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rae 1
1. Importance of the Subject
a. Man - Land Ratio
b. Land as a finite resource
1. PD 1529 otherwise known as "The Propert Re!istration "ecree".
#ppro$ed %une 11& 1'() codified and incorporated the fo**owin! *aws
re*ated ti propert re!istration+
a. #ct ,'-& The Land Re!istration #ct
b. .ommonwea*th #ct 1,1& The Pub*ic Land #ct
c. #ct //0'& The .adastra* #ct
d. #ct 11,,& Sstem of Re!istration for 2nre!istered Lands
e. #ct 3o. 104)& as amended& The .hatte* Mort!a!e Law
f. Repub*ic #ct 3o. /-& R5constitution of 6ri!ina* .ertificates of Tit*e
!. P" /(& 5mancipation Patents& Land Reform Law
/. The Civil Code Provisio !Ar"i#les $%& ' $11(
Tit*e I7
a. #rt. (4). The Re!istr Propert has for its object the inscription or
annotation of acts and contracts re*atin! to the ownership and other
ri!hts o$er immo$ab*e propert.
b. #rt. (4'. The tit*es of ownership& or of other ri!hts o$er immo$ab*e
propert& which are not du* inscribed or annotated in the Re!istr of
Propert sha** not prejudice third persons.
c. #rt. (14. The books in the Re!istr of Propert sha** be pub*ic for
those who ha$e a known interest in ascertainin! the status of the
immo$ab*es or rea* ri!hts annotated or inscribed therein.
d. #rt. (11. 8or determinin! what tit*es are subject to inscription or
annotation& as we** as the form& effects& and cance**ation of
inscriptions and annotations& the manner of keepin! the books in the
Re!istr& and the $a*ue of the entries contained in said books& the
pro$isions of the Mort!a!e Law& the Land Re!istration #ct& and other
specia* *aws sha** !o$ern.
1. The Le!a* 9asis and 3ature :Sec /& P" 10/';
3ature of re!istration proceedin!s< jurisdiction of courts. - %udicia*
proceedin!s for the re!istration o! *ands throu!hout the Phi*ippines sha**
be in rem and sha** be based on the !enera** accepted princip*es
under*in! the Torrens sstem.
/. Purpose and meanin! of the Torrens Sstem of Re!istration.
a.; The rea* purpose of the sstem is to =uiet tit*e of *and< to put a stop
fore$er to an =uestion of the *e!a*it of the tit*e& e>cept c*aims which were
noted at the time of re!istration& in the certificate& or which ma arise
subse=uent thereto. That bein! the purpose of the *aw& it wou*d seem that
once a tit*e is re!istered& the owner ma rest secure& without the necessit
of waitin! in the porta*s of the courts& or sittin! in the "mirador de su casa"&
to a$oid the possibi*it of *osin! his *and. :Le!arda $s. Sa*eeb 11 Ph* 0'4;
b.; The main purpose of the Torrens Sstem is to a$oid possib*e conf*icts
of tit*e to rea* estate and to faci*itate transactions re*ati$e thereto b !i$in!
the pub*ic the ri!ht to re* upon the face of the Torrens .ertificate Tit*e and
to dispense with the need of in=uirin! further& e>cept when the part
concerned has actua* know*ed!e of the facts and circumtances that shou*d
impe* a reasonab* cautious man to make such further in=uir. :Traders
Roa* 9ank $s .# 110 S.R# 1'4;
/. %urisdiction
a. Re!iona* Tria* .ourt
.ourts of 8irst Instance :RT.; sha** ha$e e>c*usi$e jurisdiction o$er a**
app*ications for ori!ina* re!istration of tit*e to *ands& inc*udin!
impro$ements and interest therein& and o$er a** petitions fi*ed after ori!ina*
re!istration of tit*e& with power to hear and determine a** =uestions arisin!
upon such app*ications or petitions. :Sec /& P" 10/';
b. Pursuant to Sec 1, of 9atas Pambansa 1/'& the Supreme .ourt issued
#dministrati$e 6rder 3o -,-'1 dated #pri* /1& 1''1& authori?in! M5T.@s&
MT..@s and MT.@s to hear and decide& .adastra* or Land Re!istration
cases co$erin! Lots where there is no contro$ers or opposition& or
contested *ots& the $a*ue of which does not e>ceed P144&444.44 for MT.@s
and P/44&444.44 for M5T.@s.
1. Ori,i-l Re,is"r-"io .der Se# 1/0 Pd 1529
Who 1-2 -33l24
#.; Those who b themse*$es or throu!h their predecessors-in-interest
ha$e been in open& continuous& e>c*usi$e and notorious possession and
occupation of a*ienab*e and disposab*e *ands of the pub*ic domain under a
bona fide c*aim of ownership since %une 1/& 1',0& or ear*ier.
