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CDS and Clearing Ltd.

CDS and Clearing Ltd.

Supply, Delivery, Intallation
and Co!!iioning of
"ard#are and Syte!
Soft#are for Setting up of
Central Depoitory and
Clearing $ Settle!ent Syte!
in Nepal
%e&Tender Iued on' (e)ruary *+, ,-**
Tender No' CDSC.-*.-/+&/0
CDS and Clearing Li!ited 1CDSC2, Sing3
Dur)ar 4la5a, 6at3!andu, Nepal.
1.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
TEL' 7++&*& 8,9-+97,
(:;' 7++&*& 8,/,9<0
Website :
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Ta)le of Content
Invitation for Bid
4:%T * > Bidding 4ro?edure
Invitation for
Bid ........................................................................../&+
Se?tion I'............................................ Intru?tion to Bidder
Se?tion II' ............................................... Bidding Data S3eet
Se?tion III' @ualiA?ation
Se?tion IB' Bidding
4:%T , > Supply %eCuire!ent
Se?tion B' S?3edule of %eCuire!ent
Se?tion BI' S?3edule of 4ri?e
4:%T < > Condition of Contra?t and Contra?t (or!
Se?tion BII. General Condition of
Se?tion BIII. Spe?ial Condition of
Se?tion I;. Contra?t
4:%T 8 > Te?3ni?al Spe?iA?ation
Se?tion ;' General Te?3ni?al
Se?tion ;I' Detail Te?3ni?al
2.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
&''revitions nd &(rony!s

.. Annual Maintenance Contract


.. Acceptance Test

. Conditions of Contract

. Deliver Completion Certi!cate


. "inal Acceptance Certi!cate


. "inal Acceptance Test

#o$ .
. #overnment Of $epal

. %nvitation "or &ids


. %nstructions To &idders

.. 'etter of Acceptance

.. 'etter of %ntent
... CD( and Clearin) 'td.
3.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.

. *rovisional Acceptance Certi!cate


. *rovisional Acceptance Test

*ublic *rocurement Monitorin) O+ce

. (chedule of *rices

. (chedule of ,e-uirement

. Ta. Deducted at (ource

/AT .

. /alue Added Ta.

4.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
)lossry of Ter!s *sed in t+is Do(u!ent
,idder: &idder is a person or an entit who submits the bid document under this
,l(-listin": %t is enlistin) or includin) the name of a person0 a+rm0 or a
compan in a list seen as unacceptable or untrustworth. Once the name is
included in such a list0 the person or the compan is loo1ed b suspicion and ma
not be allowed to participate in a biddin) process.
,id .ri(e: The price -uoted b the &idder in &id "orm.
,ill of /untities' The *riced and completed &ill of 2uantities formin) part of
the &id.
Contra?t' The Contract means the a)reement entered into between the CD(C
and the (upplier0 as recorded in the contract a)reement form si)ned b the
parties0 includin) all amendments and appendices thereto and all documents
incorporated b reference therein3
Contr(t &$rd: %t is the decision of CD(C to )ive responsibilit to e.ecute this
4ob throu)h contract a)reement si)ned with a successful bidder. The awardee is
responsible to e.ecute the contract as per the a)reement made with CD(C.
Corrupt .r(ti(e: %t is the o5erin)0 )ivin)0 receivin)0 or solicitin)0 directl or
indirectl0 anthin) in cash or 1ind to in6uence improperl the action of the other
Contr(t .ri(e: The total price of all the )oods and services included in the
contract which will be paable to the supplier on the ful!llment of all obli)ations
under the contract.
Contr(t Do(u!ent: The documents listed in the A)reement0 includin)
amendments thereto. (ub4ect to the order of precedence set forth in the
A)reement0 all documents formin) the Contract 7and all parts thereof8 are
intended to be correlative0 complementar and mutuall e.planator
Corruption: %t is the dishonest activit especiall the involvement in briber.
Corruption in case of construction pro4ects is the action of the other part.
Co!pletion' The ful!llment of the related services b the (upplier in accordance
with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract.
Delivery: The transfer of the #oods from the (upplier to the *urchaser in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract.
Dy' The calendar da.
0vluted .ri(e: The total price obtained after the "inancial 9valuation.
1rudulent .r(ti(e: %t is a practice of )ainin) of a materials advanta)e
dishonestl. %t is a practice that is false or impostor. %t is an act or omission0
5.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
includin) mis:representation that 1nowin)l misleads or attempts to mislead0 a
part to obtain a !nancial or other bene!t or to avoid an obli)ation.
)oods' All of the )oods 7;ardware and (oftware80 which the supplier is re-uired
to suppl and deliver to the CD(C under the contract3
CDS nd Clerin" 2td. 3CDSC4' The purchaser
.ur(+ser' The or)ani<ation purchasin) the #oods0 i.e. CD( and Clearin)
'imited. 7CD(C8
Supplier' The (upplier means the individual or !rm supplin) the )oods under
this contract3
Su((essful ,id' The &id that substantiall compl with the technical0
commercial and !nancial re-uirements of the tender and determined to be the
lowest evaluated price after !nancial 9valuation.
Servi(e' The services ancillar to the suppl of the #oods0 such as
transportation and insurance0 and an other incidental services0 such as
installation0 commissionin)0 provision of technical assistance0 trainin)0 warrant0
AMC and other such obli)ations of the (upplier covered under the Contract3
Corre(ted ,id .ri(e: Total &id price obtained after the arithmetical error

End of :))reviation and Gloary
6.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Invitation for Bid 1I(B2
CDS and Clearing Ltd. 1CDSC2,
Sing3 Dur)ar 4la5a,
6at3!andu, Nepal.
Date: 5n 67, 6011
$ame of Contract: (uppl0 Deliver0 %nstallation and Commissionin) of ;ardware
and sstem software for settin) up of Central Depositor and Clearin) =
(ettlement (stem in $epal
Tender $o: CD(C/>?/>@A:@B
* The CD(C invites sealed bids from eli)ible bidders for the procurement of
;ardware for settin) up of Central Depositor and Clearin) and (ettlement
(stem in $epal. &iddin) is open to all eli)ible Domestic &idders 7&idders
from $epal8.
, 9li)ible &idders ma obtain further information and inspect the biddin)
documents at the followin) o+ce of CD(C.
CDS and Clearing Ltd. 1CDSC2,
Sing3 Dur)ar 4la5a,
6at3!andu, Nepal.
Tel. No. ' 7++ * 8,9-+97
(aD No. ' 7++ * 8,/,9<0
E&Mail ' vgurungEnepalto?F.?o!
=e)ite ' 3ttp'.###.?d?np.?o!
< A complete set of biddin) documents ma be purchased b an eli)ible
bidder from above o+ce on the submission of a written application to the
above and upon pament of a non:refundable fee of N%. 9---.--1In
=ord' Nepalee %upee' (ive T3ouand only2.
%f so re-uested0 the &iddin) Documents can also be sent b post/courier
services upon pament of additional cost of N%. /,---.-- 1Nepalee
%upee' SiD t3ouand only2. ;owever0 CD(C will not be responsible for
dela or non:deliver of the documents so sent.
7&id documents will be available in soft cop 7in CD8 as well as in hard
cop. The o5er shall also be provided in the hard cop 7documentation
form8 as well as in the form of soft cop in CD 7in Word0 9.cel and *D"
"ormat8. (oft cop will be used for the easiness of bid preparation and for
the easiness of bid evaluation onl. In ?ae of di?repan?y )et#een t3e
t#o, t3e 3ard ?opy 3all prevail.2
8 (ealed &ids must be submitted to the above o+ce of CD( and Clearin)
'imited. on or before *,.89 3r on (e)ruary ,<, ,-**. Documents
received after this deadline shall not be accepted.
9 &ids shall be opened in the presence of &iddersC representatives who
choose to attend at ?D:>> hrs on (e)ruary ,<, ,-** at the o+ce of
CD(C. &id must be valid until Gune /, ,-** and it must be accompanied
7.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
b bid securit0 amountin) N%. 7,9-,---.H 1Nepalee %upee Nine
"undred (ifty T3ouand only2, which shall be vlid until Guly +, ,-**.

/ The bid securit must be furnished or counter )uaranteed b a EAF class
commercial ban1 speci!ed b $epal ,astra &an1.
+ %f bidder wishes to submit the &id (ecurit in the form of cash0 the cash
should be deposited in the ban1 and submit the receipt of the deposited
amount of cash alon) with the bid. The ban1 name and ban1 account shall
be provided to the &idder upon re-uest.
0 %f the last date of purchasin)0 submission and openin) falls on a
)overnment holida then the ne.t wor1in) da shall be considered as the
last da
?>. The *urchaser reserves the ri)ht to accept or re4ect0 wholl or partl an or
all the bids without assi)nin) an reason0 whatsoever.
End of Invitation for Bid 1I(B2
8.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion I' Intru?tion to Bidder
9.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion I' Intru?tion To Bidder 1ITB2
&. )enerl
? S?ope of Bid
?.? The *urchaser indi(ted in t+e ,DS issues this &iddin) Document for the
(uppl0 Deliver and %nstallation and commissionin) of ;ardware and
sstem software for settin) up of Central Depositor and Clearin) and
(ettlement (stem in $epal as speci!ed in Se?tion B0 (chedule of
,e-uirements 7(O,8.
?.G Throu)hout this &iddin) Document:
a8 the term Ein writin)F means communicated in written form and delivered
a)ainst receipt3
b8 if0 the conte.t so re-uires0 sin)ular means plural and vice versa3 and
c8 EdaF means calendar da
G Sour?e of (und
CD(C shall appl its own fund to cover eli)ible paments under the Contract
$o. CD(C/>?/>@A:@B for (uppl0 Deliver and %nstallation of ;ardware and
(stem (oftware for settin) up of Central Depositor and Clearin) and
(ettlement (stem in $epal. &iddin) is open to all eli)ible Domestic &idders
7&idders from $epal8.
D (raud and Corruption
D.? Anticorruption *olic as per this biddin) document re-uires that CD(CHs
o+cials as well as bidders and suppliers0 observe the hi)hest standard of
ethics durin) the procurement and e.ecution of such contracts. %n
pursuance of this polic0 this biddin) document3
7a8 de!nes0 for the purposes of this provision0 the terms set forth below as
7i8 Ecorrupt practiceF means the o5erin)0 )ivin)0 receivin)0 or
solicitin)0 directl or indirectl0 anthin) of value to in6uence
improperl the actions of another part3
7ii8 Efraudulent practiceF means an act or omission0 includin) a
misrepresentation0 that 1nowin)l or rec1lessl misleads0 or
attempts to mislead0 a part to obtain a !nancial or other bene!t or
to avoid an obli)ation3
7iii8 Ecoercive practiceF means impairin) or harmin)0 or threatenin) to
impair or harm0 directl or indirectl0 an part or the propert of the
part to in6uence improperl the actions of a part3
7iv8 Ecollusive practiceF means an arran)ement between two or more
parties desi)ned to achieve an improper purpose0 includin)
in6uencin) improperl the actions of another part.
7v8 Eobstructive practiceF means:
10.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
7aa8 deliberatel destroin)0 falsifin)0 alterin) or concealin) of
evidence material to the investi)ation or ma1in) false
statements to investi)ators in order to materiall impede a
CD(C/#o$ investi)ation into alle)ations of a corrupt0 fraudulent0
coercive or collusive practice3 and/or threatenin)0 harassin) or
intimidatin) an part to prevent it from disclosin) its 1nowled)e
of matters relevant to the investi)ation or from pursuin) the
investi)ation3 or
7bb8 acts intended to materiall impede the e.ercise of the
CD(C/#o$Hs inspection and audit ri)hts provided for under sub:
clause %T& D.I below.
7b8 will re4ect bid7s8 if it determines that the bidder has0 directl or throu)h
an a)ent0 en)a)ed in corrupt0 fraudulent0 collusive0 coercive0 or
obstructive practices in competin) for the contract in -uestion3
7c8 will sanction a !rm or individual0 includin) declarin) ineli)ible0 for a
stated period of time0 to be awarded a contract if it at an time
determines that the !rm has0 directl or throu)h an a)ent0 en)a)ed in
corrupt0 fraudulent0 collusive0 coercive0 or obstructive practices in
competin) for0 or in e.ecutin)0 a contract.
D.G The &idder shall not carr out or cause to carr out the followin) acts with
an intention to in6uence the implementation of the procurement process or
the procurement a)reement:
%. )ive or propose improper inducement directl or indirectl0
%%. distortion or misrepresentation of facts0
%%%. en)a)in) in corrupt or fraudulent practice or involvin) in such act0
%/. interference in participation of other competin) bidders0
/. coercion or threatenin) directl or indirectl to cause harm to the
person or the propert of an person to be involved in the procurement
/%. collusive practice amon) bidders before or after submission of bids
for distribution of wor1s amon) bidders or !.in) arti!cial/uncompetitive
bid price with an intention to deprive the CD(C the bene!t of open
competitive bid price0
/%%. contactin) the CD(C with an intention to in6uence the CD(C with
re)ards to the bids or interference of an 1ind in e.amination and
evaluation of the bids durin) the period from the time of openin) of the
bids until the noti!cation of award of contract.
D.D Without pre4udice to an other ri)hts of the CD(C under this Contract0 #o$
ma )la?Flit a &idder for its conduct up to three 7D8 ears on the followin)
)rounds and seriousness of the act committed b the bidder:
7a8 if convicted b a court of law in a criminal o5ence which dis-uali!es
the &idder from participatin) in the contract0
7b8 if it is established that the contract a)reement si)ned b the &idder
was based on false or misrepresentation of &idderHs -uali!cation
11.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
D.J A bidder declared blac1listed and ineli)ible b the #o$0 *ublic procurement
Monitorin) O+ce 7**MO80 shall be ineli)ible to bid for a contract durin) the
period of time determined b the #o$.
D.I The Contractor shall permit the CD(C/#o$ to inspect the ContractorHs
accounts and records relatin) to the performance of the Contractor and to
have them audited b auditors appointed b the CD(C/#o$0 if so re-uired
b the CD(C/#o$.
J Eligi)le Bidder
J.? This %nvitation for &ids is open to all eli)ible Domestic &idders 7&idders form
J.G A &idder ma be a natural person0 private entit0 or )overnment:owned
entit 7u)Ie?t to ITB 8.98 or an combination of them in the form of a
Koint /enture 7K/8 under an e.istin) a)reement0 or with the intent to
constitute a le)all:enforceable 4oint venture. %n the case of a K/:
7a8 all partners shall be 4ointl and severall liable for the e.ecution of the
Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. T3e CualiA?ation
reCuire!ent of t3e partie to t3e GB 3all )e a pe?iAed in t3e
BDS, and
7b8 the K/ shall nominate a ,epresentative who shall have the authorit to
conduct all business for and on behalf of an and all the parties of the
K/ durin) the biddin) process and0 in the event the K/ is awarded the
Contract0 durin) Contract e.ecution.
J.D A &idder shall not have a con6ict of interest. All &idders found to have a
con6ict of interest shall be dis-uali!ed. A &idder ma be considered to have
a con6ict of interest with one or more parties in this biddin) process0 if:
7a8 the have controllin) partners in common3 or
7b8 the receive or have received an direct or indirect subsid from an of
them3 or
7c8 the have the same le)al representative for purposes of this bid3 or
7d8 the have a relationship with each other0 directl or throu)h common
third parties0 that puts them in a position to have access to information
about or in6uence on the &id of another &idder0 or in6uence the
decisions of the CD(C re)ardin) this biddin) process3 or
7e8 a &idder participates in more than one bid in this biddin) process.
*articipation b a &idder in more than one &id will result in the
dis-uali!cation of all &ids in which the part is involved. ;owever0 this
does not limit the inclusion of the same sub Contractor in more than
one bid3 or
a &idder or an of its a+liates participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the desi)n or technical speci!cations of the Contract
that is the sub4ect of the &id
12.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
J.J A &idder that is under a declaration of ineli)ibilit b the #o$ in accordance
with ITB <0 at the date of the deadline for bid submission or thereafter0 shall
be dis-uali!ed.
J.I A #o$:owned enterprises ma also participate in the bid if it is le)all and
!nanciall autonomous0 operate under commercial law0 and it is not a
dependent a)enc of the *urchaser.
J.@ &idders shall provide such evidence of their continued eli)ibilit satisfactor
to the CD(C0 as the CD(C shall reasonabl re-uest.
J.A "irms shall be e.cluded0 if b an act of compliance with a decision of the
Lnited $ations (ecurit Council ta1en under Chapter /%% of the Charter of
the Lnited $ations0 the CD(CHs countr prohibits an import of )oods or
Contractin) of wor1s or services from that countr or an paments to
persons or entities in that countr.
J.B A &idder0 and all parties constitutin) the &idder0 shall have the nationalit of
eli)ible countries.
J.M. The domestic &idder who has obtained *ermanent Account $umber 7*A$8 and
/alue Added Ta. 7/AT8 re)istration certi!cate7s8 and Ta. clearance certi!cate or
proof of submission of ta. return from the %nland ,evenue O+ce shall onl be
I Eligi)le Good and %elated Servi?e
I.? All )oods and related services to be supplied under the contract are eli)ible0
unless their ori)in is from countr not eli)ible countries speci!ed b #o$.
I.G "or purposes of this clause0 Eori)inF means the place where the )oods are
mined0 )rown0 or produced0 or the place from which the related services are
I.D The ori)in of )oods and services is distinct from the nationalit of the &idder.
@ Site Biit
/.* "or )oods contracts re-uirin) installation/ commissionin)/ networ1in) or
similar services at site0 the prospective &idder who has purchased the bid
document0 at its own responsibilit and ris10 is encoura)ed to visit and
e.amine the (ite and obtain all information that ma be necessar for
preparin) the &id and enterin) into a contract for the suppl of )oods and
related services.
/., The prospective &idder should ensure that the *urchaser is informed of the
visit in ade-uate time to allow it to ma1e appropriate arran)ements
/.< The costs of visitin) the (ite shall be at the prospective &idderHs own
B. Content of Bidding Do?u!ent
A (ections of &iddin) Document
13.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
A.? The &iddin) Document consist of *arts ?0 G and D0 which include all the
(ections indicated below0 and should be read in con4unction with an
Addenda issued in accordance with ITB 0.
4:%T * Bidding 4ro?edure
(ection % : %nstruction to &idders 7%T&8
(ection %% : &id Data (heet 7&D(8
(ection %%% : 2uali!cation Criteria 792C8
(ection %/ : &iddin) "orms 7&D"8
4:%T , Supply %eCuire!ent
(ection / : (chedule of ,e-uirement 7(O,8
(ection /% : (chedule of *rices 7(O*8
4:%T < Condition of Contra?t and Contra?t (or!
(ection /%% : #eneral Conditions of Contract 7#CC8
(ection /%%% : (pecial Conditions of Contract 7(CC8
(ection %N : Contract "orms 7CO"8
4:%T 8 > Te?3ni?al Spe?iA?ation
(ection N: #eneral Technical (peci!cation
(ection N%: Detail Technical (peci!cation
A.G The *urchaser will re4ect an &id submission if the &iddin) Document was
not purchased directl from the *urchaser0 or throu)h its assi)ned o+ce s
stted in t+e ,DS.
A.D The &idder is e.pected to e.amine all instructions0 forms0 terms0 and
