did not return emails and
phone calls from Global News to discuss
the Ligori case. The company, which also
operates Celebrity Cruises, discusses
pregnancy on its website. It reads: Royal
Caribbean International cannot accept
guests who will have entered their 24th
week of pregnancy by the beginning
of, or at any time during the cruise or

cruisetour. A physicians Fit to Travel

note is required prior to sailing, stating
how far along (in weeks) your pregnancy
will be at the beginning of the cruise and
confirming that you are in good health and
not experiencing a high-risk pregnancy.
Many women asked by Global News
say its unacceptable for companies
even to ask about pregnancy in the first
two trimesters.
I dont think you should ever ask a woman
if shes pregnant, said one. Another put
it this way: Is it anybodys right to ask
(about pregnancy)? I would say no.
On seven previous cruises, Ligori says
no one ever posed the question. This was
her first voyage with Royal Caribbean.
I believe other cruise lines would
have handled it better.

Cruise Line Bars Hamilton, Ont. Woman After Asking Whether Shes Pregnant

Canada News

Canada Revenue Could Ask

Charities For Donor Lists

Canadian charities would have to turn

over lists of their donors' identities
to the Canada Revenue Agency
under a proposal being floated by the
Conservative government.
The move is touted as a way to prevent
tax-receipt fraud, but some charities
are wary of the administrative burden
and the potential close surveillance
of groups that criticize government
Findlay made the suggestion behind
closed doors this spring to charities
officials in Ottawa as the government
seeks ways to tighten regulation of
Canada's charitable sector.
Findlay asked officials of the Heart

and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian

Cancer Society and others for their
input, as well as their reaction to a
proposal to standardize the format,
size and colour of official income-tax
receipts for charitable donations.
The consultation took place before
a March 26 media event at which
Findlay and Kevin Sorenson, minister
of state for finance, boasted about
the government's achievements in
reducing red tape for charities.
The suggestion about turning over
donor lists also came as some charities,
subject to lengthy audits by the Canada
Revenue Agency over their political
activities, were feeling vulnerable and
threatened by the Harper government

Male Shot In Surrey

On July 21, 2014 at approximately

4:30 pm, Surrey RCMP received a
call from a female who resides in the
area of 187th Street and 60A Avenue,
advising that a male had accidently
shot his friend in the leg. Surrey
RCMP General Duty officers as well
members of our General Investigation
Unit attended to the scene and located
a male in his late 20s with a single
gunshot to his leg. The suspect male
had left prior to police attendance.
The injured male was transported to
hospital and is in stable condition. The
victim is presently supplying limited
details of the incident.
The suspect male was last seen leaving

the area on a motorcycle at a high rate

of speed. It is believed to be a dark
coloured, two tone motorcycle. The
suspect is described as a Caucasian
male, in his early 30's, slender build,
with light coloured hair, wearing blue
jeans and a t-shirt. The male was not
wearing a helmet when he left on the
The incident is not random.
Police are asking for the public's
assistance and requesting that if
anyone was in the area and observed
the male leaving on the motorcycle, or
saw the described motorcycle, to call
the Surrey RCMP at 604-599-0502, or
to call Crime Stoppers.

Friday July 25, 2014


11-Year-Old Transgender Girl

Not Done Yet After Changing
Birth Certificate

An 11-year-old Vancouver Island

girl was among the first 30 Britsh
Columbians to take advantage of a new
law that allows transgender people to
change the sex listed on their birth
certificates without having surgery.
According to her, she was the first
person in line after the bill passed.
I was probably the youngest,
Harriette Cunningham told the reporter.
I know I was the first.
The Comox resident said shes always
known she was a girl, despite being
labeled male on her original birth
certificate. The new document is the
latest success in a campaign to get
legal recognition for her gender that
began when she was 8 or 9, she said.
It just made me so mad and made me
almost frustrated to know that Im a
girl and then I look on my passport and
it says that Im a boy, Cunningham
Some children who dont conform to
gender norms can be persuaded to stay
quiet about it in official situations like
border crossings, Cunninghams father
Colin said. That was never an option
with Harriette, whos expecting a new
passport soon to match her new birth
For her, it was a matter of principle,
where she wasnt being acknowledged
for who she really was, Colin
Cunningham said.

The younger Cunningham has always

been very sure of her gender identity,
her father said. It was up to her parents
to educate themselves and support her
in her transition. It was a steep learning
We didnt even know there were
transgender youth, Colin Cunningham
said. Once she started down that path,
it was really obvious. It was really
obvious that this is exactly who she is.
It was us that had to catch up.
Part of that education, for both Harriette
and her parents, was the realization
that not everyone fits into the sex and
gender binary of male or female, boy
or girl. Some people identify as both
boy and girl, or as neither, so why
should one or the other be picked for
them from birth?
Harriette Cunningham knows her
transition would have been much
easier if she hadnt been assigned the
wrong sex at birth. So her next fight is
going to be to get the province to stop
including sex on birth certificates.
Im not done yet, she said. I want
to get gender off the birth certificates
so when a child is born they dont put
M or F on their birth certificate. That
would have made it a lot easier for me.
The Cunningham family is scheduled
to appear before the B.C. Human
Rights Tribunal in October to argue for
this change.

Canada Border Services Agency

Makes More Gun Seizures At
Alberta's Coutts Border Crossing

Canadian border agents in Alberta have

seized three more handguns, adding to
numbers on track to shoot down last
years smuggling interceptions.
The firearms found at three different
border crossings with the U.S. bring
the total seized at the Alberta gateways
to 33 just shy of the 36 confiscated
in all of 2013.
Its difficult to explain the increased
numbers, said Canada Border Service
Agency (CBSA) spokeswoman Lisa
Its any number of different variables
how much has tourism gone up?
said White, adding CBSA agents
relentless vigilance also plays a role.
Weve had great successes in southern
Alberta Id definitely say were one
of tops in the country.
On July 18, a man entering Canada at
the port of Chief Mountain was found
to be carrying an undeclared .357
revolver along with two speed loaders
each holding 12 rounds of ammunition
in his tent trailer.
Michael James Littlehorn, 60, of
Golden, Colo. is charged with two
counts of failing to declare.

The next day, CBSA staff at Coutts

found another .357 handgun in the
centre console of a vehicle, leading to
a charge of failing to declare against
Clint Corey Not Afraid, 24, of Fort
Smith, Montana.
Agents at the border crossing at Carway
on July 20 found an undeclared .40
calibre pistol within easy reach of the
It was a semi-automatic, loaded pistol
ready to go, said White.
Charged is Daniel F. Helton, 51, of
Goshen, Ohio.
Americans have made up the recent
lions share of smuggling supects but
White said its hard to say if they feel
entitled to bring firearms into Canada.
The firearms are concealed and the
person is given multiple opportunities
to be forthcoming, she said.
The smaller seizures are assumed to
be suspects personal weapons more
than those earmarked for sale, but
authorities cant take the risk of them
falling into criminal hands, she said.
About half the Americans found with
undeclared guns are on their way to
Alaska, said White.

B.C. Man Wanted In U.S. On

Hacking, Conspiracy Charges
A judge has refused bail for a Chinese
citizen who owns a home in Vancouver
and is accused by U.S. authorities of a
sophisticated scheme to steal military
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Austin
Cullen ordered the continued detention
of Su Bin, whose permanent residency
in Canada was revoked as he faces
possible extradition to the U.S.
The FBI alleges Su was the
mastermind of a plot to electronically
steal information from American
military contractor Boeing and sell it
to companies in China.

Cullen said Su's connections to Canada

appeared to be "illusory" and merely a
base for his wife and two children and
there's a significant risk the man would
flee Canada if released.
Su was arrested by RCMP on June
28, and an extensive FBI affidavit
outlining the spying allegations against
him has been filed in court, although
the U.S. has not yet formally requested
Su's next court appearance in B.C. has
been set for Aug. 27, while a hearing
date for his appeal on the immigration
process has yet be set.


Friday July 25, 2014

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Friday July 25, 2014

Don't Do It! Never Leave Kids In

Car Alone

You're just dashing into a store to

grab some milk, dropping a letter off
at someone's house, returning a video
rental, or grabbing the dry cleaning.
There's no harm in leaving your child
in the car for just a minute...right?
Wrong! For various reasons, hundreds
of kids each year are involved in
potentially fatally accidents when left
unattended in a vehicle.
Whether it's from gear-shifted crashes,
sweltering temperatures, locking
parents out of a car, trunk entrapments,
or playing with windows and getting
limbs (or necks even) caught, horrific
accidents can and do happen in a blink
of an eye. And, in some states, it can
be considered a misdemeanor offense
of leaving a child in the car alone; the
offense can become a felony if there
are resulting injuries.
It's easy to understand why parents
feel it is okay to leave a child alone in
a car for a very small amount of time to
perform a quick errand. These parents
who don't think twice about leaving
a child alone for just a wee minute
typically dote on their youngster and
would never willingly place him/her
in harm's way. Waking a sleeping
child or getting a toddler out of a child
seat in freezing cold or less-than-ideal
weather is sometimes such a hassle,
when the errand can be done singlehandedly within a minute or two. But,
while the actions can be explained,
the consequences could never ever
be undone if the unthinkable does
occur. As a result, the sound parenting
advice remains the same: don't ever
leave a child in a car alone, even for
a moment.
For more information about car safety,
statistics, legislation and a first person's
account of a tragic ending to a precious
boy named Harrison.
Reasons Not To Leave Your Child
Alone In The Car
I will just be a second. I am
Running into the ATM.

