Tips To Protect You From The Attacks of Satan

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Tips to protect you from the attacks of Satan

We should be in fear from Allah in our private and public life. We should try our best to make
ourselves able to find out the pleasure of Allah Almighty for the Day of Judgment. Allah
Almighty made Islam the best religion of the world. Islam tells us that how can we lead a
successful life. It is only the religion Islam which can protect us from the attacks of our biggest
enemy Satan and leads us toward Paradise. Once Satan was the angel in the paradise of Allah but
he lost this Paradise because of His Pride. He was thrown out from the Paradise. The name
which is given to Him is Iblees. He is created with fire. He is the worst enemy of the human
beings. He is that enemy who does not leave man till his last breath. The main aim of the Satan is
the destruction of the human beings. Why it is the main aim of the Satan? He is actually jealous
from the dignity of mankind which he has gotten from Allah Almighty. So he tries his best to
push mankind out of the way. There are different tips which can protect mankind from the
attacks of Satan.

In Holy Quran it is said that :-

And say: O my Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the Shaitans; And I
seek refuge in Thee! O my Lord from their presence. (Sura al-Muminun, 23:97-98)

It is a best dua to protect ourselves from the attacks of Satan. Whenever you feel that Satan is
trying to take him away from the good deads recite this verse.

To recite Tauz is a best way to get rid from the attacks of Satan. Whenever you start a
good deed Satan attacks on you and tries his best to invoke you not to do that good deed.
So when you starts a work yout should recite Tauz which is:-

Sura e Nas and Sura e Falak can protect mankind from the intentions of Satan. Sura e Nas

And sura E falak is:-

Whenever you feel that Satan is attacking on you do recite:-

la ilaha ila Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu al-mulk wa lahu al-hamd, wa huwa `ala kulli
shayin qadir
There is no god but Allah, alone, without partner. His is the sovereignty, and His the praise, and
He has power over everything. You should recite this 100 times a day in order to protect yourself
from the attacks of Satan.
You can recite Ayat ul Kursi whenever you feel the attack of Satan which is:-

You should take care of your actions specially the speech. You should not get indulged in
useless speech because Satan will try to attack on you at that moment.
Always remain busy in Zikar whenever you are free. In this way you will be in the
protection of God. When you will be in the protection of God you will be save.
Whenever you are in anger or have desire to have something turn toward Allah. Specially
in anger Satan tries to attack on you so take care of yourself. Whenever you have a wish
turn toward God otherwise Satan will put the wrong ideas in your mind to get that
specific thing.
Always try to offer the Fajars prayer. When you will start your day with the worship of
Allah Almighty you will be in the protection of God and Satan cannot attack on you.
You should attend the knowledgeable gatherings and sermons. This thing will give you
the power to fight with Satan.

Dear Muslims! Be aware from the actions and attacks of Satan and try to get protection of

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