speci!cations in the &iddin) Document as well as in Amendments0 if an.
"ailure to furnish all information or documentation re-uired b the &iddin)
Document ma result in the re4ection of the &id.
B ClariA?ation of Bidding Do?u!ent.4re&Bid Meeting
B.? A prospective &idder re-uirin) an clari!cation of the &iddin) Document
shall contact the *urchaser in writin) at the *urchaserHs address indi(ted
in t+e ,DS. The *urchaser will respond in writin) to an re-uest for
clari!cation0 provided that such re-uest is received four 7J8 das prior to the
deadline for submission of &ids. The *urchaser will forward copies of its
response to all &idders who have ac-uired the &iddin) Document directl
from it0 includin) a description of the in-uir but without identifin) its
source. (hould the *urchaser deem it necessar to amend the &iddin)
Document as a result of a clari!cation0 it shall do so followin) the procedure
under ITB 7 and %T& GJ.G.
B.G The purchaser ma or)ani<e a pre:bid meetin) of &idders at least two 7G8 das
before the deadline for submission of &ids at the place0 date and time as
spe(i8ed in t+e ,DS to provide information relatin) to &iddin) Documents0
Technical speci!cations and the li1e matters. (hould the purchaser deem it
14.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
necessar to amend the &iddin) Document as a result of a clari!cation0 it shall
do so followin) the procedure under %T& M and %T& ,8.,.
M :!end!ent of Bidding Do?u!ent
M.? At an time prior to the deadline for submission of bids0 the CD(C ma
amend the &iddin) Document b issuin) addenda.
M.G An addendum issued shall be part of the &iddin) Document and shall be
communicated in writin) to all who have obtained the &iddin) Document
from the *urchaser.
M.D To )ive prospective &idders reasonable time in which to ta1e an addendum
into account in preparin) their bids0 the CD(C ma0 at its discretion0 e.tend
the deadline for the submission of bids0 pursuant to ITB ,8.,
C. 4reparation of Bid
?> Cot of Bidding
?>.? The &idder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of its &id0 and the CD(C shall in no case be responsible or liable
for those costs0 re)ardless of the conduct or outcome of the biddin) process.
?? Language of Bid
??.? The &id0 as well as all correspondence and documents relatin) to the &id
e.chan)ed b the &idder and the *urchaser0 shall be written in the 9n)lish
lan)ua)e. (upportin) documents and printed literature that are part of the
&id ma be in another lan)ua)e provided the are accompanied b an
accurate translation of the relevant passa)es in the 9n)lish lan)ua)e0 in
which case0 for purposes of interpretation of the &id0 such translation shall
)overn. (uch translation shall be attested b $otar *ublic.
?G Do?u!ent Co!priing t3e Bid
*,.*The bid documents shall comprise documents and forms dul !lled with date
and si)ned b authori<ed person.
*,.,(ubmission of the followin) documents and forms alon) with bid document
are mandator0 without which the bid shall be re4ected.
1a2 Bid (or! 7(ample form : ?8 in accordance with (ection %/: (ample
"orms3 dul !lled with date and si)ned b authori<ed person.
1)2 Bid Se?urity furnished in accordance with Clause $o. G? of this
(ection and the &id (ecurit "orm 7(ection %/0 (ample form. I8 dul
!lled with date and si)ned b authori<ed person.
1?2 4ri?e S?3edule in accordance with (ection /% and Clause $o. ?I of
this (ection dul !lled with date and si)ned b authori<ed person.
1d2 Manufa?turerJ :ut3ori5ation Letter 7as per (ection %/0 (ample
form :@8 if the bidder is not a manufacturer of the o5ered )oods/ items
and certi!cates on proof of bein) manufacturer of the o5ered products.
1e2 The 4o#er of attorney and Signature pe?i!en of the authori<ed
person in a separate sheet shall be submitted alon) with the &id.
15.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
1f2 A ?laue )y ?laue ?o!!ent on #eneral Conditions of Contract0
(pecial Conditions of Contract and Technical (peci!cation.
1g2 Bidder Eligi)ility and ECuip!ent (ield 4roven&ne of the
oKered Syte! a per Se?tion III' @ualiA?ation Criteria.
132 :ll page containin) Conditions of Contract and Technical Compliance
(tatement shall be si)ned b the bidder and the consortium members
7authori<ed persons8 and stamped with o+cial seal.
*,.<The &idder shall submit the above documents 7mentioned in the %T& ?G.G
from 7a8 to 7e8 in Drd envelope sealed and mar1ed as EDo(u!ent for 'id
9penin"F and remainin) documents from 7f8 to 7h8 shall be enclosed in *t
envelope E9ri"inlF and Gnd envelope ECopyF as mentioned in %T& GD.
*,.8Co!plian?e State!ent to Co!!er?ial and Te?3ni?al %eCuire!ent
*,.9%n the o5er0 the bidder shall include clause b clause statement and
su+cient documentation such that the CD(C can validate the compliance
statements. %n the statement of compliance0 the bidder shall state::
a8 E1ully Co!plintO if sstems and functions o5ered full meet the
tender re-uirement.
b8 E.rtilly Co!plintF if the sstems and functions o5ered meets the
re-uirement partiall. The bidder shall state the reason wh the o5er is
partiall compliant. ;owever0 if the bidder is able to ful!ll the speci!ed
re-uirement later0 the time schedule for this shall be stated. %n such
cases0 the bidder shall clearl mention the e.tent to which other
re-uirements or speci!cations are a5ected.
c8 ENon Co!plintF if the sstems and functions cannot meet the
re-uirements. The bidder shall also state reasons for it.
d8 Compliance statements such as PAgreedH0 PNotedH0 POKH0 Tic1 mar10 Do
7"8 and PUnderstoodH etc. shall not be acceptable and shall be
considered ENon Co!plintF
&idders shall mention0 alon) with the compliance statement0 the relevant
clause $o.0 pa)e $o.0 chapter /section/volume of the o5ered bid document
and/or the brochure and catalo)ue0 wherever applicable0 for the purpose of
veri!cation of their commercial and technical compliance statement.
*,./%n case of a)en?e or un?lear tate!ent of compliance for an speci!ed
re-uirement0 the CD(C will interpret that particular re-uirement as bein)
ONon Co!plint O.
*,.+%f the bidder has stated Pfull compliantH a)ainst technical clauses with
comments resultin) in material deviation0 such statement shall be
considered as Cnon compliantC
*,.0%f the bidder has stated partiall or non compliant to some of the clauses0
the successful bidder shall provision for all such re-uirements and ma1e the
bid full compliant to all CD(C re-uirements at the time of ne)otiation.
?D Bid (or! and S?3edule
*<.*The &id form0 schedules and all documents listed under %T& ?G.G shall be
prepared usin) the relevant biddin) forms as mentioned in (ection %/0 if so
provided. The forms must be completed without an alterations to its
16.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
format0 and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blan1 spaces shall be !lled
in with the information re-uested.
*<.,The &idder shall submit the *rice (chedules for #oods and ,elated (ervices0
accordin) to their ori)in as appropriate0 usin) the forms furnished in
(ection /%: (O*
?J :lternative Bid
*8.*%n case a bidder o5ers one or more alternate or optional o5er7s8 in addition
to the main o5er0 the CD(C will consider onl the main o5er for evaluation
purpose0 and under no circumstances0 evaluation will be in6uenced b
anthin) mentioned in alternate or optional o5er7s8.
;owever0 based on cost:bene!t and/ or technical analsis0 the CD(C0 if
deemed necessar0 ma consider alternate or optional o5er7s8 durin)
contract ne)otiation with the successful bidder.
?I Bid 4ri?e and Di?ount
*9.*The &idder shall complete the appropriate (chedule of *rices and the sources
of #oods schedules included herein0 statin) the unit prices0 total cost per item0
the total &id amount and the e.pected countries of ori)in of the #oods to be
supplied under the contract.
*9.,The &idders shall -uote in $epalese currenc on C%* CD(CCs respective
(tores in Qathmandu basis and paments will be made accordin)l. This
price shall be inclusive of such as /AT0 'ocal Development Ta.0
Custom Duties0 and (ecurit Ta. etc. applicable in $epal. (uch &idder must
submit up to date !rm/Compan re)istration certi!cate and Ta. clearance or
proof of submission of ta. returns from #overnment of $epal.
*9.<The bidder shall be responsible to pa withholdin) ta. 7TD( R Ta. Deduction
at (ource8 as per the %ncome ta. law of )overnment of $epal applicable at
the time of the pament.
*9.8The bidder is sub4ect to local such as /AT0 social char)es or income on non resident international personnel0 and also duties0 fees0 levies
on amounts paable b the emploer under the Contract.
All duties0 ta.es0 and other levies paable b the Contractor under the
Contract0 or for an other cause0 as of the date mentioned in &D( prior to
the deadline for submission of bids0 shall be included in the rates and prices
and the total bid price submitted b the &idder.
*9.9The prices shall be !.ed and will not be sub4ected to an variation.
:ny )id not u)!itted a per t3e ITB *9.* to ITB *9.8 3all )e reIe?ted
*9./The unit pri?e of all )oods0 services and inland Transportation 7if
Applicable8 shall be -uoted in (ection /% E*rice (cheduleF. %n the column
related to *rice 7Lnit and Total *rice8 in *rice (chedule 7(ection /%80 e.cept
monetar value0 &idder shall not -uote an other te.t such as LIn?luded
:)oveM, LNot :ppli?a)leM, LNot :vaila)leM0 L(ree of CotM etc.
1:.7In (se, t+e 'idder $is+es to o;er ny sort of dis(ount on "oods,
servi(es, inlnd delivery, su(+ letter of dis(ount ppli('le to t+e
!in o;er s+ll 'e tt(+ed to t+e 'id openin" do(u!ents. T+e
o;ered dis(ount $ill not 'e (onsidered for evlution of 'id if su(+
letter is not tt(+ed $it+ 'id openin" do(u!ent. &ny sort of
o;ered dis(ount s+ll 'e proportiontely 'sor'ed in t+e unit pri(e
17.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
of ll t+e "oods, servi(es nd inlnd delivery t t+e ti!e of (ontr(t
nd s+ll re!in vlid nd ppli('le in ll su'se<uent pur(+ses
on lter dtes s !entioned in IT, 1:.8.
*9.0The -uoted unit prices shall remain valid until I ears from the date of
completion of Warrant as speci!ed in #COC @.
*9.7Lnit *rices of the o5ered )oods0 services and inland Transportation in all lots
and phases shall be same.
*9.*-The terms "O&0 C%"0 C%*0 etc.0 shall be )overned b the rules prescribed in
the current edition of %$COT9,M( published b the %nternational Chamber of
Commerce0 *aris. ;owever0 the ris1 shall be covered as per Clause $o. GD of
(ection /%%: #COC.
?@ Curren?ie of Bid
All *rices shall be -uoted in $epalese ,upees 7$,s8.
?A Eligi)ility of t3e Bidder.Manufa?turer
*+.*&idder shall not be under a declaration of ineli)ibilit for corrupt and
fraudulent practices issued b #overnment of $epal. The &idder and
Manufacturer who are blac1 listed or are under the process of bein) blac1
listed shall not be eli)ible to participate this biddin) process. The bid o5ered
b such &idder and Manufacturer shall not be considered for the bid
*+.,&idder shall not have ownership with competitors of CD(C in $epal and must
not have plan to have ownership until the completion of all the contractual
*+.<&idder found to be involved in fraudulent activit such as cartelin) in order to
manipulate the bid price0 submission of fa1e certi!cates and fa1e information
ma be blac1listed and &id submitted shall be re4ected.
*+.8%f the &idder submits bid on behalf of a mer)ed compan0 le)all certi!ed
document from the notar public shall be submitted alon) with the bid
document. The eli)ibilit of separate companies in such cases will be
combined for the purpose of verifin) the eli)ibilit criteria as mentioned in
the (ection %%%: 2uali!cation Criteria. &id submitted on behalf of
amal)amated/ac-uired companies havin) independent le)al status will be
treated separatel and shall meet the eli)ibilit criteria separatel as
mentioned in (ection %%%: 2uali!cation Criteria.
*+.9%f the &idder submits bid on behalf of a subsidiar compan/holdin)
compan0 the subsidiar compan/holdin) compan whose product is bein)
o5ered shall individuall meet eli)ibilit criteria as speci!ed (ection %%%:
2uali!cation Criteria.
*+./&idder shall meet all the re-uirements mentioned in &iddin) Data (heet of
(ection %%.
*+.+%n order to establish their eli)ibilit in accordance with %T& J0 &idders shall:
7a8 complete the eli)ibilit declarations in the &id (ubmission (heet0
included in (ection %/0 &iddin) "orms3 and
18.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
7b8 if the &idder is an e.istin) or intended K/ in accordance with %T& J.G0
submit a cop of the K/ A)reement0 or a letter of intent to enter into
such an A)reement. The respective document shall be si)ned b all
le)all authori<ed si)natories of all the parties to the e.istin) or
intended K/0 as appropriate.
?B Do?u!ent Eta)li3ing t3e Confor!ity of t3e Good and %elated
Servi?e to t3e Bidding Do?u!ent
?B.? To establish the conformit of the #oods and ,elated (ervices to the
&iddin) Document0 the &idder shall furnish as part of its &id the
documentar evidence that the #oods and ,elated (ervices conform to the
re-uirements speci!ed in (ection /: (chedule of ,e-uirement 7(O,8.
?B.G The documentar evidence ma be in the form of literature0 drawin)s or
data0 and shall consist of a detailed item:b:item description of the
essential technical and performance characteristics of the #oods and
,elated (ervices0 demonstratin) substantial responsiveness of the #oods
and ,elated (ervices to those re-uirements0 and if applicable0 a statement
of deviations and e.ceptions to the provisions of (ection /: (chedule of
?M Do?u!ent Eta)li3ing t3e @ualiA?ation of t3e Bidder
?M.? The documentar evidence of the &idderHs -uali!cations to perform the
contract0 if its bid is accepted0 shall establish to the *urchaserHs satisfaction
that the &idder meets each of the -uali!cation criterion speci!ed in
Se?tion III' @ualiA?ation Criteria.
?M.G %f so re<uired in t+e ,DS0 a &idder that does not manufacture or produce
the #oods it o5ers to suppl shall submit the =nuf(turer>s
&ut+ori?tion usin) the form included in (ection %/0 &iddin) "orms to
demonstrate that it has been dul authori<ed b the manufacturer or producer
of the #oods to suppl these #oods in $epal and ta1e care of the warrant
G> 4eriod of Bid Balidity
,-.*&id shall remain valid for a period spe(i8ed in t+e ,DS after the bid
submission deadline date prescribed b the purchaser. A bid valid for a
shorter period shall be re4ected b the purchaser as nonresponsive.
,-.,%n e.ceptional circumstances0 prior to the e.piration of the bid validit
period0 the *urchaser ma re-uest &idders to e.tend the period of validit
of their &ids. The re-uest and the responses shall be made in writin). %f a
&id (ecurit is re-uested in accordance with %T& G?0 it shall also be
e.tended for a correspondin) period. A &idder ma refuse the re-uest
without forfeitin) its &id (ecurit. A &idder )rantin) the re-uest shall not be
re-uired or permitted to modif its &id.
G? Bid Se?urity
,*.*The &idder shall furnish as part of its bid0 in ori)inal form a &id (ecurit as
spe(i8ed in t+e ,DS.
,*.,%f a bid securit is speci!ed pursuant to %T& G?.?0 the bid securit shall be a
demand )uarantee in an of the followin) forms at the &idderHs option:
1a2 ori)inal cop of an unconditional ban1 )uarantee from OAO class
commercial ban1 or3
19.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
1)2 ori)inal cop of cash deposit voucher in the CD(CCs Account as
specifed in BDS.
%n case of a ban1 )uarantee0 the &id (ecurit shall be submitted usin) the &id
(ecurit "orm included in (ection %/0 &iddin) "orms. The form must include
the complete name of the &idder. The validit of the &id (ecurit shall be as
speci!ed in &D(. This shall also appl if the period for bid validit is
The bid securit issued b an forei)n &an1 outside $epal must be counter
)uaranteed b an OAO class Commercial &an1 in $epal.
,*.<%f a bid (ecurit is re-uired in accordance with %T& G?.?0 an &id not
accompanied b an enforceable and compliant &id (ecurit in accordance
with %T& G?.G0 shall be re4ected b the *urchaser as nonresponsive.
,*.8%f a &id (ecurit is speci!ed pursuant to %T& G?.?0 the &id (ecurit of
unsuccessful &idders shall be returned upon the successful &idder furnishin)
of the si)ned Contract A)reement and the *erformance (ecurit pursuant to
%T& JG.
,*.9%f a &id (ecurit is speci!ed pursuant to %T& G?.?0 the &id (ecurit of the
successful &idder shall be returned as promptl as possible once the
successful &idder has si)ned the Contract A)reement and furnished the
re-uired *erformance (ecurit.
,*./The &id (ecurit ma be forfeited:
1a2 if a &idder withdraws its &id durin) the period of bid validit speci!ed
b the &idder on the &id (ubmission "orm0 e.cept as provided in %T&
G>.G3 or
1)2 %f the bidder0 havin) been noti!ed of the acceptance of itsH bid b the
CD(C durin) the period of bid validit0 either fails or refuses to si)n
the contract a)reement within !fteen 7?I8 das from the date of
issuance of letter of Acceptance 7'OA83 or fails or refuses to furnish the
*erformance (ecurit in accordance with #COC ?A.
,*.+The &id (ecurit of a K/ must be in the name of the K/ that submits the bid. %f
the K/ has not been le)all constituted at the time of biddin)0 the &id (ecurit
shall be in the names of all future partners as named in the letter of intent
mentioned in %T& ?A.?
,*.0The bid securit is re-uired to protect the CD(C a)ainst the ris1 of bidderCs
GG (or!at and Signing of Bid
GG.? %n pursuant to Clause GD of this (ection0 the bidders are re-uired to submit
the bids in three 7D8 separate envelopes mar1ed with EOri)inalF0 ECopF and
EDocument for &id Openin)F.
GG.G The ori)inal and the cop or copies of the bid shall be tped or written in
indelible in1 and shall be si)ned b the bidder or a person or persons dul
authori<ed to bind the bidder to the contract. All pa)es of the bid0 e.cept for
un:amended printed literature0 shall be initialed b the authori<ed person or
persons si)nin) the bid. &ut0 the pa)es containin) conditions of contract
and technical compliance statement shall be si)ned and stamped with
o+cial seal b the bidder 7authori<ed person8.
20.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GG.D An interlineations0 erasures0 or overwritin) shall be valid onl if the are
initialed b the authori<ed person or persons si)nin) the bid.
C. Su)!iion and Opening of Bid
GD Sealing and MarFing of Bid
,<.*&idders ma alwas submit their bids b mail or b hand or b courier0 but in
an means bid must be delivered within the deadline of submission as
mentioned in %T& GJ.
,<.,The bidders are re-uired to submit the bids in three 7D8 separate envelopes
each envelope sealed properl as follows'
i. *t envelope with seal and mar1ed as OOriginalO0 shall contain
ori)inal documents.
ii. ,nd envelope with seal and mar1ed as OCopyO0 shall contain cop.
iii. <rd envelope with seal and mar1ed as ODo?u!ent for Bid
OpeningO0 shall contain ori)inal documents speci!ed in %T& ?G.D.
In t3e event of any di?repan?y )et#een original and ?opy
do?u!ent, t3e original 3ard ?opy do?u!ent 3all prevail.
,<.< The inner and outer envelopes shall:
1a2 &ear the name and address of the &idder indicated in &D(3
1)2 &e addressed to the *urchaser indicated in &D(
1?2 &ear a warnin) LNOT TO O4EN BE(O%E T"E TIME :ND D:TE