Going into the station to pay for gas.

Dropping mail off at the post office.

Running back into the house to grab a

Picking up the dry cleaning.
Stopping to get milk.
Although several times a year we hear
stories on the news that recount how
a car was stolen with a baby inside at
the gas station, the message still hasn't
been heard loud and clear that it is
never acceptable to leave your child in
the car, even for a moment.
In addition to only taking a second for
something to go wrong, you should
never leave your child alone in the car
-It is scary for a child to be left alone.
-A car's temperature can change
quickly. It can become too hot or too
cold in minutes.
-You could lock your keys in the car,
along with your child.
According to Safe Kids, 30 children
die each year when they are alone in
the car. One of those 30 could be yours.
In some states, it's illegal. It can be
considered a misdemeanor offense and
if your child is hurt or worse, it can
become a felony.
In a nutshell, when parents leave their
children in the car because they don't
want to go through the hassle of taking
them in and out, it is lazy parenting at
its worst.
If you think it's too cold to take your
child out of the car while you run an
errand, skip it.
If you need gas, go to a full-service
If you need money, find a drive though
If you forgot your water, go without it.
The risk of leaving your child
unattended in the car, even for a
moment, isn't worth it.

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Your Health


Why Dried Plums Are Good For

Your Bones?

A new study has identified three

potential pathways by which dried
plums may contribute to bone health.
Researchers from San Diego State
University and Florida State University
Fifty-seven million Americans suffer
from low bone density or osteoporosis,
a disease which causes bones to
become so weak and brittle that even
a minor fall or other stresses might
cause fractures. So the team examined
the mechanism of the bone-protective
properties of an unlikely source,
California dried plums.
Dr. Shirin Hooshmand, PhD, said that
while it was difficult to identify the
exact mechanism behind dried plums'
positive effect on bones, however,
this study identified three potential
pathways for the mechanism behind
the effect of dried plums on bone
resorption and bone formation.
This, according to study author and
researcher Dr. Bahram H. Arjmandi,
PhD, RD, Florida State University's
Margaret A. Sitton Professor of the
Department of Nutrition, Food and

Exercise Sciences and Director of

the Center for Advancing Exercise
and Nutrition Research on Aging
(CAENRA) in the College of Human
Sciences, was due, in part, to the ability
of dried plums to suppress the rate of
bone resorption, or the breakdown of
bone, which tends to exceed the rate of
new bone growth as people age.
Arjmandi suggested that dried plums
might actually help to regenerate bone
in people who have experienced bone
loss, which was a serious issue for men
and women alike.
Collectively, both the human and
animal studies indicate that adding
dried plums to the diet may be an
effective way to help support healthy
bones.However, the research also
suggested that dried plums might also
support heart health and digestive
The study found that dried plums help
manage weight through improved
satiety, perhaps by producing lower
glucose and/or appetite-regulating
hormone concentrations.


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Friday July 25, 2014

Hospital Elevator Buttons Dirtier

Than Toilets: Study

The next time you take an elevator in

a hospital, get a little cautious while
pressing the buttons. A new study
reveals that hospital elevator buttons
may be dirtier than toilets.
Lead author of the study Donald
Redelmeier, professor of medicine at
University of Toronto said after you
have used an elevator, it's a good idea
to wash your hands.
For the study, a total of 120 elevator
buttons and 96 toilet surfaces were
swabbed over separate intervals at
three hospitals in Canada.
Elevator buttons had a 61 percent

chance of bacterial growth while

toilets had a lower 43 percent level of
contamination, the findings showed.
Since the samples in the study were
only tested for bacterial infections, the
amount of germs may even be higher.
The organisms found in both cases
were not deadly germs, but elevator
buttons widely used by people could
be cause for worry.
In a hospital, a visitor is likely to
come into contact with an elevator
button or a toilet and may transmit
organisms if interacting with

If you cannot resist the sweets kept in

your refrigerator and crave for food
even after a sumptuous meal, you could
be a victim of overeating, warn health
experts. Stress, long hours of starvation
and the wide variety of food options
available in the market contribute to
overeating, they say.
Listing the various reasons that lead to
overeating, dietitian Akshita Aggarwal
told IANS: "Usually, when people
feel emotional, stressed, are under any
trauma or have any discomfort, they
tend to eat a lot."
She added that sometimes people
overeat when there is a long gap
between two meals.
"Some people eat more to feel better
and overcome trauma," Aggarwal
Agreed Divya Choudhary, chief
dietitian, Max Hospital, Shalimar
"Apart from overeating, stress can also
cause under-eating. Under eating leads
to hair fall, calcium deficiency, less
immunity, lack of glow on the face and
anemia," Choudhary added.
However, Pawan Sethi, nutritionist
at Dr. Rachna's Diet in Mansarovar
Garden, said that the percentage of
people who eat when stressed is lower.
"Rather, people these days earn well
and have more affordable food options
to select from. Also, the number of
outings have increased where they end
up eating more junk which leads to
their being overweight," added Sethi.
Experts add that skipping or having a
late breakfast is also a reason for being
"These days, people leave for work
early and by the time they have their
food, it gets late. Since they have not
eaten a proper meal, they are extremely

hungry and end up eating anything

which comes in front of them,"
Choudhary said.
Aggarwal said that the few symptoms
associated with overeating include
"eating more rapidly than normal,
depression or mood swings, abnormal
eating patterns, history of weight
fluctuations, unsuccessful diets and
"The main effect of overeating is
overweight, which can further lead to
various medical complications," said
"Apart from weight gain, overeating
can also lead to increase in the
percentage of fat, indigestion, and
loose motions. Harmonal imbalance
usually seen in females gives rise to
irregular menstruation, facial growth,
hair fall and PCOS," Aggarwal said.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
is a hormonal disorder which affects
women of reproductive age. Those
affected suffer from numerous cysts
located along the outer edge of each
"It is very important for women with
PCOS to keep a tab on their weight as
the condition leads to further medical
complications," added Choudhary.
She added that though there is no
particular age for a person to suffer
from the condition, it can even start
from a very young age.
"The condition is usually seen in
youngsters as they eat more junk food,
but even elders suffer from the same
problem," said Sethi.
If compulsive overeating, characterized
by excessive food consumption, is not
treated it can lead to diseases like obesity,
diabetics, heart disease, hypertension,
depression, kidney disease and high
cholesterol, said Aggarwal.

Stress, Mood Swings Lead To


The Fiji Times Canada is now available online

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.

Continued From Last Week

Risk factors
The risk factors for developing PIN
are thought to be the same as those
for developing prostate cancer. PIN is
found more frequently in men older
than 50 years of age.
Signs and symptoms
PIN does not cause any signs or
Diagnostic tests are not done for PIN. It is
found when a biopsy sample is examined
by a pathologist after a man has had a
transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy of
the prostate. A biopsy is ordered if the
doctor suspects prostate cancer.
PIN is usually not treated unless it
progresses to cancer. Not all men with
PIN will develop prostate cancer.
If multiple sites of high-grade PIN are
found on a repeat biopsy, then treatment
may be considered. Treatment with
5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, antiandrogens or selective estrogen
receptor modulators (SERMs) may
be used as a form of prostate cancer
prevention. These drugs may reverse
high-grade PIN, possibly reducing the
risk of prostate cancer, but this has not
been shown.
Men who have been diagnosed with
high-grade PIN are followed closely to
watch for evidence of prostate cancer.
Any new symptoms or symptoms that
don't go away should be reported to
the doctor without waiting for the next
scheduled appointment. Follow-up
visits will usually be scheduled every
6 months, for at least 2 years.
Follow-up visits usually include:
including a digital rectal examination
-prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test
Follow-up biopsies are not usually
done on a regular basis.
The urologist will order another biopsy
if there is any suspicion of cancer.
If prostate cancer is found during
follow-up for PIN, the specialist
(urologist) will discuss the treatment
options with the man.
Proliferative inflammatory atrophy
PIA is characterized by abnormal
epithelial cells that are dividing
more rapidly in areas of chronic
inflammation. Areas of the prostate
with PIA changes are 20% more
likely to develop prostate cancer.
Some studies suggest that PIA is an
early change that may later develop
into prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
(PIN) or prostate cancer.
Atypical small acinar proliferation

