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A Selection of Obscure Robert Anton Wilson
By Jeff Diehl
January 12th, 2007
I was prompted by yesterday's news of the passing of RAW to scan the pieces he wrote for his !!! column on "etting#t$com% the
progenitor of this web&ine$ #t was a casual act% under the assumption that they would be somewhat dated$ But as # reread the articles% it
became clear that admirers who are unaware of them might in fact find them en'oyable$
(o% here are their links% with e)cerpts*
Coming Again: Te orgasmic release of te Apocalypse myt
Sometimes, the Apocalypse can ruin your whole week.
+T,here may be more here% 'ust as there is to horror and catastrophe mo-ies if you think about them$ .eo/Freudians% and
especially Reichians% suggest that our form of ci-ili&ation stifles and constricts us so much that at times we all long to
e)perience some orgasmic but catastrophic 0e)plosion%0 like 1ing 1ong breaking his chains and wrecking .ew 2ork% or
e-en more like the masochist in bondage% according to Dr$ Reich$ This sudden release from the bondage/and/discipline of
our 'obs and our ta)es 3 actually called the Rapture by Fundamentalists 3 seems ghoulishly attracti-e to 4hristians% .ew
Agers% and others who belie-e in a 0spirit0 that will sur-i-e the general wreckage$ #n that case% the end of the world seems
no worse than a -isit to the dentist* 2ou know you5ll feel better afterwards$ This sort of desire for Total 6scape7Total
Annihilation has always had its bards and -isionaries$
Reality Ain't Wat It !sed To "e: Tirty#fi$e years after "ell's Teorem
Sounds like Zen to some, but others fear this is openin the door to !r. "erman#s solipsism and the moon that is only there
when we look at it...
#n my own 8ha&ardous9 attempt to translate Bell5s math into the -erbal forms in which we discuss what physics 0means%0
Bell seems to pro-e that any two 0particles0 once in contact will continue to act as if connected no matter how far apart
they mo-e in 0space0 or 0time0 8or in space/time9$ 2ou can see why .ew Agers like this* #t sounds like it supports the old
magick idea that if you get a hold of a hair from your enemy% anything you do to that hair will affect him$
In %oubt We Trust: Cults& religions& and "S in general
$an we actually %know% the uni&erse' (y )od, it#s hard enouh findin your way around in $hinatown. * +oody Allen
# ha-e no commitment to materialism as a philosophy that e)plains e-erything% since no correlation of words can e-er do
that% and a philosophy is ne-er more than a correlation of words$ But restricting myself to the 0materialistic07scientific
method of asking :uestions that ha-e definite e)periential answers% # obser-e no difference in operation between 0cults0 and
0religions$0 4atholic nuns and priests -owing celibacy seem no more or less weird than ;ea-en5s "ate members who also
make that choice$ <ormon e)traterrestrial cosmology seems as goofy as (cientology% etc$ Religions and cults all use the
same techni:ues of brain damage% or 0mind control%0 i$e$ they all instill B( 3 Belief (ystems$
Te 'umber Of Te "east: Trac(ing te Anticrist
!id you know that "ill )ates is the Antichrist' +ell, you#&e probably suspected it, but some people ha&e set out to pro&e it...
Among the fundamentalists% the Antichrist is always considered a specific indi-idual appearing only in the last days of 6arth$
Recent candidates ha-e included Aleister 4rowley% 2asir Arafat% =rince Bernhard 8founder of the "ilderberers>9% ;enry
1issinger% (addam ;ussein% <ickey <ouse% Barney the Dinosaur% and e-en Ronald Reagan 3 whose full name% Ronald
Wilson Reagan% has si) letters in each word% thus yielding ?/?/?$
"ugs "unny And Oter !)O *ictims: Reality isn't always consensual
Althouh few people remember this, "us "unny was the first ,-. %abductee% in a 1/02 cartoon called %1asty 1are.%
#magine what would happen if 0many millions0 of U$($ citi&ens said they had been se)ually assaulted by aliens from <e)ico
or #ra:% instead of aliens from @uter (pace$ @b-iously% there would be no scientific taboo against in-estigating such cases%
and 4ongress might e-en ha-e declared war on the in-aders by now$ #f the sub'ects claimed% as most of Dr$ <ack5s
sub'ects do% that they now lo-e their kidnappers and ha-e recei-ed important ecological warnings from them% as well as
learning from their e)traterrestrial sermons about how wicked and wretched our society is% this would be considered
e-idence that they had been 0brainwashed0 as well as raped 8think (tockholm (yndrome9$ The differences in scientific and
political reactions to atrocities by human aliens and nonhuman aliens seem e-en more confusing than the rest of this mystery$
I Remember Satan: 'Reco$ered memory&' demonology& and duc( soup
.r, worse yet, is it possible that !affy !uck is the !e&il' 2eep an eye on your local media for further -eminist or
-undamentalist re&elations.