,<.8%f the outer envelope is not sealed and mar1ed as re-uired b Clause $o.
GD.D0 the CD(C will assume no responsibilit for the bidCs misplacement or
premature openin) of the bid submitted. T3e )id t3u re?eived #ill )e
,<.9%n order to facilitate evaluation of the bid0 the bidder shall provide the
complete biddin) documents in hard cop as well as soft cop includin)
*rice (chedule0 (chedule of ,e-uirements0 Compliance statements of both
Commercial and Technical re-uirements0 other calculations etc. %n case of
discrepanc between hard cop and soft cop0 hard cop shall prevail.
GJ Deadline for Su)!iion of Bid
GJ.? &ids must be received b the *urchaser at the address and no later than
the date and time indi(ted in t+e ,DS.
GJ.G The *urchaser ma0 at its discretion0 e.tend the deadline for the submission
of &ids b amendin) the &iddin) Document in accordance with %T& M0 in
which case all ri)hts and obli)ations of the *urchaser and &idders previousl
sub4ect to the deadline shall thereafter be sub4ect to the deadline as
GI Late Bid
GI.? The *urchaser shall not consider an &id that arrives after the deadline for
submission of &ids0 in accordance with %T& GJ. An &id received b the
21.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
*urchaser after the deadline for submission of &ids shall be declared E'AT9F0
re4ected0 and returned unopened to the &idder.
G@ =it3dra#al, or ModiA?ation of Bid
G@.? A &idder ma withdraw or modif its &id after it has been submitted b
sendin) a written $otice in a sealed envelope0 dul si)ned b an authori<ed
representative0 and shall include a cop of the authori<ation in accordance
with %T& GG.G 7e.cept that Withdrawal $otices do not re-uire copies8. The
correspondin) withdrawal or modi!cation of the &id must accompan the
respective written $otice. All $otices must be:
7a8 submitted in accordance with %T& GG and GD 7e.cept that Withdrawal
$otices do not re-uire copies80 and in addition0 the respective
envelopes shall be clearl mar1ed EWithdrawalF0 EModi!cationF3 and
7b8 received b the *urchaser prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of bids0 in accordance with %T& GJ.
G@.G &ids re-uested to be withdrawn in accordance with %T& G@.? shall be
returned unopened to the &idders.
G@.D $o &id shall be withdrawn or modi!ed in the interval between the deadline
for submission of bids and the e.piration of the period of bid validit
speci!ed b the &idder on the &id (ubmission "orm or an e.tension
GA Bid Opening
GA.? The *urchaser shall conduct the bid openin) in public0 in the presence of
bidderHs representatives who choose to attend at the address0 date0 and
time speci!ed in &D(. %n case0 the bid openin) date happens to be an o+cial
holida0 the CD(C will open the bids in the followin) wor1in) da. The bidder
representatives who are present shall si)n a bid openin) chec1lists
evidencin) their attendance.
GA.G "irst0 envelopes mar1ed OW%T;D,AWA'O shall be opened0 read out and
recorded and the envelope containin) the correspondin) bid shall not be
opened0 but return to the bidder. $o bid shall be withdrawn unless the
correspondin) Withdrawal $otice contains a valid authori<ation to re-uest
the withdrawal and is read out and recorded at bid openin).
GA.D $e.t0 envelopes mar1ed OMOD%"%CAT%O$O shall be opened0 read out and
recorded with the correspondin) bid. $o bid shall be modi!ed unless the
correspondin) Modi!cation $otice contains a valid authori<ation to re-uest
the modi!cation and is read out and recorded at bid openin). Onl
envelopes that are opened0 read out and recorded at bid openin) shall be
considered further.
GA.J All other envelopes mar1ed with EDocument for &id Openin)F shall be
opened one at a time0 and the followin) read out and recorded: the name of
the &idder and whether there is a modi!cation3 the &id *rices 7per lot if
applicable80 an discounts3 the presence of a &id (ecurit0 if re-uired3 if
there is discrepanc between !)ure and words0 description of such
discrepanc3 whether the bid form is si)ned b the bidder or his a)ent3 and
an other details as the *urchaser ma consider appropriate. Onl discounts
read out and recorded at bid openin) shall be considered for evaluation. $o
22.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
&id shall be re4ected at bid openin) e.cept for late bids0 in accordance with
%T& GI.?.
GA.I The *urchaser shall prepare a record of the bid openin) that shall include0 as
a minimum: the name of the &idder and whether there is a withdrawal0 or
modi!cation3 the &id *rice per lot if applicable0 an discounts3 and the
presence or absence of a &id (ecurit. The &iddersH representatives who are
present shall be re-uested to si)n the record. The omission of a &idderHs
si)nature on the record shall not invalidate the contents and e5ect of the
record. A cop of the record shall be distributed to all &idders who submitted
bids in time0 and posted on line when electronic biddin) is permitted. The
&iddersH representatives who are present shall also be re-uested to si)n an
attendance sheet.
E. Evaluation and Co!parion of Bid
GB ConAdentiality
GB.? %nformation relatin) to the e.amination0 evaluation0 comparison0 and post:
-uali!cation of &ids0 and recommendation of contract award0 shall not be
disclosed to &idders or an other persons not o+ciall concerned with such
process until publication of the Contract award3 thereafter0 information will
be disclosed in accordance with %T& J>.?.
GB.G An attempt b a &idder to in6uence the *urchaser in the e.amination0
evaluation0 comparison0 and post:-uali!cation of the &ids or Contract award
decisions ma result in the re4ection of its &id.
GB.D $otwithstandin) %T& GB.G0 from the time of bid openin) to the time of
Contract award0 if an &idder wishes to contact the *urchaser on an matter
related to the biddin) process0 it should do so in writin).
GM ClariA?ation of Bid
GM.? To assist in the e.amination0 evaluation0 comparison and post:-uali!cation
of the &ids0 the *urchaser ma0 at its discretion0 as1 an &idder for a
clari!cation of its &id. An clari!cation submitted b a &idder with re)ard to
its &id and that is not in response to a re-uest b the *urchaser shall not be
considered. The *urchaserHs re-uest for clari!cation and the response shall
be in writin). $o chan)e in the prices or substance of the &id shall be
sou)ht0 o5ered0 or permitted0 e.cept to con!rm the correction of arithmetic
errors discovered b the *urchaser in the evaluation of the &ids0 in
accordance with %T& DD.
D> Deviation, %eervation, and O!iion
D>.? Durin) the evaluation of bids0 the followin) de!nitions appl:
7a8 EDeviationF is a departure from the re-uirements speci!ed in the
&iddin) Document3
7b8 E,eservationF is the settin) of limitin) conditions or withholdin) from
complete acceptance of the re-uirements speci!ed in the &iddin)
Document3 and
7c8 EOmissionF is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation re-uired in the &iddin) Document.
23.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
D? Deter!ination of %eponivene
D?.? The *urchaserHs determination of the responsiveness of a &id is to be based
on the contents of the &id itself0 as de!ned in %T& ?G.
D?.G A substantiall responsive bid is one that meets the re-uirements of the
&iddin) Document without material deviation0 reservation0 or omission. A
material deviation0 reservation0 or omission is one that0
7a8 if accepted0 would:
7i8 a5ect in an substantial wa the scope0 -ualit0 or performance
of the #oods and ,elated (ervices speci!ed in (ection /0 (chedule
of ,e-uirements3 or
7ii8 limits in an substantial wa0 inconsistent with the &iddin)
Document0 the *urchaserHs ri)hts or the &idderHs obli)ations under
the proposed Contract3 or
7iii8 if recti!ed0 would unfairl a5ect the competitive position of other
&idders presentin) substantiall responsive bids.
D?.D The *urchaser shall e.amine the technical aspects of the bid in particular0 to
con!rm that all re-uirements of (ection /0 (chedule of ,e-uirements have
been met without an material deviation or reservation.
DG Non&!aterial Non&?onfor!itie
DG.? The *urchaser ma re)ard a &id as responsive even if it contains minor
deviations that do not materiall alter or depart from the characteristics0
terms0 conditions and other re-uirement set forth in the &iddin) Document
or if it contains errors or oversi)hts that are capable of bein) corrected
without a5ectin) the substance of the &id.
DG.G *rovided that a &id is substantiall responsive0 the *urchaser ma re-uest
that the &idder submit the necessar information or documentation0 within
a reasonable period of time0 to rectif non:material non:conformities or
omissions in the &id related to documentation re-uirements. ,e-uestin)
information or documentation on such non:conformities shall not be related
to an aspect of the price of the &id. "ailure of the &idder to compl with
the re-uest ma result in the re4ection of its &id.
DG.D *rovided that a &id is substantiall responsive0 the *urchaser shall rectif
non:material non:conformities or omissions. To this e5ect0 the &id *rice
shall be ad4usted0 for comparison purposes onl0 to re6ect the price of the
missin) or non:conformin) item or component.
DG.J %f small di5erences are found such as in technical speci!cation0 description0
feature which does not ma1e the bid to be re4ected0 then the cost0 which is
calculated to the e.tent possible due to such di5erences0 shall be included
while evaluatin) bid.
DG.I %f the value of such non conformities is found !fteen 7?IS8 percent more
than the -uoted amount of the bidder on account of small di5erences
pursuant to %T& DG.J0 such bid shall be considered irresponsive in substance
and shall not be considered for evaluation
DD Corre?tion of :rit3!eti?al Error
24.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
DD.? *rovided that the &id is substantiall responsive0 the *urchaser shall correct
arithmetical errors on the followin) basis:
7a8 if there is a discrepanc between the unit price and the total price that is
obtained b multiplin) the unit price and -uantit0 the unit price shall
prevail and the total price shall be corrected0 unless in the opinion of the
*urchaser there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the
unit price0 in which case the total price as -uoted shall )overn and the
unit price shall be corrected3
7b8 if there is an error in a total correspondin) to the addition or subtraction
of subtotals0 the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected3
7c 8 if there is a discrepanc between words and !)ures0 the amount in
words shall prevail0 unless the amount e.pressed in words is related to
an arithmetic error0 in which case the amount in !)ures shall prevail
sub4ect to 7a8 and 7b8 above.
DD.G %f the &idder that submitted the lowest evaluated &id does not accept the
correction of errors0 its &id shall be re4ected.
DJ Evaluation and Co!parion of Bid
DJ.? The *urchaser shall determine to its satisfaction whether the &idder that is
selected as havin) submitted the lowest evaluated and substantiall
responsive &id is -uali!ed to perform the Contract satisfactoril.
DJ.G The determination shall be based upon an e.amination of the documentar
evidence of the &idderHs -uali!cations and technical/commercial
DJ.D An a+rmative determination shall be a prere-uisite for award of the
Contract to the &idder. A ne)ative determination shall result in
dis-uali!cation of the &id0 in which event the *urchaser shall proceed to the
ne.t lowest evaluated bid to ma1e a similar determination of that &idderHs
capabilities to perform satisfactoril.
DJ.J To evaluate a &id0 the *urchaser shall onl use all the criteria and
methodolo)ies de!ned in this %T& DJ0 %T& DI and in (ection %%%: 2uali!cation
Criteria. $o other criteria or methodolo) shall be permitted.
DI Evaluation 4ro?edure
DI.? The *urchaser shall evaluate the bids in four sta)es i.e. ?8 *reliminar
9.amination0 G8 Technical 9valuation0 D8 Commercial 9valuation0 and J8
"inancial 9valuation
DI.G 4reli!inary EDa!ination
DI.G.?*reliminar 9.amination of the &ids shall be done in accordance with %T&
?G.G . CD(C will e.amine the bids to verif whether the bid is valid =
complete0 whether the bid is accompanied b valid bid securities0 whether
re-uired sureties have been furnished0 whether the documents have been
properl si)ned0 and whether the bids are )enerall in order.
DI.G.GCD(C ma waive an minor informalit0 nonconformit0 or irre)ularit in a
bid0 which does not constitute a ma4or material and -ualit deviation and
without which the purpose of biddin) will be ful!lled0 provided such waiver
does not pre4udice or a5ect the relative ran1in) of an bidder. *rior to the
detailed evaluation0 CD(C will determine the substantial responsiveness of
25.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
each bid to certain critical provisions stipulated in the CD(C tender
document. "or the purpose of this clause0 a substantiall responsive bid is
the one0 which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the biddin)
documents without ma4or material deviations. Deviations from0 or
ob4ections or reservations to critical provisions0 such as those concernin)
&id (ecurit0 *ament Terms0 Applicable 'aw and and Duties and the
technical re-uirements will be deemed to be ma4or deviations.
CD(CHs determination of a bidHs responsiveness will be based on the
contents of the bid itself without recourse to an e.trinsic evidence.
DI.G.D%f a bid has one or more ma4or deviations0 it will be re4ected b the CD(C
and will not substantiall be made responsive b the bidder b correction
of the nonconformit.
DI.D Te?3ni?al Evaluation
DI.D.?Technical evaluation shall be carried out for those bids0 which are found to
be responsive after preliminar e.amination as per above %T& DI.G.
Technical evaluation shall be based on clause b clause compliance
statements or comments on Technical (peci!cations as well as technical
details0 catalo)ues0 brochures etc. furnished b each bidder.
DI.D.G%f a bid has one or more ma4or deviations0 it will be re4ected b the CD(C
and will not substantiall be made responsive b the bidder b correction
of the nonconformit.
DI.J Co!!er?ial Evaluation
DI.J.?Detailed Commercial 9valuation shall be carried out for those bids0 which
are found to be responsive after Detail Technical 9valuation as per above
%T& DI.D. The detail commercial evaluation shall be carried out in
accordance with the (ection %/: #CC and (CC.
DI.I Detail (inan?ial Evaluation
DI.I.?Once the bids are considered substantiall responsive after detailed
Technical and Commercial evaluation0 all those responsive bids shall be
4ud)ed from "inancial 9valuation perspective onl and no wei)ht:a)e shall
be )iven to other technical details or parameters or additional features and
facilities of the o5ered products.
DI.I.G"or the "inancial 9valuation the followin) factors shall be ta1en into
consideration for evaluation purpose:
DI.I.D:rit3!eti?al error
:rit3!eti?al error will be recti!ed on the followin) basis Dis(repn(y 'et$een t+e *nit .ri(e nd t+e Totl .ri(e
%f there is a discrepanc between the unit price and the total price which
is obtained b multiplin) the unit price and -uantit0 the unit price shall
prevail0 and the total price will be corrected. 0rror in Cl(ultion Totl .ri(e
%f there is an error in total correspondin) to the addition or subtraction of
subtotals0 the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected.
26.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
DI.I.D.D %f there is discrepanc between words and !)ure0 the word shall
DI.I.D.J While performin) error corrections as mentioned above in Clause
$o. DI.I.D0 the &id *rice ma chan)ed. Therefore0 the Total &id *rice
obtained after the Arithmetical 9rror Correction shall be considered as a
Corrected &id price.
DI.I.JOKered @uantity *nder-Di!ensioned 3S+ort4 Ite!s
%f the o5ered -uantit is not su+cient to meet the CD(CHs re-uirement0
re-uired -uantit will be loaded to ful!ll the re-uirement and price will be
ad4usted accordin)l ta1in) into consideration the o5ered unit price of the
same bidder. =issin" 3o!ission4 Ite!s
%f some re-uired items of SO4 and BO@ are missin) in the o5er0 then
the ver"e pri(e of ll responsive 'idders for su(+ !issin"
ite!3s8 will be considered for evaluation purpose and loaded to brin) all
bidders in e-ual footin).
DI.I.J.D ;owever0 in all the cases mentioned above in Clause $o. DI.I.J0 the
&idder shall provide all the missin)/short items mentioned above free of
cost to CD(C if the bidder happens to be a successful bidder. If !@or ite!s, $it+out $+i(+ t+e purpose of 'iddin" $ill not
'e ful8lled, re !issin", t+e 'id s+ll 'e (onsidered non-
responsive nd s+ll 'e re@e(ted.
DI.I.IUnit 4ri?e Dis(repn(y in *nit .ri(e in 2ots, .+ses nd .(-"es
Lnit *rices of the o5ered )oods0 services and inland transportation in all
lots0 phases and pac1a)es shall be same. %n case of discrepancies in the
Lnit prices0 the -uoted unit price in respective lots0 phases and pac1a)es
shall be used for evaluation. ;owever0 lo$est Unit 4ri?e amon) all shall
be considered for all lots0 phase and pac1a)es for the calculation and
preparation of !nal Contract *rice if the bidder happens to be the
(uccessful &idder.
DI.I.I.G Unit 4ri?e of Miing Ite!
%n case of missin) 7omission8 items 7Clause $o. DI.I.J.G.80 unit price of
such items shall be !nali<ed at the time of ne)otiation without e.ceedin)
the avera)e price of the same item of the responsive bidders.
35.5.6If t+e lodin" !ount fter perfor!in" t+e lodin" s per Cluses
7:.:.A of t+is Se(tion eB(eed 1:C of t+e Corre(ted ,id .ri(e, t+e
'id s+ll 'e (onsidered s non responsive nd not (onsidered for
DI.I.AIf t3e Bidder doe not a??ept t3e ?orre?tion of t3e error, it )id
#ill )e reIe?ted, and it )id e?urity 3all )e forfeited. T3e CDSC
27.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
reerve t3e rig3t to a#ard t3e tender to t3e neDt lo#et )idder
or !ay go for re&tender #3i?3ever i ?onvenient
D@ 4ot @ualiA?ation of t3e Bidder
D@.D The *urchaser shall determine to its satisfaction whether the &idder that is
selected as havin) submitted the lowest evaluated and substantiall
responsive &id is -uali!ed to perform the Contract satisfactoril.
D@.J The determination shall be based upon an e.amination of the documentar
evidence of the &idderHs -uali!cations submitted b the &idder0 pursuant to
%T& ?M.
D@.I An a+rmative determination shall be a prere-uisite for award of the
Contract to the &idder. A ne)ative determination shall result in
dis-uali!cation of the &id0 in which event the *urchaser shall proceed to the
ne.t lowest evaluated bid to ma1e a similar determination of that &idderHs
capabilities to perform satisfactoril.
DA 4ur?3aerN %ig3t to :??ept :ny Bid, and to reIe?t :ny or :ll Bid
The *urchaser reserves the ri)ht to accept or re4ect an &id0 and to annul
the biddin) process and re4ect all &ids at an time prior to Contract award0
without thereb incurrin) an liabilit to the &idders.
(. :#ard of Contra?t
DB :#ard Criteria
DB.? The *urchaser shall select to award the Contract to the &idder whose o5er
has been determined to be the lowest evaluated &id and is substantiall
responsive to the &iddin) Document0 provided further that the &idder is
determined to be -uali!ed to perform the Contract satisfactoril.
DM 4ur?3aerN %ig3t to Bary @uantitie at t3e Ti!e of :#ard
DM.? The CD(C reserves the ri)ht at the time of award of contract to increase or
decrease b up to twent percent 7G>S8 of the -uantit of )oods and
services speci!ed in the (chedule of ,e-uirement without an chan)e in
unit price or other terms and conditions.
J> :#ard of Contra?t
J>.? &ased on evaluation as per above clause $os. DI the responsive &idder with
'owest 9valuated *rice shall be determined as (uccessful &idder. As
!nancial evaluation shall be done as per Clause no. DI.I0 total evaluated
price ma di5er from the price -uoted b the bidder in its price schedule.
"inancial comparison shall be based on Eevaluated priceF and not Eo5ered
priceF. ;owever0 the !nal total contract price shall be !nali<ed durin)
contract ne)otiation with the successful bidder.
J>.G The CD(C shall issue a 'etter of %ntent 7'O%8 to notif the concerned &idders
whose bid has been selected in accordance with %T& DB0 in writin) that the
CD(C has intention to accept his/her bid and the information re)ardin) the
name0 address and amount of selected bidder shall be )iven to all other
bidders who submitted the bid.
J>.D %f no bidder submits an application for review pursuant to %T& JD within a
period of seven das of the notice provided under %T& J>.G0 CD(C shall0
accept the bids selected in accordance with %T& J>.? and will subse-uentl
issue a 'etter of Acceptance 7'OA8 to furnish the performance securit and
to initiate ne)otiation between the bidder and the CD(C within !fteen das.
28.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
J>.J Within "ifteen 7?I8 das of the receipt of noti!cation of award from CD(C0
the &idder shall send its authori<ed representatives for the contract
ne)otiation and si)nin) the contract.
J? 4erfor!an?e Se?urity
J?.? At the time of si)nin) the Contract the successful &idder shall furnish the
*erformance (ecurit in accordance with the #CC0 usin) for that purpose the
*erformance (ecurit "orm included in (ection %N0 Contract "orms.
J?.G "ailure of the successful &idder to submit the above:mentioned *erformance
(ecurit or si)n the Contract A)reement shall constitute su+cient )rounds
for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the &id (ecurit. %n that
event the *urchaser ma award the Contract to the ne.t lowest evaluated
&idder whose o5er is substantiall responsive and is determined b the
*urchaser to be -uali!ed to perform the Contract satisfactoril.
JG Signing of Contra?t
JG.? The successful &idder shall si)n the contract in the form included in section %N
after the submission of performance securit in accordance with %T& J?.
JG.G At the same time0 the *urchaser shall also notif all other &idders of the
results of the biddin)0 and shall publish in an 9n)lish/$epali lan)ua)e
newspaper or well:1nown and freel accessible website the results identifin)
the bid and lot numbers and the followin) information: 7i8 name of each &idder
who submitted a &id3 7ii8 bid prices as read out at &id Openin)3 7iii8 name and
evaluated prices of each &id3 7iv8 name of bidders whose bids were re4ected
and the reasons for their re4ection3 and 7v8 name of the winnin) &idder0 and
the *rice it o5ered0 as well as the duration and summar scope of the Contract
JG.D The *urchaser shall promptl respond in writin) to an unsuccessful &idder
who0 within thirt das from the date of issuance of noti!cation of award in
accordance with %T& J>.G0 re-uests in writin) the )rounds on which its bid was
not selected.
JD Co!plaint and %evie#
JD.? %f a &idder dissatis!es with the *rocurement proceedin)s or the decision
made b the *urchaser in the intention to award the Contract0 it ma !le an
application to the CD(C within seven 7A8 das of havin)0 receipt of such
notice or decision ma1in)0 for review of the proceedin)s statin) the factual
and le)al )rounds.
JD.G An application !led after the deadline pursuant %T& JD.? shall not be
JD.D The CD(C shall0 within !ve 7I8 das after receivin) the application0 )ive its
decision with reasons0 in writin) pursuant to %T& JD.?:
7a8 whether to suspend the procurement proceedin) and the procedure for
further proceedin)s to be adopted3 or
7b8 whether or not to re4ect a application.
29.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
$o application can be submitted before the ,eview Committee for review
a)ainst the decision made b the chief of the *ublic 9ntit for the &id
amount up to the value s stted in ,DS.
JD.J %f the &idder is not satis!ed with the decision of the CD(C in accordance
with %T& JD.D0 or the decision b the *ublic 9ntit is not )iven within !ve 7I8
das of receipt of application pursuant to %T& JD.?0 it can0 within seven 7A8
das of receipt of such decision0 !le an application to the ,eview
Committee of the #o$0 statin) the reason of its disa)reement on the
decision of the CD(C and furnishin) the relevant documents0 provided that
its &id amount is above the amount as stated in %T& JD.D. The application
ma be sent b hand0 or b post0 or b courier0 or b electronic media at
the ris1 of the &idder itself.
JD.I 'ate application !led after the deadline pursuant to %T& JD.J shall not be
JD.@ Within three 7D8 das of the receipt of application from the &idder0 pursuant
to %T& JD.J0 the ,eview Committee shall notif the CD(C to furnish its
procurement proceedin)s and comments on the issue0 pursuant to %T&
JD.A Within three 7D8 das of receipt of the noti!cation pursuant to %T& JD.@0 the
*ublic 9ntit shall furnish the cop of the related documents alon) with its
comment or reaction of complaint to the ,eview Committee.
JD.B The ,eview Committee0 after in-uirin) from the &idder and CD(C0 if
needed0 shall )ive its decision within one 7?8 month after receivin) the
application !led b the &idder0 pursuant to %T& JD.J.
JD.M The &idder0 !lin) application pursuant to %T& JD.J0 shall have to furnish a
cash amount or &an1 )uarantee s stted in ,DS with the validit period
of at least ninet 7M>8 das from the date of the !lin) of application
pursuant to %T& JD.J. Application !led without furnishin) the securit
deposit shall not be processed.
JD.?> %f the claim made b the &idder pursuant to %T& JD.J is 4usti!ed0 the
,eview Committee shall have to return the securit deposit to the
applicant0 pursuant to %T& JD.M0 within seven 7A8 das of such decision
JD.??%f the claim made b the &idder pursuant to %T& JD.J is re4ected b the
,eview Committee0 the securit deposit submitted b the &idder pursuant to
%T& JD.M shall be forfeited.
End of Se?tion I' Intru?tion to Bidder 1ITB2
30.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion II' Bid Data S3eet
:. Introdu?tion
ITB *.* $ame of the *urchaser: CDS nd Clerin" 2td.
ITB ,.* Tender $o.: CD(C/>?/>@A:@B
ITB ,.* $ame of the *ro4ect: (uppl0 Deliver0 %nstallation and
Commissionin) of the ;ardware and (stem (oftware for
settin) up of Central Depositor and Clearin) and (ettlement
(stem in $epal
B. Bidding Do?u!ent
ITB 0.* "or ?lariA?ation purpoe onl0 the *urchaserHs address is:
Attention: /i4aa #urun)0
$ame of the *urchaser: CD( and Clearin) 'td.
Cit/Town: Qathmandu
District: Qathmandu
Countr: $epal
Telephone: T MAA ? JGI>AIM
"acsimile $umber: TMAA ? JG@GIDB
9lectronic Mail Address: v)urun)
ITB 0.* The purchaser will respond in writin) to an re-uest for
clari!cation provided that such re-uest is received no later
than four 182 das prior to the deadline date for submission of
ITB 0., *re:&id meetin) shall be or)ani<ed.
*re:&id meetin) will ta1e place0 it will be at the followin) date0
time and place:
Date' ,-**&(e)&,*
Ti!e' <'-- 4M
4la?e' Nepal Sto?F ED?3ange Li!ited, Sing3adur)ar
4la5a, 6at3!andu, Nepal
C. 4reparation of Bid
ITB **.* The lan)ua)e of the &id is: 9n)lish
ITB *,.* 132 The &idder shall submit the followin) additional documents
with its &id: Manufacturer Authori<ation from the manufacturer
of the o5ered )oods0 if the &idder itself is not a manufacturer
of o5ered )oods.
31.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
ITB *+./ The &idders shall submit:
Cop of "irm ,e)istration Certi!cate
Cop of &usiness ,e)istration Certi!cate
Cop of /AT and *A$ ,e)istration Certi!cate0
Cop of Ta. Clearance Certi!cate or Ta. returns
submission evidence for the "/V G>@I/@@.
A written declaration made b the bidder0 with a
statement that s/he is not ineli)ible to participate in the
procurement proceedin)s3 has no con6ict of interest in
the proposed procurement proceedin)s0 and has not been
punished for a profession or business related o5ense.
ITB *7., A ManufacturerHs Authori<ation letter is onl re-uired for the
followin) items:
7i8 (erver0 7ii8 (an switch0
ITB ,-.* The bid shall be valid until Kune G0 G>??.
ITB ,*.* The &idder shall furnish a bid securit0 from OAO class
commercial ban1 with $rs M0I>0>>>/W X$rs. $ine ;undred "ift
Thousand OnlY 0 which shall be valid until Kul G0G>??.
ITB ,*., %f the &idder wishes to submit the &id (ecurit in the form of
cash0 the cash should be deposited in Deposit Account $o
*+0<9,8-*---,8 of CDS and Clearing Ltd. at Nepal SBI
BanF Ltd. , Ne# %oad Bran?3 and submit the receipt of the
deposited amount of cash alon) with the bid.
D. Su)!iion and Opening of Bid
ITB ,8.* "or bid submission purposes onl0 the *urchaserHs address is :
CD( and Clearin) 'td.0 (in)h Durbar *la<a0 Qathmandu0 $epal
ITB ,8.* The deadline for bid submission is:
Date: "ebruar GD0 G>??3 Time: ?G.JI hrs.
ITB ,8.* %f the last date of purchasin)0 submission and openin) of &id
falls on a )overnment holida then the ne.t wor1in) da shall
be considered as the last da without an chan)e in the time
and place as !.ed.
ITB ,+.* The bid openin) shall ta1e place at: CD( and Clearin) 'td.0
(in)h Durbar *la<a0 Qathmandu0 $epal
Date: "ebruar GD0 G>??
Time: ?D.>> hrs
*lace: $epal (toc1 9.chan)e 'td.0 (in)h Durbar *la<a0
Qathmandu0 $epal
E. Evaluation and Co!parion of Bid
(. :#ard of Contra?t
ITB 8<.< $o application can be submitted before the ,eview Committee
for review a)ainst the decision made b the chief of the *ublic
9ntit for the bid amount up to the value of $epalese ,upees
D>0>>>0>>> 7thirt million8
32.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
ITB 8<.7 The &idder0 !lin) application pursuant to %T& JD.J0 shall have
to furnish a cash amount or &an1 )uarantee e-ual to >.IS of
its bid price.
9nd of (ection %%: &D(
33.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion III. @ualiA?ation Criteria
34.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Qualification Criteria
a8 The o5ered )oods/e-uipment shall be latest and in current
production for a minimum of G ears. %f the o5ered model is a
new0 the manufacturer must have e.perience in producin) the
similar model for a minimum of G ears.
b8 The &idder shall have a minimum of last !ve 7I8 ears overall
e.perience in the suppl of #oods and related services.
c8 The bidder shall furnish a list of users who had purchased
same/similar )oods/e-uipment in last D ears0 and number of
e-uipment sold to them. The names and addresses of the
administrators where those supplies are made shall be provided0 alon)
with names0 telephone numbers0 email = fa. numbers of the contact
persons of those operators and/or administrations.
d8 The &idder shall have a minimum of last three 7D8 ears speci!c
e.perience in the suppl of similar #oods and related services of
nature0 and -uantit to )overnment enterprises or private
institutions. The bidder shall have the e.perience of installation0
testin) = commissionin) of the o5ered brand of )oods for at least
three 7D8 ears on the date of bid openin). &idder shall provide
user certi!cates from !ve 7I8 user administrations in $epal for
suppl0 deliver0 installation and commissionin) of o5ered brand
of )oods and satisfactor support of the o5ered brand of )oods.
e8 The avera)e annual turnover of &idder durin) last three ears $,s.
f8 The $et worth of the &idder should be positive as on the end of
"iscal ear G>@I/@@ to 4ustif the reputation and !nancial
worthiness of the &idder. The latest audited &alance (heet of last
three ears should be attached with the bid precedin) "V G>@I/@@.
)8 The &idder should have at least two certi!ed en)ineer emploed.
The details of the en)ineers so emploed should be provided alon)
with the bid.
h8 The &idder shall submit ManufacturerHs %(O M>>> series certi!cate
for production of o5ered )oods.
35.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion IB. Bidding (or!
36.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion IB. Bidding (or!
Ta)le of (or!
Sample Form 1: Bid Sumi!!ion Form""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""38
#$%e Bidder !%all accompli!% t%e Bid Sumi!!ion Form in it! &etter 'ead
Clearl( !%o)in* t%e Bidder! Complete name and addre!!+""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""38
Sample Form 2: Bidder,! -nformation Form""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""40
Sample Form 4: ./era*e .nnual $urno/er Form""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""42
Sample Form 6: 0anufacturer1! .ut%ori2ation &etter"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""45
Section 3--" 4eneral Condition! of Contract"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""59
&etter of -ntent"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""95
&etter of .cceptance""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""96
37.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! *' Bid Su)!iion (or!
1T3e Bidder 3all a??o!pli3 t3e Bid Su)!iion (or! in it Letter "ead Clearly 3o#ing
t3e Bidder Co!plete na!e and addre2
Tender $o.:
We0 the undersi)ned0 declare that:
7a8 We have e.amined and have no reservations to the &iddin) Document0
includin) Addenda $o.: 3
7b8 We o5er to suppl in conformit with the &iddin) Document and in
accordance with the deliver schedule speci!ed in the (chedule of
,e-uirements0 the followin) #oods and ,elated (ervices:
7c8 The total price of our &id0 e.cludin) an discounts o5ered in item 7d8
below is:
7d8 The discounts o5ered are:

