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Instructor: Maurice Zaius, PhD
Professor of Information Technology

Contact: Email:
Phone: 785-555-1337

Office Hours: I check email daily. Regular on campus office hours:
MWF 10:00-11:00 & 2:30-4:30pm,
TR 7:30am-9:00am & 5:00-7:00pm

COURSE NAME: Advanced Programming
PREREQUISITES: CS 101 Introduction to Programming and Design
Purchase text:
Erickson, K. T. (2011). Programmable Logic Controllers: An Emphasis on Design and Application. 2nd
ed. Missouri University of Science and Technology: Dogwood Valley Press LLC. ISBN 978-0976625926

Academic Journals (will provide selected readings):
Science of Computer Programming
Journal of Functioning Programming

COURSE DESCRIPTION: An investigation of professional programming paradigms and their
representative effect on programming expressiveness and style. Emphasis is on a comparative
understanding of a spectrum of programming paradigms, with some facility in the use of at least one
typical language representative of each paradigm studied. This course will review and investigate as
appropriate imperative, functional, object-oriented, parallel, logical, and scripting programming
paradigms, plus additional paradigms as relevant.

course, students must be able to use technological devices and be able to access the KiosKU. Students
will be provided with credentials and their card to use at the KiosKU. Contact is possible from the


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KiosKU as well as from an email account. Lectures, videos, notes and additional information will be


This course will address the following Student Abilities:

KA: Knowledge Acquisition -- Acquiring knowledge relevant to the profession and discipline.

PD: Professional Development -- Professional Development is a critical skill to develop and one
essential to Information Technology. Understanding a variety of programs and their effectiveness.
MI: Managing Information -- Managing information is the ability to access, utilize, implement, and
store information from electronic and other sources in order to make informed decisions, present
information, and solve problems.
PS: Problem solving -- Problem solving is the process of identifying an obstacle or dilemma, using
critical thinking strategies and decision making skills, and applying appropriate measures needed to
overcome or resolve the obstacle or dilemma.

ETHICS AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: All forms of academic misconduct, including but not
limited to, cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, or facilitating academic dishonesty are violations of
University guidelines. Any student guilty of academic misconduct will automatically receive a grade of
zero on that assignment or exam. All cases will be reported to the Academic Affairs Office to track
repeat offenses, which would warrant further disciplinary action up to expulsion.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA): The Academic Achievement & Access Center
(AAAC) coordinates accommodations and services for all KU students who are eligible. If you have a
disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted the AAAC, please do
so as soon as possible. Their office is located in 22 Strong Hall; their phone number is 785-864-4064
(V/TTY). Information about their services can be found at Please contact me
privately in regard to your needs in this course.

GRADING POLICY: Grades will be assigned upon total points earned in the course.

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%


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ATTENDANCE POLICY: Due to the online nature of this course, students are expected to submit
assignments on the designated due date. Discussion Boards may occur and participation by one post and
reply are required.

LATE WORK POLICY: All late assignments will automatically receive a 10% reduction; and an
additional 10% will be deducted for every day the assignment is late. This reflects on your overall
participation score. Late assignments will not be accepted after one week past the assigned due date
unless prior arrangements have been made between the student and the instructor. Contact via phone or
e-mail is expected should it be necessary for the student to miss class. An assignment will not be
accepted late unless contact has been previously made.

COURSE RULES FOR SUCCESS: To create the very best environment for supporting your success
and the success of your Classmates, this course has three important rules. The more challenging
these rules are for you, the more value you will experience by adopting them. By choosing to
follow these three rules, you are choosing to be successful not only in this course but in your
life. These rules will support your success in every goal you pursue!
1. Do the work! To support my success, I choose to do my very best work in preparing all of my
assignments and hand them in on time.
2. Participate actively! To support my success, I choose to stay focused and involved in every
class, offering my best comments, questions, and answers when appropriate.


1) If you have any concerns or problems that affect your performance in this course, please set
aside some time to talk with me. This is a part of my job; it is not an imposition on me. I'll do
whatever I can to help you, as long as this help does not give you an unfair advantage.
2) The instructor reserves the right to make additions and/or adjustments to the syllabus as
Weekly Programming - These should be done individually with professional design abiding by coding
standards. (10 pts each)
Problem Sets - These are practice and should be submitted in course assignments. (25 pts each
PROCEDURE TO WITHDRAWAL FROM A COURSE: If you decide to stop taking this or any
other course, withdraw officially from the course. Email or go to the Registrar's Office and fill out the
appropriate paperwork. Failure to withdraw officially when you stop attending, will lead to a grade of
an "F."
See the Attached Academic Calendar for the Withdrawal Dates

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