Module Title: Managing Human Capital: Module Lecturer: Dr. Rajendra Kumar

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Module Title: Managing Human Capital

Module Lecturer: Dr. Rajendra Kumar

1. Module Description:
The primary purpose of this module is to develop an understanding of the current context
and practice of human resource management in the public sector. Like other parts of
government, HRM has been undergoing many changes. The focus will be on best current
practices in managing the workforce and organisational change.
The module will aid the students to gain a clear understanding of the concepts, methods
and techniues and issues involved in managing human resource so as to facilitate
employing, maintaining and promoting a motivated workforce in an organisation
2. Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this module the students will be able to:
demonstrate an awareness of current issues and challenges facing human resource
understand and discuss workplace laws and know how they should be applied
demonstrate a familiarity with traditional human resource management practices such
as carrying out selection activities and !ob analyses
interact constructively in a group with diverse membership for the purpose of process
research and develop a research paper on a current HRM topic
gather information for the purpose of building a meaningful human resource text.
3. Indicative Content:
Human Resource Management and its theoretical base
Human Resource "lanning
#ob analysis and design
Recruitment and selection$ discrimination in the workplace
"erformance appraisal
Managing %iversity
Training and %evelopment
&areer planning ' management
"ayment and Reward
(ccupational Health and )afety
Management of &hange.
*nternational perspectives on Human Resource Management
. Deliver!:
+ variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis,
teamwork and extensive use of the *nternet for guided research.
Notional Student Workload
Lectures ,- hours
)eminars . hours
%irected Learning // hours
*ndependent Learning -0 hours
1ormal +ssessment 2 hours
"otal 1#$ %ours
#. &ssessment:
The formal assessment of this module will be conducted through an assignment and a
closed book examination..
+ssignment 304
&losed book examination 504
The closed book examination will be of two hours duration
'. Concise Indicative Reading List
Core te(ts: %essler, 6. 7200-8 Human Resource Management ,,,
edition, "rentice

Recommended Reading:
9eardwell, #. : &laydon, T 720058 Human Resource Management: A Contemporary
Approach, 7;
edn8. "rentice Hall
9rewster, &. )parrow, ". and <ernon, 6.720058 International Human Resource
Managemen,t 72
=dition8. &hartered *nstitute of "ersonnel and %evelopment
"rice, + 720058 Human Resource Management, 73d edn8. Thomson Learning
Legge, >. 7200/8 Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities
(Management, or! and "rganisations#,7=d. =dition8. "algrave Macmillan
). Lecture se*uence +or Managing ,uman Capital
Lecture "opics Indicative
Re+er to
.uestion/s0 1o.
Human Resource Management
and its theoretical base
&ase studies $ 6ap between
theory and practice of HR in
the ?>
&hapter ,, p,@
Auestion ,
#ob +nalysis and %esign
&ase )tudyB =lectronic
9anking )ystem *nc
&hapter /,
Auestion 2,5
3. Human Resource "lanning
Auestion 3
/. -eminar 1
Auestion 5
Recruitment and )election
&ase studyB &an )mall 9e
9etter for Recruiting
&ase *ncident B The Tough
&hapters ;,.
p ,.;@2-C
Auestion /,5,,;
(rganisational &hange '
(rganisation %evelopment
&ase )tudy B Mapping
&orporate >nowledge at &igna
&hapter -, p
Auestions ;
)trategic Human Resource
&ase study B De %onEt Dant to
6et *nvolved 7or %o De8
&hapter 3, p
Auestions ,0,,2
-. -eminar 2
Auestions .,-
C. "erformance +ppraisal
&hapter C,
Auestions ,,,,/
Training and %evelopment
&ase *ncident $ Reinventing the
Dheel at +pex %oor &ompany
&hapter -, p
Auestions .,
,,. 9enefits and )ervices
&hapter ,3,
Auestions ,,,,3
,2. -eminar 3
&areer "lanning'Management,
"ayment and Reward,
&ase incident B #ob *nsecurity
at *9M
&hapter ,2, p
/5,, &hapter
,0, p 355
Auestions ,..,5
Labour Relations and
Health and
&ase incident B The Few )afety
&hapter ,;,
&hapter ,.,
Auestion ,., 20
*nternational "erspectives on
Human Resource Management
&hapter ,5,
,.. -eminar
Auestions ,.,,C

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