7e8 Our &id shall be valid for a period of ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ das
from the date !.ed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with
the &iddin) Document0 and it shall remain bindin) upon us and ma be
accepted at an time before the e.piration of that period3
7f8 %f our &id is accepted0 we commit to obtain a *erformance (ecurit in the
amount of ZZZZZZZpercent of the Contract *rice for the due performance
of the Contract3
7)8 We are not participatin)0 as &idders0 in more than one &id in this biddin)
process0 other than alternative o5ers in accordance with the &iddin)
7h8 Our !rm0 its a+liates or subsidiaries0 includin) an subcontractors or
suppliers for an part of the Contract0 has not been declared ineli)ible b
the #o$3
38.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
7i8 The followin) commissions0 )ratuities0 or fees0 if an0 have been paid or
are to be paid with respect to the biddin) process or e.ecution of the
Na!e of %e?ipient :ddre %eaon :!ount

7%f none has been paid or is to be paid0 indicate Enone.F8
748 We understand that this &id0 to)ether with our written acceptance
thereof included in our noti!cation of award0 shall constitute a bindin)
contract between us0 until a formal Contract is prepared and e.ecuted.
718 We understand that ou are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid
or an other bid that ou ma receive.
7l8 We declare that we are not ineli)ible to participate in the procurement
proceedin)s3 have no con6ict of interest in the proposed procurement
proceedin)s and have not been punished for a profession or business
related o5ense.
7m8 We a)ree to permit #o$ or its representative to inspect our accounts
and records and other documents relatin) to the bid submission and to
have them audited b auditors appointed b the #o$.
%n the capacit of
Dul authori<ed to si)n the &id for and on behalf of
39.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! ,' BidderJ Infor!ation (or!
[Te Bidder s!"" f"" in tis #or$. No !"ter!tions to its %or$!t s!"" &e
per$itted !nd no s'&stit'tions s!"" &e !ccepted. (n c!se o% )oint *ent're+
e!c p!rtner s!"" f"" te in%or$!tion in sep!r!te %or$.,
Date: ...................[insert d!te -!s d!.+ $ont !nd .e!r/ o% Bid S'&$issionY
*a)e ZZZZZZZZ ofZ ZZZZZZ pa)es
?. &idderHs 'e)al $ame
G &idderHs Address:
D &idderHs Countr of ,e)istration:
J. &idderHs Vear of ,e)istration:
I. &idderHs 'e)al Address in Countr
of ,e)istration
@. &idderHs Authori<ed
,epresentative %nformation:
Telephone/"a. numbers:
9mail Address
&idderHs Telephone/"a. numbers:
&idderHs 9mail Address:
:tta?3ed are ?opie of t3e follo#ing original
?. "irm ,e)istration Certi!cate
G. Authori<ation to represent the !rm
40.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! <' (inan?ial Situation (or!
(inan?ial Data for 4reviou < Oear 1in N%2
Oear *' Oear ,' Oear <'
Infor!ation fro! Balan?e S3eet
Total :et
Total Lia)ilitie
Net =ort3
Current :et
Current Lia)ilitie
Infor!ation fro! In?o!e State!ent
Total %evenue
4roAt Before
4roAt :fter TaDe
Attached are copies of !nancial statements 7balance sheets includin) all related notes0
and income statements8 for the last three or above ears0 as indicated above0 complin)
with the followin) conditions[
;istoric !nancial statements must be audited b a certi!ed accountant.
;istoric !nancial statements must be complete0 includin) all notes to the !nancial
;istoric !nancial statements must correspond to accountin) periods alread
completed and audited 7no statements for partial periods shall be re-uested or
41.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! 8' :verage :nnual Turnover (or!
The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the &idder in terms of the
amounts billed to clients for each ear for wor1 in pro)ress or completed to $,s at
the end of the period reported.
:nnual Turnover Data for t3e Lat < Oear
1in N%2
:verage :nnual
42.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! 9' Bid Se?urity
XThis is the format for the &id (ecurit to be issued on the letterhead b a
OAO class commercial ban1 speci!ed b $epal ,astra &an1Y
Dinsert ,n->s N!e, nd &ddress of Issuin" ,rn(+ or 9E(eF
Date' Dinsert dteF
BeneA?iary' Dinsert N!e nd &ddress of .ur(+serF
BID GU:%:NTEE No.' Dinsert nu!'erF
We have been informed that Dinsert n!e of t+e ,idderF 7hereinafter
called Othe &idderO8 intends to submit its bid to ou 7hereinafter called
Othe &idO8 for the e.ecution of Dinsert n!e of (ontr(tF under
%nvitation for &ids $o. Dinsert I1, nu!'er, 7Ethe %"&F8.
"urthermore0 we understand that0 accordin) to our conditions0 bids must
be supported b a bid )uarantee.
At the re-uest of the &idder0 we Dinsert n!e of ,n-F hereb
irrevocabl underta1e to pa ou an sum or sums not e.ceedin) in total
an amount of Dinsert !ount in 8"uresFDinsert !ount in $ordsF
upon receipt b us of our !rst demand in writin) accompanied b a
written statement statin) that the &idder is in breach of its obli)ation7s8
under the bid conditions0 because the &idder:
7a8 has withdrawn its &id durin) the period of bid validit
speci!ed b the &idder in the "orm of &id3 or
7b8 havin) been noti!ed of the acceptance of its &id b the
0'rc!ser durin) the period of bid validit0 7i8 fails or
refuses to e.ecute the Contract0 if re-uired0 or 7ii8 fails or
refuses to furnish the performance securit0 in
accordance with the %T&.
This )uarantee will e.pire: 7a8 if the &idder is the successful &idder0 upon
our receipt of copies of the contract si)ned b the &idder and the
performance securit issued to ou upon the instruction of the &idder3
and 7b8 if the &idder is not the successful &idder0 upon the earlier of 7i8 our
receipt of a cop of our noti!cation to the &idder of the name of the
successful &idder3 or 7ii8 thirt 7D>8 das after the e.piration of the
&idderHs bid which comes to be Dinsert t+e dteF.
Conse-uentl0 an demand for pament under this )uarantee must be
received b us at the o+ce on or before that date.
43.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
%n the capacit of
Dul authori<ed to si)n the &id (ecurit for and on behalf of
44.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Sa!ple (or! /' Manufa?turerN :ut3ori5ation
XThis letter of authori<ation should be on the letterhead of the
manufacturer and should be si)ned b the person with the proper
authorit to si)n documents that are bindin) on the manufacturerY
%"& $o.:
o+cial manufacturers of
submit a &id in relation to the %nvitation for &ids indicated above0 the
purpose of which is e.clusivel to provide the followin) #oods0
manufactured b us ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ and to subse-uentl
ne)otiate and si)n the Contract.
We hereb e.tend our full )uarantee and warrant in accordance with
Clause GA of the #eneral Conditions of Contract0 with respect to the
#oods o5ered b the above !rm in repl to this %nvitation for &ids.
%n the capacit of:
Dul authori<ed to si)n the Authori<ation for and on behalf of
45.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion B. S?3edule of
%eCuire!ent 7(O,8
Tender No. CDSC.-*.-/+&/0 for Supply, Delivery, Intallation and
Co!!iioning of "ard#are and Syte! Soft#are for Setting up of
Central Depoitory and Clearing and Settle!ent Syte! in Nepal.
Ite! De?ription Total @uantity
I Good
* Dt Centre 0<uip!ent
?.? Database (erver ,
?.G Central (tora)e *
?.D (A$ (witch ,
?.J &ac1up = (tora)e Mana)ement (erver *
?.I Tape 'ibrar *
?.@ &ac1up (oftware *
?.A (erver ,ac1 *
?.B Console *
?.M Development and Trainin) (erver *
, Client 0nviron!ent 3Ge<uired t Nepl
G.? (erver *
G.G Des1top *9
G.D O( (or ea?3 erver
< 2o$ 0nd Net$or- =ono(+ro!e 2ser 5et
J (canner with AD" ,
9 Ot3er Ite!
I.? 4rogra!!ing Language 1%eCuired for
Develop!ent only2
MS Biual Bai?.Net ,--, 1.Net
fra!e#orF *.-2
MS Biual Bai? 9.-./.-, Biual C PP/.-
1Biual Studio /.-2
%un&ti!e environ!ent li?ene i not
* Set
I.G %eporting Tool
Crytal %eport ,--0&* ?opy
1develop!ent only2
* Set
@ (ire#all
@.? :S:99*-&:I4*-S4&67
Cisco A(A II?> with A%*:((M:?>0 G#9TD"90 (W0
46.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
;A0DD9(/A9(0 (9C *'L( /or 9-uivalent
@.G :S:&B4N&CLNT&67
Cisco /*$ Client (oftware 7Windows0 (olaris0
'inu.0 Mac8/ or 9-uivalent
@.D :S:99*-&SEC&4L
A(A II?> (ecurit *lus 'icense w/ ;A0 #90 more
/'A$s T cons/or 9-uivalent
@.J S(&:S:&0.,&60
A(A II>> (eries (oftware vB.G/ Or 9-uivalent
@.I S(&:S:&:I4&/.-&67
A(A II>> (eries A%* (oftware @.> for (ecurit
(ervice Modules/ or 9-uivalent
@.@ C:B&:CE
AC *ower Cord 79urope80 C?D0 C99 A0 ?.IM/or
@.A CON&SU*&:S*:*467
%*( (/C0 A, $&D A(AII?>:A%*?>(*:QM
A =:N %outer
A.? CISCO,79*.67
Cisco GMI? w/D #90J 9;W%C0D D(*0G (M0GI@M&
C"0I?GM& D,AM0%*&/or 9-uivalent
A.G IS%&CC4&E;4
Cisco Con!) *ro on ,outer "lash/ or
A.D MEM&,79*&9*,MB&DE(
I?GM& D,AM 7? I?GM& D%MM8 for Cisco GMI? %(,
7Default8/ or 9-uivalent
A.J MEM&C(&,9/MB
GI@M& Compact "lash for Cisco ?M>>0 GM>>0 DM>>
%(,/or 9-uivalent
A.I 4=%&,7,*&9*&:C
Cisco GMG?/GMI? AC *ower (uppl/or 9-uivalent
A.@ S,79*U67&*9--*M
Cisco GMI? %O( L$%/9,(A'/or 9-uivalent
A.A SL&,7&I4B&67
%* &ase 'icense for Cisco GM>?:GMI?/or
A.B C:B&:CS:
AC *ower Cord 7%ndia/(outh Africa80 C?D0 &( IJ@0
Console Cable @ft with ,KJI and D&M"
A.?> CON&SNT&,79*
(MA,T$9T BNIN$&D Cisco GMI? w/D #9/or
A.?? "=IC&*CE*T*&4%I
? port channeli<ed T?/9? and *,% ;W%C 7data
A.?G "=IC&*(E
?:port ?>/?>> ,outed *ort ;W%C
B Ethernet Switch
B.? Cisco Catalst GM@>( GJ #i)90 J . ("* 'A$ &ase ,
47.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
with cascade cables/ or 9-uivalent
B Servi?e
? Trainin) for ?> Wor1in) Das 9 peron
G %nstallation0 Testin) and Commissionin) * Lot
D Warrant * Oear
J 9.tended Warrant < Oear
The bidder shall provide all the items which are not mentioned above but
necessar to run the sstem for each sstem. The price shall be considered for
End of Se?tion B
48.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BI' S?3edule of 4ri?e 1SO42 (or Good
and Servi?e



Unit 4ri?e
Store in
In N%.
Total 4ri?e
Store in
u In N%.
4ood! #'ard)are 7
Dt Centre

*.* Database (erver Set ,
*., Central (tora)e Set *
*.< (A$ (witch Set ,
&ac1up = (tora)e
Mana)ement (erver
Set *
*.9 Tape 'ibrar Set *
*./ &ac1up (oftware Set *
*.+ (erver ,ac1 Set *
*.0 Console Set *
Development and
Trainin) (erver
Set *
& Su' Totl of 1
Client 0nviron!ent
3Ge<uired t Nepl
,.* (erver Set *
,., Des1top Set *9
,.< O( Set *
, Su' Totl of 6
49.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.



Unit 4ri?e
Store in
In N%.
Total 4ri?e
Store in
u In N%.
2o$ 0nd Net$or-
=ono(+ro!e 2ser
5et .rinter
Set *
(ub total of
8 S(nner $it+ &D1 Set ,
(ub total of
9 9t+er Ite!s
I.? *ro)rammin) 'an)ua)e
7re-uired for
development onl8
M( /isual &asic.$et
G>>G 7.$et framewor1
M( /isual &asic I.>/@.>0
/isual CTT @.> 7visual
(tudio @.>8
,un:time environment
licence is not re-uired
Set *
I.G ,eportin) Tool
Crstal ,eport G>>B R ?
cop 7development onl8
et *
(ub total of
@ Firewall
@.? :S:99*-&:I4*-S4&67
Cisco A(A II?> with A%*:
((M:?>0 G#9TD"90 (W0
Set ,
50.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.



Unit 4ri?e
Store in
In N%.
Total 4ri?e
Store in
u In N%.
;A0DD9(/A9(0 (9C *'L(/
Or 9-uivalent
@.G :S:&B4N&CLNT&67
Cisco /*$ Client
(oftware 7Windows0
(olaris0 'inu.0 Mac8/ or
Set ,
@.D :S:99*-&SEC&4L
A(A II?> (ecurit *lus
'icense w/ ;A0 #90 more
/'A$s T cons /Or
Set ,
@.J S(&:S:&0.,&60
A(A II>> (eries
(oftware vB.G/or
Set ,
@.I S(&:S:&:I4&/.-&67
A(A II>> (eries A%*
(oftware @.> for (ecurit
(ervice Modules/ Or
Set ,
@.@ C:B&:CE
AC *ower Cord 79urope80
C?D0 C99 A0 ?.IM/Or
Set ,
@.A CON&SU*&:S*:*467
%*( (/C0 A, $&D
Set ,
(ub total of
A =:N %outer
A.? CISCO,79*.67
Cisco GMI? w/D #90J
9;W%C0D D(*0G
Set ,
51.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.



Unit 4ri?e
Store in
In N%.
Total 4ri?e
Store in
u In N%.
(M0GI@M& C"0I?GM&
D,AM0%*&/ or 9-uivalent
A.G IS%&CC4&E;4
Cisco Con!) *ro
on ,outer "lash/or
Set ,
A.D MEM&,79*&9*,MB&
I?GM& D,AM 7? I?GM&
D%MM8 for Cisco GMI?
%(, 7Default8/Or
Set ,
A.J MEM&C(&,9/MB
GI@M& Compact "lash
for Cisco ?M>>0 GM>>0
DM>> %(,/ or 9-uivalent
Set ,
A.I 4=%&,7,*&9*&:C
Cisco GMG?/GMI? AC
*ower (uppl/ or
Set ,
A.@ S,79*U67&*9--*M
Cisco GMI? %O(
L$%/9,(A'/ or
Set ,
A.A SL&,7&I4B&67
%* &ase 'icense for
Cisco GM>?:GMI?/Or
Set ,
A.B C:B&:CS:
AC *ower Cord
7%ndia/(outh Africa80
C?D0 &( IJ@0 ?.Bm
Set ,
Console Cable @ft with
,KJI and D&M"
Set ,
A.?> CON&SNT&,79* Set ,
52.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.



Unit 4ri?e
Store in
In N%.
Total 4ri?e
Store in
u In N%.
Cisco GMI? w/D #9/ or
A.?? "=IC&*CE*T*&4%I
? port channeli<ed T?/9?
and *,% ;W%C 7data
Set ,
A.?G "=IC&*(E
?:port ?>/?>> ,outed
*ort ;W%C
Set 8
(ub total of
B Ethernet Switch
B.? Cisco Catalst GM@>( GJ
#i)90 J . ("* 'A$ &ase
with cascade cables
Set ,
(ub total of
I Su' Totl of .rt-I 3& to #4
? Trainin) for ?> wor1in)
4eron 9
%nstallation0 Testin) and
Lot *
< Warrant (ervices Oear *
9.tended Warrant
Oear <
5 Su'totl of .rt-II
H Totl 3I I 54
2 J&T
= )rnd Totl of .rt-I nd .rt-II in(ludin" J&T
53.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Totl .ri(e CI. CDSC Store. Ht+!ndu in Neplese Gupees
KKKKKKKK.. 3 In 1i"ure 4
Date: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
O+cial seal
1. Unit price s!"" inc"'de !"" c'sto$ d'ties !nd t!1es+ tr!nsport!tion
cost to te fn!" destin!tion !nd ins'r!nce cost.
2. Tis Sced'"e o% 0rices -SO0/ s!"" &e d'". f""ed+ signed !"ong 2it d!te
!nd st!$ped 2it o3ci!" se!". Bid 2it Sced'"e o% 0rices -SO0/ not d'".
f""ed !nd 2ito't sign!t're+ d!te !nd o3ci!" st!$p s!"" &e re)ected !nd
not &e considered %or e*!"'!tion.
3. Te Bidder s!"" 4'ote price in !ccord!nce 2it (TB 15.
4. Te &idder s!"" pro*ide !"" te ite$s 2ic !re not $entioned !&o*e &'t
necess!r. to r'n te s.ste$ %or e!c s.ste$. Te price s!"" &e considered
%or e*!"'!tion.
Se?tion BI' S?3edule of 4ri?e 1SO42 (or Good
and Servi?e
Bill of @uantity 1BO@2
Spe?iA?ation @uantit
Unit CI4
Total CI4
* Dt Center 0<uip!ent
*.* Dt'se Server G
: G . %ntel @J bit 9*%C processor based sstem with %tanium
*rocessor0 2uad Core ?.@ #;<0 G>M& 'D cache or hi)her.
: Minimum DG #& re)istered / full &u5ered DD,D Memor
with advanced 9CC. Memor should be scalable to min M@#&.
54.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
: *C%:e based Dual port B#bps "C ;&A with each connection
via separate "C switches.
: J . ?/?> #i)abit 9thernet ports on:board or via full
bandwidth *C%:e/*C%:. card for each port. All ports must be
auto sensin) for ?>#/?# operations.
: G . D>>#& ?>Q ,*M ("" (A( ;DD
: D/D ,OM
: ?@>#& DAT Drive with (A( interface
: ,edundant hot swap power suppl
: ,ac1 mount 1it
;i)h Availabilit Operatin) 9nvironment media and license
: All documentation in D/D
?.G Centrl Stor"e
: Dual redundant controller with minimum G #& cache per
: J . J#b "C ;ost *orts
: "C ?IQ ,*M dis1 of JI> #& capacit0 usable space should
be D.I T& after ,A%D I ad ::: (ATA/"ATA A.GQ ,*M dis1s of :::?
T&::: capacit with B T& usable capacit after ,A%D I.
: (napshot capabilit
: The stora)e should support clusterin) of servers
environment mentioned in %tem (l. ?

?.D (A$ (witch
: B . J#b "C *orts up)radable to GJ *orts

?.J &ac1up = (tora)e Mana)ement (erver
: %ntel Neon .DJJ> *rocessor0 G.ID#;<0 BM& cache
: J #& DD,D ,AM
: ?>/?>>/?>>>&aseT. 9thernet *orts
: G . D>> #& ?>Q ,*M (A( ;DD
: J#b Dual *ort "C ;&A
: D/D:,OM
: ,ac1 "orm factor
: Windows G>>D (erver O( with D> CA'(

?.I Tape 'ibrar
: G . 'TO J "C Tape 'ibrar

?.@ &ac1up Mana)ement (oftware for online 'A$ free bac1up of
Database (ervers and online bac1up a)ent for Oracle ,D&M(