In Repub*ic $s .# and .ora?on 3a!uit AR 3o 1,,40(& %anurar 1(&
/440& the Supreme .ourt he*d that+
"Sec 1,:1; of P" 10/' mere* re=uires the propert sou!ht to be
re!istered as a*read a*ienab*e and disposab*e at the time of
app*ication for re!istration of tit*e is fi*ed."
"If the State& at the time the app*ication is made& has not et deemed it
proper to re*ease the propert for a*ienation or disposition& the
presumption is that the !o$ernment is sti** reser$in! the ri!ht to uti*i?e
the propert& hence& the need to preser$e its ownership is the State
irrespecti$e of the *en!th of ad$erse possession e$en if in !ood faith."
"Bowe$er& if the propert has a*read been c*assified as a*ieanab*e and
disposab*e& then there is a*read an intention on the part of the State to
abdicate its e>c*usi$e prero!ati$e o$er the propert."
"There are no materia* differences between Sec 1, :1; of the Propert
Re!istration "ecree and Sec ,) :b; of the Pub*ic Land #ct. True& the
Pub*ic Land #ct does refer to "a!ricu*tura* *anf of the pub*ic domain&"
whi*e the Propert Re!istration "ecree uses the term "#*ianab*e and
"isposab*e *ands of pub*ic domain." It must be noted thou!h that the
.onstitution dec*ares dec*ares that "a*ienab*e *ands of pub*ic domain
sha** be *imited to a!ricu*tura* *ands. .*ear*& the subject *ands under
Sec ,) :b; of the Pub*ic Land #ct and Sec 1,:1; of the Propert
Re!istration "ecree are of the same tpe."
9.; Those who ha$e ac=uired ownership of pri$ate *ands b prescription under
the pro$isions of e>istin! *aws.
"Prescription is one of the modes of ac=uirin! ownership under the
.i$i* .ode. There is a consistent jurisprudentia* ru*e that properties
c*assified as a*ienab*e pub*ic *and ma be con$erted into pri$ate
propert b reason of open& continuous and e>c*usi$e possession of at
*east 14 ears. Cith such con$ersion& such propert ma now fa**
within the comtemp*ation of "Pri$ate Lands" under Section 1,:/;& and
thus susceptib*e to re!istration b those who ha$e ac=uired ownership
throu!h prescription. Thus& e$en if possession of the a*ienab*e pub*ic
*and commenced on a date *ater than %une 1/& 1',0& and such
possession bein! open& continuous and e>c*usi$e& then the possessor
ma ha$e the ri!ht to re!ister the *and b $irtue of Section 1,:/; of the
Propert Re!istration "ecree" :Repub*ic $s .# and 3a!uit;
..; Those who ha$e ac=uired ownership of pri$ate *ands or abandoned
ri$er beds b ri!ht of accession or accretion under the e>istin! *aws.
#ccretion is the s*ow and hard* perceptib*e accumu*ation of soi* deposits
that the *aw !rants to the riparian owner. :9ina*a $s Mano*o& 1'0 S.R#
".; Those who ha$e ac=uired ownership of *and in an other manner
pro$ided b *aw.
2. 5.di#i-l Co6ir1-"io o6 I13er6e#" or I#o13le"e Ti"le .der Se# /& !7(
o6 CA 1/1.
Those who b themse*$es or throu!h their predecessors-in-interest ha$e
been in open& continuous& e>c*usi$e& and notorious possession and
occupation of a!ricu*tura* *ands of the pub*ic domain under a bona fide
c*aim of ac=uisition of ownership& for at *east 14 ears immediate*
precedin! the fi*in! of the app*ication for confirmation of tit*e& e>cept when
pre$ented b war or force majeure. Those sha** be conc*usi$e* presumed
to ha$e performed a** the conditions essentia* to a !o$ernment !rant and
sha** be entit*ed to a certificate of tit*e under the pro$ision of this chapter.
The period to a$ai* of this pro$ision has been e>tended to "ec 11& /4/4
pursuant to R# '1(- & appro$ed 3o$ 11& /44/ with the *imitation that the
area app*ied for shou*d not e>ceed 1/ hectares.
8. C-d-s"r-l A#"0 A# 2259 :In$o*untar Proceedin!s;
.ompu*sor proceedin!s are premised on the presumption under the
Re!a*ian "octrine. That a** Lands of whate$er c*assifications be*on! to the
pub*ic domain. 6nce instituted in court& a** pri$ate c*aims to *and are open
to =uestion and it is to the pub*ic interest that such pri$ate c*aims be
sett*ed and adjudicated.
/. Ad1iis"r-"ive +e"hod
Free Patent, Homestead and Sale Provisions
#.; Chene$er *ands of the pub*ic domain are disposed of b the "53R
throu!h free patent& homestead and sa*es& the sha** be brou!ht under the
operation of the Torrens Sstem.
