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Training and Development


Training means making people more efficient and skillful in this work. Training
starts after the recruitment of the employees and workers. Training is being given to all
levels of people in the organization in order to improve their capabilities in their work.

Training is an act of improving and importing skills and knowledge in the human
beings (or) the employees to do a particular job. Training is job related and it is applied
and practical one. Training is given for short duration.

Development is the process of the improving the overall personality of the
individual. It is the combination of both training and education. This is for top level as
they have known about the total environment and known about the education and
training. This is a continuous process. It initiates from the individual and this is the
result of the inner motivation. This is to meet future needs.
Training and development is provided by almost all organizations nowadays as it
is very important factor for the improvement and increase in productivity of the
employees and workers. !rganization has to spend time and investment for the training
and development programs it helps for improvement of both employees and workers
and in taken organization also.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )
Training and Development
*uture *inancial "ervices +imited (**"+) is a "ystemically Important ,on
Deposit Taking ,on-anking *inance (ompany (,-*(,D"I) registered with the
#eserve -ank of India. (Registration Number: B !"#$$%
*uture *inancial "ervices +imited is engaged in $icrofinance activities in the
southern states of India viz. .ndhra /radesh& Tamil ,adu and 'arnataka and offers
affordable microfinance products& mainly 0oint +iability based group loans dedicated to
empowering the rural and semi urban population.
In addition to 0+1 based group loans& **"+ also provides credit linked
insurance services and $icro 2nterprise +oans for micro entrepreneurs. **"+ is also a
sub aggregator for the national pension product ,/"lite.
.s on 3)st march& 45)3 **"+ operates through ))5 branches spread across
6766 villages in "outh India. !ur financial products provided financial independence
and economic security to almost 4lakh -!/ households in the financial year 45)4)3.
!ur overall business strategy is to build a socially relevant and commercially attractive
entity at the base of pyramid by adopting bestinclass practices.
!ur goal is to build a 8most admired company9 in its business sector through our
innovations and e:cellence in processes& business practices& technology platform&
people practices and thought leadership.
Management Ca&ita'
In the year 45)5& Indium I; ($auritius) <oldings +imited ac=uired significant
stake in the company. In India& funds of Indium I; are managed by India ;alue *und
(I;*.) a private e=uity fund& established in )>>> and one of the most e:perienced
private e=uity firms in India& with %"? ).@ -illion under management across four
"ubse=uent to infusion of 2=uity capital in **"+& I;*. standardized the
operating protocols across all the functions of **"+ in order to achieve a level of
harmonization& disseminate best practices across functions& and introduce the most
recent advances from the industry in all spheres of operations. In order to achieve this
standardization and realize targeted synergy benefits& I;*. set up a (entral
$anagement (ompany A($(B to oversee the core aspects of business at the $*
Investee (ompanies.
The ($(& India *inserve .dvisors /vt +td (I*./+)& acts as an advisory arm to **"+
and adds management capital in the functions of
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4
Training and Development
a. *inance and Treasury
b. !perations
c. #isk $anagement
d. Information Technology
e. <uman #esources
$anaged by professionals& having e:tensive e:perience in the field of financial services
**"+ is geared for tremendous growth in microfinance sector.
About us
,ame of the (ompany *uture *inancial "ervices +td" (FFSL%
(onstitution /ublic +imited (ompany
Date of Incorporation )@.)5.)>>C
Date of (ommencement of -usiness 43.)5.)>>C
(I, no. %C6>)5./)>>C/+(546@D5
/., no. ...(*35@CE
T., no. <FD* 55)7>.
+egal "tatus ,-*( registered with #-I ( #eg no G -
5>.553)) dated )C.4.455)
Date of commencement of $* activity ).@.455D
**"+ grows into a #s. 4@6 (rs portfolio company with 76 branches in "outh
India. 2=uity infusion by India ;alue *und .dvisors (I;*.) through ac=uisition of
significant stake in **"+. India *inserve .dvisors /vt +td set up as an advisory team
for the -!/ platform.
To become the most admired financial and distribution services company
serving customers at the base of the pyramid.
"ervice lowincome clientswomen& men and their families& providing them
access to financial services that are client focused& designed to enhance their wellbeing
and delivered in a manner that is ethical& transparent& and cost effective.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3
Training and Development
defines us
/urpose H *ocus
"trive for 2:cellence
%ncompromising Integrity H "mart dealing
-elieve H validateG /eople are fair H trustworthy
Transparent dealings H building relationships
#espect self H others
.wareness of 2nvironment and "ociety .
The flagship product of **"+& 0oint +iability 1roup (0+1) based micro loans&
provide economic independence and dignity to over 4 lakh households in "outh India.
These are micro loans with amounts ranging from #s.C555 to #s.36&555 with fle:ible
repayment tenure and granted to a group with joint liability to pay back the loan. The
loans are always for income generation purposes and group trainings are organized to
