Ted Hesburgh God Country Notre Dame

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Walz 1

Kevin Walz
Professor Jerome M. McKeever
English 1020
23 June 2014
Count 1415
God, Country, Notre Dame
I must say I have never seen such a life lived. Being a Notre Dame fan I was drawn to Fr.
Hesburgh as a topic. Fr. Hesburgh takes us through his life and we are left wondering why had
he pushed himself so far so often. Was he self-absorbed, or was he truly a man of the people
who believed in God and service above all? He drives home through his stories including those
about his schooling in Italy, and his transformative years at Notre Dame that everyone can live a
fuller life. God, Country, Notre Dame is an autobiography written by Theodore M. Hesburgh
with Jerry Reedy. Anytime you can read about a man in his own words you are very lucky
indeed. Many of the topics presented do not give you this opportunity. Fr. Hesburgh lived an
extraordinary life and I firmly believe he wrote this book to inspire people. He spent a good
portion of the book talking about how his life was altered by all the things he did not want to
do. They became through Gods intervention the best things that happened to him in his life. A
deeply religious but pragmatic man, he often states that hard work AND faith can solve any
problem. I believe this is his guide book on how we should live our lives, not just on how he led
Walz 2

his. God, Country, Notre Dame is a guidebook in any sense of the word. In his waning years
after his so called retirement he needed to sum up a life well lived. Hesburgh gives us a gift.
The author approaches the book as story teller and teacher. He gives us fascinating
tales of childhood through his waning years. He intertwines life lessons in his stories. Hesburgh
could not talk his mother into letting him go off to Notre Dame to soon but he knew that is
what God had planned for him. By staying the course, and following Gods call, he was guided
to success. He is a firm believer and he gives us examples of this throughout the book. He
plays the role of scholar and chronicler in such a clever way that it is hard to tell when he is
giving you facts on how to live or telling you how he got to this place.
Fr. Hesburgh speaks to all of humanity in his book. The challenge to live life well is slyly
implied. I tend to think in two ways about my reaction to this book. One is how in Gods name
can anyone live up to a man who has impacted so many. What is his purpose in telling the
audience the litany of amazing deeds? I believe he wants people to think if a poor boy from
New York can rise to power at one of the most prestigious universities in the world (in his
thirtys) anyone can. Two, it would be a wonderful story being told. In telling a mans life it is
just amazing what the human spirit can do. (The reaction to this book from a large audience
could range from disbelief to motivation to adulation.) Some people might want to cry at a life
misspent some might be driven more to achieve.
The reality of this book is the challenges that life will bring you up closer to God or bring
you down closer to earth. I am not sure that many people will see this as a motivational book.
It plays as a straight autobiography but I dont believe this author would have such a small view
Walz 3

of anything he approaches. He shows his beliefs and how they can affect your life. Fr.
Hesburgh hopes you will go out and live your life with higher cause and purpose. The world is a
wide open place full of all kinds of people who need to be helping or to be helped.
Fr. Hesburgh expresses his political point of view in a very interesting way. Fr. Hesburgh
man seems to see the middle of things. Not liberal or constrictive. He seems like a man of the
world. He shows no real love nor hate but the good of both sides of the spectrum. He talks of
being labeled a hawk by mistake. Fr, Hesburgh will tell you that he had only the best interest of
the University, the students and faculty in his heart. Only a true man can love his enemies. On
many occasions having students that disagree with him in his office or going to meetings with
student groups. His center is his faith. He endured a very tough road to follow his calling. His
second year that he spent on the Holy Cross farm is an incredible testament to one mans deep
abiding faith in God. He led a wonderful life given to him by God but he gave much to God. All
of his decisions centered on what was best for God or Notre Dame. It was interesting at times
in the book to believe Notre Dame was the most important thing in his life. I believe it was. In
his mind Fr. Hesburgh believed by doing right by Notre Dame you were doing right by God. I
am not one hundred percent sure the two always met but I dont think he was far off.
I guess that I would like my life to say, to young people especially: He believed, he
hoped, he tried, he failed often enough, but with Gods grace, he often accomplished more
than he rationally could have dreamed. Remember for me those wonderful words of scripture:
God has chosen the weak of this world to confound the strong. So we are weak. No Matter.
This sums up Ted Hesburgh. His life is service he believes this with all his heart. The quote tells
Walz 4