Thus Sec 141 of P" 10/'& states+
"Chene$er pub*ic *anf is b the Ao$ernment a*ienated& !ranted& or
con$eed to an person& the same sha** be brou!ht forthwith under the
operation of this "ecree. It sha** be the dut of the officia* issuin! the
instrument of a*ienation& !rant& patent or con$eance in beha*f of the
Ao$ernment to cause such instrument to be fi*ed with the Re!ister of
"eeds of the pro$ince or cit where the *and *ies& and to be re!istered *ike
other deeds and con$eance whereupon a certificate of tit*e sha** be
entered as in other cases of re!istered *and& and an owner@s dup*icate
issued to the !rantee."
9.; 5mancipation Patent or .ertificates of Land 6wnership #wards :.L6#;
Chene$er a tenant or farm worker is issued a patent& the same sha**
a*so be transmitted to the Re!ister of "eeds for re!istration under Sec 14,
and 140 of P" 10/' and the issuance of the correspondin! .ertitficate of
Tit*e& this brin!in! the *and under the operation of the Torrens Sstem.
..; Indefeasi*ibi*it of a tit*e obtained throu!h thr administrati$e method.
#n ori!ina* certificate of tit*e issued on the basis of a patent
partakes of the nature of a certificate of tit*e issued in a judicia* proceedin!
and becomes indefeasib*e upon the e>piration of one ear from the date of
promu*!ation of the order of the "irector of Lands for the issuance of
patent. :Beirs of Are!orio Tin!co $s Beirs of %ose #*inaias& 1-) S.R# 1');
1. S.rve2 - In "irector of Lands $s. Rees& et a*& -) S.R# 1(( -1)/. The S.
"The app*icant is not re*ie$ed from submittin! in e$idence the ori!ina* p*an
appro$ed b the "irector of Lands as re=uired b *aw. 6ne of the
distin!uishin! marks of the Torrens Sstem is the abso*ute certaint of the
identit of a re!istered *and. .onse=uent*& the primar purpose of the said
re=uirements is to fi> the e>act or definite identit of the *and as shown in
the p*an and technica* description."
/. A33li#-"io - "iscussed ear*ier as to where to fi*e.
1. Se""i, "he D-"e o6 Ii"i-l )e-ri,
3ot ear*ier than ,0 das nor more than '4 das from the date of the order
:Sec /1& P" 10/';
,. Tr-s1i""-l o6 "he Order o6 "he Co.r" "o "he LRA
0. Pre3-r-"io -d Iss.-#e o6 "he No"i#e o6 Ii"i-l )e-ri,
-. P.7li#-"io0 re,is"ed 1-il -d 3os"i, !Se# 80 Pd 1529(
" Sec /1 states that pub*ication in the 6fficia* Aa?ette sha** be sufficient to
confer jurisdiction upon the .ourt. Bowe$er& in "irector of Lands $s. .#
:/(- S.R# /(--/)(; the S. ru*ed that the pub*ication in a newspaper of
!enera* circu*ation is e=ua** a mandator jurisdictiona* re=uirement. "The
e*ementar norms of due process re=uire that before the c*aimed propert
is taken from the concerned parties and re!istered in the name of the
app*icant. The said parties must be !i$en notice and opportunit to
(. O33osi"io
Sha** be fi*ed b an person who c*aims the *and or an interest therein.
). Ii"i-l )e-ri, -d Prese"-"io o6 Evide#e.
#. Aenera* "efau*t
9. "efau*t 6rder is entered
.. #** app*icants must o$ercome the presumption that the *and sou!ht to
be re!istered form part of the pub*ic domain. :Republic vs CA and Naguit
". Ta> dec*arations when coup*ed with proof of actua* possession are
stron! e$idence of ownership (Gonzaga vs CA SCRA !")

5. # forei!n nationa* ma app* for re!istration of tit*e o$er a parce* of *and
which he ac=uired b purchase whi*e sti** a citi?en of the Phi*ippines
(Republic vs CA and #api$a, !% SCRA %&")

8. # pri$ate corporation ma app* for judicia* confirmation of tit*e to pub*ic
a!ricu*tura* *and because if a price of *and of the pub*ic domain has been in
open& continuous& e>c*usi$e and notorious possession under a bona fide
c*aim of ownership for a period prescribed b *aw& the *and after the *apse
of said period Ipso %ure ceases to form part of the pub*ic domain and
becomes pri$ate propert& thus remo$in! it from the ambit of the
constitutiona* prohibition (Republic vs CA '%% SCRA (()
A. Spanish Tit*es - P" )'/& effecti$e 8eb 1-& 1'(-& in$a*idated a** Spanish
tit*es and dec*ared that the can no *on!er be used as e$idence of *and
ownership. The sha** then be treated as unre!istered *ands.
B. %ud!ment - Sha** become fina* after 10 das from notice& there can be
no e>ecution of jud!ment pendin! appea* in *and re!istration proceedin!s.
'. De#ree o6 Re,is"r-"io 6or "he L-d "o 7e iss.ed 72 "he Ad1iis"r-"or0
14. Ori,i-l Cer"i6i#-"e o6 Ti"le
The *and Re!istration #uthorit has de$ised a form where the decree and
the ori!ina* certificate of tit*e are embodied in the same document.