?.A (erver ,ac1
JGL (erver ,ac1 with perforated steel front and rear doors0
,edundant *DL0 B *ort Q/M switch0 1eboard0 Mouse and
foldable Monitor for servers
?.B Console
? L T"T "oldable ?A.I inch with B port L(& Q/M (witch
55.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
?.M Development = Trainin) (erver
:G . %ntel @J bit 9*%C processor based sstem with %tanium
*rocessor0 2uad Core ?.@#;<0 G>M& 'D cache or hi)her.
:Minimum DG #& re)istered / full &u5ered DD,D Memor
with advanced 9CC. Memor should be scalable to min M@#&.
: *C%:e based Dual port B#bps "C ;&A with each connection
via separate "C switches.
:J . ?/?> #i)abit 9thernet ports on:board or via full
bandwidth *C%:e/*C%:. card for each port. All ports must be
auto sensin) for ?>#/?# operations.
: G . D>>#& ?>Q ,*M ("" (A( ;DD
: D/D ,OM
: ,edundant hot swap power suppl
:@J bit Lni. Operatin) (stem.
: ?IO T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
: All documentation in D/D
G Client 9nvironment 7,e-uired at $epal Depositor8
G.? (erver
: %ntel Neon .DJJ> *rocessor0 G.ID#;<0 BM& cache
: G #& DD,D ,AM
: ?>/?>>/?>>>&aseT. 9thernet *orts
: G . ?J@#& ?>Q ,*M (A( ;DD
: D/D:,OM
: Windows G>>D (tandard 9dition with re-uired CA'(
: ?IO T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
G.G Des1top
: %ntel *entium Dual Core processor 9ID>> or hi)her ?I
: Minimum ? #& DD,D ,AM
: ?>/?>> baseT. 9thernet *orts
: D/D:,OM
: Windows N* *rofessional
: ?IO T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
G.D O( "or
M( (2' G>>I 7Lpto I Lsers per D*80 or M( (2'
(erver G>>I (td 9dition 7for over I8
D 'ow 9nd Monochrome 'aser Ket *rinter ?
J (canner with AD" G
I Other %tems
I.? *ro)rammin) 'an)ua)e 7re-uired for development onl8
M( /isual &asic.$et G>>G 7.$et framewor1 ?.>80
M( /isual &asic I.>/@.>0 /isual CTT @.> 7visual (tudio @.>8
,un:time environment license is not re-uired
56.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
I.G ,eportin) Tool
Crstal ,eport G>>B R ? cop 7development onl8
@ Firewall
@.? :S:99*-&:I4*-S4&67
Cisco A(A II?> with A%*:((M:?>0 G#9TD"90 (W0
;A0DD9(/A9(0 (9C *'L(/or 9-uivalent
@.G :S:&B4N&CLNT&67
Cisco /*$ Client (oftware 7Windows0 (olaris0 'inu.0 Mac8/or
@.D :S:99*-&SEC&4L
A(A II?> (ecurit *lus 'icense w/ ;A0 #90 more /'A$s T
cons/or 9-uivalent
@.J S(&:S:&0.,&60
A(A II>> (eries (oftware vB.G/or 9-uivalent
@.I S(&:S:&:I4&/.-&67
A(A II>> (eries A%* (oftware @.> for (ecurit (ervice
Modules/ or 9-uivalent
@.@ C:B&:CE
AC *ower Cord 79urope80 C?D0 C99 A0 ?.IM/or 9-uivalent
@.A CON&SU*&:S*:*467
%*( (/C0 A, $&D A(AII?>:A%*?>(*:QM/ or 9-uivalent
A WAN Router
A.? CISCO,79*.67
Cisco GMI? w/D #90J 9;W%C0D D(*0G (M0GI@M& C"0I?GM&
D,AM0%*&/ or 9-uivalent
A.G IS%&CC4&E;4
Cisco Con!) *ro on ,outer "lash/ or 9-uivalent
A.D MEM&,79*&9*,MB&DE(
I?GM& D,AM 7? I?GM& D%MM8 for Cisco GMI? %(, 7Default8/
or 9-uivalent
A.J MEM&C(&,9/MB
GI@M& Compact "lash for Cisco ?M>>0 GM>>0 DM>> %(,/ or
A.I 4=%&,7,*&9*&:C
Cisco GMG?/GMI? AC *ower (uppl/ or 9-uivalent
A.@ S,79*U67&*9--*M
Cisco GMI? %O( L$%/9,(A'/or 9-uivalent
A.A SL&,7&I4B&67
%* &ase 'icense for Cisco GM>?:GMI?/ or 9-uivalent
A.B C:B&:CS:
AC *ower Cord 7%ndia/(outh Africa80 C?D0 &( IJ@0 ?.Bm
Console Cable @ft with ,KJI and D&M"/ or 9-uivalent
(MA,T$9T BNIN$&D Cisco GMI? w/D #9/ or 9-uivalent
? port channeli<ed T?/9? and *,% ;W%C 7data onl8
?:port ?>/?>> ,outed *ort ;W%C
8 Ethernet Switch
8.1 Cisco Catalst GM@>( GJ #i)90 J . ("* 'A$ &ase with cascade
cables/ or 9-uivalent
57.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
End of Se?tion BI' SO4
58.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BII. General Condition of
59.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BII. General Condition of
Ta)le of Claue
a+ t%e term 8in )ritin*9 mean! communicated in )ritten form and
deli/ered a*ain!t receipt: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""10
+ if; t%e conte<t !o re=uire!; !in*ular mean! plural and /ice /er!a: and " 10
c+ 8da(9 mean! calendar da(""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""10
#a+ define!; for t%e purpo!e! of t%i! pro/i!ion; t%e term! !et fort% elo) a!
#aa+ delieratel( de!tro(in*; fal!if(in*; alterin* or concealin* of e/idence
material to t%e in/e!ti*ation or ma>in* fal!e !tatement! to in/e!ti*ator! in
order to materiall( impede a C?SC@4oA in/e!ti*ation into alle*ation! of a
corrupt; fraudulent; coerci/e or collu!i/e practice: and@or t%reatenin*;
%ara!!in* or intimidatin* an( part( to pre/ent it from di!clo!in* it!
>no)led*e of matter! rele/ant to t%e in/e!ti*ation or from pur!uin* t%e
in/e!ti*ation: or""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""11
#+ act! intended to materiall( impede t%e e<erci!e of t%e C?SC@4oA1!
in!pection and audit ri*%t! pro/ided for under !u6clau!e -$B 3"5 elo)""11
#+ )ill reBect id#!+ if it determine! t%at t%e idder %a!; directl( or t%rou*%
an a*ent; en*a*ed in corrupt; fraudulent; collu!i/e; coerci/e; or o!tructi/e
practice! in competin* for t%e contract in =ue!tion:"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""11
#c+ )ill !anction a firm or indi/idual; includin* declarin* ineli*ile; for a
!tated period of time; to e a)arded a contract if it at an( time determine!
t%at t%e firm %a!; directl( or t%rou*% an a*ent; en*a*ed in corrupt;
fraudulent; collu!i/e; coerci/e; or o!tructi/e practice! in competin* for; or
in e<ecutin*; a contract""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""11
60.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
#a+ all partner! !%all e Bointl( and !e/erall( liale for t%e e<ecution of t%e
Contract in accordance )it% t%e Contract term!" $%e =ualification
re=uirement of t%e partie! to t%e C3 !%all e a! !pecified in t%e B?S; and"12
#+ t%e C3 !%all nominate a Depre!entati/e )%o !%all %a/e t%e aut%orit( to
conduct all u!ine!! for and on e%alf of an( and all t%e partie! of t%e C3
durin* t%e iddin* proce!! and; in t%e e/ent t%e C3 i! a)arded t%e
Contract; durin* Contract e<ecution""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12
#a+ t%e( %a/e controllin* partner! in common: or"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12
#+ t%e( recei/e or %a/e recei/ed an( direct or indirect !u!id( from an( of
t%em: or"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12
#c+ t%e( %a/e t%e !ame le*al repre!entati/e for purpo!e! of t%i! id: or"""""12
#d+ t%e( %a/e a relation!%ip )it% eac% ot%er; directl( or t%rou*% common
t%ird partie!; t%at put! t%em in a po!ition to %a/e acce!! to information
aout or influence on t%e Bid of anot%er Bidder; or influence t%e deci!ion!
of t%e C?SC re*ardin* t%i! iddin* proce!!: or""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12
#e+ a Bidder participate! in more t%an one id in t%i! iddin* proce!!"
5articipation ( a Bidder in more t%an one Bid )ill re!ult in t%e
di!=ualification of all Bid! in )%ic% t%e part( i! in/ol/ed" 'o)e/er; t%i!
doe! not limit t%e inclu!ion of t%e !ame !u Contractor in more t%an one
id: or """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""12
a Bidder or an( of it! affiliate! participated a! a con!ultant in t%e
preparation of t%e de!i*n or tec%nical !pecification! of t%e Contract t%at i!
t%e !uBect of t%e Bid""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""13
#a+ori*inal cop( of an unconditional an> *uarantee from E.E cla!!
commercial an> or: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""20
#+ori*inal cop( of ca!% depo!it /ouc%er in t%e C?SC,! .ccount a!
!pecified in B?S""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""20
Clau!e Ao"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""66
61.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
62.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
63.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
64.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
65.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
66.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BII. General Condition of
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
? DeAnition
The followin) words and e.pressions shall have the
meanin)s hereb assi)ned to them:
MContr(tN means the A)reement entered into between
the *urchaser and the (upplier0 to)ether with the Contract
Documents referred to therein0 includin) all attachments0
appendices0 and all documents incorporated b reference
MContr(t Do(u!entsN means the documents listed in
the A)reement0 includin) an amendments thereto.
MContr(t .ri(eN means the price paable to the (upplier
as speci!ed in the A)reement0 sub4ect to such additions
and ad4ustments thereto or deductions there from0 as ma
be made pursuant to the Contract.
MDyN means calendar da.
MDeliveryN means the transfer of the #oods from the
(upplier to the *urchaser in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.
MCo!pletionN means the ful!llment of the ,elated
(ervices b the (upplier in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract.
M)CCN means the #eneral Conditions of Contract.
M)oodsN means all of the ;ardware and (oftware that the
(upplier is re-uired to suppl to the *urchaser under the
M.ur(+ser>s CountryN is the countr speci!ed in the
(pecial Conditions of Contract 7(CC8.
M.ur(+serN means the entit purchasin) the #oods and
67.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
,elated (ervices0 as speci!ed in the (CC.
MServi(esN means the services incidental to the suppl of
the )oods0 such as insurance0 installation0 trainin) and
initial maintenance and other similar obli)ations of the
(upplier under the Contract.
MSCCN means the (pecial Conditions of Contract.
MSu'(ontr(torN means an natural person0 private or
)overnment entit0 or a combination of the above0 includin) its
le)al successors or permitted assi)ns0 to whom an part of the
#oods to be supplied or e.ecution of an part of the ,elated
(ervices is subcontracted b the (upplier.
MSupplierN means the natural person0 private or )overnment
entit0 or a combination of the above0 whose bid to perform
the Contract has been accepted b the *urchaser and is
named as such in the A)reement0 and includes the le)al
successors or permitted assi)ns of the (upplier.
M)oNN means the #overnment of $epal.
ET+e Site0F where applicable0 means the place named in the (CC.
G Contra?t Do?u!ent
(ub4ect to the order of precedence set forth in the A)reement0
all documents formin) the Contract 7and all parts thereof8 are
intended to be correlative0 complementar0 and mutuall
D (raud and Corruption
D.? %f the *urchaser determines that the (upplier has
en)a)ed in corrupt0 fraudulent0 collusive0
coercive or obstructive practices0 in competin)
for or in e.ecutin) the Contract0 then the
*urchaser ma0 after )ivin) ?J das notice to
the (upplier0 terminate the (upplierCs
emploment under the Contract and the
provisions of Clause DJ.? shall appl.
D.G Without pre4udice to an other ri)hts of the *urchaser under
this Contract0 #o$ ma blac1list the &idder/(upplier for its
conduct up to three 7D8 ears on the followin) )rounds and
seriousness of the act committed b the &idder/(upplier:
(a) if it is established that the (upplier has committed
substantial defect in implementation of the Contract or
68.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
has or has not substantiall ful!lled its obli)ations
under the Contract
"or the purposes of this (ub:Clause:
7i8 Ecorrupt practiceF is the o5erin)0 )ivin)0 receivin) or
solicitin)0 directl or indirectl0 of anthin) of value to
in6uence improperl the actions of another part3
7ii8 Efraudulent practiceF
is an act or omission0 includin)
a misrepresentation0 that 1nowin)l or rec1lessl
misleads0 or attempts to mislead0 a part to obtain a
!nancial or other bene!t or to avoid an obli)ation3
7iii8 Ecollusive practiceF
is an arran)ement between two or
more parties desi)ned to achieve an improper purpose0
includin) to in6uence improperl the actions of another
7iv8 Ecoercive practiceF
is impairin) or harmin)0 or
threatenin) to impair or harm0 directl or indirectl0 an
part or the propert of the part to in6uence improperl
the actions of a part3
7v8 Eobstructive practiceF is
7aa8 deliberatel destroin)0 falsifin)0 alterin) or
concealin) of evidence material to the investi)ation or
ma1in) false statements to investi)ators in order to
materiall impede a #o$/D* investi)ation into alle)ations
of a corrupt0 fraudulent0 coercive or collusive practice3
and/or threatenin)0 harassin) or intimidatin) an part to
prevent it from disclosin) its 1nowled)e of matters
relevant to the investi)ation or from pursuin) the
investi)ation3 or
7ab8 acts intended to materiall impede the e.ercise of the
#o$/D*Hs inspection and audit ri)hts provided for under
%T& Clause D.I and #CC Clause GI.
Without pre4udice to an other ri)hts of the *urchaser under
this Contract0 #o$ ma )la?Flit a &idder/(upplier for its
conduct for a period of one 7?8 to three 7D8 ears on the
a party refers to a public official; the terms benefit and obligation relate to the
procurement process or contract eecution; and the act or omission is intended to influence the
procurement process or contract eecution.
parties refers to participants in the procurement process (including public officials)
attempting to establish bid prices at artificial! non competiti"e le"els.
a party refers to a participant in the procurement process or contract eecution.
69.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
followin) )rounds and seriousness of the act committed b
the bidder:
b8 if it is established that the (upplier committed acts
speci!ed in %T& D.G0
c8 if it is established later that the &idder has committed
substantial defect in implementation of the contract or
has not substantiall ful!lled its obli)ations under the
contract or the completed wor1 is not of the speci!ed
-ualit as per the contract.
J Interpretation
J.? %f the conte.t so re-uires it0 sin)ular means plural and vice
J.G In?o ter!
7a8 The meanin) of an trade term and the ri)hts and
obli)ations of parties there under shall be as prescribed
b %nco terms.
7b8 9NW shall be )overned b the rules prescribed in the
current edition of %nco terms0 published b the
%nternational Chamber of Commerce at the date of the
%nvitation for &ids or as speci!ed in the (CC.
J.D Entire :gree!ent
The Contract constitutes the entire a)reement between the
*urchaser and the (upplier and supersedes all
communications0 ne)otiations and a)reements 7whether
written or oral8 of parties with respect thereto made prior to
the date of Contract.
J.J :!end!ent
$o amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be
valid unless it is in writin)0 is dated0 e.pressl refers to the
Contract0 and is si)ned b a dul authori<ed representative of
each part thereto.
J.I Non #aiver
7a8 (ub4ect to #CC (ub:Clause J.I7b8 below0 no rela.ation0
forbearance0 dela0 or indul)ence b either part in
enforcin) an of the terms and conditions of the
Contract or the )rantin) of time b either part to the
70.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
other shall pre4udice0 a5ect0 or restrict the ri)hts of that
part under the Contract0 neither shall an waiver b
either part of an breach of Contract operate as
waiver of an subse-uent or continuin) breach of
(b) Any waiver of a partys rights powers or reme!ies un!er the
"ontract must be in writing !ate! an! signe! by an authori#e!
representative of the party granting such waiver an! must
specify the right an! the e$tent to which it is being waive!.
J.@ Severa)ility
%f an provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or
rendered invalid or unenforceable0 such prohibition0
invalidit or unenforceabilit shall not a5ect the validit or
enforceabilit of an other provisions and conditions of the
I Language
I.? The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents
relatin) to the Contract e.chan)ed b the (upplier and the
*urchaser0 shall be written in the lan)ua)e speci!ed in the
(CC. (upportin) documents and printed literature that are
part of the Contract ma be in another lan)ua)e provided
the are accompanied b an accurate translation of the
relevant passa)es in the lan)ua)e speci!ed in the (CC0 in
which case0 for purposes of interpretation of the Contract0 this
translation shall )overn. The translation shall be attested b
$otar *ublic. Attestation shall be in 9n)lish lan)ua)e.
I.G The (upplier shall bear all costs of translation to the
)overnin) lan)ua)e and all ris1s of the accurac of such
@ Goint Benture, Conortiu! or :o?iation
%f the (upplier is a 4oint venture0 consortium0 or association0
all of the parties shall be 4ointl and severall liable to the
*urchaser for the ful!llment of the provisions of the
Contract and shall desi)nate one part to act as a leader
with authorit to bind the 4oint venture0 consortium0 or
association. A bidder can submit onl one bid either as a
partner of the 4oint venture or individuall. The composition
or the constitution of the 4oint venture0 consortium0 or
71.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
association shall not be altered without the prior consent of
the *urchaser.
An $otice )iven b one part to the other pursuant to the
Contract shall be in writin) to the address speci!ed in the
(CC. The term Ein writin)F means communicated in written
form with proof of receipt.
A $otice shall be e5ective when delivered or on the $oticeHs
e5ective date0 whichever is later.
B Governing La#
The Contract shall be )overned b and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of
Settle!ent of Dipute
The *urchaser and the (upplier shall ma1e ever e5ort to
resolve amicabl b direct informal ne)otiation an
disa)reement or dispute arisin) between them under or in
connection with the Contract.
%f the parties fail to resolve such a dispute or
di5erence b mutual consultation within thirt
7D>8 das from the commencement of such
consultation0 either part ma re-uire that the
dispute be referred for resolution to the formal
mechanisms speci!ed in the (CC.
?> S?ope of Supply
?>.? (ub4ect to the (CC0 the #oods and ,elated (ervices to be
supplied shall be as speci!ed in (ection /0 (chedule of
?>.G Lnless otherwise stipulated in the Contract0 the (cope of
(uppl shall include all such items not speci!call
mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonabl
inferred from the Contract as bein) re-uired for attainin)
Deliver and Completion of the #oods and ,elated (ervices
as if such items were e.pressl mentioned in the Contract.
?? Delivery
(ub4ect to #CC (ub:Clause D?.?0 the Deliver of the #oods
72.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
and Completion of the ,elated (ervices shall be in accordance
with the terms speci!ed in (CC. The details of documents to
be furnished b the (upplier are speci!ed in the (CC.
?G SupplierN %eponi)ilitie
The (upplier shall suppl all the #oods and ,elated (ervices
included in the (cope of (uppl in accordance with #CC
Clause ?>0 and the Deliver and Completion (chedule0 as
per #CC Clause ??.
*< 4ur?3aerN %eponi)ilitie
Whenever the suppl of #oods and ,elated (ervices
re-uires that the (upplier obtain permits0 approvals0 and
import and other licenses from public authorities in $epal0
the *urchaser shall0 if so re-uired b the (upplier0 ma1e its
best e5ort to assist the (upplier in complin) with such
re-uirements in a timel and e.peditious manner.
The *urchaser shall pa all costs involved in the
performance of its responsibilities0 in accordance with #CC
(ub:Clause ?D.?.
*8 Contra?t 4ri?e
*8.*The Contract *rice shall be as speci!ed in the A)reement
sub4ect to an additions and ad4ustments thereto0 or
deductions there from0 as ma be made pursuant to the
*8., *rices char)ed b the (upplier for the #oods delivered and
the ,elated (ervices performed under the Contract shall
not var from the prices -uoted b the (upplier in its bid0
with the e.ception of an price ad4ustments authori<ed in
the (CC.
Ter! of 4ay!ent
The Contract *rice shall be paid in $epalese Currenc.
The (upplierHs re-uest for pament shall be made to the
*urchaser in writin)0 accompanied b invoices describin)0 as
appropriate0 the #oods delivered and ,elated (ervices
performed0 and b the documents submitted pursuant to
#CC Clause ?? and upon ful!llment of all the obli)ations
stipulated in the Contract.
*aments shall be made promptl b the *urchaser0 no later
73.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
than thirt 7D>8 das after submission of an invoice or
re-uest for pament b the (upplier0 and the *urchaser has
accepted it.
*/ TaDe and Dutie
"or )oods supplied0 the (upplier shall be entirel
responsible for all ta.es0 duties0 license fees0 etc.0 incurred
until deliver of the contracted #oods to the *urchaser.
The (upplier shall be responsible to pa withholdin) Ta.
7TD(:Ta. Deducted at (ource8 as per the income ta. law of
#overnment of $epal applicable at the time of pament.
?A 4erfor!an?e Se?urity
The successful bidder shall submit a ban1 )uarantee
e-uivalent to ten percent 7?>S8 of the total contract
amount 7includin) inland transportation cost0 if applicable8
as *erformance (ecurit at the time of si)nin) the Contract
as per (ample "orm $o. R J of (ection /0 enclosed in the bid
document. The currenc of the ban1 )uarantee shall be in
currenc of contract or e-uivalent amount in L(\. The
validit of the ban1 )uarantee shall cover one !ont3
!ore t3an t3e #arranty period as mentioned in the
Clause $o. GA OWarrantO of this (ection.
T3e perfor!an?e e?urity 3all )e iued )y Q:Q ?la
?o!!er?ial )anF lo?ated in Nepal
?A.G The proceeds of the *erformance (ecurit shall be paable to
CDSC as compensation for an loss resultin) from the
(upplierCs failure to complete its obli)ations under the
Contract. CD(C can terminate the Contract as per Clause
$o. G> of this section if the (upplier fails to ful!ll the
obli)ations as per the Contract. Lpon termination of the
Contract0 the *erformance (ecurit submitted under the
Contract will be forfeited and the loss incurred b CD(C due
to termination of the Contract shall be borne b the
?A.D The *erformance (ecurit will be dischar)ed b the CD(C
not later than thirt 7D>8 das followin) the date of
completion of the (upplierCs performance obli)ations0
includin) issuance of Warrant Completion Certi!cate
7WCC80 as stated in the Clause $o. GA OWarrantO of this
74.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
*0 Copyrig3t
The copri)ht in all drawin)s0 documents0 and other
materials containin) data and information furnished to the
*urchaser b the (upplier herein shall remain vested in the
(upplier0 or0 if the are furnished to the *urchaser directl or
throu)h the (upplier b an third part0 includin) suppliers
of materials0 the copri)ht in such materials shall remain
vested in such third part.
*7 ConAdential Infor!ation
*7.* The *urchaser and the (upplier shall 1eep con!dential and
shall not0 without the written consent of the other part
hereto0 divul)e to an third part an documents0 data0 or
other information furnished directl or indirectl b the other
part hereto in connection with the Contract0 whether such
information has been furnished prior to0 durin) or followin)
completion or termination of the Contract. $otwithstandin)
the above0 the (upplier ma furnish to its (ubcontractor
such documents0 data0 and other information it receives
from the *urchaser to the e.tent re-uired for the
(ubcontractor to perform its wor1 under the Contract0 in
which event the (upplier shall obtain from such
(ubcontractor an underta1in) of con!dentialit similar to
that imposed on the (upplier under #CC Clause ?M.
*7., The *urchaser shall not use such documents0 data0 and other
information received from the (upplier for an purposes
unrelated to the Contract. (imilarl0 the (upplier shall not use
