Chapter 5

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Percentage Analysis:

1 ) 5 0 % o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s a r e h a v i n g t h e a g e l i m i t o f
3 1 3 5 y e a r s a n d 3 0 % o f t h e respondents are comes under the
age limit of 26 30 years and 20% of the respondents are falls between the
age limit of 36 40 years.

2 ) 6 0 % o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s a r e h a v i n g t h e e x p e r i e n c e o f 1 1
1 5 y e a r s a n d 4 4 % o f t h e respondents are having the experience of 6
10 years and only 16% of the respondents are having the experience of 16 20

3)60% of the respondents respond that they are not aware of the health and
safety measures and only 40% of the respondents are aware of the health and safety

4)70% of the respondents say that they have no effective arrangements for
communicating health and safety matters; only 30% agrees that they have
effective arrangements for communicating health and safety matters.

5)60% of the respondents say that the company is providing medical facilities
but 40% of t he r e s pondent s r e s pond t hat t he c ompany i s not
pr ovi di ng me di c a l f a c i l i t i e s t o t he workers.

6 ) 5 6 %o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s r e s p o n d t h a t t h e y a t t e n d e d t h e h e a
l t h a n d s a f e t y t r a i n i n g programme but 44% of the respondents says
that they are not attended any health and safety training programme conducted in
the company.

7) 60% of t he r es pondent s r e s pond t hat t he t r ai ni ng i s of f e r e d onc e
i n 3 yea r s and 30% of t he r e s ponde nt s r es pond t ha t t he t r ai ni ng i s
of f e r e d onc e i n 5 ye a r s a nd 1 0% of t he respondents say that the training is
offered yearly once.
8)50% of the respondents respond that sometimes they have proper drinking
and30%o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s s a y s o f t e n t h e y h a v e p r o p e r d
r i n k i n g w a t e r a n d 1 4 % o f t h e respondents say that always they
have proper drinking water and 6% of the respondents says rarely they have
proper drinking water facility inside the work place.

9) 50% of t he r es ponde nt s s a ys of t e n t he y ha ve s t r e s s and 30%
of t he r e s ponde nt s r es pond that sometimes they have stress and 7% of the
respondents say that always they have stress and only 12% of the respondents says
rarely they have stress towards work.

10)80% of the respondents strongly agree that they are aware about the first
aid activities and contents of the first aid kit and 20% of the respondents
simply agree that they are aware about the first aid activities and contents of the first
aid kit.

11)60% of the respondents strongly agree that the company implements
effective di s c i pl i na r y pr oc e dur e s and 40% of t he r es ponde nt s s i mpl y
a gr ee t ha t t he c ompa ny implements effective disciplinary procedures.

12)70% of the respondents simply agree that the working temperature is
reasonable t o wor k a nd 30% of t he r e s pondent s s t r ongl y a gr ee t hat
t he wor ki ng t e mpe r at ur e i s reasonable to work.

13)60% of the respondents simply agree that they have enough space to work
and20% of the respondents have no idea about the overcrowding and 20% of the
respondents strongly agree that they have enough space to work.

14)50% of the respondents simply agree that the latrines and urinals
are cleaned and maintained properly and 30% of the respondents have no idea
about the maintenance of latrines and urinals and 20% of the respondents strongly
agree that the latrines and urinals are cleaned and maintained properly.

15)40% of the respondents strongly agree that their environment is safe
to work and40% of the respondents simply agree that their environment is
safe to work and 20% of the respondents say that they have no idea about the safe
working environment.

16)5 0 % o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s s t r o n g l y a g r e e t h a t e n o u g h
t r a i n i n g i s g i v e n t o t h e workers and 30% of the respondents simply
agree that enough training is given to the workers and 20% of the respondents say
that they have no idea about enough the training given to the workers.

17)80% of t he r e s pondent s r es pond t ha t t he c ompa ny pr ovi des
he al t h c he c k- up quarterly and 10% of the respondents say that the company provides
health check-up half y e a r l y and 10% of t he r es pondent s s a y t ha t t he
c ompany pr ovi de s hea l t h c hec k - up monthly.

18)50% of the respondents says often they are maintaining the machines properly
and40% of t he r e s pondent s r es pond t hat s omet i me s t he y a r e
ma i nt ai ni ng t he ma c hi nes properly and only 6% of the respondents says rarely
they are maintaining the machines properly and 4% of the respondents say that
always they are maintaining the machines properly.

19)70% of t he r es pondent s s a y of t en t he ac c i dent s a r e happene d and
8% of t he respondents say rarely the accidents are happened and 18% of the
respondents respond t ha t s ome t i me s t he a c c i de nt s a r e happe ne d and
onl y 4% of t he r es ponde nt s s a y t hat always the accidents are happened.

20)46% of t he r es ponde nt s r anked e l e c t r i c s hoc ks a r e happene d
a nd 40% of t he respondents ranked finger injuries are occurred and 10% of
the respondents ranked fire accidents are happened and only 4% of
the respondents ranked fallen from height are occurred.


1) The company has to create the awareness for the workers regarding health
and safety.

2) They have to provide effective arrangements to the workers for
communicating their health and safety matters.

3) It is better to provide frequent health and safety training, at least once in a year.

4) The company has to provide enough drinking water facility available at all the time.

5) The management has to take necessary steps to reduce the stress level of the workers.

6) Orientation programmes can be conducted to make the workers to feel that
their work environment is safe to work.

7) The maintenance department has to maintain the machines properly to reduce lead-

8) Proper training has to be given to the workers to avoid frequent accidents.

9) Meditation practices can be given to avoid electric shocks, finger injuries etc. due to
lack of concentration.

10) Safety committee has to be formed to monitor the health and safety issues.

11) The c ompany ha s t o c onduc t t he r e gul a r i ns pe c t i ons t o ens ur e
hi ghe r l e ve l of safety in the workplace.

12) Cor di a l r e l at i ons hi p ha s t o be mai nt a i ne d bet wee n t he
ma na ge ment and t he workers to implement the health and safety policies and
measures in a smooth manner.


It is revealed from the study that, the health and safety measures adopted in Reliance HR
Services Pvt. Ltd. are provided to the workers according to the provisions of the
factories act. It reveals that the awareness of the workers about health and safety in the
workplace is inadequate. Al s o r epea t ed a c c i dent s l i ke e l e c t r i c s hoc ks ,
f i nge r i nj ur i e s a r e oc c ur r e d i n t he wor kpl a c e.

Suitable ideas were suggested to avoid those accidents and to improve
the health and safety measures. The role of management in implementing health and
safety in the organization is very effective. Most of the workers were satisfied with the
health and safety measures adopted in the company. If the company implements effective
disciplinary procedures; it will help the company to go with their policies and also to
maintain health and safety in the organization


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