#n !!A% a 'ury awarded BC$D million in damages to one .adine 4ool% who had sued her former therapist% Dr$ 1enneth
@lson% for malpractice$ ;e had con-inced her% under hypnosis% that when she was a child her father had forced her to
participate in (atanic rituals of human sacrifice$ ;e also con-inced her that she possessed no fewer than C? alternate
personalities% including angels% demons and e-en a duck$ (he had belie-ed it all 3 including the duck 3 until she
confronted her father with these hideous memories and he dropped dead of a heart attack$
Te %e$il On Te Cimney: A tale of 'o$ecraftian orror and psyco#arceology
3 sort of think the fundies ha&e it riht for once. Santa not only has an unsa&ory paan ancestry but a rather criminal family
history all around. 4et me 3llumini5e you...
As Weston Ea Barre pointed out a long time ago in his classic )host !ance6 7he .riins of 8eliion, you can find
remnants of a primordial bear/god from the bottom of (outh America up o-er .orth America and o-er the .orth =ole and
down across most of 6urope and Asia$ This deity appears in ca-e paintings from southern France carbon/dated at FG%GGG
B4$ 2ou can find him and her 8for this god is bise)ual9 disguised in Artemis and Arduina and 1ing Arthur% all unmasked -ia
canny detecti-e work by folklorists 3 and etymologists% who first spotted the bear/god when they identified the #ndo/
6uropean root ard% meaning bear$ 2ou can track the bear/god in dwindling forms in a hundred fairy tales from all o-er
6urope and Asia$ And you can find the rituals of this still/li-ing god among the indigenous tribes of both American
See Also:
Robert Anton Wilson !FC/CGGA
.eil "aiman ;as Eost ;is 4lothes
When 4ory Doctorow Ruled The World
Thou (halt Reali&e The Bible 1icketh Ass
#s The .et "ood For WritersH
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I Robert Anton Wilson !FC/CGGA
1neecaps% 6yeballs and Ei-ers for (ale* The World @rgan Trade J

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+ Responses to ,A Selection of Obscure Robert Anton Wilson Essays-
$ Secret 8apture (ays*
January Fth% CGGA at A*FK am
<y inaugural address at the "reat White Throne Judgment of the Dead% after # ha-e raptured out billions>
Read <y #naugural Address
<y (iteLhttp*77www$angelfire$com7cra&y7spaceman
2our 'aw will drop>
C$ !98ock (ays*
January Fth% CGGA at F*GC pm
Thanks$ These essays are really good$ # am going on a MreadingN tonight to honor RAW whose been a fa-orite of mine for :uite
some time$ These essays are more current then most of the archi-es on the web and the books # ha-e$
F$ peterepletebich (ays*
January ?th% CGGA at *CC am
the spirit is out now the world sighs raw we are with you in spirit lo-e and discord
D$ Andrew -eruson (ays*
January CDth% CGGA at ?*D pm
Thanks for posting these$
As part of the 2ear of Faith pro'ect% #Om Discordian for this month$ # ne-er would ha-e found this stuff otherwise>
P$ (otorcycle 3rene (ays*
January Ath% CGGK at C*G pm
# canOt belie-e heOs left the material plane$ Thanks% RAW% for e-erything>
All hail 6ris>
?$ !emonoloy (ays*
August Dth% CG at D*FP pm
Eooks like # am a little late to this party$ (till a bunch of inspirational :uotes no doubt% real sad that he has passed away his
insights are 'ust as -alid today as they were back then$
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