such documents0 data0 and other information received from
the *urchaser for an purpose other than the desi)n0
procurement0 or other wor1 and services re-uired for the
performance of the Contract.
*7.< The obli)ation of a part under #CC (ub:Clauses ?M.? and
?M.G above0 however0 shall not appl to information that:
1a2 the *urchaser or (upplier need to share with the
Donor for Donor funded pro4ect or other institutions
participatin) in the !nancin) of the Contract3
1)2 now or hereafter enters the public domain throu)h no
fault of that part3
75.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
1?2 can be proven to have been possessed b that part
at the time of disclosure and which was not
previousl obtained0 directl or indirectl0 from the
other part3 or
1d2 otherwise lawfull becomes available to that part
from a third part that has no obli)ation of
*7.8 The above provisions of #CC Clause ?M shall not in an wa
modif an underta1in) of con!dentialit )iven b either of
the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in
respect of the (uppl or an part thereof.
*7.9 The provisions of #CC Clause ?M shall survive completion or
termination0 for whatever reason0 of the Contract.
,- Su)?ontra?ting
The (upplier shall notif the *urchaser in writin) of all
subcontracts awarded under the Contract if not alread
speci!ed in the &id. (ubcontractin) shall in no event relieve
the (upplier from an of its obli)ations0 duties0
responsibilities0 or liabilit under the Contract.
(ubcontracts shall compl with the provisions of #CC Clauses
,* Spe?iA?ation and Standard
,*.* Technical (peci!cations
7a8 The (upplier shall ensure that the #oods and ,elated
(ervices compl with the technical speci!cations and
other provisions of the Contract.
7b8 The (upplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibilit
for an desi)n0 data0 drawin)0 speci!cation or other
document0 or an modi!cation thereof provided or
desi)ned b or on behalf of the *urchaser0 b )ivin) a
notice of such disclaimer to the *urchaser.
(c) The #oods and ,elated (ervices supplied under this
Contract shall conform to the standards mentioned in
(ection /0 (chedule of ,e-uirements and0 when no
applicable standard is mentioned0 the standard shall be
e-uivalent or superior to the o+cial standards whose
application is appropriate to the countr of ori)in of the
76.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
,*., Wherever references are made in the Contract
to codes and standards in accordance with
which it shall be e.ecuted0 the edition or the
revised version of such codes and standards
shall be those speci!ed in the (ection /0
(chedule of ,e-uirements. Durin) Contract
e.ecution0 an chan)es in an such codes and
standards shall be applied onl after approval
b the *urchaser and shall be treated in
accordance with #CC Clause DG.
4a?Fing and Do?u!ent
The (upplier shall provide such pac1in) of the #oods as is
re-uired to prevent their dama)e or deterioration durin)
transit to their !nal destination0 as indicated in the Contract.
Durin) transit0 the pac1in) shall be su+cient to withstand0
without limitation0 rou)h handlin) and e.posure to e.treme
temperatures0 salt and precipitation0 and open stora)e.
*ac1in) case si<e and wei)hts shall ta1e into consideration0
where appropriate0 the remoteness of the !nal destination of
the #oods and the absence of heav handlin) facilities at all
points in transit.
The pac1in)0 mar1in)0 and documentation within and
outside the pac1a)es shall compl strictl with such special
re-uirements as shall be e.pressl provided for in the
Contract0 includin) additional re-uirements0 if an0
speci!ed in the (CC0 and in an other instructions ordered
b the *urchaser.
The )oods supplied under the Contract shall be full insured
in a currenc of Contract or in $epalese Currenc a)ainst
an loss or dama)e incidental to manufacture or
ac-uisition0 transportation0 stora)e and deliver in the
manner speci!ed in the Clause $o. : GD.J of this section.
The (upplier shall arran)e for %nsurance0 namin) the
*urchaser as bene!ciar
The insurance polic shall be issued b internationall
reco)ni<ed compan or an insurance compan
incorporated in $epal.
The name of the insurance compan and claim process shall
77.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
be speci!ed durin) contract $e)otiation.
The insurance shall be in an amount e-ual to ??> S of the
C%" value of the )oods from Owarehouse to warehouseO on
Oall ris1sO basis 7as per %nstitute Car)o Clauses R A8
includin) ris1s of theft0 pilfera)e0 non deliver 7T*$D80
stri1e0 riots0 civil commotion 7(,CC8 and war clauses. All the
items shall be full insured b the supplier up to the !nal
The insurance polic shall remain valid till si.t 7@>8 das
after the deliver of all the )oods at the CD(CCs respective
An item/part dama)e/ lost shall be replaced b the
(upplier free of char)e at !rst and the insurance claim shall
be made b the (uppliers to recover the cost of dama)ed/
lost )oods and the CD(C will e.tend all the necessar co:
operation in this re)ard.
Lnless otherwise speci!ed in the (CC0 obli)ations for
transportation of the #oods shall be in accordance with the
%nco terms speci!ed in (ections /0 (chedule of
Inpe?tion and Tet
The (upplier shall at its own e.pense and at no cost to the
*urchaser carr out all such tests and/or inspections of the
#oods and ,elated (ervices as are speci!ed in (ections /0
(chedule of ,e-uirements.
The inspections and tests ma be conducted on the
premises of the (upplier or its (ubcontractor0 at point of
deliver0 and/or at the !nal destination of the #oods0 or in
another place in $epal as speci!ed in the (CC. (ub4ect to
#CC (ub:Clause GI.D0 if conducted on the premises of the
(upplier or its (ubcontractor0 all reasonable facilities and
assistance0 includin) access to drawin)s and production
data0 shall be furnished to the inspectors at no char)e to
the *urchaser
The *urchaser or its desi)nated representative shall be
entitled to attend the tests and/or inspections referred to in
#CC (ub:Clause GI.G.
Whenever the (upplier is read to carr out an such test
and inspection0 it shall )ive a reasonable advance notice0
includin) the place and time0 to the *urchaser. The (upplier
78.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
shall obtain from an relevant third part or manufacturer
an necessar permission or consent to enable the
*urchaser or its desi)nated representative to attend the
test and/or inspection.
The *urchaser ma re-uire the (upplier to carr out an test
and/or inspection not re-uired b the Contract but deemed
necessar to verif that the characteristics and performance
of the #oods compl with the technical speci!cations0 codes
and standards under the Contract0 provided that the
(upplierHs reasonable costs and e.penses incurred in the
carrin) out of such test and/or inspection shall be added to
the Contract *rice. "urther0 if such test and/or inspection
impede the pro)ress of manufacturin) and/or the (upplierHs
performance of its other obli)ations under the Contract0 due
allowance will be made in respect of the Deliver Dates and
Completion Dates and the other obli)ations so a5ected.
,9./ The (upplier shall provide the *urchaser with a report of the
results of an such test and/or inspection.
The *urchaser ma re4ect an #oods or an part thereof
that fail to pass an test and/or inspection or do not
conform to the speci!cations. The (upplier shall either
rectif or replace such re4ected #oods or parts thereof or
ma1e alterations necessar to meet the speci!cations at no
cost to the *urchaser0 and shall repeat the test and/or
inspection0 at no cost to the *urchaser0 upon )ivin) a notice
pursuant to #CC (ub:Clause GI.J.
The (upplier a)rees that neither the e.ecution of a test
and/or inspection of the #oods or an part thereof0 nor the
attendance b the *urchaser or its representative0 nor the
issue of an report pursuant to #CC (ub:Clause GI.@0 shall
release the (upplier from an warranties or other
obli)ations under the Contract.
,/ LiCuidated Da!age
9.cept as provided under #CC Clause D?0 if the (upplier
fails to deliver an or all of the #oods or perform the
,elated (ervices within the period speci!ed in the Contract0
the *urchaser ma without pre4udice to all its other
remedies under the Contract0 deduct from the Contract
*rice0 as li-uidated dama)es0 a sum e-uivalent to the
percenta)e speci!ed in the (CC of the Contract *rice for
each wee1 or part thereof of dela until actual deliver or
79.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
performance0 up to a ma.imum deduction of the
percenta)e speci!ed in the (CC. Once the ma.imum is
reached0 the *urchaser ma terminate the Contract
pursuant to #CC Clause DJ.
,+ =arranty
,+.*The (upplier warrants that all the #oods are new0 unused0 and
of the most recent or current models0 and that the
incorporate all recent improvements in desi)n and
materials0 unless provided otherwise in the Contract.
,+.,(ub4ect to #CC (ub:Clause G?.?0 the (upplier further warrants
that the #oods shall be free from defects arisin) from an
act or omission of the (upplier or arisin) from desi)n0
materials0 and wor1manship0 under normal use in the
conditions prevailin) in $epal.
,+.<Lnless otherwise speci!ed in the (CC0 the warrant shall
remain valid for twelve 7?G8 months after the #oods0 or an
portion thereof as the case ma be0 have been delivered to
and accepted at the !nal destination indicated in the (CC.
,+.8The *urchaser shall )ive $otice to the (upplier statin) the
nature of an such defects to)ether with all available
evidence thereof0 promptl followin) the discover thereof.
The *urchaser shall a5ord all reasonable opportunit for the
(upplier to inspect such defects.
,+.9Lpon receipt of such $otice0 the (upplier shall0 within the
period speci!ed in the (CC0 e.peditiousl repair or replace
the defective #oods or parts thereof0 at no cost to the
,+./%f havin) been noti!ed0 the (upplier fails to remed the defect
within the period speci!ed in the (CC0 the *urchaser ma
proceed to ta1e within a reasonable period such remedial
action as ma be necessar0 at the (upplierHs ris1 and
e.pense and without pre4udice to an other ri)hts which
the *urchaser ma have a)ainst the (upplier under the
,0 4atent Inde!nity
,0.* The (upplier shall0 sub4ect to the *urchaserHs compliance with
80.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
#CC (ub:Clause GB.G0 indemnif and hold harmless the
*urchaser and its emploees and o+cers from and a)ainst
an and all suits0 actions or administrative proceedin)s0
claims0 demands0 losses0 dama)es0 costs0 and e.penses of
an nature0 includin) attorneHs fees and e.penses0 which the
*urchaser ma su5er as a result of an infrin)ement or
alle)ed infrin)ement of an patent0 utilit model0 re)istered
desi)n0 trademar10 copri)ht0 or other intellectual propert
ri)ht re)istered or otherwise e.istin) at the date of the
Contract b reason of:
7a8 the installation of the #oods b the (upplier or the
use of the #oods in the countr where the (ite is
located3 and
7b8 the sale in an countr of the products produced b
the #oods.
(uch indemnit shall not cover an use of the #oods or an
part thereof other than for the purpose indicated b or to
be reasonabl inferred from the Contract0 neither an
infrin)ement resultin) from the use of the #oods or an
part thereof0 or an products produced thereb in
association or combination with an other e-uipment0
plant0 or materials not supplied b the (upplier0 pursuant to
the Contract.
,0., %f an proceedin)s are brou)ht or an claim is made a)ainst
the *urchaser arisin) out of the matters referred to in #CC
(ub:Clause GB.?0 the *urchaser shall promptl )ive the
(upplier a notice thereof0 and the (upplier ma at its own
e.pense and in the *urchaserHs name conduct such
proceedin)s or claim and an ne)otiations for the
settlement of an such proceedin)s or claim.
,0.< %f the (upplier fails to notif the *urchaser within thirt 7D>8
das after receipt of such notice that it intends to conduct
an such proceedin)s or claim0 then the *urchaser shall be
free to conduct the same on its own behalf.
,0.8 The *urchaser shall0 at the (upplierHs re-uest0 a5ord all
available assistance to the (upplier in conductin) such
proceedin)s or claim0 and shall be reimbursed b the
(upplier for all reasonable e.penses incurred in so doin).
,0.9 The *urchaser shall indemnif and hold harmless the
81.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
(upplier and its emploees0 o+cers0 and (ubcontractors
from and a)ainst an and all suits0 actions or administrative
proceedin)s0 claims0 demands0 losses0 dama)es0 costs0 and
e.penses of an nature0 includin) attorneHs fees and
e.penses0 which the (upplier ma su5er as a result of an
infrin)ement or alle)ed infrin)ement of an patent0 utilit
model0 re)istered desi)n0 trademar10 copri)ht0 or other
intellectual propert ri)ht re)istered or otherwise e.istin)
at the date of the Contract arisin) out of or in connection
with an desi)n0 data0 drawin)0 speci!cation0 or other
documents or materials provided or desi)ned b or on
behalf of the *urchaser.
,7 Li!itation of Lia)ility
9.cept in cases of )ross ne)li)ence or willful misconduct :
7a8 neither part shall be liable to the other part for an
indirect or conse-uential loss or dama)e0 loss of use0
loss of production0 or loss of pro!ts or interest costs0
provided that this e.clusion shall not appl to an
obli)ation of the (upplier to pa li-uidated dama)es to
the *urchaser3 and
7b8 the a))re)ate liabilit of the (upplier to the *urchaser0
whether under the Contract0 in tort0 or otherwise0 shall
not e.ceed the total Contract *rice0 provided that this
limitation shall not appl to the cost of repairin) or
replacin) defective e-uipment0 or to an obli)ation of
the (upplier to indemnif the *urchaser with respect to
patent infrin)ement.
<- C3ange in La# and %egulation
Lnless otherwise speci!ed in the Contract0 if after the date of
the %nvitation for &ids0 an law0 re)ulation0 ordinance0 order
or blaw havin) the force of law is enacted0 promul)ated0
abro)ated0 or chan)ed in $epal where the (ite is located
7which shall be deemed to include an chan)e in
interpretation or application b the competent authorities8
that subse-uentl a5ects the Deliver Date and/or the
Contract *rice0 then such Deliver Date and/or Contract *rice
shall be correspondin)l increased or decreased0 to the
e.tent that the (upplier has thereb been a5ected in the
performance of an of its obli)ations under the Contract.
$otwithstandin) the fore)oin)0 such additional or reduced
cost shall not be separatel paid or credited if the same has
82.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
alread been accounted for in the price ad4ustment
provisions where applicable0 in accordance with #CC Clause
<* (or?e MaIeure
<*.* The (upplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its
*erformance (ecurit0 li-uidated dama)es0 or termination
for default if and to the e.tent that its dela in performance
or other failure to perform its obli)ations under the
Contract is the result of an event of "orce Ma4eure.
<*., "or purposes of this Clause0 E"orce Ma4eureF means an
event or situation beond the control of the (upplier that is
not foreseeable0 is unavoidable0 and its ori)in is not due to
ne)li)ence or lac1 of care on the part of the (upplier. (uch
events ma include0 but not be limited to0 acts of the
*urchaser in its soverei)n capacit0 wars or revolutions0
!res0 6oods0 epidemics0 -uarantine restrictions0 and frei)ht
<*.< %f a "orce Ma4eure situation arises0 the (upplier shall
promptl notif the *urchaser in writin) of such condition
and the cause thereof. Lnless otherwise directed b the
*urchaser in writin)0 the (upplier shall continue to perform
its obli)ations under the Contract as far as is reasonabl
practical0 and shall see1 all reasonable alternative means
for performance not prevented b the "orce Ma4eure event.
<, C3ange Order and Contra?t :!end!ent
<,.* The *urchaser ma at an time order the (upplier throu)h
$otice in accordance #CC Clause A0 to ma1e chan)es within
the )eneral scope of the Contract in an one or more of the
7a8 drawin)s0 desi)ns0 or speci!cations0 where #oods to
be furnished under the Contract are to be speci!call
manufactured for the *urchaser3
7b8 the method of shipment or pac1in)3
7c8 the place of deliver3 and
7d8 the ,elated (ervices to be provided b the (upplier.
<,., %f an such chan)e causes an increase or decrease in the
83.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
cost of0 or the time re-uired for0 the (upplierHs performance
of an provisions under the Contract0 an e-uitable
ad4ustment shall be made in the Contract *rice or in the
Deliver and Completion (chedule0 or both0 and the
Contract shall accordin)l be amended. An claims b the
(upplier for ad4ustment under this Clause must be asserted
within thirt 7D>8 das from the date of the (upplierHs
receipt of the *urchaserHs chan)e order.
<,.< *rices to be char)ed b the (upplier for an ,elated
(ervices that mi)ht be needed but which were not included
in the Contract shall be a)reed upon in advance b the
parties and shall not e.ceed the prevailin) rates char)ed to
other parties b the (upplier for similar services.
<< EDtenion of Ti!e
<<.* %f at an time durin) performance of the Contract0 the
(upplier or its (ubcontractors should encounter conditions
impedin) timel deliver of the #oods or completion of
,elated (ervices pursuant to #CC Clause ??0 the (upplier
shall promptl0 and at least seven 7A8 das before the
e.pir of procurement contract0 notif the *urchaser in
writin) of the dela0 its li1el duration0 and its cause. As
soon as practicable after receipt of the (upplierHs notice0
the *urchaser shall evaluate the situation and ma at its
discretion e.tend the (upplierHs time for performance0 in
which case the e.tension shall be rati!ed b the parties b
amendment of the Contract.
<<., 9.cept in case of "orce Ma4eure0 as provided under #CC
Clause D?0 a dela b the (upplier in the performance of its
Deliver and Completion obli)ations shall render the
(upplier liable to the imposition of li-uidated dama)es
pursuant to #CC Clause G@0 unless an e.tension of time is
a)reed upon0 pursuant to #CC (ub:Clause DJ.?.
DJ Ter!ination
DJ.? Termination for Default
7a8 The *urchaser0 without pre4udice to an other remed
for breach of Contract0 b $otice of default sent to the
(upplier0 ma terminate the Contract in whole or in part:
7i8 if the (upplier fails to deliver an or all of the #oods
84.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
within the period speci!ed in the Contract0 or within
an e.tension thereof )ranted b the *urchaser
pursuant to #CC Clause DD3 or
7ii8 if the (upplier fails to perform an other obli)ation
under the Contract.
7b8 %n the event the *urchaser terminates the Contract in
whole or in part0 pursuant to #CC Clause DJ.?7a80 the
*urchaser ma procure0 upon such terms and in such
manner as it deems appropriate0 #oods or ,elated
(ervices similar to those undelivered or not performed0
and the (upplier shall be liable to the *urchaser for an
additional costs for such similar #oods or ,elated
(ervices. ;owever0 the (upplier shall continue
performance of the Contract to the e.tent not
7c8 if the (upplier0 in the 4ud)ment of the *urchaser has
en)a)ed in corrupt0 fraudulent0 collusive0 coercive or
obstructive practices0 as de!ned in #CC Clause D0 in
competin) for or in e.ecutin) the Contract.
DJ.G Termination for %nsolvenc
The *urchaser ma at an time terminate the Contract b
)ivin) $otice to the (upplier if the (upplier becomes
ban1rupt or otherwise insolvent. %n such event0 termination
will be without compensation to the (upplier0 provided that
such termination will not pre4udice or a5ect an ri)ht of
action or remed that has accrued or will accrue thereafter
to the *urchaser.
DJ.D Termination for Convenience
7a8 The *urchaser0 b written $otice sent to the (upplier0
ma terminate the Contract0 in whole or in part0 at an
time for its convenience. The $otice of termination shall
specif that termination is for the *urchaserHs
convenience0 the e.tent to which performance of the
(upplier under the Contract is terminated0 and the date
upon which such termination becomes e5ective.
7b8 The #oods that are complete and read for shipment
within seven 7A8 das after the (upplierHs receipt of the
$otice of termination shall be accepted b the *urchaser
at the Contract terms and prices. "or the remainin)
85.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e $o.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent BidderN
#oods0 the *urchaser ma elect:
7%8To have an portion completed and delivered at the
Contract terms and prices3 and/or
7ii8 To cancel the remainder and pa to the (upplier an
a)reed amount for partiall completed #oods and
,elated (ervices and for materials and parts
previousl procured b the (upplier.
<9 :ign!ent
$either the *urchaser nor the (upplier shall assi)n0 in whole
or in part0 their obli)ations under this Contract0 e.cept with
prior written consent of the other part.
End of Se?tion BII' General Condition of
Contra?t 1GCC2
86.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BIII. Spe?ial Condition of
87.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion BIII. Spe?ial Condition of
The followin) (pecial Conditions of Contract 7(CC8 shall supplement the
#eneral Conditions of Contract 7#CC8. Whenever there is a con6ict0 the
provisions herein shall prevail over those in the #CC.
GCC Claue
GCC *.*1i2 The *urchaserHs countr is Nepal
GCC *.*1I2 The *urchaser is CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC *.*
The (ite is, 6at3!andu, Nepal
GCC 9.* The lan)ua)e shall be 0n"lis+
GCC +.* "or noti?e0 the *urchaserHs address shall be:
$ame of the *urchaser: CD( and Clearin) 'td.
Address: $epal (toc1 9.chan)e 'td.0 (in)h Durbar
*la<a0 Qathmandu0 $epal
Telephone number: JGI>AIM
"acsimile number: JG@BIDB
e:mail Address: v)urun)
"or noti?e0 the (uppliersH address shall be:
R insert full n!e nd ddress of Suppliers
in(ludin" telep+one nu!'er, f(si!ile
nu!'er nd ele(troni( !il ddress 3if
$ame and Address of the (upplier:
Telephone number:
"acsimile number:
e:mail Address:
88.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC Claue
GCC 7.,
A dispute of the procurement contract havin)
contract price valuin) up to one hundred million
,upees shall be resolved b the ad4udicator and a
dispute of the procurement contract havin)
contract price more than that shall be resolved b
a three:member dispute resolution committee.
The ad4udicator or dispute resolution committee shall
deliver its decision within thirt das of submission of
dispute before him/it statin) the reasons and )rounds
for sustainin) and not sustainin) the claim of the
concerned part.
A part not satis!ed with the decision shall start0
within thirt das of such decision bein) made0 the
proceedin)s of resolvin) such dispute throu)h
In t3e ?ae of dipute )et#een t3e 4ur?3aer
and t3e Supplier, t3e dipute 3all )e referred
to ar)itration in a??ordan?e #it3 t3e la#
prevailing in NepalM
GCC *-.*
The (cope of (uppl shall be de!ned in: Xinert
LSe?tion B, S?3edule of %eCuire!entM or
indi?ate #3ere t3e S?ope of Supply 3all )e
deAned. :t t3e ti!e of a#arding t3e
Contra?t, t3e 4ur?3aer 3all pe?ify any
?3ange in t3e S?ope of Supply #it3 repe?t to
Se?tion B, S?3edule of %eCuire!ent in?luded
in t3e Bidding Do?u!ent. Su?3 ?3ange !ay
)e due, for intan?e, if t3e Cuantitie of
Good and %elated Servi?e are in?reaed or
de?reaed at t3e ti!e of a#ard.S
GCC **.* Upon delivery of t3e Good to t3e 4ur?3aer,
t3e Supplier 3all u)!it t3e follo#ing
do?u!ent to t3e 4ur?3aer'
CertiA?ate of originT and
)2 SupplierN.Manufa?turer (a?tory Tet