Your Health

Friday July 25, 2014


Prostate Cancer
ASAP is abnormal growth of gland cells
that can change into prostate cancer.
In men with ASAP, the likelihood
of finding prostate cancer in a future
biopsy sample is about 4050%.
Malignant tumours of the prostate
Malignant tumours of the prostate
are cancerous growths that have the
potential to spread (metastasize) to
other parts of the body.
Gland cells in the prostate produce the
prostatic fluid that is part of semen.
More than 95% of prostate cancers
develop from these gland cells and
are called adenocarcinomas. Most
adenocarcinomas are found in the
peripheral zone of the prostate and
may be felt during a digital rectal
examination (DRE).
Adenocarcinomas are most commonly
found in more than one site (multifocal)
in the prostate. The grade can vary in
each site.
Rare prostate tumours
Other types of prostate cancer include:
-transitional cell carcinoma
-small cell (neuroendocrine) carcinoma
-ductal carcinoma
-mucinous carcinoma
-large duct (endometrioid) carcinoma
-primary lymphoma of the prostate
These rare types of prostate cancer
make up less than 5% of all prostate
Grades of prostate cancer
Grading is a way of classifying prostate
cancer cells based on their appearance
and behaviour when viewed under a
microscope. To find out the grade of a
tumour, the biopsy sample is examined
under a microscope. A grade is given
based on the pattern of growth and
how different the prostate cancer tissue
looks and behaves compared with
normal prostate tissue (differentiation).
This can give the healthcare team an
idea of how likely the cancer is to grow
beyond the prostate.
The most common grading system
for prostate cancer is the Gleason
classification system. This system is
based on the structure of the prostate
gland tissue.
Well-differentiated prostate cancer
glands look and behave almost like
normal prostate glands. These tumours
tend to be less aggressive and slow
differentiated prostate cancer glands
look and behave quite differently from
normal prostate glands. They look
immature and undeveloped. These
tumours tend to be more aggressive
and to grow more quickly.
Grading plays an important part in
planning prostate cancer treatment and

can also be used to help estimate the

prognosis (future outcome).
Gleason classification for prostate
The most common grading system
for prostate cancer is the Gleason
classification system. It is used to
describe how aggressive a prostate
cancer tumour is, and how likely it is
to spread. The Gleason classification
is used only for adenocarcinoma, the
most common type of prostate cancer.
The Gleason classification reflects how
different the tumour tissue is from normal
prostate tissue. It uses a scale from 1 to
5. The doctor gives the cancer a number
based on the patterns and growth of the
cancer cells. The lower the number, the
more normal the cancer cells look and the
lower the grade. The higher the number,
the less normal the cancer cells look and
the higher the grade. Grades 1 and 2 are
not commonly used because the tumour
tissue looks and acts like normal tissue.
Most prostate tumours are grade 3 or
Grade Description
3 The cancer cells are well
differentiated, which means they still
form well-defined glands.
The cancer has grown into, or invaded,
the surrounding prostate tissue.
The cancer is less aggressive and has a
favourable prognosis.
4 The cancer cells are between grade 3
and grade 5
5 The cancer cells are poorly
differentiated, which means they are
very abnormal and dont look and act
like normal glands.
The cancer is more aggressive and has
a less favourable prognosis.
To assign a Gleason score (also called
Gleason sum), the pathologist looks at
the biopsy sample of the tumour to find
the 2 most common types of glandular
growth patterns within the tumour. A
grade from the scale is given to each
of these 2 patterns. The 2 grades are
added together to get the total Gleason
score. For example, if the grade given
to the most common growth pattern
is 3 and the grade given to the second
most common growth pattern is 4, the
total Gleason score is 7.
The Gleason score is always between
6 and 10. Higher Gleason scores
indicate more aggressive tumours.
Most prostate cancer tumours are low
and intermediate grades (Gleason
score 67). Gleason scores below 6 are
not usually given because it is difficult
for the pathologist to determine with
certainty that the lowest grade tumours
are in fact cancer.
Stages of prostate cancer
Staging is a way of describing or
classifying a cancer based on the extent
of cancer in the body. The most common

staging system for prostate cancer is

the TNM system. The International
Union Against Cancer (UICC) uses the
TNM system to describe the extent of
many solid tumour cancers.
TNM stands for tumour, nodes,
metastasis. TNM staging describes:
-the size and extent of the primary
-the number and location of any
regional lymph nodes that have cancer
cells in them
-whether the cancer has spread or
metastasized to another part of the
There is a system for clinical staging,
which describes the extent of tumour
prior to treatment based on clinical
tests. Pathological staging describes
the true extent of cancer in the prostate
after it has been removed surgically.
The following staging information is
for adenocarcinoma, which makes up
95% of prostate cancers. Transitional
cell carcinoma of the prostate is staged
as a urethral tumour. Other rare prostate
cancers are staged according to their
specific type and behaviour.
Primary tumour (T)
Primary tumour cannot be
No evidence of primary
Tumour cannot be felt and is
not visible on imaging.
T1a The prostate cancer is found
resection of presumed BPH, but it
makes up 5% or less of the tissue
T1b The prostate cancer is found
resection of presumed BPH, but it
makes up more than 5% of the tissue
T1c Tumour found due to an elevated
PSA level.
Tumour is confined to the
T2a Tumour involves half a lobe or
T2b Tumour involves more than half
a lobe, but not both lobes.
T2c Tumour involves both lobes.
Tumour has spread beyond the
prostatic capsule.
T3a Tumour extends though the
capsule or involves the neck of the
T3b Tumour invades the seminal
Tumour has become attached
(fixed) to, or involves, other nearby
structures (other than the seminal
vesicles): rectum, pelvic wall, bladder.

Continued Next Week

This information is provided for knowledge and educational purposes only. Individuals should visit their physicians for more information on their health.




You may need to be more patient for

the week. Maintain patience while
handling your activities as you may
lose control. You have to adjust with the
pressure that is mounting for the week.
There are chances for you to commit
errors while handling your tasks. This
may be due to lack of concentration.
There will be chances for money loss
and so you need to handle your finances
efficiently. You may lose money this
week by travel; it will be good for
you to handle money very carefully.
You may have difference of opinion
with your wife. This may be due to
the emotional feelings that you will be
having in your mind. Your bad mood
will affect your ties with your wife.
It will be good for you to be cheerful
and share a good relationship with
her. You may have problems in sleep
from couple of days. Health will not be
satisfactory; there may be chances for
pain in your ears.


You will be able to accomplish your

goals. You will work hard towards selfdevelopment to attain favorable results.
Helping poor people will greatly benefit
you. You will possess the determination
to succeed. You will be able to please
others by your way of communication.
This is the week which will be suitable
to plan your long term goals. You will
be able to complete the tasks assigned
to you in a quick manner. You will be
able to make progress regarding your
finances; financial progress will be
good for the week. You will witness
increase in your bank balance. You
will enjoy happy moments with your
father in family. You will discuss about
important events which is going to
happen in your family with your father.
You will maintain good relationship
with your co-born. There will be
general happiness. You will have sound
health. Feelings of satisfaction and
happiness will help you keep fit. You
will not have major health problems.


It will be a good week generally. You

will feel delighted with the events that
are happening around you. For the
hard work that you do, you will get
more concessions from your superiors.
This will delight you and will give you
an opportunity to do better. You will
have the special talent to convert even
complex tasks into easy ones. There
are chances for you to gain incentives
and perks for the extra work that you
are doing. You will have some financial
freedom. Your bank balance will
increase for the week. This week you
will have some important discussions
with your father with respect to your
family`s development. The discussion
will be a useful one. You will spend
time with your wife by going out on a
casual trip. By this travel, you will be
able to share good moments together
and deepen understanding of each
other. You will be very happy and this

happiness will keep you in fine health.

There will not be any health problems.


You can make use of the week for spiritual

pursuits and travel related to that will give
you satisfaction and happiness. Job front
will be a challenging one for you. You
may need to plan your way of work and
by planning, you can finish your work
quickly. You may focus your attention
while handing your tasks. The week will
not be a healthy one for gaining more
money. You may need to incur extra
expenses which will cause you worries.
You will be having disputes with your
mother over family issues. This may be
a matter of concern to you. The week
will not be a good one for relationship.
Though you will have affection towards
your wife, you may not be able to show
it. Health will not be fit. You may be
exposed to colds/cough and digestion
related problems. This may cause worries
to you. There will be chances for pain in
shoulders. You may be prone to anxiety
which you need to avoid.


You may need to avoid taking major

decisions this week. Be careful in your
moves. You may get over-excited and to
avoid such things, planning is required
on your part. There are chances to
commit errors while performing tasks.
More attention is needed on your part
to avoid mistakes and gain success.
Money will be scarce for the week;
you may meet with expenses for the
week and so you may borrow money
to suit your needs. You may meet with
expenses for the week and so you may
borrow money to suit your needs.
There will be chances for difference of
opinion with your wife. Problem over
finances will cause such disturbances
in the family. Due to stress, you may
have leg pain. Practice of meditation
will help improve your health. You may
succumb to nervous related problems.
It will be good for you to avoid anxiety
and any sort of hypertension.


This is said to be a glorious week for

you. You will witness some memorable
moments that will keep you happy. You
will be able to accept tough tasks and
easily perform them. You will possess
the skill to carry out challenging tasks
that will keep you busy. You will be
comfortable with your finances. You
can make use of this week to do future
planning. You will be able to enjoy
cordial relationship with your wife.
This will be possible due to good
understanding shared between the
two. You may feel elated and excited
and this excitement will keep you in
sheer happiness. You will be fully fit.
However you will have difference of
opinion with your siblings. To keep
yourself relaxed, listen to music and
this will keep you in joy. Avoid entering
into arguments/confrontations.