educate the members on efficient use of capital and to build group cohesion. The 0+1
method is a proven efficient way for lending to the -!/ sector with no collateral to
mitigate the risk.
.s on 3)st march 45)3& **"+ supports 35&5)C borrower groups through this
loan product.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page @
Training and Development
The most recent addition to our product line& $icro enterprise loans are
business loans targeted at the small and medium entrepreneur in need of business
capital. This is also the first collateral based loan from **"+ to benefit individual
The loan amount ranges from #s.)55555 to #s. 6555555 with monthly
repayment schedule and added risk mitigation through property as security for the loan
/iloted in the month of December& 45)4& the product is being actively sourced
in <osur and 'olar districts in Tamil ,adu and 'arnataka respectively.
Pro+u,ts - ser.i,es
**"+ offers retirement solutions through ,/"+ite& a self contributory pension
product from the 1overnment of India. *or most of our borrowers who work in the
unorganized sector& saving for old age is a lu:ury which many do not plan for or is not
affordable. ,/"+ite addresses these issues with nominal contributions from members
augmented by an e=ual contribution from the government.
**"+ aims to bring this product within the reach of all its borrowers through its
distribution network& affording better financial security during old age. .s of $arch
3)st& @67 households have been secured through this product by **"+.
**"+ offers insurance coverage to all its loan borrowers during the tenure of the
loan. The insurance cover is activated from the month of disbursement through a one
time premium payment by the member and covers her and spouse through the duration
of the loan.
The insurance cover protects the member and family from the burden of loan in
case of any unforeseen emergencies like death or natural disasters during the tenure of
the loan.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 6
Training and Development
Bran,0 net1or2
6D branches
357D villages
))46C loan groups
DD>5> active loans
4> branches
4DC7 villages
)44@5 loan groups
C@3C7 active loans
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page C
Training and Development
2mployee training is the important sub system of <#D. It is a specialized function
and is one of the fundamental operative functions of <#$. ,o individual in
organization can long ignore the training needs of its employees without seriously
inhibiting its performance. 2ven the most careful selection does not eliminate the need
for training& since people are not molded to specifications and rarely meet the demands
of their jobs ade=uately. Two trends have contributed& in recent years& to more attention
being to training. *irst fewer and fewer skills are regarded 8inborn9 that can be taught. It
is hoped that one can learn almost all aspects of job by reading i.e. why we find nowa
days almost all technical details of the job written out in instruction manuals. "econds
the accelerated rate of technological change in the plant& office& market place is making
many skills obsolete.
Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a
particular job. Training is a shortterm educational process and utilizing a systematic
and organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for
a definite purpose.
.ccording to $ichael .rmstrong ITraining is the systematic modification of
behavior through learning& which occurs as result of education& instruction&
development and planned e:perience.
.ccording to *lippo training is an act of sing knowledge and skills of an
.ccording to Dales -each& the organized produce by people learn knowledge and
skills for a definite purpose.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page D
Training and Development
The importance of <#$ to the e:tend depends on <#D. Training is the most
techni=ue of <#D. It is important to develop the employee and make him suitable to
the job. The objectives of the total =uality and productivity management can be
achieved only through training as it develops human skills and efficiency. Training
employees would be a valuable asset to the organization.
The development of <# to the accomplished through training. The training is pre
re=uisite to improved performance and preparing human resource for new jobs&
transfers& promotions and change over to modern technology e=uipment. In addition to
training of new e:tracts& manpower at all levels re=uires refreshers training from time
to time to avoid personal obsolescence and improving its competence to hold higher
positions. .ccording to training and development policies and programs are given the
priority and investment on training and development has increased largely.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 7
Training and Development
The specific objectives of training are&
). To train the employee to increase his =uantity and =uality of output. This may
involve improvement in work methods (or) skills.
4. To train the employee towards better job adjustment and high morale.
3. To prepare employee both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing
re=uirement of the job and organization.
@. To prevent obsolescence.
6. To prepare employees for higher level.
C. To develop the potentiality of people for the ne:t level jobs.
D. To ensure smooth and efficient working of department.
7. To promote individual and collectively morale a sense of responsibility& cooperative
attitudes and good relationships.
>. To develop positive attitudes and adopt the environmental changes.
)5. To fi: up career advancement and higher responsibilities.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page >
Training and Development

