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Cnuic Gloves

These fingerless gloves are based on the

stitch pattern for the Pomatomus socks
by Cookie A., published in Knitty in
2005. Im not the first person to have
made the leap, but as far as I can tell,
Im the first one to put up instructions on
dealing with both thumb and finger
gussets. The gloves in the photo are
made with a handspun yak/silk blend,
but you can use the yarn
recommendation and gauge given in the
Pomatomus pattern.


Cast on 72 stitches. Join to work in
Work in [p1, k1tbl] rib for 10 rounds.
Work Pomatomus Chart A 2.5 times before beginning thumb gusset. You will need to shuffle
stitches at the end of each full chart repeat. Use the Pomatomus leg instructions.
After you have place the thumb gusset stitches on the holder, finish working the chart through
Row 22.
Work 2 rows in twisted rib (more or less, to reach desired height).
Work finger gussets.
Weave in all ends.

Thumb Gusset
R1: m1, pm, continue in chart around
R2: k1tbl, sm, continue in chart around
R3: yo, k1tbl, yo, sm, continue in chart around
R4: p1, k1tbl, p1, sm, continue in chart around

Continue in this manner, adding one stitch at either end of the gusset on one round and working
the gusset stitches in a twisted rib on the next round until 15 stitches are before the marker and
all yarnovers have been worked. Slip gusset stitches to holder.

Note 1: Youll need to rearrange the stitches at the end of the third chart repeat, working around
the gusset stitches. Heres what you do:
Needle 1: Instead of k2tog, k3tog for the first repeat of the pattern.
Needle 2: Move the first stitch of needle 2 to the end of needle 1. Move the first stitch of
needle 3 to the end of needle 2.
Needle 3: At the end of round 1 of the fourth chart repeat, pu 1 knitwise

Note 2: While working on the first half of the chart and the gusset, youll have two yarnovers
next to each other across the marker. Work your stitches into the second loop to prevent having
one enormous hole.

After finishing the rest of the glove, including finger gussets, pick up 7 stitches from side of the
glove and the 15 thumb stitches (22 stitches total). Work in twisted rib for 10 rounds. BO in rib.

Finger Gussets
Set up: Work 27 stitches in twisted rib. Place these stitches on a holder or use a second set of
needles for the next step.

CO1. Work 18 stitches in twisted rib. CO1. Join to work in the round.
Work these 20 stitches in rib for 7 rounds. BO in rib.

Ring finger
With the finished pinky on the left, move 9 stitches from the front of the glove to a working
needle. Starting with the right-most stitch, work as follows:
Work 7 in rib. Move to second needle. Work 2 stitches in rib, pick up 2 from the edge of the
pinky, work 2 more in rib. Move to third needle. Work 7 stitches in rib. CO2. Join these 22
stitches to work in the round and work in rib for 7 rounds. BO in rib.

Middle finger
Repeat as for the ring finger.

Index finger
Pick up 2 stitches from the side of the middle finger. Work around and join to work in the round.
Work in rib for 7 rounds. BO in rib.

About the Designer
Melissa Walshe is a professional wordsmith (seriously, thats her job title) and a knitter. She is
new to the fine art of pattern design and would be grateful for feedback from experienced
knitters. She writes fanciful essays about her life at her personal blog, The Lightning Bug and the
Lightning, and about her misadventures with fiber arts at Variations on a String. Melissa lives in
southern Maine, where she is engaged in a constant battle for bandwidth and her stitch counter
with, respectively, her husband and their two cats.

Copyright and License Notes
I (Melissa, see above!) hold no copyright over this pattern, my primary contributions being
fingers/thumb gussets, which are fairly close to common knowledge among knitters. The stitch
pattern linked above, however, comes from Cookie A., so please make sure to look at the
Pomatomus pattern license before deciding how to use the stitch pattern.

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