This week will give you progressive

results. You can pursue some major

decisions for this week and by doing

this, you will witness favorable results.
You may not find work atmosphere to
be an exciting one. You may think of
switching over to a new job that will
give you progress. With chances of
luck being less, you need to rely solely
on hard work. Financial freedom will
be good for the week. You can utilize
the week for availing loans to meet
your requirements. There are chances
for you to lose money. It will be wise
for you to safeguard your finances to
avoid further loss. You will exchange
pleasant views with your wife. This will
keep you cheerful. You have confusion
in your mind and this will disturb your
relations with your wife. Unhappy
feelings will prevail over your hurtful
words to her. You will be able to enjoy
fine health. It will be good for you to
do meditation and chant mantras to
enjoy good health.


This is the week for you to learn the

essence of life. You will lose your
patience occasionally while carrying
out your work. This may be due to more
job pressure which will give you less
satisfaction. You may face disturbances
with your colleagues. You have to use
your intelligence and carry out your
work efficiently. Be calm in attending
your work to gain success. Money
progress will not be so smooth for the
week. It is essential for you to avoid
this for better relationship. This week
it will be good to avoid talking to your
wife to pass the week peacefully. There
are possible chances for unwanted
arguments. Skin irritations will be
possible for you. You may also have leg
pain and this may trouble you. Due to
this, your health will be affected. You
will be seeking better changes that will
give you progress. You can take some
useful decisions for your life.


This week you will get the benefits

as expected. You will be comfortable
with what you have. You will be able
to satisfy others through your pleasant
communication. Chances of luck
remain high for the week. However, you
may stand to lose valuable opportunities
in the final moment. You will remain
worried over it. With suitable advice,
you can overcome your problems. You
will perform well in work and gain
appreciation from superiors. You will be
able to handle complex jobs with ease.
You may not be able to complete your
work on time. There may be chances for
errors that you are likely to commit. You
will be comfortable with the money that
you have. You will be able to build up
your savings considerably. There may
be emotional outbursts with your wife
which you need to avoid. You will be
able to maintain good fitness. Health of
your mother will cause worries to you.
You may have to incur expenses for the


You will be able to gain new contacts

Friday July 25, 2014

and their support too. You will feel

cheerful and happy. There will also be
feelings in you that you have achieved
something extraordinary. There will
be the auspicious events taking place
that will bring you lots of happiness.
You will gain more money for the
week. This will be possible in the
form of incentives and perks for the
extra work that you do. There will be
increase in the inflow of money. You
will be able to save money that you
earn for the week. There will be good
support from your wife and this will
give you encouragement. You will be
able to take some important decisions
with your wife. You will exchange
pleasantries with your wife through
your sweet words. This will make your
wife happy. You will be more energetic
and fit. Happiness will help you
maintain good health. You will be fully
fit for the week. Your happy frame of
mind will help you enjoy good health.


You can spend the week in participating

in ritualistic activities and this will give
you happiness. Participating in such
rituals will also give you satisfaction.
Avoid taking major decisions. Job
pressure will be present for the week.
To cope up with the mounting pressure,
it will be good for you to schedule and
plan your work. You will be facing
more expenses for the week. To handle
the expenses, you can avail short term
loans which will help meet your needs.
This week there will be chances for
arguments with your wife. It may be
over unnecessary issues and it will be
good for you to observe patience. You
will witness some heated exchanges
with your partner. Therefore it will
be advisable for you to be patient and
silent. There will be chances for eye
irritations. You need to check your
eyes. Keep yourself relaxed to avoid
headaches. You will maintain moderate
health throughout the week. To keep
yourself fit, do some exercises.


The week will be a hectic one. To keep

yourself relaxed, it will be good for
you to watch movies and participate in
entertainment related activities. Your
talents will fail to get recognition.
There will be more job pressure for
the week. You will succeed in work,
if you plan better. Finance will not
be very encouraging for the week.
Additional commitment will make you
to shoulder more expenses. There will
be more expenses which will cause
worries to you. You need to plan and
handle your finances well. You need to
avoid attending auspicious occasions
like marriage for the week. You may
not able to get the response that you
were awaiting. There may be quarrels
with your wife due to feelings of
suspicion. It will be good for you to
avoid such negative feelings. You will
have chances for pain in legs and throat
irritations. Health will be low, you may
suffer from headache/hypertension.

Friday July 25, 2014


Rs 80 Million For Dilip Kumar's 'National Heritage' Home

The current owner of the actor's family
home in Peshawar hiked the price once
PM Nawaz Sharif declared it a national
The current owner of Dilip Kumar's
family house in Peshawar, Akram
Ullah, has demanded R80 million, post
the four-storey house was announced
as a national heritage by PM Nawaz
Sharif recently. An official of the KP
Culture Department had informed that
the provincial government wanted to
buy and reconstruct the house, even
before the Prime Minister's declaration,
suggest reports.
The official added that Ullah had
initially demanded Rs 35 million, but
after the declaration, he asked for an
unreasonable R80 million, at which
the provincial government, that had


offered only Rs 20 million, warned him

that they could just take the property
by law, as it was already declared a
national heritage.
As per Shakeel Waheed Ullah,
secretary general, Cultural Heritage
Council, though Akram is the legal
owner of the house, after the 18th
Amendment, acquiring the house was
the responsibility of the provincial
government and should be taken at
the earliest, as the residence was in
a deplorable condition and could
collapse any time.
He further mentioned that the actor's
wife, Saira Banu, had contacted and
informed him that the Kumar was
overjoyed with the decision and they
both wanted to visit the house as soon
as possible.

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Friday July 25, 2014

Nigaar Khan Throws A Fit On

The Sets Of Main Na Bhoolungi

Priyanka Chopra, Ranveer Singh,

Anushka Sharma Chill On The

The second poster of the much awaited

Zoya Akhtar film is out
All those who have been scratching
their heads trying to guess whos who
in the first poster of Dil Dhadakne Do,
stop right there! The second poster
reveals the cast including Priyanka
Chopra, Ranveer Singh, Anushka
Sharma, Anil Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar
and Shefali Shah. Oddly, Rahul Bose
who plays Priyankas husband in the
film is missing from the poster.
The story revolves around a
dysfunctional Punjabi family that is out

The actor apparently lost her cool on

the sets of the show.
Nigaar Khan is popularly known for
her role as Mahurima Jagannath in
the hit TV show Main Na Bhoolungi.
Reports suggest that the actor got into
a verbal spat with the catering team on
the sets of the show.
Guahar Khans dear sis was apparently
mighty upset with the quality of the
food being served to the people on the
sets. The issue turned out to be a grave
one for the beauty as she now has to
break her Roza every evening.

Rumours suggest that the argument

between her and the catering team was
a heated one, and Nigaar has now taken
to the consumption of fruits as she fears
the food on the sets might get her sick.
The Khan sister when asked about the
same by a popular daily, chose to ignore
the topic and instead said, there are
just a few Muslims on the set who fast;
so weve contributed a little money and
get a few fruits for the iftar. The entire
set joins us and its like one big family.
Well this hottie certainly comes across
as a toughie when it comes to food!

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on a cruise. So obviously in the poster

unlike a jolly family, this family is seen
having fun under the sun, individually.
Languishing on their separate
deckchairs, this family is disjointed
and aloof. We are surprised by Anushka
Sharmas presence on the poster will
not be seen as a part of this family but
as Ranveers lover whom he meets on
his trip.
We wonder what kind of love the poor
doggy must be getting who is stuck
with this flawed family. Well to find
that out well have to wait for the film!

World Class Auditorium To Be Set

Up In Memory Of Raj Kapoor
They say that 'Legends never die'. And
one of the reasons for them not to die
is their diehard fans and worshippers'
efforts to keep their memories alive.
In one such effort (read 'tribute') to
the original showman, the late Raj
Kapoor, a world class auditorium will
be constructed in Rewa city of Madhya
Pradesh in his memory.
Raj Kapoor had a deep connection with
the city of Rewa as his wife Krishna`s
father was posted as Inspector General
of the Rewa at the time her marriage
with Kapoor.

The announcement was made by

Rajendra Shukla (Madhya Pradesh
Public Relations, Energy and Mining
Minister) when he inaugurated the twoday-long Vindhya Mahotsav in Rewa.



Friday July 25, 2014

Salman Khan Promotes Kick On


Looks like ACP Pradyuman is going

to kick some ass with the Dabangg
Khan this weekend.
Salman Khan is promoting his
upcoming film Kick on the most
popular crime series CID.
Salman Khan makes a grand entry
by kicking open doors. It seems he
was trying to ape Sr Inspector Daya
(Dayanand Shetty). If you remember


Shah Rukh Khan To Start

Shooting For Rohit Shettys Next

SRK is working with his Chennai

Express director once again and we
hear their second film together will go
on floors pretty soon.
Rohit Shetty and Shah Rukh Khans
first film together Chennai Express
released last year and re-wrote box
office records. And the duo is teaming
up yet again for an out-an-out comic
film. Apart from King Khan, this comic
caper will also star Varun Dhawan and
Arjun Kapoor in the lead roles. While
talking to a leading tabloid, a source
close to the project said, Its a pure
comedy with a strong emotional core
classic Rohit Shetty territory. We
have zeroed in on Varun and Arjun to
play Shah Rukhs younger brothers.