GCC *9.*
?>>S *ament of the #oods and (ervices shall be made
throu)h %rrevocable 'etter of Credit 7'/C8 opened in
favour of (upplier.
All pament under this contract shall be made onl after
89.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC Claue
deduction of withholdin) ta. 7TD( R Ta. Deduction at
(ource8 as per the %ncome ta. law of )overnment of
$epal applicable at the time of the pament
Opening of L.C
*. Good and Servi?e 1ED?luding =arranty and
EDtended =arranty Servi?e2
The Irrevo?a)le Letter of Credit 1L.C2 for the
amount of the #oods onl will be opened !rst and
afterward the amount of service portion 7e.cludin)
warrant and 9.tended Warrant (ervices8 will be
added b amendin) the ori)inal '/C.

'/C shall be opened within ?I das from the date of
si)nin) the Contract provided the error free *ro:
"orma invoice has been submitted b (upplier within
seven 7A8 das from the date of si)nin) of the
,. =arranty Servi?e
The amount of the warrant service shall be added
b amendin) the ori)inal '/C before the issuance of
"AC. (upplier shall submit the pro:forma invoice for
the warrant service.
<. EDtended =arranty Servi?e
A separate '/C shall be opened for the amount of
9.tended warrant (ervice before the e.pir of
warrant period. The supplier shall submit pro:forma
invoice and *erformance (ecurit amountin) ?>S of
the cost of 9.tended Warrant (ervice.
Dela in submission of the error free pro:forma invoice
ma result in dela in openin) of letter of credit which
ultimatel ma dela the implementation of the sstem
and shall attract li-uidated dama)e.
The supplier shall provide separate pro:forma and
commercial invoices for the )oods and services.
GCC *9.* *. 4ay!ent 3all )e !ade in Nepalee
%upee in t3e follo#ing !anner'
1. .y!ent of )oods 3#rd$re nd Syste!
. &dvn(e .y!ent:
Twent *ercent 7G>S8 of the total *rice of the #oods
7;ardware and (stem (oftware8 will be paid throu)h
90.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC Claue
'etter of Credit a)ainst submission of Advance *ament
#uarantee for the e-uivalent amount b the (upplier to
the CD(C within D> das from the date of receipt of
Advance *ament #uarantee. The validit of such ban1
)uarantee shall be @ months from its issuance date. %n
case of dela in deliver of the complete hardware under
the respective phase0 the validit of the )uarantee shall
be e.tended accordin)l.
'. 9n Delivery Co!pletion Certi8(te 3DCC8
"ort *ercent 7J>S8 of the price of the #oods shall be
made throu)h irrevocable '/C within thirt 7D>8 das
upon issuance of Deliver completion Certi!cate 7DCC8
as mentioned in the Clause $o. I.D of (ection %/:
Conditions of Contract.
'i-uidated dama)es0 short fall of )oods found durin)
phsical countin) and an other char)es paable to the
CD(C shall be deducted at the time of this pament.
(. On 4roviional :??eptan?e CertiA?ate 14:C2'
Twent percent 7G>S8 paments of the )oods shall be
made throu)h irrevocable letter of credit 7'/C8 within
thirt 7D>8 das from the date of issuance of
4roviional :??eptan?e CertiA?ate as per (ection
/%%%0 Chapter ?: #eneral technical speci!cation.
'i-uidated dama)es0 short fall of )oods found durin)
*AT and an other char)es paable to the CD(C shall
be deducted at the time of this pament.
d. On (inal :??eptan?e CertiA?ate 1(:C2' Twent
percent 7G>S8
paments of the )oods shall be made throu)h
irrevocable letter of credit 7'/C8 within thirt 7D>8
das from the date of issuance of (inal :??eptan?e
CertiA?ate as per (ection /%%%0 Chapter ?.
2. Payment of Services
a2 Training'
?>> S pament of the trainin) cost shall be made
throu)h '/C upon claim after the successful completion
of the trainin) and factor testin) respectivel. CD(C
will certif such claims within D> das of submission.
b8 *ament of Intallation, Teting and
91.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC Claue
%8 B>S pament for %nstallation0 (upervision0 Testin)
will be made within D> das from the date of
issuance of *AC.
%%8 "inal G>S pament for %nstallation0 (upervision
will be made after the issuance of "inal Acceptance
Certi!cate for the complete sstem.
?2 4ay!ent for =arranty Servi?e
*ament for warrant service for one ear will be paid
on -uarterl basis on certi!cation b CD(CHs #eneral
Mana)er of satisfactor dischar)e of services as per
(ection /%%%0 Chapter ?: #eneral technical
speci!cations. The pament will be made on pro:rata
d2 4ay!ent for < Oear EDtended =arranty
*ament for three ears warrant service will be paid in
twelve consecutive -uarterl installments startin) from
the satisfactor completion of the warrant period of
one ear as per (ection /%%%0 Chapter ?: #eneral
technical speci!cations. A separate '/C will be opened
for this purpose.
92.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
GCC Claue
GCC ,,., A complete pac1in) list indicatin) the content of
each pac1a)e shall be enclosed in a water proof
envelope and shall be secured to the outside of
the pac1in) case. %n addition0 each pac1a)e shall
be mar1ed with indelible in1/paint in bold letters0
as follows:
a. Contract number :
b. $ame and address of the *urchaser:
c. Countr of ori)in0
d. #ross wei)ht
e. $et wei)ht
f. *ac1a)e number of total number of
). &rief description of content
h. X%nsert an other additional mar1in)Y
Lpri)ht mar1in)s0 where appropriate0 shall be
placed on all four vertical sides of the pac1a)e.
All materials used for pac1in) shall be
environmentall neutral.
GCC ,8.* Obli)ations for transportation of the #oods:
T+e supplier is re<uired under t+e (ontr(t
to trnsport t+e )oods to spe(i8ed pl(e
of 8nl destintion.
GCC ,/.* The applicable rate of li-uidated dama)es shall be
0.: per(ent of t+e Contr(t .ri(e per $ee-.
GCC ,/.* The ma.imum amount of li-uidated dama)es shall
be: ten 3104 per(ent of t+e Contr(t .ri(e.
GCC ,+.< The period of validit of the Warrant shall be:
One 7?8 ear from the date of issuance of "AC.
GCC ,+.9 The (upplier shall correct an defects covered b
the Warrant within: @> das of bein) noti!ed b
the *urchaser of the occurrence of such defects.
GCC **.* Deliver0 installation and commissionin) of #oods:
Within @> Das from the date of si)nin) of the
End of Se?tion BIII' Spe?ial Condition of Contra?t 1SCC2
93.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
(ection %N. Contract "orms
Ta)le of (or!
&etter of -ntent
&etter of .cceptance
94.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Letter of Intent
Don letter+ed pper of t+e CDSCF
. . . . . . . dte. . . . . . .
To: . . . . . . . . . . n!e nd ddress of t+e Contr(tor . . . . . . . . . .
(ub4ect: . . . . . . . . . . Issun(e of letter of intent to $rd t+e (ontr(t . . . . . . . . . .
This is to notif ou that0 it is our intention to award the contract . dted ...
for e.ecution of the . . . . . . . . .n!e of t+e (ontr(t nd identi8(tion nu!'er, s "iven in t+e
Contr(t Dt/SCC to ou as our bid price . . . . . . . . .!ount in 8"ures nd $ords in
Neplese Gupees KKKKKK. as corrected and modi!ed in accordance with the %nstructions
to &idders is hereb selected as substantiall responsive lowest evaluated bid.
Authori<ed (i)nature: ...........................................................
$ame: ...................................................................................
Title: .....................................................................................
RInert na!e and addre of all ot3er Bidder, #3o u)!itted t3e )idS
95.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Letter of :??eptan?e
Don letter+ed pper of t+e CDSCF
. . . . . . . dte. . . . . . .
To: . . . . . . . . . . n!e nd ddress of t+e Contr(tor . . . . . . . . . .
(ub4ect: . . . . . . . . . . Noti8(tion of &$rd
This is to notif that our &id dated . . . . dte . . . . for e.ecution of the . . . . . . . . . .n!e
of t+e (ontr(t nd identi8(tion nu!'er, s "iven in t+e Contr(t Dt/SCC . . . . . . . . . . for the
Contract price of $epalese ,upees Dinsert !ount in 8"ures nd $ords in Neplese GupeesF0
as corrected in accordance with the %nstructions to &idders is hereb accepted in
accordance with the %nstruction to &idders.
Vou are hereb instructed to contract this o+ce to si)n the formal contract a)reement
within ?I das. As per the Conditions of Contract0 ou are also re-uired to submit
*erformance (ecurit0 as speci!ed in (CC0 consistin) of a &an1 #uarantee in the format
included in (ection /%%% 7Contract "orms8 of the &iddin) Document.
The CD(C shall forfeit the bid securit0 in case ou fail to furnish the *erformance
(ecurit and to si)n the contract within speci!ed period.
Authori<ed (i)nature: ...........................................................
96.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
:gree!ent (or!
T;%( A#,99M9$T made on the Xinert nu!)erY da of Xinert !ont3Y0
Xinert yearY0 between Xinert ?o!plete na!e of 4ur?3aerY of Xinert
?o!plete addre of 4ur?3aerY 7hereinafter Ethe *urchaserF80 of the one
part0 and Xinert ?o!plete na!e of SupplierY of Xinert ?o!plete
addre of SupplierY 7hereinafter Ethe (upplierF80 of the other part:
W;9,9A( the *urchaser invited &ids for certain #oods and ,elated (ervices0
vi<.0 Xinert )rief de?ription of t3e Good and %elated Servi?eY and
has accepted a &id b the (upplier for the suppl of those #oods and ,elated
(ervices in the sum of $,s ..Xinert a!ount of ?ontra?t pri?e in #ord
and Agure in?luding taDeY 7hereinafter Ethe Contract *riceF8.
$OW T;%( A#,99M9$T W%T$9((9T; A( "O''OW(:
1. %n this A)reement words and e.pressions shall have the same meanin)s as
are respectivel assi)ned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.
2. The followin) documents shall be deemed to form and be read and
construed as part of this A)reement0 vi<.:
7a8 the *urchaserHs $oti!cation to the (upplier of Award of Contract3
7b8 the &id (ubmission "orm and the *rice (chedules submitted b the
7c8 the (pecial Conditions of Contract3
7d8 the #eneral Conditions of Contract3
7e8 the (chedule of ,e-uirements3 and
7f8 Xindi?ate ot3er do?u!ent reCuiredY
This Contract shall prevail over all other Contract documents. %n the event of
an discrepanc or inconsistenc within the Contract documents0 then the
documents shall prevail in the order listed above.
3. %n consideration of the paments to be made b the *urchaser to the
(upplier as indicated in this A)reement0 the (upplier hereb covenants with
the *urchaser to provide the #oods and ,elated (ervices and to remed
defects therein in conformit in all respects with the provisions of the
%. The *urchaser hereb covenants to pa the (upplier in consideration of the
provision of the #oods and ,elated (ervices and the remedin) of defects
therein0 the Contract *rice or such other sum as ma become paable under
the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed b
the Contract.
%$ W%T$9(( whereof the parties hereto have caused this A)reement to be
e.ecuted in accordance with the laws of LNepalM on the da0 month0 and ear
indicated above.
(i)ned b Xinert aut3ori5ed ignature for t3e 4ur?3aerY 7for the
(i)ned b Xinert aut3ori5ed ignature for t3e SupplierY 7for the (upplier8
97.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
4erfor!an?e Se?urity
Xinert ?o!plete na!e and nu!)er of
To: Xinert ?o!plete na!e of 4ur?3aerY
W;9,9A( Xinert ?o!plete na!e of SupplierY 7hereinafter Ethe
(upplierF8 has received the noti!cation of award for the e.ecution of Rinert
identiA?ation nu!)er and na!e of ?ontra?tS 7hereinafter Ethe
A$D W;9,9A( it has been stipulated b ou in the aforementioned Contract
that the (upplier shall furnish ou with a securit Xinert type of e?urityY
issued b a reputable )uarantor for the sum speci!ed therein as securit for
compliance with the (upplierHs performance obli)ations in accordance with
the Contract.
A$D W;9,9A( the undersi)ned Xinert ?o!plete na!e of GuarantorY0
le)all domiciled in Xinert ?o!plete addre of GuarantorY0
7hereinafter the E#uarantorF80 have a)reed to )ive the (upplier a securit:
T;9,9"O,9 W9 hereb a+rm that we are #uarantors and responsible to
ou0 on behalf of the (upplier0 up to a total of Xinert ?urren?y and
a!ount of guarantee in #ord and AgureY and we underta1e to pa
ou0 upon our !rst written demand declarin) the (upplier to be in default
under the Contract0 without cavil or ar)ument0 an sum or sums within the
limits of Xinert ?urren?y and a!ount of guarantee in #ord and
AgureY as aforesaid0 without our needin) to prove or to show )rounds or
reasons for our demand or the sum speci!ed therein.
This securit is valid until the Xinert day, !ont3, yearY.
$ame: Xinert ?o!plete na!e of peron igning t3e Se?urityY
%n the capacit of: Xinert legal ?apa?ity of peron igning t3e
(i)ned: Xinert ignature of peron #3oe na!e and ?apa?ity are
3o#n a)oveY
Dul authori<ed to si)n the securit for and on behalf of: Rinert eal and
?o!plete na!e of GuarantorS
Date: Xinert date of igningY
98.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Se?tion ;' General Te?3ni?al Spe?iA?ation
99.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
In Centrl Depository Syste! t+e se(urities of
s+re+older re +eld in ele(troni( for! in 'oo-
-eepin" entry !ode 'y (onvertin" t+e p+ysi(l
se(urities to ele(troni( for! t+rou"+ pro(ess (lled M
de!terili?tion M of s+re (erti8(tes. &l!ost
every (pitl !r-ets in t+e $orld +ve dopted t+e
(entrl depository syste! $it+ n eE(ient nd
e;e(tive (lerin" nd settle!ent syste! t+ere'y
$idenin" t+e (pitl !r-et 'y eli!intin" t+e
'ottlene(-s in t+is !r-et. &fter eBperien(in" t+e
persistent pro'le!s in t+e present syste! of p+ysi(l
delivery of t+e se(urities 'ein" trded in t+e N0.S0,
est'lis+!ent of t+e Centrl Depository Syste! nd
uto!ted Clerin" nd Settle!ent Syste! 3CDS nd
C% SS4 +s 'e(o!e pr!ount i!portn(e. It is
needed to est'lis+ t+e CDS nd C%SS to 'rin" in
!ore prti(iption lo(lly nd t+rou"+ forei"n
invest!ent in t+e (pitl !r-et, t+us i!provin" t+e
li<uidity nd trdin" dept+ in t+e !r-et 'y lso
i!provin" t+e investor (on8den(e in t+e sto(- !r-et.
To !terili?e t+is CDS nd C%SS, )overn!ent of Indi
+s provided "rnt ssistn(e to develop CDS
soft$re nd for (onsultn(y to set up t+e syste! 'y
CDSC. In pursun(e of re(eivin" "rnt ssistn(e,
Centrl Depository Servi(es 3Indi4 2td +s 'een
ssi"ned t+e (ontr(t of (onsultn(y servi(es vide
"ree!ent dted 1:
5nury 6010 nd seprte
"ree!ent +s 'een entered dted 16
6010 $it+ C=C 2td. to develop t+e re<uired soft$re
for depository syste! nd for t+e (lerin" nd
settle!ent syste!. To set up t+e (entrl depository
nd (lerin" nd settle!ent syste! t+e re<uired
(o!puter +rd$re (o!pti'le to t+e soft$re 'ein"
developed needs to 'e pro(ured 'y CDSC under t+e
"ree!ent entered $it+ C=C 2td. N0.S0 nd C=C 2td.
entered into n "ree!ent on t+e re(o!!endtion of
Consultnt, Centrl Depository Servi(es 3Indi4 2td.
for t+e develop!ent of t+e soft$re (lled MJerstile
Depository &((ountin" Syste! 3Jeds4 nd MClerin" %
Settle!ent 3C % S4 syste!.
It is to 'e noted 'y t+e 'idder t+t t+e o;ered
+rd$re pltfor! 'y t+e ,idder s+ll 'e (p'le to
run t+e foresid soft$re 'ein" developed 'y C=C
2td. under t+e "ree!ent. ,idder s+ll lso need to
(on8r! t+t it s+ll provide ll ne(essry +rd$re,
soft$re nd support durin" su(+ inte"rtion nd
inter$or-in" $it+ t+e o;ered syste! s <uli8ed
e<uip!ent. &ny dditionl (ost t+t !y 'e re<uired
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
S?ope of =orF
?. (uppl0 Deliver0 %nstallation and Commissionin) the
components as per the (ection %/: (O,
G. Warrant
D. 9.tended Warrant
J. Trainin)
D Supply, Delivery, Intallation and Co!!iioning
D.? Delivery of t3e Good
(upplier shall deliver all the )oods in sin)le lot in CD(C0s
store in Qathmandu.
D.?.G Material BeriA?ation
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
D.?.D The material shall be veri!ed 4ointl b representative of
CD(C and (upplier representative as per invoice and pac1in)
list0 and then received b supplierHs representative before the
start of installation.
CD(C will issue deliver completion certi!cate0 provided0 all
the materials are delivered accordin) to *ac1in) 'ist/&ill of
-uantit and invoice.
;ardware de!cienc record will be maintained if some items
are found missin).
Iuan?e of Delivery Co!pletion CertiA?ate 1DCC2'
CD(C shall issue Deliver completion Certi!cate0 within D>
das a)ainst3
?8 all the materials delivered for mentioned sites accordin) to
*ac1in) 'ist/&ill of -uantit without an ma4or de!cienc.
;owever0 if some items are found to be missin) durin)
installation0 testin) supplier shall deliver items as re-uired
at no additional cost to CD(C.
G8 (ubmission of all the documents mentioned in #CC ??.? of
(ection /%%.
%n case of non deliver of the minor hardware 7hardware
which do not a5ect in immediate installation and testin)80
CD(C shall issue the DCC mentionin) list of the minor non
delivered e-uipment and pament shall be made b
deductin) the price of the minor non delivered e-uipment.
;owever0 the (upplier shall deliver all the hardware before
completion of installation and testin)0 otherwise the sstem is
not considered to be read for *AT.
%ssuance of DCC will not pre4udice an claim with respect to
an missin) item or defect or malfunction0 which ma
subse-uentl develop durin) the course of pro4ect.
Intallation and Co!!iioning
The supplier shall be full responsible for timel and proper
installation0 testin) and commissionin) of the entire sstem.
&idder shall provide the detail brea1 down of services as per
&O2. The supplier shall depute a Technical (upervisor until
the issuance of "inal Acceptance Certi!cate. The Technical
(upervisor shall be full capable to handle all the technical
issues related to the contract.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
The supplier shall en)a)e the people who have had earlier
e.perience in the installation0 testin) and commissionin) of
the o5ered sstem. The supplier shall provide bio:data of all
the people who will be en)a)ed in this pro4ect0 includin) their
e.periences. CD(C shall have full authorit to re4ect and as1
the supplier to arran)e e.perienced people havin) ade-uate
1nowled)e in related !eld. %f the supplier intends to use the
sub:contractors for the installation0 testin) and
commissionin) of the sstem0 the above conditions will appl
to the installation0 testin) and commissionin) teams from the
sub:contractors also.
The site for the o5ered sstem will be at CD(C o+ce at
Qathmandu0 $epal and connection of cit power suppl shall
be the responsibilit of CD(C.
The supplier shall provide detailed installation documents
containin) all necessar installation dia)rams0 installation
practices and testin) procedures to be followed to achieve
proper installation. The supplier shall be full responsible for
timel completion of installation0 testin) and commissionin)
of entire sstem
During t3e intallation, teting and ?o!!iioning of
t3e oKered "ard#are and Syte! Soft#are, If oKered
Cuantitie 1"=.S=2 are not uU?ient, t3en all
additional !aterial reCuired for !aFing t3e yte!
fully fun?tional and to !eet t3e reCuire!ent of
pe?iA?ation !ut )e provided free of ?ot to CDSC.
:??eptan?e Teting
The entire sstem is sub4ect to *rovisional Acceptance Testin)
at the installation site after the completion of installation and
testin) before handover to CD(C.
:??eptan?e Tet Do?u!ent
The supplier shall provide detailed acceptance test procedure
for approval to CD(C at least one 7?8 month prior to the
startin) date of *rovisional Acceptance Testin).
CD(C shall have the authorit to approve or re4ect the
acceptance test procedure and to include in its discretion an
other test in the acceptance test procedure either to test the
re-uirements within the CD(CHs Technical (peci!cation and/or
to clarif doubts on the inte)rit of the e-uipment under test.
Durin) the Acceptance Testin)0 CD(CHs Acceptance Test team
ma perform additional tests not included in approved
acceptance test procedure0 but within tender document. The
supplier shall ma1e necessar arran)ements for such tests0
includin) the tools and test e-uipment re-uired for the tests.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
4roviional :??eptan?e Tet
*rovisional acceptance testin) shall consist of phsical
countin) of the materials delivered and installed as well as
veri!cation of the technical performance of the e-uipment in
accordance with the CD(CHs Technical (peci!cation.
%n the phsical countin)0 all the materials and e-uipment will
be chec1ed to con!rm their deliver and installation as per
the bill of -uantities in the contract. The materials will also be
chec1ed a)ainst the pac1in) list of the shippin) document
and the contract -uantities. Materials not used in the
installation shall be returned to CD(C store
After completion of the *rovisional Acceptance Test0 CD(C will
issue the *rovisional Acceptance Certi!cate or ,e4ection
'etter within thirt 7D>8 das from the date of completion of
the provisional acceptance testin). %f all the tests are
successfull performed or if onl minor de!ciencies are
noticed0 the *rovisional Acceptance Certi!cate shall be issued
within thirt 7D>8 das from the date of completion of
*rovisional Acceptance Testin) with the condition that the
minor de!ciencies will be cleared within one month from the
date of issuance of the certi!cate.
%ssuance of *rovisional Acceptance Certi!cate will not
pre4udice an claim with respect to an defect or malfunction0
which ma subse-uentl develop durin) the warrant period.
CD(C will put the sstem for commercial operation after the
*rovisional Acceptance Test0 provided the acceptance testin)
is completed successfull. %f the testin) and commissionin) of
the sstem is delaed beond the contract schedule period
for reasons attributable to the supplier and/or if there are
ma4or de!ciencies that do not a5ect the operation of sstem0
CD(C will have full authorit to put the sstem into
commercial service before issuin) *rovisional Acceptance
Certi!cate. Lnder such circumstances0 the supplier is re-uired
to ma1e the basic functions and services alread in use0 read
for puttin) the sstem into service and provide maintenance
service 7technical support and maintenance of ;ardware and
(oftware8 from the date the sstem is put into commercial
service at no additional cost to CD(C.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Sta)ili5ation 4eriod
Lpon successful completion of the *rovisional Acceptance
Tests and issuance of the *rovisional Acceptance Certi!cate0
the (tabili<ation *eriod of ninet 7M>8 das0 shall commence.
The stabili<ation period shall be considered successfull
completed if each of the followin) re-uirements is met durin)
ninet 7M>8 consecutive das.
a8 The service availabilit of o5ered sstem shall be more
than MM.MMS of the time.
b8 $o sin)le outa)e shall e.ceed duration of one hour
due to e-uipment/ application failure.
c8 Ma4or faults or an fault a5ectin) all the customers
shall be recti!ed within GJ hours.
d8 Minor faults0 not a5ectin) the services0 reported to the
supplier durin) this period shall be recti!ed within JB
e8 The supplierHs support team shall provide re)ular O=M
reports on dail0 wee1l and monthl basis durin) the
stabili<ation period. The contents and format of such
reports shall be prepared b the supplier and approved
b $epal Tele CD(C com before start of the *rovisional
Acceptance Testin).
%f all the re-uirements mentioned in the precedin) Clause
are not met0 another stabili<ation period of ninet 7M>8
das shall be put into e5ect from the last date of
occurrence of the fault/outa)e or failure. The !nancial loss
incurred to CD(C due to outa)es of the active service shall
be calculated on the basis of analsis of the last one
month data. (uch monitor loss shall be compensated
from the supplier.
(inal :??eptan?e
CD(C will issue the "inal Acceptance Certi!cate after the
supplier ful!lls the followin) re-uirements.
a8 (uccessful completion of stabili<ation period
b8 (uccessful implementation of all the technical
re-uirements of CD(CHs (peci!cation and other
obli)ations as per the contract.
c8 Clearance of all de!ciencies from the *rovisional
Acceptance Testin)
The "inal Acceptance Certi!cate shall not be issued until the
supplier ful!lls all of the above re-uirements.
=arranty 4eriod
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
The twelve 7?G8 month period followin) the issuance of "inal
Acceptance Certi!cate of the supplied sstem shall be termed
as the Warrant *eriod.
Durin) the warrant period0 all t3e faulty eCuip!ent 3all
)e repla?ed or repaired and all t3e defe?t in yte!
3ard#are and oft#are !ut )e olved, b the supplier
on i!!ediate )ai0 with all reasonable speed.
%n order to solve the problem0 (upplier ma use the spares 7if
re-uired8 from CD(CHs spare pool. ;owever0 (upplier shall
repair or replace fault card/e-uipment within ?I das from
the date of re-uisition of spares from the CD(C.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
=arranty Servi?e
The supplier shall provide the followin) services durin) the
warrant period.
a8 ,e)ular monitorin) of the performance of the
sstem and reportin) to CD(C.
a8 *rovide immediate support throu)h onsite support0 tele:
assistance service0 phone0 fa.0 e:mail0 on:line support0
remote access0 local support within JB hrs of reportin) in
case of ma4or problems a5ectin) the smooth operation of
the tools.
b8 ,epair and/or replacement of defective
e-uipment 7*lease refer to Clause no. ?J.D of this
c8 *rovide services of the e.perts on immediate
basis in case of ma4or problems a5ectin) all the
d8 Lp)rade hardware and software to new
versions/releases0 if re-uired0 for solvin) the problems
without an e.tra cost to CD(C. This operation shall not
a5ect an of the sstem components and services which
are not related it.
e8 &idder shall maintain a local stoc1 of spare in
ade-uate -uantit in order to avoid sstem disturbance
due to repair/replacement procedure 7turn around time of
fault parts8. The bidder shall provide the list of spares.
The critical parts shall be replaced as soon as possible
not later than G hours0 dependin) upon the severit of
the problem. The local stoc1 shall include the third part
e-uipments spares also. The cost of the spares shall be
included in the cost warrant and e.tended warrant
The supplier shall depute e.perienced personnel for one ear
to provide the warrant services mentioned above. The
warrant period shall be e.tended and the paments withheld
if the services mentioned above are not provided to the
satisfaction of CD(C. The warrant period shall be considered
successfull completed onl if all the repairs and support
issues raised durin) the period are full resolved to the
satisfaction of CD(C.
The bidder shall -uote the price for warrant services. T3i
pri?e #ill )e ?onidered for evaluation.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
EDtended =arranty for t3ree 1<2 year
The bidders are re-uired to -uote for three 7D8 ears e.tended
warrant. The services to be provided b the supplier are the
same as those to be provided durin) the warrant period of
one ear e.cept that the supplier is not re-uired to depute
one resident en)ineer for the e.tended warrant period of D
ears. The e.tended warrant period shall start after the
satisfactor completion of warrant period of one ear. The
e.tended warrant period shall be e.tended and the
paments withheld if the services mentioned above are not
provided to the satisfaction of CD(C. The e.tended warrant