Rules, principles, doctrines, and ma)imes o* t+e ,orrens s-stem .+ic+ .ere
culled *rom landmar/ decisions o* t+e +ig+est court on actual cases as
arranged b- Pro*0 Gregorio 1ilog in +is boo/, 2#and ,itle and 3eeds2, !44%
#. 9es" Evide#e o6 O:ershi3 - # Torrens .ertificate of Tit*e is the best
e$idence of ownership of the *and described therein.
(See 6ilanueva vs CA, '78 SCRA (8!
C+ing vs CA, '8' SCRA 7,
Heirs o* George 1o*ill vs CA, !" SCRA (%',
Halili vs National #abor Relations Commissions, !%" SCRA '"(,
#ee ,e/ S+eng vs CA, !7! SCRA %(()
9. No"i#e "o "he Whole World - # torrens tit*e !i$es notice to the who*e wor*d<
or a Torrens tit*e bind the who*e wor*d.
(See 5gao vs CA, '"( SCRA (8(,
National Grains Aut+orit- vs 9AC, '%" SCRA 84,
C+ing vs :ala-a, '% SCRA ('!,
People vs Re-es, '"% SCRA %7")
The issuance of certificate of tit*e is a constructi$e notice thereof to a**
persons. (Serna vs CA, 48 SCRA %!", %!7)
Re!istration of a deed sa*e in the Re!istr of "eeds constitutes constucti$e
notice thereof to the who*e wor*d.
(See Calalang vs R;3 o* <uezon Cit-, !48 SCRA !'%,
People vs Paci*icador, %( SCRA '4)
3o one can p*ead i!norance of the re!istration. :5!ao $s .#& 1(, S.R# ,),&
%acob $s .#& /,, S.R# 1)';
.. ;re,is"ered Cl-i1s - # Torrens tit*e bars a** prior c*aims not re!istered on
the tit*e.
(See P3 '%!7 , Sec ((= Republic vs >mali '"' SCRA &(")
#** c*aims and *iens of whate$er character e>istin! a!ainst the *and prior to
the issuance of certificate of tit*e are barred& if not noted on said certificate
The re!istered owner of a Torrens .ertificate of Tit*e and the subse=uent
purchaser for $a*ue and in !ood faith of re!istered *and sha** ho*d the
certificate free from a** *iens and encumbrances& e>cept those noted in said
certifcate and those specified b *aw.
(See P3 '%!7 Sec (( and (&, Republic vs >mali '"' SCRA &(", Feli) Goc+an and
Sons Realt- Corp vs Ca$ada, '&% SCRA !4"= Ferre?#opez vs CA '%4 SCRA 7=
Cureg vs 9AC, '"" SCRA ', Aldecoa and Co vs @arner 1arns A Co, 4 P+il !47=
Sn-der vs Fiscal o* Cebu and Avila0 (! P+il "&&)
". Ide6e-si7le - # Torrens certificate of tit*e ser$ices as e$idence of an
indefeasib*e tit*e to the propert in fa$or of the person whose names appear
( See Republic vs CA, !4( SCRA '&4, :u-co vs CA, !4( SCRA %8, ,irado vs
Sevilla, '88 SCRA !', ;rtegas vs Hidalgo, '78 SCRA &%&, Bacob vs CA, !&& SCRA
Tit*e to the propert co$ered b a Torrens certificate becomes
incontro$ertib*e or indefeasib*e after one ear from the entr of the decree
if re!istration.
P3 '%!7, Sec !
Calalang vs0 Register o* 3eeds o* <uezon Cit-, !48 SCRA !'%
Re-es and Nadres vs 1orbon and 3irector o* #ands, %4 P+il "7'
Bacob vs Court o* Appeals, !!( SCRA '87
,rinidad vs 9AC, !4( SCRA %!(
,irado vs Sevilla, '88 SCRA !'
Caga-an de ;ro Cit- #andless Residents Association, 9nc, vs CA, !%( SCRA !!4
Republic vs CA, !4( SCRA '&4
:u-co vs CA, !4( SCRA %8
;rtegas vs0 Hidalgo, '78 SCRA &%
Republic vs 3e Guzman, !& SCRA !&"
Heirs o* Simplicio Santiago vs Heirs o* :ariano 50 Santiago, (4( SCRA '7
5. A Torres Ti"le is I13res#ri3"i7le
(See P3 '%!7, Sec ("= 6da0 de 6illanueva vs CA, %' SCRA '!)
3o tit*e to re!istered *and in dero!ation of the tit*e of the unre!istered
owner sha** be ac=uried b prescription or ad$erse possesion.
P3 '%!7, Sec '"
6iacrucis vs CA, (( SCRA '"&
B0:0 ,uason and Co0, 9nc0 vs CA, 7 SCRA '(&
Alarcon vs 1idin, '!4 SCRA 74
umba- vs Alec+a, '% SCRA (!"