,umerous training methods and programs have been developed over the years.
Different types of training methods and programs are used for improving training to
different categories of personnel in the organization. The methods are

.. 0ob rotation .. ;estibule training
-. (oaching -. #ole playing
(. 0ob instruction (. +ecture $ethod
D. (ommittee .ssignments D. (onference
2. /rogrammed
On t0e 5ob training met0o+s

.. 0ob rotation
This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to
-. (oaching
The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor functions as a coach in
Training the individual.
(. 0ob instruction
This method is also known as training through step by step .The trainer
.ppraises the performance of the trainee& provides feedback information.
D. (ommittee assignments
%nder this method group of trainees are given and asked to solve an
actual organization problem.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )5
Training Methods
On the job Methods Off the job Methods
Training and Development
O66 t0e 5ob training met0o+s
.. ;estibule training
In this method actual work conditions are simulated in a class room.
$aterial& files and e=uipment those are used in actual job performance
.re also used in training.
-. #ole playing
%nder this method the participants play the role of certain characters
"uch as production manager& mechanical engineers& foreman and so on.
(. +ecture method
The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The
instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a
D. (onference or Discussion
This method involves a group of people who pose ideas& e:amine and
share facts& and data& test assumptions and draw conclusions.
2. /rogrammed Instruction
In recent years this method has become popular. The subject matter to be
learned is presented in a series of carefully planned se=uential units.

"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page ))
Training and Development

). To know whether training programs improve personal factors.
4. To study the effectiveness of training.
3. To study the development of the employees.
@. To find whether training programs relates modern technologies are not.
6. To suggest ways and means to improve the =uality of training programs offered.
C. To know how often the training programs are conducted in the company.
D. To know whether training reduces stress.
7. To know whether training improves job satisfaction.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )4
Training and Development
Training is the corner stone of sound management for it makes employees more
effective and productive. It is actively and intimately connected all personnel and
management activity.

Training is most helpful in importing technical and mechanical knowledge to
personnel involved. The study is confined to *%T%#2 *I,.,(I.+ "2#;I(2" +TD&
-angalore. The study is being conducted for the period of one month since time is
limited. ,early )55 employees are considered for the study.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )3
Training and Development
). Time is major constraint.
4. The sample is )55.
3. The information collected was through interviews and hence it depends on the
mood of the interviewees.
@. There is a lot scope for bias from the respondents.
6. The study is confined to the *%T%#2 *I,.,(I.+ "2#;I(2" +TD&

"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )@
Training and Development
#esearch is a careful investigation or en=uiry especially through search for new
facts in any branch of knowledge.
.ccording to #edman and $ory& I#esearch is a systematized effort to gain new
I. #esearch Design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis
of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedureJ.
1enerally the #esearch Design can be conveniently described in 3 ways. They are&
K #esearch Design in case of e:ploratory research studies
K #esearch Design in case of descriptive and diagnostic research
K #esearch Design in case of hypothesistesting research studies
The present study is of descriptive study.
The sources for collecting the data are from both
L /rimary $ethod
L "econdary $ethod
Primar7 *ata
The /rimary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time& and thus
happen to be original in character. The tools for collecting this primary data are by two
types namely Interview $ethod and Euestionnaire $ethod.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )6
Training and Development
Se,on+ar7 *ata
The "econdary data are those which have already been collected by someone else
and which have already been passed through the statistical process in the company.
".$/+2 "IM2
The sample size of the survey is taken as )55 respondents.
".$/+I,1 /#!(2D%#2
"ampling is the selection of group with a view to obtain information about the
whole is group of persons that represents particular community.