you why we wrote this book. He wants his life to be remembered; he wants it to say something
to people. He believes that his life spent in service to God, Country, and Notre Dame should be
emulated. He never comes out and says this but it leaks out of the pages. Fr. Hesburgh thinks
all people are capable of great things. He also recognizes that some people need a bit of a
push. The book is one way he is giving that push. Fr. Hesburgh finds the best in all people even
the ones that show up to his office drinking a beer and interrupting a phone call. His belief in
the indomitable spirit of human nature can get past any challenge. Fr. Hesburgh certainly
knows that not all people can do every job. He was very careful to surround himself with the
best and most intelligent. But he never wanted to sell a person short. But he was quick to push
less intelligent people to suitable jobs. He knew how to stay on top. He was never shy about
the need for the best and brightest and that not all people deserve to be leaders or even
students at Notre Dame. I dont get the feeling he thought less intelligent people could rise to
the leadership level and if they do they will not be successful. It was the only flaw I could see in
Fr. Hesburgh.
In the end I see a worldly man who is very driven to succeed. He has a very strong belief
in himself and his views. Self confidence often makes an effective leader and did in this case.
Hesburgh would go through life doing all the things he wanted to do. After he was fated into
some of his life choices early on, he moved forward accomplishing much and doing great things.
In his book he chronicles all of his lifes accomplishments in so he reveals his own
foibles. You can see the man behind the legend. Theodore M. Hesburgh is certainly a legend.
His life and works have been lauded and by some derided. His book dispels many myths; in the
Walz 5

end this book reveals character, compassion, love and drive. Through his hard work at Notre
Dame his selfless devotion the Brothers of Holy Crosse we see a man devoted to others. His
acts call us to lead a more full life. A well written book that was a joy to read I would
recommend this book to anyone.

Walz 6

Works Cited

Hesburgh, Theodore M, and Jerry Reedy. God, Country, Notre Dame. New York: Doubleday,
1990. Print.

Walz 7

Smarthinking's E-structor Response Form

(Your marked-up essay is below this form.)
HOW THIS WORKS: Your e-structor has written overview comments about your essay in the
form below. Your e-structor has also embedded comments [in bold and in brackets] throughout
your essay. Thank you for choosing Smarthinking's OWL; best wishes with revising your paper!
Hi, Kevin! Im Anne A., and Ill be your tutor for this session. I've read your book review, and
here are some points you could think about as you revise your work.
*Strengths of the essay:
You have used subject-verb agreement correctly in your book review. Take a look at this
This man seems to see the middle of things.
Here, you used the singular verb seems to support the singular subject man, and this is
correct. A singular subject should always take a singular verb. Using subject-verb agreement
correctly, just like what you have been doing, helps in making sure that you are properly
understood by your readers. Well done!
Main Idea/Thesis:
First of all, you have to write a complete thesis statement in the introduction so that your
readers will know what you are about to discuss. Lets take a look at what you have written at
the end of your introductory paragraph:
I believe this is his guide book on how we should live our lives, not just on how he led his.
This statement can be considered as your main idea, if this is what you really want to point out
about the book. However, a good thesis statement should also include supporting details,
which will help you prove that your main idea is valid. Here is an example:

The novel in In His Mind isnt effective in delivering a clear message about the importance of
close family ties *main idea+ because it uses illogical examples, and the language isnt
appropriate for its target audience, the young generation [supporting details].
Walz 8