Cima*ranca vs 9AC, '(" SCRA &''
Gallardo vs0 9AC, '%% SCRA !(8
Claudel vs0 CA, '77 SCRA '
Bacob vs0 CA, !!( SCRA '78
Cai$a vs0 CA, !7 SCRA !%!
Rivera vs0 CA, !(( SCRA !'8
The owner of the *and re!istered under the Torrens Sstem cannot *ose it b
1is+op vs CA, !48 SCRA &&
Ruvera vs CA, !(( SCRA !'8
B0:0 ,uason and Co0, 9nc0 vs CA, 7 SCRA '(&
5gao vs CA, '"( SCRA (8(
Alarcon vs 1idin, '!4 SCRA 74
>mba- vs Alec+a, '% SCRA (!"
Cima*ranca vs 9AC, '(" SCRA &''
Gallardo vs0 9AC, '%% SCRA !(8
Claudel vs0 CA, '77 SCRA '
Bacob vs0 CA, !!( SCRA '78
Cai$a vs0 CA, !7 SCRA !%!
6da0 de 6illanueva vs CA, %' SCRA '!
8. I"e,ri"2 o6 Ti"les -The inte!rit of the Torrens Sstem must be protected.
5$er person dea*in! with re!istered *and ma safe* re* on the correctness
of the certificate of tit*e issued therefore and the *aw wi** in no wa ob*i!e him
to !o behind the certificate to determine the condition of the propert. Staed
different*& an innocent purchaser for $a*ue& re*in! on a Torrens tit*e issued& is
A. No" S.7<e#" "o Coll-"er-l A""-#= - # certfificate of tit*e sha** not be subject
to co**atera* attack. It cannot be a*tered& modified or cance**ed& e>cept in a
direct proceedin! in accordance with *aw.
See0 P30 '%!70 Sec0 (8= See also National Grains Aut+orit- vs 9AC, '%" SCRA 84=
,an vs0 P+ilippines 1an/ing Corp0, %% SCRA !7!= @indo.s and ;rp+ans
Association, 9nc0 vs CA, !4' SCRA '&%= ,o-ota :otor P+ils0 Corp vs CA, !'& SCRA
B. Fr-.d.le" Re,is"r-"io -The person in whose name the *and is
fraudu*ent* re!istered ho*ds it as a mere trustee& with the *e!a* ob*i!ation to
recon$e the properr and the tit*e thereto in fa$or of the true owner. (PaEarillo
vs 9AC, '"& SCRA (4)
# Torrens tit*e cannot be used as a shie*d for fraud or for enrichin! a
person at the e>pense of another0 (6da0 3e Recinto vs 9nciong, "" SCRA '7&=
#egarda and Prieto vs Saleeb-, ' P+il %74)
The Torrens sstem was not desi!ned to shie*d and protect one who had
committed fraud or misrepresentation and thus ho*ds tit*e in bad faith.
(@alstrom vs0 :apa, Br0, '8' SCRA (')
The Torrens sstem on* protects a tit*e ho*der in !ood faith& and cannot be
used as shie*d for fraud and chicaner. "eceit is not to be countenanced<
dup*icit is not to be rewarded. (P+ilippine Commercial A 9ndustrial 1an/ vs
6illalva, (8 SCRA ')
The Torrens tit*e cannot co$er up frauds. (Adille vs0 CA, '%" SCRA &"!)
I. For,er2 - #n re!istration procured b the presentation of a for!ed
dup*icate certificate of tit*e& or a for!ed deed or other instrument sha** be nu**
and $oid :P" 10/' Sec /1;
# for!ed instrument ma become the "root of a $a*id tit*e". (,orres vs CA, '8&
SCRA &"!)
# fraudu*ent or for!ed document of sa*e ma become the root of a $a*id tit*e
if the certificate of tit*e has a*read been transferred from the name of the
true owner to the name of the for!er or the name indicated b the for!er.
(See 3uran vs0 9AC, '8 SCRA (87= 3e la Cruz vs Fabie, % P+il '(= Roman Cat+olic
1is+op vs P+ilippine Rail.a-, (7 P+il0 %(&)
The doctrine that a for!ed instrument ma become the root of a $a*id tit*e
cannot be app*ied where the owner sti** ho*ds a $a*id and e>istin! certificate
of tit*e co$erin! the same interest in a rea*t. (,orres vs CA, '8& SCRA &"!)
%. Loss '#s between two innocent persons& the one who made it possib*e for
the wron! to be done shou*d be the one to bear the resu*tin! *oss(SeeD #egarda
vs CA, !84 SCRA &(!= Cabu+at vs CA, && SCRA '"&= ,omas vs0 ,omas, 78 SCRA
!84= ,raders Ro-al 1an/ vs0 CA, '% SCRA '74)
#s between two persons& both of them whom are in !ood faith and both
innocent of an ne!*i!ence& the *aw must protect and prefer the *awfu*
ho*der of re!istered tit*e o$er the transfer of a $endor bereft of an
transmissib*e ri!hts. (1altazar vs0 CA, '&8 SCRA %(= ,orres vs CA, '8& SCRA
D. Priori"2 o6 Ri,h"s - "Prior tempore potior jure" -Be who is first in time is
preferred in ri!ht.