The sampling method used was random sampling. This sampling method was used
because of lack of time and lack of through knowledge about the universe. The sample
size was fi:ed to )55 respondents.
"imple random sampling techni=ue.

). /ersonal interviews schedulers where administered personally for
collecting the data
4. Euestionnaire the =uestionnaire comprises of closedended
-ar charts
(his=uare test
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )C
Training and Development
2:perience of the #espondentsG
!pinions ,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
O6 years >7 >7
6)5 years 54 54
)5)6 years 55 55
P)6 years 55 55
Total )55 )55


4N of the respondents are in the e:perienced level of 6)5 years.
5N of the respondents are e:perienced ranging from )5)6 years.
>7N of the respondents are e:perienced ranging from O6 years.
5N of the respondents are under the range of P)6 years.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )D
Training and Development
Qork e:perience before joining in this !rganizationG

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes C7 C7
,o 34 34
Total )55 )55


C7N of the respondents have work e:perienced before joining in this !rganization.
34N of the respondents have no e:perienced before joining in this !rganization.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )7
Training and Development
Tab'e 9#
Training program attended by the respondents provided by this !rganization.

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes C3 C3
,o 3D 3D
Total )55 )55



C3N of the respondents say that they have attended some training program
/rovided by the !rganization
3DN of the respondents say that they have not attended any kind of training
program /rovided by the !rganization
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page )>
Training and Development
E @G what type of training is been conducted in the organizationR
!pinions ,umber of respondents percentage
!n the job training D5 D5
!ff the job training 35 35
Total )55 )55

6CN of the respondents feel that training program provided was good .
3@N of the respondents say that the program was very good.
!nly )5N of the respondents feel that the program was e:cellent.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 45
Training and Development
$ethods followed for trainingG
!pinions ,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
0ob rotation )6 )6
(oaching 3C 3C
"eminars )7 )7
Qorkshops )4 )4
+ectures )> )>
Total )55 )55

Job rotation
3CN of the respondents say that the company adopted coaching method for training.
)>N of the respondents say that lecture method is adopted.
)7N of the respondents say that seminars were conducted.)6N of the respondents say
that job rotation was done for the employee)4N of the respondents say that a workshop
was conducted.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4)
Training and Development
Training program helps in improving the knowledgeG
!pinions ,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
"trongly agree )7 )7
.gree 3@ 3@
*air 47 47
Disagree 45 45
"trongly disagree 5 5
Total )55 )55
Strong&' agree
Strong&' +isagree

3@N of the respondents agree that the training program helps in improving there
47N of the respondents feel that fairly it helps in improving knowledge.
)7N of the respondents strongly agree that it helps in improving their knowledge.
45N of the respondents strongly disagree.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 44
Training and Development
-enefits from training programG

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes C3 C3
,o 3D 3D
Total )55 )55


C3N of the feel that they get benefited from the training program.
3DN of the respondents feel that they don9t get any sort of benefits from the training
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 43
Training and Development
!rganization gives suitable training for employeesG

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes D4 D4
,o 47 47
Total )55 )55


D4N of the respondents say that the organization gives suitable training program for
employees according to job profile.
47N of the respondents say that the company9s training programs does not match their
job profile.
Tab'e 9 !
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4@
Training and Development
Euality of the training programG
!pinions ,umber of respondents percentage
2:cellent )3 )3
;ery good 34 34
1ood @6 @6
*air )5 )5
/oor 5 5
Total )55 )55