period shall be considered successfull completed onl if all
the repairs and support issues raised durin) the period are
full resolved to the satisfaction of CD(C. The bidder shall
-uote the price of e.tended warrant for three 7D8 ears on
annual basis. T3i pri?e #ill )e ?onidered for
The a)reement for the e.tended warrant shall be made
before e.pir of warrant period based on performance durin)
the warrant period.
Maintenan?e Servi?e
The supplier shall provide technical support and service to
CD(C for the maintenance of the hardware and software of
the sstem until the end of e.tended warrant. This service
will be provided after the sstem is put into commercial
operation and shall continue till the end of e.tended warrant
service. The service shall be in the form of technical support
7supplin) information throu)h documents0 telephone0 fa. or
software modi!cations 7patches80 availin) service of the
e.perts to solve the problems and repair of fault parts or
suppl of spares. The cost of maintenance service shall be
included in the cost of warrant and e.tended warrant.
E!ergen?y Support Servi?e
This service shall constitute technical support in emer)enc
condition throu)h telephone or fa.0 immediate shipment of
hardware and software and even immediate dispatch of
e.pert0 within JB hours0 to dia)nose and rectif the fault0
which could not be solved locall. This service shall be
included in Warrant and 9.tended warrant (ervice. This
service will be provided after the sstem is put into
commercial operation and shall continue till the end of
e.tended warrant service.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Servi?e Level %eCuire!ent: Durin) Warrant and
9.tended warrant0 MMS uptime for the infrastructure to
be measured on a monthl basis. . ,esponse and
resolution re-uirements:
? C,%T%CA' 9/9$T(: response R immediate0 resolution R
within ? hour.
G MAKO, 9/9$T(: response R ? hour0 resolution : J ;ours.
D M%$O, 9/9$T(: 9vent dependent to be mutuall
"our 7J8 9vents referred are de!ned as follows :
Criti(l: Ma4or sstem problem causin) an function/service
of the (stem to be inoperable. 9.: (A$ switch problem0
server failure etc.
=@or: A function/service unavailable. 9.: &ac1up operations
not happenin) properl.
=inor: Other problems not havin) ma4or impact in an
function/service of the (stems
The warrant and e.tended warrant service shall cover all
the items supplied under this contract.
The bidder is re-uired to provide ;ardware trainin) to the
CD(CHs personal. The trainin) shall be conducted in the
supplierHs premises. The trainin) center shall have ade-uate
facilities so that the trainees can ac-uire hands:on practices
durin) the trainin) period. The trainin) shall be based on the
o5ered version of the sstem
The trainin) course shall include at least the followin)'
a8 Overview of the o5ered sstem.
b8 %nstallation and Commissionin) of the o5ered
c8 Operation0 Maintenance and Administration of
the sstem.
d8 (stem Database and its Mana)ement.
e8 (stem "ault Dia)nosis.
f8 *erformance Measurement.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
T3e )idder 3all provide Training for Ave 192 CDSCN
peronal for a period of *- #orFing day. The ob4ective
of this trainin) is to enable the trainees to carr out
independentl the installation0 operation0 and maintenance
and repair wor1s of the sstem. After trainin)0 the trainees
shall also be able to impart trainin) on the normal operation
and maintenance of the sstem to other CD(C personals.
Training Cot
The bidder shall -uote the price for the trainin)s mentioned in
the Clauses I.G of )eneral technical speci!cation separatel.
The price -uoted shall include tuition fee0 trainin) materials.
The trainin) costs shall be considered for evaluation
Fnd of Section G: 4eneral $ec%nical Specification #4$S+
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
Section G-: ?etail $ec%nical Specification"
." Ser/er
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
* Syte!
@Jbit 9*%C processor based sstem with %tanium processor
available with vendor.
C4U . So?Fet
Two 2uad core 7or hi)her8 C*L to be -uoted and sstem
should be scalable to minimum "our C*Ls. The term OC*LO
here refers to One phsical soc1et which mabe containin)
multiple cores.
Clo?F peed
Minimum ?.@ #;< or hi)her
C4U perfor!an?e. energy eU?ien?y
C*L should be capable of ad4ustin) itHs cloc1 fre-uenc both
above = below its rated value based on the wor1load 7to
deliver performance or to save ener) respectivel8 without
re-uirin) server or application restart = with all cores active
On Die Cache
On Die Ca?3e
Min. ?G M& cache per core or hi)her.
Server (or! (a?tor
&lade/rac1 form factor
Main Me!ory
(hould be proposed with minimum DG)b memor. ,e)istered/
"ull &u5ered DD,D Memor with advanced 9CC. Memor
should be scalable to min M@ #&.
Me!ory %:S
Memor double chip spare or chip:1ill or e-uivalent0 to
overcome two D,AM chip failures
Et3ernet 4ort
J . ?/?> #i)abit 9thernet ports on:board or via a full
bandwidth *C%:e/*C%:N card for each port. All ports must be
auto sensin) for ?>#/?# operations
(C port
*C%:e based Dual *ort B #bps "C ;&A with each connection
via separate "C switches.
111.*** Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
I.O Slot
At least D . *C%:e / *C%:N slots in each server.
Internal DiF
(hould be con!)ured with G . dual ported D>> #&0 ?>1 rpm0
(A(/(C(%/"C ;ot plu))able hard drives with ,A%D (upport.
"ard diF Controller
On board ;DD Controller should be o5ered for above -uoted
hard dis1.
Operating Syte!
@J bit Lni. Operatin) (stem
Operating Syte! Support
;* LN ??i vD0 'inu.0 ,;9' A( J LJ and ('9( ?>0 Open/M(
/B.D 0 Microsoft Windows G>>B
(hould be capable of lo)ical partitions for creatin) multiple
independent O( instances0 in each partition.
4o#er Supply
"ull redundant hot swap power supplies should be o5ered.
;ot plu) redundant fans to be o5ered.
O+cial ,oadmap of at least ne.t two )enerations of C*Ls of
the -uoted servers must be provided.
Operating Syte! (eature
(hould have inbuilt @J bit 9nterprise Lni. volume Mana)er.
(hould have support for clusterin).
$ative Multipath for connectin) to stora)e should be
O( should be of the same O9M brand as the server and
should have minimum features li1e full binar compatibilit
across versions. Must be -uoted with cluster software for
active:passive failovers and ensure a minimum of MM.MS
annul uptime at cluster level on the D& laer.
Manage!ent Conole
Dedicated ?>/?>> 9thernet port for out of band mana)ement
via Web based remote interface and remote console
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
The servers should be proposed with O( based clusterin) and
should support the scriptin) for automatic failover of the
The (erver -uoted shall be in:place up)radeable to the hi)her
models of the same series. This must not be a for1lift up)rade
and must not re-uire a full hardware replacement and/or an
O( re:install
B" Central Stora*e
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Operating Syte! $ Clutering Support
?. The stora)e arra should support industr:leadin)
Operatin) (stem platforms includin): 5indo2s Ser*er
2663+ 26670 /mware0 (un (olaris0 ;*:LN0 %&M:A%N and
G. O5ered (tora)e (hall support all above operatin)
sstems in Clusterin).
Capa?ity $ S?ala)ility
?. The (tora)e Arra shall be o5ered with "C ?IQ ,*M
dis1 of JI> #& capacit 0 usable space should be D.I T&
after ,A%D I and :::(ATA/"ATA A.GQ ,*M dis1s of :::?
T&::: capacit with B T& usable capacit after ,A%D I
G. (tora)e shall be scalable to minimum of M@ numbers
of drives or JDT& usin) JI>#& drives.
4ro?eing 4o#er
O5ered controllers shall be based on latest *C%:e
technolo) to ensure that there is no bottlenec1 for %O
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
:r?3ite?ture $ 4ro?eing 4o#er
?. The stora)e arra should support dual0 redundant0
hot:plu))able3 active:active arra controllers with ,%(C
based processors for hi)h performance and reliabilit
G. (tora)e Arra shall have ,eal Time / 9mbedded Lni.
Operatin) sstem to avoid fre-uent "ailures.
No Single point of (ailure
?. The stora)e arra should support dual0 redundant0
hot:plu))able3 active:active arra controllers with ,%(C
based processors for hi)h performance and reliabilit
G. (tora)e Arra shall have ,eal Time / 9mbedded Lni.
Operatin) sstem to avoid fre-uent "ailures.
DiF Drive Support
?.O5ered (tora)e Arra shall support J#bps dual:ported
D>>#&/JI>#&/@>>#& hot:plu))able 9nterprise "C hard
drives0 Minimum of AG #& ((D Drives alon) with (:ATA/":
ATA 7?T&8 drives in the same device shelf.
?. O5ered (tora)e Arra shall be )iven with Minimum of
J#& cache in a sin)le unit out of which at least ?#& shall
be usable write cache.
G. Cache shall be mirrored usin) dedicated *
bus and shall not use Dis1 data path.
D. Cache shall be dnamic
%aid Support
?. O5ered (tora)e (ubsstem shall support ,aid >0 ? 0
?T>0 I and ,aid @.
G. O5ered (tora)e subsstem controllers shall have
capabilit to create a sin)le volume of more than DGT&
D. (tora)e subsstem shall support e.pansion of both
Dis1 )roup and raid.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Data 4rote?tion
?. %ncase of *ower failure0 (tora)e arra shall be able to
hold data in the cache for at:least M@ hours of time or
desta)e to dis1 drives. &idders shall ensure that in case
of de:stan)in)0 dual redundant (tandb power supplies
are con!)ured.
"ot 4ort $ Ba?F&end 4ort
O5ered (tora)e shall have minimum of J host ports for
connectivit to servers = minimum of J device ports for
Dis1 shelf connectivit
"ot Conne?tion
The stora)e shall support at least GI> hosts and licenses
to connect all supported hosts shall be provided with the
4ort Band#idt3
O5ered stora)e shall be end to end J#bps where each
drive and drive shelf shall be connected throu)h dual
active:active paths.
Glo)al "ot Spare
?. O5ered (tora)e Arra shall support distributed #lobal
hot (pare for o5ered Dis1 drives.
G. At least G #lobal hot spare drive shall be con!)ured
for each con!)ured drive.
?. O5ered (tora)e subsstem shall support more than ?0
D>0>>> %O*(.
G. (hall have capabilit to use more than D> drives per
arra )roup or raid )roup for better performance.
D. (hall support more than ?I>>M&/sec se-uential
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Load Balan?ing $ Multi&pat3
?. Multi:path and load balancin) software shall be
provided0 if vendor does not support M*%O functionalit
of Operatin) sstem.
O5ered stora)e shall support online non:disruptive
!rmware up)rade for both Controller and dis1 drives.
%e&)uild ti!e
"or better re:build times in case of dis1 failure0 o5ered
stora)e rebuild operations shall not depends upon the
number of drives in the raid )roup.
Lo?al Copy
?. (hall support (napshot0 Capacit free snapshot
without loc1in) the dis1 space0 "ull phsical cop
G. (hall support incremental re:snchroni<ation of
business cop with *rimar volume.
D. (hall support more than JB business cop of a )iven pr
Storage :rray ConAguration $ Manage!ent Soft#are
?. /endor shall provide (tora)e Arra con!)uration and
Mana)ement software.
G. (oftware shall be able to mana)e more than one arra of
same famil.
4erfor!an?e Manage!ent
/endor shall also o5er the performance mana)ement
software for (tora)e Arra.
%e!ote %epli?ation
?. (tora)e shall support both (nchronous and Asnchronous
replication at controller level.
G. (hall support continuous replication to ,emote location
without usin) an bu5erin) technolo) inside cache at
*rimar location for better ,ecover *oint.
C" Stora*e and Bac>up 0ana*ement Ser/er
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
? . %ntel] Neon] 9II>J 7 G.> #;<0 JM& Cache0 @.J#T/s 2*%0
Turbo0 /T0 ;T or above8
J #& DD,D
Ca?3e Me!ory
J M& 'D Cache Memor per *rocessor or above
@.J #T/s or above
%ntel IIG> Chipset or hi)her
DD,D "&D 9CC D%MMs or above
Me!ory EDpanda)ility
M@ #& or above. 79.pandabilit to M@ #& means su+cient free
slots should be available for e.pansion from da one to M@
#&8. The e.istin) memor should be reusable.
DiF Controller
(erial Attached (C(% controller on board with ,A%D > = ?
"ard DiF Drive
G.IO ?> Q ,*M (A( ;ot (wappable ;DD.
"ard DiF Capa?ity
D>>#& 7G Dis1s8 or above.
Dual *ort ?>/?>>/?>>>Mbps or hi)her 9thernet Adapter T G
additional 9thernet *orts
I.O EDpanion
%/O e.pansion slot/enclosure for up)rade of 9thernet Adapter /
Memor /;&As.
(i)er Conne?t
Dual *ort J#bps "iber Adapter to connect to (A$
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Onboard BM& or above Memor for #raphics
Syte! Manage!ent
(hould provide sstem and environmental monitorin)0 event
recordin)0 alert noti!cation capabilit. (hould have interface
for inter: mana)ement communication with &lade Chassis
Mana)ement module.
(or! (a?tor
?" $ape &irar(
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
'TO J ?BJ> model or Above0 "iber Channel
Un?o!preed Capa?ity
minimum B>> #&
Co!preed Capa?ity
?@>> #&
Minimum two drives
JB $os. of slots O, Above
Soft#are Co!pati)ility
(hould support bac1up and archivin) software
applications from ;*0 CA0 and /9,%TA(0 &ac1bone0
'e)ato0 Tivoli and other industr standard bac1up
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Manage!ent and Diagnoti? Soft#are In?luded
Tape Tools software provides a sin)le application for
mana)in) and troubleshootin) the tape drive0 media and
LTO Open Standard
Drive technolo) based on an open standard that
provides for media compatibilit across all brands of 'TO
products. 'TO to connect to (A$ (tora)e.
Operating Syte! upport
O( support should be available for Windows (erver]
G>>D0 Windows (erver] G>>B = 'inu.] ,;9'I0 Nen0
/Mware0 ;per:/.
(or! (a?tor
Ma.imum J L
F" S.A S)itc%e!
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Minimum Dual (A$ switches shall be con!)ured where
each (A$ switch shall be con!)ured with minimum of B
*orts scalable to GJ ports.
,e-uired scalabilit shall not be achieved b cascadin)
the number of switches and shall be o5ered within the
common chassis onl
(hould deliver B #bit/(ec $on:bloc1in) architecture with
?:? performance for up to GJ ports in a ener):e+cient
(hould protect e.istin) device investments with auto:
sensin) ?0 G0 J0 and B #bit/sec capabilities.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
The switch shall support di5erent port tpes such as
"'Z*ort0 "Z*ort0 MZ*ort 7Mirror *ort80 and 9Z*ort3 self:
discover based on switch tpe 7LZ*ort83 optional port
tpe control in Access #atewa mode: "Z*ort and $*%/:
enabled $Z*ort
The switch should be rac1 mountable
$on disruptive Microcode/ !rmware Lp)rades and hot
code activation.
The switch shall provide A))re)ate bandwidth of ?MG
#bit/sec: GJ ports ^ B #bit/sec 7data rate8 end to end.
(witch shall have support for web based mana)ement
and should also support C'%.
The switch should have L(& port for !rmware download0
support save0 and con!)uration upload/download.
O5ered (A$ switches shall be hi)hl e+cient in power
consumption. &idder shall ensure that each o5ered (A$
switch shall consume less than @> Watt of power.
(witch shall support *O(T and online/o_ine dia)nostics0
includin) ,A(trace lo))in)0 environmental monitorin)0
non:disruptive daemon restart0 "C pin) and *ath info 7"C
trace route80 port mirrorin) 7(*A$ port8.
O5ered (A$ switch shall support services such as
2ualit of (ervice 72o(8 to help optimi<e application
performance in consolidated0 virtual environments. %t
should be possible to de!ne hi)h0 medium and low
priorit 2O( <ones to e.pedite hi)h:priorit tra+c
The switch shall be able to support %(' trun1 up to @J
#bit/sec between a pair of switches for optimal
bandwidth utili<ation and load balancin).
(A$ switch shall support to restrict data 6ow from less
critical hosts at preset bandwidths.
%t should be possible to isolate the hi)h bandwidth data
6ows tra+c to speci!c %('s b usin) simple <onin)
The (witch should be con!)ured with the `onin) and
shall support %(' Trun1in) features when cascadin) more
than G numbers of (A$ switches into a sin)le fabric.
O5ered (A$ switches shall support to measure the top
bandwidth:consumin) tra+c in real time for a speci!c
port or a fabric which should detail the phsical or virtual
F" Bac>up Soft)are
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Operating Syte! $ Clutering Support
?. The proposed bac1up solution should be available on
various O( platforms such as Windows and L$%N
platforms and be capable of supportin) (A$ based
bac1up / restore from various platforms includin) Tru@J
L$%N0 ;*:LN0 'inu.0 Open /M(0 $etWare and Windows.
G. The proposed bac1up solution shall support industr
leadin) cluster solution such as M(C(0 MC (ervice
#uard0 /eritas Cluster.
Uer Interfa?e
?. The proposed bac1up solution shall have same #L%
across hetero)eneous platform to ensure eas
G. The proposed bac1up solution software has inbuilt
Kava / Web based #L% for centrali<ed mana)ement of
bac1up domain.
D. The proposed bac1up solution must support
inte)ration of bac1up and restore with hardware clonin)
and snapshot features into the #L%0 eliminatin) the
traditional need to write user scripts
"ig3 :vaila)ility (eature
?. The proposed bac1up solution should support tape
mirrorin) of the same 4ob runnin) concurrentl with
primar bac1up.
G. The proposed bac1up solution should allow creatin)
tape clone facilit after the bac1up process.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
?. The proposed bac1up solution shall be con!)ured in
such a fashion that no e.tra license for client and media
servers is re-uired while movin) from 'A$ to (A$ based
G. The proposed bac1up solution shall be con!)ured with
unlimited client and media licenses for both (A$ based
bac1up and 'A$ based bac1up.
D. The proposed bac1up solution must not re-uire
separate licensin) when up)radin) from a lower end
server 7?:G C*L:based server8 to hi)her end server 7J:
and C*L:based server8
J. Online bac1up a)ents for Database (erver.
Strea!ing and Multi&pleDing
?. The proposed bac1up solution supports the capabilit
to write up to DG data streams to a sin)le tape device or
multiple tape devices in parallel from multiple clients to
levera)e the throu)hput of the drives usin)
G. The proposed bac1up solution support de: of data cartrid)e to another set of cartrid)e
for selective set of data for faster restores operation to
Media Manage!ent
?. The proposed bac1up solution has in:built media
mana)ement and supports cross platform device and
media sharin) in (A$ environment. %t provides a
centrali<ed scratched pool thus ensurin) bac1ups never
fail for media.
G. The proposed bac1up solution has in:built fre-uenc
and calendar based schedulin) sstem.
Open (ile Support
?. The proposed bac1up software must support open !le
support for Windows and $ovell $etware.
Data)ae Support
?. The proposed bac1up solution has certi!ed Ehot:
onlineF bac1up solution for di5erent tpe of databases
such as Oracle0 M( (2'0 (base etc.
G. The proposed bac1up solution shall also support
Microsoft (hare point *ortal server.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
e No.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
?. The proposed bac1up solution must be able to rebuild
the bac1up database/catalo) from tapes in the event of
catalo) loss/corruption.
G. The proposed bac1up solution shall provide
)ranularit of sin)le !le restore.
D. The proposed bac1up solution must support M(
9.chan)e sin)le mailbo. restore.
J. The bac1up software should support ob4ect level
Ot3er (eature
?. The proposed bac1up solution must support full
automated transfer of dis1 bac1up ima)es to tape on a
scheduled basis.
G. The proposed bac1up solution shall support snthetic
full bac1up so that an incremental forever approach ma
be implemented0 where an actual full bac1up is no
lon)er necessar as it can be constructed directl from
the dis1 based incremental bac1ups.
D. The proposed bac1up solution shall also support dis1
based virtual full bac1up approach.
J. The proposed bac1up solution shall be able to cop
data across !rewall.
I. The proposed bac1up solution shall support automatic
s1ippin) of bac1up durin) holidas.
@. The proposed bac1up solution must support at least
A9( GI@:bit encrption capabilities.
A. The internal bac1up catalo)ue database should not
have a bi) foot print.
B. The bac1up software should support ob4ect based
restore option which is one of the most )ranular options
available with an bac1up software vendor.
M. The bac1up software should support instant recover
of 9.chan)e0 (2' and Oracle databases.
4" Ser/er Dac>
JG L (erver ,ac10 (ame ma1e as server.
'" Con!ole
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
? L T"T "oldable ?A inch with B port L(& Q/M
-" ?e/elopment and $rainin* Ser/er
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
* Syte!
@Jbit 9*%C processor based sstem with %tanium
processor available with vendor.
C4U . So?Fet
Two 2uad core 7or hi)her8 C*L to be -uoted and sstem
should be scalable to minimum "our C*Ls. The term
OC*LO here refers to One phsical soc1et which mabe
containin) multiple cores.
Clo?F peed
Minimum ?.@ #;< or hi)her
C4U perfor!an?e. energy eU?ien?y
C*L should be capable of ad4ustin) itHs cloc1 fre-uenc
both above = below its rated value based on the
wor1load 7to deliver performance or to save ener)
respectivel8 without re-uirin) server or application
restart = with all cores active On Die Cache
On Die Ca?3e
Min. ?G M& cache per core or hi)her.
Server (or! (a?tor
&lade/rac1 form factor
Main Me!ory
(hould be proposed with minimum DG)b memor.
,e)istered/ "ull &u5ered DD,D Memor with advanced
9CC. Memor should be scalable to min M@ #&.
Me!ory %:S
Memor double chip spare or chip:1ill or e-uivalent0 to
overcome two D,AM chip failures
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Et3ernet 4ort
J . ?/?> #i)abit 9thernet ports on:board or via a full
bandwidth *C%:e/*C%:N card for each port. All ports must
be auto sensin) for ?>#/?# operations
(C port
*C%:e based Dual *ort B #bps "C ;&A with each
connection via separate "C switches.
I.O Slot
At least D . *C%:e / *C%:N slots in each server.
Internal DiF
(hould be con!)ured with G . dual ported D>> #&0 ?>1
rpm0 (A(/(C(%/"C ;ot plu))able hard drives with ,A%D
"ard diF Controller
On board ;DD Controller should be o5ered for above
-uoted hard dis1.
Operating Syte!
@J bit Lni. Operatin) (stem
Operating Syte! Support
;* LN ??i vD0 'inu.0 ,;9' A( J LJ and ('9( ?>0
Open/M( /B.D 0 Microsoft Windows G>>B
(hould be capable of lo)ical partitions for creatin)
multiple independent O( instances0 in each partition.
4o#er Supply
"ull redundant hot swap power supplies should be
;ot plu) redundant fans to be o5ered.
O+cial ,oadmap of at least ne.t two )enerations of
C*Ls of the -uoted servers must be provided.
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
4arti?ular of CDSCN %eCuire!ent
Operating Syte! (eature
(hould have inbuilt @J bit 9nterprise Lni. volume
(hould have support for clusterin).
$ative Multipath for connectin) to stora)e should be
O( should be of the same O9M brand as the server and
should have minimum features li1e full binar
compatibilit across versions. Must be -uoted with
cluster software for active:passive failovers and ensure a
minimum of MM.MS annul uptime at cluster level on the
D& laer.
Manage!ent Conole
Dedicated ?>/?>> 9thernet port for out of band
mana)ement via Web based remote interface and
remote console
The servers should be proposed with O( based
clusterin) and should support the scriptin) for automatic
failover of the applications
The (erver -uoted shall be in:place up)radeable to the
hi)her models of the same series. This must not be a
for1lift up)rade and must not re-uire a full hardware
replacement and/or an O( re:install
Monitor, 6ey)oard $ Moue
?IF T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
G. Client Environ!ent Server, 4eronal Co!puter and OS
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
:%ntel Neon .DJJ> *rocessor0 G.ID#;<0 BM& cache
: G #& DD,D ,AM
: ?>/?>>/?>>>&aseT. 9thernet *orts
: G . ?J@#& ?>Q ,*M (A( ;DD
: D/D:,OM
: Windows G>>D (tandard 9dition with re-uired CA'(
: ?IO T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
: %ntel *entium Dual Core processor 9ID>> or hi)her
: Minimum ? #& DD,D ,AM
: ?>/?>> baseT. 9thernet *orts
: D/D:,OM
: Windows N* *rofessional
: ?IO T"T Monitor0 Qeboard0 Mouse
M( (2' G>>I 7Lpto I Lsers per D*80 or M( (2'
(erver G>>I (td 9dition 7for over I8
6. Lo# End Net#orF Mono?3ro!e Laer Get 4rinter
MaFe .Model
*lease specif
4rint Speed
GI **M and above
DGM& or more
4rint @uality
@>> . @>> dpi
Duty Cy?le
?>>>> *a)es or more
4aper Tray
Minimum GI> (heets standard input tra
4aper Input Capa?ity
Minimum GI> sheets
4aper Output Capa?ity
Minimum I> sheets
Multipurpoe Tray Capa?ity
Minimum ? sheets
DupleD 4rinting
Automatic Duple. *rintin) 7printin) on both side of
Media Si5e
AJ0 'etter0 'e)al0 9.ecutive0 9nvelopes0 *ost cards
Media Type
*aper 7*lain0 *hoto80 9nvelopes0 Transparencies0 'abels0
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
L. S?anner #it3 :D(
MaFe .Model
Must be (peci!ed.
All relevant &rochures and manuals should be submitted
S?anner Type
"latbed with AD" 0 Automatic Duple. scannin)
S?an Te?3nology
:D( Capa?ity
Minimum J> sheets
:D( 4aper Type
AJ0 'etter0 'e)al
S?an Speed
?G **M and above
S?an 4revie# Speed
Lpto M (ec or less
%eolution >"ard#are .Opti?al
@>> . @>> dpi /@>> dpi
Color Bit Dept3
GJ &it / GI@
MaDi!u! Do?u!ent S?an
AJ from "latbed
'e)al from AD"
Media Type
*aper 7*lain0 *hoto80 9nvelopes0 Transparencies0 'abels0
L(& G.> *ort
(ile (or!at Support
T%""0T%"" Compressed0 &itmap0 DCN0 *C(0 K*9#0 #%"0
"lash *%N0 *lain Te.t 0*D" 0;TM'0,T"
Soft#are ?o!pati)ility
Windows G>>>/N*//ista
Certi!ed for %(O M>>?:M>>G and ?J>>?
,o;( 7,estriction of ;a<ardous (ubstances8 Compliant8
4o#er Conu!ption
a JI Watts
S?anner ?o!plian?e
TW%A$ = %(%( compliant scanners
M. (ire#all
Cisco A(A II?> with A%*:((M:?>0 G#9TD"90 (W0 ;A0DD9(/A9(0 (9C
*'L(/ or 9-uivalent
Cisco /*$ Client (oftware 7Windows0 (olaris0 'inu.0 Mac8/ or
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl
CDS and Clearing Ltd.
A(A II?> (ecurit *lus 'icense w/ ;A0 #90 more /'A$s T cons/ or
A(A II>> (eries (oftware vB.G/ or 9-uivalent
A(A II>> (eries A%* (oftware @.> for (ecurit (ervice Modules/or
AC *ower Cord 79urope80 C?D0 C99 A0 ?.IM/ or 9-uivalent
%*( (/C0 A, $&D A(AII?>:A%*?>(*:QM/ or 9-uivalent
N. WAN Router
Cisco GMI? w/D #90J 9;W%C0D D(*0G (M0GI@M& C"0I?GM&
D,AM0%*&/ or 9-uivalent
Cisco Con!) *ro on ,outer "lash/ Or 9-uivalent
I?GM& D,AM 7? I?GM& D%MM8 for Cisco GMI? %(, 7Default8/ or
GI@M& Compact "lash for Cisco ?M>>0 GM>>0 DM>> %(,/ or 9-uivalent
Cisco GMG?/GMI? AC *ower (uppl/ or 9-uivalent
Cisco GMI? %O( L$%/9,(A'/ or 9-uivalent
%* &ase 'icense for Cisco GM>?:GMI?/ or 9-uivalent
AC *ower Cord 7%ndia/(outh Africa80 C?D0 &( IJ@0 ?.Bm
Console Cable @ft with ,KJI and D&M"
(MA,T$9T BNIN$&D Cisco GMI? w/D #9/or 9-uivalent
? port channeli<ed T?/9? and *,% ;W%C 7data onl8
?:port ?>/?>> ,outed *ort ;W%C
O. Ethernet Switch
Cisco Catalst GM@>( GJ #i)90 J . ("* 'A$ &ase with cascade
cables/ or 9-uivalent
End of Se?tion ;I' Detail Te?3ni?al Spe?iA?ation
Tender No.: CDSC/01/067-68 for Supply, Delivery, Instlltion nd
Co!!issionin" of #rd$re nd Syste! Soft$re for Settin" up of
Centrl Depository nd Clerin" % Settle!ent Syste! in Nepl

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