In fact, the Singham Returns director

has already started working on the preproduction of his Shah Rukh starrer
mega budget film. Looks like Rohit
cant wait to get started with his next
film with SRK, no?
We hear the film will roll only after
Shah Rukh Khans much-awaited film
Happy New Year co-starring Deepika
Padukone hits the screens. Now thats
not very long as HNY is slated to
release during Diwali this year.
Whats interesting is that the makers
are yet to finalise the female lead. We
wonder if Rohit Shetty will rope in his
CE heroine for this one well. Would be
great considering the trio had a successful
outing at the box office last time.

it is Dayas signature move on CID to

kick doors open.
Salman makes the entire cast of
CID groove with him on Jhumme
ki raat from his movie Kick. ACP
Pradyuman (Shivaji Satam), Inspector
Freddy (Dinesh Phadnis), Sr Inspector
Abhijeet (Aditya Srivastava) and Daya
will be enjoying and shaking a leg with

Amitabh Bachchan Reinvents

Himself For Shamitabh
Big B will be seen alongside Dhanush
and Akshara in R. Balkis next film
Amitabh Bachchan will be seen in
completely different avatar in R.
Balkis directorial venture Shamitabh.
This is their third film together and
going by the megastars look in the
Looks like their collaboration is going
to be successful yet again. Few days
back, Big B shared his Shamitabh look
by posting a picture of his on Twitter.
And now we have caught hold of yet

another image wherein the Paa actor is

seen smiling but its hard to figure if his
grin is wicked or innocent. He is also
sporting white beard and long locks
in the pic. Overall, Mr Bachchans
grungy look is quite impressive and
interesting as well. And now we are
quite curious to know whats in store
for us. The other picture with the effect
was posted by Big B on Twitter and he
wrote, Moses makes Shamitabh
Amitabh Bachchan has left no stone
unturned to get into his Shamitabh

SLG_STICBC_PRINT.pdf 1 09/05/11 12:08 PM


Friday July 25, 2014

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After my accident I had constant neck and back pains. I felt sad most of the time and became very anxious about
the future. ICBC said I was overreacting and offered $17,000. My case settled for $400,000 at mediation. MR. S.

The damage to my car was only $700. ICBC said I could not have been injured: but I was. My lawyer finalized my
claim for $28,000 plus expenses. MISS M.
ICBC offered me $32,000 to finish my case. I was off work for 6 monthsand saw a specialist because of my jaw
injury. I couldnt mop the floor or clean our bathroom without help from my children. I received $200,000 through
my lawyers efforts. Mrs. S
The damage to my vehicle was about $1,700. ICBC said this was a Low Velocity Impact (LVI) and refused to pay
me for my injuries and physio costs. My lawyer obtained more than $45,000 for me. Mrs. B
A car hit me as I walked across the street. ICBC blamed me because of the color of my clothing. My lawyer
worked hard and obtained necessary evidence. My case settled for over $300,000. MRS.C.
*Past cases are not necessarily indicative of future results and amounts recovered may vary according to the facts in each case.


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of Worship


8840 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC 604.274.7906
For Pooja Booking Contact:
Aiyaar Shivachariyar Sada Shiva

Temple Hours




10am to 3pm
10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
1pm to 7pm
10am to 1pm, 5pm to 8pm
10am to 1pm, 5pm to 9pm
10am to 1pm



Service Time

1pm Sundays

5441 - 125A St, Surrey B.C.

(Hindi & English)

Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

James Kumar 604-581-3191 (res) 604-599-9518 (work) Cecil Labon 604-572-4854

Friday July 25, 2014



PH: 604 -254 -2624
Monday 5:30pm9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm9:00pm Sunday 10:00am12 noon
Then India Sanmarga Ikya Sangam Educational and Cultural Society, BC, Canada (EST. 1982 Incorporated S176969)


9326 - 116th Street, Delta, BC

Temple hours
Monday to Sunday

Daily Aarthi
Ramayan Katha

Morning 8:00am11:00am
Evening 6:00pm8:00pm
Friday 6:00pm9:00pm

Pooja/Special Prayer Sessions/Temple/Hall

PT. Shiu Madri
PUJARI Soma Sundaran
Manoj Kumar
Maathar Sangam Activities
Gina Naidu 604.765.5387

Hindi Punjabi Fraserview Gospel Chapel

14630-107A Avenue Surrey BC V3R 1V1
Serving the community since 1972

Sunday Service 10:30 am12:00 noon 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Service in Hindustani & Punjabi Sunday School for Children

Pastor Santosh Raj 604-582-2650


abhishek pentecostal assembly

If youre looking for a place to belong or have been searching for answers to lifes questions or healing,
come to our services or contact us. Allow us to introduce you to Jesus Christ and help you come into a full relationship with him.

Sunday School/Worship Service: 1pm

11601-82nd Ave, Delta BC (604) 590-8836
Services are in Hindi and English
Senior Pastor Rev. Samuel Krishna

15964 88th Ave. Surrey, B.C. V4N IH5

Rev. Emmanuel Cheema 778-241-9066

Sunday Service @ 5.30 p.m. (Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi & English)

We pray for sickness, demon possessed & family problems.

We have testimonies, come and see Gods great work.

You are the light of the world,

a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
(Matthew 5: 11)

2nd Tuesday


#4-6468 King George Blvd, Surrey BC

Sunday Service @ 2:00PM

Uplifting Worship | Prayer for healing | Music (CD) Available

Shailendra (Shal) Singh

604-596-7353 or 604-323-6506 |


Pastor Isimeli Lesi Korobasaga
Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Every Sunday 25PM

@ Peoples Full Gospel

14455 - 104th Ave., Surrey, BC

Phone: 604.592.9001 Cell: 778.938.2734 Email:


8868 - 128th Street, Surrey BC

Service Sundays 2:00pm

Bible Study (Hindi & English) Wednesdays 7:30pm
Prayer, Counselling & Visitations Available

Pastor Eileen Reddy 604.543-8339


12371 96 Avenue Surrey BC
Sunday Service @ 6:00PM

Ph: 604.593.5663
Pastor Sakaraia & Rev. Ema Karoi

Fiji Seniors Society Of Canada

Social Gathering at 1pm - last Sunday of each month

Progressive Cultural Centre

126 - 7536 130th Street, Surrey BC

Bhan Mati Raj 604.581.9859 James Kumar 604.599.9518

Chand Lakhan 604.588.0361 Satya Nand
Bhan Pratap 604.839.5106 Thakur K.Singh 604.587.5439
Bindi Lal 778.707.1015


Affiliated with Pentecoastal Assemblies of Canada

6075 Inverness Street, Vancouver
Sunday Services in Hindi/English 2:00pm
Pastor Silas Naidu 604.352.1232

Vedic Cultural Society of BC

Ram Krishna Mandir

Religious and Cultural Programs Yoga Meditation

8200 #5 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2V4
Ph: 604-275-9182

Open 6:30 am to 8:00 pm

Aum Sarvana Bhava Aum


Certificate of Incorporation No: S-36117

8840 - No.5 Road. Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2V4
Ph. 604 274 7906


July 27th 2014
Yagna starts at 9:00am ends at noon

For details please contact

Shivachariya @ 604.274.7906 or
Govind Swamy Naicker 604.599.8074
Om tryambakkam yajamahey,
Sugandhim pustivardhanam
Urvaarokameva bandanaam
Mrityormookssheya maamritaat
Lord Shiva is a three-eyed god.
Shiva is always perfumed.
He fosters all the creatures of the universe.
Lord Shiva releases from death for the sake
of immortality,
as cucumber detaches its bondage of the vine.
We worship Lord Shiva to liberate us from death.


Friday July 25, 2014

Planes:Fire And Rescue (PG) ***

Up,Up And Away!

By Robert Waldman

Disney continues to score in the

animation world with their latest
release. Vehicles are centre stage in
PLanes: Fire and Rescue. Taking
off where the first Planes left off this
whimsical charmer will appeal to the
little ones at Cineplex Odeon Cites
across B.C.
Parents can find it challenging to pick
a film suitable for young children.
Fret not as this movie is harmless
in the extreme. Bonus points come
throughout as a series of life lessons
are smartly woven into this 83 minute
adventure that will make it all more
worthwhile to attend,
3-D seems to be in vogue now more
than ever and here the action in the
skies looks good. Prime plane navigator
Dusty Crophopper is the darling of the
air show circuit. Known far and wide
for his aeronautic ability and knack for
winning races high above the ground
it comes as quite a shock for the flying
ace to have his wings clipped. Voiced

nicely by Dane Cook it's hard for this

winning machine to recover from
having to be grounded.
Adults will be able to relate to the
loss and the challenge is for Dusty
to recover and continue. Kids will be
impressed as Dusty gets a new lease
on life and is able to use his award
winning skills to help put out fires on
the ground in his community. Like
with any new job there are unknowns
and difficulties to adjust. Thanks
to smart writing and fun dialogue
audiences will be tuned into this new
chapter in Dusty's life.
Elements of nature and conflict shine
bright in this fun-filled action-packed
film. Bolstered by superb voice work
from the likes of Wes Studi and
Hal Holbrook there's something for
everyone in Planes: Fire and Rescue.
Clever jokes and good sight gags
abound in This movie giving it a
momentum of its own going forward
and sky bound.