In this example, supporting details are provided to back up the main idea. These supporting
details are the reasons behind the main argument that the novel isnt effective in terms of
delivering its message clearly to its target audience. Now going back to your thesis statement,
why do you think Hesburghs book is intended to be a guide about how we should live our
lives? What is it about the book that made you believe this way? What details that will support
your argument have you discussed in your essay? Answer these guiding questions so you can
come up with supporting details that will make your thesis statement complete. This way, your
readers will know what to expect from your book review. For more information on this topic,
visit this link: Thesis Development.
*kevin 6986553 has requested that you respond to the Organization:
Next, the topic sentences of your body paragraphs need to be aligned with your thesis
statement to enhance the unity of your essay. Lets take a look at how you started your first
body paragraph:
The author approaches the book as story teller and teacher.
This statement doesnt relate back to the main idea of your essay. Remember that you are
talking about your belief about the purpose of Hesburghs book. Now, if Hesburgh uses an
approach of a storyteller and a teacher, what does that make out of the book? What do you
think is the purpose of this piece of literature, which is why Hesburgh use the perspective of a
storyteller and a teacher? Make sure that your topic sentence captures the answers to these
guiding questions so that it will be aligned with your main idea. This way, your draft will have a
sense of unity. Please revisit your other topic sentences to address the same issue.
*kevin 6986553 has requested that you respond to the Grammar & Mechanics:
Lastly, you need to use a comma before a coordinating conjunction, which connects two
independent clauses, to avoid confusing your readers with what you mean to say. Take a look
at this excerpt:
Father Hesburgh lived an extraordinary life and I firmly believe he wrote this book to inspire
Your readers may find this statement confusing because you presented two different thoughts
(about Hersburgh and about your belief), but there is no comma to show where one thought
ends and where the other thought begins. Now, take a look at this example:

Walz 9

My daughter will dance on the stage, and I will sing.

In this sample statement, I presented two different subjects and two different verbs. The
comma before the coordinating conjunction and helps the readers understand what Im
saying about my daughter and what Im saying about myself. Remember, using a comma before
a coordinating conjunction in between two independent clauses is important to ensure that
your statements are clear. Please proofread your essay for this recurring error.
Summary of Next Steps:
To briefly recap my recommendations:

Write a complete thesis statement (main idea + supporting details) at the
end of your introduction.
Make sure that each of the topic sentence of your body paragraphs are
aligned with the main idea of your essay.
Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction that connects two
independent clauses together.

Thank you for sharing your book review with me, Kevin! I hope that these recommendations
can help you improve your discussion about God, Country, Notre Dame. Anne A.
Find additional resources in Smarthinking's online library:
You can find more information about writing, grammar, and usage in Smarthinking's student
handbooks. You can visit the Smarthinking Writer's Handbook or theSmarthinking ESOL (English
for speakers of other languages) Writer's Handbook.
Please look for more comments in your essay below. Thank you for visiting Smarthinking. We
encourage you to submit future essays.
Walz 10

Kevin Walz
Professor Jerome M. McKeever
English 1020
23 June 2014
Page Count 1308
God, Country, Notre Dame
I must say I have never seen such a life lived. Being a Notre Dame fan I was
drawn to Fr Hesburgh as a topic. [You need to start with an interesting opener to capture the
attention of your readers. Writing a controversial statement, asking a question, or starting with
a quotation can help you improve on this area. Which strategy would you like to use to make
the start of your book review more interesting?] God, Country, Notre Dame is an autobiography
written by Theodore M. Hesburgh with Jerry Reedy. Anytime you can read about a man in his
own words you are very lucky indeed. Many of the topics presented do not give you this
opportunity. Father Hesburgh lived an extraordinary life and I firmly believe he wrote this book
to inspire people. He spent a good portion of the book talking about how his life was altered by
all the things he did not want to do. They became through Gods intervention the best things
that happened to him in his life. A deeply religious but pragmatic man he often states that hard
work AND faith can solve any problem. I believe this is his guide book on how we should live
our lives, not just on how he led his. This is a guidebook in any sense of the word. In his waning
years after his so called retirement he needed to sum up a life well lived. Hesburgh gives us a
The author approaches the book as story teller and teacher. He gives us
fascinating tales of childhood through his waning years. He intertwines life lessons in his stories.
Hesburgh talks of his mother not letting him go off to Notre Dame to soon and how he always
knew that is what God had planned for him. By staying the course and following Gods call he
was guided to success. [You need to use a comma after an introductory element (e.g., After the
party, she went home.) Without a comma, your readers may find your sentences confusing.
Please proofread your essay to ensure proper comma usage. Doing this will enhance the clarity
of your sentences.] He is a firm believer and he gives us examples of this throughout the book.
He plays the role of scholar and chronicler in such a clever way that it is hard to tell when he is
giving you facts on how to live or telling you how he got to this place.
Walz 11