-er' goo+
@6N of the respondents feel that training program provides good =uality of
34N of the respondents it provides very good =uality.
)3N of them feel that it is e:cellent.
)5N of the respondents feel that it provides fair =uality.
(onduction period of the training programsG
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 46
Training and Development
!pinions ,umber of respondents /ercentage(N)
Euarterly )5 )5
<alf yearly 3@ 3@
.nnually @C @C
!thers )5 )5
Total )55 )55

1ai2 'ear&'
@CN of the respondents say that training program is conducted annually.
3@N of the respondents say that it was conducted for half yearly.
)5N of the respondents feel that some times it was conducted either =uarterly or
half yearly according to necessity.
2mployees are satisfied with the e:isting training methodG
!pinions ,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
"trongly agree @5 @5
.gree 3D 3D
*air )3 )3
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4C
Training and Development
Disagree )5 )5
"trongly disagree 5 5
Total )55 )55

Strong&' agree
@5N of the respondents are strongly agree.
3DN of the respondents are agree.
)3N of the respondents are fair.
)5N of the respondents are disagree.
5N of the respondent are strongly disagree.
(onduction of appraisal session after training programG

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes 6@ 6@
,o @C @C
Total )55 )55

"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4D
Training and Development

$6% YES
6@N of the respondents say that there would be appraisal session after training
@CN of the respondents say that there would not be any kind of appraisals after
training program.
TABLE 9 $#
Learning In E@terna' Training Programs
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
Tota' )55 )55
CHART 9 $#
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 47
Training and Development
*rom the above chart and table& C5N of the employees are satisfied and @5N are
not satisfied with the e:ternal training programs.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 4>
Training and Development
TABLE 9 $;
E66e,ti.eness O6 Training B7 4isua' Ai+s
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
"trongly .gree
"trongly Disagree
Tota' )55 )55
CHART 9 $;
*rom the above chart and table& 45N of the employees are strongly agree& @5N
agree& )5N disagree and 35N strongly disagree that the visual aids improve the
effectiveness of the training program.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 35
Training and Development
TABLE 9 $<
Re+u,tion O6 Stress A6ter Atten+ing T0e Training Program
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
"trongly .gree
"trongly Disagree
Tota' )55 )55
*rom the above chart and table& D5N of the employees are strongly agree& 45N
agree& 4N disagree and 7N strongly disagree that there is reduction of stress regarding
their job after they attend the training program.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3)
Training and Development
TABLE 9 $=
Tuning !f ,eeds .nd #e=uirements -y The Training .nd Development /rograms
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
"trongly .gree
"trongly Disagree
Tota' )55 )55
CHART 9 $=
*rom the above chart and table& @5N of the employees are strongly agree& 45N
agree& 34N disagree and 7N strongly disagree that the training programs conducted by
the company is in tune with the needs and re=uirements of the employees.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 34
Training and Development
TABLE 9 $>
Ro'e o6 Training an+ *e.e'o&ment Programs In A, OrganiBationa'
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
"trongly .gree
"trongly Disagree
Tota' )55 )55
CHART 9 $>
*rom the above chart and table& C5N of the employees are strongly agree& )5N
agree& 4@N disagree& CN strongly disagree that the training achieves the company9s
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 33
Training and Development
TABLE 9 $?
Fee+ba,2 6or T0e Con+u,tion O6 Training Programs
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
Tota' )55 )55
CHART 9 $?

*rom the above chart and table& C5N of the employees are satisfied and @5N of the
employees are not satisfied that they give feedback on the training programs conducted
by the organization.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3@
Training and Development
Tab'e 9 $!
Do you aware of company9s elearning platform.

,umber of respondents /ercentage (N)
Fes 77 77
,o )4 )4
Total )55 )55

C0art 9 $!