'Rockford Files' Star

James Garner Dies At 86

James Garner, who was best known

for his roles in long-running TV series
'The Rockford Files' and 'Maverick'
has died aged 86.
West LA Division of the Los
Angeles Police Department said that
the American film and television
actor, who had suffered ill health
since a severe stroke in 2008, died
of natural causes, and his body has

been released to his family, the BBC

Garner, who famously played the
laconic private investigator Jim
Rockford, had starred in 122 episodes
of the hugely successful show from
1974 to 1980, and had won an Emmy
for the role in 1977 and a lifetime
achievement award from the Screen
Actors Guild in 2005.

Iron Man Robert Downey Jr

Named Hollywood's HighestEarning Actor By Forbes
Robert Downey Jr, the star of superhero
film franchises Iron Man and The
Avengers, is Hollywood's highest-paid
actor for the second consecutive year.
His estimated earnings from June
2013 to June 2014 were $80 million,
according to
The 49-year-old star made most of his
money from Iron Man 3, which made
$US1.2 billion at the box office.
"As Iron Man, he's the driving force
behind four of Marvel's biggest hits,
including The Avengers,"
Former wrestler Dwayne "The Rock"
Johnson, 42, who starred in G.I. Joe:
Retaliation, and the Fast and Furious
films jumped into second place this
year from fifth in 2013, with earnings
of $US52 million.
He was followed by the star of the
Hangover films Bradley Cooper, 39,
with $US46 million.
Cooper's lucrative work in the
Hangover franchise "has given him
the ability to take risks with smaller
films like Silver Linings Playbook and
American Hustle," Forbes said.
Fourth in the list was the star of The
Wolf of Wall Street and The Great
Gatsby, Leonardo DiCaprio, 39, who
earned $39 million from his two hit
The Wolf of Wall Street made $US395
million worldwide and Gatsby, directed

by Australian Baz Luhrmann, took

$US351 million globally.
US actor Mark Wahlberg, 43, who was
in fourth place last year thanks to the
comedy hit Ted, only made the top 10
this year along with actor Will Smith,
45. Each actor earned an estimated
$US32 million. compiles the rankings
and estimated earnings by talking to
managers, producers and agents.

Robert Downey Jr remains

Hollywood's highest paid actor with
estimated earnings of $80 million

Friday July 25, 2014

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For Women/ Relationship

Friday July 25, 2014

How To Be A Good Mother-InLaw And Grandmother

Mothers-in-law have been the butt of

millions of jokes, obscuring the very
real truth that the role of mother-in-law
is one of the trickiest and yet one of
the most important in ensuring healthy
family dynamics. One who wants to be
a good grandmother should first study
how to be a good mother-in-law, as this
relationship usually precedes and sets
the tone for the role of grandmother.
Mother-in-law relationships come in
two basic varieties: Mother-in-law/
daughter-in-law, in which the biological
child is a son, and mother-in-law/sonin-law, in which the biological child is
a daughter. Most mother-in-law jokes
spring from the second relationship:
A male comedian is typically the one
making jokes about his mother-in-law.
Interestingly, it is the other variety-the combination of mother-in-law and
daughter-in-law--that is responsible
for most of the truly troubled motherin-law relationships.
Why So Stressful?
The relationship between a mother and
her son's wife is tension-filled because
it engenders a natural competition. Each
is the primary woman in her primary
family. In addition, no matter how
much times have changed, women are
still primarily responsible for child care,
housework and other domestic matters.
Women's egos tend to be wrapped
up in these functions, and they take
criticism very seriously, whether that
criticism is overt or merely implied.
In addition, many experts believe that
women are more intuitive and empathic
than men. That means that they may
pick up on subtly disparaging behavior
that the males in the family may miss
altogether. That explains why a woman
may become angry with her husband
for not taking her side. The man may
be blissfully unaware that the woman is
under attack.
The Critical Mother-in-Law
The primary rule for a mother-inlaw who wants to get along with a
daughter-in-law is "Avoid criticism."
Don't criticize your daughter-in-law
to her face. Don't be critical of her to
your son or even in the company of
friends. Don't act in ways that send
critical messages, as in the following
Don't clean up her house.
The implication: You're a bad
Don't give unsolicited advice. The
implication: You don't make good
Don't give gifts that send a
negative message, like self-help
books or gym memberships: The
implication: You're not acceptable
as you are.
shouldn't play is handing out criticism
thinly veiled as praise. The mother-inlaw who praises a daughter-in-law's
relaxed attitude when she really thinks
the daughter-in-law is a slob is fooling
no one.

The Possessive Mother-in-Law

The major conflict between a motherin-law and a daughter-in-law arises
from this: The mother was the most
important woman in her son's life. Now
the wife is. That is entirely as it should
be, yet many mothers have difficulty
with it, especially if they are widowed
or divorced, or if they do not have
close relationships with other children.
Mothers should go to great lengths to
avoid making a son choose between
her and his wife, even in trivial matters.
It's a battle that just can't be won.
The Too-Helpful Mother-in-Law
Lots of mothers-in-law are great
helpers. They loan money, run errands
and help with chores. This is the motherin-law who often arrives with a homecooked meal, a bag full of groceries
or a gift of a household item. The help
may be appreciated at first, especially
if the couple is young. Eventually,
however, this type of mother-in-law
will be the target of a backlash, as the
couple realizes that not only are they
capable of taking care of themselves,
but also that they actually want to do it.
By then the mother-in-law's behavior
may be so ingrained that nothing short
of a dramatic rift will change it. No
one wants a young couple to suffer or
to go without, but in the absence of real
need, mothers-in-law should let them
take care of themselves.
The Pushy Mother-in-Law
Pushy is a somewhat deceptive term
for a certain kind of mother-in-law, the
type who doesn't recognize boundaries.
Sometimes this mother-in-law is
conventionally pushy, but sometimes
she is quiet and unassuming, yet keeps
showing up without having been
invited. Here are ways mothers-in-law
can avoid disputes over boundaries:
If you are given a key to the home
of an adult child, use it only when
asked to do so or in case of a real
Don't drop in without calling, and
give adequate notice.
Don't assume that you'll be invited
along on trips and vacations, and
don't expect to be invited to every
party and social occasion.
When your daughter-in-law is
pregnant, don't assume that you'll
be invited to the birthing room or
even to the hospital. As hard as that
decision may be for grandmothers
to accept, it is the young parents'
When Mothers-in-Law Become
Once the mother-in-law has become
a grandmother, maintaining good
relationships is even more important,
as the children are now the gateway
to the grandchildren. Grandparents
who have carefully cultivated cordial
relations will reap the benefits of being
trusted family members. Those who
have fostered family conflict instead
may find themselves helping their
grandchildren weather divorce. Even


How To Make Your Relationship


Cheating doesn't come in just one shape and size, especially in today's techsavvy society.
From Facebook flirting to online affairs your partner, you shouldn't be doing or
to extramarital sexting, modern society saying it at all.
has changed everything about the way It's okay to be a flirtatious and sexual
we live, including the way we cheat, as person, but it's not okay to channel that
energy into your relationship with your
Now, we don't even have to leave our coworker instead of your partner. If
houses to be unfaithful to our spouses. you find yourself thinking about your
We can simply log on to Facebook and coworker or your "work spouse" more
swap racy emails with an ex-boyfriend, than you do about your actual spouse,
all while in the comfort of our own that's a big red flag.
living rooms.
If you find yourself routinely tempted
Our lack of work/life balance has also to flirt with people other than your
changed the way that we relate to our spouse or you find yourself sending
partners. Emotional affairs are on the intimate emails to an ex, it's time to ask
rise, as we spend more and more time yourself, "Why am I doing this? What
at the office and less time at home. am I getting out of this?"
Many people even confess to having a Find out what is lacking in your own
"work husband" or "work wife."
relationship and then find ways to bring
They spend the entire day with these that spontaneity and passion back into
coworkers, eating meals together, your own sex life.
gossiping together, meeting up for Talk with your partner about your
happy hour and swapping funny boundaries. It's important for you
emails. Even if physical boundaries and your partner to be on the same
aren't crossed, a relationship like this page about what constitutes cheating,
can quickly feel very intense and especially online. Have a conversation
about where your limits are and
Here are some things to keep in mind troubleshoot ways you can cheat-proof
when it comes to infidelity.
your relationship and keep your bond
If you wouldn't do it or say it in front of safe.