Ted speaks to all of humanity in his book. The challenge to live life well is
slyly implied. I tend to think in two ways about my reaction to this book. One is how in Gods
name can anyone live up to a man who has impacted so many. What is his purpose in telling
the audience the litany of amazing deeds? I believe he wants people to think if a poor boy from
New York can rise to power at one of the most prestigious universitys in the world (in his
thirtys) anyone can. Two, would be a wonderful story is being told. In telling a mans life it is
just amazing what the human spirit can do. The reaction to this book from a large audience
could range from disbelief to motivation to adulation. Some people might want to cry at a life
misspent some might be driven more to achieve.
The reality of this book is the challenges that life will bring you up closer to
God or bring you down closer to earth. I am not sure that many people will see this as a
motivational book. It plays as a straight autobiography but I dont believe this author would
have such a small view of anything he approaches. He shows his beliefs and how they can
affect your life. Hesburgh hopes you will go out and live your life with higher cause and
purpose. The world is a wide open place full of all kinds of people who need to be helping or to
be helped. [You have written your words correctly, so far, by making sure that all words are
spelled properly. This enhances the clarity of your sentences. Well done, Kevin!]

Hesburgh expresses his political point of view in a very interesting way.
This man seems to see the middle of things. Not liberal or constrictive. He seems like a man of
the world. He shows no real love nor hate but the good of both sides of the spectrum. He talks
of being labeled a hawk by mistake. Ted will tell you that he had only the best interest of the
University, the students and faculty in his heart. Only a true man can love his enemies. On
many occasions having students that disagree with him in his office or going to meetings with
student groups. His center is his faith. He endured a very tough road to follow his calling. His
second year that he spent on the Holy Cross farm is an incredible testament to one mans deep
abiding faith in God. He led a wonderful life given to him by God but he gave much to God. All
of his decisions centered on what was best for God or Notre Dame. It was interesting at times
in the book that you might be lead to think Notre Dame was the most important thing in his
life. I believe it was. In his mind Hesburgh believed by doing right by Notre Dame you were
doing right by God. I am not one hundred percent sure the two always met but I dont think he
was far off.
I guess that would like my life to say, to young people especially: He
believed, he hoped, he tried, he failed often enough, but with Gods grace, he often
accomplished more than he rationally could have dreamed. Remember for me those wonderful
words of scripture: God has chosen the weak of this world to confound the strong. So we are
Walz 12

weak. No Matter. This sums up Ted Hesburgh. His life is service he believes this with all his
heart. This quote tells you why we wrote this book. He wants his life to be remembered; he
wants it to say something to people. He believes that his life spent in service to God, Country,
and Notre Dame should be emulated. He never comes out and says this but it leaks out of the
pages. Hesburgh thinks all people are capable of great things. He also recognizes that some
people need a bit of a push. The book is one way he is giving that push. Ted finds the best in all
people even the ones that show up to his office drinking a beer and interrupting a phone call.
His belief in the indomitable spirit of human nature can get past any challenge. Hesburgh
certainly knows that not all people can do every job. He was very careful to surround himself
with the best and most intelligent. But he never wanted to sell a person short. But he was
quick to push less intelligent people to suitable jobs. He knew how to stay on top. He was
never shy about the need for the best and brightest and that not all people deserve to be
leaders or even students at Notre Dame. I dont get the feeling he thought less intelligent
people could rise to the leadership level and if they do they will not be successful. This was the
only flaw I could see in Father Hesburgh.
In the end I see a worldly man who is very driven to succeed. He has a very
strong belief in himself and his views. This often makes an effective leader and did in this case.
Hesburgh would go through life doing all the things he wanted to do. After he was fated into
some of his life choices early on, he moved forward accomplishing much and doing great things.
In his book he chronicles all of his lifes accomplishments in so he reveals his own foibles. You
can see the man behind the legend. Theodore M. Hesburgh is certainly a legend. His life and
works have been lauded and by some derided. His book dispels many myths; in the end this
book reveals character, compassion, love and drive. A well written book that was a joy to read.
[Kevin, you have only provided your insights here in your conclusion, and this isnt enough to
give your essay a good sense of closure. Again, what is the main idea of your book review about
God, Country, Notre Dame? What are the major points of your discussion, which your readers
need to be reminded of? Include these pieces of information in your conclusion to properly
bring your book review to a close.]

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