77N of the respondents are aware of company9s elearningSonline learning platform.
)4N of the respondents are not aware of company9s elearningSonline learning
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 36
Training and Development
*o 7ou atten+ an7 o6 e9'earning training &rograms in 7our ,om&an7"
3in+ O6 O&inion Res&on+ents Per,entage (A%
Tota' )55 )55
*rom the above chart and table& >5N of the employees attended elearning training
program and )5N didn9t attend elearning training program.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3C
Training and Development

Training programs are conducted .nnually S <alfyearly at corporate office
!rganization uses on the job and off the job training methods
0ob rotation& (oaching& "eminars and +ectures are used while giving training to
!rganization thus provides training irrespective of employee job profile
!rganization is not appraising the employees after finishing the training
There is no complete feedback from the employees
.n elearning platform was initiated recently and there is only little scope to
deliver training sessions
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3D
Training and Development
The management if conducts training programs regularly& it will be helpful
for the employees because there will be reduction in stress to considerable
It is suggested to the management that effective training methods is
followed with effective training aids shall make employees ac=uires skills
and knowledge which are applicable to their jobs& there by improves the
organizational efficiency.
2ffective training and development methods shall certainly meet the
organization9s objective which is clearly inferred from the gathered
It is suggested to the management that the training and development
programs should focus on job satisfaction of the employees which in turn
becomes an asset to the organization.
If they use authorized elearning tools and -F!D method can help to
enhance their delivery of training programs.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 37
Training and Development
The organization is helping the employees to increase their skills by conducting the
training and development programs regularly and by assessing training needs
The organization has a strong linkage with the training and development programs
and these programs are helpful in their self development and the organizational
*rom the study made in assessing the effectiveness of training and development
methods& the organization has certainly tried it9s level best to impart training and
development which makes the employees ac=uire skills and knowledge about their job
and performance which results in their job satisfaction.
<ence Training and Development plays a vital role in increasing knowledge and
creates a skillful employee for the organization.
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page 3>
Training and Development
). <ow many years of 2:perience do you have in **"+S+!'SDI"<.R
a) O 6 years A B b) 6)5 years A B
b))5)6years A B c) P)6 years A B
4. <ave you got any work e:perience before joining in this organizationR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
3. <ave you attend any training program provided by the organizationR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
@. Qhat about the training method adopted in the organizationR
a) on the job training A B b) off the job training A B
6. Qhat are the methods followed while conducting training methodsR
a) 0ob rotation A B b) (oaching A B
c) "eminars A B d) +ectures A B
C. Do you think that the training program will help you in improving your knowledgeR
a) "trongly agree A B b) .gree A B
c) "trongly disagree A B d) Disagree A B
D. Did you get any improvements from the training programR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
7. Does the organization give suitable training for employees according to job profileR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
>. <ow do you feel about =uality of training programR
a) 2:cellent A B b) ;ery good A B
c) 1ood A B d) /oor A B e) *air A B
)5. <ow often training programs conductedR
a) Euarterly A B b) <alfFearly A B
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page @5
Training and Development
c) .nnually A B d) !thers A B
)). 2mployees are satisfied with the e:isting training method in the organization.
a) "trongly agree A B b) .gree A B
c) "trongly disagree A B d) Disagree A B
)4. .fter conducting training program does the company conducts appraisal session.
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
)3. Do you learn more in e:ternal training programsR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
)@. Do you feel that visual aids improve the effectiveness of trainingR
a) "trongly agree A B b) .gree A B
c) Disagree A B d) "trongly disagree A B
)6. Is there any reduction in stress after you attend the training programR
a) "trongly agree A B b) .gree A B
c) Disagree A B d) "trongly disagree A B
)C. The Training and Development programs formulated by the company are in tune with needs and
re=uirements of the employeeR
a) "trongly agree A B b) .gree A B
c) Disagree A B d) "trongly disagree A B
)D. Training and Development programs plays strategic role either directly or indirectly in
achieving organizational objectivesR
a) "trongly agree A B b).gree A B
c) Disagree A B d) "trongly disagree A B
)7. Do you give feedback on the training programs conducted by the organizationR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
)>. Do you aware of your company9s elearning S online learning platformR
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
45. Do you attend any of elearning training program in your companyR
"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page @)
Training and Development
a) Fes A B b) ,o A B
L -usiness #esearch $ethods by Donald #. (ooper.

L #esearch $ethodology by 'othari.
L <uman #esource $anagement by +.$./rasad.
L <uman #esource $anagement and Industrial #elations by /."ubbarao.

4. .nnual records and reports of the company.
3. /revious project records at the company.

"#$ %niversity& 'attankulathur& (hennai Page @4

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