How To Make Things Up With

Her After A Fight

So you had a fight. Don't get tensed. There are ways you can make it up to
Couples tend to fight a lot, and many choice. Gifting her something might be
a times about things that are very silly. an old trick but this will let her know
But even if you end up having a big that she means to you and that you are
fight, there are ways to get things back ready to work it out for her.
to normal.
Write to her
Writing letters is no more one of the
If you feel you are at fault, then be most common ways of communication.
honest and accept your mistake. But hand written letters have their own
Apologize to her with all your heart charm. Nothing can replace them.
and be honest. Saying sorry just for the Surprise her
sake of it never works.
Plan something nice for her. A surprise
Please her
romantic dinner might be a good option.
Buy her a nice gift, surprise her. A day out doing fun things can also help
Flowers are more than often a good in bringing things back to normal.
worse, grandparents who promote
conflict instead of harmony often
find themselves estranged from their
grandchildren, which is one of the
saddest of situations.
Although it's crucial not to nurture
conflict, there is also the danger that
a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
who are always on eggshells around

each other will never develop a real

relationship. Mothers-in-law need to
learn the first rule for communicating
with adult children: Family ties are no
excuse for rudeness. Treat a daughterin-law the same way you would treat
any young person with whom you'd
like to build a relationship, and success
is more likely to follow.


Friday July 25, 2014


Easy Ways To Cut Back On Sugar Intake

You might think that youre diet is
fairly sugar free. After all, you dont
eat a pint of ice cream in one sitting
and your cereal has whole grain right
there on the box.
However, plenty of foods in the
average North American diet contain
sugar even though they dont taste that
sweet. Foods like condiments (i.e.,
ketchup), salad dressings, non-dessert
breads and crackers, and even pasta
sauces contain hidden sugars that can
really add up and, over the long-term
contribute to diabetes, obesity, tooth
decay, gum disease, and cardiovascular
Luckily, we have eight easy methods to
help you cut back on the hidden sugars
in your diet.
1. Wise Up To Code Names

Just like James Bond, sneaky sugar

goes by several aliasesfor instance,
cane syrup, molasses, sucrose, high
fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup,
among othersparticularly in healthysounding foods like cereal, granola
bars, and yogurt. Several types of these
sugar pseudonyms might be in any one
product, disguising the sly sweetener.
2. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Many folks opt to reach for artificial

sweetenerslike aspartame, saccharin,
acesulfame K, and neotameswhen
trying to cut refined white sugar
from their diets. However, while that
aspartame in your favorite diet soda
or sugar-free snack food contains zero
calories; it literally confuses your taste
buds, causing the body to crave the

calories its missing through sweet

satisfaction, which ultimately leads to
binge eating and weight gain.
3. Inspect Food Labels

Youre wise to sugars sinister

pseudonyms now all you have to do
is put your knowledge to the testby
reading product labels. Examine every
ingredients list for sugar in all forms,
even if you dont expect the product to
contain sugar. Look to salad dressings,
fruit juices, pasta sauces, condiments,
breads, crackers, yogurts, and cereals
for the sugar percentage. Usually, if its
one of the first ingredients listed, the
product contains a large amount of the
sweet stuff.
4. Infuse With Natural Flavors

Not all carbohydrates are sugar-rich.

While starchy processed carbs are
often full of so much sugar that they
cause blood sugar to spike suddenly
and then crash (causing another sugar
craving), complex carbs, those that are
high in fiber will keep your tummy full
for longer due to their slow release and
ability to balance blood sugar levels.
6. Look to Unsweetened Products

Now that you know sugars sneaky

code names, you can sniff it out and
banish it from your diet by sticking
to unsweetened products with no
added sugars. For instance, look for
unsweetened pasta sauces or make
your own at home and buy canned and
frozen fruits in their own juice instead
of syrup for those lunch bags.
7. Consume More Healthy Fats

It might not sound wise to substitute

sugar for fat, but its the type of fat you
eat that counts. Healthy fats, like those
high in omega 3s and omega 6seggs,
avocadoes, nuts, olive oil, sunflower
oil, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and
salmoncut sugar cravings because
they digest slowly, meaning they are
able to satiate the appetite for much
8. Watch What You Drink
You already know that soda is high in
refined sugars, but the buck doesnt
stop with the sweet fizzy bubbles. Your
fridge may be full of sugar-packed
drinkssuch as energy drink, iced
teas, fruit punch, bottled smoothies,
and even waters with enhanced flavor
likely contain several teaspoons of
white sugar or calorie-rich sweeteners.

Drink Coconut Water For

Glowing Skin

Missing sugar in your coffee? Try

adding a dash of cinnamon. Missing
saccharine flavor in your morning
oats? Try a few drops of vanilla extract.
You get the idea, look to natural foods
to sweeten the pot. For instance, fresh
citrus juicelike orange can sweeten
a fruit salad or salad dressing and curb
sugar cravings.
5. Look for Fibrous Complex Carbs

Got dull, lifeless skin? While skin texture is mostly hereditary, there is a lot
you can do to improve it.
The effect of diet is seriously Well, drink coconut water every day
underestimated in beauty care. While and watch your skin glow!
consumption of fruits and fruit juices (Try Maui & Sons 100% pure coconut
is said to be good for the skin, it is best water that has no added sugar and no
to avoid oily and masala (spicy) rich preservatives)
foods. While orange juice has been
voted the best for skin, not many are
aware of the benefits of coconut water
when it comes to skin care.
The liquid, considered the purest one
after water, hydrates the skin, making
it look more youthful and supple.
Studies say that the antioxidants and
cytokinins present in coconut water
have an age defying effect on skin. The
nutritious value of the drink has always
been acknowledged. If you are feeling
weak or have stomach problems, drink
coconut water for an energy boost.
An advantage it has over fruit juices is
that you can easily have a glass a day
since it is almost entirely fat free and
sugar free. There are also studies which
say that coconut water dabbed on skin
has a positive effect. However, there
are no studies to prove this.


Friday July 25, 2014

The Myths About Coaching

Al Kamal, MBA
Arza Employment Serv Ltd
Coaching is a new profession.
For sure it is not it has been around
as long as the human race with great
coaches like Socrates, Olympic
coaches, religious icons worldwide and
other philosophers. There is nothing
new about people assisting people to
greatness and the word coach has been
around since the early civilization.
Most coaches have a fulltime practice.
Most coaches do their work parttime or integrated into other work
such as consulting, training, teaching,
workshops, writing, speaking, etc.
Coaching clients is part of what they
practitioners don't make good coaches.
Oh yes they do! They are incredible
listeners and already have many of
the basic coaching tools of powerful
questioning, sharing observations,
speaking the truth, co-creating
relationships and come from a place of
caring and empathy with their clients.
They are way ahead of the game.
Coaching ISN'T consulting.
Certainly it is. It is a form of consulting
with additional skill sets learned by
training as a professional coach.
You have to have certain
credentials to be a coach.
This is your choice. Clients aren't
looking for people with credentials;
they want people who get the job

done. If you want to go through a

credentialing process, you can, but
you can be a coach without that as it
is a form of consulting NOT a licensed
profession with a lot of regulation.
You must belong to a
professional trade association to be a
coach.You make your own choice.
If you find value, there are
organizations you can join. If you aren't
an organization type person, there is
no need to be a part of any coaching
organization. Trade organizations are
choices individuals make and there
is no requirement to belong to any
You have to have years of
training to be a coach.
There are programs that take into
account your college credits, life and
work history and then determine what
core skills you need to be a coach and
some of the programs can be done in
less than 8 months!
You have to take telephone
classes or go to workshops to be a
There are programs that allow you to
use your peak adult learning styles, and
co-create with a mentor, how you best
learn and provide you the opportunity
to determine which learning you
want to do. For example: research,
work experience, community service,
reading, attending workshops, training,
Coaches get clients because
they use the laws of attraction and
they don't "sell."
I bet those coaches don't have a lot
of clients and don't make a six figure
from coaching! Everyone in a business
that wants to have clients uses the
laws of attraction combined with
sales. Coaches who make a living
from coaching do sell their services
and combine the laws of attraction for
an inner/outer approach to reaching
Coaches focus on word of
mouth marketing and that creates a
full practice.
I ask you "what is a full practice?" If
you want a few clients and to pick up
an extra $1-2k a month, rely on word
of mouth marketing. If you want to
make a six-figure income plus (even

only 50k plus!), you'd better combine

word of mouth with Internet, written
publicity, etc.
Everyone is a coach.
Come on! We can all think of lots of
people who we would not consider
coaches. People who aren't successful,
who are negative, who we wouldn't
want to give us assistance. No not
everyone has the ability, skill set, or
composition to coach others to success.
The coaching profession is for
people 30-40 years old.
While many coaches fall into that
age bracket, retired folks make great
coaches and have lots of extraordinary
work and life experience.
Everyone needs a coach.
I wish everyone the chance to try on
coaching and see if they like it and if it
is for them. Many people may not feel
they need a coach or may not accept
coaching or be open to change. Not
everyone will need or want a coach.
Coaches should develop a
specialty niche where there is a need
in society.


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Instead, they can think about their

past career and life experience and
the what they are knowledgeable
about and coach that area or people
in their industry. Forget about what
people need and focus on what is easy,
effortless for you and where you know
the greatest number of people.
Coaching is about having a
lot of forms, resources and checklists
to give clients.
Coaching is a relationship with a client
and is client directed so how or why
would the coach be giving clients this
information? From listening to the
clients deeply, the coach will assist the
client in identifying client-directed,
NOT coach-directed resources.
Anyone can make a living at
Anyone who has coaching skills,
previous work/life experience, has a
vision and strong desire and passion
to coach AND is willing to do some
selling blended with the laws of
attraction and that is NOT everyone.




