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The invention of the Telephone by Alexander Bell brought about quicker means for

communication. He connected two cups to a wire and place one in a different room, which he
used to ask his assistant to come to his office. Women during these time become the telephone
operators since they were more organized than men and could handle stress better. Marconi, later
created the wireless form of communication for ships by the use of air waves.
Universities were also becoming popular during this time. Jobs were now becoming
specialized, requiring one to attend a four year college before being able to practice. There were
only two universities in which women were allowed to attend. Since women could no longer
practice in tasks such as childbirth or as midwives, they began spending their time reading books
which was becoming popular due to the international copy rights law which was passed. The
formation of the Major League Baseball and Impressionistic art was also popular.
During this period, a tariff was passed which protected local investors from foreign
completion. The tax was placed on imported goods, which when sold would make them more
expensive than those produced locally. The big business owners during this period were Andrew
Carnegie who owned the steel company had a vertical monopoly. John Rockefeller owned the oil
company and had both a vertical and horizontal monopoly, while J.P Morgan controlled the
With the large mass of immigration, came a lot or problems. The Chinese individuals
were coming to American while escaping the war in China and were taking up all the local jobs
since they would work for a lower wage. Dennis Kearney went to congress and had the Chinese
Exclusion Act passed which banned Chinese individuals from entering America. Jacob Riis
wrote a book on how the other half lives which showed black and white images of the
deplored conditions those living in the tenements had to go through daily. It opened the eyes of
the American public. Jane Adam, a wealthy, single Chicago lady travelled thru the slums one day
by accident saw how poor individuals within this area were that she set up a Hull House. This
house had information on how to improve a standard of living as well as providing assistance to
those in need.
The Molly Maguires were angry irish miners who worked in western Pennsylvaia who
wanted hire wages. The gathered together and started a riot attacking anyone who did not support
them. Many lives were lost. Following them was the Haymarket Square Riot, where Chicago
Police officers were killed while trying to stop a riot from occurring. The Homestead strike
occurred in one of Andrew Carnegies steel plant. The workers asked Mr.Frick, the plant
managers for higher wages and less working hours which Mr. Carnegie did not approve. The
angry workers gathered together and shut down the plant, resulting in the National Guard being
called to have them removed.
Due to the panic of 1983, Railroad companies go bust, and all the members of the
railroad company gather together and formed what was called the Pullmans strike. They all
agreed to shut down all railway transportation except for the postal train which allowed for the
passage of important mail documents. Riots start occurring in several cities throughout the
While President Benjamin Harrison was in office, he passed the Shermans anti trust act
which prevented a company from having Complete monopoly over a certain entitiy. In the case
of E.C Knight vs. the US, the court ruled that in order for something to be a Monopoly it had to
be 100% and not 98%. The Shermans antitrust act was only effective for the pullmans strike
since they had 100% of supporters.

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