Ieee Iri 2012 Panel: August 9, 2012 3:45 P.M. 5:30 P.M

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August 9, 2012
3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Using Information Re-Use and Integration Principles in Big Data
Panel Moderator:
Gordon Lee, San Diego State University
Elisa Bertino, Purdue University
Stuart Rubin, SSC PAC, Navy
Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Florida Atlantic University
Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas
James McCaffrey, Microsof
More advanced and complex applications in social networks, gaming, entertainment, medical research,
and GIS, to name a few, drive the requirements to process large data sets, commonly called BigData.
As mentioned in an IBM report [1], BigData is characterized not only by volume (terabytes and
petabytes) but also by velocity (speed requirements) and variety (types of data sets). The manipulation
of such large data sets requirement massively parallel sofware using a large number of servers.
The issue is then how can technology evolve to address the BigData problem? And in particular, how
can information, its re-use and its integration, be applied to alleviate this crisis? This panel focuses on
the BigData issues and looks at ways of applying information re-use and integration principles to
address the big data problem. Particular issues that our panelists may address include:
What technologies are available that could be enhance by IRI to address the big data issue?
What new technologies need to be developed?
How does the goverent, industry and academia participate in solving the crisis?
What are some of the barriers (political, fnancial, technical) that impede the use of IRI I
resolving our big data problems?
Where should the fnding be placed in developing better technologies to address the big data
issues (industry, academia ... )?
What is the role of knowledge-based systems in addressing the BigData problem?
How does education play a role in resolving this crisis?
The focus of this IRI 2012 panel is to investigate how information, its re-use and its integration can
resolve the big data issues and how to use this to encourage funding for IRI. Panelists will look at not
only the technical issues but also the sociological and fnancial issues that need to be addressed in order
to solve the important issue of BigData.

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