Friday July 25, 2014


Krishna's Phoenix Stuns West



Transfer Window In

The next Fiji Football Association transfer and registration window will open
from September 1st -30th , 2014.

Roy Krishna against West Ham

Roy Krishna added yet another golden
star to his colorful career when he
featured against an English Premier
League club.
Krishna entered the field on the
75th minute against West Ham on
Wednesday night in Eden Park,
His Wellington Phoenix side stunned
the visitors 2-1 to start their Football
United tour on a high note.
West Ham, Newcastle United, Sydney
FC and Wellington Phoenix are part of
the 2014 Football United tour.
The website reported that
two goals in the first half-hour of the
Eden Park exhibition saw Phoenix
captain Andrew Durante and Alex
Rodriguez dispatch excellent finishes
to give the Phoenix one of their most
iconic victories in the short history of
the A-League club - and one which will
no doubt be remembered for years to
In further stated that Wellington
Phoenix captain Durante described it
as a win for the entire country.
"First and foremost, beating a Premier
League side is a huge achievement for
this club," Durante said.
"It's great, it was a great feeling. The
team is very excited. It was a big
occasion for us and a big occasion for
New Zealand. We're just glad that we
contributed to a pretty good game.
"Credit to West Ham, they put us
under the pump, especially toward the
end of the game. Ernie spoke to us all

week about just enjoying ourselves,

not going into our shell and letting the
occasion overawe us."
Phoenix coach, Ernie Merrick, said
it was important to keep feet planted
on the ground and the performance
represented a positive step.
"You know me, I'm very careful not to
get carried away with something like
this," Merrick said.
"Glen Moss pulled off a couple of great
saves, it could have gone the other way
but there are a lot of good signs. I won't
get carried away with it. West Ham
were a wee bit unlucky today.
"It was crucial for us to put on a good
performance, to win the ball and keep
it. Our real strength was a rock-solid
backline who were well protected by a
bank of midfielders.
"For the boys to perform like that, it
was outstanding."
Merrick said the important thing
was now for his side to re-focus for
Saturday's game against Newcastle
"We want to play well there. My
concern is getting them to recover for
the next one."
The New Zealand tour of West Ham
United and Newcastle United has been
billed as a Premier League experience
for Kiwi fans.
The Football United tour concludes
this Saturday with a double header
clash in Wellington. Phoenix takes
on Newcastle United and Sydney FC
against West Ham.



In a circular sent to its affiliates, Fiji

FA chief executive officer Bob Kumar
the transfer and registration window is
a FIFA requirement.
This is a FIFA requirement and has to
be complied with, Kumar said.
Fiji FA will not accept any transfers
and registration of new players after
the above date. If a player is not
transferred within the transfer window
period allocated for the transfers, than
he will not be able to play in the new
district during the new season.
Kumar further elaborated on the
Members are also advised to follow the
procedures for seeking and arranging
transfers. Fiji FA will only process
the transfers on receipt of original
documents i.e. the original district
transfer certificate duly approved and
also signed by district president or
secretary and accompanied by a duly
completed player license form also
signed by the player and the district

official, Kumar stated.

The form must be properly filled
with all the relevant details of the
player to enable updating of the
database. It is noted that towards
the end of the window period,
many players submit a copy letter
allegedly being copy of letter sent
to the districts, but no confirmation
of receipt by the clubs or districts.
Such letters with no proper address
etc. will not be accepted. All
application must be submitted with
an application fee of $25.
All original forms must be lodged
with appropriate fee. Forms received
through fax without fee will not be
processed. All faxed documents must
be confirmed by original documents
sent either by post or courier. All cases
where the clubs or district associations
are not in a position to approve
transfers must be reported to Fiji FA
within 7 days with reasons for refusal,
he concluded.

Queens Baton Visits Team


The Queens Baton visited the Team

Fiji games village before the opening
ceremony of the 2014 Commonwealth
Games in Glasgow.
Fiji Association of Sports and National
Olympic Committee (FASANOC) chief
executive officer Lorraine Mar said
they were overwhelmed when informed
about the good news on Tuesday.
overwhelmed when it was announced
during the meeting that team Scotland
was allocating 30 minutes of its
precious time with the Queens Baton
in the Games Village to Team Fiji, since
the Baton had not made a stop in Fiji
on its relay around the Commonwealth
The Games Village stop brings the
Queens Baton Relay to its final leg
before being presented to Her Royal
Highness (HRH) Queen Elizabeth at
the Opening Ceremony, Mar said.
Team Fiji had the baton from 11.30
am to 12 pm Glasgow time. The team
is very excited at being included in
the Queens Baton Relay and both
the Chef de Mission Lyndall Fisher
and secretary-general Lorraine Mar
acknowledged Team Scotland for this

very kind gesture.

Meanwhile, Fiji flagbearer Litia
Tikoisuva started her experience as a
flagbearer at the Oceania Flag Bearer
Naming Ceremony at the Glasgow
Caledonian University Forecourt.
The event had been organised by
Oceania National Olympic Committees
(ONOC) and Sports-world and
introduced the flagbearers of the 11
Oceania Island Nations participating in
the Commonwealth Games.
Team Fiji also greeted the Fiji
Government delegation led by the
President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, who
arrived in Glasgow on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the Lawn Bowls team
kicked off participation for Team Fiji
with Abdul Kalim, Ratish Lal and
Daniel Lum On competing in the
mens triples followed by the womens
fours round one. The womens team
comprises Salanieta Gukivuli, Doreen
OConnor, Radhika Prasad and Litia
The Mens Pairs round one follows with
Arun Kumar and Samuela Tuikiligana
competing and Elizabeth Moceiwai
will take part in the womens singles
round one.

Read the Fiji Times Canada online



Friday July 25, 2014


Vancouver Whitecaps Captain Jay

Demerit To Retire From Soccer

A person with knowledge of the

situation, speaking on condition of
anonymity, said the Whitecaps will
hold a news conference to announce
that DeMerit, Vancouver's first-ever
Major League Soccer signing, is
retiring after three-plus seasons with
the team.
DeMerit struggled with injuries in
the 2013 and 2014 campaigns, Most
recently, the centre back tore a tendon
in his left ankle in a 3-3 draw with the
Philadelphia Union on June 12. He was
expected to miss six-to-eight weeks.
He played 11 games this season all
as a starter.
He missed most of 2013 with a torn
Achilles tendon suffered in the season
opener against Toronto FC in early
March. Two days after suffering the
injury at B.C. Place Stadium, he sought
to reassure fans by tweeting a photo
of himself in his hospital bed while
preparing to go into surgery.
After months of rehabilitation with
a physiotherapist, DeMerit returned
to the lineup in mid-September and

European Quartet Qualify For

New Zealand

The identity for four more qualifiers

for next year's FIFA U-20 World Cup
in New Zealand is known after Austria,
Germany, Portugal and Ukraine all
qualified for the showpiece youth
With a 3-0 victory over Israel in the
UEFA European U-19 Championship
in Hungary, Austria was the first team
to secure their ticket to the tournament
from May 30 to June 20, 2015 in
Sinan Bytyqi's penalty, alongside
strikes from Florian Grillitsch and
Valentin Grubeck ensured the clear
victory in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium
in Budapest, which qualified Austria
for the U-20 World Cup after making
their last appearance at Canada 2007.
In the second game in Group A,
Portugal cruised past hosts Hungary
6-1. Andre Silva scored four times and
secured passage to New Zealand for
his team alongside Austria.
In Group B, leaders Germany drew
2-2 with Serbia. A late equaliser from

Niklas Selke secured Germany's early

qualification as a result of Ukraine's
late victory over Bulgaria in the second
Vyacheslav Tankovskiy scored minutes
before the final whistle to send his
team to Oceania next year. The top six
teams qualify for the FIFA U-20 World
Cup New Zealand 2015, leaving two
more spaces to available to the teams
fighting for European supremacy in
New Zealand has already qualified for
the tournament as host nation with Fiji
joining them after they took out the
OFC U-20 Championship in Suva two
months ago.
The title victory was Fiji's first at any
level of the game and also the first time
the country has qualified for a major
FIFA world event.
The remaining qualifying slots will
see four nations each from CAF,
AFC, join a further two from UEFA at
next years 24-team event.

played eight games near the end of

the season. The successful rehab effort
earned him a new contract from the
Whitecaps in January of this year after
he and the club took a wait-and-see
approach with his recovery.
DeMerit, a 34-year-old Green Bay,
Wisc., native who was signed by the
Whitecaps in 2010 when Vancouver
was preparing to enter MLS, also
played for the English soccer club
Watford for six seasons.
He also played 25 international games
with the United States, including
starting in four matches at the 2010
World Cup.
Known for strong defensive and
leadership skills, positive attitude
and unselfish approach to the game,
DeMerit posted one goal and one assist
in 71 career games 69 of which
he started with the Whitecaps. He
logged a total of 5,928 minutes during
his MLS career.
He also gained notoriety off the pitch
by marrying former Canadian Olympic
skier Ashleigh McIvor last summer.



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