O A A Staff Directory

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Mihaela Bozdog, Academic Affairs Associate, 3-5940, mihaelab@stanford.edu

Judith Cain, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, 3-9190, jpcain@stanford.edu
Lisa Joo, !ecuti"e Associate to the #ice Dean and $enior Associate Dean, 5-6762, lisa.joo@stanford.edu
Jessica Mendon%a, Academic Affairs Manager, 4-7365, jessmen@stanford.edu
&ebecca &obinson, Academic Affairs Manager, 4-9696, rrobinso@stanford.edu
Craig $pencer, Academic Affairs Manager, 8-4577, cspence@stanford.edu
Jane #ol'(Bre), Business $*stem Anal*st, 3-5642, "ol'bre)@stanford.edu
+athleen ,armoth, Academic Affairs Anal*st, 8-7980, ')armoth@stanford.edu
llen ,a!man, Director, -acult* &elations, 4-7743, e)a!man@stanford.edu
AC./01 2&/MA&3 C01.AC.4
Adjunct Clinical -acult* Lisa
Adjunct Clinical -acult* Appointments and 2romotions Committee Lisa
Annual Counseling for Junior -acult* 5Assistant and Associate 2rofessors6 &ebecca
Appointments and 2romotions Committee Craig
Assistant 2rofessor Actions &ebecca
search )ai"ers, search reports, offer letters, courtes* appointments,
secondar* appointments, joint appointments, appointment e!tensions
Assistant 2rofessors &e"ie) Committee &ebecca
Associate 2rofessor and 2rofessor Actions Craig
search )ai"ers, search reports, offer letters, courtes* appointments,
secondar* appointments, joint appointments, appointment e!tensions
Billets 52eople$oft 2ositions6 +athleen
Clinician ducator and Clinician ducator 5Affiliated6
appointments, reappointments and promotions Jessica
professional de"elopment lea"es Jane
Clinician ducator Appointments and 2romotions Committee Jessica
Communi7u8 Mihaela
Complaints and 9rie"ances llen
Consulting Appointments Mihaela
Data Management and &eporting +athleen
meriti &ecalls llen
ndo)ed 2rofessorships Craig
!ecuti"e Committee Meetings Craig
-acult* Billets $*stem +athleen
-acult* :andboo' 5$chool of Medicine6 Judith
-acult* &elations, 2olicies and 2ractices llen
-A$.;-AC Jane
:onoraria Lisa
/nstructor appointments and reappointments Jessica
Lecturer and $enior Lecturer Appointments and &eappointments Mihaela
2olic* /nitiati"es Judith
&esignation 1otifications Mihaela
&etirement 1otifications 5including -acult* &etirement /ncenti"e 2rogram6 Mihaela
$abbaticals and lea"es 5professoriate6 &ebecca
$earch initiation Lisa
.utorials Judith
#erification &e7uests 5academic appointments onl*6 Mihaela
#isiting -acult* Mihaela
#isiting $cholars Mihaela
,ebsite maintenance, comments, suggestions &ebecca, Jane
4 Cross(training )ithin the group )ill pro"ide co"erage during "acations or to balance )or'loads during pea' periods.

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