The act of re!istration in the Re!istr of "eeds sha** be the operati$e act to
con$e or affect the *anf insofar as third persons are concerned.
L. Do.7le Ti"les. Chere two certificates of tit*e inc*ude the same *and& the
certificate that is ear*ier in date pre$ai*s. (Garcia vs CA, 7% SCRA 84)
M. Pres.13"ios4 Re,.l-r -d V-lid - Torrens tit*e presumed to ha$e been
issued re!u*ar* and *e!a**. (Salao vs Salao, "4 SCRA &%, C+ing vs0 :ala-a, '%
SCRA ('!= ;*recio vs0 #ising, '%7 SCRA &&, Republic vs0 >mali, '"' SCRA &("=
People vs0 Re-es, '"% SCRA %7", 1is+op vs0 CA, !48 SCRA &&)
# stron! presumption e>ists that a Torrens tit*e is re!u*ar* issued and that it
is $a*id. (Salao vs Salao, "4 SCRA &%)
# Torrens tit*e is presumed to ha$e been issued re!u*ar* and *e!a**& un*ess
contradicted and o$ercome b c*ear& con$incin!& stron! and irrefutab*e
proof. More than mere* preponderant e$idence is re=uired. (Ramos vs0 CA,
''! SCRA %(!)
Aood 8aith - The presumption is that the transferee of re!istered *and is not
aware of an defect in the tit*e of the propert he purchased. (,aEonera vs CA,
'4 SCRA (&")
3. Reli-#e o "he Ti"le -5$er person dea*in! with re!istered *and ma
safe* re* on the correctness of the certificate of tit*e issued therefore.
(See Halili vs Court o* 9ndustrial Relations, !%" SCRa '"(= F+o vs CA, !'( SCRA !7=
#egarda vs CA, !48 SCRA &(!= 9barra vs0 9barra, Sr, '%& SCRa &'&)
6ne who dea*s with proper* re!istered under the Torrens Sstem need
not !o beond the same& but on* has to re* on the tit*e. Be is char!e with
notice on* of such burdens and c*aims as are annotated on the tit*e.
(3omingo vs0 Roces, (4' SCRA '7")
E>#e3"io4 This princip*e does not app* when the part has acua*
know*e!e of facts and circumstances that wou*d impe* a reasonab*
cautious man to make such in=uir or when the purchaser has know*ed!e
of a defect or the *ack of tit*e in his $endor or of sufficient facts to induce a
reasonab* prudent man to in=uire into the status of the tit*e of the propert
in *iti!ation. 6ne who fa**s within! the e>ception can neither be dominated
an innocent purchaser for $a*ue nor a puchaser in !ood faith. (3omingo vs0
Roces, (4' SCRA '7")
#n innocent purchaser for $a*ue has e$er ri!ht to re* on the correctness
of the tit*e. (A030 Guerrero vs0 Buntilla, '" SCRA %"!= Gevero vs 9AC, '87 SCRA
Be is not re=uired to e>p*ore further than what the Torrens tit*e on its face
indicates& in =uest for an hidden defect or inchoate ri!ht that ma
subse=uent* defeat his ri!ht thereto. (National Grains Aut+orit- vs0 9AC, '%"
SCRA 84= 3uran vs0 9AC '8 SCRA (87)
Chere the tit*e is in the name of the $endor when the *and is so*d& the
$endee for $a*ue has the ri!ht to re* on what appears on the tit*e.
Chere innocent third persons re*in! on the correctness of the certificate
of tit*e issued& ac=uired ri!hts o$er the propert& the court cannot disre!ard
such ri!hts and order the tota* cance**ation of the certificate for that wou*d
impair pub*ic confidence in the certificate of tit*e& otherwise e$erone
dea*in! with propert re!istered under the Torrens Sstem wou*d ha$e to
in=uire in e$er instance as to whether the tit*e had been re!u*ar* or
irre!u*ar* issued b the court.
# mort!a!ee has the ri!ht to re* on what appears in the certificate of tit*e
and in the absence of anthin! to e>cite suspicion& he is under no
ob*i!ation to *ock beond the certificate and in$esti!ate the tit*e of the
mort!a!or appearin! on the face of said certifcate.
# person dea*in! with re!istered *and has a ri!ht to re* on the Torrens
certificate of tit*e without the need of in=uirin! further& e>cept when he has
actua* know*ed!e of facts and circumstances that wou*d impe* a
reasonab* cautious man to make such in=uir or when he has know*ed!e
of a defect of the *ack of tit*e of the other part or of sufficients to induce a
reasonab* prudent man to in=uire into the status of the tit*e of the propert
in *iti!ation.
See Sandoval vs CA, !&4, SCRA !8
State 9nvestment House, 9nc0 vs CA, !%( SCRA &8
,iburcio vs PHHC, #?'("7, ;ctober ', '7%7
Capitol Subd0, 9nc0 vs Province o* Negros ;ccidental, " SCRa &4
#uz vs :anipon, 8' SCRA "88
Chere the Torrens tit*e is in the name of the $endor& the $endee has the
ri!ht to re* on what appears on the tit*e< and& in the absence of anthin! to
arouse suspicion& the $endee has no ob*i!ation to *ook beond the tit*e.
(SeeD Pino vs CA, '78 SCRA ((
Centeno vs CA, '7 SCRA %(%
C+it, Sr0 vs 1enelda 5state 3ev Corp, % SCRA (!(
Republic vs CA, 4& SCRA 8'
6. Ti"les Derived 6ro1 - Void Ti"le -re Also Void
If a certificate of tit*e is $oid& a** subse=uent certificates of tit*e deri$ed
therefrom are a*so $oid because of the truism that the "sprin! cannot rise
hi!her than its source."
3e Santos vs 9AC, '%" SCRA !7%
Calalang vs Register od 3eeds o* <uezon cit-, !' SCRA 88
:at+a- vs CA, !7% SCRA %%&
This truism is in accord with the Latin ma>im& "3emo potest pius juris ad
a**um transferre =uam ipse habet&" "3o one can transfer a !reater ri!ht to
another than he himse*f has."
1. 3ew Tria* - Ru*e 1(& Ru*es of .ourt
/. Re*ief from %udment - Sec /& Ru*e 1) of the Ru*es of .ourt
1. #ppea* - Sec 11 P" 10/' pro$ides that jud!ment or orders of the court in
*and re!istration cases are appea**ab*e to the .ourt of #ppea*s and the
Supreme .ourt in the same manner as in ordinar actions.
,. Petition of Re$iew - Sec 1/ of P" 10/'
#. Petition ma be fi*ed within one ear from the entr of such decree of

9. 6n the !round of #ctua* or 5>trinsic 8raud.
5>trinsic 8raud -refers to an fraudu*ent act of the successfu* par in
*iti!ation which is committed outside the tria* of a case a!ainst the
defeated part whereb said defeated part is pre$ented from
presentin! fu** and fair* his side of the case.
Intrinsic 8raud -refers to acts of a part in a *iti!ation durin! tria* which
did not affect the presentation of the case& but did not pre$ent a fair and
just determination of the case. :Ster*in! In$estment .orp $s Rui?& 14
S.R# 11);
.. The tit*e has not passed to the hands of an innocent purchaser for
0. #ction of Recon$eance
Sec '- of P" 10/' states+ "that nothin! in this decree sha** be construed
to depri$e the p*aintiff of an ri!ht of action which he ma ha$e a!ainnst
an person for such *oss or dama!e or depri$ation :of *and or of an estate
or interest therein; without joinin! the 3ationa* Treasurer as part-
#. Arounds+
1. 8raud
/. Imp*ied or .onstructi$e Trust
1. Eoid .ontract
9. Chen to #$ai*
1. 6n the !round of fraud - , rs from disco$er
/. Imp*ied .onstructi$e Trust presribes in 14 ears
.. The period is to be reckoned from the date of issuance of the ori!ina*
certificate of tit*e.
". If the part is in actua* possession of the propert& the action does not
-. #ction for "ama!es. If the propert has been passed to an innocent
purchaser for $a*ue& the a!!rie$ed part ma brin! an ordinar action for
dama!es a!ainst the app*icant. :Sec 1/& P" 10/';
(. #ction for .ompensation from #ssurance 8und.
#n person who sustains *oss or dama!e& or is depri$ed of *and or an estate
or interest bb reason of the operation of the Torrens Sstem ma fi*e an
action for compensation a!ainst the #ssurance 8und. :Sec '1 and '1 of P"
1. The act of re!istration is the operati$e act to con$e or affect the *and
insofar as third persons are concerned.
/. 5ntr a*on! produces the effect of re!istration whether the transaction is
$o*untar or in$o*untar as *on! as re!istrant comp*ies with a** the
re=uirements. (31P vs R3 o* Nueva 5ciEa, '&! SCRa (%4)
1. The production of the owner@s dup*icate whene$er an $o*untar instrument
is presented for re!istration sha** be conc*usi$e authorit from the re!istration
sha** be conc*usi$e authorit from the re!istered owner to the Re!ister of
"eeds to enter a new certificate or to make a memorandum of re!istration.
:Sec 01 P" 10/';
,. The "Mirror Princip*e"
# purchaser is not re=uired to e>p*ore beond what the record in the re!istr
indicates on its face& in =uest for an hidden defect or inchoate ri!ht which
ma subse=uent* defeat his tit*e thereto0 (C+u Sr vs 1enelda 5state 3ev0 Corp,
% SCRA (!()
0. Prior phsica* de*i$er or possession is not *e!a** re=uired and the
e>ecution of the "eed of Sa*e is deemed e=ui$a*ent to de*i$er. ( and 9nd0
Corp0 vs CA, !"( SCRA %7)
-. 5$en if on* part of the propert has been so*d or a*ienated within the
prohibited period of 0 ears such a*ienation is sufficient cause for the re$ersion
of the who*e estate to the state :Republic vs CA !8', SCRA &7)
5$en after the *apse of thirt das as pro$ided under Sec. (4 of P" 10/'&
an ad$erse c*aim ma be cance**ed on* upon order of the court. :SaEonas
vs CA, !%8 SCRA "7)
# notice of *is pendends is not confined on* to cases in$o*$in! the tit*e to
or possesion of rea* propert& but app*ies to suits brou!ht to estab*ish an
e=uitab*e estate& interest& or ri!ht& in specific rea* propert or to enforce
an *ien& char!e or encumbrance a!ainst it. (6ie.master vs :aulit, GR
'&!8, Feb !7, !444)
" # notation of *is pendends neither affects the merits of a case nor creates
a ri!ht or a *ien."
8. S.rreder o6 O:er@s D.3li#-"e Cer"i6i#-"e o6 Ti"le i Ivol."-r2
Sec. 14( of P" 10/' pro$ides+
"Chere it is necessar to issue a new certificate of tit*e pursuant to an
in$o*untar instrument which di$est the tit*e of the re!istered owner
a!ainst his consent or where a $o*untar instrument cannot be re!istered
b reason of the refusa* or fai*ure of the ho*der to surrender the owner@s
dup*icate certificate of tit*e& the part in interest ma fi*e a petition in court
to compe* surrender of the same to the Re!ister of "eeds."
Likewise& Sec. )4 of P" 10/' states+
"5$er court renderin! jud!ment in fa$or of the p*aintiff affectin!
re!istered *and sha**& upon petition of said p*aintiff& order the parties
before it to e>ecute for re!istration an deed or instrument necessar to
!i$e effect to the jud!ment& and sha** re=uire the re!istered owner to
de*i$er his dup*icate certificate to the p*aintiff or to the Re!ister of "eeds
to be cance**ed or to ha$e memorandum annotated upon it."
In the case of :To*edo-9aFa!a $s .#& 14/ S.R# 111; The Supreme
.ourt he*d+
"Petitioners ot!her contention that the e>ecution of the fina* and
e>ecutor decision - which is to issue tit*e in the name of pri$ate
respondent - cannot be compe**ed b mandamus because of the forma*it
that the re!istered owner first surrenders her dup*icate .ertificate of Tit*e
for cance**ation per Sec. )4 of P" 10/' cited b the Re!ister of "eeds&
bears no merit. In effect& the ar!ue that the winnin! part must wait
e>ecution unti* the *osin! part has comp*ied with the forma*it of
surrender of the dup*icate tit*e. Such preposterous contention borders on
the absurd and has no p*ace in our *e!a* sstem."
/. o6 Re-l Es"-"e +or"-,e
R# )('1& otherwise know as "The Aenera* 9ankin! Law& appro$ed on
Ma /1& /444 modified the ri!ht of the mor!a!or to redeem the propert
in an e>trajudicia* forc*osure under the fo**owin! conditions+
#. The mort!a!or is a juridca* entit
9. The propert has been mort!a!ed in fa$or of a bank& =uasi-bank
or trust entit
.. The forc*osure is done e>tra-judicia**
If the for!oin! conditions are present& the period of redemption wi**
now be as fo**ows+
GThe mort!a!or sha** ha$e the ri!ht to redeem the propert unti*
but not after& the re!istration of the certificate of forec*osure sa*e&
with the app*icab*e Re!ister of "eeds which is no case sha** be
more than three months after forc*osure& whiche$er is ear*ier."
Stated otherwise& the ma>imum period of redemption under this
new *aw is three months& and no *on!er 1 ear as pro$ided under
R# 1110. Thus& considerin! that the period of redemption is
reckoned after the date of the forc*osure or unti* the re!istration of
the certificate of sa*e "Chiche$er is ear*ier"& this period ma be
shorter than 1 months as when the buer& for instance& ma cause
the re!istration of the certificate of sa*e immediate* after the
forc*osure sa*e.
Sec. 114 of P" 10/'& abro!rated the procedure re*ati$e to administrati$e
reconstitution of *ost or destroed certificates pro$ided under R# /-H Bowe$er&
R# -(1/ appro$ed on %une )& 1')' a**owed once a!ain the administrati$e
reconstitution of ori!ina* copies of certificates of tit*e& but on* when it is *ost or
destroed due to fire& f*ood& and other force majeure. Pro$ided further that the
number of *ost or dama!ed certificates shou*d at *east be 144I and the
number of certificates of tit*es *ost or dama!ed be *ess than 044.44

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